The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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Klfifj, TracU, -Held,
Nip - and Tuck; Match
Expected to Develop '
.'s "WTicn They Clash. ;,
By Piortman.
' As an : aftermath of th Columbia
. meat, speculation regarding tha relative
strength of th two big state-teams U I
rif. On paper, tha University of Or-
sron Is somewhat stronger than O. A. C.
rthouih botli Uunii have demonstrated
, that they hav athlete of class. In
tha two meets In which they have al
. ready participated. Huston, in sddltlon
: to being a crack sprinter, showed ability
by running; a close second to Smlthson.
' In Ills world's record race, that he will
prove formidable as a timber topper.
In. these, two events Huston will be I
closely pressed. In tha dashes by Bcott,
and In tha hurdles by ' Bergman, both
of O. A. a Scott Is a young runner,
' a product of last year's interclnss track
meet. 11 snows promise or aoing spien
' did thlriKS for tha eranre. Scott showed
development by defeating1 Moon In thai
norc aistance avents, at tn uoiumun
' meet i Means of the university shows
- promise oi mating a reputation xor mm
aelf in tha weights, aa he did .earlier Jn
: tha year In football.
O. A. & is fortunata In having three
: man of class to hurl the weights. Hall
in the hammer' and Wolff In tha shot
ara two men of championship caliber.
: They will have aa a teammata Enberg,
a recruit who first made good in foof
' ball and now by conscientious training
la doing good) work wlith tha three
Dlstanc Man Oat. ;
In tha distances tha university with
: Rlddell and - Davis to depend upon
aaems to hava a sHght advantage. Pros-
f acts looked bright for O. A. C. early
n the year for a strong team -in the
distances, but these hopes , have been
ahattered by sickness and tha faculty
rulings. First, Beaty, upon whom much
depended, was taken eick and had to
leave school; . Griggs, tha freshman who
' won the mila In tha intarsoholaatlo track
meet last year, and who has traveled
."the four laps in better time than 4:40,
. was taken sick, and as a final blow to
. the long distance men, Cross, tha main
Stav of the team and winner Of -. ths
cross country championship, Is at the
present time in bed with tha measles. It
will- be a. difficult problem for tha
Beavers to replace these men.
' In tha 4:40 tha university has a strong
man in Davis, while tha state college
-how- Mullin Punches Ball Over
practically conceded--to Chapman of O. '
A. C. In this event and thus far he has
Indicated equal strength with tha best
. at the university in the pole vault.
Williams, at the Columbia meet, won at
30 feet 8. The Judges of the vaulting
then raised- the bar to 11 feet, at which
' Height both men failed. The bar was
thnn lowered to 10 feet 8, the height
wnicn Dotn men naa previously jumpea.
a - "Williams in Second. , .
tn ths second Jump Williams succeed
ed In vaulting this height and Chan
man failed. The first place in the pole
vault waa given .to Willlanm. at the
' : f "
v . -. ;. - . - ' ' ' w - , ' -
--- - - 1 . :
Famous Fielder of Detroit Americana.
Fence With Two Ken
on'thcBags. . "
(United Press Teased Wlr.l
SsattH, April i 6, First Baseman Mol
lln of the Portland team broke, up what
looked Ilka a losing game in the eighth
yesterday when he-knocked the ball out
of the 'lot, scoring1 three runs, which to
gether with two more, gave the Colts a
total of five and the frame. Lynch, Ben
nett and JTriak-all lifted .the horaehlde
height of 10 feet 8( while Chapman was over tha fence, but unfortunately there
thta method of deciding-the
awarded second place, though he had
already Jumped tha same height The
writer is rathr,' lnipreslonitht
im matnoa or aeciains-uie oonuii
-.contrary to the recognised procedure in
ma jumping events.
