The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 08, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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.. . . . , , - . .'
Twof-Biff Concerns Attempt Trains Will Sooii B&llun
vto Throttle Xcw Oregon J . ninff into Klamath lalls
;. Citv Company. Week's Celebration.
The backbone tot the local paper rnar-l " (Special Dlapetrh to Tae JoaraaU
L.t waa broken Yesterday.' a, decreaaa'of Klamath Falls. Or., April I. Tas P
3 centa a pound becoming effective ialpie of Klamath Falls and county ara all
. ail coaraa atocK. auch aa papar bags! excitement the'peat weakvdue to their
and wrappers, and 1 cents on print a wakening. to tha fact that the rauroaa
paper. Thie roakea tha prlca ot toarae n cloaa "to tha olty and tralna -will b
stock IH W!, running within 10 day. Tha roadbed
break".-" STWbTtid by Rr&ni thl. clt, ha. been completed, and on
eper defers to an effort being made Sunday tha Southern Farllo eiarted
bv the Crown-Colunjhla raper company, iuhvih mu w.uutni.i v""?m
nd tha WlllametieVulp 'at Paper com- arrosa tha atralta on tha marsh. Tha
. fhl n ewWawiev PulB bridge waa cwnpleted and the rails
a Fiiwr coraoany at Oregon City. Many laid acroaa tha channel within 24 houra.
Jora Sclera are convinced hat the Tha driving of tha pilea for tha bridge
Present condition of the market will not will eloee the channel to navigation,
continue and have given out Aha tip It waa reported that aorae of the boat
that now la the time to miy paper. - proine wouia rrv. r
; . to. u.ii tuin a Puiii-r comnany the railroad comnany w
commenced work at Oregon Citv aoout waa made to clone this channel. That
two weuka ago. W. -P. hawlnj',i paper waa tha reason tha work waa done on
manufacturer of 18 years' experience en Hunday.. It la atatad, however, that
the' Paelflo coast, ia in charge of the the company secured permlaalon from
' 'new concern. Mr. Hawley aald laat the war department, through tha recla-
nlKht' ." ' ' " . matlon service, 'to 'bridge tha channel
, do' not recognise the cut in the connecting the river and tha lower lake
price of paper. It ia not warranted by temporarily, and that later a auapenalon
Wltimate market conditions or to in- bridge will be built.
liluence exerted bv the aupply of the Work ia now progressing . on th
raw product. There ia a Held or worn I tracKlaying acroaa the marah and the
here for all three of na and paper can-J crew will aoon reach tha. mainland at
not be profitably manufactured at the 1 Midland. . in the Klamath basin. . It. la
. prloa received . for', 1 today..; Untfl re-1anrjouoced that everything will ba ready
nerctly tha paper manuraciurea ni wrv ior operauon into tnia city ay May i.
Kon City waa not-one tenth of. that I plana ara already mapped out by tha
bring received Dy .roruana oiori uuiii cnimor or commerce ror a wseavs esie
h r Anvone who deilrea may find I bration: and fullv 10.000 neonla ara
in the railroad yards carload after car- pected In tha city during that week.
load of eastern paper waiting to be un-1 The farmer throughodt tha entire
joaded hera two yeara I county ara entnuaiaallc.
mills were implored to help tha local t -t , .'.
who may ue aeeamg a mi m uul.,V
business. . I waa if charge of the mills
they are operating before tney were, i
have customers and frlenda who will
support me, and I am going to stick to
the business. . My aales already ara
very satisfactory. '
with' Terd Nllea and Frank' Town, ta
came badly. Intoxicated, Tlrfuyon b)p-lesaljr-aa.
