The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 18, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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Su festive Questions on the Sunday
Scliool Lesson ly Rev. Dr T. S. Limcott
The Internationa! Newspaper Bible Study flub Is for the purpose of pro
moting In n unfnttered way among tlie musses, a study or the Blhlo,
the bunal truths of t'hrletlanlty. and the problem wnlr.. iter into every
rnan'e life. It la cotnpoa.-d of all tlioae who Join a local club, and take up the
rlinnle rnurm herein outlined. tmrrliiK only ordained clergymen. Alt who have
rtev. If. C. Shaffer. 11 and T:I0; 8. a.
10: C. VL. :).
Third South Mount Taborj Key, II.
C. Shaffer; lilhle action! 3.
Itadlcal Sixth and Mechanic. Rev. T.
3. C'ot'k'inr. 11 end 7;au; . 8, 10; C.
K., :80. .
AlberU-Kant Twenty-aaventh and
Mildred, Hey, 11. K IJmerlth, 11 and
Bvangelleal Associations.
First English East. Sluth and Mar-
ar. . culver, li and 7:30; . f. A,
& . I mm 1
nf lnln,l rai Miiriiiiv lnVltm io no ma iiiu iv tuinuoio iur in muh. -j
I.. 4.. In ia nliii. ftt II V tirtlA durlllsf I H VfftT. Itut in lilt. OfIV
course, answer the, S3 ouaatlan. hereinafter ea.llned. fo qualify for j VA Vnrt V4T?nJ fh-aS?io- v'l. t
prison, and the bark queetlons may ohtalnsd by addressing this office. "". 10;.1.?. ,n " , 8;,0v,Y; P" 7;
Li" . iv,. i, nuiiiiah tit 1 n tut national Hundev Ionics, "lha Resurrection to Spiritual
A II ! 1 1 n 'ui j in, ,,.,.,. . . r. - - - - - , - . f i r . n . . i . ., ...
iiMii mn mitfh U.111) una a i n ann adai. ' ..'
a,hm,i i ........ ni,..n,mi h Ti..v Dr. I.lnarutt. which have aru
Intoroat elsewhere, and they, will anporir weekly In both the Katurday and
Hunday taauea of The Journal. One of these qiuetlone each week le to be
answered In writing and upon theae answers' the prues are to be awarded.
, Oondltlona of the Contest,
. .. . I , IT., . .. . !, K HVa,H1lM A ettrfM
i. r.acn eomeaiani, or ur mr inin"j, .-. mrX7
paper, In order to ciuHlffy for memberablp In the International Nowapapor Ulble
blud club and thla lucnl rluD. - - .... ... i
2. Karh conteatnnt In thla local CIUD muni anawer eacn oi me wrmen qun-
Wfniorlal l:nHt Mlrhrnanth anA Tlh.
ueiiH, jMurria nevemng, jg ana .
o. o., ii. . , .
t . : ' '"
' ' tTnlted : UTanrellcaJ.
rirat East Seventh and Stevena, Ray,
A. A. Wlntor. 8. H.. 10: 11 and 7:110.
necond l-ario and Kerby. itev. C CL
tlona for 62 consecutive werka. coinmrncln Sunday, March 14, and the anaware roiintf. 11 ; and 7:30.
lon of tnla paper wiinin two weeaa of me ciosei o". jouh a ivannoe
and .John, Rev,
Flrat While Temple, Twelfth and
Taylor. Hey. J. Wiiituonib Urougher, U.
l. 10, "One Accurd" prayer meeting IX;
aorvloea, 10:30 and T:S0; Hlble school, t;
Ioudk " 1'eople's mootlnK. Toplus,
Jlearta," and "Kon't Worry."
ArletaHev. Ji. A. Bmlth. 11 and
. .. 10; II. y. V, v., I.
. llighUnd Albrta and Blth, Tie. R.
A. Ijeonard, raator. 11 and 7:30; U. y.
P. IT., :30; H. 8.. 10.
Bellwood Taconia and Eleventh. Rev,
W. Tliuraton, 11 and It a 10; Y,
Caivar- Kaat Eighth and Grant, Rev.
w. jn. Monroa. 11 mnA T-Sll- K S 10: II I . , .il i
X. P. IT.. irSO. Ti,nl,. 'i ha '.Tmtrment" I ..i ' - I C P. Yuten. 8. H.. 10.
and 'The Cbrlatlan'a , Consolation In I J. Each question muat be answered aeparately, and tbe paper written on Ockley Oreen Oay and . "Willamette,
irouoie." , ' 1 one side only. No anawer must exceed 100 words In lenntn and rnav De less. I v. j. uowereox. 11 and 7:S9; a. B.
Immanucl Jones' Tiall, Front and! Kach answer must havo the name and address of the writer at the bottom 110; C-.FL, 6:S0. Topics, "Inqulrlna; Af
'.'L Hev- A. 11. Mlnaker. 10:30 and 1 of the anawer. ' . " . . til Utd" and 'Tba Surrendered Life.
i.v; o. a., iz; b. r. j u., 9:30., I 4. The answers must be delivered to tnii otnea, ana tney wm oe eouatea
uraoe- MontavlUn; Rov. Albert K. I at the close of the oontest and forwardod to heudqunriera ror independent ex
amination by competent examlnera. The pmes win men no awamna o
cordlnir to the hlgheat number of marks, won by members of The International
Newspaper Ulbls Study :lub, . .,
. , , . Tb Prises.' ,
' First Series A told medal to each of the first five contestants. ; ".
