) THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, . APRIL 24. ' I00D. ' . i ) , fS SOLO TO 1 ' m Suggfcstiye Questions on the Sunday. , V School Lesson ly Rev. Dr.1 X. S. Linscott SVrJDICATE , Capitalists Headed by C. K. Henry Buy 450 "Acres on East Side' for $1,150,000 Property to Go on Market July Hasel. Fern farm, tbe fine east slds property of the I.add estate, has passed Into the hands of a syndicate of' Port land and- Beat tie capitalist, headed by Charles K. Henry, it In understood that the syndicate ia obliged to , jay , ths Xadds $1,460,000 for the propety. The farm constats of about 460' acres and Ilea between the Base Line' road on the south and the Burr road on the . north, East Thirty-third, street on the west and, Kant Forty-fourth street on . .the east. It Is announced that 'Mr. Henry will associate .with him In the management of the property F. F. Meade and Paul C. Murphy of Seattle and H. R. Burk of Portland. . ' Heveral months ago the Ladtls em ployed Olmsted Brothers of Boston to Plat the nrooertv. The ulnn of the i mmsteds does not follow the platting system as adopted In tha rest, of the . I'lty, but' to iome extent the; streets were made to conform to the contour nj ins tanas. According to their plan the entire tract contains 4880 lots, which it is said, will be put on sale by ' Rna sssociates-saoout. July-1. For the past two or three .years, dur ing the extensive fealty development in Portland, wonder has been expressed thst some . syndicate did not get -con- "i oi mis property, it is Known that several efforts have been made ' to do "o, out it nas always been said that Mr. I.add rejected all propositions, or held the land at a figure so high that the couver Rev. Ed K. Cantwell. C. US. R. . .?,,an niaas ana sermon, xv.nv. xieneuiciion. . CfL Anflr.Hf S. IVtntk mnA a ""v. i nomas Klernan. Ijis mass. Ililgq mass and sermon. 10. Vna In. alninll I , , . . - . a nu vtmmiicuon, 7:su, The International Newspaper Pllils Study club Is for tlis purpose of pro. moting in an unfettered way among, the masses, a. wider study of the Bible, the basal truths of Christianity, anil the problems which enter Into every man's life. It Is composed of all those who loin a local c lub, and take up the rlmple course herein outlined, burring only ordained ,lrgymen. All who have not joined are warmly invited to do to and to compete for the prlaea.' Persona may Join the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the It . questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the prises, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing "this office, di. mermen s, "orty--seeond and East Ta?;lorr7."Jv- w- A- wsltt. fcow mass, "i. J"n ma nd sermon. 10 30. St, malnalaua. llarvliml nH i.'.iiina mass I, high International Bundav Fltspatrlelc. Mass This nannr baa seiiursil tha rlirht to nubllsh the nonooi jesson questions by Kv. Dr. I.lnscott, Interest elsewhere, fand tliev will anoear weel Sunday issues of The Journal. One of these questions each week Is to be answered Jn writing and upon these answers the prises . are to be awarded, i Conditions of the Contest. paper, oiua 1 lions for 6z consecutive weeks, commencing .Siimlay, Murch 14, and the answers unin two weeks or tna close , Kev. C Beroskl. , I.ow mass and sermon 10. St. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell Valley road. Rev. jr. Illlon, d. J. Low u ', mna, V.sg- msas. sermon and UUMVUIVlIIHt 19,01, AaoeiiMior Montavilra, ' Rv. J. p. k.rinh STOMA cnapelof Sister, of thVpr. Bplseopal. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett. Dr. 1. Each contestant, or hie or' her family, mast be a subscriber to this ,' -"voninJ tonle ."i"h-7i,?f-ai er, In order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible Movement!" P Emmanuel dr club and this local club. ' . . wovsroani. ,. . S. Kach conteatant in'thls local club must answer each of tthe written ques-, nSL J,'ttll'w''lr'1. l Caruthers, must all be In the possession of this paper within two v mm jjrnua. .... " , Kach question must be answered separstely, and the paper written' on one side only. No answer must exceed 00 words In length and msy be less. Kach answer must have the name and address of tha writer at ths bottom of the answer.. . . ,, . , . - .. ... 