The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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I 1 11 . J '. 1 . .i.-.'l . . - JgBg-f!gJ Li a1 J-! Li., -i L IWll-UU.l.liH.UU'.UL.IUJ. l..!L. .11-1-1 I LI ILft. . . J aa"W-Ji- . - - U1-...1. 1 U,i-L J ...j .. .i- JU JU- - l ; ' '- '''' - "' - ' ,..11... .-X H
Conct Headquarters of the Northwcist "Nemo" Corsets, "Mnic. Irene" Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets and "Estelle" Corsets
"iPrpspsiritjr. Sale
e Greater; Meier J
lvmen's-Qhildren's: Hpsiery:
: 1 1 , - s ; : '
In the Carpet Store all this week a great special tale of mill samples
of Room-size Rugs Wiltons, Axminstcri,' Body Brussels Best patterns,
colorings and combinations .suitable for any style room Floral and Ori
ental effects Large , assortment All sues Exceptionally low values
Lot 1 Axminster Rugs of splendid
quality; floral and Oriental designs in
the best colorings. Great values at
these low prices. ..'
0x12 feet. reg. $27 values, at. ea. flT.85
8 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft 6 in., $25 vaL f 16.01V
I-ot 2 Body''
Brussels Rugs,
Oriental and con
ventional designs,
as well as small
" over figures ;
great values, as
. follows:
9x12 feet, Tegular ;
$30.00 values, at,
each ... f 19.65
8 feet 3 inches by
vlO feet 6 inches,
$27.00 values.
each ... ?1T.OO
Lot 3 Royal
Wilton R ij,g s,
soft Oriental col
ors and designs;
beautiful, h i g h -
. class rugs at the.
xoyowjng special
low prices : '
9x12 ft.; $50 val., special, at. each, f 38.85
8 ft 3 In. bv 10 ft 6 in.. $45 vaL. ea,. 936.85
Lot Standard Wilton Rugs, exact copies of real Orientals, both in colors arfd pat
terns; magnificent quality; wonderful values, on sale 'at the following low prices:
9 by 12 feet, regular $45.00 values; on sale at this. special low price, each.:. $37.65
8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet 6 inches. Tegular $40.00 values, on sale at, each. f 29,65
By far the best rug bargains we hive ever offered. ' See them0on the Third F4oor
Special lot of fine "Batiste Waist Fronts, in English eyelet and French ef- 7A
fects, values tip to $1.50 each, on sale at, special, ea. take advantage of sale. .J7C
35,00 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric1 Embroidery, Flouncing, Insertion and Gal
loons, for women's anxj children's lingerie-'gowns,". etc.; come 3 to 18 inches 1Q1
wide; regular vahies wp to $1.25 yard buy all you want of it, at, special, yard,. OVC
Fine lot fancy fucked Net, in white, cream and' ecru, suitable for waists t t 1 Q
and guimps; 27. inches wide; values up td $2.25 yard, on sale at, the yard, P
Special lot fine round thread and French VaL Laces and Insertions, Vi to 2 in. wide;
Regular 75c dozen values at,' dozen, 39 Regular $1.25 dozen values at, dozen, 50
10,000 yards swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery English eyelet and French ef
fects, suitable for infants', children's and women's wear. . ; Fine qualities, in dainty
patterns; great assortment to, select from. On sale at the following very low; prices:
X to 3 inches wide, regular 30c values, on sale at this very low price, yard.. . . IS
3 to 9-inch, regular' 40c values. yvd., 3 to 12-inch, regular 45c values, yd, 19V
An entire new lot of colored Embroidery and Insertions to match, in beautiful styles;
I to 27 inches "wide; grand variety for your selection, at the following very low prices:
Regular 50c 'vfcl, yd, 29 Regular 85 VaL, yd, ,49 Regklar $1.25 val, yL, 6
.rfr mm mm
Special lot of fine Corset Covers, blouse and tight
fitting stylet, trimmed in lace . and , embroidery
edgings and insertions, tucks, beading and ribbons;
II sires,-great .variety; to select from; egAQ
ular 75c values, on sale, special, at, j .rach..reC
Special; lot of women's fine cambric and nainsook
Drawers, .trimmed in fine embroidery and lace
fceaaffrg' and' insert jons; handsome .styles, 4 'large
assortment, to select from; regular $2.50 t tQ
to'$4.00 value, on sale, special at, each...
