The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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r In The Jour-
. -' . - v .'A,'
due of Imbecile AVho Solves In
. tricato Algebraic Problems.
" " From tha PhllHrielnhla. Tnnnlrer.
One of the most peculiar features of
insanity it mat occasionally one faculty,
tuner sight, hearing, smell, taste, or
touch, is extraordinarily acute.
. Certain insane persons, insensible' to
every- other impression, have . a pro
nounced taste . for music, and can re
peat with accuracy an air which they
ii.y nave neara out once.
Others have a . recollection of form
and color, and display an aptitude for
. drawing, wnue more frequently one may
inset with an inmate of an asylum' who
jias a special memory' lor ngures, dates,
proper names and words generally.'
There is a case on record, for instance,
wi an lmoccm wno,- at ?7, naa such an
extraordinary memory that he could
solve the moat difficult problems In
arithmetic and algebra, and repeat word
for word long poems after once hearing
wr reacting mem.
; . In another case a boy of 14, with
a defective brain, who had th greatest
difficulty In learning to read, could.
If allowed two or three minutes to run
over a page nriniea in a roreign lan
guage, or treating of questions of which
h was ignorant, repeat the words from
memory as correctly as If the book had
been lying before him.'
Very curious was the ease of another
man. a devout church goer, who could
rememoor tne aay wnen every person
had been. burled in the parish for 85
years, and could repeat, with unvarying
accuracy, the name and age of the de
cedent and mourners at the funeral
LAnd yet he was a complete fool, and
outside the line of burials be had not
one idea, .and could not give aa intelli
gent reply to a; single question,. or even
be trusted to feed, himself. ;
At Carls wood asylum, England, 'they
have records of imbecile who could not
only repeat accurately a page or mora
, rjfany book which had been read years
before, even though tt was a book they
flid not understand in tha least, but also
pf an insane person who could repeat
; backward, what ha had-: lust read. '
Another curlolis case is that of an
Imbeclie who. In the first plaoe, never
luiea to go to enurcn, and who on
reaching home could ?repeat tha sermon
'word by word, saying: , VHere tha mln
Jster couched: here. he stopped to blow
. its none, ana bo on. - :
In another case an Imbecile knew
. the Bible so perfectly that, if you asked
Jiltn whera such and such a verse was to
. oe rouna, ne could ten without heal
"tation and repeat the chanter, r " ,
All those instances are well authentt.
eated, and others equally amazing and
true could be added. And just as there
is one sense which is sometimes won-
aerruuy acute in. persons of weak In
tellect, so, in the case of blind people,
the sense of smell or hearing Is often
very keen. . '- ..
One of the most remarkable cases on
record was that of Julia Brace,, a fe
male near and blind mute, who could
distinguish brothers and Sisters by
smell, and who recognised anybody she
nau met ceiora oy tne same means.
" 4 AS
(Russified advertisement
nal nru us follows: , -
. No ad lens than 1to per insertion,
I'hoiia or c)t rtreii ads o per line
per Inxertlon, 1 Insertions for the
price of 6.
Cash ails lo per word per Inser
tion, 7 insertions for the price of 0.
Lost and found, help wanted.-"
situations wanted, for rent ana
wauled to rent ads, lo per word per
'insertion, 1 insertions for the price
Of 2. ..
18, to 20 words, toe: 21 to 25
words.V 25c: matrimonial, manlcur
. ing, maasage and bath ads, 10o Pr
line per insertion.
Card of thanks, meeting and fu
neral notices. 60o per Insertion.
The Journal cannot guarantee accur
acy or assume responsibility for an-0
or any kind occurring in teiepnoneu
vertlsements. - ' '
- ahnnl.i mA rm r Incorrect ' On
first insertion. The Journal will not be
responsible for subsequent Insertions.
The Journal's business office is open
from 7;30 a. nt to II p. m. daily, exocpt
Ptoest Main'7i73;-AC051
Pr6tty girl hat trimmers who cel
ebrated the, successful conclusion of
a strike with a dance of all nations.
given on Saturday evening,. April
17- r Miss Nancy Heimel, whbse
picture Is shown below. Is president
of he Hat Trimmers. union. . ,
y The Call to Duty.
Again tha fateful, solemn dav la hem
'The day when freemen have the right
! v iv rise,
All uncrowned kings and each 7 the
, y dauntless peer 1 ,
Ot any sceptered monarch 'neath the
The day in here, the big, eventful day
When graft should cease and crime be
fl- .swpiaway. ,-,
Again tha ward boss looms up in his
might. '
Again his henchmen hurry . forth . to
hench: , '
Tha gray wolf from ' his lair cornea
forth to fight,
The floater rises from the hard park
" " bench, .-' i .
nd with a hungry look upon his face.
Gets into line before tha polling place,
The min'whoBe stock in trade Is politics.
Who clings to publlo of flea . all his
davs. -
fioes forth to cast his ballot and to mix
with those who shamble down the
sinful, wavs:
Me will not be too busv or too proud
To mingle and ' rub elbows with the
crowo. ,
Today tha man -who fondly deems hlm-
seir 1
A good and worthy citizen will rise
To hurry forth, In grim pursuit of pelf
And wear a very solemn look and
Supposing threatened ills to be remote.
