12 1009. THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, "APRIL 20." fw uidii nun is GOOD III SI UH Better Supplies Noted Than . Expected Eggs Higher on Front Street TODAT'S WHOLESALE 'MARKETS. ". Ron of salmon Is good. Kggs are higher again. Top vegetables coming. Chese market very firm. " Butter Is holding lta own, - Wool movement, la better, liressed mata remains firm, ... , Potatoes (rain firmness. Onion market la higher. -Wheat market at danger point. - . Boa of Ralmoa la Oood. ' According to special reports received by Ths .Journal thla morning; ths run of salmon In the Clackamas and Wil lamette Is much .better .than eipected. During the . past 24 .hour quits a fair rhoitinv of Ttso nas rwen maae in. me Willamette slough, and many fishers are flocking to tnat stream, tiroria are now being made by soma parties to have the - Willamette Slouch classed as a tributary of the Columbia so as to atop fishing on that stream during me period wherein the Columbia la closed , because of the prospective good catches of salmon there but It has only been a short time since the fishermen of the Columbia in the vicinity of Astoria were clamoring to make the Willamette slough a tributary of the -Willamette so as to stop fishing there when the Wil lamette -was closed and the Columbia ' was own. local fish Interests class - this latest effort of the lower river men ' in regard to the slough as foolish and ear tha matter has been settled for all ; time. , Xffv Are Higher Ajraln. "' ' Receipts of eggs are not what haa been expected by , the trade and the re- ,, suit Is that small lots have moved quite readily during the past 24 hours at 23c a desen, or an advance of c above the extreme high figures heretofore ruling . In lute trading. ' " - Chicken market continues In' good shape, although the clamor for supplies . is not so heavy. No surplus : shown, '. however. : v; Chess Is Holding; Strength, i The receipts of cheese by the steamer Argo yesterday had no effect -upon ? rices in the local market today. The act that only 800 cases were received for thlr city and 100 cases for Puget sound Indicated to leading cheese Inter em that this week's supply from the Cheese City will not be as liberal as last week. Only a small supply of flats or daisies Is available at this time, the arrival being cleaned up quite generally.- '-'v-. .. ;:,. . . Butter market showed no change this morning; although one was generally ex pected. , The better feeling In both the south and north has a tendency to keep ' any decline here in check. Wool Movement Is Better. A better movement of wool to the local market is noted.' Receipts are in creasing somewhat. Purchases at coun ",. try points are much heavier and every where buyers are showing a disposition to take hold at the higher range. Best valley wools are being sought quite eag erly around 20c a pound. Outside of the fight between local .people for control of the mohair trade : there la ho change in the situation here. in tne east it is stated tnat buying ii hot so brisk. Prices . nominally un changed. . .-- -' Potatoes Oaln rlrmnass. ' " More firmness is -noted In the Port -land' potato situation today and along rrom siroei tne prtce is generally held ,: a fraction higher. Some interests are - holding their best stock, right up to 1 1.75, although a few are selling a, frac tion or two under this sum. None of tie dealers are overanxious to sell, even at present prices; indicating thr inten tion, to hold for a. higher range. .