The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 17, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    - I
Sunday Journal Cc
Tho weather Fair tonight, ' with
light frost; Sunday fair and warmer.
VOL. VIII. NO. 38.
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Business Man of San Fran- Philadelphia Hayor Says lie
cisco jtatany snot seat- Asiss .uniy rroper ispon
;tle Bank Invaded by Bold
Desperado Both Crimes
Jlost Baring in History.
sorship 1 and Respect
Manager of Rose Show Al
leges Sneer; Retorts.
. ,Twp desperate attempts at holdup
occurred today in Pacific coast cities.
In Seattle a thug entered a bank in
the heart of the city, and failing to
get what he demanded, shot at the
' . (BpcUI Ditpatch t The Journal.)
Philadelphia, Pa., April 17. White
h intends to allow the council to settle
the queBtion At, to whether tho Jlberty
bell ahall remain at home or shall make
the Journey to Portland andthe Alaska-
paying teller, narrowly missing him I .Yukon exposition, Mayor- Kayburn
and the president of the' institution.
in ban Francisco - thugs , attempted
tcr hold tip. the office of a construc
tion .'company- and . desperately
wounded one of the firm.
". " ; (United Presa LwurnJ Wire.)
Seattle, April 17. A few minutes
after-11 o'clock this forenoon an un
Jn,owji man1 walked into the Ameri
can Savings & Trust company's bank
at Second r avenue and Madison
street, in the hpart of the" business
Fection of the city, and' poked a gun
In the teller's window. '
uive me . some money," ne or
dered, at the same time pointing a
revolver at Teller Arthur T. Drew.
laUSThS hparlllV at lh rHt n nvnm
Inpnt Philadelphlans who fee danger In
the rrack of the reHe
the ,bcll falling- apart. . Said the mayor
today: '
'It the oltv Of Portland anil nfhr
towns on the Paclflo coast want the
bell, the officials of those cities must
ask lor it. It -Is- not rnnuih that th
exposition, or bankers,-or buslnetia. peo
ple, make the request. The officials of
those towns must rskuttih rpKimnuihll.
tty for Its, safety and pav" It due -re
spec. We will send a guard and take
good, cure of it in . transit, but the' bll
must be exhibited in & dlaiilfled man.
tier and not utilized as .'monev-niHkinir
uviubjhk, t-aru. iur an , exposition
Gangs cf 3fcn AVith Big,
''Scrubbing Brushes Are
Removing , . Accumulated
Silt From Sides and" Bot
toms of Storage Places.,
Mavor Ravburn's insinuations that
the undertaking is not dignified enouKh
are ' all poppycock,''" said ManBfr
tieorge Ij. Hutihin of the Rose Fes
tival - association, in - takina-. t,t
the telvgiam received by .The
Journal this mortiinar. "We took thi
ISteii Of -comprint'H"e-Ttiii matter up with the mayor of - ihe dif-
Urew quickly ducked under the i' ,V"",rA i.l" i.uVr'lt .?
J he WOUld bo robber then I nonrvl nnA I )mw riirrunniul.n U
which will show that the mayors of
fenver. -Salt Lake. .Npw Orleans. . SU
Paul, Jjos AriKflf. " Spokane,. - Seattle
and Portland, together with commer
clal clubs all alonsr the" line, -sent direct
reriuests ton Maj'nr Ravburn and to the
city council of 'iudipiiia tor me lib
erty bell. Several - congressmen and
.turned and fired a ahot at Secretary
Harr.y Welty, whose 'd"Rk is near the
teller's window.- The'buUet went wild.
but barely missed James P, - Gleason
president of the "b&nk whose office Is
Bandar l"rom Water.
Though Dr. Ralph C. Matson,
city bacteriologist, ' finds the'
river -watef to contain ' colon
bacillus. -which Indicate the pres
ence. of , typhoid.' And; dysentery,
germs, and while he recommends
that all drinking: water be boiled .
t as a precautionary measure, - he ,
aeciares tnere in no reason lor a,
scare , , ' f ' '
"Nearly all Jarge bodies , of
water contain some such germs,"
' he asserted today. " "A whole city , '
might drink -the 'water1 and yet
escape. However it 4 would be
wise' for all to forbear drinking
unboiled city water.'' . t ;
When he finds the city i water,
4r . now dargely Bull Run. free, from
s all' bacteria. Pr.: Matson' win
- make , a public - announcement
through the newspapers. r
, ' - v- jy- - - . - '
4 jf7' I !
