The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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ship km
French Windjammer Brings
Kepoit of Thrilling
. .- v.. ', 'y
C'ai(aln Cavelan Here Bevm ars
t Aro In French Hark Comil Hart
J'rrnrh Hark Jacolwen lyeavrs Vp
o Go to Llnnton Ballast PtSck.
It was a stormy trip for the French
nip Berengere, coming here from Mol
lndo. and when she reached her berth
. mo upiimi, dock ,ii llnnton he
weather-beaten sides -showed traces o
n. .tor dtyi the seas had pounded
. . . ti 4 . lvAB. ......... i . . . .
..: i'""" mvra ma. it, wu
.with difficulty any headway at all wax
marie and every now and then she was
lunru io riae wnarr Dare poles.
The Berengere in here to. load lumber1
jit Douin Arrica, under charter to Tay
lor, Young company, and will begin
receiving cargo as soon as the sand
, bnllast has been removed. . This will
only take a few .days.. It Is understood
iiiat me cargo wui be rurnlahed by the
North Pacific Lumber company.
Captain Cavelan, who brought ' tha
, xJi-rmigrrro npro, waa in fortland seven
years ago In the French bark Cornll Bart
and hence has a number of acquain-
lenees among the water front frater
nity. He came up from Llnnton thla
morning to enter the ship at the cus
torn house and to renew his ac.
oualntuncee. Two Knglish sailors, signed
tin hi moiienao, win De paid orr today
.and It la expected to fill out the crew
with Frenchmen before the vessel Is
rcany to aan hence."."1'., :'.',"" v-i-.v
"' The French bark Jacobsen, whlch 'ar
.rived at Astoria a few days ago from
- PIsagua, left up this morning and will
rscii iinnton soma time tomorrow to
ui-' urn e inuiast. .
The Jacobson is under charter to the
Oregon , .Pine Export ljumber company
".Iran ior ma i nuea Kingdom, nn,
too, ' had a stormy voyage coming
north. v.; , .. r. - . ,
al Bring" Frwirht From Porta on At
v lantic Coast and Europe.
" The American-Hawaiian liner' Rtver
stde. Captain Ramsellus, will be at Co
lumbia dock No. 1 this afternoon with
a freight from Europe and Atlantic coast
-ports, brie reaenea, Astoria early tins
-morning. "v , ; .
-1 The Riverside operates regularly he.
a tween Portland and San Francisco In
the American-Hawaiian line on a 14--day
schedule and carries large quantity
.,nf freight both ways. At San Francisco
ihe makes close : connections with the
""company a steamers plying between San
J-anelro end Salina Cruz, the Pacific
coast terminus of the Tehuantepeo rall
road. She brings from 200 to 1500 tons of
" freight each trip, but it Is expected that
before, her charted expires, about nine
..months hence, her 2600-ton capacity
"wil prove Inadequate to handle the rap-J-llv
Increasing traffic; .-' ' '
.'Is 'jit
- t
. f i.i.i
.si ; 1 j
Mil I
4 i
A4.. -.V .
; lJ aJ
,1 r. r,,ri,'r.....v,a,.,.ii.wiaA-yy' i
' (SpeeUl PUpStrh to Tb Jowsil.) "
Forest Grove, Or, April !. The Tri-
Clty league season opened here yester
day wttb 'the Colts" defending "tne
home lot against the Alblna "Red Sox."
Tha visitors won i to after a hard
fought struggle in which both ' teams
played blg league bell. There were HQ
fsncy 'frills or ceremonies to mark the
Inauguration of .organised -bsll, no au
tomobile parnAe, no blare of brass trum.