Ha deem It but a waste of time to vote.
Again: the solemn,' fateful day Is here,
The day. on which all honest men
should heed
The call that Duty sendi them to appear
Where Honor is assailed by Graft and
But few ol thefn have time which they
ran spare,
They are too busy getting rich to care.
wnicago Kecoru-ueraia
On terms : easier than rsnt m Com
office. We will take you out, ,
Jul us Hpniiiia
and Humaii wvhh. IS.
J.tAi.n KrHiil. Rogers. 20 Bncra
nioiiia street, ii. and Hose U, Votruba,
Thornton Kldfl, Seattle. vWash., 10
and l.llllnn Kmlly Whlttaker, 2a,
Alfred lioiidricks. U)t North tlit
eemt tret,. 21, and Annie Alice biau-
una, 24
HnlHniun, Mount Talor,--.2T
VVKliDINil card. W. U. Smith & Co
WaiihliiKton bldg., corner 4 th and
WaBlilnKt"'! s. '
CLAKK1S HUOS.. florists; fine flowers
and flomt deelgns. 29 Morrison st
MAX M. KMITil. florist. 1)0 6tli 1.
posite Meier ft rTanif s. Main izio
BK'i'Z ei BUNS, rlorixts: funeral drNlKua.
4iH Worr ison, Mnln wu6; A-H7T.
FULL, DHKSa MiiltM for rent; all alaiua
Unique Tailoring Co.. 209 fltark ,st.
MOHK To Mr. and Mrs. Camel Mose,
411 North Klghteenth. April 20. a girl.
IUUNUKK to Mr. and Mrs. J. J
Younger. Portland. Anrll 18. a boy.
HAWOKTH To Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ha
worth. 1872 Wayland. ADril 24. a boy
Hl'SEKICK To Mr. and Mrs. .. Pnnl
Huserlck, 123 Missouri avenue, April
24. a ciri.
MONOCOTT To Mr.' and Mrs. E. t
Monocott, oood. tJamaritan . hospital.
April 24, a noy. - - -
'WWiM,M Till J
418 orbet Bldg Plfth and llorrlson.
5000 ACRES
Yamhill County
2To Only Ensealled or Apploa
Alfalfa. Prices 35 tT50.
SupDOse you own 100 acres set to al
falfa,' coat IS000. . Ona planting
care.. lt it grow. rei preiii e""""
annum. Can you beat it 7 o. iiskop
in.,..Ho.t. a rw choice bar- irh an in nc every day.
Get your 16000 ready. Get fixed for
lie. it win eoual 1100.000 at inter
est. No risk. . ,'
Vain 3481. M? Board oz vraae,
MALI 'OR Y Eanor Mallory, 86 East
Tenth street north, April 22, age 41;
hemorrhaire. i-
CATCH1NU Vivian Catching, 875 East
Couch street, April zs, age ll, Hemorr
WKLLER Walter Weller, Baby horns,
' Al'l 11 1 Ii n(o m iiiuuviin, uivi4tuiiin
BLODGETT James Blodgett, 448 East
- salmon. April 23. age 67: dropsy.-
JAMESON -Samuel Alexander Jameson,
w urana avenue, April it, age ;
heart disease. 1
HOOVER Charles Hoover, ' Good ; 8a
- maritan hospital, - April 21, age .18;
LONG Harry Long, Baby home, April
17, age 3 months; cerebral congestion.
KIMBALL Dora Kimball, 72T Vancou
ver avenue, April 24, age 4; intestinal
obstruction. . - :
SCHWA RZ Christian Schwars, 2Q4 East
tlgntn, April t, age v; lung uuiiom.
6'CONNOR J. J. OOonnor. Twentieth
and Burnslde, April 22, age 47; heart
aiaease. , . .
JENSEN 8. P. Jensen, Thirty-fourth
and Tillamook, April 21, aged 42, sui
cide. . '-.-
VOUNG William S. Toung, 492 Missis-
slppl avenue, April 21, age 62; suicide.
EVANS Benjamin Evans, 400 North
Thirty-first, April 23, age 14; Bright'
disease.' - - '" - :
$20.00 CASH
$10.00 Per Month
buys 10 acres of - choice apple
land in the famous Lewis river
district; best values in the north
west at $50 per acre, '
Boom 411 Oorbett Bldf. ' '
Am leaving city and will accept
anything reasonable tor our lu-room
residence in Overlook; choicest loca
tion, high and sightly, beautiful view
of city and mountains; ioi iwxiw.
Owner, 503 Commercial bldg.
' Autos With Dog Kennels.
From Popular Mechanics. . .
The dog trottlng'contentedly a.long be
tween or just back of the rear wheels
of a carriage is one of the pleasant re
membrances of the time When tha horse
was supreme duc norse ana aog were
both rudely disturbed by the advent of
tne auwmoDiu.1 t' - - .-..::,.--..
- Automobiles run too fast-for a doc to
trot alone beside, and as there is not
room - within the automobile for any
thing larger than a lapdog. the coach
dog had to go. , . .
One English 'automobile firm is now
manufacturing an automobile .body that
opens at the back, disclosing a roomy
kennel Cor doss, but it Is nrobable that.
although better than nothing at all, this
arrangement will not be completely sat
isfactory to either dog or. master.
