THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY 'EVENING. APRIL 201803. 1LX.I.WOL. , 'U... HM COSICK 111 COMLLIS CLERK FIELDS rjircii DOCTORS IIILllllG fJEKELIH ASO ID SOYA ROSEOURG PLANS BERRY CIMIML " , ' ! ---V v. ' ,. , . .... , , ...... Ill CO flffi OOyS MESTEDi 5 CEUTS SHORT AT SAI! PEDRO Federal Prisoner Convicted Charged With Sending: . In- Expert Ferguson Files His And Advisors of Abyssinian Los Angeles Civic and Com Doufflas Leading: Product Pioneer of Hood River Much Pleased With Pros- pects for 11)01). , , Under Statute Since Held decent Letters Through lteport on County Of King Won't Stand for Europeans. inercial Leaders Accord -Proper Honors. . to Be Feature of Two - Days' Celebration; Not to Apply. . United States Mails. ficer's Books. 5 PREDICTS DIG APPLE CROP .ik. r-,..i,v irM .nit convicted in Harold riavta nt rnrvmiMm mnA Walter I county Clerk Fields la o cent snort th federal court mim timeago on 'a Cat heart of Alsc. Benton county. were In hU account lu the recording depart ..h.. r mnblnr nH niluik fait brourhc brfnr l!nlie,i States iilstrlct I ment of hi otnee In aevea year. J flriavlt for the DurDos of dispossessing I Attorney John MoCourt today on a la. the showing made In a' report filed n ih .ovinimtiil lands of 1 chars of aendlna- Indecent communk'l-1 with tn county court by J. Vy Oregon, will not receive sentence, ah order for his releHSfl aa made today by Judge Wolverton. flection 4748. re vised s"tutcs of the United States, upon which Cuslck wa convicted, ha been declared by the supreme court of the United State. to apply only to pen- iiiMit ir-t .ttornev .innn MCiourt maaei " expert who la examining the Forgu tltna thrktiK ) mrnil rtavfa whn ll I IQll.r till tha ion of Rev. W. W. Davis, castor I book of th 1 county official. Mr. of the Baptlat church Id corvallia. Field say h'WlU malt good in o stated that ha waa ready to plead guilty I cent. 1 ' ;v " ' . to th chart. v ' V LwTh xP.1rt tnat th? ccounta of erlod ected the U enient thl mornlnVthat he be-JJetters to Nit Davis,' the Bister of n this department ot ttjo county cleric a , Au.vI"Ini.i:. Vm "5.... VL.. H.rniri h.r-..!.. . had refused to re- orfloa amounted to 1151,191.01, fi cents mom ahoiiM he allowed and that no ef-lcelve his attentions. The young woman Cathcart waa arrested In Alaea Sat- the recording department r ii urday by Deputy United Btatea Marshal .villi report fhowa that frc William, Griffith. It waa chanted that July T. W. to April 1. 1 809, th per he had written Insulting and indoccnt covered by the report, the fees ol)ect leas than they ahould have been. will be i a free -man unless the govern- IPf?1-..,'1 Information ince Mr. Fields toon charge. This ahowa piant ahould chooaa to rearreathW. , PVtVVcT .TO OTa'sbS innhn hr imiitin &&&?!& S& UvX!ilS A l I I II f I I 1 1 U 1 1 II I II" he had sent the card. ' with the corresponding nine , months I S .irin. .nnai,watl aiirn of motifv I indicates the llourlehlng condition or jail. (Continued from Pag One.) al assembly has postponed It decision regarding the fate of Sultan Abdul Ha-I mid. Tha aultan will remain a prisoner! .In the palnce until some decision is I rear lied. No attempt to formulate .a I settled policy will be made for several a ays. - The assembly today decided to grant HUGE LEVATOR E 10 BE BUILT the reriuest of Chef tek Pasha. . who led PnTtlnTKI T lOUrinff jBilllS the Youns Turk to victory, tW he be XUllllUU JUUU"" Jixiiio company asks Jims on allowed a free hand or a time. The administrative Dower is thua temnora lly placed In the bands of the military general staff. The city te calm today, although the (minority of Turk who have remained loyal to the sultan are demanding tlmt the garrison which tha Young Turks $125,000 Structure. Plana have been drawn and bids sub- mortaaaea and conveyances of all kinds The report likewise anowa tnat unaer the Torrens land act property to the lvalue of 1314.135 haa been registered I since 1907. when It went Into effect. Tha receipts from this source were 318.Z8, I or 1 per cent of the value of the prop erty registered, this aum being placed to tne cretin oi tne Torren indemnity ystem' runa. . . The comoaratlva statement of re celpta" In the recording department Is interesting as snowing tne graauai trrowtli of real estate business. From July 7. 1903, to June 80, 1903, thex amounted to SI 2,876. G5. From July 1 to June 30 of each year thereafter the re- ceints were as follows: In 1903-04 S14.23fl.90; In 1904-05. I16.88J.66: In 190r0H. I2S.S55.54: in 190S-07. IZ9. 