2000 women's good quality cambric. Gowns,
trimmed inT hemstitched edgings, long and short
sleeves; Dutch neck styles; best regular $1
values, at this special low price, only, each. . UlC
Children's plain tucked Muslin Drawers',, ages. 1
to 10 years; great values-4buy all you want..!!?,,
of them at this extremely low price, per pair.. IOC
Infants' hand-embroidered Caps, lace trimmed, very
pretty styles; $3.00 values, special, ', each ; , ,f 1.08
$4.00 Shirtwaists $2.1 8
Timely offering of 2000 Cotton Batiste Waists,
made with pointed and square fancy yokes, trim'd
: . i : . 1 . . n . .
wiui . nun na cuarsc iaccs, rneaaiiions - ana, pin
tucks; back and sleeves trimmed with tucks ' and
lace insertion; all sizes, 34 to 44; handsome styles,
great assortment; regular ' $4.00 values, Q
on sale at the extremely low price, each.. v10
Silk Petticoats at $4.35
200 ' ."Varsity" ' guaranteed Silk Petticoats.;, fully
guaranteed not to crack or split for three months
made with lo-inch tiounce, trimmed with shir
ring and. four rows of 1-inch tailored bands; Col
ors ares white, green, rose, V catawba, navy blue,
Copenhagen, . gray, mais and black; T QC
great special value, on sale for, each. .. $HkdD
Sale .of me -oat
White Ribbon , Floating Toilet and Bath
Soap, two ounces heavier than A O
Fairy; special price," dozen; cakes. . ,flJC
M. & F. Special HotcK Soap, on 09'
sale at, special, the- dozen cakes. ..mOC
Jergens' 9-cake assortment fine O O
Toilet Soaps, special price, box. . JOC
Life Buoy Soap on sale at, the cake... 4
Jap Rose Glycerine Soap, at, cake, . 8
-Palm Olive Soap, on sale at, cake... 8e
La Premier Castile Soap, at, the bar.. 7c
Roger & Gallet's Toilet-Soaps, 1 1 Q
all odors, special value at, cake... C
Pond's Extract Soap, at, special ,i4
Woodbury's Facial Soap on sale 1Q.
at this special low price, cake... C
Jergens' Old-Fashioned Soap, t cake... 84
Transparent Glycerine Soap, 3 ' A0) 2
cakes in a box,, on sale. at, boxt,.lfciC
4-lb. bars Pure Castile Soap, special 43f
3000 Yds. ID )ress Goods
Safe extraordinary of 3000 yds, fine Silk and Wooj and Wool Voiles
in all the new colorings arid effects ; self-stripes, self-checks hair-
nne stripes, etc.; Deaumui iaDncs tor summer dresses, suits and
house gowns ; a splendid 'i variety for your selection. Q y
Values to $2.50 the yard on sale at this very low price, "fi C
ill mm
Mmn Mm
This week our great annual April gale
of Hosiery Our entire stock, com-
prising $100,000 worth of women's and
children'! high-grade hosiery of every
style and quality at prices that mean
a considerable saving to the economi
cal buyer Included will ' be found
lislcs, silk and lisle, cottons, . brilliant
lisles, all-silk hosiery ; plain, lace and
embroidered styles,, all colors-Priced:
Regular 25c Hosiery, on sale at. pair. .1 Of
Regular 50c Hosiery, on. Bale at, pair. .43'
Keguiar i.uu nosiery, on saie, pair. .7f
Pamilan ftl.SO . Hoaierv. rn aal naii ai.3t!l
"v." .-.ww -- 1 f " T -
Regular 35c Hosiery, on aale at,, pair. .29 '
Kcgular 73c Hosiery, on sale at, pair..Tf
Roular XlS Hoaierv. on sale - nulr , '
---: - " ' Z.'-
Regular "$2.00 Hosiery, on' sale, pair. $1.69
Regular z.5Q to am.ou Hosiery, on aale
at prices trom, pair ,....i.wm to f7.8
Sale Kne.TaiifeS Stiife
$40 Vataes : at $M45
In Portland leading Cloak and Suit Store a
great offering tf high-grade Tailored Suits at
an extrfcmcly low pricc--Plain and fancy tail
ored garments in plain serges herringbone
stripes, fancy prunellas, worsteds, black and
white checks, etc. All this -season's most at-
tractive apparel 30 to 38-inch coats trimmed
with Ottoman silk and satin collar and cuffs,
also,. Persian braid trimmed Skirts plain
flared with bias folds and button trimmed
Others sheath effect as well as a handsome line
of strictly tailored garments Every suit in the
lot hand-tailored, handsomely made and fin
ished throughout Values range up to $40-
On sale while they last at
this very low price, each
Princess Dresses
8 Vals. $4.95
Great special offering of Women's handsome new
Princess Dresses in ginghams and madras: waists
have dainty yokes of allover embroidery, edged wtyh
bias folds of material piped in contrasting colors
of plain, material; also wide tucking; skirls are
plain flare and neatly trimmed with deep hem and
buttons; the best regular $8.50 values, : J4 QC
on sale at this special low price, each....