4. The answers must be delivered to this offlce.'and they will be collated at the close of the contest and forwarded to headquarters for Independent ex amination . by competent ' examiners. The prises will then be awarded ac cording to the highest number f marks, won by members of Tha International Newspaper Bible Study club. ; ,... ,,. '. Ths prises. -v- First Berles--A gold melal to each of the first five contestants. '' '" -' ' Second Series A silver medal to each of the next five contestants,' Third 8erles A Teacher's Bible, prloe 15.60. to each of the next five con testants, i . . . . Fourth Series The hank "Tha Heart of Chrlatlanltv." nrla II It t oh of the next 86 contestants. , " , i ' ,". .-'. . Each medal -will be suitably engraved, giving the name of tha -winner and mi DO l ra zor what It Is awarded and In Ilka manner each Bible and scribed. ; ..- ..: . ...:-. ..... , ', . ...... . .... ' All who can write and' have Ideas, are urged to take up, suruieMs or ins aearee or tneir exiucaiion. as ine nacera a cuucanonai or literary stanapojDi, oui irom , tne poi cogency of their reasoned Ideas. - it: v The Oosnal In AntlnrhAets xl:lS80: Xli:25. - . ; , . v - . Golden Text This ' dlsolnlps were called Christians first In An (loch. Acta 1 7 , n h. t i . . Treves jiuvvno were iney iub ware "scattered 'abroad"? Had these men nnv, nuthnrltv from the church to preach? (See Acts vlii:4.) jb ii roe auty or every Christian to reach Christ, whether ar not -ho hns been appointed by the church to do so? ; Is It possible to enjoy the fullness of Gods love, and never say a word about boo these studies "re- no t valued from of , view of, . ths It? Are good people liable to be narrow In their views? . Are persecutions and ' all" sorts of trouble, always helbful to the children OI UOIU ' ,'. : , - . - . .... . , Some1 of these disciples seem to' have neen narrow, and nreached to Jews oniv: others " being broader, preached to. the ureeas atso, wnat made tna difference tn inese men? ; .W4ilc.h Is the greater oower to bnaaden our views, ana max us tove evervftoav: " purchasers couia see no pront rising higher In the lov of God? i verse 3ii Whether a man is narrow or broad,1 If he only preaches Jesus, will joa use -mm to extend his Kingdom? ' Are any efforts to, extend the king dom of God ever. In vain? Verse 22 Did the news that Ant loch had received the word of God slve the church at Jerusalem Joy or sorrow? What news is the most Joyous wither to - an individual Christian or to a church? . What was the - DurDoSe of sendins Barnabas? .' , . verses 23-24 what sort of a 'man order' to make iho children , of Its always at- man ' filled with tha xoly Qbost, converts, or to oomfo tKd, and are these taiasd la tha ministry of with must bars of the elnb.) . Do we exhort ona another as much as we should, to "cleave unto the Lord"? Are half hearted people well pleasing nor, T . A . OI. XrfJ('K.. ll M. M 1 ll s munlon, l:.io a. m. : ' Pro-Cathedral of Rf n,nh. , . jr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev. It Jm. Ramsay, 7:30,1. and 7;30 p. m; B. &, 1:46. , .'-.v'; s; St- Andrew's Portsmouth. Rev. J. E. Forsythe, 11; S. 8., 1 ....... .. , ' T St Msrk's--Nlneteenth nd Qulmbv. Rev. J K H.;ilmpSon. 8. ll and 7:30; 8. S., 10. Bishop of Oregon will preach at 11; confirmation. , ' ; St. John's Church Multnomah and Taylor. 11 and 7:80; 8. 8.. 10. i Churthrof Our Saviour Woodstock. si- M-vimyim. ii una ?:au. Good Shepherd Sell wood and Van- ?.V"S ifeyi .onn fwson, I. and ' St David's Kajit Tweirth - mA ni rriont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot, morn ing prayer and sermon, 11; evening, 7;i; communion, 7:80 a, m.; S. S... 9:45 m. . . .v .-. , .... Ascension. Chapel Portland Heights, S 0 030 A'L faints : Church Twenty-second iiu nroo, ev. noy -igar Remington, 1J and 7:80;. 