294.32; In 1907-08, t29.013.62. For the last nfna months, ending April l, 1909, the amount collected was $28, 579.83. United PrM I-emieil Wire.) London. Aorll 26. -Kinoeror Menelik of Abyaninia Is In greater danger today from his alleged physician than from th complication of diseases of which he la a vlotlm, according to mall advlcea from the British leaatlon In Abyssinia containing ine iirst iruaiworiny news mat nas oeen given the worm, in a mourn concernlna , the. aaed African monarch a condition. V Ho far as actual disease la concerned It 1 stated On the authority of the med ical officer of the lunation, the emperor may Jive another ducade. .To th treat went of skilled Dhvsicians. who occaa uiiaiiy visit nun, ne renuonaa reaauy, His political adviser. and personal at- tendanta are ao auHplclous of everything r)oropean. however, that they are con stantly persuading him to disregard sound medical advice for that or orien tal auaoka and African Witch doctors. whose experiments have more than once reduced him almost' to th point of Oeatn. . ., , , 1 , Menelik la said to b extremely au ceptible to th effect of mistreatment of one tremendously powerful consti- thia kind, aa la shown by the fact that tutlon 1 undoubtedly breaking down are 'maintaining at the palace be wth- rnltted for a steel .J jf els to be erected by tha Portland Flour ing Mill company adjoining the present storage elevator at tha company' mill ing plant The structure will be com pleted by September 1, in time for this year a wheat crop, ana win iienriy uou- ROCKEFELLER WILL drawn. They are indignant because the sultan is being kept prisoner pending an agreement as to the policy to be par cued. , Military attache of tho German and Austrian legations today eent messages oi congratuiaucttis to CUeftek Pasha. I1EAR TRUTH (Continued from Pag One.) Hon have been of assistance to strug of hie operation, praising him foT the T brUliant T Buccesa M1" gttla lora Pty gUng achool in other part of th The estimated cost of th elevator la better expended than in Oregon, where from 126.000' to 130,000. the promise for a wonderful future la If present plans mature, Portland will certain of fulfillment? Dimes expended within the next 12 month become a in college work now will com back in The w neat grow-1 dollars after awhile, in tha way ot ae- , IT'nltfrt Prewi Loaned Wlr. (onataniinople, April 25. The over throw f , Saltan Alirlnt UinM 1, si nrlsAnitr In h! tinA . . j 1 rrnin center. today when Grand Vlaler 'Tewfik Pashaler r tlle ln,and empire, which met In j velopment, but the most worthy result itrnutirea 10 parliament tha resignation rouyrauun mu. c &y , u,. wiu oo me rameu .wuuuu m uin of himself and the entire cabinet Ferld to discuss more economical handling of hood and womanhood which will result. Paislia is looked upon as the most prob- grain, are planning to build a huge ele- Thlafci Oregon Seserrtng. ' able utcessor of . Tewfik Paaha aa vator in this city, . . " , grand visier raana as , Musllr alul associate have - I am frankly of the pinion that The poll of parliament upon the res- very assurance of eastern financial Oregon school deaerv assistance at Ignatlon of the cabinet : show-Sd al JoSt " erecting a modern elevator on a this time more- than other. 1 m firm unanimous sentiment ihS? ai site recently secured near the Portland ly convinced that member of the gen. lion of SulUn Abdul Hamid waa rieces- Flouring mills, word to this effect hav- era! educational boaro tnciuaing ui pary. The poll IndlcateV that Abdur h" been wired to The Journal by Muel- chairman, Wallace Buttrick, do not rdpn has come to 'its T certain end ler. who is en rout to Portland from understand what Oregon has in the way ...,Tt"r,. ... ,n P"- " "'r-.:.j fin;n. v,. h.,iuin. r th. .nnn.i t lh that some memb wi.K.ii is Burrwunuea oy i cordOD I "''"f ns and necessary servant have been Portland's5 growing , Importance - a a state. I would b i111"0 , "f0"' allowed to remain within the palaca out wheat shipping point, together with the that Oregon would then "ev cona he is not allowed to confer with tTv large increase In the grain acreage In siderable allotment from that 43,QQ0,0Uv ricmis are the onlv person allowerl en. nacesaitata a very consiaeranie increase i- -un me omr nanu, u uitsu trance to the palace Jin the elevator capacity ot the port. I occupy a restricted area, what can be said of other states? l anow ot one section of Ohio, in area 60 by 160 miles. under the strain of year of overwork. Tne legation physician consider tne emperor irouDie menial ratner man fihyslcal, hi memory having been great y Impaired and Ms power of concen tration almost - completely -snatterea. From the slight stroke of paralysis he suffered last July the doctor aaya , he hni Anrirelv rflrnvflrml. . The legation officials consider, it 'cer tain that the emperor will bo succeeded, despite the opposition of the present empress, by Prince LidJ K.vasu, a son of a daughter of Menelik'jlrst wife and of Has Michael, on of th most pow erful men In Abyssinia. ' . HARD BARRI RUES fJAII CASE ' ri' rmi Leased Wire. San Pedro, Cat.. April ..'