United States Engineer's Of
fice, Investigates Need ' ?
j for Improvement.
With th end In view of finding; out
tb necessity for Improvement by the
; eneral government . Of the fa,Il of tha
' Vt illametta river at, Oreg-oa City and
also of tba Channel or the Willamette
from Oregon City to Eugene Major J.
K. Mclndoe of the local United States
engineers' office," has addressed letters
to prominent residents of the Willam
ette valley, asking for detailed reports
or ttie proDaoie value or sucn improve
The following paragraph appearing In
the letters from Major Mclndoe makes
piainv the character of Information want
ed by the department as a preliminary
to providing for the Improvement: ,
"As the worthiness of this Improve
ment wllL be. based upon tha present
and prospective commerce and Its needs
it is aesirea to nave statements rrom
persons who have shown an interest in
this .Improvement and whose local
knowledge renders their opinion of val
ue. and I invite you to furnish me with
sueir or xne rouowine information
you can, - together with your opinion as
to the nature of the improvement re-
auired: first, present commerce. Its
character, amount and value; second, fu
ture . commerce.- aue in pari to an im
proved, waterway: third, present navl
gatjon. kind of boats used, draft, etc.;
rourin. wnarves ana wnan areas, sua
gestions as to 'What ; Is needed In the
way of wharves, under municipal and
other public control to supplement the
Will irstare Klsto About th rood.
- When there's no relish' to any food
nd all that one eats doesn't seem to do
' any good then is thaitime to make a
turn over In the diet, for that's Na-
- ture's way of dropping a hint that the
food isn't the kind required. 1
"For a number of years I -followed
. railroad work, much of It being office
work of trying nature.
"Meal times were our busiest part of
the tfay. Eating too much ' and ' too
quirkly of food such as is commonly
served in hotels' and restaurants, to
gether with the sedentary habits were
not long in giving me dyspepsia and
stomach trouble which reduced r
Welrht from 10S to 1(0 rounds.
"fhera was little relish in any food
and Done of it teemed to do me any
good, it seemed the more I ate the
thinner I aot and was always hungry
before another meal, bo - matter how
murii I had eaten.
"Then .commenced fair trial of
(.rape-Nuta and was surprised how a
mall saucer of It wnotr carry me along.
irvng and with sailef ted appetite, until
the reat meal, with no senna t lone of
feune-er, weakness or distress as before
"I have been following this diet now
for several months and ny Improvement
turn been so great all the others in my
family have takea dp the use of Orspe
Kuta with comrleie satisfaction and
morn Improvement la health and bra I a
'American people ondmibtedty eat
lrned'r. hare Jota of morrr. thus hlad
.! 1irellfi sed therefore wd a
f i tia 1 reedtse1ed sd font n t ra t
1 fr ourihmtL" "There's a Rea
c ''
lwk flea frfr f.e fomous little
t- k. T e H4 to WeliriUe."
r-rr read th above tetter? A
r w one Tr from time to time.
1 : rf lire geriBle trae, and fall of
I n stet.
water route to be Improved to give Us
maximum eiiiciency. iv is realized that
tha principal decline of water trans
portation, is due to lack of proper fa
cilities for the transfer of freight from
water to land -and vice versa: fifth. In
formation -concerning the. utilization of
waterpower which . could be developed In
Improved waterways." . . -
la his letter Major Mclndoo says that
the securing of , this : ipf ormaUon and
the submitting ;. of the proper recom
mendations as to the improvement of
the Willamette has been assigned to
his office.
tCalted Frew Letted Wire.)
