The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 11, 1909, Page 50, Image 50

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c. a. IACKSOM.,
rafcUakes every Wasliia ettt Sa4ay ess
eaer Onadar Sanmina It TO ImkiI ""''
La rtlU sad laajll atrarta, PurtUad. UT.
Satan at tM saatofflee at FoctUsd, Or.. fae
tranamlaalaa UNDII aaue
Siattee, . . ' i '
All eapertsaeaa lb4 ar tkeee aasihere.
T.U taa mxniw tbe eepartsieat Tea west
routiait ADVMTUMKQ kipbesbntatit.
A, KMatm Cn.. BrOMWtra BnlMlns-.
r-8 nfU tmot, Kew Jtorsi 100T-OS Baea
Hulldlac. CbleasW. .
Tte Journal U M fit In toadon.' Kni-land,
at tbe afOoe of Th Joaraal's Knull.s rvora.
erotatleea. C. J. Bard A Co.. 0 "wet
'ret. where snoeeriptleaa and adrarUaamanta
win ne eeretaea.
iitHUTlpltaa Torna br mall ar ta inf alMreee
n isa tiuut autaa. (JaDaoa ar aieucvi .
Cae raw. ...fS.OS I Ona awotb. ...., JM
Coa raa.. ....... 0 Ozs math I .39
, , ranr and bund at. - .
firm rear . . . uoe swath. .w..t
There , ; are , no circum
stances, however unfortunate,
that clever people do not ex
tract some advantage from.
La Rochefoucauld.
' . EASTER 1
- ASTER IS the culminating day
Lf In the Christian year, the cli-
1 . max in the Christian drama
The Immediately preceding
scene of tragedy, thrilling, fateful
and terrible, did not, could not, con
elude the tremendous theme. . The
final act, save for a corroborative at
ter-scene.r completes triumphantly
the -"greatest story ever told,"' one
that in the concept, of the authors
opens up the only possible' avenue to
an eternal life in heaven and means
of salvation for the human soul. The
- Christ killed, lying; dead, in a tomb,
burled to become Insentient dust,
was theroan of him. The Christ
alive again, arisen, the conqueror of
Death, was "God manifest In the
flesh." The lesson Is that all e are
, not only mortal, but Immortal. "He
is risen; he Is not here," said Mary.
But he reappeared, In a final scene,
to give instruction to his followers
and to say: "I ascend unto "my
- - Father," and your Father, and ia JBi
Cod, and your God," ,
J There Is more Or Jess of the spir
itual or religious element In the na
: tare of almost all people, prompting
-, a belief in Immortality, and inciting
hopes of eternal felicity and multi
tudinous varieties of groping after
Cod. This basic concept of Chris
tianity, though not altogether new In
Christ's f ftiie, has been believed In
... m -. .-m -a .'. , f ..a
anaaepenaea on ny countless mil
lions of humanity; whom it has . In
some measure strengthened and so-
, laced, making life better and death
easier, often .welcome. Immortality
and salvation, an eternal life of hap
piness,! God's unspeakable gifts to
mankind through V a special inter
- mediary, one peculiarly his son, are
the transcendent theme, the inex
pressible prospect; and the sign and
promise of these, it va intended.
, should be furnished forth by this
resurrection scene. -
This time was observed by the
ancients, as we term them; as the
advent of the new year, the annual
resurrection or recuscitation of ma
.5 terial nature, and the church hap
pily adapted this festival to serve its
higher and deeper purpose, and to
show forth the sublime and divine
mission, according to the Christian's
belief, of the God-man on. earth
Whatever one's belief, or disbelief.
ly to make several more or less im-leffects for satisfying Judgment!. The
portant changes, fn most ' Instances I Atlanta lawyers have many times
the senate will do whatever Aldrlch aided In securing such Judgments,
orders, and, he will see to It that But, It Is different when the chicken
none of the big trusts or' financial comes home to' roost. 'v Lord Dun
combines are hurt. Then will come dreary suffered greatly with the
conferences. In which the Aldrlch- crlck n h,a own back"' H "&,d he
Cannon element will win most dls- bad never - noticed crick In any
puted points.' , " otbf,r nln b'0"1 So with ths At-
' Th! -ranf afcol JUUB mu r iHWiaiiua.
whole, is that there will be a few
changes that will amount to trifling
or insiimlficant reforms, but that the
high protection citadel, "WMch shel
ters and is the source of the most
colossal system of "reciprocal rapine"
Borah went on to sayjn effect, those J chase the consumer has been pAylng
exercising power must know . what! l.ceui, na on a 10 cent package 2
the electorate, the workers, the coin-1 cents, not to the government, but to
mon people, are doing, are willing to J the trust, and that since. 1902 the
do, are capable of dotng "the mess-1 tobacco consumers have thus paid to
ure of their .ability, the . worth of I the combined manufacturers the sum
their patriotism." And mark this: ot ,145,000.000. ;And this on only
'Responsibility alone rives strength I one form of tobacco used. This Is
and initiative to citlienahp, contact (another sample of the glorious -and
with government fosters public spirit, jaacrea principle of protection In op
auu 4wsii uiu im wits? k r rai . huuui' iu i v.wM,
public service for It to be used as
an asylum, for the crocked.