(..Resting quietly In tha harbor, tte Japanese training ships Aso and Boya, cruisers ciintureii f rum . Russia, are peacefully tvDical todav of the quiet way in which . the i Japanese, nation doe it worn, The ; vessel entered the port ally nd confidently yesterday, without a pilot, trusting to the perfection of their charts, selected ttieir own ncuuraK without ,the assistance of any of the harbor craft and with only the flag nf th emnnror showing a a sign of ontnntatlnti. The vessels will remain tour thousand reactionaries, includ ing hundreds of member of religious orders, have been placed under guard as military prisoners by the invaders.- FORTY THOUSAND SLAUGHTERED BY MOSLEM FANATICS fCnltcd Press Lenaed Clnkt -Ij&takia, Asiatic Turkey," April - 26.. Forty thousand persons have been killed In massacres in Asia Minor with in the past few weeks, according to reports received here today. Interior towns report scenes of horror and each new dispatch adds hundreds to theylisf of dead Conditions are rapidly growing worse and - the village of Hadjin, where a number of missionaries, including Miss J.ambert arid four other American women, are stationed, la reported to be in flames. No late word has been received from Teurtyul, a village on the coast In habited wholly by Armenians. JLast re ports from the village stated that It was surrounded by a horde of Circas sians who were threatening an attack. The French cruiser Julea Ferry ar . rived here today and landed a force of . aailors to assist in the protection of the Christiana Orders have been Issued to every foreign vesel in Mediterranean waters , to land every available man. and to : bombard the town If the rioting con tinues. V m A bnmharriment is nrnhflhln - nm th situation throughout Asiatic Turkey has . Increased in seriousness following the defeat of the sultan's troop at Con- HiaminopiG. YOUNG TURKS AT SALONICA SET UP A COURTMARTIAL i seciion oi uniu, m aim ov mw, tian Scientist have a man for the x- that Include , two score of college of prens purpose of attending lectures and various grade and kinds, sermons directed against the movement 'The article in The Journal waa an and that thus lie receivea opportunity event Its value lay in the fact of it to answer their attacks in print and the presentation to Oregon educator tne ir Caime. that the fact that the sensational nature or tne replies reaauy i situation against wnicn tney cojuenu. uni0n Pacific would continue to haul to coast point despite Its present claim a to'Bookane. was due to-the water competition basis, which was up held by th commission In the Spokane decision. An extension to June 1 of the order for- the new Spokane ratea ha been granted. Commission circle are all at sea a to what this latest move of Harriman mean, some thinking it arises in part irora tn tiiu-jtirriman jt-ar, 1 fTTallmt Praaa Iaul Wbl Salonica, April 2. The Young Turks CTwuunneo a court martial cere toda to try participants In the revolt whin resulted in the temporary overthrow , of the constitution. A tfainload of prisoners are expected to arrive soon. Their trial will commence without de Jay and it Is expected justice wUKbe awl ft. . BAPTISTS FIGHT '(Continued from Page One.) torrey for Mra Mary Baker Eddy, and has written a bald rxpore of the meth od employed by her and her followers. - Mr. Cook and Mr. Walu were appoint ed a committee to look Into the matter and will proliably report at the general ministerial meeting next Monday, ask ing cooperation front th other churches Rev. John Uentxien called attention to the Tact that In every slate the Chris- finds publication for hi article where 1 w realize now that If we gain any- the minister' sermon wouia ds Dareiy thing for tne state tnat an scnoois noticed- Thus publicity Is gained at must unite in the effort to gain our small expense. desires. filnjrlv we, are not strong The summer assembly of Baptists to enough to Influence the general educa be held at' Columbia beach at the in- tlon board to look upon our cause fa vitatlon of the beach management waa