Braddock, Pa, April 19. Roberto and
Nicola Blglleotta, believed to be mem
bers of the Mafia, are In the Pittsburg
Jail as a result of one of the most sen
sational blackmailing plots ever run to
earth In this state. . . ..
It Is said the Btglleotta brothers for
days had been torturing: Joseph Qugt
Jotta, the wealthiest Italian of thli
city, m an enori to make mm give up
his money. The victim of the diabolical
lot lies in a hospital with pieces ef
is ears na not rut on and HMn
wuunus i ii ii ii;iea in nis cnesc
uugliotta bad yielded to the treat
ment of his persecutors, who were at
the bank to receive the raonev the A.
tnanded. when-the police msde their in.
pearance. The men were captured, after
a running oat tie in the streets and
taken to Pittsburg to prevent summary
luetics being dealt by the excited Ital
ian residents ox mis city.
(seUI Dtapatrs to The JaaraaLI
Lebaaon. Or, April !. "Reverend
Douglas Hamilton, known throughout
this sectloe as the street preacher, an
swered an Invitation to preach at Sweet
Home erd met an "egg" reception.
Hamilton was at Sweet Home Tseadar
and Wednesday eights. After the serv
ice M"rdnedy he was set upon- by
ere ytMfths. who followed him to the
hotel, pelttog him with eggs of uncer
tain ag.
The following morning Marshal Kee
sey arreted Verw Keeny, Ray Paddnrk,
M'm Warklna Frank IWnace,. Roy
r Iliott. Harry Darla and Herbert Bo.
er. arw rearli l-ded a-uilty and was
fined It by Recorder Horner.
HamiH was Umnerad la a water
ing treush a few rears aao. near Rrin
while eihortlng. His men tail (y u
clouded. Kt he Is TkarsBJese -
Lew gully, erstwhile minstrel man.
usurps the place of the topliner this
week at the Orpheum.and la worth' the
entire price of admission. With his fas
cinating smile and a loquacious purple
suit accentuating his embonpoint (by
the way. why doesn't he use that word
In his struggles with French?) he has
tha mrhim ttitrflanna wnllfmv anil vtuvl
whole audience
smiling and 'good
humored long before he decides that
"we are well enough acquainted." to
hear another song. His songs are ''all
frood and whiskerless; he sings them
nntead of talking them, a la vaude
ville, and yet every word la distinctly
understood; and- he uaea successfully
the art of gentle suggestion and mskes
his jokes carry even with the slowest.
In spite of several mother-in-law Jokes
nis stunt is one of the Peat seen la
months at the Orpheum. . i
The Playlet. .uDld 1 at - Home " is
dabbed a' satire and presumably satar
ises the woman's suffrage movement.
and Its results as advertised in comic
supplements. Incidentally, there is a
good deal of satire on the present at
titude of mighty man toward tha cook
wife at home, but being a little finer
satire It nlss the majority. The play,
let is ordinary In Its conception, but
Angela Dolores makes a fine appear
ance and wears some pretty clothes.
The Melnotte Twins and Clay Smith
give a little turn entitled "Artistic Non
sense," which seems at first to have
forgotten the first ward In the title,
but In the encores their work comes
up and In "Bo Do I" they are really
funny. The exceptionally pretty ap
pearance of the two girls, who are sur
prisingly alike, keeps the turn from be
ing mediocre. i . . .-...t;..:.
Thomas H. Persse and Edith Mason
appear In "Jealous About Nothing,"
which Is vague enough- in the sequence
ot its piot to do grand opera, and
probably for that reason a grand opera
air or two suffers by parody. ; Mr.
Persse has- a fair tenor voice which he
loves to hear in. slowly dying high
notes. Hawthorne and Burt give some
vaudeville dialogue and the Jew's oft
repeated "And I ; - la-aughed, and 1
la-aughed" makes all the audlsnca en.
vlous. Since it was full of snaps it may
pass - aa a snappy turn.
Rosalre and Doreta give some eomedy !
eccentrlques which include some very
funny and clever tumbling on the part
of the sailor. The comedy is better
than athletic turns usuallv offer.