8. 8., 10. raeo Memoriae East Seventeenth ths Holy ohostt . (This qnestlos J" Xis'es seV-teor a Van Wal U uswerad to. wrttla,; by s. St. Paul-woodme'ra: Rev. 3. C For- in taking it over. Is City's U rarest BeaL " The closing of this deal marks the . isrgest transaction in Portland real ea tate that has ever been made. The Rose City Park purchase, negotiated two years ago, involved about $1,000,090, .? J,'s more titan half the amount said to be Involved in the transfer of axei rem rarm, and up to that time the purchase of that property by : Hartman & Thompson was known to be largest reai estate l neK?.t.,.ated, ln Portland. the largest eal estate transaction ever fi ferritin faff in Dntinnj ., ,. vX'iUinm n T,ri,i hl I waa Barnabas? .ji " . viw; iviniuci 11V : ( " rlV.,"' -.acq-uraa this property - go years ago, ; a portion of it was secured as a result of a fore closure of a J1600 mortgage. It was aowwn as me uuinn donation land StSia' indi8W.aSKtaHTn "P a home-r.?f-d ln .,m J5 Terrence and John n,, -- jT."' vuinn. tna wife of John (Juinn, died soon after the Hand . was iS?-!p a,,d lr& her hK of the estate, S2n",htiof 8tv"ceB' to her 'infant daughter Mary. The property was after. "V" l"a.' y mo rawer, T,er renc Pulnn, and some years later was . Bned by tha Daua-nter. Ui1 dau"ht Mary Uvea in New Tork w..v.. WM ncariv o years of age. Jn.rhtJ?nta l8i4, that 8h learned that she hadTa probable equity ln a part of her mother's estate. 8hl came to tb' i win ner noma in New Vnrk to God 'Verses. . '25-28 Wh; did Rnrnnhsa start oft" to Tarsus to seek Saul? Does' it freauentlv hnnnen thf twn Jioiy men can do much mora together, I lems of Prayer. Where were tha - dlsclnlea nit .To.,,. first call Christians? . ; r What had Christ's followers been called previous to being called Chris tians? 1 ; ,;i : ; i : ' ,. . verses ZT-28 is ths gift of nronhecv. sytha; 11 a. m.; S. S.. 9:46. Congregational. r FLr"t 'tT Madison and Park. - Rev. Luther R. Dyott, D. D.; Rev. Guy I,, lJicK.- assistant; ll and 7:45; 8. 8.: 10 topics, "Heaven, Here snd Now" snd "FlashlVhts of Truth Upon the Prob SunnVSlde Kst Tavlnr mnA XTrnmi niiy-iourin, Kev, j. j, staub; II and 7:80; 8. 8., 10; Junior C. XL. S o. m.: Senior C. E., fi:30. Topics, "The Key to I7nlimlte1 Treaiiii'',n4 Tk vrnn. i-raciicai creea. . university Park Haven and Dawson, C&hXl& . Wt W" Myers; . ..ih.K-; ir.Tn.:,c- ""J nelPlnL.M1"s,B8lPP, Avenu Mississippi and 7k. .u i". c"r Bremont, itev. , xmntel T. Thomas; II et5tr.J?jri.,.Mh need may be? . and. 7:30; S. 8.. 10; C. ft. :30 douuiu mmvl uio arnurcn no on nr hqbh ay bwi tt .a o. a. x .U? J"!!? 5e.T.orU now beln dona Hassalo. Rev. Paul Rader; 11 and 7TsoT "VA.nV . .Lk--' ... 1 1 2il" At,' joplca, "The First . dui jrmiiit ana uoa or Men. J?.e. ??"tr.'?u"?.n." "J" Ant och UP Highland East Sixth and Prescott and then returned; was It Just as noble work as if. they . had been up there preaching? i , Lessort for Sunday, May 2, J909. Paul's First Missionary Journey Cy prus. Acts xlll;-l 2. : . . (tjopyngni 10 DV Hv. T. B.! TJnsentr Is It neoessary, or not, to bs filled I l. D.) Ministers, Sunday, school teachers .and others . Interested are invited tn write The -Journsl briefly their views as. to the worth of these, "questions," particularly If they consider them of value in their work. l" ."T. iwra mere, nev. xa. B. ilolllnger: 11 and 7:20. 8. S 10; C. E., o :S0. , Topics. "The Standard and "The Bor- of Peter's Final Test' ders of Mr Eden. Johna Rev. G, WNelson; II and C S. S. 1 0e '- First i flrmn TvBttt Ravmntu iSCi' lhn S: ,pop.: 10:30 and CHURCH SE,RVICE,S J. S. Dunning Ph. X).; Baptist. First White Tern Die. Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher, D. and entererf ----Vil .r. I 10, "une Accord prayer- meeiinn for the recover, ,.?.h- '"" services. 10:30 and 7:S0; Bible school 12; ..L1''011116 Property. The "Doubts and Douhters." and "Temper new WCIIL Lit IV til J If H ina grata diniiKta J finally . reached the supreme court of 8; ' L""',v ,fcJa tne supreme court of keen Sweet !5?.