vorably since it seem to be the un discussed and Br. Jordan reported on derlying desire of that body to ignore his visit there as chairman of the com- western colleges for the benefit of mittee. iHe epokeJiighly of tha beauty eastern schools. Working together I be of the place and the accommodations: 11 eve a revoking of the ruling against Bald IS tents with four beds each and Oregon can be secured. It will at least about eight cottages will be provided be worth while to try. We must at at the company' expense. The only least plan together to build the educa expense for the assembly will be in the tlonal institutions of this state into a presentation of a suitable program for strength which will be demanded , of the period of a week or 10 days. , ua later on If we succeed in enrolling Chuiwhe Hut Bats 9800. our young people among our own col- The matter of raising funds for the -when they seek higher education, expenses of the northern Baptist con- Situation X cntloai. vention to be held here In late June "The situation in Oregon la not only was brought up. Eight hundred dollars serious, it I critical. The educational is needed for expenses and of this the future of Oregon depends upon action First church has pledged $500. An es- that jnay and can be taken now. I am timate was made of what each of ( the hopeful that ' the meeting of Oregon other churches must raise to make the college presidents, together with others necessary J3U0. who are Interested - in the educational nr. lyeenard spoke of the work at progress of th state, will be productive Highland, where a church building Is of results." badly needed and a plan to raise 11000 During the past week correspondence from the Baptists at large to add to has been carried on between the pres the 11000 raised by th church and the Idents of the state University,' McMinn t760 promised by the church building vlll college, Willamette university, Pa loan society, was presented. Dr, Rllev. clflc university, Dallas college, Albany president of McMlnnvllle tfollege, spoJte college and Pacific college with a view th vnniliirfiil .ilvani.. n wnrir tn determine a date for meeting tO- at that college and asked the minister gather to arrange . Plan of procedure. to cooperate witn turn ana with llwi every smaii scuuui m vrB" students it ral1na- th ttenrinneai tn I rlln under an almost crushlna burden 300 students next year. In that case of debt None of these institution I the additional fee would put the col- well endowed; some of them hav no lege on a sound financial basis with the endowment at all. , ., -s - 7 . ; heln It receives from the churches. It Is understood that th plan of Rev. Jacob Kratt of the First Ger- consolidating several of the denomina man church spoke of the national Oer- tlonal school will be broached, but thl man Baptlat convention in the east, plan haa not received much favor up to from, which he has just returned The the present Most of - the denomlna Oerman Baptist last year gave 114.000 tional echoola are Interested In keeping for foreign missions, renresentlng 2.- the creed which they teach dltlnct 000 members. It supported 109 men from the rest and the statement has in mission field In America, Germany, been made that only , the prospect of Switzerland. Russia. Brazil and a few closing their door unless help ahall other places. - Icom will Induce them to consider red- tie DOk of the tendency fcmnnr theicration, won o" nm umer nmnu, m American churches to crowd out the argue that If help -come now ail may native German work and lamented it a be. enabled to grow to aize ana Btrengtn . mi.i.i.. v.... i.i t - . i ,k. ntimher which will be demanded far . w u k an m pikiii kh un kit. I - - -- . ' - - uerman churche would hav to support I tn greater n.nwiinwni vi vrezun. tnemseives entirety, tor last year only 17000 was 'riven fc the Home Mission societies for the German work.. It is desired to take the Germans into the American churches a far aa possible. Plea Is Made for. Exemption ' From Rate Order in Spokane Case. , n' 1 - ' (Washington Bureau of The Journal.) -Washington, April 26. F. C. UlUard, representing Harriman, argued before the interstate commerce commission to dav the' netitlon of that system to be exempted from application of the order in the Spokane rate case, setting forth, in elaborating what was contended in the petition, that -the -distance front Chicago to Spokane via the Union Pa cific la 400 miles greater than from Chicago to Spokane via the northern lines, and ' that the commission gave Spokane its reductions on the ground that