(. Onion market la firmer for local . stork: supplies of which are nominal. Texas onions -are . now quite generally , jioled with sales around 2.25 per ; viaie oi an pounus. Brief Hotes of Wholesale Trad. Top vegetables are coming from local places. liressed meats are firm at unchanged prices. , .- - Chittlm bark is being Inquired for with old, bark at SHc as the buying price. . Rhubarb Is lower with supplies lib eral irnm an sections. Los Angeles strawberries are shown In better quality. Because of the smauer Doxes or the southern Cali fornia stuff and the low prices 'there- ior u is naraer to sail H'lorln goods at what they are really worth. Front street sells at tha following prices. i nose nsia snippers are less regular commissions: ffilOUli AGAINST JAfffi PAIIfll Chicago. Report Says revis ion King: Is Waiting to Break Wheat Man. HOLDERS s HIGHER PRICE Want $1.25 Bushel for Club Wheat but Acknowledge Cannot Get It Xow. -.. Armour to Break Patten. 4 4 Tha news was quietly spread in Chicago today that Armour 4 was behind the brar clique In the 4 wheat market today. His fol- lowers forced the July 3o 4 lower. May was down 2 Tic for the day. CHICAGO WllKAT MARKET. April 20. April 19. Loss. 190$ Mm li4Vk 127 2 ' 94 Julv 112S ' HH . 3H ' Sept. 105 107B 2 87 lec. .: 103 105 ! 1 T Chlcseo. Anrll 20. Was Armour tha director general or ine near nique out ing tne past lew aays, and ma ne ipuu the forces that temporarily unseated Patten from his wheat throne today' Patten made every effort to force me raiding bears back into cover, but to no avail, for the market closed around the low point for the day arter making ru tiio attempts toJiorce a recovery. The close was l?ic to SHc lower .than yas teioav. ' That Armour is behind tne bear clique 5 the opinion of even the bull leaders themselves. The provision king has not been saying much these days, and the trade Is therefore of the opinion that he in about to, spring some sort of sur prise. Hla success In breaking former corners in wheat set many "taller' on his trail this morning, and before the end of the session everyone seemed to have switched from the bull to the bear side . Foreign markets were of a bearish dlnpos'tion today, and the bulls were squeezed real hard during the seion Liverpool opened id to d lower, and closed with a net loss of Id to lftd. Range of Chicago prices, furnished by Overbeck A Cooke company: WHEAT. Open. High. ..12S 126 ..ll&H 115 May July Sept. Dec. Low. 122 1124 Close. 124 Vs 112A 10a ; ; Batter, Zrr nd Poultry. . Bt'TTER Extra creamery, 27H 29c; . iaui.-7, eaiiem, zac; cailior- nia, 2Bo: stora. 18c. BUTTER FAT Delivery f. o. b. Port 1 -."if weJ? crea,n' 27He; sour, . 1425Ho lb. EWS Locat. best, 224e23c. CHEESE Fancv full cream ei.t. 17c; triplets and daisies, 17&lc; Toung , Americas. 18c; storage twins. 17C; trip- i ic. ana ukibicb, lie. . POULTRY Mixed chickens. ISHc i lb; fancy hens, lVi0l7c per lb: roost ers, old, 12&llc; fryers, 2627Uc- broilers. 25trl7Hc; geese. 11c! turkeys, alive. l01Se; dressed. 22i,ef2Sc: ducks lff20c; pigeons, squabs, $202.50 dox.-' old fl; dressed poultry. 11Hc higher. xops, wool and Sides. WOOL 1909 Willamette valley, lta 20c; eastern Oregon. 16f?20c. May July Sept. Dec. May July May July Sept. May Julv Sept. May July Sept. 104V4 105T4 103 ' 163, CORN. 7i 71 54 704 70?iA ...... Sg 69 6SU . 