Whenever It Is so' emnloved
f.Ve n J? Dted' w,,, sU11 stand Drac" there Is temptation to honest men to
tlcally Intact . ro wronr. If the rrooked are as
eligible to public office as are men
The. recent attack la-this city on
venders of heron plumes Is a remin
der that the white herons, formerly
numerous as far north as New York
which, Is reared 'and- trained -and
T IS no proper functlpn of the eQPP. the kind of statesmen who
lice cars wiai na uarm comes lo'ine
These are KOlden words, and' in
no state In the union has the truth and Michigan, have been pretty well
thus expressed been so well under- exterminated except In Florida, and
stood and exemplified as In Oreeon tney are Decoming scarce even tnere.
; of stern intwTtv there is Tno reward dur,D the P8t few years. The peo- Tnere are a very few specimens yet
-i or stern integrity tnere is no rewarai-, .Lw n th KinmAth-xrsihnnr lnirntt r-
for mn vhnhm snlrtlnni for v vrrRuu ur wen iuo iiruii --
atj half , mast pttbllc plate to be clean. If no espe- .nine, n jeror .
duj au m .utvii ui viuyuyutr, inu uotdi r , ,
throughout New York eltr Frlr Lh.i
day. City Off Icials,. prominent trlde. thereby.. W MJ
rifizpna riio-aHnn niina I ' " . m.. I they need to follow it farther. And 1 11 ncl- eron pi
i w uoch a iransaiianiic finlfet RtAtM' n naminr men to v """. ' .
Unerbearlng the body of a.notable place ,iB, of i M alt.,' .tfnlfl
eiecuve. ; A oig concourse , or peo- throughout the country. It . la of 1'"-""'" w
pie watched with bared heads the enormoiia eonseonence ito the coun-
transfer of the casket from steamer rrr for the nresidencv bv examnle
to a waiting hearse.n The body was to be the fountain head of nurlty.
that bf Joseph Petroslno.- lieutenant ue are all Copyists and Imitators,
of detectives in the New York police, jf the "president names tainted men
He was assassinated by njembers f t0 of f lce the tendency, will be for
the Black Hand at Palermo. Sicily, tainted men to be everywhere re-
Aiarcn . ii. . ne aemonstration in i cmroH aa iia-ihia r trirf , nA.
but I localities, but they 'are almost ex
umee are mostly lm-
and ' Africa. The
one, involving the
killing of -the mother bird while
tending her young, which are left to
nmi.i.TAXT niRAT rnnn pros. I tarve. ; The audobon societies Jn
TF(T '' itnis as in omer cases are aoing
' ' iirood work: and should be supported
HERE WAS never at' this time even at the cost of wounded femi
of year so fine ! a wheat crop I nIn vanity.
nrnsnftct In tha Pftplflfl north
west as now. The . Journal's ? Tne evidence adduced y Indicates
elected as representatives of all the
people, and not of the protected In
terests alone.
A Sermon or Today
The Living Truth. .
Itw tfaanv. lt i y ' '
lunnv 1st k...u i... 'm. . ..
1UKIUI1 iiliKb IUU BVUBVW TV ssaxaaw a. JJ(
The houee cut the steel duty In
two, but it Is reported from Wash-
house figure to whatever notch the
steel trust demands. And the bouse
in all probability will yield. All this
was down In the original text of the
f I 11 f nnf . .
C'lmsi iazsity not syatom of
txllff, u j, a ty)l) 0 Uft ft
trtnd in ideals. TliuVa will b
-..always thoan who liislut on' ll
During the past eight months the
Internal revenue from spirits has de
creased about $9,000,000, but this
Torms as conatltntimr
I'hla la hfliantM i. -. . . 1.
ajiler t stand by certain fl.i f,.rn,.
Ith an ever
slnoa tliHt..
1 1 cm oemamia
than It la to keep pa. w
seems a( small decrease considering .V hasy.J'i: jd:-n'S
the expansion of dry territory. , .. "rd 1,01 ?Si m-
A Poem for Today
' ( s . The Sabbath , ' J' J. '.
By Henry Vauahan. . - -
fH(nrt Vaushan waa born In Wales
In 1621, and therefor called "the Bllur
lat": ha attained calebrity aa phy
your faith and oua-ht r.,h.
o- hi.cihuPr?,'uc4 development. .
Of "chr.?, 5S f, J'v", I".?,. ctf rlatlca
ilea ii.hiiu"i "' -"i". "I" lum .
