THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND." FRIDAY EVENINO APRIL ,2. 1909. 18 ron BALK FARM 17 FOR PALE C40 ri In eastern Ore gon. Morrow rountty, near O. It. N.; fine whnit or alfalfa Jam; H P'f J' hone M aln It I. . TWO fine homri lit a. sacrifice. See our ad under "Now Today." McCulre Co., Its nnl of Trsde BCSIXKSS CHANCES 80 WANTEDFARMS i Wanted Farm properly of all descriptions for Mk 1 ran find a buyer for you. oa. 403 Gerllnger bldg TiT IS ... " .. . far a larSe Of Small. TtinHrnVs REALTY A BUSINESS RXCHANOK. Sit MrKiiybjdg FOB SALE TUinER SH For relinquishment of S tlm'r claims containing s.000,000 feet lt clans timber, one half heing sugar pine, balance fir. V ortli fully S00O when title Is secured. Extra Rood cabins on each claim ' and only five mllea from store and pnstofflcs. A Wg snap for "cHAMBKR OF COMMKRCK, TIMBER I choice timber claims, yellow pine, on ths Matolas river In t'rook county, can be had at a bargain. A splendid Investment. For particulars apply 'Thomson Macleod. Bwatlnnd bldg. MY SPECIALTY. daw mills and saw mill locations. , Anything from $6000 to $60,000. Can ' secure I to It months contract for your ) output. Now Is the time to ret In while you can secure a snap. . C C. Shay, 616 .'. Ablngton bldg. THREE CHAIR BARBER SHOP and RESIDENCE FOR BALK. Shop 18x40 feet In steam heated new ririi'ir minding, center of business ois trlct In town of 8000; new modern fix tures. One porcelain bath Installed and plumbing all In for another, rent $20 per monin, wnn neat and water rurmnneu. Residence on corner lot 70x100 feet; t rooms, 1 wardrobes, bath and pantry downstairs, 4 rooms on second floor un finished, sidewalks In, some fruit and shrubbery, shop and residence can be nad very cheap on account or owner nav tng other business. Present owner haa always madn big money and receipts for this year show a btar Increase over the same period last year. Further lntor tnatlon address E. D. MOWERY -A CO., Rneeburg, Or. HI 9 1 Jo FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDH y NEW GRAND. CENTRAL HOTEL, fctaam heat, aleetrlo Unlit a. free bath rooms, $1 week end up. id and Flanders. Hotel Mason Jl3nE?. yree pnone and bath, tooms par , week. VIuRTllealfalle room's at is M. INK t Pnone MR. RU6INE8S MAN! Investi gate a clean husiness proposi tion, of national utility: small In vestment, lari;e profits. Let us show you. Call 910 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2147. IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY A BUSINESS. SEE W. H. DUDLEY & CO.. S 1 1 STEARNS BLDO. COR. 6TH AND MORRI SON. MAIN 3039. TIMBER claim In Tillamook county. near .Netart bay: eaBlly accessible; cheap on easy terms.- American Trust Company 200 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE 1000 acres yellow fir on Rogue river, cheap. If taken soon; no rents. Other bargains. Curry County Abstract Co.. Gold Bench, Or. WANTED TIMBER 37 WANTED Bargains In timber lands from 10 acres up; will cruise Imme diately and pay canty. A-t. Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 Homesteads! Homesteads! If you are looking; for a good homestead that will make you money, call 203 Lumber Ex. HOMESTEADS for homeseckers Have 7000 of rich valuable land we can file parties on as homesteads and desert claims. Also bargains In fruit lands and farms. Qet a home; land la wealth. Mudgette Realty Co.. Ontario. Or. , CAN locate a few hometitavls find tim v . bur claims; good fruit land, near rail road; one relinquishment of 120 acres with house, good wheat land. Morrow " county. Or., $600; Improvements cost : $460: 737 Chamber of Commerce. ' BUSINESS CHANCES 20 ROOMING house, 8 rooms, all house keeping;, $300, all filled and making money; 8 rooms and all good rugs and clean, price $500; 13 rooms all full In swell location, fine furniture, price $1050. Come and see my list. Young, 612 Ger- - linger bldg. FOR SALE Excellent grocery at ln- voice, about $1800; well located and books show an average of $40 to $60 dally, straight. Smith & EUmaker, 522 Worcester plk. CASH grocery and confectionery store, $600 month business; best buy in Portland today. 