8--i . . 6814 R 61 . 6h B 58 58 .68 68 A oats: ...... 55 56 65 55 S 44 4 48 4S-. 419 41 41 41H PORK. 1R25 1825 1805 1805 3 817 1825 1810 1810 1S20 1022 1807 1S07 LARD. 1037 1040 1035 ; 1035A 1055 1055 1045 ' 1047A 1065 1070 10S0 1060A RIBS. '. . 900 9fi2 958 937A 970 972 967 967A 980 985 980 3i0 0 Grain Weeds Bain. 4 (Special Dl.patcb to Tba Jonrnsl.) Brownsville. Or., April 20. For the past two weeks farmers have been wanting rain. There Is not enough moisture In the ground at present to sprout the newly sown grain, and without a rain falls soon the crop In this section will be very light this 4 season. 8prlng farming Is about fin- ished In this section. There is a big Increase In tha acreage seeded this spring, many farmers are breaking up sod and will aow their old ground to clover to give It a much needed rest. Hun- dreds of acres of land are so oompletely worn out that It is not capable of producing over half a crop. READING CODII A LONE HOVER Advances 2 3-0 Toints in New York-Other Securities Are Featureless. Vow Vnrk Anrll tA The lllHrP ad vance In fteadlna? common In the face of a very quiet, narrow and practically feamrelvas market for olhnr securities was the surprise of the trsde today. Reading closed with a net gain of 2H points, while , tha market In general closed a fraction higher to a fraction lower. There was a good feeling abroad as compared with recent days. At Lon don consols' advanced on account of the clearer Turkish situation: money being quoted at S5 I-1S and account at 85. Rungs of Now York prices furnished by Overbeck A Cooke company: APPLE OOUELIEfJT IS STILL VERY HEAVY The big movement of apples to tha local market item to have no end, for neavy arrivals ara stUI shown. Kggs came In mora fm.lv trvtaw ?n Keceipts of products, compiled by the board of trade: r ruu. Apples, 267 boxes; 74S bunches bananaa, 75 boxea lemon, 8 boxes oranges. cars . oranges, 171 crates strawberries, 1 car oranges and lemons. VegetablesAaparaguK, li boxes; 67 rtlchokea. S boxes cucumbers, 40 sacks and 1 car onions. 78 sacks potatoes Oregon). 24 sacks', new Cali fornia potatoes, 31 packages vegetables, 47 boxes lettuce. 41 boxes rhubarb. 46 boxes spinach. 67 sacks peas. .)Blry ,f roducts Iream. 29H gallons; 2576 gallons nil He. 181 packages but ter (Oregon). 720 cases eggs (Oregon), 48 boxes cheese. - " Fish Clams. 62 boxes: IS boxes crabs. I box crawfish, 83 boxes fish. 66 sacks oysters. . i-uuiiry .licsens. tt coops; 1 coop Meats . dressed) Poultry. 2660 lbs.; 68 hogs (dressed). 176 veals (dressed). 36 muttons, 2 cars meat (dressed). -w "nd Oraln-Oata.i 1 car; X , car hay. 606O sacks flour. , . from frost or cold spring, rains haa passed, as tha blossoms have so far. ad vanced. The young st ra wherries, logan berries and othr small fruits are !' giving promise of lurse returns In spits or tne rigors or tne pasi winmr. I - J'. - J KEW TODAY. DESCRIPTION. 4 BOARD OF TRADE RECEIPTS. Wheat. Barlev. Oata. Hay. Flour. Cars. Cars. Cars. Cars. Sacks. Tues 1 1 8060 Mon. ... 11 6 6 7,400 gat IS . . 2 9 3,000 Frl. 2 2 4,000 Thurs. . . 6 .. ,. 3 B.ono Wed 2 . . 1 2 600 111.00; grain, $13.00; cneat, $13.00; aJ ra:ra. iis.oo. rmlts and Tegetable. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, new na vela. I2.503.25 per box: tangerines, $1.60: bananas, 6o lb: lemons, 12.504 $.76 box; grapefruit, $3.004.00; pine apples, Hawaiian, $3.00P3.Z& dozen strawberries. 