SHr of tha hi-tH. k1"," "a...n.',:rat'v,
albU la h.. iT. . t.i.1 ru.UI" P"-
. ' - l..a J . . 1 j - iL.i ti
k.L.i, a vi .l .-l? a.--. I n-olfmlnarv nnrmii tha rrlnn wrunw jurj liuus, luat ruu
."U, u?? " lw herence to a policy pf clean appoint- r; "r" A.;TT 7 I .k "7 nay. the driver of the automobile
louowea Dy anotner ana an immense-1 menta the nresldent can do more
ly greater one next Monday, when his than 'k thousand men or "a score of
body will brtiorne to the cemetery. cMe organizations to promote the
Four thousand New York policemen. cause 0 cjean government.
city officials, tens of ; thousands of These considerations render It im-
cltizens, and ail the Italian societies portant for President Taft to name
1 r ; nap i mnrA th.n .vr hfr that killed Lauber, was not guilty of
and the condition throughout the W1BBW4 r un.w.u. Du, .u
whole region is far above average. Iwa8 therefore blameless In the mat-
Urh.t aoKa.ra tn noonf lr." ACCepUDJ- IU COBCJUBJUO 3
between now' and harvest , time no correct, it still remains true that
wavj ' ukuiuuuucD mo mu ivu xcu
Tl 1 AJ. lD. A . onor.ti the than T. Cider; Powell for Tl LVlZTlt nd tecklesslr In the downtown
aeieciive. it win uo an occasion mm the. marshalehlp of Alaska.. It Is a . " V-..r . streets, and greater- car should be
"!,t! thS that is. easy; for there Is an ft t jdl ravagant exercised, or else this will t. Cnly
country and will be tbe' subject oi abundance ; of .untainted, men who
nouce a mrouBuoui uie civmzeu would eiadlv- acceDt v the oosltion.
M.h r . ?n nnn nnn hi,ehia the first of many such accidents.
And If conditions should continue asl
,oria- " . They, are men whose. appointment fu" rZ Z Z 7 rt. 7 "'- Portlin. wrh" irtubu ;
Though the occasion will be a I WoUid reflect credit alike UDon the 'avorable during the rest of tne sea-J . 7' ninmh- tr.i
tribute to the notable, achievements public Service and r the appointing " Ti.r Z uSa existed in Portland.and the other
That there is a plumbers' trust.
Ich causes people who erect houses
other bulldfngs unreasonable ex
an Incidental accompaniment of pro- lv. yl win may conBiaeramy , oeyona
i L1. 'i. v- .1.U .ifviiimii.vvf..v. " !,. M flam rat Ji
lesi agamsi inc. iniiuences inat lam be blighting to the principle Of pure "11 "l- h hlrn whIch
him low, He came to his death while , a- ;nnnta -i-rk of Te price, too. Is Bure to be high. .
oTa wAAv. . A10 j., wkD.f hia hofln ntrnr'trwl
in the Interior at SI a bushel for
on a secret mission that It was
hoped would free his adopted coun
try of the deviltry known as the
Black Ha.nd. More than any other
man In the country Lieutenant Pe-
11c funds to the amount of several
thousand dollars. Av grand Jury has
so declared,, experts ;;, have so re-
nnri 1 1 a!n . Ti m haa. nvr-dnnfnrl It.
uuuo. jiim iiaiian uiriu ana a siugu
1 I .1 J.. K. .n.l.nAfnil
Multnomah county he embezzled pub- Hi Iv"' 17 a, . ..Jvli pense. and that the trusfexacts ex
early delivery.: The . market may
orbltant prices for the necessities in
which it deals, and fxercises execra
tWtalV A aV-.a-ka4 A A a t tl Vt aV43cf An.
"i:: " 6rr. . : W tyranny, are facts well known
' "a" "T ,n In inTi f0' The Journal exposed the, matter
comes pouring in, -Dut ail Alnaicai. .... , , .
. ir7.i..jn, t,l irmDnt jfully, and furnished abundant proof
u;!niUU,.a " further.-, facts - that- he escaped the ; , " hnPtA thronpimTt months ago. ... :
lar talent for remembering faces and Denltentlary only by a prostitution ?ort f ..aj!rg.! Bh,f hrU.y
penetrating aisguises. -maae mm of justlce b fc dlstrlct attorney whose "" ' 7hTho This ought to be a big pointer for
dreaded by hem. He had brought L, lltlcal re,ati0n with him hh ; L".:?! ' -31'!! easjtern capitalists! Theodore Wil-
many to jusuce. ana n me ume oi flaved powell from de8erved convlc- 7 th7 wh -It , 2B0.O0 for a little piece
his assass nation was in pursu t of a ti0Q and 8entence. The fact8 ln Pjcted PP". h of Portland dirt eight months ago.