Spokane is at a less distance than Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, and bence virtually placed traffic on the distance basis, which give Harriman the right Of exemption". The commission took th plea under advisement. Dillard said, " privately: "The Union Pacific doesn't know yet what it wants to do in the matter, but it doesn't want to be forced to put into effect the ratea ordered by th Spo- Jine decision. h.t-a until wrinriav when they will make their way northward to San t ran- A Vommlttee met the cruisers and messages of friendliness and goodwill were Interchanged. In the committee were Cornellu W. Pendleton, collector of the Dort of Los Angeles, represent ing the United Staws government, John G. Mott, for Mayor Aiexanaer. representing the city of Uos Angele; Willis II. Booth, rresldont of th Lai Anrle chamber of commerce; Major 3. W. Walton, representing Ban .Pedro; and 8. II. Storer, preaidenu or tne an Pedro chamber of ,mmc-0o tt-" Consul General Nagal of Ban Fran--i r iinnniiici nf tha Japanese American Daly New of Ban Francioo u- nf th Jananese aa sociatfon of Lae Angel; and P1 Salto. were the Japanese on. the recep tion committee. ! ' ,, .i.ii ninhi and officers of the fleet will be taken for BUbll ride through tne '1,u"i?, and along the beaches this afternoon ... , w.A,tt... , Af tne cnaniuer ur ut'ixr """"rK' uh irilnsta of the Jap , lianniiAl) inniarht.'' ' , On Tuesday the chamber of com merce will take th visitor on a trip k,.n.ii Man Gabriel valley. The i,..ln. ha.rd of i trade will give f..nni.- ti.o Hotel Maryland at noon L-4 i- Va ; afternoon will Uk th visitor ' automobile naina; Miiui, Pasadena and v oinlty. ater there will be automobile, rides in and about Zob Angeles, and . In the evening a i, : .m riven nv tne cimrti- ber of commerce at the Jonathan elubj. The cruiser wiujiev " Cisco Wednesday. They will stay there 10 day and will then proceed to Se attle for the opening of th exposition, Jun 1. y i"- '.'' NO CONFIRMATION OF FINLEY'S DEATH (United Pre led Wire.) t Washington. April Th war d nartment has a yet received no confir mation Of the report . that Major John P. Flnley. governor of Zamboango prov ince in the Philippine island, wag shot byFhnlfey0rieon of the best known of ficers In the Philippine service, and wa attached to the Twenty-eighth Infantry. He was t return to San Francisco, where his wife and daughter were to meet him In the near future. The .rumor of hi death waa con tained In private dispatches and gave no details of the affair. No report of hi death ha been received by the of ficer at the Presidio. In San Francisco. Flnley entered the army as a private in 1877 and by efficient service worked himself to hi present rank. (apeelal Dlapalcb le'The Journal.) Roseburv. (Jr.. Anrtl 3ri.atinthr date haa been the calendar for Roaeburg and Douglas county, via., the date to be. known hereafter as Straw berry DayT which will be- celebrated on) May 14 and 16. Tha occasion haa been brought ud bv the Ladles' Commercial olub and tins met with uuh approval that the entire city and county are go ing to make it a grand carnival. There will be several binil.., a Inn. line of exhibits and naradea. A' unnciiil excursion- will be' run by tha Anhlnnd Elks. They will vifjt Rosehuig on. May io. uver juuu visitors from nearbjM vu v (la a-a cxpwieu. , Prtina will h. nff.nA,1 I, . k.. exhibits of al kind offrult and farm nrouueis as wen a a livestock, and th buslneaa center of tha cltv will -ha turned! into a lairy .imid. I,ocal peopl will jnmltth all ? ha att..A,un. . J. Andrews of ihn Inf.l rim, nrn,m Sutherlln Land A Water company, is a i . ' " many years experience, and .lias consented to stage one of his ..via. umuuouuni ner outing carnl KERDIT LIES ILL; HUllT tlAV HALT Illness Due to Fatigue and Non-Acclimation Is Not Serious. J ' ' (United Praaa Teaied Wlra.l Nairobi. A nrl I ! frn i.....i. to lng. ill at the Pease ranch, according "mi (.uwybu uere in is morn- is nines is oeneved to b due to rati cue and o the fact tl,a h.. not s yef become acclimated.-1 While the ion of the ex-president la not supposed to be aerioualy sick, Tt is thought the u,ius wfouiciuti: may oe postponed PERSONALS L. Lamb. James Peterann an n '.v. Lamb, wealthy lumbermen from Clinton. Iowa, are guests at the Hotel Portland. It is understood that they are here for the purpose of making transfer of large timber interests in Oregon. Gilbert Hunt, a prominent, hitalneaa man from Walla Walla, Is at th Port land. - , Hemand Wise, mayor of Astoria, tn at the Cornelius. Judge M. F. Gonsi i member of the Washington supreme court of. appeals, Is a erueat at the Corneliusj R. Li. Harriman, a business man from Bresselton.