THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. APRIL 2, 1909. OOliriillil HAiies : TLVO MURDERERS Hayes at Deer Lodge, Le- beau at ,'KalispeIl 1 J beau Hakes, a Scene. I ' V ' ' - , , I - (Csltrd Pn htttti Wire.) . ?Heln. MonL, April 1,Two murder ers were hssKsd Jn Montana today. Frederick Lebeau paying; the penalty on tha scaffold n tn county Jail yard at Kallapell In the presence of a crowd of I J50, ana William 11. Ha yea tiantins; In I tt stats penitentiary at Deer Lods. At the latter hanging 0 were pres ent. ' . . t Ha yea was condemned for complicity . In the murder of Guard Hohlnaon and a murderous attack upon Warden Frank ''Conley a year ago, while heading, an 1 attempt to break frorn prison. Lebeau, who was hanged at Kallspell. , mmlo a srtsne at the scaffold. Breaking .. away front the guards he kicked off his . shorn, shouting,, ?"l ra no muroerer, ana I'll not 11 wlib mv boots on." lie was quieted and went to his death . with fortitude a few minute later. He had fasted for 7 hours. before the exe cution, after partaking of a feaat of pheasant and Imported champagne pro vided by irienaa. v, , .-. f . nltd Press Leased Wire.) , ' Deer-LfiTlRe. Mont.. April 8. William ' Hayes was hanged in the state prison here at 7:66 this morning for complicity i ' Jfl the murder of Deputy Warden Bob inson of the prison, a yeae ago.. He made no statement except to the death natch to whom he said this morning lie wss glad to die and have it over. He said he had been ready to give up life )or a year, as tie would rather do aeaa tlmn live In orison. i Warden Robinson was killed in the at tempted prison . break in which Hsyes and George Rockey were leaders. RocKey Tvaa executed June IS last year. Hayes appealed to the supreme court. Two other convicts concerned aot life terms. ; Had Hayes served out his time In the penitentiary without attempting to es cape, he would now be at liberty. -.)" (Snerlal Dlnnatrh to Th. Journal.) t'Kalispelt, Mont, April 2. Frederick T.ebeau, convicted of murdering William : Yoakum, expiated his crime here shortly after 7 o'clock tnis morning. He pro tested his innocence to the lastf He had carefully prepared a written record of his past life for publication, which he slated would t sensational, nut rinauy tore It up. so-that his family in the east tvouid not learn ma rate. Get A Razor to Fit Your Face The Wiss is not a fad. It is a real razoi built of the highest trade tool steel, tempered ground and tested by the most exper ienced workmen in the world. The COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS TOLL & GIBBS INCORPORATED WOMEN'S. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEARING APPAREL- Tomorrow We Offer in ' a Special Sale a Sample Line of CHILDREN'S TUB SUITS 190 suits in the line-no two alike and all the very newest and smartest styles one-piece' Russian Suits Buster styles semi Princess styles and a few Sailor Suits and also two or 'three Coat. Suit Dresses and Jumpers. In this assortment is shown styles from the plainest models in Tailored Dresses to those in ,the very handsomest hand-embroidered effects and sheer lawn Dresses. The sizes arc for children of 8 years and 10 years of age. Shown in white and all colors. These suits we have ar ranged in five lots ' and have specially priced them as follows: $2.05, $3.05, $4.05, $6.05 and $0.05.; Tomorrow in the Cloak and Suit Section, Main Floor. - , v ' I. atom, when VOU btlY it itiarO when you shave with, it harp every day ia the year, a mor that makes shaving a quick, satisfactory, painless process. Ask your dealer to show you the Wlss FavorMa Raaor it costs $2.00, A guarantee of complete satisfaction goes with every, one, . ma TO FIGHT APPAREL TAXES DALIES HOTEL T LET Discrimination Against the Slim Purse Alleged by New York Clubs. $55,880 Bid of Charles John- son of Portland Is Ac cepted. . t rSreel! Dlrpateb