7i ' ' ? wt . " . i ine case are wiuu uuu(uiiusi
. or agnosticism, he may well join in
both the ; reverent and the joyous
features of " this day's celebration,
one that, as no other does, - signifies
and teaches life, even life after and
out of death; Pure, beautiful, happy,
indestruqtlble, recurrent life. v
-' Life ever life, eternal life.- Today
Cod teaches it to all through nature
as well as through the church. The
new leaves whlsper'it; the swelling
buds,, blush with it; the dew-wet
grans as the, dawn disappears In
sunlight, sparkles with It; the birds
; are jubilantly melodious with It;
mankind thrills with It; the church
retells "the old, old - story." . and
, chants praises to God and Christ for
bringing "life and Immortality, to
'. light" Life to most of us Is sweet;
we. may make it . sweeter, by enter
ing cordially into the Easter' spirit
THE PAYNE tariff bilj is through
'the house, and it Ik well not
the bill, but'' the end .of the
business In v that; body.- "'If
.'twere done, whes 'tis 'done, 'twere
w ell 'twere done .: quickly." Pro
longed ' wrangling, and .. suspense,
though the general outcome is bound
to be a law not differing greatly
from the present law, ,Is Injurious
to the country. .' , "
It must 'be admitted.. however,
that tbe Payne hill contains a few
i-mall good featorrs. The. duties on
Ft eel products are reduced by one
ha'.f. and nolle they should v have
hrea abolished altogether, this is an
f tscou raging Item. Petroleum la put
on the free list, which looks good.
ut Standard Oil will still get a big
rsikroff on account of the high daty
?j tin p!ate. Tbe adrocates of free
: r i who It reemed awhile ago.
i J " wTi,-were dfTeaTedTrand a
: ra lnnilf r will still be maln---J.
The t:rsr trust also oi
f '.:y. Lumber and sugar were
. ! !i lf prcf tlonists only by
i iff trary IVmocrats. the
f ti.era frrra the aouxk.
' tv f.rt lttt" (tt tfc
i p -.'' i
. ' - t
flee from the United States.
It was alSO a part Of his mission to ,Wfl nnh1,.,v rilnnntori or Ame&
i. v i " '
United States and Italian authorities
for cooperation in eliminating Black
Hand outrages and the vandals who
perpetrate them. . ,
. The problem is one that has given
and this week, nothing having been
out the northwest, where 'they are 4 rj J22L52 ' P the property,
For the president under ..the clrcun
stances to name Powell will be pub
lie notice from the presidential of
fice that virtue and probity are not
assets, for public place, and ; that
crooks and corruptionlsts are as
the police authorities of both coun- eHgfb,e to federa, p08jtlon8 as are
iuo liiiiuuo ' Luuvvi Ua .. Jn. tuuyci a1
gold nexjt fall, and farmers' automo
biles will multiply.'. ' I v
. .. . . ? ,
HE Chicago- Record-Herald, a
Republican newspaper, but not
a yellow-dog .organ, comment-
waa -offered 50 per' cent profit.
$375,000, which, he refused, .saying
he would not take $.00,000. v Mr.
Wilcox is one of the capitalists of
Portland who are not whining about
high taxes. ' ' -' -, -i
honest men. '
For reasons that are obvious it Ms
solution. When forced to flee from r?p . aw m"m ;K tlonal amendment for the direct elee
t.-,.. ii- take. It Is a step that his -friend M.. TK
tive system of espionaga- and infor
mation was planned as an aid. to the
F. Marion Crawford, who died ves-
ing on a, resolution introduced terday in Italy, was not regarded as
In' tbe Illinois legislature calling
upon congress to submit a censtitu
to ship as stokers and in other, ca
pacities on ' board. American-bound
steamers. By that means they gain
entrance here and remain until their
crimes again compel them .to,, flee
abroad. Again they ship as stokers
or otherwise, and their absence again
serves the purpose of these birds of
passage In escaping justice. His in
timate . knowledge of .their,, devious
ways and his dauntless courage In
.A V. -l A. Mmm "J vI""'
In the northwest, all of whom are
perfectly familiar with : ".';-. Powells
crookedness, can ill afford, by fail
ure to acquaint him with the true
facts, to Jet 4 him take. If crooked
ness is to be rewarded with prefer
ment and virtue is to pass Unrecog
nized,' it is . indeed a sorry day in
this republic. If the public service
"Congress will never submit
such an amendment. The sen
ators ' object to popular election on
the Identical grounds . on which the
people favor iW The Record-Her
aid therefore advocates the other
constitutional method, a demand by
two thirds of the states, which : it
thinks would compel, congress to
act. - 1 - ' -
But this would be a doubtful
is to become, an asylum for crooks,
pursuing them caused Llentenant ' be brought
tlonal establishments and" waste
Petroslno to be marked for death.
Fate fell on him at Palermo when
he was close on the heels of a gang
that had but recently fled from New
York. It lost to' this country one of
its .ablest and. bravest. detectives, one
whose fearless battle with the Black
Hand is the admiration of brave men
the world over.- The demonstration
ln hi honor Is a Just tribute to hi
achievements and Is shared in alike
by the people of his adopted and of
his native country. ,
time in prattle about pure govern-
ment? - f. .v:-' --il' -f --'j , v i :k
HERE Is great excitement in
Georgia, says a dispatch. The
storm center. Is Atlanta. A
federal judge and ills auto ran
over a negro and nearly killed him.