311 Stearns bldg., corr ner 6th and Morrison. ' nr. VI , esiaie nuemees, wni attractive lint of nrocertv. account of leavltir cltv will eell for 1125 cash: fur niture, typewriter and office equipment alone worth more: central location. cheap rent, special phone arrangements. B-Z09. Journal. WANTED Roonilntr houses: have cus- tnmers waiting for several good rooming houses; If you have a good house in a good location, .don't fall to see us, we can sen it ror you. r: a. Beard ft Co.. Main 429, $26 Washlng- ton St., room 2 1 IS. GOOD ilneman to take half interest In a hualnros that is paying wen; zuv required. Spencer & Co. 101 Second 'St WANTED A reliablo office man in ea- tabllshed showcase and fixture, sash and door fattory, doing a large and prof itable business: aome money required; 5 round floor proposition to right party. -201, Journat ' ( T,. rr walkln dlatanea: reasonable. Main 78. I SlOUriUKkEPINd. and transient rooms. I neatly and well furnished; Mrs. utl Keys. 10 H 4th St. TIIK tkmi-i.k; 141 U Yamhill at. onno site Hotel Portland, nicely furnished rooms $1 60 a week; transient ETkSIRABLE furnlahed bay window rooms, blocks poaiorrice ana rorv land hotel. Main 1189. tit 7th at NICELY furnlahed housekeeping rooms In suites; all modern convamenoea, free phone. $14 Jefferson. WANTED Man at once, to work in and out of office; can make ?400 per month: experience not required, but must have references and invest some money as security; steady work.- Cull 201 Gerllnger blk. . INVESTMENT. Two stores now rented for $30 per month. This property is bound to dou ble in value in a very short time. Price $2200; terms can be given. Ross, 408 Gerllnger bldg. ONLY' home bakery in live county seat town; wholesales and retails; good counter trade; sells confectionery. serves coffee and lunches; guilt edged opening; $760. Portland Homes Co., ZU4 Morrison St. WE have city property and acreage to exchange for grocery stock, $2000 to $6000. Ohio Investment Co. 421 Ablngton Bldg. 460 Confectionery, good location; an other one, $500; another one on Wash ington St., $800; grocery stock at in voice. $1000: bakery and delicatessen. $800. 312 McKay bldg. ROOMING house for sale, $800; will take $500 down, balance monthly payments; rent $35 per month? an ex cellent buy. 307 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. ' 27 ROOM rooming house. all full, clearing $160 per month, rent $95, 3 years' lease. Must sell on account of other business. No agent See- land lady, 2024 2d nr. ROOMING house, paying over $300 month profit; would trade for other good property. Ill Stearns bldg., Sth and Morrison. - 12 room house, full; close in, 1 block to . Washington et.; good furniture; rent $30; $700 for quick sale. Smith & Ell maker, 622 Worcester blk. Main 6179. Mt ST sell at once, am going east; swell 22 room house, fine carpets and fur niture, all new; all rooms full. Price $1300. Your last chance. Main 5179 $800 Confectionery, cigar and tobacco store, Washington St.; low rent; the store you are looking for. Thornton's Realty & Business Exchange. 31Z MCKAY BLDG. 30c Package of Ridgways Famous Old Country Tea With Cash Sunday Want Ads THTIilIU il lC 'Pr'A For three generations Ridgways IllIIllWW 4 ft I r.l Tea has been a household word lllASVJ Wlfl M. V M. BJIM. . Great Brjtajn Ridgways Tea was first advertised for sale in 1836, and has been first ever since. Ridgways revolutionized the tea trade with Ceylon tea and beat out Japan and China in the English tea market, and are trying to do the same in America, because Ceylon tea is richer and more delicious and grown on virgin soil, against the overcultivated tea gardens of Japan. WITH CASH SUNDAY WANT ADS Only one half-pound package to a customer with any CASH Want Ad tinder any classification. No premiums will be given out on a Want Ad later than 8 o'clock Saturday night. " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. $1200 Suburban grocery and market: newj stock and nice building, good business, rent $20, or will sell building, 5 good living rooms above; a snap. A-209, Journal. IF you want to sell your business call' Main 7673. I have lots of people that I can't supply. Whatever you have let me know. Young, 513 Gerllnger bldg. $250 buys 16 room house on 1st St.; all on one floor, 3 years' lease, tran sient house. This house is worth $d00. Gome at once. Main 6202. PAINLESS extractions 60c: filltns 60c. A Howard Painless Dentists, 362 Wash. HELP WAMEJJ XIAU& MIXING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AX