to The Journsl.1 'The Dalles, Or.. April I. The contract for the erection of the new hotel here was awarded last tusrht to Charles John eon of Portland, whose bid of S56.800 was the lowest received. ! The building mnt be completed by October 16. The (United Press Leased Wire.) New Tork, April 2. Preparations are belngt made today by the directors of tha City Federation of Woman's clubs to hold a mass meeting next Thursday at the Hotel Astor to protest against the proposed increased tax on kid gloves, hosiery a d other articles of women's apparel proposed by the Payne bill. The argument Is made that .the ' 'Increase discriminates against the low-1 er priced necessaries. .Who Pays the Stockings Tax? I Representative J8hn W. Burnett of i Alabama made an attack upon "Republl-j can . .extravagance ; ana aecmrea, tue: Saturday Special Sale of Lace Curtams--Sixth Floor For tomorrow's special selling the Drapery department offers 150 pairs of Lace Curtain in the white, ivory and ecru- In 2tf and 0-yard lengths suitable window hangings for the sleeping room, living room and library. All new designs and large quantities of each pattern; values from $1.75 to $2.25 pair, your choice tomorrow from these at the special, $1.35 pair. Mail, telephone or C. O. D. orders will not be taken for this special. - BASEMENT SPECIALS IN G ARJDEN W LAWN TOOLS Steel Trowels,' special... ..... Heavy steel Trowels, special nana uiaw Kaicer," special..... Grass and Bush Shears, special Giant Grass Hooks, special.'.,. Lawn Rakes, special...,, ....10$ 10$ ., so$ ....45 Wilton Hassocks Sp'l $U5 Offered tomorrow in the Carpet department, sixth floor, Wilton carpet Hassocks or Footrests in an assortment of shapes and col ors; these little aids to comfort are well made and will last for years; the $1.50 and $1.75 grades at the above special. Medicine Cabr inets Spe'l 95c j " 1 ! 1 n. tt ''U Si""':!- wrc.-rwnmm M These convenient wall pieces are ; v f made of hardwood and finished in J k t-iv?4. the golden; they are 21 inches wide V$T I and 15 inches high and the cabinet .TV' I f door is fitted with mirror. Mail. J -V I . S telephone or C. O. D. orders will " t.-kr'-JT not be accepted for this special. r " rontrscr.does -not .Include -the jfounda-1 jFteymt tariff bl'er-rf',,eham and a f tlon: which is alreadv comnleted. the I f ,.,! u. ..u i ..i. i 4 WHEREVER THERE'S PAIN APPLY AN The only Genuine .PLASTER tlon; which is already completed, the ties tin slant or elevator. When the structure is completed it r will be worth 185,000. Nathaniel Clarke of Portland, who Is -to be manager of The Dalies notei. and is. l Bnipera or ;. the new Mineral Springs company at 'arson," have signed a 18 year lease,. ac fordlng . to which they will expend , not lesthan $12,000 Jn furnishings. iThe structure will be four stories, with hasement and roof garden, contain ing 105 guest rooms. All the appoint, ' ments will be -modern. . .-, . .TAP WAR TALK TO ; EVOKE MILITARISM t'Dlted Pre-d Lfusprt Wln.l 'Se:! .Francisco, April a.-The current number of the ; California Guardsman, published by tbe National Guard and Nftral Militia association, contains an appeal to the merchants of the state for heartier. support of the clttsen sol 1lry. - The editorial says: "The Japanese war-rscare na - nurt fraud." He said in part: "It seems the Republican members of -the ways and ! means committee in the 'preparation of the bill aimed a deliberate and premedt-; tated blow at American women. The! course of the more ancient members of; the committee has not surprised me, but i t h nnnrAvnlroH trnattriAnt annnriiait ! women by that princely gentleman from ! unio. Mr. ijongwortn; Dy mat Kaiiant ana cnivairous gentleman rrom west Virginia, Mr. Gaines; by that fiery and impetuous youth , from Michigan, Mr. loraney. and oy tne committee bauy. Mr. Cushman. has filled me with hor ror and brought