11.50 crate of 15 boxes. POTATOES Selling. $1.50(81.76 buying for shipment, per cwu, country extra rancy, i.4; -oramary snippm buying, $1.25ail.30: common, 3)1.20 1.25: sweet. $2.60 3.00. VEGETABLES Turnips. Oregon, JlSjPl.lO; beets, $!; carrots, il.bonacit parsnips, $1.251.&0; cabbage. 444 per lb.; tomatoes, Mexican, $1.50 crate iionaa, fswi.ia crate; Deans, we id. cauliflower, lm'al. 40(p)75c dozen peas. 8c per lb.: horseradish. 12Vc artlchokea. 75c dozen: green onions 12c dozen: peppers, bell, Florida, $5.50 if8 crate; Chili, ( ): head lettuce, 40c dozen: hothouse. 11.6041.76 per box: raaisnes, lijc aoxen ouncnes; celery, 75 it 90c; eggplant. ( ) lb.; asparagus, California. 5S7c lb.; local., 6075c aozen ouncnes. ONIONS Jobbing Fancy Oregon, ro. 2, iiwz.bv per crate $2.7663: Texas. $2.25 per crate; garlic, 12 c lb. HOPS 1908 crop, choice. 7c cnoice, ie; prime, fc; lid coniracis, sc. TALLOW Prime, per lb. prime ta medium. S and gre&se, 202a c; $04c: No. fcHttl'BlUNS Shearing. lOOlSe . ears ; long wool licit 11.21 esrh. CHITTIBI BARK Old, c; new, tc lb. HIDES Dry hides. 1 Affile lb.- green. 10e IV; bulls, greea sale. S per lb; jr, -aiven, green. 1C per lb. MOHAIR 1909. X3c. Orals, rionr aad Xay. BAKUCT reed. $32; rolled. 135J; WHtAT- Buylnr price, new Track. PortJind Club, Il.lei.l7; l,lueslem ""tt'.f.1 u"'n- '-lS: Turkey i 4j a - v . iiisuiicii i.if M1LLSTITFS Selling (.rice Bran. $J4kO: middlings. $33. 0; shorts, ija -"!. - w . . mi4i nmi, szi per toa FLOLR Selling priw-Ewt-r. Or go" patent. 14 OtTt 14; strelgbC $5 ! lort, $4.79; baker. $.46. Taller' . " - -. pi.i"i. . . . . i 9 , v note wlcal $6 44; ry. 6a, $s; txl. $14 OATs Producers' price Xraek. Nv 1 white. $4: gray. $19t9. 1 HAT Prod seers price New tIhimIi. Willamette valley iaacy, lite, ordt rary. 114 ttf eastern OrciL TO OLD SHIPPERS These r our prWs. We U1 m yt prtmp'-f. We o set chars ron- -n. Tur produce saitsl be good, ;t !!': J ree-t Pork, asr sls.. ...94 I I -! eal. ...... ..7a gU f i I-re Vaal. vp to Us t. . r I--t-. .10 U 12)f tens ini ipnr.gt ' ' 1 ens e4 Sprigs.... I r fie it it arrar co. ." t-e if i rjii, t J1 20 APPLES Fancy Hood River. $3,600 2.75; ordinary. $101.60. Groceries, arnts. Sta. SUGAR Cube, f ;.45: powdered. 1 80: fruit or berry. $6.05: dry granulated. $6.05; conf. A. $6.25: extra s. $6.66; .UV If V. (PW.OM. ' J D . . U IT . ,,,. WOq granulated, $5.85; barrels. 15c; half bar rels. 30c: boxes. 6So advance on sack basis. Idaho prices are IBs tower. (Above prices are it jays net cash quotations.) BAL.T coarse nan ground, ioos, 11 OA .nn. KAtii til CA t,hU Halev 60s. $16 60: 10s. tli.00; bales, $2.$5; lm- rorted Liverpool. 60r, $20.00: 100s, 19.00: 40k. $18.00: extra fine, barrels, 2s. 6s snd 10s. 14.60(36.50: Liverpool lump rock. $20.50 per ton. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 6V: No. 2. 6c; New Orleans head. c. Ajax ( : Creole. 6c HUSKY New. isc per ID. BEANS Small white. $6.2$; large white. $5.25: pink. $$.75; bayou. $5.:5; Llmaa. $5.25; Mexican reds. $4.25. Meats, rtsa aad Prorlaloas. nAMS. BACON. ETC Pbrtland pack U'rjii name. 10 to 13 lbs.. I4',c io.; boiled ham. 21c: breakfast baron. 11(4 21HC picnics. 10c; cottage roll, lie lb.; regular short clears, smoked. 13fec lb ; backs, heavy smoked. 13 He; light, smoked. IJHc lb.; pickled tongues. 40c escn DRESSED MEAT8 Front street hogs, fancy. mOlOc: ordinary, 9o; veais. extra, 10c: ordinary, 1010c heavy. 