In rule 2 in tha Official Handbook of
tha Intercollegiate Association govern
ing: amateur-atheletics, it is etated in
were no- men on bases. Two of these
four baggera. were . made during the
fourt vnng. - a a . m x ;
. Klnsella was fn great form. He
looked' to be more steady than Beaton.
although he allowed one more hit and
struck out one man less. Beaton whiffed
11 battera. while Klnsella fanned 10.
a large crowd saw tne game, which
It was
dandy came at. Vancouver
when 8t. . Johns won the
tha seoond section, "That in case of a waa the closing one of the series. Out
tie the points shall be divided.' As
i both Williams and Chapman vaulted
10- rest 8. the result waa surely e tie.
In this case each man should hava had
; four points. ' By chance it also hap
pened that an O. A. C. man : and. a
university man tied for third, and by
this method of settling the event the
points In the pole. vault should have
been divided, each team getting four
and one half points, and the score of
the meet would have been somewhat
different Oregon would have had Safe
points and tt A. C. 86 points.
All thing considered It is safe to
believe that the annual track meet be
tween the two state institutions will bo
f exceptional interest. t, , .
014 Star Coming1 Back. "
Tha annual lhterclasa track
of the eight games, Seattle allowed the
Portland tosaers but three, and is now
tiea with Bpoxane at,-the top or th
Tacoma comes here today1 for a week's
series, while Portland goes to Spokane;
ana Aoeraeen sijows at Vancouver. The
core:, 1 j- - :-. .
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Akin, 3b, P.
Raymond, at
Capron, If. .
Bennett, 2b,
lynch, Ct
rriak. rr.
Ma see, lb.
Shea, e
. T.,,, v. a. v. waa iwuuvi uriiiKK iv 1 Crocker
cb,. 41, nuuuM evi ho all tlia Ikllltvit-V
of the-various claasea, serving at the
same time as a tryout for the college
track team. An innovation has been
introduced that will -add materially to
tha Interest of the day. Soma of the
old stars have been invited to oome
back. and participate in a regular track
meet agafnet tha , college team.
: Kube Williams, whose fame as ' a
sprinter and ouarter mtltr r.rrt an
over the Pacific coast a few years ago, Mullin,-! b.
.viuniist-u 19 train umii May oay, 1 y, vi.
.and then .show - tltM vnnnira m, I 8 taton. 1 b.
things about traveling in, aplked shoes. I Bwanton, If.
r wrest emiinson WU1 run the hur-l'ron, q.
1 t
t f
1 t
a 0
0 0
0 10
0 0
1 0
1 1
4 0
1 0
1 0
Totals ............ja 8" T 1 II 2
Bauea ror aaagee in ninin.
Batted for shea In ninth.
Batted for Seaton in ninth.
, J AB. R. H. PO.
opening contest of the Tri-City season
from Vancouver,. 4 to 3. . There was a
fairly large - and a very appreciative
crowd present -and they fully enjoyed
the snappy way 1 the game was pulled
off, tha lack of umpire baiting; which
In seasons gone past has done much to
spoil Tri-CTty jleague games, and the
good head work shown by all the play
era ..- :.: V -.. - v,-.... ,
Vancouver didn't win but 4hey gave
the.Baints the run of their Uvea, and
not until Clark was thrown out at. the
plate in the last half of the ninth In
ning, making .the third out and spoiling
the hopes of victory of the Vanoouver
ites, was the game really decled. Clark
had walked and been sacrificed to sec
ond In that inning - when Trooh, the
Vancouver pitcher, who had been hit
ting the ball squarely on the nose. came
to cat. He met .the ball once more,
sending it far in the right garden to
Pembroke, who threw Clark out at the,
The run earlv develODed into a
cracker Jack pitcher's battle etietween
Btone ana -i roen jsoui - men were in
great form, keeping the hits fairly well
scattered and . having almost perfect
control of a mighty slippery Dan. a
liaht rain fell through the first three
innings of the game, making the play
tw nilhflr ... ... . ..v :
The Salnta came through with two
runs in the first inning, principally on
errors in the .. Vancouver - inneia ana
added two more In the sixth. Van
couver grabbed off one in the first, and
one each in the fifth and elxth. -
Mayor J. 3. Kigglns pitched the first
ball over the plate while Chief of Police
John Seaohrist caught it The. maor
used to be a good pitcner ana ne cre
ated julte a sensation when he curved
three out shoots over the plate. Trilby
Rankin gave good satisfaction- as urn
Terrible Swede -.'Ends Cou
r test In Greatest Finish
'f 'Ever Seen Here. . , .