D EXCHANGE $900 to invest, with services of a relia ble young man 82 years old; any hon est business except office work. T-206. Journal. i ' IF TOU want a profitable cash Dusinesn "' that will pay you $200 per month, beside profits, call at 209 Commonwealth bldg. $1600 required. I HAVE client with $4000 to invest in good rooming house; must be a bar gain; would like to hear from owners onlv. Room 16 Hamilton b!da THE SHERMAN, 12th and Wash, sts.;) 28 rooms, nicely rurnlshed. single and en suite; best location. Sell at sacri fice; owner leaving city; a moneymaker FOR SAKE; Grocery side of meat mar-! ket and grocery doing good business;) " sell at invoice; investigate. C-207, Jour- ;, thV j WE have client with $4000 to buy j rooming house; must be a bargain; want to deal with owners only. Room - V T It. 1. 1 .1 ' TO EXCHANGE A good paying res- j - taurant in Vancouver for rooming ' house In Portland. W. T. Younger & Co.. 411 Couch bldg. Phone M. 6522. $SOO bakery and delicatessen, fine loca- j tlon. good trade, sure to please If you investigate. . 312 McKAY BI..OG. j IF you're from Missouri, call. Rowtaur-' and worth $6f0 for $350; fine location; reasonable rent, lease, good fixtures; i genuine bargain. Call 30K Ankeny et. WIIAt sell my small rooming house, 7 rooms, $275 casn. !-ee owner, 29 N. A St. HAVE you money to Invest? Ground floor established business; it will pay yoii to investigate. C-203, Journal. FOR SALE Best money making lunch ' counter on upper Washington, cheap; I leaving- city. 4S1 Washington. ' - IF YOU have a business of any kind to ell -er xcnang, se moss, vs uer- INVEST TODAY AND . RECEIVE OFFICE POSITIONS We give a com Dleta office course with office equip ment roll ton desk for each student; nothing like if In the west; all business branches taught; don't h satisfied when we can help you; office people make good salary ann nave aigniiiea work. Why not you? See the Hose City Business college. Commonwealth bldg.. Sth and AnKeny. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED Railway mall clerks; salary $800 to $1400; examinations in Port land, May 16; common education suffi cient; candidates prepared free; write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 960. Rochester N. Y. ANNUAL INCOME tfee rest cf your life. See ore display in ROWE and MAR TIN'S Window, 323 Wash ington Street WANTED 3 good salesmen for leading fruit sections in Or., Wash, and Ida. Good commission proposition; possibil ities big; only Dest men neea appiy; give references. Salem. Or. Oregon Nursery Co., WANTED Every man in Portland to know that we have the best suit club proposition to offer you on earth; mem bership $1 per week. For further par tlculars ask The City Tallore. 430 Wash. WANTED A solicitor and collector to work on suit club proposition; must come well recommended. The City Tailors, 430 Washington at. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICi HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 GIRLS WANTED. Girls 16 to 18 years of age to work in factory. Apply at once. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. Sth and Davis at a. OWN 800 acres mineral land. Joplln district. Missouri: incorporated for $250,000; bonded for $150,000; large trust company, Chicago, trustees; have an deeds, abstracts, stocks, bonds, com pany's papers; right party can clear $100,000: -i will trade for nnvthlne on coast; will take any offer, or let you worn it ; iaKe snare or wnai you mane. C-191. Journal. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 POSITION wanted as foreman or assist ant on fruit ranch at Hood River or Mosier by man with small family. Q 193, Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 EXPERIENCED lady wishes cashier work in restaurant or small theatre; no objection to night work. 8-208, Journal. WANTED A position by competent stenographer; best references. Phone A-1179. close In: modern. Phone C-1S70. $44 enton NEWLY furnished front room, bay win dow, electric lights, furnace heat. path, phone. 689 ullann at. ONE lame front double room: alao aln ale, newly furnished rooms, reason aoie rent. $07 Harrison. $20 a month for a dandv alcove suite. all modern conveniences: 1 small room. $10; newlv furnished. K30 Couch bath; phone; walking distance, ni 11th at. NEW, clean and homelike rooms with All house, $2 frer wt(,fc- In private German 308 Mill St. JM. KENT Nicely furnlahed room vice. in i itt a , iwu vuucuiait ,99 in. ivin, cor. marie furnlahed rcoma. also house. koepinf, free bath, both phones. 