It Is tha usual custom to build ves
sels under -a shed, so that the work
may proceed without regard to weather
conditions. The ateel framework under
which the 900-foot White Star liners are
to be built has lust been completed.- It
covers an area J00 by 8S0 feet - .-:-
A Fine Home Cheap
Corner lot 100X100 feet. Improved
street, cement walks; s-room moaerii
house, stone foundation; hot-water heat
ing, ga. electrlo lights; conservatory;
barn, fruit j east side; low prrce, easy
terms; fsw d.nly
, IIS Coach Building.
New and most up-to-date 4-flat prop
erty; only 15 minutes' walk; pays better
thin U per cent net. This Ja -n the
m.rVe for only a Jew day a . Call at
our Office. ; ' :. . '. V'V " ''
Portland Success Realty Co.
It Board of Trade Bldg.
ANTONISON Members of Evening
Star grange and all visiting patrons
are requested to meet at Evening Star
grange nan at i:u p. m. snarp, iu
morrow (Tuesday), to attend the -funeral
of our late sister-Johanna An
tonison, which will be held . at her
home at 2 o'clock. The grange will
have charge of tha services at Mult
nomah cemetery. J. J. JOHKSON, i
. Master Evening. Star grange.
ANTONlSKNAt her residence, 80 Sec
ond street, Montavilla. April 26, 1909.
Johanna Antonisen, aged 61 years 1
month and 11 davs. Funeral will .take
place from the above number Tuesday,
April 22, at 3 p. m. Friends respeot-
ruiiy --invitea. intermenv juuiujviiim
cemetery. -
ER1CKSON April 25, at 800 Minnesota
avenue,- wtlheim jricason, agea la
years. Funeral services - rrom aoovo
residence Wednesday, April 28, 1902, at
2 p. m. Friends Invited. -- - -
' :oi) i-awh. 16 per inoiilh,- 3 room
hoime, concrrte basi-ment. tloee to ir;
2 yenrt limuntnoa paid Up; all fenced,
amti fruit; 1760. , . '
IJ50 cHh, bat. to antt; 2 room plas
tered bouse, well flnUhed, small tiaae
inent. lnk watrr, built In cupboard and
blin. Thin is a snap: 2750.
1200 canh, hal. moutMy. dalxy 4 room
modem bunralow. rlage to car and beet
school In city bath, toilet, sink, lava.
tory, imitation tile. finish, good nngn-
nornooci, nix new lioueea bulIJing with
in oiock. i-rice iuu.
2600 rash. hal. to suit. 3 new modern
5 room hiiugalows, r lose-to ear and good
School, fine location: 32200.
A good t room house, H block from
rar, nice lawn, rosea, good oasement.
best of plumbing, electric ltghts and
fixtures; clone to car and school. This
is a snap; 12200; 4 cash; lit per mo.
Seven room modern house, 7-S acre,
on corner, close to oar; best of plumb-
log, wired, good garden.- blg-ehlrken
vara, nouns is well built In every par
ticular ana -tne place cannot oe aupu-
eatea ror the monev. I can show you
mat i snow what I am talking about,
402 Oerllnger Mdg., d
tnd Alder ats.
KKLBO, Wssh.. the best town in south
wont Washington; acreage for sale
adjoining the town. .
: una to 10 acre tracts, all under culti
vation. - . .
One acre of this land .Will, nroduca
iuu acKs or potatoes.
, Bplendld ' chance for truck farmers;
good market. - We sell on , easy -pay-menla
Your terms are ours. We guar
antee as advertised. , . , . , .
-1 Kelso, Wash. '
Look this beautiful new K room bun
galow over before purchasing; strictly
modern . In everv rmmnmni with fire.
place, large porch, beam celling; Dutch
kitchen, laundry tray. Price 12800;
terms can be arranged. 1208 E. Tavlnr.
between 40th end 41st. Phone East 1020.
A beautiful 5 room cottage, every
convenience, . unusually large verandas,
4 fine lots and unsurpassed view of
mountslns for 12200, 1200 down and 20
a month. A. N. Bearle. Take M. V. car,
get off at B. 7th st.
A -GOOD 8 room house,' cement base
ment, bath. Independent water, streets
Improved.. 44 bearlnr fruit trees, black
and red raspberries, strawberries, gooae-H
oerries, oiacg and red ourrants, chiclten
house and run lot 160x160 feet, blocks
from carllne; lot 100x100, Rose City
Park, 1 block from carllne, must be
sold; no agents. Phone Tabor 1580.
Bca't Miss This Opportunity
- uooa. wen arranged. 7-room house.
with lots, oarn, garden, and plenty
fruit; East 12th St. North, one block
from car line; convenient to new high
scnooi. -nce, 13400. Terms if desired.
t.. muier, tie cnamoer or commerce,
' NORTHWEST T1.MnF.rt CO.. -1520
, I.IMKKlt KXClAMt' Ht,l.
EitTl . K11K 8AUC .AT J'OHT
:000, H cash, i-i.loo, 7 room
hoime, vJern, undur high culil
vatlon, apple trees. && fruit
trees, prune, pearhes, ' cherrlen,
pears and quinces, 100 berry
buiihea, rhh soil, fruit and vege
. tables plenty, 10 minutes' walk to
postof floe, courthouae and school,
fine view of mountains,, valleys,
etc., cfty water. If you are in- .
tereatod .In thia proposition, call at
office and we will give you more
partloulara, as this must be sold.
