THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 12. 1003. 13 PORTING NEWS OF THE .'WORLD KINO 1'IOLD track: DIAMOND IlERICMI OPENS PORTLAND TEAM M BEAVERS COr.liriG hi SCHEDULE TODAY i GIVEN WELCOME I'liiiciif iioniii I'lim .51 Junior liiir lieajrue Will Big Parade Plans ' JlcadyA for O'Connell and - Uhrlacbcr By Capturing: Both Games Open Keason Under Most Encouraging Conditions. deceiving Ball Club To ' morrow Afternoon. Finish Training for Bout Portland Club 3Iakcs in Exposition Kink. Five Victories. j GIVE DANCE FROM ''THE MERRY WIDOW"' 1 1 : ; ; ; u i ywiukwmv'.runiin'i n n i ' i n i IGMCNCO 10 0 R0 . . ; ' Ti; r-- " '- --' ... ... a TeaaJl VIP ' ' V.w York, April J!. Hardly knowing it world ciiampii""'p .- - ,.m Mr Baseball Kuw wllT coma unto Ids ea-n this afternoon th V'. eaaon of the Amwln If wl tinder way. Mr. Bug Ws nad hard wlntJr of it. but n-ports from his vs.- riout habitats today Indicated that he "win-in-fine -trim,-with lunga In order nd "yea more discerning than those "'two facTorTadd special Interest to the Amerb-an- League race-this year; ihe first bring me ubuui , - vnungstere who are being riven. their flrat opportunity In a maior teaue and the other the struggle of letrolt to win ' third successive . Championship and thereby establish - a record for the Vrim Ihe Tigers csmp come ominous ' growls and Hughey' Jennings, that hu man storage battery t energy who ...u.. .i.. V..m t n. ciltv of Btralta. declares I hat he will not have to wait thla vear until next to the' laat game. ; r k.cini th, r4amrtlnnahln Won. vriufg n. ' I " .- - Detroit look Stronr- The unprejudiced observer -is forced to admit tnat unless ui wl""Vi ders have strengthened materially, there are good grounds for Jennings boast. The onlv faces mlimlng from the Hger lineup this year will 1ms Third. Baseman Cough lln. Catcher Thomas and bubatl tut Infieldrr Downa. all of whom were lot out by Jennings, so it Is to be in ferred that their absence will not weaken the team. In Thomas place as at wtn 4 ml (Ml o I. Detroit has two ' ra- rriiiin In Reckendorff and Stanage.both of whom show unusual promise, r tuirA ii OmrfA MorlnrltV. 1808 Highlander, who la declared' to be Mavlng better , than Coughlln did in ii7 nr 1908. .Then. too. Detroit will tim acrvlivi for the entire sea eon of Owen Bush, the sensational short stop secured from tne .inatanapoiis c uu at the close of the American association season laat year, -and whose supplant ing of O Ieary so oracea up w leaiu that it forged aliead and won out. i Aa additions to hla strong box corps of Unt year, Jennings, has three -good vounaraters In Works. Sugg and La- 1 1tte. Wlllett and Summers, two new etars In the American league firmament last year, will shine with added luster this season. Jennings says,.;'" So the Titian haired Hughey can t see howrthe Tigers can be- sliut out of their third successive pennant . . i-.1 : , The addition of old. Cy- Toung, who, like a city corner lot. Improves with age, to the Cleveland pitching staff makes Lajole's bunch, look dangerous. Cleveland has looked dangerous so often, however, only-, to have the f Use go out, that she is not generally picked for the front seat Bradley Is believed to bt weakening; at third and with a big question mark after Terry Turner, at short, due to tangled shafting . In his throwing arm, the inner works of the Naps looks none too strong. , Chicago sTtiU Kltlest Minus-Manager Fielder Jones, - it Is hard to figure the Chicago-White Sox any stronger than laat year.