Second Sorles A allver medal to each of the next five oonientants.
' Third Series -X Teacher's Bible, price ,5.60, to each of Uie next five con-
tMtants. - o:m wir. k,v "Tl. TTaar af nhriiMinlli." nWa Xl.BO. k each
l!T' " wvw - m . ' I ..- ,-.,' 1 J .
fif ha n RX vmtHtinti. I TjnMATIan.
Kach medal will be suitably engraved, dvinr tbe name of tho winner and I Church' of 0ur Fatlier Tamhlll and
for what It. la awarded and In like manner eacn ioe ana dook wm pa in- eeventn. Key. T. L. Eliot. D. D., Rev.
sorlbed. . - ' , it- u A ' . ' J W. p. Eliot Jr. and Rev. N. H. Baker.
All who can write and have Ideas, are urred to taka up these studies rm I ministers, 11 and 7:46. 8. 8.. Y.
;ardleas of the, degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from 1 P. V., .80: kindergarten, '11. u Topto
an educational or literary aianapoini, out irura , nm . poini t ,w ., mw i no nsiory oi . unitananism in Amer
oogency of their reasoned Ideas.. ;, , i ..--,,;. ,' I lea," Illustrated. ..
verses 8-9 what had ounaea cauu . , - i .
' How did Saul spend the days that hej ; VniTersallst '
w&a viiftoui i znir - i .. m -
Did he fast because he had no dealre Co,Xand E rtth H J JD CorK
a help to ' plrlFual Uf.T ' " veranoa or the Bamu." ,
Verses 10-12 May the ability to har
Ood speak be acquired by all true Chris-1 K. S. Ohuroh onto.
tlansT , ' - - . ,, 171 Second. Rer. a H. Mowre, 11
Have you any axperienca i Ood and 7:30; B. S.. 10; J3. U. t:t0. Rsv. E.
inr ' more ' i-nan - on prnwa viiw ruuvi Jones. ' ,
thing, so that whan they came to com- I ' ,
iJl9r.:!r. ' . KlsoelUnsous.
win rinA ,lwi,i tinniM ii tnr nnr I First ficl ritual fiocletv. Western Aoad-
work, and prepare the work for us? I emy halL Second and Morrison. Meet-
Verses 13-16 la God pleased or dls- mn, n, :v and-7:4S,t
d1 eased, if we do not accept what be I FVlenrtn" ' t7niirchMm mil tram
says.' when It is not clear to nsT I Thirty-fifth, Llndley A. Wells, 11 and
verses 17-ia si a aaa as uis ixmi-y, a. p., i, v. hl, :,
Varnh 11 n .1 T.ok. n u ,n. V T
U., :S0, Topics, "Ood's Education of
favorite Sons," and "The Great Ne
' lect." ,
Central Eaat Twentieth and Ankeny;
W. T. Jordan. 10:30 and 7:30; B. 4,
12f Y, p., :ao. Topics. -Paylns; the
r Cost." and "The Last Enemies.''
University Park Rav. A. - EL Walt
8. B.. 10: 11 and 7-sft. n v t TT . :aa.
Topics. f'OM Time Fslth" and TCeepIn
Friends With Oneself."-
CbMstlaa Boleaoa.
First Church Of Christ Scottish Rlt
cathedral. Morrlaon and Lownndale. 11
and ,8;,S. 8.. .1.J. .. Toploi "Doctrlna of
I Atonement. ,-
Second Woodmen's Hall. Kast Blxth
and Alder,- 11 and 8; 8. 8. 13. Toplo:
xucntne vi Atonement. - . ...
Anvil 1ft- -MOB.
The Converafon'Of Saul Acts lx: l'-30;
Golden Text He fell to the earth and
, Hawthorns; Rev. C Feldmetb. Ill S. 6,
s:6. , ,
St, Johns (German) Re. 01 Feld
; tneth.. a R, 8:S; services 11 and 7:80.
..Second Seventh and Eastj Ankeny;
10:30 and 7:80; Bible school. 13; B. T.
P. U., 6:80. Hev.: I W. Riley. -
r "&fl"o-T P U hTkv heiTrd a voice saying unto him Saul,
B?'C CookT SauI whr Prsecuteat thou met Acts
RCs';T p?.al; lXV.r. i--From experience, pbilono-
Chak - ' P''ng. . ;by( Key.' u un phlcaUy theologically, psychologically
w Flrs German Fourth and Mill; fJL tttf T!0Wf feiforhri.
Rsv. J. Kratt 11 and 7:80; S. S 8:4s! 'fr tl!- bltt' hatred of Saul for Chris
Second German Morrla street and "."?" 1 .
!fcRodry avenue; Rev. F. Buermann, ill Arter tiis conversion did ne snow tne
fr and 7:80: S. 8.. -4B ,am, hatred toward those who opposed
East Forty-fifth street Corner Bast I ntnSrJ ' : .v. V 4-.