Liverpool Predicts a Short
age Scarcely ; Known in
Modern Times "Wheat
".Margin" Gone Xot Pat
ten, but Real Scarcity,
: MannRC Chance has the same old triumvirate of ..strong, pitchers on which he (leprnded mo largely last
yrar. n-is mniuiiui ji w n-ruuK wi BSKn-)-aiion w siao arusis were ever asftemblctt under one manatrer.
wnne uvera-ii, urown anu iwuiuacn are me stars, t'fiMter ana Jiimagren ere both strong pitchers. In spite
oi tne iact mat rimer juhu him "' io muuui in tne ictrou-Ainerican team last year in the world series
tie is consiaerea. to ne oi ursi; eanner ny manager i hance.: , - " . ,
(Continued on 'Page Two.)
' W I NT ' "
Mexican Government Con
tinues to .Shoot '.Turbu
lent Torreon Men, ;
'' ' (Dalted Pms Lea4 Wlra. "
; Torreon, .Mexico, April 17.Mexlcn
.troops executed seven condemned rioter
at sunrise this morning at -Velardena,
ac?ordlng to a dispatch received here
today.- The .men who were executed
were convicted by courtmartiai of par
ticipation In a riot over a religious cere
mony at Eapter. .
So far 22 rioters havs been shot by
the military authorities. . Other rlotors
liaveifted to the mountains, and are
known to be armed. It Is expected they
will snake desperate resistance.
During the riotine: last Ratnrdav the
Store of the Torreon- Mercantile-- com
pan'jv an American firm, was looted of
arms and liquor,-end it is reported an
Mexican rovern-
Indemnity from the
1 ment will be demanded.
senators have alo 1 mails direct flrtill-
1 cation to Mayor Raj-biiin that the bfll
.be sent out west. I am surprised at
the' mayor's attitude In the matter.'.' ,
' When the matter rtrst came uo Mr.'
Hutchin took' the matter up with Mayor
Lane and he appointed a committee of
three, composed of A. G. Rushlight,
George U. Baker and John Annand from
I the council, to have charge of the ne
gotiations with. the Philadelphia coun
cil and mayor. A formal request was
forwarded. Mr. Mutchln is of the opin
ion that an excuse Is being made for
delaying the coming of the bell till It
is too late for the trip. . '
"'n.-'- ' " ; '""a-'i
Itinerary Will Cover Alaska
- to 3Iexico If Congress
Work of cleaning out the two city
reservoirs On Portland Heights and the
timm on me west side Is being pushed
'wj "5 t-im wi-r iepar-ment. W ltn
' w next iwo or three davs the work
... - ..v. . u..ui , . rrin it
I lie rivar wufai' :.i 'hfAh . ik. . I'
was compelled to use because of -the h ' '" ' ' " ' " ' .' " ' ' ?
ui-puKBge or the mains carryinsr the (- K i-j i j- ' ' r t i a. ' i
E"r, Hun w!lr Saturday, win aiiie of Good Omen Selected
away with.
enIt?i,,g.h w'-,11P'eU river water was
forced into only 'one of . the
on the heights thp lnv- tcnir hn.h
- luufuugmy . scrubbed , .and
cleaned. In the meantime the west side
is being supplied from denoalta e .
reservoirs. .
auxiliary to the
(L'nltea rrens Leaaed Wlro k
Sa - Francisco. April 17. If the ef
forts being made today by the creditors
of the Calkins newspape
pticressrui tne corporation mav be rt
clsred an lnvoluntnry bankrupt.
Three rretittors of the concern, whose
claims aggregate $I.Roo have tiled peti
tions In the Vtilted flute district t-ourt
asking -for such Judgment.
It is claimed ' the corporation-' com
mute.! two acts of bankruptcy when It
transferred, while Insolvent, a portion
of its property t a creditor. N A. Iwirn
and another portion to settle a debt
o miui noer
' (Catted Pre-s Lease! Wlre.