- Jones re fused at offer of 816,000, which shows that ball ; players may now speak of thelr,alaries rather than wages. The vv nlte oox ' Dins lair to reiuttiii tne "hltless wonders,"; winning- a majority of games by brains instead of brawn, The personnel will bo practical lr tm changed, with the exception of Jones. The other upper berth team of laat reason, the St. Louis Browns, is picked to nut u n the same scrappy game and is sure to be a factor. The addition of Ixiu . Criger. the old Boston catcher, to the team win Doiater n up wnere it waa lamentably weak. . New York will experiment with a team made up largely of youngsters and manne-ed bv George Stalllngs. the High landers being one of the few teams that Ftalliitgs had not .hitherto managed. The Highlanders wilt only have- to finish seventh to do better than last year, and - if vou want to get a fight out of Stall Jngs Just hint that the Hilltoppers won't 'do this. ' f- Connie Msek'a Athletics : will have a veteran : pitching; staff In s Dygert, :.oombs, Bender, Plank and Schlitzer, hut he has patched tip both his in and outfields with some new '"cloth" that he says will wear well and ''may bring a third pennant-to Philadelphia. : - . . mad So for Callu. The Boston Red Sox have received 'a heavy anttseason vote for - the cellar championship, principally due to the fact that one of the first things Man ager Fred Lake did after assuming con trol was to fll his biggest asset, the famous old battery of Young and Criger. This pair were equivalent to about half the teani and only In the event that the fates have been kinder to I,ake than the exhibition games have indicated Will their loss prove other than fatal. Washington is feeling so good over hav ing escaped her uaual position at the bottom last yearr that' Joe Cantlllos is makintr a noise like the) first division. With baseball weather tomorrow aft moon, tha biggest crowd ever enroni cled at a game In Portland will turn Out for the opening day contest at Twenty fourth and Vaughn streets, between Portland and the Sacramento club, now leadina- the leaaue. The fact that Port land Is coming noma ror tne nrsi iim within the memory of the oldest Inhabi tant with a percentage 'over .600 adds Interest , . Th reparations to receive the team as heroes should be 'received have been perfected.. The participants in the pa rade are requested to meet at the Com mercial club at 1 "o'clock, where the long line of automobiles will be formed. tere IS lire oraer Ol in procenaion; ( Platoon of police. Brown's band, , Governor Benson and staff. Mayor Lane and party. Judge Williams and Colonel Mo- Craken. oldest fans.. rVitinplI A nil rltv nfTlciala. Judges of circuit court and county of- fir I a la. ' . . . Fielder Jones, who umpires first game Sacramento ball club. Casey's Portland Northwestern club. ; Portland Coast league club. ' Float of real fans. Automobile club acting as escort The line of marclv, follows: " The line will form on Oak street, fac lmr Fifth. The line of parade Is as fol lows: East on Oak to Fourth, north on Fourth to Couch, west on Couch to Sixth, thence south to Morrison, east on Morrison to Third, north on Third to Washington and ont Washington to the ball park. Eddie O'Connell, the welterweight champion, and Jos Uhrlacher, the Roch ester Wonder, have finished their train Ing for their big wrestling bout In Exposition -rink tomorrow night, and wUl steo on the canvas in the pink of condition, unriacner, wno is sometnmg of a prise In build, bids fair to give Ed- dls the hardest battle of 'the young I v. cnampion s roriiana career. cnriacner has been- unllmberlng in his training stunts and the way he smashes the big renows about js