The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 02, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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and Almiral Com-
pany ueposiis jhwv
With Land Board.
I bottom or" "I
(.'IV..- . . . . i I
.- IIIHIII1I I ' -y II '-rrLL '.
I v .- Illl Illlll. I .-.'.' : - II ' " .
I. ' i fRf Jnnnii I ieAMfl utn wira.T 1 it , W
Weak Kail Shipment I)c
mand, Due to Tariff Agi
i tation, Threats, to Close
I Logging Camps and rossi
' bly Country Mills.
Owing to the falling oft In the de
mand for lumber for rail shipment
the log market has dropped to such
an extent that some campa in. this
district will probably be closed down
for a time. Owners of mills In the
country, who depend "nearly alto
gether on rail business, also speak
of shutting down .their plants until
the demand becomes at least normal
The local demand for building mi
terlal Is brisk and similar reports are
received from manufacturers located in
growing; communities throughout the
state, but It in not near sufficient to
keep them cutting; to capacity.
Stagnation In the rail business came
very suddenly, because up to a week
or so ago orders were coming In freely
rrom all Darta and U was tnougnt
spring business had at last begun. But
now It la said business Is as dead as
a door nail.
MUlmen aay they can attribute the
Midden falling off In orders to nothing
)it the tariff revision agitation. Retail
rks In the east and middle states are
.. and it la the time of year when
c r snouia oe ropienisnpa. uui nuyero
B".jholdlng back, evidently waiting to
"ivhat will be done with the Payne
This waiting- will, therefore, laat
1 vably 60 days, or long enough to
ma'ualy injure what la termed the
.... -ns trade.
f have air idea that every old farmer
set the middle state, who wants to
i,Jd a barn ia waiting In hoDea of get
g cheap lumber when the tariff has
iu n removed, said a prominent lum
vb ,' manufacturer today in discussing
' 3T situation, "but they are wrong, be-
f.use even if the duty should be re
iced to 11 thousand feet, the con
fi Mirer would get very ltitle if any
i ,of It. The reduction would be swal
st,. wed. up bv the brokers and middle
rar a. But the agitation la hurting
pr slness now, nevertheless,
ent Conditions are reported much worse
, sh: the Puget sound country, among log
.Th., lumber . and .shingle manufacturers
of ('ause there they do not have the ad
w 4itage of such large -local markets,
B. -sides many of the Portland and Co
i' mbla river mills have had large for-
e gn orders to keep them busy even to
' 'he extent of running double ' shifts.
But these will soon have been dis
patched and then, it is said, the if ailing
off In the rail demand will be more no
ticeable here. ; .-
I:est yellow fir" logs have commanded
$1, for several months, but -It was ra-
ported this morning that some had been
" offered for 18.
All is expected to be ' well, however,
-'.'l- 1 '. -LI'S-". --- - 1 ?, . .. '.
and ,
Piif on Flesh
A Pound a Day
!?emarkablft Builder of Flesh, Protone,
Produces Astonishing Results on
Thin Men and Women.
riove tt By gen ding Coupon Below To
, day For SOo Package, Tree.
We want every man and woman who
in run down, or who wants to put on
more flesh, no much or how
li-tle. to prove the remarkable effects of
'he new flesh-builder and nerve strength
ened Protone. Nothing like it has ever
been produced before. It will cost you
nothing to trv It and prove Its remark
able effects on vourelf.
(Br Journal Ussed Bal.m Wire. ,
fcajem. Or., April J. As. an .Indlcatloa
of hla sincerity, O. C. Flnkelnburg. agent
for the Kvans Almiral company, de
posited $1000 with the state land board
yesterday afternoon and signed a con
tract by which his company Is pledaed"
to complete the preliminary survey for
the reclamation of the lower Powder
River valley within six months. It was
also agreed that at the completion of
the survey the Evans A Almiral com
piny may contract to reclaim the entire
tract, running from 10,000 and 50,300
acres, at a maximum lien price of $81 an
acre. . It Is thought the lien will not
run $61 an. acre, but that figure was
established so as to set a maximum,
beyond which the reclamation company
can not go with Its surveys.
The state engineer Is of the opinion
that the nontrart Is the moiL favorable
ever entered Into by the state under the
Carey act for the reclamation of arid
lands. Tiie tract to ne irrigaiea i hwj
one of the most valued in tne state, on
account of ready access to transporta
tion facilities, being situated wunin n
miles of Baker City.
Electric Xtne is contemplated.