That was some time ago. The. negro.
after escaping' ' from , the jaws of
death by. the. auto , route, sned the
honorable justice -tor damages. He
won; and on the judgment that is
sued -the negro's lawyerSj after fail
ure -of the defendant to pay .jtbe
amount,: levied on the judge's home
and contents. That is tbe canee of
the excitement. ""A special meeting
of the Atlanta Bar association has
been called to consider means of dis
ciplining the negro's lawyers ' and
forcing reparation to the Judge,"
adds the dispatch.
Of course, the negro Is wrong. He
ought not to complain at being run
over by an auto. - Besides, was not
he driven by "the Judge"? What
if one or two of his limbs were brok
en and a few joints disconnected,
wasn't It a jndge that did It? In
deed, 'did the negro not really owe
the Judge an apology for being In
be way of the, speeding auto? And.
n truth, ought be not to feel hon
ored to know that he has had a few
ribs broken and". a row or two of
teeth knocked out by a Judge?
Here. Indeed. U a negro with but
Utile l f propriety-Instead "of
being grateful that be escaped with
bis life, be has had ike audacity to
sue tbe Judge, get sUmaces and levy
en kls houeehold effects to collect
the claim. No wonder the Atlanta
tar association is aroased and great
cxitenjet la Georgia.
Of ff-irw ifce Jn5r. as all )c"et
T'f frr ' di. ha! Jont.tle Jyoed detrers for
ci is -;:-it f-n -thr peoj-le's hoofbotd
to bear to keeD more than one third
he states from making the nec-
essary demand. Then the senate
could construe this demand, if made
by, the necessary number of states
as It pleased, or could ignorej it
Where does any, power reside, or
N THE occasion of the celebra
tlon of Appomattox day by a how could it be exercised, to compel
Chicago club Friday. Senator I the senate to obey the demand of
Borah of Idaho made a notably I the states? ,
good speech, the keynote of; which .The Record-Herald admits that
was the importance and necessity of "where a primary law goes as far
local self-government, and of resist- as that of Oregon, the state enjoys
ance to the encroachment upon the already the equivalent of direct elec
reserved powers of the 'states by the tlon. except 'that continual watchfulf
federal government.' particularly ness ts necessary- to - prevent tne
through federal commissions. And mechanism slipping cog at some
lf he did not directly allude to fed- point." But Oregon has already
eral courts, he doubtless thought of elected twV' senators, two - years
them. - - -- --, , . I apart, Dy mis metnoa, ana tnere nas
'JThe t antithesis presented by the been no slipping of a cog, even when
pure democracy of Athens and the Republican legislature had to elect
later 'imperialism of - alt-absorbing a Democratic senator.' 5 Surely that
Rome waa portrayed, and Mr. Borah Is as severe a test of the Oregon
urged: that people ihould be -cafef ul plan-as euld. be deslredr No greater
to, guard Jealously- their -reserved! test: could-be- devised. - Th& Oregon
right .of local government, typified ln I and specially the Statement No.
our -early .history by the New Eng-U part of it, Is the only sure means
lapd town meeting. But properly I to accomplish the desired result.
and wisely to- exercise these powers,
or to, refrain from exercising them
out : to prevent federal power from
exercising, them, the common people
must ever be Intelligent, Interested
in. public affairs and vigilant. "It
Is a remarkably short period." said
Mrv Borah, ."from the time when a
people cease to bt active In tbe af-
N 1898 a war tax of 6 cents a
pound was levied on tobacco, and
authority was given the trade to
reduce the packages .of 2, 3 and
4 ounces to 1 2-S, 2 hi and 3 1-3
ounces. Thus the consumer paid the
fairs of government until 4 her are I tax in the form of a reduction of tbe
Incapable of discharging tbe duties quantity bought for 5 or 10 cents, or
Imposed by government; and no peo- more. In 1902 this war tax . was
pie Incapable of self-government ever abolished, but the packages have re-
long bred a class of statesmen wholmalned oa the reduced basis, so that
were capable of governing for them." i the consumers are ln effect paying
Here Senator Borah strikes the the tax yet. There should be no ob-J
kernoteof the whole gamut of civic Ijection to taxing tobacco stiffly for
the parpose of raising revenue, but
consumers are buying less tobacco
than tbey are entitled to for their
money, i the proportions at a tedj and
the government Is getting none of
tbe mosey; it all goes to the to
bacco truft. The law was purpose
ly fixed, or left, in that condition so
that tbe trim coald rob tobacco con
nmers of millions. From tbe fig
ures utp-!4 by the eommlstioner'of rra?iua as to the number of
fa J-"- f -"!. Rrf-WfitaHver !,
tn f e v- tut on evfrj- cent jur-
a fiction writer of the first class, but
he wrote a good many readable and
entertaining stories. He was a high
ly educated man, devoted to his art,
with' high' Ideals, and talent of a su
perior -order. His death at a com
paratively; early age will be regreted
by 'millions of people ln many lands.
Coal men, a report from Washing
ton says, "cry for mercy.", But the
coal barons never heed,' If they hear,
the cries for mercy, of freezing thou
sands every, winter In eastern cities.