11000 cash, 1 acre chicken ranch,'
all level, fenced, plenty of water,
' W mile to school and store, ou
Haee Line and car. k room house
and bunii, also outhouses. .
St per arte, 240 acres of farm
ing lan-i, live stream, plenty of
fame. In Crook county, deed and
Itle, 4 rash required. ,
$1200 ht cash, will buy 129
, arre dairy ranch, with good farm
house and barn, on the K. R. and
steamboat navigation, plenty of
water,, soma timber, good tillable
(20 Lumber Exchange bldg.
-- - . - . I'hone Main . r,
i on k. i k i'.i. vl i rr.vtt: 1 a
84700 buvs 10 room mansion latest
Improvements; terms." (179) -,,''
13250 buys 7 room . house on Mar
guerite avenue; corner lot; latest im
provements; terms. (1S1)
22S00 huvs 7 room house, comer Lat
imer and Ann; lot 100x100: terms and
1476 . buys lot 60x111 adjoining above
nouse; terms, tins;
beautiful 18 room
house on Belmont, between 28th and
rs a
$500 cash buys
89th. Splendid buy for $3760. (160)
RVAP ! .:
$350 cash, balance 81S monthly, buys
desirable 6 room house, Belmont and
44th: Investlrate: this is a snao: must
be sold. (15)
Ovserwlll sell nrcitrn tcuss
2:th and Ksrstall
northwest Frcat
23 Ccrtett BulUtez
Main 6636 . . A 1629
$00 down, balance $10 par'
lmonth will buy a beautiful 4
room cottagesellli pantry and ,
closets, on Mt. Scott . cnrlina; .
Firlce $1360. If sold soon can e-,
colon, f ji painting and tlnf-
Ing. owti'jr 'going east. , ;
Spencer &C0.V;'-.'.
. ,' 103 23 St.. . .-.'
. $975.
8 room house, 100x100 lot. near good
car service, 6c fare, 30 minutes out,
good neighborhood. -
1 $1650. '
8 room house, fin ion Int. 14 bearing
..... , 1 ... . . . n-
,.u,i. ,ir,fc m 111 ctq, viit., urnr vac niir,
desirable location; cash $860, balance
803 Corbett Bldg. .
fime cash buys 7 room home on Bel-
most street; house up to date; Dutch
Kirrnem rina lawn, cement sidewalks,
basement; sacrifice at $3650; well worth
Some cash will hn v fine 8 room resi
dence on Mississippi avenue. (14ft)
$1C0 Down Buys
l modern B room bungalow: electric,
as. bath, toilet, washstand. basement.
between 2 carlinea, Waverly: buy of
owner. T-47, Journal.
undertakers ana emoaimers; , rooaein
In every detail. Seventh and pine Main
430. 1 Lady assistant." ; -.- .
J. P. Flnlcy &
lilv attendant. Main . A-1629.
ZKLLKR-BYRNES CO undertakers, 270
Russell: &ast inns, tiaay aesisiani.
. 7, room, modern house and barn; with
or 'without furniture: -east side; close
in; carllne; sacrifice. Main 46, East 1968.
M'ENTEB-ERICKSON CO., undertakers;
laay aee 1. t iuer nt. pvn. y,..iicr
EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker.
d St.' ' ' - y
Phones C-2114 and A-4444.
F. 8. DUNNING, east side funeral di
rector. 414 re. Ataer, comer etn ni.
PACIFIC Title A Trust Co., the leading
abstractors, zm-o-o-i r'im ""a-
Mi' vv- "I
u ' "' j
-; J
A weak hish pressure areapverlies
western Oregon and western wasning
.n .nnih weak' high pressure
area Is central over the lake region. a
low pressure area of conslderabla en
ergy iV central north of the Dakotas.
.LV k. Koi.m.t.r relatively low
along the middle Atlantic and New Enf-
land coasts, minus .u
11. k .hnwera have occurred In north
ern Oregon, wuningiuo nu "
Idaho, and rain, heavy In places, has
.n.. 1-. tha ami t hern states and at
scattered places in the Ohio valley, low
er lake region, middle Atlantic and
New England statea. Light snow has
fallen in western Montsna, Alberta and
Fsskatchewan. It Is cooler in Washing
ton, northern Idano ana Moniu. m
warmer in southwestern Oregon, south
eastern Idaho, northern , California and
northern Nevada.