Wain; Rev. B. C. Cook. 11 and 7:80: L-H" h'tory Just fy . the statement
Bible school. 10: R T. I. TT. t it Mttiat, zealous religionists, who have not
Jnts Rer. J. F. Heacook B. 8.. 10; known, nor experienced the love of God.
11 and 7:80; B. Y P. U.. 6 30- "Salva- have bn exceedingly cruel and bitter
tlon of Grace," and "Tbe Good Fight." - "1tnT ' . 1 .
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; t:Ver?" A"r'whllt a th.enat!ir?00'
tvev. n. n. jtt. Jonnson. 11 and 7:30. si .u.t niu ruunu oun ovm
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; .Rev. -Acts xxll:., xxvi:18, I Cor, rv:8.1 , .
Frick Scherstrom. 10:4S and 7:45: hoaa volca waa it that Saul heard?
S. 8., 12; B. y. P. TT.. 6:30. - What reason is thera to believe that
- Union Avenue Mission (Swedish) tnl , real voice with . outward
Corner Skldmnra 8, S 10.- ' .. found? ,-.. I s ; . v - -,J--, ,
Third Knott and Vanoouvert Rer. R. Ia there any sinner so bad that Jeaus
Schwedler- ' S. B., 10; B. Y. P, U., 7:30; &oe not call him to repent? .
11, 4 ' , , Had Saul - actually' been persecuting
-!.. - ... '-1,,: wuii or jvinii. io.w.j - ?
- ' Presbyterian -' ' If we hurt or help a Christian, ! that
luSrkTr,hltn. tt?d rik MIredOaBsen0.eJTwhicU 'cbristlak
liam lllram oulkea.. 10:80 and 7:80. 1 . ,u. . 1 w.i..
Topics, 'The Real Presence," and The Verse 6 Did- Saul- lenow I'frorrt the
first who It was that spake to him? .
Does It always consciously hurt to
fight against . Ood? . ' t , '.1 p , ; v.
Does wrong doing always hurt1' wheth
er dona in ignorance' or not? ' ' .
verse a vvnat makes sinners always
' Perfect Law of Liberty."-
Mlznah East Thirteenth' and Powell;
Rev. Harry Leeds, ,,-U and. 7:30; B. &,
j; t.i.i-v.,' e :u. .... - j-
Calvary Eleventh, and -Clay; Rer." J.
A. - P. McGraw, 1080 and 7:30, Topics,
"The Sabbath and Civil . Liberty." and
' "8'trlvlna; for Mastery." .-.'.'-rf v
i Fourth First and OlbbifT Rer. Don-
aid McKerizlet 10:30 and 7;80t S.S., 13;
. C E.. 6:30. ;...V "-..v.- v V-
tremble when God reprove them, fori
! their, sins?
m, wnai aiago aoea uoa xorgive a
convicted sinner ?, V ( ' " f ' t-S '
is When wa Saul , actual! r converted?
Tavlor- Kev Wllllnm Tonn. V"7 la not jesus Wii xaut mere
7-iirt- a 'a Ji r- ir -ih . "r , - ana ,tnen, wnat he wanted lilm t do? "
'Forbes-eVllwood'an ""Gantenbeln, VTff!-:. urrn.tirii
: 11 and 7:30:8 H I iiaui.i wi ,. . ; -v
rWv. th. Holy Ohort 0, tie tlm. llabmV 0C-6H 11-
of bis oonrertloii, and whan do Ohris- j Spiritualists Drew s hall. Dr. W". T.
tlans generally reoelre him? (ThU Alleai. . -
eiM n.e uinHili writ bur -Wedluraa. JJd Ministers' Spiritual A-
, " " , sociation Auditorium .building, 11, 8
members of the olB.)r:v;'' ;,p, and 7:46. V;. .. ..v-.i . ::;
Verses 1 9-32 Do ' all genuine eon- - Swedish s FVea Mission Mississippi
verts like SauL commence Immediately and Shaver. Rev. V. Carlson, 8 and 8.
to get others converted? . X C. A. Fourth and Tamhin 3.
What was the power In Saul which Ira S. - Oiler. -v Topic, 'Tha Man God
gave him his great seal and Is tha Called a Fool."
same power available for every Chris- Swedlah Corps Salvation Army 430
tian? ' i Burnside, 11, 4:30 and 8.
Vernes 1S-2B Tf a. oerson feala. ar - Millennial - Dawn Odd Fellowa' hall.
acts in a bitter spirit toward one of aeorner Eaat '6-th and Alder Frank Dra-
dirrerent ratio, is thai proor tnat na js na t p. m. xopjes, "How,
not In touch with the true God? - When and Why Jesus Comes the Second
Verses 26-30-i-Are Christians Justlflefl time and "Who Is the Rich Man
in being , cautious In recelvtnK stran- w"at Hell I, He In; and Will He Evei
! ' l" wutr
m.fli Ida hul i tnr mx VMm. MMM i Latter Dav flalnta
vert to show he realy is a Christian? 11:30 and 18. Corner E. . 10Uj and
la a : true earnest aggressive Chrla-1 Sherman. . -., , . ,
tian as liable to give offense in theaa i Mmmanuel German Corner IKth nnif
days as was Saul ? ' - v Leo (Bellwood), H. C. Ebellng; S. S.,
leeeon- lor ounuay. April zo, iyu I -ww v.iu.