pets, no pitching of bails by loral dig
nitaries, no Imonilna of cannon: Just the
customary announcement of the bat
teries for the day, tho sweeping of the
plate with a brand new broom and then
the sbsrp, authoritative call of Umpire
t.oog i'lay Daii,' ana tne siurr was
off. A big crowd of enthuslastio fans
was In evidence and rooted for the home
guard to beat the band. -
A dnlegatlon from Hllleboro, overS00
strong, came up and boosted Impartial
ly for .both teams.- The visitors got
busy in the set away and rang the
bell once. - McConnell flew out to flrnt,
Fleming walked on wide ones and pil
fered second. Mangold fanned - the
osnne. Hatch drove one out to left
and Fleming went to third, scoring on a
wild pitch. Brtggs found a bat full of
holes and went to tne waiar oucaei,
thla ending the half. v )
Forest Grove came back ' with two
runs. Kappell, the nifty third sackec.
secured a hit through, left Kelt punched
a fielder's choice, which Mangold
messed up a little. Brown bunted and
was too stow going io nrsi; auipjieii
sneaked over the pan, while the play
Kelt came m later on a oum
average In the dining-room fell away
and be became melancholy.
' Finally the lure of the California girl
E roved too strong and a fw days ago
nrlght quietly allppd away.
K'irlght played tuii Imll In Kacramanto
before he jollied the Cardinals and the
fit. lunula teat pnught hlf release from
liacramento for IIOOU.
-. .. 5S
Tha Colsts defeated , the Thompson
Brothers' team Saturday, II o . The
Colts challenge any team in the v city.
Phone Main 17S, between I and 7 p. m.
Licnta has a crackerjack baseball team
and would like to get games with any
nulls Is secretary of the I.ents club
and will .receive all challenges. Ad
dress him box 47, Jenls, Or.
Oreaham High school defeated Oregon
City High school Haturday. 6 to S. Tha
game was exciting from beginning Jo
Brooklyn defeated South Portland In
a close and exulting game, 4 to 2.
es games with teams un
Call Bellwood 17. or ad-
Brooklyn deitlrpa v&ma with trams un-
oer IV years. Call tSellwoo
dress 662 Frederick street.
' Count Laifcr Szchenyl' and Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderbllt.' This Is a
snapshot of the count and Mrs, Vanderbllt as they were walking down
Fifth avenue.' : ' , " 1
i Roiort lias Ships Croblock and Ley
; ' land Bros. Engaged.
' From San Francisco comes the report
" that the British ships Brablock and
. Ieyland Bros, have been chartered by
the pacific Export Lumber company of
r, this city to load lumber here for the
United Kingdom.
" : The report is denied ? here..' however,
)and neither the agents of the vessels
nor' the captains have been Informed of
" the rumored transaction. : Negotiations
have been on for the charter of these
, two windjammers for some time, but
(from Information obtainable hers the
owners seem io preier noiaing tne ves;
" sels'for sraln caraoes.
. The Brablock and Leyland Bros, have
, been lying idle In the harbor a good
t while. The Leyland Bros is at the O.
-V. P. wharf and the Brablock ia at the
Oceanic dock.
bla river, for San Pedro. Sailed at 11
a. -m steamer Daisy Mitchell, for Port
land. . .; - .-. ., "V
' Eureka, April SS. -Arrived, steamer
Cleo. W.- Elder, from .San Pedro, for
Portland. - r
Coos Bay, April 28. Arrived, steamer
Eureka, from Portland, for Eureka.
Astoria, April-26. Condition at the
mouth of 'the river at 8 a m., smooth;
wind southeast 80 miles; weather
flnuriv.:, ... ' ..... .
Tides at Astoria Tuesday: High
water. 1:05 a. m.. 7.J feet; 8:08 p. m.
6.7 feet; low water, 0:38 a. m 8.9 feet
l:lt p. m.. 0.8 feet.
c Steamer, Rose City Reaches
i Francisco in 48 Hours
The Harrlman liner Rose City, Cap
"taln Maon. made a rattling quick run
L,to San -Francisco this trip by covering
- the distance from wharf to wharf Jn
- 48 hours. This Is about as good as has
J;" been made for some time. '
,' The big liner was assisted materially
.by a strong northwest breese that start
led blowing as soon as she got outside
isiturday evening. Under ordinary con
V illtlong, the Rose City usually reels off
about 14 knots. , : -v
f The steamer Breakwater, which ar
rived here last night from Coos Bar
; made a fast run south but had to buck
the headwind comlnv north. She brought
m passengers, 7 8 tons or scrap Iron.
two carloads of condensed milk, -one
. car of sashes for Chicago and 60 tons
r miscellaneous freight.