Tha-Indications are for showers to
n1gbtor Tuesday in western Oregon
and for showers tonight and Tuesday
In western Washington. ' The weather
will probably be fair east of thaCas
cade mountains during the next 88
hours, with slightly lower temperatures
except in aouuieasiern j ' wn mi
fall In temperature .will be mora de-
fall in temperature . win be u
elded. Tempn
Max., Mln
Baker City. Or.....2 4$
Maine, Wssh 40
Poise. Idaho ..70 " 48
Chlcsgo. Ill js
Cincinnati. Ohio. ...72 . 44
Denver. Col $ . " 44
Imbuque. Iowa .... 40
Helena, Mont. 2
Huron. B D. 7S 40
farkftonvlUe. Via. ..82 s4
ewlton. Idaho ...8 41
Ixs Angeles. Cal...T 14
Marsh field. Or 2
N'ew Orleans. IA....M 71
New Tors, N T 6 . 44
N. Taklma. Waah...l 28 '
Omaha Net .......12 $
Pwatello, Idaho . M f
Portlaed, Or. 48
Boeehurg, Or. ......74 84
at. t-sul. Minn 4$ 4
alt Iake. ftah.... . 44
Pas yrarx-le. Cat. .42 48
Seattle. Waah 18 ' 44
Prwikaoe. Wash ....44 $8
Walla Walla. Wash.. 4 8 44
Washington. D C.,44 l
Mln. Prec! p.
, .
Harvey O. Bowman and-wife to
J. K. Williams, 101 e, oca
Shadywood Park v. . 700
Carroll Whltcomb and wife to , .
(ireen-wnitcomo jo., east ft vi
southeast hi, of section 10 and
west hi of southwest hi of sec
tion, 11, township 1 south, range
9 ekst .............. . . , . . , , 6,000
jTltle Guarantee & Trust Co. , to
Irving . ijowe, 101 1, otuo i.
Kosamere .., ,...,,, ai
rtnty, a iriHrlrlM in t,. L. Wlrout .'
lot 10, block 12, Park View.... 860
Title Guarantee Trust Co. to
John Berry, lots 10 and 11, '
' block 40 Rossmere 1.700
G. B. Tucker and wife to Anna
D. McPherson, loU 1 and ,2,
block 1. St. Helens ........... 860
Garden Park Co, to John Huback
. lots 2and 24, block 1. Garden
Park ... ............ t.. -. 150
George H. Braddock and wife K , -Abraham
Tichner. lota IS to 16,
block 12. $anta Rosa Park ... 42S
Ladd Estate Co. to John Lock-
, hart, lot 1, Dioca . j, ixtaa a
addition ... ,....,.... 1,160
H. H. Clark and wife to August
Vnffo lnt ? and 27 block &.
Alblna ...!.,... ...... .... . .'. . 1,500
F. J. Mulheron to H. H. Wright
in, K hlnrlc "A" Park View ex
tension ... ....... ..I........ 1,200
Rose City Park association to
John P. Rurton lot 10. block
148. Rose Cltv Park 700
Alexander Gevurts and wife to
William a. woneyman,- west
famt nt lot 7 - hlook 17. Gold
smith's addition 1,000
Fred H, Frulht and wife to A.
L. Rustad, lots 28 to 37, inclus
ive hlnnlr T. Im-Riw P&rk ad
dition 2.200
Patrick Murray to . Mary D. Neu- .;
bauer. lots f and 8, Vernon,... , 800
William Chambers and wife to
8. Russel. Smith, S acres in seo
ticii 81: townshlo 1 north, ran re
8 east ... 12.609
Harvsy M. Tlmms and wire to
jonn a. Btou, 101 1, oiocc s.
South Sunnyside
R. U Donald and wife to Pumel
-Jump, lots l and Z, blocs 47;
$60 CASH buys this nice little home
balance $10 per month; s room cot
tage: 14 block from car: lot 40x100: thl
can be made a beauty. See salesman
American Trust Co., 200 Chamber of
commerce, non e pnone.
6NAP Vaoanb lot in East .Portland
suitable ion-an apartmwit house; 1
block from car:- $3100;; terms. See salna
man American Trust Co., 200 Chamber
of commerce, uon t piune. -
FOR . SALE Quarter block. corner of
Grand ava- and K. Lincoln, two 1
room" cottages and one 7 room house.
with gas, bath and, a small barn, with
trackage on the S. P. R. R. Apply at
ISO Madison st.
FOR SALJi A good modern 8 room
house and lot. 70x110, good barn, fruit
trees and shrubbery; will sel) cheap if
taken at once, inquire 01 owner, no
agents. 481 E. 26th st.
7 ROOM house and 3 lots, 100x100, at
Gearhart I'ark. House has hot and
keold water, fireplace, all necessary
plumbing; cheap: a bargain. 443 N. 21st
st. Jacob Krlmbla.
Fine lot In Irvlngton, Improvements
an in; only $140, part cash.
"v'.W.'Ka CARTER
409 Bwetland bldg., 6th and Washington
$100 Down Buys
A 4 room modern cottage, lot 60x100,
nan trv. bath, toilet, rosea. Ilna lawn.
half block of carllne. Vernon; buy of
owner. v-oo. journal.
ROOM dwelling at a sacrifice; corner
hi. eaimon ana join: 101 suxiuu
strictly modern and In first class con
dition. Price $6600; terms. See sales
man American Trust Co.. 200 Chamber
of commerce. Don t phone.
- l r. A. M lpee;l fr-
fLi Win ri-e ties. this lMorT
STCfV. evening st T:2 w'clofk Viori
)X r In the M. M. Visitors
Jr era ew"ei!!r ln"l
frestdeat Ellct of Harvard, Who Has Ptdinwl tlsa Honor ct Epmaat
Its Ttia Country at tie Court tf St. Jtm'.'
M W. A. Kerrren Can-p. 44. m
Wr'pwiir eveetnga, Allsty blag.