Ths c;rrel in Antloch
1:: z.
Acta xi.ll-30;
Ministers, Sunday school ' teachers and others Interested ar Invited to'
- Grace English Rodney and Ivy Al
Una, H. C. labeling. 7:30. ,
Piedmont Cleveland ' and '. Jarrett; J write The- Journal briefly thclh views as to the-worth of these "questions," IHrOT?Ti,i TirOnVSTTTOTXTil
9V..J. E. Snyder, 11 4md 7:30; S. S.. ParUcularly If they consider them of value In their work.1 .. : r.- -1U-VXIU iM.UUxi OXLll JU i ;r .
Waahlngton, April 17. Officials- of
the Internal revenue bureau of the treaa
Rev. -Harry II. Pratt
lit: c. ts.. n.aiK
l,ltZrVJ?ll'h:it Cudlipn.U'(:80 and 7:30- . A. :1: Forsrthe. lit S. S.. It
u... u.... f .MMii. , ift.i .-j IE. L.. 8.30. , - - I St. Mark's Nineteenth an1 OntmS-
. ,f. 1VD : A..I.VTI11 J AVI ItltlUt IU. I ,1U.IU , BU III I , .- ' j 1-. v ' ' ' J" "V ' 1 h . : . , " - . 1" J
.Vancouver Avenue 11 and ?:80. - ' eY- J-.. bimpaon, s, ji and 7:30:
Marshall Street fnrsi!mn end Tvot-t-b I . 1 j t.. v ti t..-
. "Va?elmo
man; xvar. P 1 e. ii. 7. , .. ", Vt'TO ano :so. -: : 1 .tlona of the country, particularly
"iL- - "lrtrat German Fifteenth and Hovt! O. llVy oiwyuenipeiiwouo, ana , van- south, has resulted In increasing the
vtoiauons or the internal rev-
ta the distillation of illicit
reporta clearly Indicate that In
me eoutnem Btatea, and espe
Alabama. Georarla and North
thera has been greater activity
on the part of the i lawless
teenth. Rev. EUsen Ribara. 9:ii and e
8:80; 8. S.. :30. 7'nr,J.i 'i',',,8' J:'J'' c,. ,w than In manyyeaw. This Is accounted
I coma. Rev. Lester C Poor, 11. and 7:30;- anf,Y?'?,r4 Rv, George B., Van Wa't-.jof these three states have enacted laws
S ' . D Tnl,.'. 1....,. ...... . I
. 1 T.iM n ? . 77 r1M a Yiy department are of the opinion that
and! - n?ior i1 "na,30't.B-.8-,1-- . I tne temperance movement which., haa
T&oTI"l Our Saviour Vfoodstoelt, taken such etrong holdf certain seo!
in the
ilET FROM 0. C.
Ilolman, Portland Boy, "Wins
Two Dashes in Good
; v Ilunniiifl: Tinie.
San Francisco, April 17 SUnford's
track team won the sixteenth annual
track and field meet from-the' Uni
versity of California today by a score
of t points to 66, after a contest which
was chose and Interesting all tha way
through, and waa not tattled until the
result of tha final event waa anounced.
Tha Dole vault waa tha lnar Ihlnuaon
tha program, and' when the competitors
in mm went were maxing meir vaults
tha Stanford team had enough' points
to tie the meat, and California had a
chance to break even by taking all the
nine points for tha event.
Aalde from tha uncertainty which pre
vailed from the time tha shot from, the
starter's gun opened tha program, the
feature of the meet waa the remarkable
performances of John O. Miller, who
juuea ma victors rrom the rire. Idil
er'a performance waa all the mora re
markable on account of his having run
In tha half mile and tha quarter mile
roa orivioui io mi rtiav xs anuaian
hla own coast record of 1:88 1-1 In tha
half mile race, which he woo -after a
aeaperate race . against Doner of Cali
fornia, who was four yards behind the
Bianiora man at tne xinisn. Miller took
second In the quarter mile to his team
mate,. Wyman, tha 'two breasting the
taps almost together, with Wyman win
ning; In 60 1-6 seconds a new record for
tnesa college meets. The summary:
One mile T. B. Smith C). first: M
Gregor (9 ). second; Ersklne (C), third.
Time, 4:38.
100 yards Final heat, Holman (8.).
rirst; jonns tu.l, . seoona; Kant (CJ,
third. V Time, 10 2-6 seconds.
Hammer throw Crawford (8.), first.
144 feet 6H inchest Wooley (S.). second.
143 reet 10 inches: Munn (C). third.
4u xeei men
120 vard hurdle Final . heat. Cowles
ui. iirsi: uonaia iu.i. secona: to
wards (C), third. Time, 16 4-6 aeconds
(eauals Intercollegiate record). i
220 yards Final heat. Holman (8.).
first; w. R. Jones (C), second; Cllne
(H.). third. Time, SZ 8-8 seconds.
Half mile Miller (8.). first; Dorter
(C). second: E. F; Smith (O. third.
Time. 1:68 2-8. - -. t
High Jump Bull (C.) and Taylor (C),
tied for first, 6 feet 11 Inches; Poor
(8.), third. - ?