7j8c; muttrn. 7S10C. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 19s. I4c per lb.; 6s. l"4o per lb.; 59 lb. tins. 14 He per lb.: steam rendered. 10s. 13 He per lb : 6s. 13 Sc per lb.; com pound. ia. c per id. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $240 raior rlann. $2 per box. lOe per dosen. nsil Rock cod. 19c lb.; flounder!. c lb.: halibut. 4c per lb.: striped bass. i.c pei id. ; cainsn. ioe per to.; salmon. i unto". j-c per in. ; sieel Dead. c per lb.: tierrtngs. 5e per lb.: ""i em. ic per IB: ahrlmn. 1!Ui nmr lb.: perch, 4 rr lh: tomfrod. 10c r-er ftz Kxwers, ike per In.: rresti msckeral. I er lh.; erawftsn. 20e oer dosea: sturgeon. ) per lb : black bass, tOc per lb : Columbia smelts, le per lb.; sti ver smelts. 4 r-er lh.: black em Ik, per lh ; crabs. $1.2601.76 per doses. UIHTER8 Phoslwster bay er gal- mm. mi: per I " is. eara. it: Ulym "a. iw gsllm. $$.49; per lb. sack. wmmrrm in sneil. Il.lt Mr Ir. $stea, Ooal OH, Bs. Lrxsruu on uii it.- 73c; boiled. bta c: cm tie- iv.r llos. lots "f 149 gallons, l Was: U cake o-ai, JT toa. m.r iv m.siu. ihc: staaL e lb. raJ ; lli(r nl TLRJKiTlXa la cases. llUt sr iv TU'L XJtA f-T. lofs. 7 see TK; M Ik. ss, ts m lb.; kss lots. KAILB Pres-st WsiS. 114$. The local grain market showed a com plicated tone today, cash prices being lo higher while futures were an equal sum per bushel lower. California was asking for club wheat this morning and made bids of $1.18 Dusnel f. o. d. ror spot oenvery. ou' holders were not disposed to let go at this price, some or tnem were askini as high as $1.25 a bushel for club when but admitted that tbey had little inten tion of selling lust now, preferring to take the chances of a higher market later in the season. On the basis of what tney f asking for club the blue stem would he" worth practically $1.36 a pusnei tooay. There were no receipts of either wheat or barley today and only one car each of oats and hav was reported. The scarcity of the better grades of hay ts very pronounced ana xor mat reason yesterday's advanced prices are some what firmer. Board of trade prices: Bid. Ask. CLUB WHEAT. April 118 121 May 119 122 NO. 1 WHITE OATS. April 200 202 Majj ... .....202H 2U6 NO. 1 FEED BARLEY. April ... ,155 360 May ...167H 160 T STEERS VERIf SCARCE Co. c. . s Tel 9 64V 134 106 46K 107 112 "77' 175 29 149 76 88 64 78! 22 62 30 Killers Are Inquiring for .Supplies but Cannot Get Them Surplus Used. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hois. Cattle, fiheen. Tuesday ... 85 148 240 Monday 30 ... 1.327 Saturday 107 Friday 36 195 Thursday 88 158 Wed .esday 275 85 280 Portland Union Stockvards. Anrll 20. The livestock demand waa of a most aesiraote kind today and for the few arrivals that came forward tha hevt price was obtainable. e m tb. Ptg rrww4s ftvssey. It won't Use ri at-' 4Ta la rM m,i , : iielgfcts. be ier get anuy. Orost Scarcity or Hogs. ' The great scarcltv of local hnra la uaniiiK iiaei ipil in ine litoal m.rupf nl prices are clinging closer than ever 10 ai.ou. jusi a rew noes came for. ward today and the best of these were IMUIIT QlSDOSen nr It tha Inn - Sheep market Is firm for everything. wun pniy a small run showing for the umv. in ail Z4V nm nr ahoen an. peared and this kept the price intact at the high level recently reached for ucareu siuir. ICUlers Aaxioos to Buy. Killers of cattle