Never In the history
of Portland
baseball has such another finish, taken
piafW, 11 ibii wiik-ii iui rrv mi htmi -
strings of 9000 fans yesterday, when
Ota Johnson poked the ball over tne
rlghtrield fence for th seventh and
winning run for the Beavers. Portland
went into the ninth Inning three runs
shy of the number needed to tie the
Angela. That splendid combination, Ol
son, Ort,1 McCredle and Johnson, was
due at bat The 1 to -8 score looked
overwhelming, but the do. or die spirit
cropped out lit everyone of them. Ol
son, than whom no harder worker . or
more - clever baaerunner has ever been.
known here, made iflrst on four ball.
Ort singled past Howard, ' and botn
first and second were occupied. ' This
raiV - on - the bags la a terror to any
pitcher in the league. : They were too
much for. the Koeatner-Orendorff lay
out and pulled off the hair-raising- dou-
Die steal, orenaoni wnippea tne Dan
to old Jud Smith, who. was sopor If lcally
guarding tmta oase. 1 ne norseniae
aot away ancf cantered down the left
field -line. Olson made home, -but Ort
was held at second.
Walter McCredle came to bat at this
Juncture.- He worried the youthful
Koeatner for a few moments, and then
smashed the ball at Smith so hard that
Jud couldn't handle It He made first
on -the bingle., Manager Mac very
promptly shooed hlmaelf - out of th
game and substituted Bpeas to run for
mm. tineas is a last one, ana Mccreaie
was using every- method to win the
arame. That loval bunch of blMchnr.
ites responded lo: the signal, and the
mightiest roar , ever heard there .went
UP. .. . ' ' : .v-v
sjwisa ssara ut Btano.
When Johnaon ambled' to tha elate.
the noise from the rooters was. ear
solittmg. The first ball over was
struck at ao hard that the awlsh was
heard 4n the arandatand. The second
heave was a ball and so was the third.
The fourth ball was a strike, and Koeat
ner Imagined he could sneak the fifth
ball acroes for a strike. It was a
trlaht one and cleaved the olate direct
v in the center hut Johnson had solved
it before It had traveled half th dls-
ance. If there is anything1 that John
son can murder it is a straight one.
With a mighty awing, Ote connected
with the ball and It went hurtling
hroush the air. toward the rla-ht flpld
fence. There waa a treat bunii l it.
but a good three feet separated it from
me riKnt. naia ioui line. - N
Bedlam broke loose when it mi cpn
that the ball had gone safely over. Ort
and Bpeas waited for Johnson and to
gether they dog trotted across. Ot
playfully maklnar a alMn for the r,lt
The whole team surged around him,
happy in congratulating th popular
captain. Even the Angela, bitter as
they are toward the Beavers, applaud
ed Johnson's feat
Bo far aa the game was concerned. It
Was mediocre. . Hltn an1 rrr
crowded into It, until the fans were on
tn verge cjf giving up the ghost.
uraney vnsteaay.
Oranev Was unateaAv mnA 1nv
like an Angel victory several times dur-
Portland started : nff tl h. t
, , , . ... . . vwvuu
11 11.
Jake Schaefer Is-JJccipient
'of Assistance From; Sport ,
, Followers Everywhere, i
Chicago, April 18. The world of
port has responded promptly and gen
erously to. the appeal .sent out .In be
half of Jake Schaefer, the Vwliard of
billiards," ; who has been compelled .to
retire, from active Ufa on account of
fulling health. - In Chicago, New York,
boa ton and other larice cltle through
out the country performance of vari
ous kinds sre to be given tonight th
proceeds of which will be devoted to
relieving th - distress that has over
taken th veteran cue wlelder. In
billiard rooms, hotel and clubs, every
where a "Kohaefer souvenir, booklet
has been placed on sale for th benefit
ei tne.runa,. --.