- Mo., la at the Cornelius. Frank K. AlleV. ft horse dealer- from Roaeburg, is in Portland today attend ing the horse sale. He I guest at the Imperial. , The pain of ft mosquito bite is due to the fluid which the insect injects to make the blood thin enough for it to swallow. "Hood River will be nroduclna1 1. 000,. 000 boxes of apples annually within the next four years." declared M. L. Smith, , Udiict- Miuwil aa II.JUU ilivrr idiimiii, at the Imperial thla morning. "The crop this year will not be valued at less man lauu.ouu, he continued. i'i rear crop aold for a quarter of a mil ion dollara and ni.inv more troea coma Into bearing this year. In fact. I never saw the Hood Klvar valley looking more beitutlful than at the preaent time, The pronpeolii for a great year are splendid." ajrr. omun came to jioou Klver 33. years bko. Ilo haa now Ini'irelv retired from the apple buaineMH, having aold his . valuable 'holdings. lie spent aeven years raising apples In California before coming here. Jin miya other parta of' Oregon will ultimately produce aa good 1 apples as those rained on Hood JtTver, and spoke of the fine ouallty of New. town pippins being grown now in south- ? rn Oregon. , - . ''How do you people like th idea'of having Billy Sunday for a neighbor, on. Hood RIverT" Mr. Smith wa asked. "OH. Lord, deliver us," came tha ex clamation. "We've got trouble enough' up .(.bat wsV now." 1 ' ' ,' j , i "'i ' i a i . i. --,' NARROWLY' ESCAPES ' ' ' . DEATH IN HOLDUP ",-''": , i " 1 ' 1 ' " ' ., ' ' ' j ' . ''B. I Field, a Seattl travelinr man , who is at the Imperial today, tell of the feeling a man has when he thinks he Is facing instant death. Field wa , standing In the lobby of the American Savings & Trust company' bank at Se attle a few day ago; when an unknown ' man entered the bank and demanded money of Teller Drew, at the same time pointing a arun in his lace. Drew ducked . and ' the would-be robber fired at Cashier Welty, th ballet whistling past Field" ear. "Von can hat T diielrd with. th. . of them," said Field this morning, vt. inouKnt in stranger meant to clean out' the bunch of us. . and I heaan tn ha mighty sorry that I had chosen tuch a moment xor my visit io tna nanie Th' spectacle of a hisrhwayman enterrnor a , sedate an,d conservative bank In this . advanced day was one whose novelty to tne at the time was lost in the frdrht I - " received." j - BAN ON SALES IS ' f , LIFTED BY COURT Xi if, J-i'i'1 ...u . , i in i ii Jim i " In order that the sat of lots In Over look may not be further Interfered witli while the suit brought by A. Fi Swens son, former sales agent of th Over look Land company, is being fought out in the court.'. Presiding Judge Ganten hetn this morninftT aranted the Overlnnlr Land company authority to sell lota to purchasers. Tha order was granted with tha atlnn- latlan that It shall have no other ef fect, than allowing the sales and purg ing the defendants of Any contempt for so doing. Out of tills casa grew the contemm proceedings against E. Henrv Wemma, head of the Overlook company, he being convicted- of three separato contempts, the matter now pending be fore the supreme court on. appeal. Ther'are more than 5000 dlaiinct operations in tbe assembling , of high-. grade waton. i. - ' . , READING OUT PETITION NAMES (Continued from Fag One.) Senate Confirms Nominations. . Washinrton. Anrll Tha nomina tions of Jcdward E, Cushman of Wash ington for district attorney for the i tnra division of Alaska, and Kdward I Nathan of Pennsylvania for United States consul te Merslna, Turkey, were cm to tne senate toaay. No one lana-tiaa-n emnlnva even m ma. I jonty or the sounrta of which the hu man voice is capable. THE CURE FOHl Th nsual symptemi of Scrofula ar tnlar gtd clatidj of th awfc. tor and ulcer, on th. body, skin affection, catarrhal trouble, weak Ts. and .reneral poor hoaith. Tha inheritad poison, transmitted throach 1 tlfod poUute. and weaken thi fuld. and ia place of Its xmtritira c-iaLtlei iia tha circaUtion with acrofnlous matur. which aapa tb vitality I1 th ectu-e rsteni. TbouEands of chUdran. bora with a crofulous taint, tava i gpant- their- cMIdhood la conatant phyaical uffrlajr, and crown to BUFFALO READY , FOB SLAUGHTER In the Track of Roosevelt 1C0 Counted Party Assembling. -u,uw.w uaututatip-Q Vj aiut ana a tun ted fiTowth. B id r-'har ter 3in diseasa of th bocet or Jolnu tferelopad. 8. 8 &1 r-"B la their early life, would 1?