The Kvana A Almiral company Is
contemplating the building of an elec
trin tin ihrouirh this territory. The
acreage Is also adjacent to the main line
of the Oregon Railway & Navigation
company. '
within in riava tne reclamation ram-
any promises to substitute for the j
innn denoslted veaterday a $5000 bond I
to Insure Its part of the contract pro
viding for the preliminary survey.
P. S rVinklnorhim and W. D. Thatcher i
were represented at the meeting of, the
land board yesterday, having made the
first application for the irrigation of the
tract. The land board is given author- I
Ity under the Carey act to turn down any I
bid If IMS shown another arrangement
will make for the best interests or me
state. .
Discovered by Engineer xjswis.
Th. tra in h reclaimed was dis
covered by State Engineer Lewis, and
surveyed by Assistant State Engineer
Percy A. cupper, in tne summer oi
A comprehensive report or tne reasiDii
Itv of the reclamation, over the signa
ture of Cupper was embodied In the last
biennial report of the state engineer. It
was from this report that the Evans &
Almiral company and other capitalists
learned of the tract and the opportuni
ties of irrigation.
It Is shown by Cupper mat a nam
may be built In Thief valley. 46 feet
long and 90 feet high, creating a reser
voir covering flSO acres. These plans
mav be changed Dy tne reclamation
company, but are given by the state en
gineer In his report to show the feasi
bility of the project.
Easter Display and Exhibition
New Millinery Department
If the $2 dutv Is retained, for It is
onlv a matter of time when stocks win -have
to be replenished since, compara
llvele sneaklne. buving has been done
verv sparingly since the big drop more,
than a year ago when the ' railroad i
freights advanced to points east of the !
Rookies. Eventually the old rates were
restored, but business had already re
ceived a hard set back and It was bare
ly beginning to recover when the tariff
revlsToV proposition came to light. ,
e. e: C03DIISI0X
Beautiful Easter Hats That
Fairly Breathe Style
There are many fads in the Spring Hat for example, that of
combining a hardy field flower with a modest little hothouse
bloom; but it doesn't matter, as long as there is harmony of color.
Filmy laces, chiffons, soft ribbons and velvets, and flowers
graduating from the tiny moss rose to the: huge peony all go to
make up exceptionally artistic hats for spring.
We welcome with delight the more conservative shape in
other words, the crowns and brim "balance"; and, by the way, the
crowns are much lower, many of them showing the delightfully
quaint tarn crowns, or possibly a little cone-shaped affair.
The mushroom has paved the way for the "poke," which is
really a development of the former hat, and is very attractively
trimmed with dainty flowers:
Our New Show Rooms
Modern, Elegant
Realizing the need of devoting sufficient room for displaying
and selling Flowers, Misses's Hats, Trimmed and UntrimmeS
Ladies' Hats, Tailored Hats and Patterns, we have enlarged our
Millinery Showrooms to three times their former size. Today we
we have the largest Millinery Department on the coast, divided
into four distinct sections. We are displaying double the hats
of former seasons. They await your approval now.
Our exhibition includes hats of all styles, shapes and cost. It
is the largest, smartest and most exclusive showing we have ever
made. In matter of style and quality, the showing is superior to
any opening ever held in Portland. Our prices are about one half
what other houses charge. We have made a specialty of popular
priced hats for the last three years no one can equal us.
-f ? v
i ; V:-
Old I t J
inflrt .
? . a a
(By nrnl Leased Silent Wire.)
Salem. ORi April 2. A hearing liaB
been set by the railroad commission
for Tuesday. April 13, at Rufus. on
the main line of the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation company, to Investigate trie
reasonableness of a demand being made
by the oHisens of that place for a
depot. The railroad commission de
cided yesterday that sufficient grounds
existed to warrant holding a hearing on
this matter. ... . ,
The railroad commission win noia a
earing in Portland this afternoon at
which statements wtll be submitted by
Oregon Railroad & Navigation com
v relative to the value of Its right
of wav and terminal grounds, toward
arriving; at the physical valuation of
the Oregon lines. j
A nearing win oe neia at Asiona
rvr,,rmn.' in th matter n( Alexander
Gilbert vs. the Awtorla & Columbia
River railroad relative to excessive
freight rates from Seaside to Fort-
An investigation is befnr conducted
bv the railroad commission also re-
KRrdlng double decked shoots for load- j
Ing double decked stock -cars. -The mat
ter may be set down for hearing at
any time.
(Speelil mPHto to The Jnnrnal.)
Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Anril 2. This
city is in the throes of a municipal
campaign that is the most Intensely
Interesting in its history. The people
are not divided on party lines, neither
political organisation has put forth a
ticket, but awcltiien's convention named
a ticket and an opposition ticket was
put In the field by petition. Municipal
ownership Is the btirniha' question and
is advocated by the citizen's ticket,
the platform of which declares for city
ownership of water and light systems.