When the Payne bill passed mem
bers of the house became bolsterous
ly,. hilarious, laughed and shouted,
and "patted one . another on the
back." They seem perfectly obliv
ious of the . fact . that they , were
auu uq uucrr-
9ii;iin iihi Hum in uuBiaova auu " , . " tain aa IO tnanV thlllir that
known for certain rellgrloua wrltlnara. H. friends ln"l"t on m fundamrn?a? It
He died April 23. 198. Hla blosraphy a alo evidently nSaSfblJ to 7nl?i with
was written by a kindred poet apfrlt. tenacity and pun2clty tn2 fornii T or
Henry FTanrla LyW.) , thoaa alleared fundamental tilt?
Br,ht..;hfd-:,?.f..:troe reBt ma "y 'uo'dthaenUM
ahoota of bliaae:
Heaven one a ween:
Many a
The next world s gladness prepoasest In has never heard of PVof'Laoi- Ja
- A 'day to eeek; ''' ' ."'
F.tarnltr ln tlma. tha steoa bv which
We climb abova all ajes; lamps that
f..!."01 mor -are Kantlana or HeR
itans who .-would not only deny any
knowledge of. the great DhlloaoDhera.
also deny absolutely tlia
but would
Man tAjaW & f d-rk ana WU1 A hoefarthei r'Xun!
An fV remn Inn f th. whnl. aeV. H. .t.JV? ?' ves
-; : ...''' ,-'- ! !,.'' I ; Th .....Vi.."' !- ': . ...
The pulleys unto headlong man; time's Ideals ara, the more illualva thev win
5 bower. t be. Only tho dead can bo claaalfled
-Tha narrow way; her. The rreater tha virtu in ahan.
Transplanted paradise! Gods 1 walking lng- conduct and the vitality In "aualna
home: - , . ...... i , . proareaa and development, tha a-reater
k! V...Thi!.ci,?hAf it-.,. ufc thedlffloulty in formulating- you? faith
to describe
either- van-
furlhA. rn
The -man who Can carry -ilia creed lii
The creature's Jubilee; God s pari with If you tarry by the wayside to
duat; . . :. . . your ideal It escapes you. eltl
Heaven here; man On those hills of ishlng- altog-ether or movlna- fui
.1. mvrrli and flowers: - Tha man kn
Angela descending;; the returns of trust; hla cabinet, who can count Us pieces,
A gleam of glory after, six days show-1 with whom It never varies, neither de
i CrS.- t - . I VAlOninsV nnt avlnar hananaV I I. 7.1
ready dead, usually feels superiority
iri.1. n.i. iii.. . i over tnose with whom faith I. living :
' .. 1 FrowInB' ' an Ideal.. . an . ever changina-
. 1839 First election held in Connect!-Ihope. and an overmaaterin-haain . i
cut. la the auperlorlty which a child, happy
17S3 End of the Revolutionary war w,tl toys,, feels for the man who
proclaimed by the congress of the can sit-empty handed, yet , happy: with
United SUtes. - hlJ??pt!,?f.r'ea.m . . . , .
1799-George R. Gilmer. lth gover- ui7 ii'UiV. "f -.Bn.K .
nor of Georgia, born. Died November u. Few sights are more pitiable than
15. 169. ' , that of the man who deludes himself
1859 South Carolina legislature .do- with the hope of saving the world bv
nated 110,000 to the heirs of Thomas Persuadtna- all men to hold In their
uuiui mu or symoois precisely nice
the one he holds, pieces of the garments
nd forms through which - truth one
revealed herself to the eyes of men,
shreds from which the soul has fled.
When we talk of the faith nf onr
fathers we need to remember that thelf
faith meant somuch to them because It ;
was fresh- and living. , because . they
wrested It With blood, and tears, from
ls5 Federal forces took possession I dltlonallam , that would have .throttled
lefferson.-In appreciation. of his great
service to the country. ,
188 Montlcello seminary (Illinois)
opened... :, . :.- - '
1842 John England, first bishop of
Charleston, 8. C, dlad. - Born Septem
ber 23, 178.
18fS Illinois and , Michigan canal
of Montgomery, Ala.
It, that each new generation must se
1878--Forty lives lost m boiler ex- I yet ; farther along the path - of light
plosion on steamer Ocanus on the Mia
slsslppl river.
1884 Charles Reads. English novel
ist, died. Born In 1814.
1897 war declared between Greece
and Turkey. ,.,,
1902 General wade Hampton, sol
dier, . statesman j and ex-governor of
South Carolina, .died in, Columbia, S. C.
John W. Weeks lllrthday.
and be loyal to the truth of the past
by leavlna its old tra.ka fnr tha trnl h
of the present, ,.,..