consternation to every women's club In the land. "It was bad enough for these gentle men to go fooling with hosiery, union suits and corset covers, but when they put false teeth on the free list and at the Same time placed a high protective tariff on garters, I. as a mere man, think they passed the limit. "While the Republicans are shedding crocodile tears for the American work ingman, please tell me who will pay the additional half million dollars of tax on stockings? Brandreih's Pills Tht&tatLmatwt and Blood Tonic , . -NONE BETTER MADE Established 1752 bus nTs inyrT Francisco, "at will tE'irl. .!"iii2Ji$ ?.Ut.tnVJ.bU r nop this talk f war? A powerful na- ?Jl af ,the J5n7 ,Ia 1 t,he paJ" tional guard Is the5 answer. Eastern ?ar"JL rapital an eastern people -are "afraid f the state which has a guard no " tronger than California, because they believe we may be attacked by an ori ental enemy at any time." Free " Rheumaiism Cure ' A Home Cora Will Be Given FREE by On Who Had It ! la the spring of 1891 I was at tacked by Muscular and Inflamma tory Rheumatism, I suffered as only those who hare it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remeay, ana ooctor arter doctor, out such relief as I received was only temporary. Finally I found a remedy mat cured me completely, and. it has Bever returned. 1 have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted and even bed ridden with Rheuma tism, and It effected a cure in, every ease. I will send a free trial of this precious remedy by mall, postpaid to anv sufferer who writes for It. Just Mil out the coupon below and snail It to me today. Mark H. Jackson. No. 4SI James Street. Syracuse. N. T. - Mr. Jsckson is responsible. Above statement true. Pub. i Kama If' ,' Address it the chambermaid? Is it the woman intriguing for a disgraceful alliance with a foreign duke, or is It the toil worn farmer's wife? Is It the virtuous shop girl, making S6 a week to buy f protected tea for an aged parent, or is t the high priced ballet dancer, who parades silk stockings at so much ner night?" WHERE IS WIFE? IS DEAD "Pneumonia," Says Doctor; "Broken Heart," Say Those Who Know. MID!) Take half cUsa upon arising in the morning and etvoyfood bealth all. day Tl t Tl Rest Natural Laxative Water .ret CONSTIPATIOri 7 MAKE living for two Wife Says Jesse J. McDonald Lived With Her Only 12 Days. After 12 daya of married life. Jesse J: McDonald decided that the taslTof mak ing a living for two was too great a burden for him. and quit. This was the story told before Judge Clelsnd in the circuit court this morning, when Susie C. McDonald wan granted a divorce. The parting of the couple, as testified by the wife, took place on June IS. 1807 She said her husband provided her with S3 during the first two days, but after that his contributions dwindled to noth ing. rJhe said he dll not treat her kind ly and left in a huff while she was try ing to perouade him to do better. 6tie lived with him one day after that she testified, but he Informed her the next morning that he had all he could do to take care of himself. Bhe was given custody of her child. Because of fslee sccusations of infi delity made against Grace K. Jenne by Christian J. Jenne. the wife was granted a decree) on the ground of rrueltj. flhe said these charges were nudif In the presence or rrtenas and greatly humili ated her. They were married in Sand m ich. Ont., in September, 1SS7. She was allowed to resume her former name, Grace E. Morey. Two years ago Andrew P. Nel son was working as a switch man In the railroad yards at Ta coma. He married, and it was in. large part due to his wife's (Anna M.) Judgment that he ac crued a fortune, estimated at $75,000," by a series of lucky in vestments. It was after aiding her husband to riches that Mrs. Nelson disappeared, . October 21, 108, and has never since been located. Tbousanda of dollars