-FnJted. SUtes. Before the supreme Ke!P, . J .court handed down a decision ,in .,;. Arleta Kev. E. A. -Smith. 11 and rase another 4 declalon was rendered s- 8 10: B- P. U., 6. . i wnicn appeared to covet? the facta In the I " HlghUnd Alberta and Sixth. Rev. v"" proceeainas or Marv Onlnn t A: J,eonarn. naator. "wra estate was dropped. I P. u., B:30; S. S., 10. h""".l1! ever went up from Ore. Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh: Rv. believed by manv that fh -iri ,J regain title to ths nn.ur tif.. herlted from her mother, but -the de- i ini'T, di i ne lunntm miirf tvi. " uwu wiaespreaa comment P. 7. Calvar" Kat Klarhth and Grant Rev. 3. N. Monroe, 11 and 7:30: a S. 10: ii. Y. P. V.. 6:30. Trtotcs. "The Power That i riumpna. ana "jast words. Immanuel Meade and Second. Rev. A. B.'Minaker,' 10:30 and 7:10.; 8. 8., 12; B. y.. p. u :30: Rev. John Bentxetn wm preacn. ; Grace Mon tar Ilia: Rev. Albert E. Patch. 11 and 7:80: 8. 8.. 10: V. P- U. 6:80. Topics, "The Fruits of the Spirit and "Jestis Our Guest. central East Twentieth snd AnKeny: Oa.. XXT n I . , n.4r .1 . n . a o 12: T. P., 6:30. Tonics. "The Trials of HUgneS. This WHS after lie 1 i:nlt.A..l,n' -l. o ... ,r t r.l t..J ...... .v.. Tin "',' . o, o-, iw: ii ana t:ju. b. i. f. v.. s:3u, au K 1 I ILL I 1 1 V mirnr OT1A u trim i . V , , ...... . w a K i ivuirii, i.oBves una r isnes, ann ureaa . - wib iu uer mo iimi Butter. Hughes did not ask for divorce, but '"'" , '" wne s complaint, tine ac JUDGE PLAYS KOLE OF THE PEACEMAKER Hoplflg that they' may become recon ciled and abandon the divorce suit Judfi Morrow in tha circuit court yes terdsy afternoon continued indefinitely ths esse of Ethel R. Hughes agsinat had heard bot cusea mm or Kicking and choking her, and said he drank to excess. Hughes ' denied that he was cruel, and attributed his trouble to the meddlesome disposi tion Of his rather-ln-U w ho with them on a farm In Benton county, Judge Morrow direct that Hughes psy his wife $J5 per month for the next six months, and decided that he wUia nui interrers witn the situation .2 .aV "thI wy. except to suggest that husband and wife should talk things over and try to agree. PARK BOARD ASKS . . . FOR $200,000 if ORE 11 i f . : The psrk hoard at Its meeting yesfer- my iirrnwn oiro bsk nm council to dispose of 1200.000 worth of park bonds out of the 1500, 00 fund thst vet remsins for the Use of the board this ear. The money 1s needed to satisfy the demand of East Sldera thst addi tional small perks be purchased la vari ous localities. U0)3L0 CoMvoolXov . - - Sunnvslda fftermanl fort v-first and Hawtnorne: Kev. c FldnieUi. 11: s. H. s:aa. 8t. Johns Germany Rev1. raeth. 8. S, 1:45; services 11 and 7:80. Becona seventh and East Ankeny; io:o ana t:o; Blhls school 12; B. X, f. U- :3U. Rev. J. A. Fotttt St. Johns Rev. John BenUlen, 11:S0 ana i:av; o. iu; x. , u :so. Kay. J. F. Heacock and Rev. J. W. Brock. Chinese Mission 853 H Oak street 8. 8., .7; preachinf. 8, by Rev. Fung First German Fourth snd Mill; nev. j. urate ll ana .o; B. s.. t:4 Second German Morris street and Koar-v avenue; Rev. F. Buermann. 11 East Forty-fifth street Corner East main; Rev. u. c Cook, ll and 7:39; oiDis scncKii, 4v; sy, i. 1 . s:40. F Lents Rev. J. F. Heacock. 8. 8 1: ii ana 7:: . r. p. v.. :so: Rev. j. w. Brock in morn in sr. Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; nev. r. n. rt. jonnson.. li ana T:3S. eweaisn-Hoyt and nrteenth-r. Ertck Bcherstrom. I : 4 5 aexi T: 8. S.. 11; B. T. P. IT.. f.ttC Cnlon Avenue Mission (Swedish) corner omanrorf o. D is. Third Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R Schwedler. & 8 16; B. V. P. 7:30; Gladstone. Rev. 11: S. 8.. 12. . Millard Avenue Rev. John a. Town send. Services 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. 