The steam schooner F. S. Loop ar
rived at th. miHs of 1 Inman-Poulsen
Lumber, company this afternoon to load
a return cargo of lumber.: Biie wm
completer tha cargo at prescott' ana
The . steam .schooner J. B. Stetson
reached the river this morning to load
lumber for fean Francisco at one of
the mills oil the lower Columbia. .
The steamers Sue H. Elmore and Argo
leave here this evening for Tillamook,
tha former from Couch street dock and
the latter from Oak street. .
The weather bureau received a. wire
less dispatch this morning from the
steamer President orr tne norm wasn
ington coast reporting the following
weather conditions: At 5 a. m., barom
eter S0:30. temperature 48, wind north
west and llehl, weather ciouay.
Frank Gtllam frOm Washington, D. C.
nasned -through Portland this morning
on his way to Seattle, Where he will
have charge of the'weather bureau ex
hibit. : He was accompanied by his wife.
egalar llnera Dae te Arrtrs. '
Senator. San 'Francisco April ST
George W. Elder. San Pedro.. . .April 87
Alliance, Coos Bay ... ........ .April 29
Argo, San Francisco. ......... .ADrll 80
Breakwater, Coos Bay , May 2
Aiesia, orient ..... i ............ May 3
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook May' 3
KurcKa. KureKa and way, . .
Rose City, San Francisco..
Riverside. Sun Francisco. .
Arabia, orient ; ........... ,
Rygja. orient .. ................June S
Numantla. orient ............. .Juno tt
Selja. orient ...... ............ June 28
lienriK josen, orient
J. B. Stetson, Am. SB., ..... .St. Helens
Riverside, Am. ss. .Columbia No. 1
: JBa Beute to XrfaoV IazntMr.
Wellesley, Am. ss. . . . ...San Francisco
Amoranth, Am. bktn. . . ...San Francisco
Nome City, Am, aa San. Francisco
Tamalpals, Am. ss. San Pedro
Carlos, Am. aa ., . ...... sSan Francisco
Schwanxenbek, Ger. bk... Santa Rosalia
Argo. Tillamook ............ .April 2fl
Majestic. Am. ss. ....... .Fan Francisco
Cascade, Am. es, ....... .Pan Francisco
Yellowstone, Am. ss. ....San Francisco
Palsy Mitchell, Am. ss...Sarr Francisco
Claremont, Am. sa....... San Francisco
Sa Route Wita Cement aa4 Oeneral.
Gulf Stream. Br. bk. ....... . ..Antwerp
Poltallock. Br. sh. ......... . . . Antwern
Wavertree, Br, sh,. , . . . . , .Ellesmereport
Matterhorn, Br. sh. , . Newcastle-on-Tyne
Bibin Chevaye, Fr. bk .Antwerp
crown or uermany. nr. ba. . . .Antwerp
Genevieve Molinos, Fr. bk. ... .Antwerp
Marecnaei de wastries, tr. DKi.uiasgow
General Faldherbe, Fr. bk. Antwerp
uaei. r r. dk .Lonaon
La Rochajaquelln, Fr. bk. .....Antwerp
Tramp Steamers Xn Bonte.
Clan McFarlane, Br. as. .Victoria, B. C
Xn Konte to XMa4 OraJn. .
Le Peller, Fr. bk .'..Europe
Le Her mite. Fr. bk .EuroDe
iNeuniy. tr. dk, ........... .....Europe
t'ornll Bart, Fr. bk. ........ ....Kurope
fTleda. Ger. , sh. ...Honolulu
Llsbeth, Ger.- sh. ...v. ..San Diego
MIchelet, Fr. bk. . . .Fleetwood
Turgot, Fr. bk. ......Hull
Montcalm, Fr, bk. ............ .Adolaldn
Col. VHlebols Mareuil. Fr. bk.. Australia
Bavard.- Fr. bk Australia
Vlncennes, Fr. bk.. Europe
Bidart. Fr. bk. .Nagasaki
Xn Xonts With Coal.