a caution. . It -Is believed that from a standpoint of hard wrentllng this bout will be the hardest battle of the year In Portland. While Uhrlacher may not be as sclen- STANDING OF THE TEAMS Won. ,,.8 Sacramento Ixa Anaelea Portland Han Francisco Oakland .6 Lost - V 7 ''.: Pet. .6(7 .841 .171 .867 .308 ' . (Dnlted prees Leased Wire.) San; Francisco. April 1 J.MeCredis's Portland Beavers left for ' home last night with a percentage of .671, the highest point at which the northerners If Washington had another pitcher like Walter Johnson, who last season shut New, York out three times in four days, Cantlllon would be taken more sertous lv. . Many students of 4he dope ' sheet Kre picKing tne eenators 10 : beat , out Boston andlNew ,Tork7, . , , v Shlbe Park, the new American league plant at Philadelphia, will -be thrown open to the public this season. It Is tne rinest baseball parK in tne worm It la at Twenty-first and Lehigh streets and-"Uncle Ben" Shlbs spent several hundred thousand dollars on it It will seat between ana 4t,owu and Is altogether adopted to a world's champloaship series, according to Mack. In the nine years that the American league has been a ' major organization Chicago has won the pennant three times, and Boston, pntiaaeipwa ana De troit twire each. ''',' .. The nreaent sanon la the tenth in the history of the American league. The cities that have been component parts of the league in. the .decade of ita ex istence are Chicago, Milwaukee, Indian apolis. Detroit, Kansas City, Cleveland, Buffalo, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Bal timore. St. Louis. Boston and New York. Chicago has won the pennant three times and Boston and Philadelphia have two pennants each tq, their credit Tail-ondtra in the: American league have been St. Louis, once: Milwaukee, once): Minneapolis, once;; Boston, once: Baltimore, once: New York. once, and Washington, three times. All American league circuits have been of eight towns. n 1VQ3 Boston won vi games ana lost 4T, creating a percentage of .859, the best ever established in the 'American league.- The lowest percentage was .251, made by Washington in 1904. - v Positions of Teams. The position atf the finish from vear to vear of the American league cities is shown by the following figures- ' cmoago i. i. 4, v. J. s, i. 4, . Aver age standlna- 2 7-9. jinwauKeez, s. Average standing, r. Indianapolis 3. Average standing, S. Detroit 4, 3, 7, 5, 7. 3, 6, 1, J. Aver age standing. 4 1-9. Kansas Cl0y6. Average standing, 5. J Cleveland 6. 7. 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 4, 2. Av erage standing, 4 1-3. Buffalo 7. Average standing, T. Minneapolis 8. Average standing, 3, Philadelphia 4, 1, 2, 6, 1, 4. 2. 6. Av erage standing, aft. Baltimore 6, 8. Average 66t Louis 2, 6, , 8, 6, .'. 4. standing, 6 2-7. Boston 2. 3. 1, 1, 4. 6, 7, 5. Standing, 3. . New York 4, 2, 6, 2, S, !. standing. 414. Washington 8, . 8, 8, 7, 7 erage standing, 714. tine as th chamblon. ha poasessea an navs returned norne m in opening se- unusual amount of strength and endur-1 rles in years. They captured the morn rT1! yesterday,; to 1. and I ths af- " -1" - ' ;iZVul ternoon game, o to u...t iiu yuuiiu " I at ralKht victories over seeming weight handicap win not mane l uonehead olaylng at so mucn dlirerence. ' : part of Oakland contributed Uhrlacher has agreed to make 160 u.i. n,nfi . nni. n.irit, pounds' weight nd Is now close to that I i. ,V,.nin h, hih nnt u ud wyncu - ...... D&ve j-, aUuport oi ins nonoern siao- to taxe ore surplus pounaage ana, nui .... . - succeeded unusually well. lie nas been It laoked for - while as If some- here long enough to be able to taite orri tnlnjr mljht be. doing in the ninth in weight without weakening himself. I the afternoon when Qraney walked a unriacner possesses an is men necic, DPace 0j- Commuters, and one got home. ana nas a unique recora b DriuKinB.'xn Hut Jack settled down and that was an exniDition ne nas Driagea win nveitne ena ot jt men standing on his body, whose ag- Oakland started the scoring In the gregate weight was 710 pounds. He 8econd lnnjng.