.When lima came la, leave
town Rub yon waa tnrowit Into a wowl.
rark by hie rumpsnlona. who did nnt
notice- that ha slid tkrouah ta the
round.' The leant waa atarled and tha
iron ran over him. lie waa thrown
in aaalQ and aome dlatanre out ia tha
country aaaln feU- out and waa rua
over a aeond time
ii il 1
Oakland, CI.. Jiprll f William Km
metl Colemaa. author and playwright,
llv4 In frar thai ha mtaht ba burled
aljva. aa -la ahiwn-tn lUa will, fllrd la
prolMtte court today. In which lie or
dered that after -death hla arteries be
opened. "Vhll he waa oil hla deathbed,
It waa learned today, ha tagged hi
phyalclana to sea I hat hla request was
granted. rf. Btldham, 1 bealth nfflr
at Alameda, leave the required promise
and saw that It waa carried oUt.
. The estate left by IMlwnan consisted
principally of books. The he ordered
dtstrlbutml among tha publlo iibrnrlea
of taklnd. Alameda and Pan Kran'
elaco. lie dramatised "Kaat l.ynne."
(VnltrA Press fssMl VTtrm
Oakland. CaL. Aorll 8. Btranned to
la cot in the Receiving' hosnltal Ala.
More than this 1ft. Hawley would .not I ander Bernard, who yesterday' twice
say. He insisted mat ne .naa noi ovn i attempted to end his life. Is being
ivln hppd -to the ODeratlonS of hla I aruarded closelv bv tha attnndanta. ... An
' nompetitors and that lie had no present I insanity, affidavit has been drawn up
purpose or ceing Kutimru vi . i oy xjvyuiy iJistrict . Attorney. Batter
they might take. . I white. . . t
: Tha hrnalr n the Drlre of naOef Cguaed I Aa tha flniifharn T.l1 1 f kr.. ,
a flurry among Portland dealers. Con- Berkeley drew awav from the Oakland
fereneea between the heads of the van- mole yesterday Barnard plunged from
ous ftrma were In progress all day yea- the apron into the bay. He waa seen
prday. All , were convinced after a by the crew of the ferry Garden City
ctnriv of the market that the reduced and dasnita hia franti.. itmi.. .
price would not be effective long. (hauled aboard. "When ha waa taken to
I the engine room to dry hla clothing he
o? ?hUar,fhu'ef '"h2
waa atopped by the crew and removed
a Veteran of' tha Snatilah-
. . , , . fiuiri iv mi war nil 1 1 imunvn i in nava
fSDKlsl DUDStrB to The Joarnal.) ; 1 hwun, Inaaaa m.iAA.. nhll. .ui
IA Grande. Or.. AprU 8. Either . . V tZTm "."""S
. -, -- - ' ' . j ' Bernard, la a
propped In bed or sitting In her-chair,
oranama raimer receivea vsi
terdav afternoon, but otherwise passed
the last; day of her ninety-fifth year
in quieU -i .j; - -- . . i
IS lie came TO uib vanry is yeaia
Broadway station.
' Spree Ends In Death.
(SwcUI Dltcateh ta Tha Jonrnat v'
Phllllnaburar. Mont., Anrll 8.Tnhn
ago and is known and lovea oy an me Kunyon. i a woodcutter and old timer,
ioncers of the state, sne waa oorn wno waa injured Sunday, died yeater
n Pennnvlvania. and has enjoyed the Ida v morn in a-. Considerabla niihlrn an.
frlcndshlo of many eminent men and timeot. has been aroused over clrnim.
women of the early days. She lives at stances attendlne: his death. Runyon, 1
t-na noma or ner son, jonepn rairanr.
There ara 84 children, grandchildren,
and great grandchildren living.
1 $30,000 SALE .
Big Eastern Oregon Stock ,.Sancb
- ( ChanaTaa Ownarship. i.-1 , , '
Connolly's stock farm near Burnt
blanch. Wheeler county, has .lust been
sold to Charles Hutchine of Ke Perce.
. Idaho. It consists of 250 acres, of
whlrh about 6UU acres is alfalfa land,
' 1 iO.000 worth of sheep, cattle and horsea
and exclusive water Tigntaj location 20
miles aoutheast of Shanlko. Rale of the
place was effected through the agency
of Bolda, Wallace Co., this city, who
' make a specialty or nanuung atocic.
gram and rruit rarms in una section. .