188, 3d. cor. Columbia PLEASANT front room, all conven lances, residence district, walking dls tance. $61 10th at , 2 NEWLlf furnished rooms: hoi an cold, water In rooms: heat: bath: phone. 341 Harrison st. FURN18HED rooms for I ladles or gen tlemen; also attic room, newly fur- nisnen. reasonable. io inn. $11 a month for a dandy furnlahed housekeeping room, all modern con veniences. &4S Morrison. TWO larce furnlahed rooms suitable ror two people eacn; all moaera; 1 iiihii room. uo win. ONE nice large room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, reasonable. 440 Jefferson LARGE clean front rooms for 1 or i gentlemen. 221H Morrison corner 1st. FURNISHED ROOMS, EAST SIDE 62 THE HOTEL LARRABEE. Best equipped and modern hotel on east side; everything new; two blocks from steel bridge. 227 Vi Larrabee near Holladav. Phone East 849. THREE furnished front rooms, single or in suite; gentlemen only. 301 Wheeler St., N. NICELY furnished front room, ground floor, walking- distance. Inaulre 124 Union ave., N. CLEAN, cool, quiet, cosy single' room. 464 hi E. Burnslde. near 8th. TWO nicely furnished rooms; all mod ern conveniences. 287 Holladay ave. UOUSEKICKHNO HOOMJ WEST HIDE THE Beaver. 12th and Marshall ata- Newly furnished pr housekeeping, I eluding gas ranges, elvctrlo light, not' water, baths, laundry, reception room, 11 free; furnished apartments $1 P"' month up; single housekeeping rooms) $1.60 week up; best In city for money j short distance from union depot. "8" or ltth sU car .north, gst oft Marshall st ' ' . 16S 10th atLarge parlor bay whuWJ room . with aiiliahln 1V .k...ll.. ... J ,,V j'lijraMtjian; sino puna D g iiouai!'", , rooms, vacant the $th: bath, as ana phone. - WELL fumlHlitxl housekeeping rooms two $$ to $10 per month, three U' room -. E ner week. ' Apply 787 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE, light newly furnlaned, beat, of beds, silk floss mattresses, beau-, tlful residence, free chone. bath, gsa, ' 3 sth, : - TVO suites of 2 housekeeping rooms.' nicely furnlahed, bath, ga and phone. 421 th st. UOtSTKEKl'IXa ROC. EAST SIDE 48 I LA ROE furnished housekeeping rooms., accommodations for 4 adults; larse lawn: 1 blocks from carllne: electrlo lights and free phone. 1 71 Vfc Russell st. Inquire 181 Russell st THREE extra nice housekeeping rooms; hot and cold water, range, gas, bath, phone, wood 11 ft. nantry and built-in , sideboard. $1. 779 E. Balpion. THE HKILER Furnlahed housekeeping rnflmi 7 or 1 an antta all modern con venlences; both phonea Hawthorne and Grand ave. ; NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms, near 2 canines: no cnuaren; . reasonable. Inquire 616 Vancouver ave. $1.26 WEEK up. clean furnlahed house. liaat var4 S lit U. Ktatitnn at IT ear. THE LOGAN Sunny housekeeping i suites, modern conveniences; bath, : phone. 108 H Union. . FURNISHED sunny suite, also single rooms, in cnoice location, waiamg distance. 89 Grand ave. LARGE light housekeeping rooms, building, electric lights, gas, $2. n per weeK. u ne iambert, rooms, brick I gas, $2.26 tfl I . 23 tJnlofki j ieplng roomOO ions B-104L l ICEi. -furnished Housekeeping at) union ava. a. ' ftion Rates reasonable. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. centrally located. reasonable rent Call at 436 E. Morrison. NICELY (furnished housekeeping room, bath, heat phone, gas, private fam ily, no children. 668 Williams ave. 11 month, 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: laundrv. bath, clean llnsn. 203 H Stanton. U car. F1TRNI8HED housekeeping apartments. rne newer, cor. iiawtnorne ana urana. 230 Russell st.,2 furnished house- Keeping suites and 3 single rooms. FOR RENTHOUSES UNFUKMS1IED ROOMS 10 20 a month, 6 dandy unfurnished rooms. all modern; a bargain. 464 Columbia corner 13th. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 LARGE front room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen, with board; private family. close in. 361 Ross St. NEWLY furnished rooms with board; electric lights, bath and Dhone. 