Broad jump vuas (C); nrst. zi reet
Inches: Stola (S.). second: Kretsinger
(C). third.
220 yard high hurdle Final heat. Ed
wards C). first: Grubb (C), second: H.
8. Johns "". third. Time, 36 seconds.
440 yards Wyman (S.), first; Miller
(S.). second: Butler (C), third.. Time,
60 1-8 seconds.
Two miles Newman (B.). first:
Wortbinrton (S.), second; Sweet (S.),
third. Time, 10:8 (intercollegiate reo-
Ord).'! ::
Hhotnut Criwford. (8.1. 44 feet i W
Inches, first; Horton (8.), second; Dig-
nan (C), third. -
' Relay race Stanford (Stola, Roth,
Coonan,' Miller and Wyman) beat Cali
fornia (Rathbone, Newsom, H. S. John
son, Cheney and Butler). Time, 3:18
(Intercollegiate record . .
poie vault neon tu. , iirsi, n icev
14 Inches: Sheridan and Brown (C).
tied for second. ' Total points, Stanford
66, California 66.
u.V. ., t?? a r Vh r..- Til , V-d A. WaasaJ 11 and 7:30. - 1 ;r,.'iS o"a.""" numM f
780i a"sZl0Tc7E-r-.l3?T"- T .fwrMW 't?- '' 8t! avidWEast- Twelfth and Bel-
RaA-tTiraw m ToplW "Of Toufn . Prayer. I Kecen t
. - I Escape the coming calamity. . I i. ,-.V.ivv.VkU. " '"""x ?r
ftnIJ.i!-. a .a a... f Racond German Stanton and Rodner. BVV Henrr "seir Talbot. I daily In
HojpMontaVlTlar Rer. S. a While.' K R Hertsler. 11 and 8; S. a. 8:4oi 8.'B"cn8on vnape,-rtiana weight-, Carona.
Ken II worth East Thirtv-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev, J. S. Dunning Ph. D.;
11; B. S.. 13.
JEVIllard Avenue Rev. John A. Town
send.. Services 11 and 7:30; S. B 10
a. m.--'- - - .. ,
Trinity Dakota street, Rev. A. Rob
inson. 7:30; C. E., 6:46; S. S., 11.
via, VV 1 Wa 9, 0,f t 1
St aulvvoodraere. Rey J. C; Foiv
W tl f as.A.t7 T t.lA
ri, .U., I.IV, CJ. XA. TJ.OV. '
mu a AHn4ALrnlT UAtnAolal. Tkl.fW
ninth and Powell. Rev. S. J. Kester, Jl l.h 11 S- 8:16.
M ft . rt d 4A. Vl TP ft m T TT T m I " a i aiati.M
luuii ves, i4io-uuiw smiu . a a wai ua 4kQT.
Harold Oberg, 11 and 7:80: a- S.," 10;
. Harold Obergil and 7:30: 8.- 8., 10; First Madison and Park. Rev. ,a not exist. Whiskey being mora
;R.,!' JBonJ",'! iaTSUB"' tneeOngf, "f 1.' J B, U. 6:45.- LuthenR. Dyott, D. D.i T. JU Luck, aa difficult to obtain In. a legitimate way
r:30rS. a. 13:16; B. L- Woodlawn William J. Douglass. 11 sistant; 11 and 7:46; S S.; 10. Topics, has , greatly Increased the profits ' of
nel f ?ntata.: 7:30: & S., 10; E. L., 8:30. "Immortality" fend "hntlttott Beyond Illicit disUll!n.
s Great Hymns." . University Park Dawson and Fiska, Death:' ecogniiion jjeyonq . .
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young, clans meeting, 12: J.. U, 3; E. L., 6:45,
; iu:au ana :au
8. "The Redeemer,
"The Story of the Great Hymns." University Park Dawson and Fiska, Death.'
....r'Vi'm rr. "fa IVV.-Vl' '"Y"t'71. ".'-J"'.- . SunnvsMa rrt Tavlnr and
niin, . 1,-tiuuwij ii iiu or1 "V I Airioan won i mrxeenm ana main. 1 r-i;i, sr, .iu d.- t i 01L.T. ii S
hLKMtl Vl&A&Jti &Jt?JA 5'v-i W. W. Matthew.. 11 and 8. SpecUl V2S?lV?r''c?Tk 'I E.I
rsfang. It. Use and Abuse." . Fatton Michigan avenui' and Carpen- fPJ &3 i9' i.Tofic"' .Jhlhrlar
St. John- S. H. Dewart: U and 3; ter, D. A. Watters. 11 and 7:30; S. alo; "f" p" L.f"'; and - "Building a
s o-f - , . - K. J-,.. f:so. Topics, "our unurcn in tne - " ' -
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Bavler; Philippines.': and "Morning and Even-1 University Park Haven and Dawson.
Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 fend 7:30; ina:." , Irving Hart In morning. 1 Rev. G. W. Rlggs; S. a. 10; C 6:30;
prohibiting distilleries from
1 within their borders.
Many of the leaitlmata dlatlllarlaa
I have moved their plants to Florida and
I other border states where the inhibition
I does not exist. Whisker being mora
A nice Sunday outing.. Take East
Anlranv. Dam r!ltv 1. , 1 1 n .
and visit Gregory Heights. Don't ba
looiea. ue sure ana see a.' Gregory
Helehts salesman. Bea ail.