Washington, April 17. President Tsft
will visit Alnska If be goes to the Pa
ciflo coast this summer, according to
an announcement' made today at the
White House. According to his present
plans the president will start from
Wasnfnaien anon after Aucust 1 and
tour the cosst from Alaska to lower
California- returning east via Ariiona,
New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. Be
fnre maklnc his trio he mill go to hli
"summer capital," at Beverly. Mass.
where be will soend June ana July.
Railroad officials were today request
ed to esttYnate trie cost or tne presi
dent's western trip.--It was stated this
morning that from rough estimates, the
prof.anl v
rlrn trin wrtnM nmtmhlv rnut ahout
jiiou-Bia arerni.nno. The extent of Tarts western
t mav h. A- ! J. . - ... . . ,
11 ip IS cni in-cri'i ii ".n m vuiigreaeiunsi
appropriation of $45,000.
fie mill be ohllsred 10 go to heavy ex
pense, as he will have to have special
trains, secretaries, stenographers and
If Tart visit- Alaska ha will be the
first president ef the I'nlted States to
make the trio. He will be accompanied
by Mrs. Taf; throughout the tour.
Accoroinr io nis iians, ine president
I 111 ..l-lt ' , I. lull!. ..nA.llln.
Judse I Haven has Issued an order 1 national irrtaadon rimimn al Rno'l.n,
rorporanon the Tranml--i-afpnl congress at Ien-
lnei rer and the U. A. K. convention at Salt
to show c-auoe whv the
should not he drciRce-t bnnkrupt;
order la returnable April it.
Durlnar taa nlrh,
r l." --' Bet-nous or
i.."I " '" ' were thoroiigljlv
ii T , . "a 1'usneo out hy means of
M,U,,l..HfcUn.KWRtfr- "e1- l press,.?;
. .... ., ! , iiicni mm inence to the sewer
through the blowholes. During tho
, -. V airrerent sections .are being
sluiced out through the fire hydrants,
rienty of Water.
Some agitation-Was caused todav be
cause of a report .that the cltv water
supply was being rapidly exhausted,
caused by reason of the act that the
lone main which is furnishing Bull Run
w'r from the Mount Tabor reservoir,
Z I v 117 , , sur-icient amount.
1 hat there is no truth In the report
is Droved hv the faet. that .h. .
been furnishing a supply of 16.000.00d
gallons each 4 heurs. ahll. th. immmi
consUmei during that time has been but
i. mum linn j u.uuu.uuu gallons.
Work of reDallinar thn breaV In he
cast iron main at th O. W.-P. dock Is
progressing slowly. The suction dredge
worked a. 1 today without any definite
results being obtained. It may be sev
eral days yet before the real work of
putting In another section of pipe can
be begun. ...
for .IatVRace Before
Racing Is Closed. ,
O.r.SEfiSOiTSOO ,111 (Miff. CASE
Shvashes,-' . Colts, Beavers, Three' Men and Three Worn-
(Culted Pres Leases Wlre.t ' '
San Francisco, April 17. This after
.noon marks the-closing of the Emery
ville-track. No more -this season, .and
nemans never again, will lovers of rao
big in the Bay Cities see the barrier
sprung on the popular course.
Yesterday, despite the evident infer
iority of tho card . orrered, the stands
and ring Were packed with one of the
greatest crowds of .the meet.. If yes
terday's gathering is to form a basis of
estimates ior today, it is almost cer
tain many will be turned away, from the
gates. . ,
The Rutherford - handicap,' at a mile
and 70 yards. ' has called : forth .such
entries as Restlgouche and Stanley Fay,
and the other events,' aie as" well isup
plied with stellar performers.'
S. C'Hildreth will have three crack
entries. ....
Hasta t,uego. ("t'nfU a Tattle. While")
Is the name selected tor the final handi
cap. Pevhaps Nathanson hast hopes of
another- Emery vllle season, and perhaps
he regards the selection of this name
for-the final-race as an omen. In any
event, the Hasta Tjuego Is to be a
classy race, and a fitting climax to one
of the best card ever offered at Emery
ville. .". ,
Tigers. Start'' Race.
en, Relatives, Suspected
' ' of Foul Murder.