818 Mill st. DANDY room and board with hot and cold water, for $36; bath, phone, heat. 1NE rooms in modern heated residence, with strictly home cooklnjr: bath. pnone. parior. zss 4tn St. NICELY furnished roam with board. home cooking, private boardina house. 225 W. Park, near Salmon. WHEN you move you always need new rurnicure. i Buy at no rent nrlces: the savlnra I will rnm f m ivJn. We own' our own building! oocudt "iiv null , ..-Ilk Vi 1, UBlnui. t MOROAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE! Of Grand ave. and E. Btarlt Phone E. It. 4 Fun rent. 6 room house with attl furnace, fireplace, etc.. neat and nei food location west side; to deslrabl enants for $80. Main 3401 or room 1 1 Worcester bldg.. from 9 a. m. to 6 p. i I $27 6 room new modern flat larg front porch, gas range and gas watef neater; inn ana K. Harrison; unctio 2 car lines and walking distance. PhonJ l At uompte, Bellwootl 89. 7 ROOM house, i 1002. Mississippi av i ik; electric ngtu ana oatn, iruu it' berries, etc., in yard; block irom line. 606 McKay bldg. 7 ROOM modern house, east side blast 30th and Ellsworth. Inquire Kiisworth. I'hono seilwood 7S. Oaterholi. HE COLONIAL 10th and Morrison, targe rooms, ooara arood, rates low. PLEASANT rooms with board; block to car; nome privileges. 4Z 4th; M. 7484 ROOMS with board, home cooking and privileges; anting room; bath, 387 4th. TABLE board by the month; home cooking. day, week or 629 Gllsan st. PAINLESS extractions 60c; fillings 6c. narvara i-ainiess uentisis. 362 wash. FURNISHED rooms with board, free phone and bath. B carllne. 208 Grant. LADIES Come Join our suit club, as we no nign class iaaies tailoring; some one gets a suit each week. Qall nome pnone A-4i7 and our representa tive will call on you. The City Tailors. 430 Washington st. Portland, Or. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43 Washington st. cor. 7th., up stairs, rnones A ana Main Z69Z. Carefully selected belp free. WANTED Experienced operators on snirts ana overalls: also girls to work in irlralmnK debt H. Wolfe & Bon. 76 Jet st 28 N. 2d st. Portland. Phone A and Main 162$. Help free to employers. WANTED Men over 18 years old . to repair and drive automobiles. Port land Auto Commission house, 634-36 Alder St. Main 4456, A-4455. WANTED Girl to do general house work: 4 In family. 1 child: abnlv be tween 12 and 7 Saturday p. m., 364 E. Oak at, room 4. MAN, ranch and garden, reasonable wages; advancement to right man. Call Sundav. or before. Smith, E. 27th and Kllllnggworth ave. WANTED, for Glenblalr. Cal.. 1 hook tender. 1 chaser, 2 rigging rustlers, 1 donkey engineer. Call Willamette Iron ft Steel works. WANTED 1'nited Wireless Telegraph preferred stock; state amount and price. N-207. Journal. "r- i. ; T5 rrr j p iKdR SALE OR TRADE 600 telephone $1 for 10OO business cards, 100 for 60c; bonds. Tacoma. with stock; make of l Rose City Printerr, new management, i fr c-l!2 Journal JHr"4 sn bujubi swva Bttgr tnfliri. CLEAN KE81ALHAN1, big range: very complete; serves over 100 m-als dally. Prk"-. $175. 312 Burnslde. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. PurceU. II etarc st. room 19. Aili'H N' for aale. clieao. If taken il once, inquire rxonn Heme Brewings sold. C. 8. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg company. MINING and Industrial storks, tele phone and other bonds bought and PARTNER wanted. In a paying real en tale business. Call at 307 Wling-r ' bids-.. 2d and Alder sty. GOD grocery, home txikery and dell Cleiwn store in bunlneas crnter mest side; rent reonaMe. ill ft wetland bldg LAIV or sentleman partner, moving picture snow; line location. l-aa. in vertiBMie. liARGAIN loan Fidelity Copper, Room 4. the I "kvim 11c HELP WANTKI MALE WANTED Honest sober young man with little cash as partner to show property and work In office; am tired of tilrei help. lib nn St. $160 monthly guarantee: Industrious realty partner; only reliable parties Investigate. 24 Wash. St.. room 412, EXPERIENCED grocery delivery man; state if single or married; references. 8-zt'n. Journal A FEW high school boys to work in frocery store on baturaays only, u-Journal. OPENING for young man. services and small capital required Washington st, room 405. Call 32 WANTED Apprentice pressman; steady joh to right boy. Hotel News, 122 Front st. WANTED 5 experleoc-d nhoo - n-irn. Kxmrile Khoe Store Co., corner Waahingion. room 412. j 3d and Stark sts. OCR Ml-mn are making 1100 ner eek. selling $: lots. Call Hreenoe Heights. 