are on tha an-rtnn seat these daya and are strong bidden ror the small supplies coming forward to the yards. ..Today's arrivals of cattle were not of the best and therefore the prlcea reached were ns i . what klllera are freely offering for quality. Considering the class of stuff v...,m.mB me price oDisinea waa In all In stances very good; Indicating as It does that the recently held unrnlu. .w. Ulers Is about exhausteH anH t, ffraim ill in lllri(l"t O III! UP in. Until ther temnnrarllv n.ri. i,riirmir, vii r. urire win in an iiirii iiw.1 iiu.u hi rcciira rigures. " UI livestock compares ...v.o icinn yearn ss follows: ,, Cattle. Sheep. S22 " 148 240 lis? : : ::::::::::: a0 1 bA L ' i.eoo 1.100 1.:. : i ' u . s" iwny nogs were firm Ilk'w,w: rattle; sheep stesdy at un changed prices. Yards' SepreseataArra Mok. i-.21.lJW.ln Pri" are representative of ... . ......Li,jn. ana indicate demand. supplies snd quality offered STEERS. Net Weight 14,876 11.850 12.375 li.50 . HOG8. SHEEP AND LAMPS 145 mixed sheep 12 06 69 yearltna lamha I'tXa 36 sheep .'.' A nial. Cop. Co . . Am. C. A F., o.. do pfd. ...... Am. Cot. OIL, .0. Am. Ioco.. c. Am .Sugar,- e... Am. Smelt, c. . . do pfd. ...... Anaconda M. Am. Woolen, Atcnison, c. . . do pfd B. A O., c. ... do pfd. . , . . . B. R. T Can. Pacific, c. Cen. Leather, c C. & Q. W., c. . M. A St P. Chi. A N. W c. i;nes. & omo , IT i T . . w. i , , Colo. Southern, c. do 3d prd. do 1st pfd. Corn Products, c. do pfd Del. A Hudson. . . D. A R. a, c do pfd Erie, c. do 1st pfd O. Northern, c. . 111. Central Inter. Met, c. . . . do pfd. L. A N Manhattan Ry. . . Mex. Central Ry. M. K. fc T., c do pfd Distillers Ore- Lands Mo. Pacific National Lead . N. Y. Central . N. Y O. A W.. Nor. A West, c. do pfd N. American . . . N. Pacific, c Pac. M. S. Co. . . -cnn. y is' P. G., L. & C. Co. 116 Prs. St. Car, c ..... do- pfa. . Rep. I. & S c. do pfd. . Rock Island, c. do ofd St. L..A 8. F. 2pf. S. Pacific, c... aa pro. Southern Ry., c. 28 00 pro 7 tr 44 145 16 44 138 73 38V 69 74 89 130 92 84 144 60 56 134 89 105 107 103 114 5 22 30 49 64 184 88 SB 104 104 46 S3 107I107' 108 112 6 145 146 15 138 43 73 38 69 74 22 30 131 2 28 69 41 120 136 lit 2S 69 144 145 is 138 42 73 38 69 74 , rotate Pool Sells. (Knecla! Dbnatrh tn Tha Jminui Albany, Or., April 20. Several po tato raisers residing on the Santlam river east of Albany have sold their crop of potatoes for a good price. They "pooled" their holdings and then held them. The pool consisted of S600 bush els, .about eleven carloads. Woods A Hurst of Aurora bought the lot for 90 cents per bushel, net, the buyers fur nishing the sacks and twine. Much Fraft Promised. Chemawa, Or., April 20. The fruit crop this year In this vicinity will he a very large one. Cherries, apples, pears, plums and prunes have been . In blossom for over a week and all danger 50x120 On Rodney ave., in good rcsi :' :, dence district, '.? V".; ,100x100 1 In Sellwood,' small house and fine ' garden. I'dce $1000. 50x100 CORNER In Sellwood. Price $450, terms NEW BUNGALOW, VERNON Modern in all respects, V block from carline. Price 'S2700 $1000 cash, bal. $20 per month VV. n. Morehouse Investment Co. 322-324 Board of Trade Bldg. 5000 ACRES Yamhill County Sot Only Vrnexosllsa for Apples sad juagusa waiano, imi iuovr ana JOfalfa, priesa 3S to $60. Suppose you own 100 acres set to al falfa, cost 35.000. One planting. No care. Let It grow. Net prollt $5000 per annum, Can you beat UT No. If skeptical. InveattaatM. A raw rkniM bargains left. They are going svery day. Get your $6000 ready. Get fixed iur me. ii win equal iioo.ooo st ln- icreHi, ro nsit. GEO. X. WACHrONEB. Main 3481. 