11 rw men are usuer anown in ins
world of sport that Schaefer, and none
enjoys a wider popularity. No man has
done more for billiards that he; none
has traveled more, to meet opponents,
and none has eclipsed him In the mas
tery of the gentleman's gam
Schaefer was .born in Milwaukee (4
years ago. ' At 14. while living in
Leavenworth, Kan.', n waa' the cham
pion bllliardlst of the town. His pub-,
lis debut, ws at Indianapolis in 1873,
and his first match with George Blos
son was also .played .in that oity.the
same year. . .... a, - . 1'
'-;..;...... Xaatara Sebn ia 1876. '.
' - In Waahlngton in 18T8 Schaefer mad
his debut in the east His first tourna
ment aonea ranee was In Tammany hall.
In Novemher. 1878. ' Three years later.
in New York, Schaefer won the world'a
ohamplonamn In a tournament witn
Blosaon, Bex ton, Gamier and other
famous maatera. ' In the years that
followed be displayed his skill in many
parts of the world .' fcnd defeated the
best players Of America apd Europe.
His last great match was played in
Paris with Cur for the 18.1 cham
pionship. Though In poor health at
the time and apparently hopelessly
beaten he came on at the finish with
great speed, running the gme , out
with the record run of Its. ;
fiinc then his health haa been gradu
ally falling and though he haa ap
peared in several championship matches,
fenerauy more man noiaina; nis own.
he Inroads of the dlseaser haa sapped
his strength until today ha : is little
more than a shadow of his former
self. For the past year he haa mad
bis noma in Jjenver.
Rlou Off at Wichita. Omaha at pf-
vpr.l'ea ftloln at I'ueblo. ami Top-
at Lincoln. Onlral Imru" pena U
aeaaon with Grand Itapiila, at va)t.
Houih bend at Zancavlllo, 1'vrt Vayit
at Kvanavllle, and Jtaylon at Terte
Hauta Ohio Slate league opens In
reason With Newark at t'ortNmuUi.
Mansfield at Marloa and LJuuk at Ln
easier. Saturday Annual Interacholaatlo
track and field .meet at th Univer
sity of Kan-taa. Annual InterachoUailc
track an. 1 field - bim at the Univer
sity of Mtsaourt Annual InterschoUa
tlo trH atnd field meet at Lel.ui.l
Stanford university. lowa-Mlnneaoia
dual athlelle meet at low Cltv. lnwn
Annual Marathon race of the Atlaaourl
Athletla olub of St. Leula. Weetern
aaaociatiou opens its seaaon with Mus-
lcoeA at (luthvla Reel ImewlllA mt V..I.I
Webb City at Joplln and Springfield"
at ritisDurf. 1 y - t
Toiichins: the Ileart.
Relllng a man a
suit at 118 that he
ror is sure to touch
his heart., we de that .. J. I Bowman
0.: mrtn sna Auer. . . . . ,
expected to pay 20
YEE Vt& . :
' Dlaeaaea of long standing1 permanent
ly cured.- No poisonous drugs used in
our remedtea . We use only herbs of tha
highest curative qualities known only to
tminrni vnineM meaicai men. W are
uccessrui when others ran.
cowanrtTATiow FMi "f!
. 149 H BUth St. . '.'.'-
Women a Specialty
The well known S. K. Chan
Chinese Medicine company,
with their wonderful herbs
and roots, has cured, many
sufferers when all other
remedies have failed. Sure
cure female, chronic, private
u , a ril H aiseaaea, nervousness, oiooa
nn,).R,(,aAll polaon. rheumatism, asth
ma, threat, lung troubles, consumption,
stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
of all kinds.- Remedies harmlean. Ho
operation. Honest treatment ETaml
natlon for ladlea by Krs. 8k X. Chan.
aae Morrison St., bet. rtrat and. Beooad
WAY 5,6,7,0
Corner Tlrat aad Waabingtoa gt.
$isoo vcsta or TKornxi to as
Offlo Ones Hvealaga.