., (Special Diapatch to-The Joo-naH
Seattle. .April 17. The 1909 -baseball
season 'was ushered In this afternoon in
Seattle with ail pomp and ceremony. In
spotless new uniforms, the players com
posing the Seattle and Portland teams
of the Northwestern -league,' painfully
unconcerned at the plaudits or the ad
miring throngs in the streets, rode In a
farade that started from President Iug
ale'a billiard parlors on Second avenue
and ended at Athletic park: ' ,
After the presentation of floral trib
utes and the enacting of other cere
monies -peculiar to opening days. Mayor
Miner mined tne rirst-nan. in tne gen-
' (United Press' Leased Wire.)
Seattle,- April 17. Following
vestigation by Coroner Snvder
death Of Mrs. Wanda Kalem. whose re
main were found yesteralay strewn
along the Northern Pacific railroad
tracka near Stuck, - Henry Kalem, the
woman a husband; her brother-in-law.
John Kalem, of tha Kalem Investment
company of Seattle, and Arthur Kalem.
the 17 Venr : filrl on nf .Tnkn . t..i,
prisoners in the county jail hero today
pending the clearing up of the mystery
...vui,uiiiS mli b, ixaiem a qeain. Airs,
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Washington, April 17. Secretary
Wilson today in. a statement reply
ing to. the wheat men who denied the
veracity of. hla report on the wheat.
situation, said:- :. - .
"Reports of. this department-indi
cate that there were 143.000,000
bushels of wheat on" hand March 1.
Reliable statisticians estimate the
supply at from 100,000,000 to 170.'
000,000 bushels. Last year's report
estimated the Bupply at about 4,000.
000 bushels less. There were 3i,-
000,000 bushels more of wheat pro
duced In the past year than previous
ly,; o it is. evident the scarcity of
wheat is not the cause of the pres-
, ent abnormal prices.'" . -
He declared that the department's
reports were received from farmers,
who. should know the situation if
anjbody does. , .
Secretary TTllson declared there wa
enough wheat in tho country at normal
prices to make bread, for the American
'people until the new crop came In. Ht
said those persons who were attempt-
fContiTiued on Paga Two.; '
the OPEO :m:
Secretary Ballinger Restores
364,000 Acres to Set
- - tlement. .
eral direction of the plate, and the game! John Kalem and Vie two daughter were
I'lni-i-u uiHHri arrest. -
From Information gathered by Cor
oner Snyder? .he believes Mrs. Kalem did
not commit suicide nor was her death
accidental. -v The coroner says be has
Information that Kalem had threatened
his wife's life and that her life was in
sured for S5000 in Kalem's favor. - -
-Bloodstains .were . found on the back
aor sreps or the ranch house. This,
the Kalems exDlalned. was caused hv a
dog fight , the night, before the woman
was on.
Weather conditions are ldal and an
immense throng of baseball-mad men
nd women' fills the stand and bleachers.
President Ijucas, ' Judge McCredle , of
Portland, President "Dugdale, the - local
magnate, and many other officials of
the league, are present.
Indians '.Vs. 'Catafipokane. "'
(Special Plunafh, to Tha Jouraal.)
hPOKane,- svasn - April After a
parade headed by Rev. Fathers Gollerj
(Continued on. Page Three.)
Financing bodv and brain In the college course" v ,
Life among tfce biggest men on earth, or a iilt nf the rl IndUiea
A worthleaa experiment. Short Story hv F. Horkir.coB p-nlth.
Heroes of war times who live in Oregon. Ex-army mew h make
Portland th-lr horae. .;,- v -..-
The unhaj pr love stftry ef Bryan's daughter. Why Mrs !evitt ap
plied for a divorce. ... ,.-.-Tha
Heal woman aceording to rales. Ta cea-er(.t) virtaea
She mut poeea. .-- -.. ,
" Two ;-lr,m rhf-lreo s pse an a speetst r HooT r wit Hluaira
tlo. - .