10 a m. .. - . . Trinity Dakota street, Rev. A.. Rob inson. , 7:80; C. ft. 6:45; S. S., ILn ' . ' ioTethodlst' ' ; - Taylon Street Reu Bents mln 'STm m D. D.; W:30 and 7:80; S. 8., 12:15; E, iZ :S0. Themes. "True Greatness,'.' and nuw oimii vvb accuuoi lor JesuS Christ?" Sunnyside East TamhIII near Thirty fifth; W. T, Euster: 11 and 7:30; J. E. L.. 3; E. L-, 6:16; 8. S.. :60. Morning vciiiiuii vy- h, u. noiiingsneaa; - even ing address by Miss Ada Holmes. ESu.,7,s.5if ieL De-WRrt; and l; Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savier: Rev. Charles T, McPhersont-11 and 7:o- S. 8 10; K. L.,'6:30. - Centenary East Ninth and Pine! Clarence True Wilson, D. D.; 10:30 and y:au; . a., ia;-, I, - s:is. Topics, "Saved to Serve," and ' "Tha' Three Links,'' sermon to I. O. O. F. Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis F. Smith; 11 and. 7:30; S. 8., 10; E. ll, 6:30. - . , . . -.Central 334 Russell. Rev. C. Ii Ham ilton. 10:80- 8. S., 12; E. L., 6:80. Chinese Mission Chan Sing; Kal; II and' 7:30. , Grace Twelfth and Taylor- Rev. John H. Cudlipp. 10:30 and J:S0; S. S.. 12:18; E. L.. 6:30. Themes, "The Unpardon able Sin," and "The Power of Convic tion." . Vancouver A venue-S-ll and 7:30. -I Laurelwood Rev. E. . H. Bryant: II and 7:30; 8. S., 10; B.X., 6:30. Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth ' and Davis: H. P. Nelsenr 10:46 and 7;30; E. L., 7. First German Fifteenth and TJnvf- A. Waasa; It and 7:3ft, -ejweoisn BorinwicK ana HParh. jonn wan, u una o. a. a., m; k. I. 7. Tonics. 'Tha- Christian Refuge." and Who Is the Rightful Owner of Present C rlitl""llu' ' -;-. 1 dcvuiiu v. 111111 v.Bs,dii liiii its ivinj nss w Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8 a S., ;45: EL L.. 7:30. ' ....'... Japanese Mission 121" North nri 1:30; 8. 8., 3:30. Sellwood East ' Fifteenth and r. eoma, ttev. lesier t;. oor, 11 and 7:30 J. E L., 1:20; E. L.. :30. ' . ' The cilnton-Keuy Memorial Thirty' ninth ana fowen, Kev. S. J. Kester. ll ana s, o. o.. iv, r,. u, ; j. to. u., j Montavuia Motile and Hlbbard n. Haroia uoera. 11 ana i:itt:. s in. -I M.AlnA 1 T T . m - ..'... v I'" ""ft, tf.. AA, , ju.. t;ta. Woodlawn William J. Douglass. 11 and 7:80; S. 8U U-K B, L., 6:30. , " University Park Dawson and Fiska. ... . . wc&a.j. m . , miu i.u. . African Zioti Thirteenth and Xtl Rev. W, W. Matthews. II and 8. - Special Patton Michigan avenue and Careen ter, D. A. Walters. 11 and 7:30: R is E. L., 6:30. Topics: Morning, "Earnest Prayer and Its Prompt Answer: . ins. sn wrvici, Mount Tabor East Stark anil fiirt.. first. J. W. McDougall. 11 and 7:10 Woodstock J. D.. Voce. 11 and 7-sa. a b in. w T 1 .1 n . . Lathsraa. . ' Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and Irving. 11 and 8; S. 8.. 9:45. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and Grant: Rev, O. Hagoes, IX. and 7:30 B. n., :su. Retanla Danish Union- snd Morris Rev. J. Moott. 11 srnl 8: H.. H.. 10. Ton i-a, "Don't Know 1'eoplo'' and "Tho Peo ple That Know."s 1 St James English Vest Park and Jefferson: J. Allen Less. 11 snd 8: 8. R. 10: L. Ii. 1 n. m. Tonles. "The Treasures of Childhood" and, "The So cret of perpetual Youth." united Norwegian 45 "t. Fourteenth; I'etmar Liarsen. ll and 7:80; 8. 8., 8:45. :o. ..., v Zlon's German 4Thsnnisn and Sal mon; W. IL Behrens, 10:16: 7:45; 8. 8. St Paul's German East Twelfth end Clinton: Rev. A. Krausa. 10:80 and 7:80 S. 8., :30; evening, vlsiUtlon, Rev. C. Biiechler. - - Trlnltv German f Missouri Bvnodl wjiuams and beiiwood; j. A. Kimbach, 8:15: 8. 8.. 16: 7:30. -Swedish AusustanS Rodnev snd Stanton; Rev. C. A. Tolln. 10:45 and 7:6; H. B.. :so. , Swedish . Mission Seventeenth and Gilaan; Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11 and 7:46; .Christian. First Park and Columbia. Rev. W. fl Reagor, 11 and 7:80; S. 8.. 9:46; C. K, 6:45. Topics, !'The Forward Movement All Alonar the Line" and "Tha Savior. hood of Christ." - 7 .v.- - Sellwood Eleventh and 1 Umattlls. 10:30 and 7:46. , ,". Central East. Twentieth ' and Sal mon; Rev. J. F. Ghormley. D. 1). 10.36 and 8. Themes, "Vandalism of Unbe lier and "The Cross and ths Crescent." Rodney Avenue Rodney snd Knott: Thomas G. Plcton. 11 and : 8. 