TBornra ttMroii i proovos
Through th relief afforded to suffer
ing humanity in this Northwest, C Gee
Wo, the Chinese doctor, has been her
alded by all hi patient as the greatest
ef his kind. Ha treats any and all dis-
dineeses with simple yet powerful reme
dies, compounaea irom itoots. jierDs.
Barks and Bulba, many of which are
not found in this, country and their
heeling nropertles are familiar only to
Chinese scientists. , With these remedies
he guarantees to cure Catarrh, Oaneer,
Asthma, X.un Troubles, Xhenmatlsm,
jrrroasneaa, aiomaoa, utii ana a.iaaey
Troubles;- also Private Pleeaaea of Men
and Women. - . n ; . , f
Tf vou live out of town and cannot
call, writ for symptom blank and circu
lar, inclosing accents in stamps.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
laatt riBST bt oobheb moasisos
aroruana, uregon.
Monday Ooening of automobile car
nival week In New York. Annual tour
nament of Mississippi. Gun club opens
at Vlcksburg. -
Tuesday Start of four daya" automo.
bile endurance run at Detroit Open.
in of annual horse show of the
Brooklyn Ridlnff and Drtvlnar club.
weanesaay-uponin)-: oi me aeason or
the Tri-8tate Baseball learu. Jtmmr
Clabby vs. Jack Morgan, 10 rounds, at
Thursday-nnlnjr of annual iptinff
roir tournament at Atlantic i:iiy, i. j.
V-WJ. 8. a
Cooney, aa.
n....i . .
1 18
o i
huh iruiii ..a. i.
dies and Claude Swann will do a f ew Klnaeila, . v. 4
.of the stunts that- mad him famous IT T Z 'TT
aa an athlete. In the pole vault and I Totals , . 88 8 8 17 10
sprints he will have for his teammate, SCORE! BT INNINGS. - '
. SE17KwHr 'B !""f .vn" Seattl 0 I 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 8
Th.t. m. ini' .iw' iFort'and
' '- " ov,i, uuior um n mil
S 06
0 8 0 0 0 0 0
Two-base, hits RajTnond, Bwanton.
Horn runs Lynch, Bennett, Frisk, Mul-
lin. Sacrifice hits Raymond, Cooney.
Struck out By Seaton 11, by Klnsella
10. Base on balls Off Seaton t. Balk
Seaton. Double lay Capron. Ray-
or gams a
Flynn.- - ,
wui compete in a reR.i.r track meet.
on th aame day aa th Intarclaes track
meet., against the f Irat team. , Thar is
...JltU doubt but that th event will
be watched . with areat Interest. The
. old etars feel that they can tfTm the
, youngaters and the average anecta.toe
will hs interested to know how much l-mond and Ma fee. Tlma
... etnietio satu can be retained bv some hour T mlnutea Umptt
or tne men wno nav not competed for
.year. - -. . .
. aterscholastlo BUT AfTair.
. Th third annual Intefscholaatio track
meet to be conducted. by the Oregon
Agricultural coller will - doubtless be
' -larger fcnd finer than- tha meets he'd
In the two previous years. Two years
of experience has indicated to the man-
Fmi vanoua waya or adding to tha
luiwiinnii oi i meet. . jin the beat
high school athletee ar brought to
gether In this annual affair and sport
i among th state schools -Is largely en-
... con raited. ' . g
.- . Bplendld medals are awarde n
. men winning gold for f I rat, allver for Tacoma
. seconn. and oronwe.for third, .nnd a I Vancouver
euiimui rowai o in inaividual winning
- . NT i . . """" winning tn
meet will be awarded an oak shield n1
the team winning the relay tac will
be awarded a slmlhw trophy. ,
Jack Haney, who has demonstrata
' in mi manv atu
dent enterprlaea h haa Intereated him
sen in, naa oeen eejcted as general
manager, and P. H. Cal, the'euver
ton a-ued rpellblnder. will capital! his
p eloquence aa chairman of the finance
rhlraen. Anrll 28. If Battling Nelson
floea tiot cover Packey McFarland'a for-
felt of 86000 to insure his appearance
In the 45 round bount wnicn jamea
Poffroth has scheduled ' for Ban Fran
Cisco for July 8, tne articles or agree
ment will be null and void, according to
an announcement maoe toar ay nav
f ..Inn'. manao-ee larev DilmOre. -
n mora laid tnat mci anana vouima
him forfeit when he consented to the
match, but Coffroth evidently took Nel
son's word for his :. appearance. Oil
more thinks Nelson . want to postpone
the hnut until laoot day. ma m muon
concerned as to th posting of the as
surance money.