11 VU V
a .a 1A m T . C-9t PavivsI mart-i fmm I a- rr v -r- a o l . ci I ".Ifl
JLk lVAPLBj flfSJ. J.- McDougalK 11 and 7:80. : ' laurel wood Rev. W. . BV Myers: 11
fn"? fi S1. tMTas- Tiil? -',2roo,(,iftokT-JaDa Voce" anl 7:30; S. S.r10. C E. 6:80. '
?-i?ir mc r?A w.Xr?wl :1rtd5 opi"al B. 8, 10; E. L, 6:30. '. ; v- Mla.issippi Avenue Mississippi
T?ow Mch. . Do We .OwaGod?' and , , , . ., vmi.i.i, , n. , irh.m.!
' Catholic " ' an 7:30: 6-..S-. 1C
: Msry's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth wiaanJo ev - Pan
Davis Most Rev. A. Christie. D. D. g S i- r E 1
' mass, , 8 and 9. High maas and KiVhlandU-Faat
"What Constitutes a Good Man."
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith; .11 and 7:30; a S 10; E. L,
: 6:30. , ' - "- .
Central 334 Russell, ReV. C. I Ham-
jllton. iu:sg; n., 12; ts. u., 6:80,
Fremont,, Rev. Daniel -T. Thomas; 11
and 7:30: S. S.. 10: C. E.. 6:30.
iiassaio isireet j-.ast Heventn ana
raui Kader; 11. and 7:30,
A British electro-metallurgist haa
brought out a -"stem whereby It 1.
possible to produce coooer wlr or sheet a
from the crude metal In but on opera
tion. ... .:... mr - '
Journal want ad. le a word.
(TJalted Press Leased Wire.) '
Washington. April 17. An un
precedented play occurred In tha
eighth . Inning of the .- Boston
Washington game today when
Niels, with the bases full, sent,
what should have, been a three
base, bit clear to the right field:
fence. Speaker and Gessler gal-'
loped home but Danslg, who was
on first, dune to second. Niels .
ran past him to third and was
called out for overrunning a
baserunner and got but a single
for what should have scored
three men and been a three bagger.
(United Press Let1 Wire.!
Chicago. Aoril 17. Edward Pavsen
Weston, the aged' pedestrian, arrived at
tha Illinois Athletic club house at 6:48
o'clock tonight- i Ha retired for Jwo
houra sleeD after taking a bath. Later
he attended a reception In his honor and
8. T. A. Dof tus, a - club member, pre
sented mm with a goia watcn.
1 nrmn win leave lor ou xouia cany
i Monday . morning. His route to Ban
Chinese Mlsslon-Cbaa Sing Kal; 11 benediction, 7:45
sermon. 11. .Vesnara. Instruction a ..".,'S,"S,l.. BU ? -TF"".
honHictlnn "-4E ' T " " - XT "ev. . ouinger; 11 and 7:o. 8. a.
and 7:30.
St Joseph's (German)r Fifteenth and
10: C.
E., 6:46.
Topics. "After -Easter
Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John Couch Rt Rev. James Rauw, V. O.KT.V. ana 8tumD,ul. na i,tum-
K.prlon:5o!m . J- iN' ' Nelson; 11 and
And those afflicted with heart
weakness may now have no
I fear of the dental chair,
I had 1 teeth extracted at tha Har
vard Dentists' without tha least pal a.
and highly recommend them.
7 , MRS. HAN LEY, 846 36th St
Whalebone Plate S10
A Great Disoorerr. tha Vrw nrhaJa.
Doae nate, wnicn is the lightest and
strongest set known; does not cover tha
roof or the mouth; bite corn off the
cob; guaranteed 19 yeara
We will forfeit f 1000 to any charitable
institution ror tne oennst who can make
a plate for $16 as good as we make for tie.
.: 10 Year Guarantee
ol ijBiwrencB . loira imi n 1 1 errn saYi- i i - . ..
ow 3 a H.,he. ma.a 7 ai -." - ennsii jwisit - Beventn and
S :b: " High masi and sermo loTib: 55a"l :1Jon'? ad
Vamara and Ikanetctlna t-IH 1 a P.IB. C. E. 6.30.
st Patrick a, Nineteenth and Bavler
Rev. E. P. Murphy, Low mass, 8. High
mas. and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 3:80. ' j v
St Michael's (ItaHan). Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass. 8.
High fhasa and sermon. 10:30. Vespers i
ana ooneoietion,
Xiatheraa. '
f . -
Admire snd appreciate artistic needlework. We have endeavored to
make our shop tha home of all that it beautiful in needlework. Our
tmbroideriei have . attained fame throughout the entire United
' l . E-mDroid
Irving. . 11 anof 8; s.s., 1:45. j T. States, in fact in many foreign conntnes as wen.