LJ-wirF.CH l to rent fr r
lVr 'Bitiit er Safe: Mr,!?
94 'r ,wr r fn 111.
(irt"i rr- I'enr-r,. Kk '.
-:!5r.s.Hirco t.;a- Jtiii
lit v -.:-(toa s'-a
W. A.
-01' loti 11 and 12. block 67: lots
1$. 17 and 18,. block 41, FUltoa
Park ... 4.009
Portland Realty A Trust Co. to
Alger A. Perry et al. lot 17,
block 9. Wobdmere , ' 509
Peter Mauria 'and wife to J. C. -"
Delnea et aL lot 1. block 22. -M.
Patton'a Second addition... $60
Henry Van Auken and wife to Ot
to Starker, lota 40, 42. 44 and
48. block 29. Irvlngton Perk. . . $09
John B. Hlbbard and wife to -Henrr
Castor. 22 1-2 bv feet
In bloek 1, Fast Tshor Villa... 1,190
Arleta Land To. to Ida B. Hits,
lot 19. block 9. Elberta . . 200
Oscar Weldner to Ictotia Kun
rt. lt 12. Mvlt 7, Joha Irr
lng's First addition S.2A0
Frank L. Shull to James Muckle
et al. 6xl09 feet beginning st -
interwectlon of King street with
Waehtngton street: also 140s
feet berinnlng st southeast
corner ef Washington and KJeg 45.044
J. C. Mlchels and wife to K. F.
.Hnllowell, lot 1. block 1. East
Hollar addition $S9
Oenrge W. Osmrole to R. B. f hel
ler, lot 8. block 2, Wild Rose
adMHlo 1,204
A FVr Peard and wife t As
"rio OailuccL lot 8. block 2,
TjAn "... Its
Lirite C Wells te Fred Retnklxg,
l-t 1, block 192 Caruthers addl- -
tln J.9P9
E1rd Pel and wife to Thomas
Crtti. lots 6 and 8. bloik :i,
V 'T,'t t 3
LA WTFKS btrrt A
TWO choice lots on South ave, Midwny.
100x100. - in fine location, only few
steps from car line, for sale by owner.
A bargain to any one.. Call 826 E. 2nd.
corner or Marnei. -
FOR SALE Fine 6 room, all modern
- cottage, with large attic strictly
hlghclass and up to date, Sunnyside.
best of terms. See owner, S07 Failing
SNAP, by owner, fine new 8 room house.
strictly modern, corner lot, near car
and school; ir.oo berow reav value;
terms, can or wain z4.
FOR SALE By owner: 4 room hnuu
near Sandy road, full concrete base
ment, fruit trees and shrubbery, corner
lot, buxiuw. w-z&v, journal
FOR SALE Strictly high" class 7 room
- all modern bouse. In nice locality, for
saie cneap oy owner, terms 10 suit. S07
railing oiog.
FOR SALE Up-to-date, all modern if
room house In nice residence district,
for sale cheap by owner, terms to suit.
sill railing ping.
Robert Hofer ;
Real estate, loans. 280 Oak.' cor. 4th.
A new T room modern hoime lm.
proved St., on" terma Phone Tsbor 472.
409 Bwetland bldg, 712 Williams ave.
FOR SALE Fine . 7 room all modern
75x100 on E. Oak at.: Income $125 per
month: only 1 block from new frelcht
depot; is a good Investment. .
100x100 on Union ave. for $14,000:
can't be Improved upon for location; will
be worth $20,000 inside of another year;
would lease to desirable tenant.
80x100, one block off of Sellweod car
line, north of Crematorium; $800, $100
cash, balance your - own terms.
Lot 60x100, Lochinvar add., where lots
are selling from . $600 to $800 each, Xor
$600 on terma . 1
One grand lot 50x100. with a fine
looking house, worth $500 more than
we ask for both house and lot. Price,
$2100. $1000 cash.
860 E. Morrison St "
$3400 buys a home -on Yamhill st.. be
tween 30th and 81st; latest Improve-
3 STORY house In Ladcfs addition. 8
rooms, large attic, full , basement,
front room has beamed celling, paneled
walnscottlng in dining room, large
porches, lot 40x128; an elegant, sightly
home. - . .-..,'-
". :;.,SPENCER'&':C0.:;:;:;.-.;
: - 103 Second St. - - -
When I can sell you a new 6 room'
bungalow with bath, toilet and sink,
basement, lot 60x100, only 1 block from
car, - school and store, for $1400; only
$160- caah required. Will consider . a
good-lot as part pay. , - ,
: F. A. BEARD St CO., ,
326 Washington. Room 215. Main' 489.
FOR SALE-2A firBt-class restaurant.
in one of the best locations in the
city, -doing a good buslnes'i but must
be sold on or before the firsc of month.
Reason, the proprietor has business, and
Interest out of city that must have his
attention.: Part cash, balance terms.
For particulars, see The Hart Land Co.,
148 2d st, city. -4
On- E. 20th,. near Tillamook, facing
east pretty, stable or' garage on lot
sewer piped into lot, cement walk, blth- ...
alethlc pavement. Price . only $1 800,
includes all assessments. This in a
beautiful lot In Irvington'S prettiest
part. '
615-516 Ablngton Bldg. ,
$2850. : .