If Nelson s money is not up oy Apru
n " r.llmnrn aald. . "tha agreement. . as
far as we ar concerned. Is void. If
Nelson' money isn't up, how ar you
going to max nun rigntT .-. .
. Spokane 4, Aberdeen 8.
Spokane, Waak.,: April 21. Two ruhs
tn th first Inning allowed "Bpokane to
get a good start and th Indiana wtre
never headed. Boore:
flDokan .81010000
Aberdeen .0 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 01
. -j
Tacoma l, TnoOBTer 0.
Tacoma. Wash.. April II. Although
Hickey held Tacoma down to a no-hit
game yesterday, the Tigers won. 1 to 0.
Baker allowed th champion but three
nits., score:
..,.. 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 "I
,....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
American League Game.
' Chicago . ., 14 a
Ft. Ijfula 9 f ' I
BatteHes fVott and Fulllvan; Ora
ham and Rtephena. Umpires Ferine
and Sheridan. -
At Petroit . ."R.H.E.
petrvlt . .... ...;-8 4 1
Cleveland . a 8 0
Pa tterles inmmers and Schmidt
Wright nM Clarke, t'mplrts Kerin
and O liAnghlln.
nuiiiT AtrrsoKmzs bat
that eut-door exerr'e la aeded hy th
' Amr'n pe-j.l. That r ell very well,
hot. hew ran perTe with rhenmatlgtn
follow fat advi'e The intaer la
ver-r itffr ) HI't4 fao Unl
rnert ar.d the rt tumattrm will go;
leaving roa e ir'T aa a colt. G!ea
o'ip acd r'"arert rMf from rbe'i-e.-i-
. !- r -- e4 ..l
(ilna. . Pcld tr fckiOmore Lrug Ca.
V Pacific Coat League. ,
' won. Iat. .
Portland . .......10 , . 10 t
Ban Francisco .,..! 11
SaeramentO'. .....18 18
1mm Angeles ...... 1 II '
Vernon . .........10 If
Oakland . 10 . ,11 , ...
Korthwestent League
. Won. Lost. .
, i -,, 8
S - . 4
8 . 0
Seattle .
Bpokane .
V anceuver
Tacoma .
Portland .
Vnltr4 Pm Leaaed Wire. I
Chicago, April 14. It haa remained
for Charles Comlskey, the popular leader
f the White Box to taka up the one best
bet that Emperor Nero of Rome over
looked. Nero fiddled whea Rome burned.
but Comlakey went him several better
by ating ahortcake while his grand
atend at the American League park was
lam news of th conflagration tint
only faii3 to prevent Comlskey from
flniahin th luerlous shortcake filed
upon hie plat bat did not deter him
from eccertltg erond heldng f lb
delicacy. And all the tirn th great
stands bark of tke first base were galng
Xatiooal Leafne.
Wen. Loet.
Cincinnati . .... 7 - 4
Boaton . ... 4 . 8
Chicago .- 8-4
New York ....... -8
Pttuburg,. 4
Philadelphia ..... 8 4
Brooklyn ......... a 4
St.- Louie . ...... I
Ajrrt-riran Leajrne.
-' . .Won. Let-
New Tork ........ 4 1
I Detroit . .......... 7.. 8
Phtlafelphla . .... 4 .4
Boston . ........ 4 4
Ft. Lou I a 4 " 4
Chicago .
...... 4
. .". . . 8
T f
' .414
SS?a. WrPB- Vff , Kf pParJ TC
ngeies maoe rour
y-" 0Lii0i,pIof rTor nd three
5'ts. Portland put over another In the
u. . '.!?".?. mere was nothing else do
ing until tha ninth on either aid.