&t urwented thia. it v. t Esod and purlSad tB bloo-3 of tha talat. nourished and lengthened t r f. rite ras, and agisted each to grow Into ttrocg. healthful aianhood rr wooiasbood. B.S.8. ia tia "rery beit r-mady for Scrofula, It ro t i to thm bottoza of tba tnmbk, and cleanaea tha circulation of all : aloof, matter. It turplias tla weak, diseased blood with atracrth (,-. i I. ' a! ?, .tsilltiea.tal under th purifying affcta of tfcU rraat r : e '- all ajEptc-ms of Scrofula paaa away.- S. 8.8. ontaina no tniDrala : . e ' - i r2, asd ia aa abaolstc ly aaf traatmaat for children, avan infant. ' .- ; - . tf a;y g. 1 "trtt about Pcrrf-u atsd any r-d:cl advtra - IiX 57.UT SPICIXIC CO., ilLASrA. GJL fCalte Tmm taae4 Wtr. Nairobi. April 2. Member ef Colo nel .Roosevelt' African hunting party are aaeembling today at, 'the Peaae ranch on the A thi river. Professors 3. Alden Lnrinf and Ed gar A. Mra ma. naturalist from th Smithsonian Institution, rejoined the party at the ranch today. Their de iayej equipment aiae arrived. Owrgf McMillan, at whoi Jul ranch Roosevelt will spend aerer! weeks, arrived her thl morning. After epenoing several hour her he set out for the Peaae ranch Runners from Heatley ranch eg y they counted U boffaio la one 4y. . New Zealand popnlatioa teomber II. wu l.tlZ.ftt. rntM r.a- rf Enroe-eana. ,0A Moarta and n." w imnaer. Trt ef imm!rrtK ever departures la lll waa 1.6 rcn-d-ei -bile th natural lmree wa 11.609. total gaia of 11.K04. T reet Iwrnl". wmm f , C44o r.trct ef Ix-f !.. whlrK- ! fox.r.w lHt, has fnrm.i a. rrat Je ft l i iit(f, 7 f-t b- !- !, a-irf - of tih t a t!irtiuJBt f fco i.rg arl and U water. thrown out when the check ia finally completed. . " James Col I how watching the cheek Mnr made on the excise board retl tlon, being employed by the Municipal association. One peculiar featuae of the situation 1 that of F. I. McKenna. father of 'th excise petition, seems to he taking no interest in me worn, rav ing apparently abandoned it to its fate, u. mrnlalns hv savins- that the Munici pal association Is now in charge, but b. 'A. Patull and Attorney Cole both say that the McKenna people are not paying th attention to tna tangie tney ahmiltl. - -, h. . Attack on Circulators. Opponents of tha petitloh are making Capital out OI me personnel oi iiiw uitn who circulated the excise board peti tion. They refer to Mr. McKenna's statement that all of his solicitors were well known and reputable cltlsena and then point out that a large proportion of them were men reaiding In North End indinr houses, who apparently an- .,.r.i aiivartlanment for Solicitor Among these are MarkBartlett. Harry D. Ross, i. .. itooier, n. x,. Mpauum". Fred W. Cowan," AUen O. Ross and F. J Williams, all of whom turn en in lists of names which are now being pro nounced to be forgeries. Th Oothenberr people say they hired Cowan who brought In a Hat of names which were pronounced forgrle and thrown out before th pennon was suo- mltted to the city auditor. Ia thi list was the name of J. J. 81nnot, a cousin Tnmr n Alnhnt. who has neon dead for several' yeara Cowan waa one of 'the McKenna solicitor whos wo:vt has been pronounced to t spurious. Appeal t tka Court. Tt ia nraetlcally certain that th pnnrts win be called upon to settl the quarrel! which ever wsy the check go,. In case tne pen nun unu.n uui m-i -ter the auditor has checked It both by the registration books and by the card Index in the county Clara a orrice It la nwihahla the Municipal .asaoclation will miniUmui the auditor In an effort to put the petition on the ballot. . In thla case the opposition aaya It haa- two cr more solicitors who will appear in court and testify that the petition handled bv tham did not have th full text of the measure attached, but simply a typewritten, summary, which, it is con tended, is contrary to the law and will in Itself invalidate tb petition. In ease the auditor passe sufficient ef th disputed signatures to pot th' measure, on the Dei lot, tne liquor aeal- !er will bring an Injunction againat htm. aklng that fc P reatralned by the , emrt fro potting the petition to vote. They will contend that there wer not sufficient genuine aignature aad wiU , attempt t prove U. j Following the ttlemt of the es-, rlae board juetion. wrk will he at i once berun on the Ootvenbrf petltlna . Thl petition has a large llt of alg-1 nature. whl'-h will rriire aeveral day! ffr th cr-k. Shield it altwj be thrown i off th ballot there will t no Ikjnnri rerulatfon, Trieaaere submitted to the. rTle fof their vot at th Jun eiee- Uun. , ., - i . m m 1 ' 'A Cue). i From Jie