89th and Clinton, corner lot well lm-
? roved. This place Is listed very low
or quick sale: $760 down, balance easy.
at, micBi mi vx v ,r-. wr -. : .
ments; some cash, balance -., $25 periCall at house nerore :su ana arter inv
month; rme lawns, basement. Dutch fP- m. Teaericx u. rurues i-u., newj.
kitchen; modern In every respect (189)
$356 cash and $350 balance at 210
per month, will buv one room building,
unrinisneo. space ror rour rooms; lot
100x100: S blocks from Woodstock car-
line. (12)
$1800 Will buv 6 room- modern home
on Powell St., near Taylor. This is a
snap for the money; . street - graded,
plumbing. (193)-
$1000 This coxy new cottage, large lot.
a. Oi car; our leaaer.
220004 room modern little bnnVft-
low; $250 will handle It
$2560 6 room up to date bungalow,
very, very E. Z. terma.
$28256 room, larsro lot: a -grand
oargain; must sen.
$2600 The last h
near Belmont A sdI
swell home.
500 lots. 2 blocks of 8. S. car. $10
cash, $5 per month.
1155 Belmont, cor S9th. v
Take B. S car or Mt. Tabor car.
Commercial b lk-
land. Or. .
2d and Wash,, Port-
That's whst this little S room White
COTTAGE HOME Is, with well kept -lawn,
fruits, flowers and "garden, near
6 cent carllne, and h asks only $190ir,
becausa he must sell, $1000 cash S. T.
Walker, 604 Corhett bldg.
$7000. -s
Five acres near Ivanhoe station, level
and fine for platting;. $3000 cash, bal- .
ance easy. .., .. 1
. .. .. - - Realty. - - - '
Commercial B1K., 2nd and Washington. .
Portland. Or.
"' 1 ' v'nn tttt.t. vr.AT. .. :
I A beniitifnl new flat bldg of the
alf acre on 88th jmost modern type and construction,, lot t
plendld site for a 60x100, rented at 10 per cent on in--y
sue ior wlmMt pp,re 018(6OO. Smith & Ell- 1
--.-i $4000.
Th best buv on the east side: 8 room
modem house, on carllne, gas and elec
tricity, paneled dining room, full ce
ment basement, full plumbing, every
thing in the best of shape, I can prove
to vour satisfaction tha. this nrooertv
cannot be duplicated for the money. On
tl. unsan near sum. Don t trv to im
agine what this Is, but 1 let ine take
you out and show you.
408 Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts.
maker. 623 Worcester blk.
FOR SALE At a great sacrifice, 3
room, modern house, completely fur
nished; parties going away; must be
sold; Also some of the best bargains
In the city In houses and lots. Phone
Wool lawn 1414. - -
SUMMER HOME You need not spend
a aay going 10 a summer nome; here
s an acre and a half only 40 minutes'
ride from Portland: 16 minutes walk
to electric car, 10 minutes to railroad
station; over 800 feet of river front
age; beautifully wooded with maple, fir
and dogwood: boating and flahing. I
have acre adjoining and want congenial
neighbors; would sell one or two pieces.
For full particulars address B-228, Jour-
rat -
$16,000. ,
A good modern house, 8 rooms 'and
attic, 76x100 lot, streets Improved and
cement- sidewalks laid; Ideal location
for flats or apartments; close in. 2d and
Holladay ave.
604 Board of Trade. '-;
IDEAL HOME for large family, full 2
. Story house of 7 extra large rooms,
on sightly 100x108 corner, block of
streetcar, hot far out,' for only $1800.
Part down If -needed. Portland Homes
Co.. 204 Morrison st ' -
NICE plastered, 6 room cottage, cjrn.r
lot 40x126, rru iv roses, chicken pane,
woodshed, 3 blocks to car, graded street,
can have Immediate possession for $200
cash. Price onlv $1050. Main 5179.
A fine 6 room cottage on lot 41x93,
right near 28th and East Ankenv, $180!)
cash or $2000 terms. Phone Main 5179.
. $4000. ...
A good room house, tiartlv fur-
ished. 4 lota 146x146 feet area all In
bearing fruit and garden, good car serv
ice on 2 lines. See this property before
you invest, pnone Main S71. ,
" 604 Board of Trade.
TWO nice new 4 room cottages on cor-.
1 ner lot 60x108. near Union are, rloio
In; rented for $22 month, a snap; $3000.
Terms. 622 Worcester blk. Main 6179.
1 ACRE and good plastered house,
bearing trees,- -fine v soil, well im
proved, 4 blocks to car. $7500;-terms. '
623 Worcester blk. Main 6179. -A
MEETING 0 the stockholders of the
Portland Florence M. & L. Co., will be
held at. it office, room 18, 268 Stark
held al
ii., st T:
30 p. m.. April 28.,
GOING east; $C00,. new. house, corner
lot, $425 cash, 4 blocks south Mount
Scott car, Rayburn ata. C A. Williams,
owner. .... ...
BEAUTIFUL new home. 9 rooms, lPOx
128. on car line. Mt Tabor, vcrv sight
ly; $8000; easy terms. Phone Tsbor 42.