Columbia River Scenery. ,
'Bailey Gatxert now making daily. e
;cept Thursday,- round .tripe to Tha
Iallcs. Cheap rates. Leaves 'Alder
street dock at '7 a. m., arrives in Port
land p..m. uon't rorgef you can
no to ' Tha Dalles on' Sunday. . Phone
Mala B14, or A-511J. -
Treaiin' Time's Comin,w
' Easter feastinaf. after ' fasting- you'll
want plenty of Pearce's candy novelties;
they're full of the real dellciousnese of
home made candy. - Order today. Wash,
branch, Royal Bakery V Confectionery.
.1 1 1 -i 1 -- . , .'. -. . I. jj
rr T7i n n rr
onn o
380, Washinoton Street
to enable everybody to get an Easter Hat we will place on sale the finest
lot of Trimmed Hats and Untrimmed Shapes in the city; Come early and
an4 get a bargain. They are positively the ' greatest values in the dtyJ '
7 A
Hats for misses trimmed in flowers
and ribbons; values to $10 choice
for ...... .. . .. .$4.95
Large Turbans, hand sewed trim'd
in "whips and fancy feathers ; values
to $20 , 1-3 OFF
AH: Flower Trimmed Hats and
French Pattern Hats . . . 1-3 OFF -
Untrimmed shapes in all the new
styles ; values $4.00 to $5.00-choice
for ....... ?2.00
r s y t ji -1 v
Grows Hair ..
; and we can ; - ' ;
The Great DANDERINE Never
Falls to Produce (he 1
; Desired Resalts. vJ W
IT enlivens and invigorates tha) half
gland' and tlasueg 0( the scsla, '
. regultlnr; la continuous nd
Increasing growta of th Hair.
Latter of pralie are roBtlnuslly
romlni la frvia nsarly all saris (
tae country slstlDa that Dsnderln
kas rssawed lbs grawia of alr lo
eaaa thai were considered' abao
luielf kopelses.
A led? from Breeklya writeei
"After a ihorl trial my heir atenped
felling, no I now aava a Ineely bead
ef belr, eery beery end ever oaa ana
s quarter arte long." .
Danderina) atimulatea the acalp,
' mekea II healthy ind Leaps it so.
It is tha graalaait acalp invigorates
known. It is a wholesama medioiaet '
or both lha hair and acalp. . Uvefl
m msJI bottldof It wUl put
mom -renuln llf la you
hair tban gallon of uny
- other hair tonic ever made.
It shows results from the '
; very start.. ,. ,;;:
,". ' New ea sale at every erul aa J
toilet Store in tha lenJi 3 sites
25o, 60o and 9 1 .00 1
C.a a To abow bow qatokljr
IS Uanderlne sou. we
will send e large sample free
br return mell lo enrone who
seads UUa fraeeoupoa totbs
I letaltsa listanaf Ce., CMeap,
with tbsiraama aat address
aad 10a la silver ot ataass
150 Markets
One Roof
m We have w5de variety of eatablts for your aeleciioiiH-amdhg;'
other things you will have .your choice of 20 varieties of butter. J
Conlirraation Specials
, Friday and Saturday
' According to our custom we offer
for this Friday and Saturday extra
ordinary specials in our Boys depart
ment - - -f
Blue serge Suits, with Knicker
bocker pants; sues 7 to 17; regular
$J0 value, special tA AC
ii ....-Pf etJ
Boys' dress Hats, black and brown
shades; sixes 6'4 to 7; SS Art
res;. $1.53, special at egloUU
Faultlessly Tailored Suits
for Well -Dressed Women
This sale means value-giving supremacy for our Suit Dept. Only 2 more days ,
before Easter. You will see many suits priced elsewhere at $30 that are not'
the equal of these. We leave:it to your judgment. We want you to believe
that you are going to get the best $30 suit in Portland for $14.85, and'when
you come we will show you a much better value than you
expect. Rich suits in shades that are brilliant, , odd and
scarce at 1he extremely low price of. .....