have been expended by the hus band, and detectives have car ried the search Into almost every city In the United States; but. excepting for a reported visit to Spokane a few months ago, her carefully obscured movements have blocked the efforts of the police and special detectives. (Special DUpatrh to The Joarnal.) x Tacoma, April t. Andrew P Nelson, husband of Anna Mlkkelson Nelson, the Tacoma woman wno nas been missing for the pest six months snd for whom entire country has been KEEP LOOKING YOUNG. Do not allow yoar grray fcairs to mulct you old looking. Gray Haired peopla are back .numbers. Do not be one. -Tne use ol Will permanently restore the youthful color to arav or faded . hair, no matter bow old yon ere. Will ttw vonl IaaMbu wa leellna yoeng. Will give yon beautiful bead ol hair that everyone will admire. Start using It NOW and BE YOUNG. IS NOT A DYE. ft ad SO h.HlM. m lead 2c. for free book, "The Care o( toe Hair." Phil Hay Spec C Newark. N. J. WOODASD, CLAKXB OO. SKISMOXB BBUO CO. Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a pail of water, For Jill to wash her Dolly's clothes, as Anty 1 Drudge had taught her, "Rub with Fels-Naptha soap and put them in; They'll be as white and as clean as a new pin. " glsh. She sent for the house doctor, who was barely in the room when It was discovered that Nelson was dead. "Pneumonia complicated by alcohol ism." says the doctor. "Just a plain case of broken heart," say those who know Nelson's story. B0UBXE AND ELLIS IN PULL FOR 0REG0X scoured Is dead Brain-fag has no terrors for the one who eats Grape-Nuts "There', a Reason " m4 tke XlrUe . TVs Mom u weostnv' la . the and a reward of 500o offered or a Droaen neart. Nelson, a retired railroad awttchmsn. who became rich through a series of fortunate Investments under the direc tion of his wife, has spent his money like water In the effort to recover th womtn since she dropped from sight in New York October 21. while returning to i aroma rrom a visit in uenmark. According to the report of a detective agency, the woman was In Spokane a week later, but here all trace of her was again lost. Fines Away for Wife, Once a man of robust bealtb. Nalsor. who wss several inches over six feet In height, grew gaunt and haggard ss the dsys. weeks and months vent by snl no trace of his beloved wife could be found. The discovery that the woman trav eled west under an sesumed name led tf the conrlusloa that rhe was biding from him aed this but Increased his grief. I.steljr tHe man had taken to drinking heavily ta drown his sorrw and while In rls cups would rave' wildly, always of the missing wife. ka d Us XovpfteX Teeterday he suddenly jOiewed signs ef complete rollape. Telling his friend that he was "al! In." be turned vr about li in un that he had on hi pefwoa. together with a SMimber of pPrs end askd to be takea to a hos pital. He wss st mr, acrnwtparited In a earriae e rt Jreh a. wfeer. for the 8 rot time eimw bis mfe dlseppea red. be e,!e-l, talked rr, rflly and imU. "Oh. 1 It eut f here In a dav or two." . This tnorntsa- the nurse dorrered tbet the men wa to a emM rin s state oad tua heart wag ta trendy Mug- fWarhlnfton Bnreta bf The Journal.) Wsshington, April 2. Senator Bourne snd Representative Elis have answered Senator Chamberlain's letter suggesting mat tne uregon aeiegation meet period icaily to discuss nonanlltlcal matters, on which all members would be on common ground. Hawlevs reply haa not yet been received. Bourne says: "It is of the utmost Importance that not only narmony out cooperation should prevail In matters of common interest. Polit ical differences will exist in the future ss in the past, but It is not my purpose to permit political differences to inter fere with the promotion of those Inter ests which have no relation to party or taction, i trust any Differences tn future may t without personal anttg