Incidentally, the control of the city ;
funds Is being fought for by the dlf- !
ferent banks, three of which are hi -
rayed against the one whose cashier
is now cltv treasurer and a candidate '
for reelection. The election occurs -next
n w
i k
c n
4 pkOTOirx navM..
Supertf induces nutrition. Increases
achor T th, makes perfect the asslmlla-
" res sea
Three women arc the Incorpo
rators of the New Kra Ind A
Investment company, which
flled corporate papers with the
county clerk today. They are
Charlotte McMonl-s. Rosa Saun
ders and Mlnnl J Waeserman,
there being no men connected
with the company. The capital
stock Is (lied at IH'.ono.
strengthen nervea. In-
blood corpusrle. builds up.
OailelT and aulcklr. muscle and aollil. I
oi tealthy iiesn,
ii iru re.
The public realizes the place to buy
diamonds is where the diamond busi
ness is made a specialty. At our store
you are not asked' to select from a col
lection of little consequence, but the
quality, variety and general tone of the
assortment are such as to absorb your"
attention at once. When prices are
compared with others offered you, the
difference is so apparent that even a
person biased in favor of another store
must concede it good trading to buy
of us.
For our lowness of price is our ability
to buy and sell diamonds in larger
quantities than the average dealer
(besides, we buy for spot cash). The
liberal terms we offer terms that per
mit you to buy any diamond in our
store, wear it at once, and pay for it
while you are wearing it. Be sure to
see our stock and get our prices be
fore you buy elsewhere. It will pay
Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon.
74 THIRD, next to Western Union
"The House of Saturday Bargains"
388-390 Bast Morrison St. Near drand Ave.
An announcement of "mighty values" that will attract hundreds of our regular patrona here tomorrow.
Those of you who have attended our "Saturday Sales" of the past will, we know, be here tomorrow. To
those of you who are unacquainted with our "unusual way" of conducting a sale, we volunteer the following
information. Our advertised items are exactly as advertised. This is most unusual and 'foreign to the
average sale announcements of not a few stores in this .town. We permit of no misstatements or exag
gerations in our ads.
No one is permitted to open an account at this store. The store that issues credit sustains losses.
These are attached to the profits, you pay for them eventually. Possibly you have received your monthly
statement today of articles purchased and charged the past month; now is a good time for comparison.
6000 YARDS
Cotton Foulards
5c Ydl.
and rounds out the !
Companies Inmrporatpd.
6lem. Or.. April I Articles of tnror-
i;A.T'.Wn7h,mr,2 ! h-v-.ln filed, in .be office of
- - - . - - twrtirr or list as roi oms:
. r nrove a reve at inn
IT costs you nothing to pro-re the re- i
f tnarfcable effects or iTotcne. It Is o-
t .
The Iee-Bowlder company; principal
office. Portland; capital stork, lia.ofx;
; mjunous to me most aencaie system. 1" VVj f U' Ji-i,
; The fretone ("ompanr, llf Frotone ' ' J'",,2S.Zii
Rl.l,. re(rolt. Mich., will send vmi on I WauerVrpernolI
mrtA arfrfrMa a principal Off
frM SOe mrliii. nt Protone. wittt fall
Instructions, to prove that H 4oea the
work; also their bo-'k en "Why Tou Are
Thin." free of char. fftrta facte
which will probably astonish you. ftnl
' coupon below today with year nm and
Jewlrr company;
fflce. Eiicene. capital stock.
.; Incorporators, John A. Maurr.
Anna Mawr and Wtllard U CoppernoU.
11 P"r,S"e tall charres ptti"1. ef Pro-
5" toae, the remarkahl c4enlfc di"w-OT-- I
X -r for bwlldlna nt thin prl. I
T r-retber with our free book tellln
T ,hr roa are thin, if e with
T , In ailer or stamps to help
T i -r pota and rrkng. and na
i Jere or rooi raun. to
T ho Protone '. 1 1 rrotcme RMf.
J Ietrolt. ich.
s rlaMly lnvilsatla
. The
Van Franrtsc.