( and then took the lead v" v,ul" , y in the third, arter fortiana naa maae a neck for two minutes. Uhrlacher has no ooupiB of runB. Manager Mao got busy hesitancy about giving; a hold on.his m the sixth and tied the score. A field head In an effort to get a vital hold er- ch0lce, wild pitch, blngle and error V. I ma as a 4r r ' a slv nAMs nas 1sass Vfr . Include in this category- are ; hammer- u... . th nm mam won in the locks and toe holds. , , . : seventh: Wlggs passed Armbruster and -Among the good men Uhrlacher has orasar'ad-Buddy Ryan moved them be.a,tf,n ?'L Tommy Hoy, the Italian iong wrttr neat aacrfflee. Olsen's long middleweight champion; Paul - Booser, sacrffice fly allowed Armbruster to ngni neavyweignt cnampion or . renn- noM tha hom! anJ Qraney romped sylvanla and Ohio: Carl Busch, the Oer- i h.n t,..i. . ha a throw man light heavyweight champion; Char-j.- tch oisen ley Kaleer. tlie New York wonder -whom I oahiand tTlfsi nar(j in -the ninth, but rraDK uuicn dickrq mu ine vuihiiiik iuiu-ii n . t AnA run 0 t ! ' IBBi i ' V.' ! Mi N d$ & m - ' m . -item : . , ? it 4 " ' ' ' - ' . ...j,... 4 J ' . . ' s Marsovlaa Teaaant Dance, M'hJch Will lie Feature of Society Klrracss. - s Th Marsovlan peasant dance will be recently through the opera. 'The Merry I Henry Ladd Corbett. one of the most attractive in the Klr-il Widow," ' The solo dance, the national f Bauer will sing the mess. .The danca has been popularised dance, will be done by Mr. and Mrs. this dance. Mrs. Rose BIocli " Villa" song for' cf. .Cleve Potter. Joe Acton, 'the veteran referee, -wm I be the third man on the mat; ; Sas BnU So( Jaw. If-a bull dog jaw that has written in every line of It determination and a set of muscles that stand out in great knots, is any criterion, Charles Franklin wh. will InHn V m i r, tV . 4 . . L. T. c.V, "111 . u L. v: i ui mi j v. . a vu, 1 , - ensnhmidtl. Joe TOrtlmaa and four other I Kenneay, IP. wrestlera &t the Helllar theatre Wedneal Murray, c day nla-ht will give the local sextet a Harkness, p. Job that they will not soon forget. This I , new man or uarroii a in wnom tne tie-1 "" attle manager believes he has found a world beater Is a considerable puzsle Ryan, Olsen, s. . . . Ort, If. McCredle, rf. . Johnson. 3 b. . Breen, 2 b. to any one who attempts to figure onMl,,nl,v pt the outcome. JBerg and Thomas admit TrJiaVfat a kC ' ""' Ih.l th. f..l f Anlna h tnilr (hi I UBSUlUe, iO. ....... 11 has cut for 4ils man or for ?; Jlw8' .If' ' ' ..i. SO OAKLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A BALLOON FLIGHT IS GREAT SUCCESS (United Preas Leased wV.. 'v. I Oakland, April -. 12. Following J.tHi auccesBful balloon fllKht of Aeronau P. A. Van Tassel, made, from tlils.cltV yesterday under the auspices . of itbe an trancisco Aero club, arrangements are being made for a series of cen. sions at regular intervals in ina.ittear tuiure. -;- ; '.!. .. - ':. -; ' Accompanied by Joseph M. Martin, chief paying teller of the Crocker Na tional bank of San Francisco, and Knox Maddox, an attorney of this city, Cap tain Van Tassel boarded his balloon, the "Berkeley?" ' a.t the cluh' a-rounda S 4 IT 11 1 and cut loose at 11 o'clock yesterday Morning Game. PORTLAND.' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 0 3 8 I 1 t 11 0 that Carroll himself, if eventualities necessitate is not beyond the range of human pos-1 .Tf ,i Blhilltv hnt ih uu that their will iarron, rr. Cameron, lb. McCoy. 3b. Breyette. C. Lewis, Totals standing, Average Average Average 8, 7. Av- slbillty, but they say nave to be shown. - , well known to admirers of wrestling inl1""08' p- this city to need any discussion, as to Thomas, he Is a man ol great ability at his weight, 175 pounds, and says he does not fear to face any man on earth at this weiaht. Berg Included. It Is needless to say that In view of its I Oakland attracung no.iittie amount or aiscus slon among the followers of the "ancient ss. c .39 1 6 27 13 2 SCORB BY INNINGS. Portland ...0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 02 Hits ,. 0 0! 1 0 0 0 0 14 .;... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 . 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 05 SUMMARY. , . and honorable sport" of wrestling. If I Two base bits Murray, Carroll. First Franklin succeeds In throwing five of I base-' on - balls Bolce . 4,.' Harkness - 4. the Opponents who will face him within I Stolen bases Ryan, D. Lewis, McCoy. Athletics' New Ball Park. . Philadelphia. April 12. Tha opening wt tne American league season nere to day, with a game between the Athletics and the Boston team, also marked the formal opening and dedication of the new- baseball park, the largest and fin est of its kind in the country. The pnrk represents an outlay- of 500.000. The seating capacity of the grandstands and bleachers Is 23.000. with standing; room accommodation for about 27,000 more. The stands are of handsome architectural design and are built en tirely of steel and concrete. The open ing was attended by President Ban Johnson and other leading lights of the American league. the specified time he will gain a repu tation for himself that will be heralded to more distant parts of the country than Puget sound, where his abilities are chiefly Itnown. ' If the Seattle man succeeds In throw ing the six, he will be well on. the road to Justifying the confidence that hla manager reposes in him and-wilt come pretty near demonstrating himself as a world beater. The match is for a wager of $250 and SO per cent of the gate receipts, which will undoubtedly net each of the six contestants a neat little sum, or Carroll or Franklin, which ever - -wrestles, a very considerable amount owing; to the fact that the winner takes all. Seats are now on sale at the theatre and the usual down town places; Struck out Boice 8, JJarkness 10. Hi: I by pitcher Kennedy. Time 1:45. Um pire McGreevy. Afternoon Oasis. PORTLAND. A B R. H. PO. A. E. moraine-. The balloon. SO by 63' feet in . slse. weighs approximately - 600 pounds and noios u,uuo cupio reei oi . gas, ine weight of the passengers and ballast Tormea an aaaiuonai puraen or ouu pounds. Rising"' easily, it attained a height of 7000 feet which it maintained for three hours. The descent was made at Sunola, Contra Costa county'. TJie San Francisco Aero club, under the auspices of which the ascent was made, 'is composed, of prominent San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley busi ness men who are Interested in aero nautics. Van Tassel, who is the presi dent of the club, is a balloonist of many years experience In this country and in ' Europe. An effort . is to b made to organize similar organisations In Los Angeles and other, coast cities, and to bring aeronautics - to the . plane oi other recognized sports on the coast. - Eugene Will Stay Ont. (8pclal 'Dispatch to tha Imirnaf.i ' Eugene, Or., April 12. The Eugene baseball team will not enter a league with Salem, Albany and any other town 1 unless far more advantageous arrange- Tv T,TrTrFTi-TnTITSfif ments are made than have yet been of.l--"-11-""1-"'3'-' fared. The team will -play independent bail each Sunday, with an occasional game to other towns. A number of fast men nave been engaged by Manager Mc- formica. ,,-v X' .