Hoche. Fr. bk. .... . .Newcastle. N. 8. W.
Joinvllle, Fr. bk.... Newcastle. N. 8. W.
was on.
heave by "Slats" Crosby. Moore and
Clark each struck out.
In the next .canto Robinson got busy
and the "Red Sox" failed to connect.
A fast double play by Fleming and Par-
rott extinguished ine nopes or, tne cons
In their half. "Rudy" Shults popped up
n easy one to Mangold. i
Nothing doing by. either side until
the fourth inning, when hits by Hatch
and Parrottj the dropping of a fly by
w. Hnuns ana tne booting or snortstoo
Clark allowed Mangold, Hatch ' and
Briggs to register at Catcher Kelt's
front gate. The balance of the story
by chapters la one, two, three and out
for both teams.
Crosby who twirled for the Tted Sox
was in fine form, allowing but five hits.
Robinson, for the Colts, waa also good.
but was accorded poor support at criti
cal times. Flemlnr Hatch. Parrott and
Brock starred for AlMna. Kappell and
Moore won ' laurels for Forest Grove.
Kappell especially made a fine showlna
wun tne suck ana position
like a big leaguer, Roy Cook's work
with the Indicator was commendable
and satisfactory. Secretary Harry K.
Smith witnessed the game ''from the
player's bench. . . .-,
Next Sunday the Colts meet the St
Johns "Apostles" ..on the home grounds.
...May 3
...May 4
...May 10
, , June 7
Death Roll of
the Northwest
Home runs won for both teams.
Oakland comes tomorrow. We took
five straight last out. . - .
Johnson got home nlftily aftir being
caugnc oeiween oases yeeteroay.
... '
That fellow Olson Is a marvel on tha
bags. He Is a second Ty Cobb for dar
Ing. -. . .....
Little Ote Johnson junior got a nice
present from the fans yesterday. When
his iatner rapped out that homer.
On the streets last night tha only
question waa. "Did you see the game?
wnai aia you tning or itr . , .
' ; Thomas 'Werrjr Williams.
Grants Pass, Or., "April 26. The fu
neral of Thomas Worry Williams, Sr.,
occurred from the Newman Methodist
Aug. gjenuren mis, city, yesieraay anornoon.
KegaUUr Xdaers Use to Dasart. Iterment occurrl at lldd KVllows' nim
jino ten up ac i a. m.. st
"Loop; from San Francisco. ,
2 20 and left up at 8:1 a. r
. J. B. Stetson, from San Frar
nt. steamer
Astoria. April 28. Arrived at 5:25
Jsnd left up at 6 a. m.. steamer River
.nlde. from San .Francisco. Arrived at 6
..and left up at 7 a. m steamer F. 8.
Arrived at
Yokohama, April 28. Arrived. ' Car-
- man steamer Numantla, from Portland.
San Francisco. April 2. --Arrived at
a. m., steamer Rose City,' from Port
lsnd. . .
Astoria, April 2B. Arrln
"midnight and sailed at 8 a.
. .ome i -lty, ror San Francisco. Arrived
down st t and sailed at 8 a. nv. steam
ier Eureka,, for Eureka via Coos Bay.
Arrived down at 6 snd salled'at a. m.,
steamer Alliance.' for Coos Bay. Ar
- rived at :80 and left un at 11a. m.,
s steamer Breakwater, from Cooe Bay.
l.eft up at 11:80 p. r., French bark
.Jacobson. Arrived down et ( and Bailed
7 p. m.. steamer Caeco. for Santa
; Barbara, and steamer Olympic for San
San Francisco. Acrtl 21. KaMd at 1
'S. m.. steamer Claremont, for Portland.
. Arr-ivA mt 1A an m ..(fn. . . . K
in., stvamer , Yellowstone, from Colum-
Sue .Elmore, 8lllamook ...