8 9:45; C. E.. 7 D. m. Tonics. "KeeDlns: - tha Heart" and "Christ at the Door." . ' , Kern Park Rev, K, M. Patterson. 11 ana 7:t; . b., 10; u. K b:46. - Themes, "The Power of an Awakened Conscience1 and "-'Why Be a Christian?" nwjouwn n anq ' csvi . viarK vy. 7:80; 8. 8., 13, Sermons translated for Ul5-n . 1 M """day mornlnit. andVso" . nX Montgomery, 10;30 Third Marguerite hall. Thirty-fifth . ...,, tvv. j.tR. Aclieson; H , Ohristiaa Selsaea.' " First Church pf Chrlst8,ottlsh Rlts I'ttiiirtiini, luiiiiatin atui 1 nuinMi a 11 iSath''""' 8'" l3' To,',c' '(Frobation After Second Woodmen's Hall. Kt Rlxth and Alder, 11 snd 8; 8. & 12 Toniei "Probation After Death:" ' .T0PU!J eventn. KSV. T. L. Kllot D. D.. Rev. . O. Fallot jr. and Rev. N. . H. Baker inlsters. ll and 7:45; B, 8. 45" Indergarten, II; X. P. F., 6:30. . ..'','' trnltarlaa.",!', V""' ;.. Church of Our Fatl.er Tamhitt oevenin. xtev. 1: I.. Knot, U. y Rev. nT kindergarten, -. , : - TJniversallst Church "of the Good Tldlnss . tTni,. hall, corner Grnnd avenue and East Vine Lvfv, - .'1 , .w.-v, u. ionic. 'Can Saints Be Grown In Oregon?" M. E. Church South. 171 Second. Rev. E. II. Mown. 11 and 8. Topic, morning. "The Divine S, U, I: Human." 8. 8 li R 30. Comstock. s r Advent Secohfl, between ; Hall' and Lincoln, K. Wallace Shepard, 10:30 and 1 ju. - wn. fl.ju p. m. , Tnlted Brethren ln Christ First East Fifteenth and Morrison, Rev. H. C. Shaffer. II and 7:30; S. 8.f iu; j. r... :!. : .- Third South MdunTrTabor: ' RevJ H. - Radical Sixth and -Mechanic. Rev. T. J. , Cock'lng-. 11 and 7:80; 8. $.. 10; C. E 6:30. Alberta East Twenty-seventh " and Miiarea, jev. o. E. Emerlch. 11 and 8; O. O.. XV. Bvanffsllesl Aaaonlattnns. First Ensrliiih Kest KIyMi H?f'Miir. set, j jb. v;uivar. 11 ana 7:30; 1. p. A, a. b., 10.. - . v 1 . First German Tenth and Clav. ' F. Bens, 10:45 and 7:46; 8. 8.. :S0: Y. P.. 7. Topics, "The Resurrection Prom -the Dead"' and "Followlngr Jesus a Personal Memorial East Fla-htsenth sni "Tts. oeiiB. morris weveriing, 10 and t.so; United Evangelical. ' First Ekst Seventh onrf" aimuii . H. A. DeekTsrs.. 10" " -"--. Second FarSo and Kerhv Rev. fi f! Poling, 11 and 7:80. Bt. jonn a IVanhoa and John. Rev. C P. Yates. 8. 8., 10. . Ockley Greert Gav and 'Willamette Rev. J. Bower sox. 11 and 7:30: a 8- 10; C. E., 6:30i: mornlne. Rev. Rlahnn 6:3ffl; : L 7- Bsformad. First German Tenth and Stark streets, G. Hafner pastor. Services OAh s. m. and 8 d. m.: 8. 8., 8:30 a. m Y. P. S 7 p, m. . TJnltsd Presbyterian. Church of the S trans-era Wsn an A Grand, Rev. 8. Earl DuBoif. 10:30 and ',". Xlsosllaasous. First Spiritual Society-. Western Arad my halt, wecona ana Morrison. Meetings.- 11, 8:30 and 7:45. , Friends Church Main . and Eas. Thirty-fifth, Llndley A. Wells, 11 snd T80; a 8.. lfccC- B., 6:80. ,SUte SplrituHMst Society Mauley hall, Williams avenue ana anoit street, 7:45 p.- m. :.-. . -.--:, Splrituallsts-Drew hall. Dr. W. T. Allen.: 8. ."---' - . f. Mediums, and Ministers Association Auditorium building, 11, J and 7:46. . Swedish Free 1 Mission Mississippi and Shaver: . Rev. V. Carlson. 3 and 8. Rev. August Olson will, preach. - Y..M . C. A Fourth and Yamhill J J. C. Snyder, speaker. Clarinet solo, R. n. jrermns. . , -- .j- Swedish Corps Salvation. Army 430 Burnside. 11, 4:so and 8. Millennial Dawn Odd FelIowshalI. earner East Sixth and Alder, Bible les son, 1:30; services, 2:45. 8:15. Theme. x ne 1 wo eaivationa Latter Dav Saints fMormonsI S. 8.. 10; 11:30 and 6. . Corner ir. 10th and Sherman. : . -. 1 1mmanuel German Corner 15th and Led fBellwood). H. C. Ebelina: S. S.. 9:30, 10:10. - : : - . i . Grace English Rodney and Ivy.. Al Wna, H. C. Ebeling. 7:30. - New Thought Rev. - Henrv Victor Morran. Unity hall. Relltnr-Hlrsrh bulM. ing. 8 p. m. Theme, ''The New Chris tian Psychology." 