-i -f. ':.-;. I , Frart. Garnet Interest. . V ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal. University of Oregon,' Eugene, April 12.- The second game in the interfrater hlty baseball series; last Saturday ! re-. suited in a victory over tha Sigma Nus br the Khoda Khans by the score of 16 to 0. A week aao the Dorm I tor v defeat. ed the Beavers in a 10 inning game by sKTore or i m o.v ; J ne Alpna club and Lawahi play Thursday and the Delta Aionas ana KBDoa Hlrmaa after vscsl. tion. The four winners of these games win men nisy in pairs until one team wins tne cnampionsnip and the cap of rerea ov tne Mldnleht DauthmiL" a paper edited by- university students. Great - interest is being taken in these games ana tne rivalry la intense. - - - - Trou tdale . Beats Gresham. . (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Cleone, Or., April II. In a hotly-con tested game at Troutdala yesterday, the Troutdale baseball ; team defeated ' a team from Ores ham by a score of 4 to 8. The game was close and well-played uuuupiivu,. Mini ,v.t,vi.a. WOU exceptionally good form. The Gresham team won a reputation last year as being a speedy bunch, and It is fortunate this season In being able to retain as pitcher Johnny Townsend, who is said to be at times almost In vincible. Minor Bali Gaines. Honey man Hardware Juniors defeated Lincoln HiKh -School Juniors Saturday 17 to 3. The Gills defeated the Montavilla Grays. 12 to 8. . The. Robinsons defeated the won. lawns,".? to- ,. EIGHT POIiTOLA VEEK San 'Francisco, April 4l.---"Hava ac cepted proposition from Cofrroth to fight Johnson.- Portola week fight as sured if Johnson is on the level." - This telegram, received by. WUUs Jacobs, sporting editor of the San Fran cisco News today, and signed by Willis. Britt manager of Stanley . KetcheL ap parently confirrna the report that Cof-" froth has been successful, in landing the much-sought match between the con queror of Tommy Burns and the buBky Mlohigander. K-j., - The local ; fight promoter - recently Journeyed to New York to exercise his persuasive abilities upon big Jim Jef fries in an effort to force the undefeat ed champion into the ring; with ths negro. Cof froth seems to have fared n6 better in his quest than have the other half-doxen promoters . who have been camping on the trail of the big one since he went on the road, Jeffries assured Coffroth. that under no condi-. tlona . will . he ; enter the ring for six months, and in view of this fact. James Immediately set out after Ketchel and- incidentally his business-like manager, Willis B. According to coifrotb, Ketchel Is craxy to get Into, the ring with tha dusky pretender. Arrangements were made with Britt in record - time, and then the pursuit of Jack Johnson was. begun. Three hours with Johnson be hind closed doors brouaht about the desired result, and the negro consented to meet Ketchel m San Francisco dur-: lng Portola week in October. Johnson ; will sail for London late in May, to flit his music-hall engagements there, and wilt return in ample time to finish his training for: the mill.: . v.: -t ,-. Stevens Want Games. The Stevens , ball nine is . now prac tically organized and is ready to ar range for games with teams conslstlna' of. players under 19 years of age. A game , Is especially wanted for next Sun day. Call tip Ira Voss, Sell wood 78. CALENDAR OF SPORT FOR THE WEEK CXROTS acrobat finds It necessary at all times to keep his muscles and Joints supple That is the reason that hundreds of them keep a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment always on hand. A sure cure for, rheumatism, cuts, sprains, sore throat,' lame back, contracted muscles, orns. bunions and all pains. Price 26c, fto and tl.Oft per- bottle, Sold by Skid more Drug Co. - , ;.. This Pate in Sport Annals. 18B8 At Detroit: Michael . Phelan defeated John Seerelter in a billiard match for $10,000. . 1880 At Mumfordsville, Ky.: Thomas Boyd dove a distance of 'ISO feet from a railroad bridge into Green River. - 1881 "Willie" M - nurllla born in Waterford. Ireland. 1884 At Sydney, N. S. W.: ' William Beach defeated -E. A. Tiickett' in scull ensi -match, 8 miles 830 yards straight away, for 12000 and championship of Australia. 1887 At Chicago: Jacob Schaefer de feated Oeorre F. Slosson in 14 inch balkllne blUlkrd match for 31000. 1892 The National league and Amer ican association commenced Its firs championship season. 1893 At Akron: The Ohio League of asetaii ciuos organisea. 1907 At I OS Anaeles: Jlmmv Burn won--from . "Cyclone Johnny" Thompson in v rwjnas. - -.-t--. u. t ' ' ' ' r u In: U 'jfxli I 1.4 A 4 Monday American league season opens with Boston at Philadelphia and New York at Washington. National amateur boxing championships begin in Boston and last two days. Tuesday Wrestling match at Port land, Or., Eddie O'Connell vs. Joe Uhr lacher. : Al Kaufman vs. Tony Ross. 10 rounds at the Falrmount A. C. New York. Jack Robinson vs. Bill Hurley, 10 rounds at Glenns Falls. N. Y. Wednesday National league season opens with Brooklyn at New York Philadelphia at Boston, Pittsburg at Ctncinnnall and St. l.ouls at Cliicaao. American association opens with Colum bus atLouisvllle, Toledo at Indianapo lis, St Paul at Milkaukee, Minneapolis at Kansas City. Frank GOtch vs. Yua- serf Mahmout at fhlcaao. for world wrestling championship. Opening of an nual don show in Victoria, B. C. Sailor Burke vs. Bill McKlnnon. 12 rounds. at Armory A. A., Boston. Wrestling matcn at jrortiana, or., cnarne Franklin vs. six men. Thursday Southern league opens with Little Rock at Memphis, Mobile at New Orleans. Birmingham at Atlanta, and Montgomery at ,. Nashville. South Atlantic league opens with Augusta at Chattanooga. Charleston at Columbia. Maron at Columbus and Savannah at Jacksonville. " Benny Yangt-r vs. - Char ley Griffin, 10 rounds, at New York. Opening of first annual mid-April golf tournament at. Pinehurst N. C. Saturday Texas league opens with Ran Antonio at Galveston, Waco at HouMon, 8hreveport at Fort Worth and Oklahoma City at Dallas. Opening of ! days' race meeting at Law ton. Ok la. University boat race between Harvard and Columbia crews on the Charles river.. Championship tournament ofi rvonneru imiirni ooir association opens at Han Francisco. Southern In tercollegiate rhamplonshlps at Univer sity of VlrrfnuL North 1.. ... opens with Portland at Seattle. Vancou ver mi iiroms. ana Aoereeen et 8po- sans. mm acin n jm 1hiiii.ii nnisn riant at farls. Francej Annual Indoor meet of Columbia university. Ryan,' cf. Olsen. ss. Ort, If. McCredle, rf. , Johnson. Sb. .. Breen. 2b. . . . . Kennedy, lb. . Armbruster, o. Carson, p. Graney, p. . . . Totals ...... 