Drmfcatloa Is ria-iilr In
penllar orror committed In tho bond
and werrant rlerk'o offtc. whereby Wll
tiaun J. Cocbln. one of the rise men
rharfed with complicity in the rocent
IK. of srivate rrrs frora Ietetla
minu, ohaaioed av few hoars of frudnia
rtrday: Trttn' roles was brossht
abxt thrnerh trpumix- of At ur
ny W. K. W Ullaaoo ia Ms behalf, ask
tnai Hrrn to sxrt io for
the rrk of tho frtwiMt. M r.w n
MfvIM no "x--rio and loott U-
r-'m d ol fcofr rwr. t "4 - T
I liewrahan. and H was not aatU
All 3firv in" the Stomach
Will 1 Relieved Fire
Minutes After Takinp M
ajepsin. Wkr not start now today, and for
Trr rid yourself of Stomach Irouhle
and Indlfstlonr A dieted stomacS
arets tha blues and grumbles. 01t It
a aood eat. then take Ha pes L'Upep
aria to stsrt the d'SostlTo lulcon work
Ina There will ! no n jr spetxrta or
1T hr of Gas or eructa'lona of undl
freoted rod. no feet ire like a lossy, of
foavd In the ttmrtrh or heorthorn, sick
heedache and 1 linlnea. and yowr f"d
til rt ferment and potso your k-roaih
with oswseoas odom.
Pape'a Dlapepsln coats only SO cents
for a larj-e case at anr dm store here,
and will relievo the most obsinate cao
of Tndikeatlon and Vpset Stomach tn
fire minutes.
There la notlilna else better to taka
Oas from Rtomach and cleanse the
stomach and Intesttaea, and besides, one
trlangule will direst and prepare for
assimilation Into tha blond alt your
food the same aa a sound. healthy
stomach would do 11
When Diattepsla works, year stonsach
rents rets It so If In order, eloans up
end then yen fori like oatlna when you
rant to the table, and what roa oat will
do yoo good
Absolute relief from all fitomach
Misery Is waltmr for yea as soon as,
vna der4Ae inrtu Ulm. n ,
Tell your drearist that you want
Pane's PlsNepoJn. beraiisee yo-t want t
ushly cured of ndl rest ton.
Ail day tomorrow a complete dress length costs 60c;
our price is the lowest on record; fast colors, new
desifrns. foulard styles, pongee effects, novelty fig
ures, all at the one price tomorrow.
100sX Dress Skirts
An event that eclipses any previous attempt at
value giving. New multi-gored styles in all-wool
Panamas and Sicilians, made to sell at double the
price we ask. The lot will hardly suffice for the
day's selling at this price.
5000 YARDS
Amoskeag Gingham
10 Yard Cc 10 Yard
Limit QY-rd limit
Owing to the present scarcity of the real Amos
keags, most, stores have boosted their price, gome
stores having slight regard for the welfare of their
patrons are substituting an inferior; brand "with a
similar name; a good way to do is to spell it out-
Table Oil Cloth
1000 yards, full width, best quality, handsome pat
terns; tomorrow 5-yard limit, - .-'J'
15c Yd. -
k t bo rot j i
Uwo later that tho rtson eTlcialn d
rerrered tt Hsleia of llta, CorVa a
bail liiSi.
A Rene warrant for OrWu'l re
arre w emkcklr ohtatned and be was
lAic tato custody at la tew eata.
R. & G. Corsets The "Empire" Corsets Heatherbioom Petticoats
Latest models, long back, a new In the new long models, rust proof ''
S sVore JE? iX'fSr LVe f'U,ng: " " TT V-'
75a Pr. L49c Pr, $1-43
Tailored Waists Men's Underwear , Vomcn's Shoes
. . . . Small lots from our regular stock,
SO doien India Linon tailored 400 dcren mens Balbnggan Shirts jn j,fe nj button: values from
Waist with starched cellars and and Drawer, in natural, fleh j-g f ej tomorrow.. - -cuffs,
all sizes; $1.50 quality, color, blue or brown; til sizes; 50c -
See QCr Sm S1,7S
Window a7dC Window 2SC -
Sleeveless Vests Merrick's Best Sewing Thread dHlbu tltl
60 doien. full taped, best ISc qnal- 5hc-crvrd 5 pool Cotton, rrgtilxr ie nbbed Stotkmg, all ic; httt
ity Vests, all sixes. spool, tomorrow. 7 spools,. 20c qualrty.
9c ; 5c lOc IPiv
.....I .L L IIS..J USUI -I U.nj.l . i! II I. .in n. IM..IHH.1 II .. . . .. P' I '
now declares
tn eSettina tlfrhta rrteava freas siL
"Ttia s-rafT frrioscs
tha ralhoMn f-rce hod ar ynir
(VH has stated that be we
!?' to at certain fr'9
I atte4'. detertirea avj It
M ai'.r.
-1 't t .
s t j r .