933 Board of Trad. 129 union Harirfc c lT."S"Tlubber, pfd u. s. isieel Co.. c do pfd , W. TX Tele..., Wis. Cent, c . .. do pfd ...... Westinghouse . , Utah Copper. . . , Third Avenue... Cons. Gas.. . . . . Big Four. ...... Great West, "B" Kan. City South 187 104 62 114 '69" 88 '43 30 138, 46 134 116 . 27 68 188 52 1144 43 30 139 186 51 114 43 30 138 180 76 38 65 78 81 23 81 184 53 88 30 46 144 145 15 44 13 23 43 73 38 68 74 88 130 49 82 85 88 144 30 136 116 87 100 22 74 27 68 40 119 123 28 67 187 104 61 114 69 62 87 82 43 138 ! 73 7 45 I l II B II B I yaT. I I I I H I I II II Oldest. Bank on ths Pacific Coast. Capital fully paid - - . . $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $500,000.00 OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, President. Edward Cookingham, Vice-Prea. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. R. S. Howard Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst Cashief. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Aceotmts of banks, firms, oorporations and individuals solicited. Travelers' checks for sale and drafts issued available in all conntries of Europe. i Liove ' -fl ' I wl n w ii ore earn Oregon's ideal agricultural . community. The choicest section of Yamhill county, the garden spot of the Wil lamette valley. Only thirty-'-. seven miles from Portland on the Southern Pacific rail road. Rich, productive soil, irrigation unnecessary, clim- . ate unsurpassed. Organized .upon the plan recommended by , Roosevelt's Country Life BUTTER HOLDING WELL IN CALIFORNIA TODAY 13 steers 12 steers 1 1 staers II steers Price. 15.16 6.16 6.15 6.16 17.5 IS 25 7 6 a i nm I1 lowing I tha aan.ral t ruling In tha rards for raises on sUx late nlum.nii H?S"r-'it eajil m( mountain. 17 la 7te7.2S; blocker... 17 Mftji ji: -2stIa Bet Steera. ..k.i . ... aMkuawtta III. 1111 ".""-.Vi ta'Sht -res. ?Z "TColMtw ta It vu.-. . tf-'3 aT rtfclsg- SVs sar tkoss Ts (United Press Laaaad Wlrs.t San Francisco. Anrll 20 Ebsb Per awn, i Hiuornia rresn, including canes, extras. 24c: firsts. 22Ue: seconds. 22c: thirds, 2044c. Jtiutter fer nound. California fresh. extras, 24c; firsts, 23c; seconds. 22c. . ntw cneese fer pound, Calirornla fancv, I6c: firsts, 13c; seconds. 12c; California Toung America, fancy, ISc; firsts. lc; Eastern Oregon flats, fancy. 16c; Eastern - Oregon Toung America, fancy, 1144c. Potatoes Per cental. River whites, fancy, 11.60 1.66: Balinas Burbanks, ! 1101.10; Oregon, 11.8002; new potatoes, per pound, 244 io; sweat potatbes, peri crate. $1.62. -T - . Onions per cental," Oregon, $2.60; Australian browns, 14; Bermudas, per crate. $1.86 2; new green, per box, 2SS6c. - i "- - . Oranges Per box, navels, slaes- 80 to 121, 1.602; elses 160 to 21. 12 2.60.. ttJIlffilffl: MATIOMAL BANK CORNER SECOND and STARK Commission You can buy a tract of 5 ofl 10 acres at $300, on easy Davments. W will cniffJ . - ' " U. V . . you 25 per cent of the net proceeds and you can build your home whenever you like. In Five Years You Will Have an Assured Income for All Future Time BOOKLET MAKES IT PLAIN Ghapin and Herlow 332 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE, PORTLAND. flORIHEf fl MARKETS ARE FIRM FOR BUTTER (United Press Utu4 Wire.) Seattle, April 20. Butter Per pound. Washington creamery firsts, 80c; ranch, 23c; renovated. 