Messaline Princess Dresses at One-Third Off
S27.50 Values Now '817.50
m ..
We are placing on sale a limited number of Messaline Silk Suits of the very
best quality; made in Empire and Princess styles, beautifully trimmed with
silk braids and buttons, and in all 'the newest colors.
AH sizes." Regular price $27.50. Now on sale, while they
last, at . ......... ; . WJJL U O
t 'jlfjll ( 4
f 75c Women's Unloo
: ; : Soils 50c , '
W o rn n 's Fine Jersey
Ribbed Union Suits,
spring weight, made of
fine; white , cotton,, low
neck and silk drawstring;
knee pants, trimmed with
pretty lace. Regular T5c
value,' now, suit .. . .50?
35c Gauze lisle Hosiery
SUk Finish 25c
Women's New G'a u z e
Lisle Hose, "in golden
brown, w h r t e, reseda,
green, black, royal blue,
Copenhagen blue, new
pink, etc.; double soles, all
sizes . . . . .......... 25e
White dreaa-Shirts, stiff bosom;
sixes 12 to 1 neck; regular' J P
7Jc a-aloe, special at HOC
We Advertise Fads Calj
:::-iro third st.
Beautiful Easier, Hats
Imported models in all the most extreme
.Jupes.-M well as . the. more plain styles,
from the prominent French designers, be
sides hundreds of clever copies and original
hats- from New York's leading milliners.
We are adding new styles every day. All
the Iatet and be st styles at Iowet price ia
the citv. Slect your Eater Hat todar.-
Uiowilcu Bros. I6S-71-7J Third SI., near Yamhill
ions-Hair Goods
Never in our experience have we announced an opening
of Fine Hair Goods with greater satisfaction, for the sim
ple reason that 'we are able to show you a. great line of
beautiful goods at truly Remark
able prices. Our Cluster and
Psyche. Puffs' are 'marvels of
beauty and certainly. make a, wo
man's coiffure very attractive.
Puffs Chi-Chi Curls . .'. V. . . 75
Salome... .$1.25
Chi-Clu Curls 50?
Salome (I) ...... 1.50
Billie Burke ..2.00
Roll 12-inch , . j .... . . . . .25
: . -' 24-inch ,', ,.,50f
Netai .uto Human Hair... 15
Tourist Human Hair. 20
U r
Gw I;,
: I I -
R fl B III t II
M f I 4s I ill ; III
f' 3 I Hi ' taWflJsetsasesi
i' f ; -t
1 j i j
International Correspondence School '
T" ... v., . -J. SCRANTNs, a?J W -.. ?r , ,J.... .if I
Rooms 206207 Marquam Dlda. ; i I
Phone Main 1026
Open Evenings
$4.50 Japonica
Silk Waists S2.95
Made in .whit, light blue,
dark blue, helio and gray,
with seven r6ws of tucks,
long (leeree, with four
pretty pearl button, in all
sizes: regular $4.50 Waist
at the very -low QC
price . . .. . aaie
Easter Coats
Easter Dress Coats the popular loose
and semi-fitted styles, made of fancy and
plaitL-Woratfd mannish mixtures an1
tovfrt cloth; plain and faneytonafTand'
etiffs; with and without pockets; espe
cially smart and girlish styles, in all
sues at the low fjaj qq
price .afJeeVO
7 NcV Easter Belts -
We are showing a most sttractrve i
crtrf!nt "of fancy elastic Belts and Per
sian Belt norrltift; these nrw spring
Itjlrs are embeHished with artistic
Koc kleC htfmorrizirg in every instance
with the materials; every new and de
sired sha4e at the eatremely low prices
riitew.V. S1.00-
Do You Need a
' ' : 1 " . ". i- v .
New Set of Teeth?