414 -1-umher F.inni. HOME BAKEHY. confectionery an.i clgnr sttr for sale rbaap. Corner Vnion ave and Phaver. Phone C-1IQ7 FTTr RALE Millinery store on Waah Inst on M.. with IN eathlthed trade; j owner leaving city. H-2. Journal FIRST CLASS auto and carriage Mint er wanted; no others need apply. At N T Paint shop. 4 Hoyt et WANTED Photo con Don a sent offer In the city. Rembrandt studio, 615 Ahingt"n BH MEN WANTED. WHY mork for others when jou can make f?& waekl an1 tva V-Oue Awn h" hoaa? Hi Ablngton hldg ONE of the. nast grocorlea on Vnlon ave. Will Invoice arit $J0O. at cost. i none Woodlswn 233$. j $"jo will put you In a good suburbs n meet market; good trade. Anwtr tut-kly. H-24. Journal. MACHINE tSth and Tburmi n s's WA NT ED p' It Ion. Man to circuleta Initiative n ri-m 3"6 Drew M.lg THE "M irtglnHl nd only K tteti "n, 4 4th st Owl Rice HELP WAX! ED FKMALB WANTEI A girl to take care of two children, by lady who works during dsr -Mil OKT r-ir groceries st coat. OoidstaHh Is Tloalng exit, store for rent 271 p.,all st , $lf bus fnmliure ef aroall mn. all frill. Huy rfm ; t, s Pt-o-a Matflr 1141. T TWO carrnters wanted: must be good rnw-er!lr Gorrton, ja 41k. restaurant. IS 6th at K. LKbT buy In th city oneT1h l'Ufnri;i a4trtl ! Ptll"'s Weaiem Moath 1t: raea.s every hof In H atstas. K HAVE kuyers r sailers Anyihlag vo -1 4 imi-li KMg VT t I;E sattalec II r. 1- 4 Co i;r -t Trl Ma'.n r1l T" '!". N flTl kJTT.i'ra 9 rwosaa. ta-j- "ra ; Mscl'sr aide. MTTO. not onlr Mw much, but how a-ood Owl Rtce Kitchen. 4th st. WAXTEI -A houa nr. Hit Bl moet. Pfpr" Tsbor M (. WANT FT T bur diamonds. aUsooT-i ro!d for canh. If Was1nfton WANTED Clerk. $l per wek. Jones fwk store. ;1 Aldr at I'AINLEPS ejtra'tlons tc; fillings Sc Harvard Plnlea Ixn.ta ll wh. WANTED Girl for aenril bnuarwork! Apply 62 Clifton St. Portland Heights WANTED Girl to ta care of a ahoot Iwg ral'ery; good pmj. ft fj, d. COMPETENT girl for general house work that understands cooking; fam ily of 3; good wages. 714 Tillamook st, lrvtngton car. LADY Just arrived wants plain sewing by the day; tailored waists a spe cialty; price reasonable. Phone A-1806. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work. 422 E. 16th st. N., Irv Ington car. STENOGRAPHER Wishea position. Will start at reasonable wages. Phone Main 6048. LACE curtains washed and stretched, or any laundry and work by hour. Sell wood 668. LADY wishes day work washing and ironing or house cleaning. Call No. 3 Union ave. CHILDREN cared for by the day or hour. 340 4th. Phone Main 3070. PROFESSIONAL nurse, all kinds of cases, city or country. Phone A-2863. NEWLY furnished rooms with or wlth out board. 471 Main st FURNISHED rooms with or. without board: home . cooking. 86 N.14th. $16.50 Comfortable 6 room house, reasonable. Call 743 Belmon Phone East, 4866. MODERN 8 room house at 810 1st near Gtbbs. Will lease to respona' parties, owner. 171 Sd st SIX room house, strictly modern. yard, garden, very cheap. Inquire Mississippi ave. FOR RENT 7 room house, modern venlences; large yard; $18. ' 8!. Stark, cor. 28th. r un 11 r. i 1 a room nouse, corner and Stephens sts.; warning aiata price $10. t'A D Dt'VT DaDnHiil Hi-a r A naw trll I . ' 1 1 1.1... A ' ' iii I 1 1 1. v. .iv" ' . . - modern 7 room house. 968 Hawthorne; furnace, shades, etc.. $30. Owner there. HOTELS 04 HOTEL PORTLAND. only; $3. $B day. European plan THE t ALUMET HOTEL. 160 Park; Eu ropean and American plan. BELVEDERE. European: 4th and Alder. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 6 ROOM modern house for rent, $17.60. Inquire of C. S. Arnold & Co., 351 Morrison, or 488 Washington st. $12.50 New 6 room modern cottage, with garden; fine view Montavilla. Phone A-224S. 7 room house, 10 Et 15th St., bath, gas, ; electricity, beautiful surroundings; also part of elegant residence. E. 5222.. COTTAGE for rent, $10 month, with hot' and cold water; good location. 7S3 Water st. Apply 691 1st st 8. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 RESPECTABLE young worklngman wants room and board In pri vate family; home privileges; $6 a week, including washing; east side, north. C-190. Journal. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. 