2 6 6 27 11 1 ... ..... .27 OAKLAND. AB. R. H. PO. Murphv. cf. 4 1 . 2 8 Truesdale, Zb 4 D. Lewis, If 3 Cameron, lb. MeCov. 3b. , Carroll, rf. . Breyette,; ss. LaLonge, C. Wi Brers, n. . , Christian, p. Hogan. lb. C Lewis , Totals , f. . . . 0 0 0 A 2 0 0 1 0 0 , 0 .." .80 4 6 27 20 61 WRESTLING One Man Against Six Uarles rra&M;n or vs. Joe CirroD Le aa.n trrta, Brta Vriatkar sruiUra-a Oraat xz er rmtBsra hut wsssrrrxsu JG THEATRE April 14 LIED "are iM Bos e "tlf-e aare Flrat Roars Neat 8 B Aws la bskosr. Gaierr I Bos ts ....f2.f0 if nwf,,,,,,,,!! in oars Is BleMy..., f I.rVO rs te Inlffwit 1 fM Batted for Breyette in ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland 0 0 2 0 0 I 2 0 o 5 Hits ... 0 0 10 0 2 1 1 O S Oakland 0 1 200000 1 Hits .... 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 05 SUMMARY, Three runs and five hits off Carson In five innings. Five runs and four hits off Wlggs in seven innings. . Home run Murpny. Btoien oases ort Johnson Armbruster, Truesdale, Carroll, Brevetto, univngc, i wtj oajie mis :rrou. urey ette 2. Sacrifice hits Carson, Ryan msen. sirai Dase on DansLarson I Wlggs 3, Qraney 1. Christian 2. Struck out Carson 2. Wlssa 8. Oranev. 3. Hit Dy pitcner Kyan, Dy wiggs; Kenned; by wlggs: D. Lewis, bv Graner. Douhl plays Breyette to Cameron, Johnson to oisen to Kennedy. Wild pitch Wlggs. lime i:to. umpire Mcureevy, Teraea -74 Anaelea -(United Preas Leased Wire.) Los Angeles, April 12. Vernon broke Into the winning column yesteeday morning, but the Angels gave Hogan's men a trouncing In the afternoon. The morning game resulted 7 to 2. while the afternoon went 7 to 4. Tosier, the Angel slahster. made a homer In the arternon. wbue tint struck out 11 man. fccoree:,- Morning; game ..." R.H.E. Lne Angeles ...2 .8 i Vernon ; 7 18 8 Batteries Phillips and Ross; Harklns and Ktnkel. Afternon game R. Jt. E. Loa Angeles .7 12 8 Vernon ........4 3 Batteries Toiler and Orendorff; Hitt and Hogan. - if, i Senators 0; Seals 4L Sacramento, April II. After 18 inn- Inrs of hard playing. Joe Corbett beat Ehman. late of Boston. 8 te Thai reis raillen IM stnnr the leaders fori lour inns la tne tenth frame. Score: ' R-H.E. ear re mente ........... s 4 41 fin Franrts .........4 7 i Battertee Ehman- Rrnm and " fin.,!' ham ' rarnelt mA IWn ' O Ahdiujf. H a vkna ior 15 cen ts f Cobs renyt1pret expense has been gut in thejcjgaifc in Havana tobacco.1 VEvcryXob iHavanaswceipcned leaf, foiled intQ a fulf grown 4-inch cigar?- . - ' ' . ; ' ;&'i: ' : ' ' ' . There are no bands on Cobs4The boxes'are plain, so are the packages,! but you are not smoking Jooks when you' smoke Cobs, you're smoking 6ur Inches of laaurious, velvety Havana. Onepackage will tease ybu into buy-J ing another package next day. , . - ". . -, i--?'ir.:AJHW-a " ' ' Not for men who have to save moneyTbut for those who buy cigars for the sake of tobacco, Instead of fancy fixings, which' they cant smoke." Eve pack aye rnrlJ .tains a full yard of the finest, mildest, cleanest, ripest, and richest Havana leaf, INine tor.15 cents for fifteen fragrant scents. ' 7 Tr. i . - : " . . , ,: , I FORf SA LEi EVERY WHERE ? -y-i -; r Wi Cowboy Colletrlaa Dans Trip. - trmiae rrsaa Lnni Wlra.) Bnsriea, April 18. After eernina- etwMish money te per Ms way thronsh rolleee. rl Van Meter Lon. Junior a Harrard, Is makirf plans for a tor ef Kurorts i"rls the arairmer. Ia arh he-a Irnm ths t'aHrvrartta of llllr-. la e etar nan pn the tray-k. arx) I' I heetdee aludrlns TSlt"" d '-voted roeslderabu ,g ' leuca. ana eertiin money. lime te etb I MASON, EHRMAN & CO DISTRIBUTORS, Portland, Seattle ahd Spokane.