.iiV-airTJ? Angelea had
w aame in tne ninth, when
.V... put across, it was
m. miT -unimon came through with
fleor2l won tne gam.
Daley, cf. ...
Goodwin, lf
Wheeler. 1 h.
Howard. 8 b. .
Smith. 8b. ...
Delmas, sa. .,
Thompson, ef.
Orendorff, c
H.oesiner, p. .
Total . . . . .
AB. R. H.PO. A. E. i
4 11 0 10
5 0 2 4 0 1
4 1 1 10 1 0
4 1 0 0 6 0
4 0 8 0 0 0
4 1 "5 0 1 2
4 0 0 1 0 0
t I Z 1 1
4110 4 1
...7 0 11 14 ia
Ryan, cf.
uison, ss.
AB. R.H. PO. A. E.
. 8
ort, if.
McCredle, rf. ........ 8
Johnson, 8 b.
Hnsen. lb. ......
Kennedy, lb. ...
Armbruater, e. ..
Graney, n.
epeas, rr. ......
. 8
81 7 7 87 10
Los Angeles ..... 0 0 0 4 00 0-0 S
.. 0 8 1 8 0 0 1 3 111
Portland . , 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 i
. l l if 0.0 0 0 8 7
- - . SUMMART.
BtrucK out By Koestner, 8: Graney.
Bases On ball Off ICnaitn.. t-l
Oraney, . Two-base hits Johnson,
Delmas. Home run Johnson. Secrl-
ce nits 4J1SOH. THmnrm. Smith i
Stolen haaea .. Olaon. A rmhm.., r.
Hit by Bitched ball Ort Twr on
Loa Angeles, 11; Portland. 10. Time
ox game, i noura ana zo minutes. L'ra-
pire jucv;ariny. -
Tomorrow, at 10 a. m- and con
timiing through the week to April
30, at country uuo rtco track. .
Los Anrelea
loped an Franc
with Joe Corbet t Ditching, t
Vernoii S-O, Seal 8-3.
April 24. Vernon wal-
ancleco yesterday afternoon
rbett Ditching. to a Th. 1
seais won in tne mocning. scores:
Morning, gam R. II. E.
Ban rranclaco i. t s a
- . Tl
v ernon i a . a
uatteriea Kaatiev. hi e nil ixrti.
Hams: Harktaa and KlnkaL
Arternoon aame R H m
San Franclaco t 10 2
ernon . 1
wanene (orbett end Berrv: Elnrill
ana nogaa.
Oakland S-l,JBars 8-3. ,
San FranctscA. Aorll 14. Oakland and
eacrasnento oroa even yesterday, the
Oaks winning In the morning, t ta 1. 1
and th Senator in the afternoon. 8
tO 1.. . . v
The fact California horses by
Nutwood Wilkes. Diablo. Zombro
nd Sidney EHUon.
The Linn consignment from the
Satin Royal 2:15l and th West
horses. -. -
The Magnet, Zeltoka. Lord Love
lace 2:10. Lord Kitchener
Mike Duff 2:194. and a iur lot of
fancy Drivers and Matinee Proa.
pects. will be told tomorrow. Be
on tune, 10 a. m. .
Phlladelchla. Arrfl 78. "VlVe" Paw-
era. catcher for th Philadelphia Amer
icana, aiea at a noepttal nere today.
Po war recently underwent an opera-1
tion and for several duvi It baa been
nown that there was little fcp of hi
recovery. i
Iower waa on of th most DOnnlar I
irtemoera or im I'niiaoeiphia, team and
death ha east a Bloom ver locaJ
porting circles. . I
National League Gaines.