onism or in reeling." Ellis screes that the meetings will be productive of (rood to the stste' and saya he will eoooerate aa auaerested. Chamberlain hopes to receive an answer from Hawley soon. If Hswley agrees im uirnon aeiegation, ror tne nrst time In many years, will work together on nonpartisan, nonfactlonal matters, to tne immense benefit of the bom atste. MORE ' LIBERTY FOR CALHOUN JURORS ft-atfea rreoj ImoI h.l ttaa Pranclsra, April 2. Becaus he feels that It la an uonoeeeaary hard shlo to Inflict rloos eowflnemewe- oi those Jurors already sworn ta try Pst- rtrk "Calhoun. Judse uawlor today ss CASTOR I A Tor IafaiU and CLUirea. Tli Iki Ye- Eni AIizjx B::gtJ Baart ta Cnatsra of What time on washday do you get through with your washing ? Ten o'clock, noon, three o'clock or night? . If you do it the old-fashioned, boiling, hot water, hard rubbing way, you're lucky to get it done by sundown. If you wash the Fels-Naptha way in cool or lukewarm water without boiling or hard rubbing, you can be done well before noon and-take it easy all the time. And your clothes will be cleaner, fresher, sweeter than ever before. Fels-Naptha Soap is a great time-saver. In Winter and Summer. A half-day every washday means twen ty six days a year saved by washing with Fels-Naptha Soap. Isn't that worth while in addition to the saving on clothes, fuel, health and labor? Time is money. Use Fels-Naptha Soap every washday and save it. Follow directions on the red and green wrapper. Botracad that be lateoded la allow them saore freed era f dr recroatioa and nsi seas thaa they bad yet been glrea. The will be sopors td and flared a ruler s rase ptirnnent is mear sr. met out eMe reterferetwa. When At'orwee Ta rl Rogers of the Calhoun defease was ashed oy -the eort bow the arrsere ""st salted Mm. be answered today with eaegserste fioMteweos: "AartMes- 1Ht nmr hwr mm fll ft do Wiil t earfrele agreeahto ta as." JournaJ wast ads le a word . i Xewbargh lurj Cocnplota. tt'mltee press Lease, wire.) . &aa Francisco. April 1 Tha twelfta Jaror ta the caea of Adolph a New bargh, e3oa of Abo RoeTs attrMya l was tndteted fe the sHeaed bribery of K. A. M. Blske. a rennemsw railed la tha trial of too es-twwa. eras Serared thla fonrolog la reeot d break ing t'rne. and with aa tittle delay as f-naelkle the roei utoe cemoeriea Ita e. e rx.trtct A 1 1 ttt Iarr4on la II aleaeed wits too orsonael of tke Jury. Blew? Road Wciv Scenery NewTrains To Spokane or WaUa Walla VIA "The Norlh Bank Road" ', ' Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway, TWO DAILY SOLID THROUGH DAY LIGHT TRAIN TO WALLA WALLA "9:15 a. m. Through Standard and Tour ist Sleeping - Cars to Spokane 6:40 p. m. ; DEPOT ELEVENTH ANJ v nun o i K,r-1 o r TICKET OFFICES. S W Tkir1 Sr near Waahinorf An 2S5 Morrison St., corner Thircii 11th and Hoyt Sts., pmisenger station. Do You Know 4 t Roftnilnn If ajwv ava uaaavaa a Fine old top to know. He's the" scout who made $3 worth while in Portland. Sells Hats You Know Hats for Men, Hats for Young Men. Buys in cases where others buy in dozens sells 'em same way. Soft Hats, Stiff Hats, any, kind of a Hat you, want $J, equal of any $4 Hat elsewhere. Lee Bertfllibn's THREE 9 HAT STORE. Washington and Seventh. Sts' Upposite Imperial Hotel FOOD FOR A W Meats ... 300 lbs. Milk .... 240 ots. Vegetables.. 5O0 lit. Bottar . 100 ' tens . . . , . JIJ c v This represents a fair ratie ( a man iorone year. -V But some people eat'and ! yet grow thinner.. This it defective digestion and urt ; . food. A bottle of ,nr Scott's Emulsion equals in nourishing properti-. ten pounas oi meat. physician can tell you hoWi does it. aXLDKTKMUTS Sead this aoL. fesar coats far aaalaaa, smo ttontng thai refer, and we wig erad oa a"Caaapteat Haady Atlas of tha World.' . COTT A BOIATit 40t PsarlStrart, New Tack tVarrArrrrrreVeVVVVVVa JOURNAL J- WANT ADS:- BRING QUICK RESULTS ( Vij r