Argo. Tillamook , ...
Breakwater, Coos Bay .....
George W. Eldar, San Pedro
Riverside, Sar. Francisco- ,
Alliance, Coos Bay ........
Senator, "San Francisco.;,.,
Eureka." Eureka and Coos...
Rose city. San Francisco..
A 1 I I .
AjeniB, vneni ....
Arabia, orient ....
Rygja. orient
Numantlo. orient
Sella, orient
Henrik Ibsen, orient
.April 28tery.i Mr. Williams was a pioneer rest
.Aprii zn iaent ;oi .urants pass, having resided
April 28 here almost from the time the town had
April ss i its beginning. He was born in England
April 29 I in 1832. When his grown sons, Thomas
.May 1 land John, came to America and sent
.May .1 l favorable reports home of t the "land
May -6 (of the free." of Its opportunities and
May sinHviinlliPM. thA fnth mtau Inifiifo .
.........ia7 I break away from the mother soil , and
jane I coma to America. The familv lncludinar
Even the Icebergs in the press box
graDDea eacn otner oy uie nair in
frenzy of delight. -
, Three hits In the second Inning didn't
get the Angels a score, which all goes
to snow wnai runny Mings naDDen in
baseball. '..o:... '-. ... ....
Kostner was told to throw wide to
Johnson in the ninth and pass him. but
the youngster . evidently thought he
could whiff the "Terrible Swede."
Soma 11 bluecoats were Seen among
the audience. There waa no attempt to
heave cushions yesterday, which gave
much pleasure to the crowd.
The big crowd was handled nicely
throughout the game, indicating . that
the McCredles are dotna- their bnst to
make it comfortable for spectators.
Will the "knockers" of Pearl Casey's
team remember this: i That the Colts !
Wftrfl COI1ACTA1 111 IMIhan .n.V...
that most of them had never heard of
one another, much less played together;
that winning ball teams are not made
In a day. and that taking-three game
out of nine is not such poor business
under the circumstances.
The Dally Newsbovs defeated the Vio
let Oats nine by the store of 19 to 8.
The newly organised Cubs would like
to have Sundav aames with teams av
eraging 18 years of age. They are also
In need of an outfielder. Call. up L.
Regner, Main 8814. .
The Watts A Mattlew team defeated
the Sell wood team Sunday morning, 9
to 0, .The .Watt A Matthiew team
wanta out of town games. . Address
Jesse Courtney, 21 5 Fargo street.'
The Portland Gun company won from
the Rosebuds yesterday, 14 to 3. The
winners will play Sherwood Sunday. at
Sherwood. ,
In a hotly played contest yesterday
afternoon the Rlvervlew team defeated
Cottel's team by the score of to 0.
No errors were made by either team.
The Stevens ball nine won an easy
victory from the Woodstock, team Sun
day, the score being 20 to 2. Teams
consisting of players not" over 20 years
may get games from the Stevens by
calling up ira voss. Kenwood 78. Nex
Sunday the Stevens play the .Rosebuds
on .the Beech street grounds. ..-
The South Portland Juniors defeated
Halght's team by the score of 10 to 7.
l ne game was wen piayea. , -
w ' . . ' : v . . .. . .
(United Prr Leased Wire.) :
Chicago, April 28. Jack Johnson" Is
"In bad" with the National Sporting- club
or - London, according ' to ; letters j re
ceived today from A. F. Bettlnson, man.
ager of tho organisation. : '
Bettlnson flatly denies ' Johnson's
statement that he did not sign an agree
ment to meet 8am Langford in London
and encloses a copy of the articles he
alleges the negro approved. Johnson's
statement that his former manager,
Sam Fitzpartick, might have signed, the
articles for the fight is also denied. Bet
tlnson declares that Johnson agreed to
fight, having suggested it himself, in
the presence of Fitzpatrlck and that he
piacea nis own signature on ' tne ar
tides. .