Norwerian. synod Kast Tenth and I T ; .,
Grant; Rev. O. Hagoas, 11 and 7:30;
a S., 9:30. ,
Betanla Danish Union and "Morris,
Oeld Crvn, extra heavy 95.00
rtil Set Teeth (wfeaiefcoa St B. W.) VH.OO
Vridge Wotb. par oeWa, Seat goid..j OO
Wktte Crewas ........... k ....... MOO
Teeth Be-enaaialeS ,....S3O0
O-014 milage ........... .Sl.00
Asd aet eea-dlg. ............ fa. PO
Wet saver ruusga ro
riatlnoia riDiars .ft. oo
Teeth C'.oaaad -SO.S0
rrea wmi otaet vera la craer-d.
Ff or new areiera et ramleas dentletrr.
ipi ty os eimia. Our eacroas le due te
te hisH-rade work dona by our expert
gantiemaiily oreratora.
Coraa T-art and Wssalnrtoa fta
Over aVoyai Bakery.
Ca.t ar-d bet-o5-i.r -1 I n'1 estah-
I In the wi-.r.J: 19 ctcoa M
I f i. Cv- tJKtr, I ta 1;
t..y (il l a.
St Francis'. Kaat Eleventh and Oak-2-IRev. J. Stott. 11 and 8: B R.. 10. Tnn.
nvv. n. DiacK. low mass. a. a:aiice. tu r unaiML ljova.". ana "wimnm
ina Hign mass ana sermon, io:io. i and Folly." -
Veepara, Instruction and benediction, I st James English West Park and
i:o. I i errerson : j. Alien loas. and ; a
Immaculate Heart of Marv. Williams 1 8 10. Rev. G. A. Jahn.
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low! United Norwegian 46 N. Fourteenth:
mana, 8 and High mass and ser-1 Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30; a S.. 8:46.
mod. 10:30. Vasnera and benediction. I 8:80. - .
7:30. I Zion's German Chaoman andf Bit.
Unl -. - Tkll m.A rittlA-- I Minn. TAT U R.kM 1A-1E, fl.lK- Q a
Very Rev. A. 8. Lawler. Low masa. 6,1 St Paula German East Twelfth and
7 and 8:30. High mass and sermon, I Clinton: Rev. A. Krauae, 10:30 and 7:30; j
10.80. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. 18. 8.. 6:30.
Sacred Heart. Mllwaukle Rer. Ore- Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
gory Roble, O. 8. B. Low mass, 8. High I Williams and Hellwood; J. A. Rlmbach. I
:i5; e. , is; 7:q. - .--
Swedlah Aurastana Rodner and!
Stanton: Rer. C. A. Tolln. 19:46 and
V..C. f a . . . .
Swedish Mission Seventeenth anjl
GUaan; Rer. It J. Thoren. 11 and 7:46;
& B, 1)
See Our Window Today
Pure linen Shirtwaist Patterns, stamped for tailored or lingerie
stylet; regular $175, special..... ..8i. 35
Wallaehian Centerpieces, 22-inch sizes, stamped on tan linen; regit-
. lar 65c, special..... .........;......45
Corset Covers, stamped on finest grade French cambric, complete
with floss to embroider; special... ......... ........ ,..,.7... 39s
We are now prepared to execute orders for braiding and cord
ing on net or other fabrics. Orders filled promptly and work
guaranteed.' ". . -" - .
Francisco Includes St Louis, Kansas
City, Denver, Cheyenne. Ogden, Los An
geles and the end of Ms long walk.
San Franclaoo, where he expects to ar
rive July 8. ' ,
Weston started from New York
March 16. lie expected to make 4&
miles a day arid haa walked an aver
age of 47, By' being forced ta take a
clccultous route, he haa lost about 46
minutes on the achedule. lie will
cover 4300 miles.
Varsity Ileal fialem.
(Spei-lnl PUpitrh to The Jnirnal.1
Salem. Or.. April 11. The Salem
Hls-h school baseball team was de
feated this afternoon ty the Univer
sity of Oregon by a score of 8 to 3 In
a gurus pl)e.l on WHlaiiioti s
In lh first Inning Euueiie s " l '
run befure being put to the t " ! i r
the plurky work of Astienfc t ' '
srhool's iiltibcr. lltgu aclmol In t 11
tldl tha score.
In tbe swuud lnnln 1. rf O ( 1
tha High srhool pit. i. or fur t' t ' --.
scoring three runs. Neither teutn Hi "'
anvthlng until the first tu-t of H.
Ulh, w hen V. of O. run In two inoi
runa on errors. High school came lm
with one run, but was unable to ei-nre
again. U. or O. got Mil in the eigina
and ninth InnlnKS. scoring two and. funk
ing a total suora of 3 to 3 In favor of
the vlaltOrs. -
' - " p
Tbe addition of a little powdered rlialk
la said to make common glue atroiiKitr.
masa and sermon, 10. Vespers and ben-
TCiciion, 7:io. v
Hnlv Crosa Unhrerslty Parte Rert J.
r. Tblllman, C 8. a Low masa, 8:30.
High masa and sermon. 10:30. Vespers
ana oeneoicuon, .
Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van
couver Kev. Ed K. CantweiL C F8. R.
Low masa, 8. High mass and sermon,
10 SO. Benediction. 4.
St Androwa, Ninth and Alberta
Kev. 1 tiomaa Klemaru Low masa S,
High maas and sermonT 10. VesDers.
structlnn snd benediction. T:SS.
fit. Stephen's, fortv-eecond and Kast
Tsyloi- Htv. W. A. Waltt Low masa
i n. Mian maas ana sermon. e-xo.
i9. High maas and sermon. 10-80.
t StaTnalaua alarvland and FaJllna-.