1 ANNIVERSARY OF NSCH00L FOR NEGROES Atlanta. Ga.. Anrll 24. Arrnnu-ement have- been cnmDleted for. an elaborate celebration of the quarter centennial of Gammon Theological seminary, begin ning tomorrow and continuing through the week. Manv noted churchmen and eaucaiors are on tne program, among inera cisnop waiaen, i5isnop IHarteell, ijt. una mrs. vviiour 1 niraieia or wash- ngton. v. c. and Rev. R. E. Jones. editor of ! the Southwestern Christian Advocate. The Gammon scmlnarv Is the foremost collese In the world for the education of' colored men for the ministry and its endowment fund the largest under the control of tha M. 15 church. . . . S SEATTLE Fil OI'EO SUNDAYS - (I'nlted 1'fWS Leatel Seattle, April J4 Tha AJHa-Yukon- Paclflo exposition wlll.be oi-u Biin.iaya. This has been definitely lcli1ad by the executlvs committee of the fnlr. Hi tween the hours of 1' o'clock In t afternoon and mianigm nn ounusy evsry department of the exposition savs the government PUHUings wilt oe open 10 tne public. Tho executive committee has had th question of Sunday opening tinder cmi-. slderstlnn for months. Ths dissuasion ties been heated, religious, sivm ain frsternal bodies havn participated snd various views have bettn put forwanl. The i-ommtltee became convinced that a majority of the people disired ti have the exposition open on Mundays and this view seems to be supported by the local press. Prtghtfnl Tata Avsrtad. "I would have been a crlpp!" for llfei from a ti-rrible cut on my kne- cap,'' n.e pHnk IHslwrry. Kelllher. Ulnn, 'wiihout Hurklen's Arnica Salve, which mon L-urwl me." Infallible for wounds, ruts and bruises, it soon cures Burns, Scalds. Old Sores, Uolls, Skin Eruptions. World s best for Tiles. 26o at Woodard, Clnrke A Co. rAtllnf With a Cold, Headache, Indigestion,"Brain Fag," "Out-of-Sorts Feeling?", Orange me (Powders) Will "fix you up" in no time with good "aftereffects." Knight Shoe C- will be closed all day Monday, arranging for-big sale at old store and opening of new store, at Sec ond and ' Washington streets. gAYOCEAN Youll take a new interest in Bayocean after reading- "$80,000 Worth of Machinery" in tomor row's papers. n 16 t .41 H M II M M H n n M H M H M M H H K N M H M H H H M H M If M H N M if ' M H. M M M H M H M H N H M 1 Bf I H M N H M M . N N N M M M H BssssKassszxxiBxasxassxxsssiss&x TOftOWOW M M . n &: M . M - W 11 6 H M , H - it , H H " - H M 11 11 TO Ul mi - ImJ LaJ Vjp M M M try yevpx vascaci t$ av 4 SaTa.ricv eaUa wctrarcftAar V v. 1 -; v . . v . v roaches wo rtqarti an. c cuivsX JuTvcl'vcras . vvx4 tauiX iepcul (st k Vwa JwasW U. tossit, 7V.,fi CALIFORNIA IT . . trio OTRUP MSUOvauwkM imwlc sts SOTTVfC Pi sshj Isi laa. First Twelfth and Alder; Rev. Wil liam Hiram h ounces. 10:1S and T-xo. Topics. "The Assured Place of Jesus in History." snd "The Scientific Method." Preaching bv rr. K. K. Oeselbracht Mlzpsh East Thirteenth snd Powell; nev. Harry leeaa. 81. Mary's Cathollo. Pro-CathedraL Fifteenth and Davis Moat Rev. A. Christie. D. IX 1 lsiw n,9, v, a sna v. sermon. 11. benediction. Vespera. :45. 11 and 7:16: 8. l: i.. ii.. s-so. Calvary Eleventh and Oay; Rev. J A. P. McGmw. 16:10 snd t:a. Totlc. -rnlng All Thlnr In ; Ixv.- and jrapa.-- Pourtti First snd Olbbs: Rev. Don ald McKensis: 10:16 snd 7:16: B. S 11: C. R. 6 a. Maw thorns Psrk Twelfth and East Tailor, Kev. William Parsons; 10:t0aod T:l: 8. a. If: C. K 6:30. ForKee F;lwM and Gantenhelni ReHsrry l Pratt: 11 and T:60; a Piedmont Cleveland snd Jsrrett: ry;v.s j. t. inyoer, ll sad IJ0; & rhimUti First IAS: 8. 8, :t. Westminster East Teth and Wt fer; Pev. H-irv Hr-ote: II 11 ana I.: i:; C. K. 1 Marshall Ffet Msrshsll and Snrth aevefiteerfh; Rev. C W. Hays. 8. B. 10 11 snd 7:JS Mount Tshrtr Ptm-it and pr-l v manj Rev. Sdarard U. P tiara.. 11 and 4 rv, is St Brreteewth ani Stw- A. Thi"rin. ll asd C. F 6 is. TRird rt Tbl-te-etS mm V-m- Rev. Andrew J. Montgetnerr. 16 IS sna . Anenel Rev. A U jrA. 11 and ? 46 M'r-e "laviija; rtrv. B. B wtt X I wH t 1 m . Hlsh mass mtA instruction, and Ft Joseph's tOermaji). Tift nth.. vuutn -n, xisv. Jimtl KSUW. V. CI Low mass. I. . Hlsh mass mnA 16:10. Vesnera. henedlctlnn St. Lawrence'a Third mn Ch.rn... nr-w. w . u ja wanes..- uiw miu T . 