Hern don gives a monologue as a girl at '
a dapce which Is amusing in its mo-'
notonv. Tha movinar nloturea r
eeptionally good and the orchestra gives
Ckaxvscs Ve Si?scti
Dispds ccUs cdneadownes
dueo CousYxpaWoxi;
Acts xvaxray. QcstnA as
rcu-Jbutv ati3i 0V2LT
To Vs bncJco JJccs.
a. rti by fe i
Fic Syrup Co.
eej a cWv. eeeytar mat 5? per bottle.
rrsttei Preaa leased WlrO
iPhUadelphla, April 19. Naval offi
cers point out that It Is a mistaken Idea
that their objection to former Secre
tary Newberry's order revolutionizing
the navy -yards Is a reopening of hostil
ities between the line and staff.) Offl
cars explain that this la not the case,
and that the entire trouble arose 'from
ixewoerry s -order no. s."
Newberry's order removed Una offl
eers from the heads of mechanical de
partments tn the navy yards and made
mem inspectors, wnose soje duty Is to
pass upon work turned out by a "gen
eral department" under the direction ef
the chief technical aide to the com
few reraaete Cares Cemraa, Colds,
rahJUs aad, al oars eases
. U rive Xomra.
Much is being dons In these days te
p tne ravage oi consamption. bet
probably nothing has been so effective
ae teaching the pub. Ic how to break ep
a mid cad cure coo g ha bronchlUa. tew-
stlltla, etc, with simple borne mixed
medicine free from opium, poisons, eta
A laxstive roues syrue, Tree from whis
key and poumne is the prime need. A
eough lndK-ate lanammsttoa and een-
reetioa and theee In turn ere due te an
exeese ef waste and poisons tn the ra
ters. A lootc Isxatlv rough svrup rida
Ine eratetn or corretloa while relfev.
Ing the patBful roghlng. Get the fo
loving and mis at home- One balf
evnee riuve in clierrv bark, one ewnce
corrnoend eesence rardn and ttiaee
ouncra arrvnt white plae romponed
r'aka the bottle end take twentv 4nr,u
every half hour for four hnurt Then
mir TO one tpne'Ml tbrv nr
four timet daily, fliv ei nf rn im ac
e p. Cut this eet aad sere
it tar some friend ,
lht- BRAND :--JtM
(Ssectal tneetlefe TW JoerbiL
Ontario, Or, April It. The 9-year-old
eon or Mr. and Mra U . Hadley of
Vale was drowned yesterday by falling
into a welL He fell head first Into the
mud and water and strangled to death.
Mr. Hadlev la a prominent banker and
business msn of Vale sod the soot was
his only child. . - - -
ftaln Frets Leases' Wire. I .
San rranclscn, April If After a va
ried "dtflomailc- career here. Count V
TV Jntifrey d Abhena. as attache of the
French res sal s effice.. denerted t attar
for Paris "
The cet was bora here, bit fit
taken te Paris when a child. After
leaving school he rH HTd to Pen Fran
rlacn end hrn hie d'nlomatle crr
by elrgteg F renrh dittlea at a hnqtet
ef tke rVrfia ef the America a Revt ki-
round bout with his chauffeur, - whose
wife he hsd Invited to dinner.
His flnsl engagement was at the
Fairmont hotel laat week, when he found
the doors of his apartments locked be
cause of his absentmlndedness with re
gard to the settlement of his bill.
Members or the local French colony
claim the count snubbed them and
toadied te American ' milllonalrea. and
whiapers of this condition of affairs
reached Paris. The "recall" was In
voked and. the count entrained today.
Or, April 20. Nat Nye,
ll-year-old boy of this city, known on
I he streets as "Speck." on account of
numerous frecklee en bla face. Is In e .
precarious condition from drinking,
whiskey. wMr.i the phvaiclana na v con
tained a quaa;ltv of wood alcohol. Judg
ing from the eymptoma of the bov's 10-
pm. The bov drank the Honor laet
Thursday sight aad has fceea uncon
scious since, , ' I
Kfforts are belrr mad a te smrehmd
the persors whe gre of sold the liqwe
to him. Yeine Nre Irr with. Ma IT-
year-old brother ie an eld shark back ef
a reataurtnt. Thev in hotk street
The Formula
on every paciagc of
Shows ' yoa uhy, It to
quickly dispels Headache,
Neuralgia, Colds, "Grip,"
Indigestion and Brain Fag.
Kis next apfearanre a-ag In a eaa
kaaatars aad are aell known,