The Steel Bridge Push elub withhold
a meeting tonight at I o'clock at 143
Holladay avenue to hear the report of
the special committee appointed some
lime ago in protest against the chang
ing of the location of the present steel
This special committee will report
progress In its work and In addition
all of the committees, that have been
working' on the campaign against a
change in the location of tne bridge will
make their reports.
Much Interest Is being taken in this
work snd it Is expected that there will
be a large attendance. ' People of the
cat side are becoming aroused over the
contemplated change In the direct route
of the cars croaalng the bridge and are
aiding the Push club In its efforts to
prevent the change. It Is understood
that the committees will have much t
report favorable to the retentloo of tha
present location for the bridge.
. . UlUX AMs Wil xujhj .a.
Itosebtirg. Or., April 28. Sheriff Fen
ton and Constable Ed Klnglston yeater-
itai. .nlii,..l , . ... w.Mn win. rf I II I IT 1 1
the Wilder A A gee store here Friday
All the stolen articles were recovered.
One had on a suit which had been taken
from the store. They gave tha nameK
of James J. Johnson-of Heattle and l'-'l.
Tracy of New York. They are about.
23 years old. '
Tliey started to walk out or town ante
their big suitcase attracted attention.
Tney conressed to rohbery wneu
overtaken .by the sheriff near Oakland.
Several shots were fired by the sherlf (,
to stop them. No one was hurt. They
nan rougnc over the spoils and had sep.
arated Just before being taken. '
. -'
Y. M. a A. RUNNERS . .
.June 18
.July (
.July IS
.Aug. 17 I
several . married relatives, located a
Grants Pass. At tbs funral veaterdav
a large number of relatives were pres
ent, ana many or tnem were at tne ceci-
side when the - pioneer passed away,
Though quiet and reserved tn dlsDosl
tlon. his sterling qualities won for him
a host or mends. ills sons. . John,
- sssela si
Leyland Bros., Br. sh. ........ .O. W. P.
Donna FraScesca. Br. bk. .Astoria
ChurchiU, Am. soli. .........,.. Astoria I Thomas and SamueL and his daughters.
"'"", Am. h-ii ..Astoria i Mra t tenaau and , Airs, demo, are
W . W. Jewett- ARL SCll. ......... Astoria Inrnmln-nt TimMnm tf hla fitv Tnhn
lYMmmion, Am. mm uryaorK i and xnomas Williams have been Identl-
rro(siiria, Br. ns.. ......u. w. p.iried with the municipal and general in
Hraniocn, Fr. Mc. ,...,,,.,.. . .Ornanio I terests of Grants Pass from the be
Pundee. Rna bk... Knartptoa I ginning, and are among the heaviest
ij ........-.. runnier i property owners or tho city and county.
Ai i nutria i nrmoFa tnose sons ana aaugnters, Mr,
Y, Jr vi i "r- """' " I " "l,am" 'eaves an ageo widow. Me
y. c. iiviinw. am. K. v,Mion i devout innatiaii, ond waa a mei
V ' ,u .,.....uppe of the "mother Methodist" church last!
. u,iF - .i.mnton ifntea ana organized by John W
r i . uft.,,,,.....,,,,L,innuia
Jacobson. Fr. bk... ...Llnnton
Clan M Farlane, Br. aa....,.I. p. Mills
ane li. Klraore. Am. aa... . .Couch street
Art-n, Am. as Oak atreet
T. 8. Loop. Am. ss Inmsn-Fnulsen
Distress From a Disordered
Stomach and Indigestion
Are Relieved in Five Min-
. utes.', .
f ; h r if redta wha ere rt
:-mih treble fciw the trtrTtdous
,.',, 1 1 i !. ceiid ta t,iarTeln
- turn' 1-M f rtrtl(Mi m I'.i t f-mt
, , fi.x, wi' t tt . ihlt fiias
- , ,. Yr frtrt. sd r. i lr. t Mjr.f
:nrl lt flu tn tnut. br4
' '"i " f-jl. MUHeai Vr
5. rm ' n
4. . ! at t shew y
f .- -J Kt1 4KB h
-t - ' ii t '-i-! i n. '
f tr . ;'t.J hf liit I
W. H. Wehning. prearaent of the Ore-
goa A.-Y.-P. fair eomrnlsalon, returned
to Portland this morning after a week'a
visit in (Seattle. He resorts the work
Ion the Oregon building to be rapidly
neartng completion.