Rer. C SoroakL Low maaa 8. hlah
maes and sermon 19.
Pt If-nattuM, Fortv-ioerid and Powell
VaJley road. Rev F. Dillon, a J. Lew
m 8 and 1; masa, sermon and
benediction II 19 -
Ateemion, f ontavllla. Rer. J. P.
ntinatrtrk Mass and aarmon 6 In
chapel of bisters of tha l'recioua Blood.
Valtod Prasbytarlaa. - -
Church of tha Strangers Wa?e knd
Grand. Bev. a Earl DuBota. 1:J and
.7:J; a 8.. 13. Sermons translated for
Jlrst sutfe and Montgomery.. 10:38
and 7:30.
Third Marguerite nail. Thirty-fifth
and Hawthorne, Rev. J. It Acheson; a.
X Formerly at 382 Washington St Now at H7&
. 6th, Near Morrison ' $
Trln'tT Vinetoont. and Erooatt Dr.
A. A. Mo-TlKin, ;.20. 11 a-d 7 10. S. S.
3 p. rn. Eviiag topic, "Tbe Emmanuel
KrTM " 4 i
tit. Hi:l, roat ard oVnitierm,
Rev W. A. At Hro 1 1 ; 6. S, 14; cora
ra' -io-' f a m. "
Pre "lo- f Ft trf,h!i tba M
tr TMr'ee-uh and C. v. r.ev. It
f -amear, :S 9, 11 and 7. it p. m; 8 ri.
(si. anl-fw r-l"r-tT'-,i:h. Rev. J. R.
First Park and Coltimbts: ' it and
T:30; ft. S, 1; C R. 6:30. Toplce 'The i
Purerlatl Value of Faith" and "Christ, ,
the Mystery nf God."
Feliwod Eleventh an I Cmatilla.
16 ana 7 44.
Central Kast Twentieth and Sal- i
iron : Per. 1. T. Ghormlov. D. IX 14.11
and T:4. Rrv. Davis Errett
Podrey ana Hodney and rvnott: j
Tiomaa f. Ptct-r; 8. S 8:45. Tories,'
"Tne ilmea of LKing." and The Twr '
rH N'if cf the o"pel." ;
Km Ps-k Fe. E. M. Patteraon. 11 i
ad 7 1. a a., it: ( r;.,
Wnrw;w 11 and ?.3; Clark W.
Com none ( '
: Srrthraa ta Christ.
riri'. Kt rifteenth and W or r lion.
Wheeler & Wilson
Standards of the World
Special Low Prices and Easy
Payments. -I sU direct from
store to user. One price to all.
t ' '
Seo . S. SIOEL, Proprietor
rhones il&2. A43?9 33S MORRISON ST, Cor. Seventh
Tb Grandest Achievement In the Manufacture of Lenses That Has
Been Made in Over One Hundred Years. .
If you hare
headache, poor
vision, n er v
ousness, spots
before the
eyes or pains
In back of
head, consult
Thonipson. '
' ,
I '
, 1
Over 20,000
fer sons in
ortland and
vicinity are
now wearing
Glasses a n d
sending him
their relatives
and friends.
With TjBrOBO'SOBrg TrTOCAl unxsx the wearer can -see to read,
to walk up and down steps; the merchant can read the label on his
goods. The housewife can see to sweep, sew, or(at a distance with ona
pair of glasses. The carpenter can saw to a Ittye. drive nails, read,
plane, and direct workmen at m distance, all with one pair of glasses.
ihi Inlernallonally indorsed Sight Expert - -
' STOW " '
Have This for Future Reference.. '
The Path to Economical Piano
Buying Leads to Sherman,
Clay & Co.
' : ';1y-y t ; '""'" .'iC.'ii' ' '-'-''? t Mw'J- ':.-. -: '"'"'- f'V
There is no gainsaying the fact that at Sherman, Clay & Co.'s
store you have the best opportunity for supplying your piano,
organ and talking machine needs, yott have the best facilities for
selecting your instrument in honie-Uke . surroundings, you have
theassurance bf this old house that you are to be pleased with
your', purchase I and be pleased with your? dealings with
us or your money will be refunded and, what is of more im
portance thsfh anything else, your selection is
not confined to two or three unknown makes,
but from the following world-renowned makes:
r, You come to'oW store with the knowledge that the first
price yon get is not only the last price, but it is the lowest price
obtainable, on the same quality of goods. There is no fog here,
no uncertainty, no haggling, no mysterious catalogue or other
boosted prices to entrap the unwary. Everyone is treated fairly
and alike. 'All receive the same low pricer based on factory cost,
which is just to purchaser and ourselves alike. This always
assures you of getting the exact piano value you pay for, and
we know we speak the truth when we say that you can
Always Save Money on Your
Piano Purchase
At our store, as compared with what you will be asked to pay
elsewhere. Of course our terms are the easiet. our stock tV
largest and newest;' no one ever doubted it.
t -
Steimvay Dealers
Sherman, Gay
Corner Sixth zzi Menisci
AnK FrfrA f.Hhtrti f f .-A