The most serious heresy of any age
I that, which calls Itself orthodox v,
the attempt to bind back the new- llf
In the ahclts of the old, to snhstltule
the footprints that the development : of
truth- has-made yesterday ' fo the on
ward moving truth-Itself: and to force
all Into-uniform and meanlnsJess repe
tition of outgrown phases. ... ,.-
The harm of this, lies In-, the. facts
that. such mechanical uniformity stifles
T. w w..;fMi. I tnai-suen- mecnantcai unuormny suries
John wlngate weeks, representative .-. wtv mak faith, riitnri.
in congress from the Twelfth district rohs It of vitality and so of any vlr-
of Massachusetts, was born ln Lancas-ltue In life. It substitutes for the strug-
ter. N. H., April 11. 1860. After at-Igie onward into our. new and enlarging
tending a preparatory school be entered Was the siothrui settling down to con
the United State. N:avai;ac.demy,.t tf
Annapolis ana gr.uuaiea in .1.91. rte W8rd ,nto ,lght and eonmends the. dolt
served in the navy as a midshipman n1 toward who timrously clings Jo
until 1883, when he resigned to enter the past. f
business as a banker -and broker in - -The dansrer Is that we shall -be dis-
Boston and New York. During the war couraged In our own strivings after
with Spain he served as a lieutenant truth and Jur own ! -
in ti,. niiint. naw TTa waa - n heaven - soaring- Ideal by the vehement
J" J !ar7'. twt.arl threats and , taunts of those s who .love
three years an alderman and two years ao wpU tn MKny gotten forms of tra-
mayor of the city of Newton, where, dltlons. We must be loyal to the beat
he resides. He was 'elected on the Re- we know: 'we must have the faith that
publican ticket to the 69th congress says: , Give, me-rather perdition wit."
ni hi. Iwmi twina reelected ; . in rnn. truth than paradise at the price or a
greea Representative Weeks has taken
a prominent part ln all debates relat
ing to finance, and the currency and
Is regarded as aa authority 'on those
subjects.1 ,
Sentence Sermons
How It .Seems to Outsiders.
'- . From the Seattle Tlmes
The Oregonlan's motto app
Henry F. Cope.
Tou catinot lead men Into -truth by
tricks. . 4 : "-:
The-furrows for
Korrow'a DTowreuts
to "return evil for good" In, which re-(joy's harvests.
speet it by no means represents ,tne
sentiment of the fair minded people, of
Oregon, ; 1 ; ; . v .- , -jv-' ' .4 - - f v-- -; ;(.-,:,
Tou can never . lift up ' your " brother
wtth two fingers. , .
; Tke Religious Need and tne Easter Remedy-
By Right fUr. Charles Scad'oW D. D.
r rx-(rree and true democracy. Tha
people must "rule; locally, is etate.
county, city, precinct, ran at sot be
rud from a diiiu-e, tf raj liberty
la to b preserved and democratic
Ideals are to stand; but to be able to
rule locally tbey must b Interested
and active is pabllc affairs, most be
capable of surta activity, mnst b In
tllitent. boeect and courageous hi
tbelr artlon. and rnsat ebooa ma
for tsft'w from bUt,-cct.!i!,
It MB 1 1 p 4-t !s 1 r J f - a ' t-Jl,"
To goeTs a i , r'v-, l-r
HAT: Is the chief heed of Oregon?
Some say political reforms;
others say greater sympathy
and . cooperation between ' different
claaaea of society; 'others say a more
earnest and cultured ministry, others
y mora alertness and aggressiveness
upon the- part of the people, cleaner
:. streets, diversified farming,
Tbo ' abundant car, supply, anl
7 more railroads, etc. All these
HeeA are very important , things.
- but, with this Easter lesson
fresh In our minds, one cannot help
feeling- that the chief need of the whole
stat. and nation, at the, present time
Is a spiritual awakening -A- resurrec
tion to newness of life to higher Ideals
and aspirations than ordinarily prevail.
Not a reform, but a revival, not merely
local, agitation, but a spiritual high
tide to flood the . whole state. There
never was more preaching- than at pres
ent, but what about the effects? Has
not - the machinery of Institutional
Christianity the various clubs, guilds,
pariah organisations, meetings, .sensa
tional methods of preaching, all efforts
to attract listeners, become almost a
burden?: Po we not bear complaints
on all bands because of the lukewarm-
neas and the lack of spiritual feeling
that character! religion la our coun
try? .
R It K
ROM every direction eomes the
complaint that the ministry has
loat Its strength and convincing
power. The preaenmg it la stated is
able, learned. Interest Ins; and Instmc-
Ive. but there Is but little of the spir
itual affirmation In connection with the
preaching as It used to be In the past.
Tha eld terms of previous
T I years such as '"conic
tion." "confrsalon." "re-!
" Xvldsaoe " pntooe," "adoption" and
"dd fcv to a eatf-nt become meanlnsleas snd
strange trrms. ' The old epertiwrs
repreventrd by thee terms t:ave be
come fort 11 a cf some kind, wlthoat lit
in them. In thlr plae- wa flfd rn-h
terms as "lnatltotlonal Chria;lanlty."