l his week the force Is at work on a
hnge exhibiting refrigerator. It is made
principally or plate and marble and le
to tm used to show off the dairy exhibit
ef tea state. . It is situated on the
MS 1 ta rlAAr
promptly Indigestion snd reroova I Th dcnrator In rhirn nt .. 4
aj-fraasns as hrtbura, a filing on the frieze around the dome ef the
LTi V. ' 'Ta ,n store-n.lpuiidir.g is putting on the finishing
tx-tfblsc ef ga and eructations of nn- inurhM Tha a i 1- onta. -r- .
--i i"-". wi'r rrain. nmw-, nni- i thuelastK over the frlese and (timl It
nv. Miiovotm aiui mm r ot hr bail I tn ha mi af tha h, imi.. ....
nr "liiirM in Keen ycor etoBaawh
tn mieiinea eieaa sag fresh.
ir A"ur stomach Is sour
fxd Vag"t - l'n. and re
IIatI-s Women at This Chnrrh.
lUalteS Praat ImnI W1x.
Palo Alto. CaO. April 28. In the fil
er roor
araarl SJmI Vflnr , tnaa ia
" rno. war wot t a layout
: - ' w-mr ' 'iai ana irtKf nan tna wvman vhn m t t-n.f 1 .... .
wnrth II tins 7 Abfhn rn f frr.m I 1 r.m trah.i.H.. .hnw i ,ki.
r.i!T -Z. ? .frr't' dig-wtwwi wl'l r no hats. This decision Is the
r;,"J: .,71. . . . ' 7 t"ir-ait Nf . conrrn- of the mambers
rtv misetaa ' aftar. !. ba.4a. r caaa i r f tne lull's' cirri- of tha rhnrrh nrf
' uffwHa.t t cere a vhoia r.
l- ff ur trmjhla.
Parlr a hr. Invpenstva prrr-
' i Ir-reln w h will s.vav-e ( aitTa or daring a'cH. ra.
t""T "orn'k r,iT IB4 a'g""t
y-t"'T ',. fa ihnnl mm hr"r an1 tl
nha a u.irg as r rad have la it
" f 'loi was tkn In view of tha ao.
rtunwr Mil nnw In rnipw. T"
'"4" tha wnman arpearad at worship
'' t the uaual he1rar. for ne
frt tsrri Tha rut tor r tha ,bitt
Rr. Waltar HvfS. snil the mm nf
ta rmarrrratinn have arnounca'I them-
maca sieased wita ti.a innax -
New Tork. April 2(a-New York's sec
ond annual automobile carnival, ' for
which preparations have been going for
ward for several months, onened to
day under most promising auspices. The
carnival, has become an affair of auch
magnitude that many- persons predict
thai it will eventually become as great
in .importance to jNew xork city as the
Mardl Gras celebration is to New Or
leans. f:-y .
The program for the carnival this
year covers an enure week and is
filled -with attractive features. The
initial event toflay was a hill climb at
Fort George. Tomorrow haa been set
aside -for special straightaway races
and . speed trials over the Ocean- Park
way. Other events on the program are
gymxana games, obstacle races, endur
ance runs and carnival parades. .
. ..- -' i ' ; v ;-
(United Press teaaed Wire.) .
At. TjOlliaL Anrll 9 A R.nan.. a Vial, nf
bright eyes of a fair California girl con
stantly haunted him, Charlie Enright,
the younr shortstoo Of the St. Louis
Cardinals quietly'' packed his grip, left
hte. salary In the hands of the manager
and today Is on hla way to the western
state with a ticket. to Sacramento. Cal '
in hi pocket. .