Wa.hlnato gtar. j "WhlVh tide 1 your tnen-.her f J irea. p.! In thi attack ea corporal ' e'e" j - "Weil." Fanrtee for al. t hav. a t fcearil I1fl Ma aar ( or another; tit recaoa that a tisnjal j h' ea it c lBn4e." . ;Enp.ostire:. In to D m isease Spring lie mis Is nnreater than at any other -season; because the blood, .having been vitiated, impoverished and de vitalized, during the winter, mostly by unheal thful modes of living, has less power -to defend the body. ' Loss of appetite, pimples and other eruptions, bad complexion, languor and lassitude, mental -.and physical weariness, go common at this timo ' . of year, are, all indications 'that the blood is wanting in the power to defend tha body be- ! cause they are all indications that it needs cleans ing', enriching and vitalizing. ; ' ' ' y .; The medicine to take is Hood's Barsaparilla, according to 'the experience and testimony of ' thousands of people every spring. . - Hood's garsaparilla makes the blood of th right quality and quantity, normal in red and white corpuscles and all other constituents. i , . It cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, :. cures paleness, weakness, nervousness, and builds up the whole system, i It, wiU make you feel .better, look better, eat ' ; and sleep better, and give you the best prorection ' ; possible-' against all infectious and contagious ., ' diseases. ' ' . ' - "I am glad that such a medicine-as Hood's . Saraaparilla can be had, and I write this letter to thank you for it My experience may help . ' someone else by telling them where a good medi cine for them may be found, and so I will say, I doubt if I should be alive now if I bad not t taken Hood's Sarsaparilla.. I was troubled for a long time witB spells of great pain in my stony. ach. ' At first they ere quite long times apart, but later came ' more and mora frequently and more severe, until I dared not eat food that I wanted and could hardly keep anything on my stomach.' I took a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and am glad to say I am completely cured of all that trouble. Last spring I used the medicine again as I was jiot feeling very veil, and had v rheumatism quite badly. I was also tired and ' weak all the time. When I had taken two bot tles I felt all right again. It is truly a splendid stomach tonio and spring medicine." Mrs. Ed, , Champlin, C oton, N. Y., Jan.,. 9, 1909. , - -, ---- fi- . j -f : ' ... -p awaawaa - A -- vi jfgyHood' Sarsaparilla effect's its wonderful cures, not simply because it contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines' the utmost remedial values of more than 20 different ugredientseacH greatly strengthened and enriched .by this pecu ; liar combination. . These ingredients are the very remedies that successful physicians prescribe f of -the same diseases and ailments. There is no real . substitute for Hood 'a Sarsaparilla. If urged to; buy any preparation "aid to be ."just as good," , you may be sure it is inferior, costs less ta end yields tha dealer a larger profit. ' , . Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla today, in the usnal liquid form or in the tablets known as Samtabs. 103' Doses One Dollar. Remarkable Rebuilding Feat Mad-over JPiano now. on exhibition in Eilcra window. To demontrrate to owners of old . and much worn pianos the wonderful resources ef our piano rebuilding and repairing department, we have rebuilt one-half of a Decker Bros, piano of uncertain age certainly not lesa than 20 years. The case of this instrument waa in a particularly unsightly condition before our rebuild- . in g force took it in hand. - - ( Wa instructed our foreman to completely rebuild and re finish the interior and eaterior of exactly one-half of this instrument, leafijs the ether haif in the condition in which we had-aW ceived it..' We were entirely confident .that our tnatrnctions would be followed out to the letter, but meat admit that we were somewhat surpris ed at the contrast between the old and the new when the work wji completed. - . .' .One-half cf the entire initrument has been fransforrred into what if apparently a new piano case. key, riarr.rr.era, pedal, ttjuwc stand and all and tbe result must be een to be appreciated. T Sore'y tber ia no reason now why you ahould be content with an old piano. Our ftbtsuairg and tuning departments are at your service and we guarantee all work. Prices re fcd entirely tm time and nateris's furnihed. and are always reasonable. Phone Private Exchange li or A2353. Eilera Piano lievse, 353 Washington street, corner cf Park. . J