I At "t. liouis R.H.1
p in imnuft . IPt. Louie 4 14
in. ,ir jnroa em imi erering ana UMcaae 8 t 0 1 -
feet In l-ngth aa deetrored. The I jfeiter. rni,l a Moras. Laiplree , 1 JG.W"-
rtre. however, wltl not Interfere i th I o L'ar and Emelie
rm h-tng flared aa t-e remalei'ig. , ' 1 'aaBaBaBaBSBsaai
atanje are m:V,l terre enough to accom-
nto--m ine d. ai rrowrti
ToOay the fans ar eeta'i they ltnnw
mhr Corniegey I -!'ed -Tr-e i'f.4 V.n.
man" a-"l hey o"iter Ms feat a trii
ui to home r h i a
At ctnciseau r n. r.
rinrlenetl . ............ 112
llt'afHjrg 8. 1
t-altrlei rn-bee ed Vfl: Cn-
r'-a e OTaen. t'erp'ree auea and
250 of the finest horses tn Amer
ica, .varying from a Shetland colt.
weighing 38 pounds, to Dawn and
Daylight, the finest heavy carriage
pair of Laulornia. Koadsters.
matched pairs, saddlera, speed pros
pects, show norses, record and race
horae, stallions and mares of the
choicest breeding and promise, liv.
cry and general purpose stock.
Cattle sale May 1 at Union stock-
E-A car. Third and Yamhill.
Catalogue on application.
Lonch served on the grounds.
Portland Horse
Sale Co.
- ' 21 Hamilton Bldg.
Consult Me First
- Even though your cas may be on that
some other, doctor is able to cure, and though
his cure b absolutely thorough and perma
nent, there la yet good cause for your coming
to me for treatment.. The. service I render is ;
entirely unlike and better than tha ordinary,
I have devised new and scientific methods of
treating men's disease in all their phases. I
cur cases that others cannot cure, and cases ,
that others can euro tn less time and with
out pain or possibility of Injury. All my
forms of treatment have been perfected. along
exact harmony with th natural recuperative
force. Therefore, my cures ar painless,
prompt and thorough. f . .. . .. r
SB, Ti
IWiff VVait for My fee Until I Cure You
Th serious results that' may follow neg
lect of diseases could scarcely be exaggerate
i ed. Bafety demands an absolutely thorough
cur In th least posslbl time. I have treat-.
d mor eases of these disorders than any
other physician upon the Pacific coast..- My
cures ar thorough and ara -.accomplished in
less time than other forms of treatment rer
qutra in producing even doubtful results. I
employ remedies of my own devising, and
my treatment la equally effective in both
' recent and . chronlo eases.
: The vast multitude of men who have taken
my treatment hava not been disappointed.
fliey know that I do not promise mora than
perform. ' To them I hav actually Slus
t rated in the cure of their own cases th
truth of what I claim, namely, that my treat
ment Is aa certain to cure aa It Is that my
patient engages my service and follows my
directions, ily success is due not alone to
education, experience, skill and scientific
equipment, but to the fact - that I limit my
study and practice strictly to dlseaaea and
weaknesses of men. To male maladies alone
I hava earnestly and exclusively devoted 23
?ears of my life, end on them all my facul
les ar concentrated. ,
' Under my ' treatment
the most, aggravated
eases of varicose veins
are cured in a few days'
time. There Is no pain,
and it la seldom neces
sary that the patient be
detained from his occu
pation. I
If other . physicians
have treated you for so
called "weakness," you
were helped only tem
porarily, if at alt. and
tha reason la very ap
parent when th cause
of weakness In man Is
understood. "Weakness"
isn't a weakness at all.
but merely a symptom
of chronlo Inflammation
in th prostate gland. -.
I offer not only FREE consultation ' and - advic. hut of . everv eaaa
that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis with
out charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity and get ex
pert opinion about his trouble. .
If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. ; My -office are open
all day front I A. U. to i P. and Sundays from 10 to 1. ,
ooim acoaaxaoN ajto auscovo trmssTS 1
291y, MORRISON ST. (UPSTAIRS). Bet. 4th and 5th Sta.
Snickly. Safely and ThorouehJy WEAKNESS
FREE. If yon cannot call, writs for qun:.
lift and fite book.
Hoars from 9 a. nkj8 p, nu, and tundiyi irom 1J to 12.
The Oregon Sctlical Institu
ZSlll Morrisoa St, Bet. 40 a"d S Tcr.'i-i, Of - -