EnrighL who t 11 vaari if are. eas
ily made good with the Cardinals and!
wss showing s flash of SDeed in the
spring practice and opening games that
astonished his teammatea. Then the
lad's playing took a slump, his batting
Fhysical Director Qrllley, , who took
six of the T. M. C. A.'s long distance
runners entered in the Salem-Portland
relay race, over the course Saturday,
says that ever v thin a is shaolnar about
for tha best race in the history of the
event. Chemawa Indians have captured
tha relay both' times, but Grtlley enter
tains high hopes that his runners will
carry off tho medals and Honey man cup.
The Indiana havO arranged to run
over the course Thursday and Frid.ty
and will be in excellent shape : to take
it again on. Saturday, the dav of the
race. Sixty-men ara in training for the
Indian team of 10 men.
Hill Military academy Saturday de
feated the combined track teams of -Pa
cific college and Newberg High school
at Newberg bv a score of 71 to 4S
points. Captain Graham of Hill Mili
tary academy didn't v accompany his
team on account of a death in his fam
ily,. -; -V ., .,.,.-. ,,;
The Hill Military academy was made
welcome at the Newberar Commercial
club which had opened its quarters for
the use of the visiting, team, and Hill
Military academy wishes to exnresa its
sincere appreciation of the favor.
. The cadets report a roval rood tlms
and are loud In their praise of the eour
teoua sportsmanlike treatment accorded
tnem by meir hosts, pacific college and
ruBwuerg raiga scnoui.
De Luxe
Commencin'May 2, the Canadian Pacific will ine
auffurate .THROUGH FAST SERVICJ3 between
, Portland arid. St. Paul, via the . - , '
New Scenic Route
Wide vestibuled, electric-Hghte'd trains, consisting
,of first:class "coaches, standards sleepers; .tourist
sleepers, ; dining car buffet, library, compartment
- observation cars. , "
This Finest' Equipped
Train in the West
, For rates and full particulars apply, at local office
Insist on Your Route
Name The' Pioneer Limited to the ticket
agent and he will understand that you want
the best there is in train service from the
: Twin cities to Chicago. ' Insist on your .
ticket reading via the " v
Chicago, Milwaukee
& St Paul Railway
The Overland Limited, Omaha to Chicago,
and The Southwest Limited, Kansas City to
Chicago, are also favorite trains east, and
should be included in your itinerary.
Why not go one way and return another?
Moe Ruvensky, a l-y ear-old boy,
playing with the Cottel baseball nine
yesterday, suffered a broken arm 'dur
ing the game. He had made a long hit
and was running from first to second
wnen ne supped ana ren on his arm,
breaking 4t above the wrist He grew
suddenly faint and was carried home by
his young companions. - He ia a son of
I Ruvensky, :. operator of a furniture
ractory. - ,-.', , . v
General Agent
134 Third Street Portland
u- t-
u 11 WU 15
Relieves consumption, curra catarrh,
sttHina, bmnrhltla, toasilitia -croup.
-ou he and colds, or money berk.
Braatha it In, that s all. Conpieta out
fit, tr-Modlng InhaJr. 1H. Kitra bot
la llfnal s cant. Ouarantaad by
ort.r. nrke A ra. Sold by leading
drugit evtrywher.
Commencing MAY 3
Performances .Dally S and t p. ra.
Norris & Rowe
cxmcrra cvTirt, KigAOEin
- AJTD XirrOSalOXB ...
S Rings, i Elevated Stages. '
26th and Raleigh
OatAjrXt riU TatllTT TAJLADM
.. . 1Q:30 A. iT. SAZX.T
Ta Tlylaf BaavarSe
Settler's Coavedy Xlepfaaats
Bakar "rroar-a. CyeUrta
. 4irralaat of
- Asaarleaa Barebawk BJ4rs
Xeraog s Staiil e
Per El "
Ooens for Sale
,Y6u can make reservations
now at tiie "ground floor' or
opening; price,' and you will
make money if you do this.
Delay is disastrous. , First
come gets first choice.
' ' ' '
The Jacobs-StLne Co, 143 Fifth Street '
Please mail words and music to the beautiful Scotch song.
Xame -i ........
Address .... I..!.. ...... ......