"r-archl'" rnrce." usrestire therapeu-t!'-s.-
"ethKal rHnre." "the soa-i tf
smtna "i I'fht." ete Af1 f.l
Js lh result? It la a a-! that fspi lv
w p s g''Cv i!: "1 j t r , rt
t Sat I' 1a an '; tlAf-al tr .r in f .M
a f.T,.j i- rg trti.-r lo 1 t ;
It's the duties we leave undone that
work our undoings . . ,
No man ever followed a truth' far
without flndtna; a task. , ' - -
. '-
No hatred Is so cruel aa that which
la based on conscience.. ,
Unfitness for death docs not estab
lish fitnesa for heaven. .
v ,. . .1. a - - '. ,.
God. . The Sunday school hardly holds
Its ownt The congregations in many
districts - are ' rather smaller. Sunday
OhMrvanpa'li a ifehataKIa nu.kflnn mtA
tha mld-weelt ' Bible rl.a. e ur.l ta l ..P"? . ?S ?t ' scqulr a . forglvln
aZLVL n-uZ i . n it lPn( y praciiciiag on nimseir.
people is not a terror to the wicked,
and there Is little difference between
those who profess to be followers of
Christ and those who do not. The au
thority of the Bible and the fundamen
tal tru tha of Christianity are being
weighed and measured in the scales
of reason and criticism as If they were I neas to those who go there as fans.
only human whims. An immovable be
lief In the unseen, the miraculous, and! Much of otir reasoning is a blotting
tne auparaaturai la an cpea-eueatleatH 01 ine stars y anuutRg our eyeev
-Stn haa many machines, but selfish
ness Is the motor for them all.
'The highest exhibition of reliaion mav
come In the lowliest deeds. . ;
The church Is sure to be only foolish-L
Th breadth of a- life depends on how '
much of the , world It takes - Into its
heart.: ..-, , , ,
... . . ' j.. , , v. -
It's no use Invltlnr folks to the heav.
enly way when you walk, as If it were
To pray t he delivered from our
trials would be to seek escape from our
triumphs. , - . .
, . .- . a ; r
No smoant of prsylng for youn cMI
dren will do any aood If you ara too
Triclty AVcatLer
ICWrUnfM a TVa Jaat-nul ar Wait Waana. '
f lsaBa Kaiawa ot. Hla praae-vaawa l.l
at a rasar in era ai
b HIT jaaraaj.1
HAT. about the cure?, -There can
not be a doubt upon this point
'ndoubtedly the spirit of God
Is the only source of spiritual Ufa, end I all' thorns.
It Is impossible to produce or revive
this life through any meauis apart from
the spirit. This la the doctrine at the
root of the gospel: this Is the resur
s 4 rectlon life of which Easter
The reminds u. The Easter mas
sacre Is not merely the reeur-lbusy to play with them.
Cars rectlon ef "that body which
shall be" out of the earthly
body that now Is: but a resurrection
to a higher and nobler life now by the
power of God.. This -Is what dlstln-g-uishe's
Christianity from all other re
ligions in the world, end this Is what
distinguishes 'Christianity from all the
various forms of - It. and this Is the
cure for tbe moral and spiritual Indis
position of the axe our country at the
present time. Reader, will you do your
share towards spreading tbe blessed.
cure? Believe tn the best In your fel
low men. look for the best In them, snd
kep your minds en what Is beet and
noble, and gond. We need te pray to
tKe ho4r etrH.-'1m fimit the fowr
winda of tbe earth and breaths upoo
theee slain that they may lire. Let
us af ply the Eaater leeean to our dally
lives and still srJUrg mind let God use
us In hla war, at ate time. In eur
homa. In our places of bueieesa. In
the ex-lil rlrt-le. In tbe naisKfcorsnod
In whkh e de!l. and In tha wide,
w'de w-rH ' lrrnmr's fr the set
tire; tp "tha k'-"f'i'x'r cf r!fMusne.
ae4 v." Now. for the rea-ir-r-"rn
in s ra 1 fa i a r'-"''-.'
f -1 a rr i r- '
tkla ralaaia la Taa
(Oprrlxit. ItOI. by Caarra afsttbew Asarn.)
(CopjTlghU 10. by George Matthew
The sua shines bright In the vault
of blue, and the clouds are dark and
ana 1 rarreJy know,
what is tat to do. when outdoors
venture, already yet. Shall I rnv a fan
at rTfnTt. vr ld mrs'If wr,h '
a winter coat? Shall I g don town
In a motor fart, or bont around, for a
ferryboat? Oh. tee rhTra ih. sf l
he bi'svards yall. snd tb snow -otna
dowa like a sacs of flour, an4 the sun
shows up for a lltll spell, and V tr.--reeta
pour fr a f.alf an hour.' If f a
birds wrnt dwiH tv aw'4
fhtla s'r. anl the f;-,re I
binoni If t r had a r-are, mr.f t-ia I
ta the swMt sr.if Ka'v r
'a1 ri ts s;rh a t ri
v.-a ;.- i t
'r t, t'ltl