. If you do, wa will make you -et
that will look exactly Ilka natural teeth
that will rlv your mouth and face
tna natural' expraaaion. ; ; ;
tr.iM'. in. e.jeei
Emplra Theatre Co.,- (Inc.), T.essee. A
Geo. L Baker. General Manager. '
Tonight, all week, Mat. 'Sat.. Baker
Stonk Co. Via ""DaVVXB HAKOM," the
best comedy of them all. Prices, tie,
SSceoc. Mats., lo. ISo. fNeat week
"Carmen." ...... . .,-.
mat xa onm rmxoxx 10 av. ac .
for the,'
"Gingerbread Man
Bealnnlnr neat Pun. Mat. Prices tie to
r Mata, zao, auc.
. .. rraeUasf sna Itoasge. -,,
83 Tears XstabUahed lav ForUaad.
Wa will rtva voil a rood 12k cold
or porcelain crown -for ..... ...g 3.66
rlolar Crowns .,,...,..,....... 8.00
2k arlda-a teeth i M
Gold or, enamel flillnai ......... 1)0
Silver Fllllnrs' 50
Inlay ftlllnes of all kinds ....... t.BO
Good rubber platee ........ 5-OM
The beat red rubber clatea ;.... T.60
Celluloid plataa i. 10.O0
Palnleaa extractions, with local..
Palnleaa eztractlona, with Somno-
rof-m ,.... ...... IMO
' Pal h less axtractloaa fre when clatea
ar bridge work ta arderad. , - -
W6rfc guarantead fort I yeara.,","
Assfetea hy Xr. sr. A. Vaffanaw, Sr. A.
BtUas. Dr. Taa 4SU BUyea. Da. JD. aV.
ataaBSwraaaa. Sr. eT. t. antUmgaa. . ,
rks ralUag d aad Wash. tUa,
Otnoe Soars-4 A. M. ta . K.
. ajuwys o a .
, rkeasa A aad YaU SOSS
KAXBT ey A-10S0. Kate.
Kant :
V TiiCAlKc - IS.2frt-7S
wxsg or Anuii e jamas aretu aad"
Sdytha Chapman i Frank roe-arty Faul
Sander's Olronai Fred Kays Flayers Im
perial Mala Qoartetl AroadU Ames al
Corbett; Orchestra j Flo tares. 1
iJS ' j aV asa Bojsdare saA ;
Advsaoed TattderUla, Star AU Vattona,
r The Mysterloue ' ; ff-.-v
SE-HARA, India's ilystlc Goddess "
1fVtnderful and Sensational reats' la
, . Aad tha Bllad ghaU Bee. , .
Uatlneea dally. 16c; two ahvws at night,
lSe and JSe. -
TOE GRAND -VzdcvIIlc At Laxc
. - -week- or AFRir. : i "
Delators, ft Onetd,
Toss Sox aa,
VIearoy Bassall,
Oariyie'a Faaitfmlaae
Co., -Harry
MoBoftea, s
grajdoaeopa. ;
imimm tit wm rm
Ask your Grocer for
X.TBU0 THXATaUI. Tth aad Aider.
thone A-1S5S, M-4S8S. Prices 10. 20. 10
Ail wak. fommrn.lra wek of April 4.
'. inrludina llsv nlfht. tha Lyrie
Stork comrsny In Thomas W. Broad;
hurst's "TiTJB KOX.T CTTT," under the
parsons I dtrwtlon of Herbert Ashton.
Matin Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday
ai and Satarday. ; . - f
1 Next week, rommmrlnf aiunday Met'
"I'D'-la Tom e cbln.-
S.twtuiJ I UeJl4Ul Ji u tlth aad TamhllL Kntranea n Tama
1 extra ftno
dry crcnulatad
VyHsa(sR '
shsetsisrjr psrs
11th aad TemhtlL Rntranna em T em Mil
ery afternoon and evening except
I usdar. . .
Ahaoluiely Free.
1 ;
' tt"rfte for easloraa sd pri"s
sr r'r e)r pipe, dra't t'.'a,
a'.r. a,f ar4 oirtrt pipe, tips fof
eeptia tebke. etc-, . .
Orreii i WvM:t:i Se-fr Pirt Co.
V "V y
J W. FB0FT tT.