Ii a'".i''i'n r.' the mc!" fa-r Tr g )-a Jn-!rr! 't! freaeet
re a r v fr-t.rini'nc a jA t i mrf ji fcrt,e-a ii a, a t a;-ra
mrn Set v a r. e t ' a 1 r -rt i eat w ff-, l.a ' T I e
fiiir Jnurr-al , V-ee it Jo tha - wf frra-,. r !-fir"--t;rn
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disappeared, from her home.
1 When denutv sheriffs located the V,
letns on their ranch, where they recently sailing a loaging nouse in
oeatiie. ooin men were under the influ
ence of liquor and fought the officer
in me way io tne county jail. Bo fur
none of those under arrest ha made
any statement regarding the death of
Mrs.. Kaietn. .
? -a.- - ' ' - " -. -'
Suspects poor Chauffeur of
Being an Anarchist
(Uslted Praas Leae4 Wtra.
Washington, April 17.--Cndernnier.
from Secretary of the Interior Ballinger,
364, U00 acres of semlarld lands whicn
hnd ben withdrawn from entry wer
today thrown open to settlement.
. The lsnd comprises three parcels two
of which were withdrawn pending pre
liminary surveys In connr-ction wit in the
Yeliowsto-ie and JS'orth Platte reclama
tion projects. Of the first of those
there are 200,000 acres tn the lender and
Buffalo- districts In-"Wyoming, and of
tne second, there are HS.0OO acres 'in '
the Cheyenne district of tha North
Platte project u
The third parcel consists of U.OOrt
acres located in the Kallsnell. -Montana.
dlFtrlct. This land was withdrawn tne
the conservation of water resource. Thn
secretary's Btstement savs this land la
restored -to entry because the interests
of the goverwmefll no longer- require Its
The Mnnounremen't Is In line with tlv
policy,- or rather absence of -polirv. '
under which the department of ilia in
terior. 1 to be conducted bv Secretary
Ballinger. The department plans to con
serve the natural resources of the conn.,
try, but does not intend - to take any
action that will tend to hinder the de
velopment of' the whole country.
(I'ullM Praia Leases Wlr.
San Francisco. April 17. After being
driven out of Guatemala by President
Cabrera, who was possessed of sn an
rounded belief that there wa a' plot on
foot to assassinate him, A. Ftrster-
m ay her, an Italian chauffeur from New
York, t a here today seeking employment.
Flrstermacher s tale of bla experience
Jo Guatemala I thrliHng. Whan he ftrat
lvoded h was approached bv the prea-
iiems private secretary, who wished
fr"ii.un xo .start a revoiutioaj. Tl.e
secretary effere the antomoblllat a .
ior his part in the ravolt. but rim:
rmachee diarM he was na aaaaln
Fill! suapcjo. tha eeretarv had hi
Impriaone-t snywav. He was reteaa,d
after a short Wm. but aeiersl tim.
sfterwsr-1 was thrown la'a Jat ) us.
P"'on nf being an ar hut.
At laai. affer ftra aunts ea t gr4
ietflt his wHriwia en. r I c t. f-irat
mrhr crr-t a rw I .ma ara4e a
him tr oe ef tii cnjf -vwteai art 1 Mg f
a-goterwrnewt afKit, to a.-f,t ' a - I
Want Ad Section
of Today's Journal
17 4 avert! for
, . V help . , .
7T Adrertlne for
itotlon -
CAAdvertls farnlnhed
room ror rent
Advertise rrai rstaf
C "Z Adrrrfls baiaM
rliaacrt ; "".
Advertl txa for
rest -.
Adrrrtlsw flat fo
AdTerttae- boweerfrj
rocao for mat
" ra"v riirrercv
ll's.m gld.
Tee aweeei- a t
! wt ahnt I
Mor Wii! A i 11 ".e J"--"
tista any etitr rcrfat if,
7P f i - 1 p , - - -
it i ti U .
. Hlg ruutrrt I seal ls MwM.
ft mr4 ri aa tjee4 wmr
li. (-.-.avsinr rar tr ef 5-' -
1'ari.i aV Tf,ic ..... , ., .
i s r ' . t - - . . , . . , . c, a -
C7 ItfSvfir 3 iy IV
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KrvMiff ih fcic cf F.-r-.r I?k t I'y Tark rile of Silt Snow n;,rr-roMn1.
--- ... .. . w