I room house and full lot 499 Dekum
ave.; 4 bedrooms, separate - bath and
toilet; close to depot; will be sold at a
bargain price. See photo at our office.
tnmetal Agenta, 405 onrnrdrddg.
11 acres at Jemue station on O. W.
. with running water, all In crop.
426 per acre, easy terms. ,
bouse, nice locality on east side, for Commercial f?Ik.. 2nd and Wajhlnrton.
sale cheap by owner, terma 207 Failing loTS AT A SNAP.
A BARGAIN 8 room house, modern
With bath, lot 60x100. fruit trees
rears old. Apply to owner. 910 E. 14th
IS Knone vtooaiawn est.
A neat 6 room house, nicely flnlehed
wun imnrqven street, ana nitre mun
able, at 1178 E. Main, nesr 2trt.
iuH real esuta, farm lands and Insur
ance, call on the Alblna Real Estate
m, wniiams ave. h'none E. 42
New 6 room house, let 60x109; urin
i. "7 carer,
Peninsular Sta
FOR FALE Beautiful corner, 100x109'
$1600. $409 cash. See owner. Phone
Wnodlawn 276.
amiv nay oirvci qi evners ana save
eotn mission.
ge to the Owners' Realty
206 Abir.gton bldg.
C. R. Dcnntll & Ca
Real Ustata Room 98s C ef tl
Tni.t Co.. room
f pvard or Trade bldg.; abstract a
$.009 buys new, mM,rn, 7 rom house
paved street: Holladay Para. Owner!
?l CHml' rf Commerce.
fvR SALE frn.ll hou. and lot In
Kern rk, $4eo. A bargain: terms.
Grubea 284 Board ef Trade bldg.
S comer lots 100x100. 16th and Skid
more, $500 canh. balance to suit: lots
are- well worth double tha price of
fered t by : must N sold. (144) !
LIVE acrea. cleared and under cultlva
tion. few minute walk from 6c car
llne on main roadf will make rood
chicken ranch. If yea want something
choice arrange to see this without de
le y. i?l Irv1nret. Phore A-l 73
FINE corner lot for .sale in the heart
of 8unnyslde: terms or cssh; owner
forced to sell to meet other payments.
Apply st -1126 E. Salmon or phone
Tabor 1177.
SIGHTLY rebidfiice lots. 60x100, on car-
liae: $259, $10 down, ii per. month.
Adiirees Box 62, Lents. '
CHEAP for caah, modern 4 room bunga
low. 789 E. 9th st N. Phone Wood-
lawn 2046. " '
$16005 room cottage. E. 9th near Fail
lng. Steelsmlth Marshall, (04 Board
of Trsde. . - .
NEW 6 room dwelling, lttiand modern
finish, on j:arUne $ 1250. Box 62.
220 H Ruauell at., furnlahed lioue, k-n-Ing
rooms and furnished rooms by the
FOR SALE on easy payments, .two lots
In a restricted dietrirt. H-I24. Journal.
124 ACRES.
Th finest r'ar n the nelghborhod.
1 mile from Ienta mile fiom Km.
tacada line, good new 4 room house,
nice barn and outbuildings, all c!are..
1 acre in strawhrrl. lian- In ber
ries and fmtts f d!fferert v.rftts.
40 4 rtosrd of Trale.
4 ROOM bungalow, modern. n-ar ear
line, kUfhen paneled. aheolutIy rtew;
a nap: $1900: terma Phone Woodiawn
1J2 or 915 W'-Mmi a v.
j5(, 4 room house near K. 12th and
Tillamook:. a!L Imprormeptt r?ai
teeismlth J MarsbalL 6O4 Board ef
ONE or two beautiful lots. N. W, cor
fcer Wehster and Montana; convenient
to eew hish erhooL
P aTNLT 3 eti-ctiens -Kv; fillints 4o,
HrJ Pinls lti"'. tit Vh.
WT TH A VK airtM"ng. i "t. le ik CZ
tii Board cf Ttala Mala 6149.
EIHT 60x116 fot lots, on PrwoM t.;
4!iS rh takes the kiim-K. Ptel
?tth A Marsb.ll. 4"4 of Trse
VERT rboir lot lrrtngtnn. imor.i ftre
nomea, srec'ai rrw-e for c.n. J. n
rtn. 931 Irvi st. A-MTl
Kear Albanv: 1T8 s-rs at i te
Scre: cn he divided; Bns so 1 a-i f , 1
Pwe'lsrid Pir, Lr.r-'
IXAP W a-ra all ur-r y,' i;
fine pir- i r Mr-'-r ) j
be In 1 rltr. 4 t; Vs f'im ,--r.
Prlc 2 !: rrt , -
p salesinss nfVa 1 rn Ci, ; .
rk,i.i( ".".'
; T i a .."-
12 fnl'es f- r1l. 1 S ' '-' I! I
IT w-e i r . i t. s i- - .
IF TOI' want to secure a fw
on the "'rsula 1st J1 advacce Ii i.
Tii'-je yspii t r-e A-54'!l
- runm b inslow. i:7f , 61st near 1
tKr,rr In. I-srie
r IK
per s -re.
im, - --
ST I 1 ' -c -'IT "
f 4 h , I , t
l- !i! r-sr K'r-.?-n
, r i . 1
K I '
of TVa5. t :
' .'.. i t 4
I t .