306 Stearns bldg. Ladles make your own gowns nere. Kates reasonable. WANTED Ladles, we bleach, sew, dye and remodel hats, dye plumes at price. Model Millinery. 387 Yamhill UUJ desires position as cashier. Can give good city references. F-194 journal. WANTED 2 Girls for work in butter room. KlocK Froctuce Co., 6th and coucn sts. WANTED A good girl for housework. Must be a good cook and neat Phone A-34Z3. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 le.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men anil wo men learn barber trade In $ weeks; help to secure positions: xrraduatea earn lit to $26 weekly; expert Instructor; tools rraa ; write lor catalog.- Moier System or colleges, is n. tn St.. fortiana. WANTED 100 boys and girls to take 1 montnr course in new school of music for $10; all Instruments taught, epceial for March. Phone Main 781)8, WANTED AGENTS LIVE agents, either sex, for exclusive territory to nsnita a necessity: ne no competition; sells at sight; CO per rem rummiMion. wruf lonay: llltle money required for stock. H-J0S. journal. AGENTS wanted to sell our complete una m nursery iiorn casn eeklir outfit free. Address Capital Cltr Nur aery Co.. 8alem. Or SITUATIONS MALE EXPERIENCED first -las lad.-' mat and- akin flntaher. J2 Washington. WAN1KI M to e!f aof for 6"- have thMr 2:2 14 t shoes McCowfT an. PAIVTKR wsife-T Applr FOR m 4ctor rail Ma'n usdar4 ghw Factory. ?4 TasnhllL FA I VI. E.? it .-tiooa tc: f'r.i'te-ie" Harvard ratals Iff stlsts, $(2 Wash. W AN TFT go! fT fSSh Te 1it d'smoida. also eid TrTcNa iri rofa A-1942 U'ANtF.t It Wsahtngton h"iaoi -A T al1 in hanw work 12 IMltooo Ih gl'l to it It I Afp'r 't J-e 1 at UIHIA ts 1 snay-hlo Mr. A p piy Tais Laastdry. 66 K. Mptt isosw WAKTKD Teaming, clerk grocery or perioral 'rrnanoiae. ivnoKKeeptDg, csr panters helper or masoa work; speak German. C-2. Journal. WANTED By young man J4. r-oalflon as shlprlns clerk, previous expenenr and reference. Phone East 1811. U. Sor; . TOUNG man 24 years of see. employed o 'natde office rnrflg. oWtres outsldt "' eurh as roHtsetlsg, etc f-J7 Journal. ' A f IRPT la -r-m rrn r warns work fcy nay or contracts Phora Main Ttia. WANTED t of KooVra that will take I or 1 n ira a ty. X-?', Jonrnal A. O. CUTLER PsIntlKg. rPrhU r and tJstlrg. rbone Mala till. MUSIC TEACHERS 4 PIANO INSTRUCTION. Miss Lillian Gardner, piano teacher, 901 E. Flanders, near 29th; 1 hour. 60c; half hour, 25c. Phone B-1407. EXPERIENCED music teacher gives two nlano or mandolin lessons for 75c. Phone Main 6960 - M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 462 Sal mon. Main 7340. Beginners specialty. FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping or sleeping very ihesp, new and clean, near North Bank depot .129 N. 10th st TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, convenient, reasonable; close In. 309 7th st. FOR RENT 3 room unfurnished apart ment in private lamny. sg e. gth e K; st Phone Cast 2807. TWO housekeeping rooms, . heat and bath, nicely furnished, walking dis tance. 423 7th. THS COLLINS Large lignt nicely furnished suites, single housekeeping rooms, $1.75 up. 603 Alder. TWO big front housekeeping rooms, modern, separate. 211 Grant st; rea sonable rent. $8 per month, nice 4 room cottage for , rent. J. voir. ono vasningion m., . east side. Main 4:111,. SIX room house, modern, magnificent. view, $27. Call mornings, 482 Hall stj FOR RENT 6 room cottage. 21st st. 195 X FIVE room cottage, nice yard. 46 Shaver, st. corner Montana. $15. Main 3547.' PAINLESS extractions 50c; fillings S0c. Harvard Painless Dentists. 362 Wash. ' HOUSE for rent, good 7 128 N. 14th st. room house. 7 room house. 208 Broadway; rent Parrlsh. Watklna A Co.. 250 Alder st FURNISHED HOUSES E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik: A-4160. $84 Pine. M. 104V PIANO, Violin. Trombone. Saxaphone. Prof. O A. Smith. 292 12th st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 6S CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Btreet Entrance City Hall Male and Female Help Furnlahed Free of Charge Malh 3556; A-6624. C R. Hansen Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men. 2 N. Id. Main 1626. Women. $4$ Wah t Main lift Help supplied free to employers. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; basement, yard. 69 j Main st. Main 8882. $1.60 WEEK up, large, clean furnlahed housekeeping rooms: parlor, laundry. bath. 14 Sherman, p. Portland. $20 a month rents 3 comfortable fur nished housekeeping rooms; no chil dren. 447 Alder. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms, heat, lights, laundry. fYee running water. $21. 125 14th st FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pri vate fsmily. $2.25 per week and up, 629 Raleigh st. BASEMENT room furnished for house keeping; bath, phone; rent $( per month. 103 10th st. BEAUTIFUL 2 room housekeeping suite; also furnished room, bath, heat 101 12th st DRESSMAKING 40 ATTENTION LADIES We make the latest style skirls to measure, from four own material, for $1. Absolutely Ira class work and perfect fU guaran teed. Also suits and costumes. The Elite Tailors, 64 we n Main I0Z6. CALL ON ANGELES DRESSMAKING PAR1AJK8. 141 aln 1. MAI7V FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE LARGE sunny rooms, el n sis or on suite; heth. pnone. quiet rsmny. g fin st. TllE HAWTHORNE Comer llth anj tSSlmow. large ptwmi nwmt. mrwr. rm. LARGE, nice housekeeping rooms, cook stove and gas plate; all conveniences. $10 Clay street. TWO dandy housekeeping rooms, all modem. stationary tuns, electric lights, phone, bath. 362 Park. 2 or 3 dandy housekeeping rooms, sit modern; walking distance. ths Waynewood, 1 18th. N. COTTAGE, west side river, furnlslic'l " or unfurnished. $20 month; close -l 737 Chamber commerce. 7 room, modern house, furnished;' 4" K. itn sr.. r-arnsh. W , Kins st t o.. 20U Aioer st. f- , HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOB SALK 8i FTJRNITURE 7 room house. $27S;$4W Kimball piano, half price; nous for rent rooms bring $9 over rent 17 N. 18th. MUST sacrifice good rurnlture ht f room house In excellent location this week. Price $226. 178 Madison st Phone Main 809. NINE fine large rooms, nice furniture and an run. at east end or steel must sell, $600; bridge; rent $27 50; terms. Main 5179. SNAP' Furniture of room cottage. 274 Crosby 1st. near steel bridge. chesp rent. $30 buys furniture of I small rooms; rent $4.60 month. Call room 9, 199 Market st. FURNITURE for 10 room brick house, n,ewy furnished for housekeeping; 16 months leaae; $500 Insurance. 261 Clay. rtKiiiLnr, 01 1 riwim nai. j rooms rented bring. $7 over rent lumhla. ' Co- SPLENDID hay window front rooms, well furnished, good location; both phones 5J4 Morrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. water In rooms. $2$ Front, near Mar ket st CAMHRllxlK bldg.. 3d and Morrison, newlv furnished housekeeping Suite, very qesirsme. room bs. m. 11. Aita cieau room" by Oay. week or month. l Kront ana worn son. FOR RENT Furnished, especislly line . & - k Villi f . k. . '.1. l.tfli n na 1-' " nni. i.-. PAINLFS eitrsotloss ; fillings iOc. Ha -am Fstnl ientiata. nun. NH'K sn i t a. sultabl for 4; steam hast. tnfl'-tg wwtt-. 1 , W.. Ill - T , w I iR KENT N'oalv furwlslted rooess te rtit, 14-14 North ltth st Main IHI. KC4T room, kitrben frlvilrs foe 1 ter. on; tno4rn rHHmr. iji Morrison. THE BRAR-HlLE, 41$ AldernRootns oy say, trees or mo. Moo era cos w- keoce '"THE IDAHO'' Nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; bath and phone. ii iin st. i-none A-z4. $1$ 14th. cor. C'lsr; light clean, I and I roosa bousekeepiDg suites; walking dlstatwsx - '- ONE furnished and I silos housekeeping room, rloas to car. rest roaaonablo. $23 N tth st M. 74S 41 room limine, east side, near hridc-v at bargain; pays $150 shove expenses; all full. $70 B. Morrison st. w FOR SALE or Irsde for lot. furniture for 1 room bouse: hous for rsot 1 3 2 M sdlson. COM PLETE furniture for 6-roota bouse, good as new; bargain ir sold at ones. 267 Clay. , - n room modern houas for rent fur nlture for sale; good location fot roomers: facing pars, ai N. park st. XWO iv heukeepi aH. $jTf snd f 1. Tp. city reii. z Jrr on FAINl.FS eT(t, lions flMr,a ne, HirruM rt"la f-'ls. 32 Wsn. VkHK oVatishi h"Uekrlg rooms, slnk,rsrge. 42 C'lsy, corner 1 4th. WELL fomihod rositeiBg rsoms, yary rrasonaW. 114 lialk SACRIFICING fuiniturs. sVroom oou. snsp u ta sen at ooca. nous r $1. 437 Alder. NEW Furniture for sale snd Tm4 ' rent Mslw 1114. 4 Q- , FURNITURE for $ rooroUiouaeTix eondttloe); for sale st low prioa. FOR RENT FLATS ldtw, oder 1 ism ftst em- tow swd Cherry sts. Ptooe r t FIVE room flat. 42 llth st J 1 47 Front st phooo A er Mi IWil anode 1 $ -- rt llaa Fbsrmaii st Mala 1.