18. Ulch mm and - Mrmon. la ix Vtspers and benediction, 7:80. : SL Patrick's. Nineteen!)! mnjt D.4. Rev. K. P. MOrphy. Iw mau. . Hlrt, nd sermon, 10.30. Vun benediction. 8:80.- - at. Michael's (Italian . s-n,,K ' Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, tT Hlch mass and sermon. It it' v..u an1 benOdictlon. 7:80. i SL Francis. Ksst fTleventh an rwk i tev. J. Ii. Blsck. lew ina. a mj v.v. nin inwi ana Hrmon, 10-1S I J espsrs. lnstrsctloa asd . benediction. :3 6. Immaculate Heart of Vary, Williams snd Stanton Rev. W. Aj la)y Lw mssa. 6, I and . High mass and ear mon. 10J6. Vespers and benediction. Holv Rosary, East Third and rninn Vwr Rrr. A. t. Lawler. Low mass, . , "a ' -v. . ri iu atan ana rm on. MrM tleart. Mllwaukle Rev. Ore rr R"Me, O. . B. Low mass, . HlrS and aerman. 1 6 Vespers and hem. ed-'t-m, 7 10. Hiv Crnss. University Park Rev. J 46. 1 P Thll iisl j H'sk t N N M N H M 8 n M M M 61 N N H n n - 66 H at N M s M M H 14 N 0 M M H Take East Ankeny-Rose City Park car to end of line and be sure and see a Gregory Heights salesman and he will show you THE BEST PROPOSITION ever put on the Port land market for the man of moderate means. Don't take our word for it but come out and look for yourself. , 4 x Don't take your landlord's word for it he has an interest in keeping you as a tenant. Don't ask our competitors about GREGORY HEIGHTS they are interested in selling their own property. Just act like any' sensible business man would on any other piece of business: First, consider the hundred and one reasons why you snould own your own home; and see if there are any good reasons, why you should not. and we are sure you will decide to buy in GREGORY HEIGHTS. The monthly 01 weekly salary check will only go so far. YOU CANT SPEND IT TWICE. A goodly share goes regularly to the landlord, never to return it's lost abso lutely thrown away. ' Now please show a little consideration of your qym best interests and those of your family. You will some day have to quit work-i-sad but true we can't work always. Our bodies are not built that way. ' -.- So make the most of your years of productivity. Earn all you can. Save all vou can.' Invest all you can. SPEND AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN. That's the way to get ahead. . H M n it N M M GET A HOME By all means get a home in GREGORY HEIGHTS. It is the best addition in the city. High and dry 255 feet above the river. Fine view of mountains and river. Surrounded on all sides by restricted residence districts. No buildings allowed nearer than. 15 feet to curb line. No lots sold except to Caucasians. No livery stables; no laundries; no stores. ' ';'''' '' v - ;'" ,- GREGORY HEIGHTS is on Sandy Boulevard, the most 8 TvrvTi 1 a e ant,-, JriuM T3.l .. J i . . i . . M f"f" v...i.r,Bjr ix jtuxlxaixu aim dcsi uirougn route to the east. This boulevard will soon be paved and the electric -carline extended to city limits. -v x- ' ' Best car service in Portland. Cars every 10 or 15 min utes, and only 25 minutes from center of town, and that will -shortly be reduced to 20 by a change in the route. Bull Run water; cement sidewalks ; streets, graded. ' - " Beautiful, level lots, from $100 up, and as little as $3 down and $2.50 a month. Homes built and sold on terms easier than rent. See us for our special proposition: SIX MONTHS RENT FREE. . Be sure and come out tomorrow. Salesmen on grounds sui oay. ii you can t come out tomorrow, come any week day at your convenience to our office and we will uke you out and show the property. m u ii M N M a H M if H H N M II I ii it ii M M If M M 11 M If M M If H M If II OFFICES t iKi .u i'! rnRRFTT Rinr: fifth Kfn Mnooicnw I :i t iV W fc 5 -tj v.vitrva.i o ui.iu. ill ill mil illVSIUiUVSil -V Ir 'A-l .' s . ' - i i "1 If H N M M M II M 11 II M M 14 II M M II ' II M li 14 M I 11 M M H If M 11 14 H n it M 1 1 f ' 1 1 f 1 ThlUmaa, - 8. C. Low mass. 6 is as mss snd sermofw 16:16. Vtmtrt N oellrjlon. 4. - I as OPPOSITE P0ST0FFICE INVESTMENT CO.0' Kentlwort East .Ti 'rtr Toth and iiLi fUdenar, Portland and ax KZS2