24 9 26c; California, 27c. fresh eastern, 24c; Oregon, 25c. Cbeess Per pound. Wisconsin twins, lei4c; cream brick, new, 2c; wheel Swiss, lie; California. 18c; limburger, i ISc; new TIUimonK, 16c. Potatoes Locsl. I320: Tskima, 32618: Karly Rose seed. 140042; Call. romii new, c; sweets, ft per craca. Onions Ysklma. ivejuc: Oregon. ili91Vie; greer, 30036a per dosen; Australian. 4 4 44c SPOKANE MIXING EXCHANGE PORTLAND OREGON COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS This bank solicits the commercial accounts of persons who have business transactions involving daily deposits and disbursements. The facilities for handling accounts of this kind are unsurpassed, and the increasing volume of business passing through this bank is proof of entire satisfaction on the part of our depositors. Chicken Ranch $1250; Four blocks south' of Mount Scotf car line, about 1 block of ground. an plowed and cleared, with ber ries, etc. Just the place for chick ens. Four room house, barn an. shed ; city water. Brand New Cottage $750 Cash Balance on easy terms. Four rooms, lighted with electricity, modern . and cozy; sidewalks, shed, fenced etc. ; 3 minutes' walk from Arleta station, on Mount Scott car line; only 20 minutes. ride to city. Don't overlook this one. Price 31500. . Beaver Dam Land Say, mister, do you want to buy one of the finest pieces of beaver dam in the state, only 8 miles from Portland, for 8250 Der acre? For further information call or address C. R WELLS 231 WORCESTER BLDG. (Furnished hy Overbeck r Cook Co.) Kpokane, April xw.-jrnciaj prices: . ; Bid. Ask.' Conner King..... I H Gertie .......... 2H Humming Bird.. , H at, . . - iiTpnineri , . a International Coal Idaho H Idaho 8. A R. 9H Kendall Lucar Calumet.... ,IH Ulissoula ..... , ........ . - i Monitor 27 Mineral Farm............ 2 Nabob Oosn Paul Rsmhifr ' esasasaaesS " Res ; FnowhM (nowstorns .............. I4ff tusrt r" Wrmrter - J O. K. Consolidated H 7 4 55 10rt I H 2 it ' T 1H Bitulithic Pavement Brings aatisiacuon And Enhances the Value of Abottinf Property More Than Any , Other Pavement ' , BECAUSE It is durable, uerer cracks, makes no nofse or mmble from passing Tcaicirs, couecis no oust or mua. runnermore, it prcsa sars Warren Construction Co. ; 317 BECK BLDO, PORTLAND. OR. Nest bsnealnw. Prtt? s''t W ha rintah4 ta suit ru. fees oregory, 418 rbett baiMlng. i )MfM44M9044MMMHM4M4 tmul re- rent wfca Ijonr ess bona. See Gregory Overbeck Sl Cooke Co. Commission Merchants, Slocks, Ecnrfs, Cot!on, Grain, tic 216-217 BOARD OP TRADE BUILDINO Members Chicaco Board of Trade. Corretporients of Lofaa 4 Bryaa, . Cbica j-o. New York. Boston. We have tht only private wire connecting Portland with the casters ercbsrst. i j T Westbsrs 1 Tl ess vmu ! - rj s psgs 1 1 epmaaes" i LADD'S ADDITION OTCT in doi ntown real Exrlostre close dence district. Where sll Improvements are made and paid for, including asphalt streets. Oo and sea tha manv chalea nMmm bow building. -.. Lots sre sold oa-essr terms. F. W. TORGIER 1S Saerlock SMf, STROXG SCO. e SO Consort MUf. " Agents ss ground s A Ra ro Business Opportunity A -hse of s tlfe'tnte to rnt a root rr af4 rU-lf g far I at ma ef the be IscsUons Is Wssr.lz.ga 109 esssts. - ia . a- BABrz-K. assag-aas Sg,