The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1909, Page 56, Image 56

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v ? "Ay I I VA I V ' A Ji-.A "S. f LW YTw- II Jrf I l)7 J "I I I I - -rlsZf II YA I I
With the closing' of entries yesterday
tot the big Indoor meet to be held April
i under iu auspicea or tn Muiinoman
v Amateur Athletic club, one, of tha
cholcaat collections of athlete aver en
tered tn open contest In thia city haa
oeen Drougnt togetner. ine announce
' ment of the club officials that tha prises i
to ta given tne winning amietea ana
. ' teams, are to ba the classiest assortment
v of medals and, cups ever offered by an
association nere to atnietes, nan stirred
- up tha interest considerably, and it will
. not ba surprising if several Indoor rec; j
' - ords ara smashed to smitnerines.. .-
Forrest Smltbson, who la-setting; In
. aome valuable training; this spring; in
his work of coaching; tha Washing-ton
high school track team has made known
his decided intention of breaking; tha
, world's hurdle record now held by him-
self and won at London" in tha Olympic
games last summer.
Chapman, who will represent tha Ore-
. iron Agricultural college in tha high
jump, is reporter aa naving Cleared six
feet in practice with apparent ease sev
eral times tuts year, ana- it is said that
'up to the present time he has been train-1
In for form only. it is therefore ex-
pected by the Corvallls friends of tha
l.lgh Jumper that Chapman will at least
give tne indoor record a good Dig scare.
Wolff, a coming champion, Is entered
'. V,. A. I, VP. i.-..',-,
Huston and Moon of the University of
uregon, two or tna rastest sprinters on i
the coast, are pitted against each other
in tna loo yard and zao yard dashes.
Huston will probably enter tha hurdles
against emiinson.
., In , addition, to tha Multnomah Club
team and tha two Oregon colleges, .en
tries have been sent In from the Seattle
Athletic club. Fort Stevens. The Dalles
. Athletlo club, Chemawa Indians and the
, local T. M. C A. All the interscholastio
. teams ara In, and over 200 entries from
.tne grammar scnoois nave been made.
There are-about JO entries in for the
- 10 mile Marathon. The course of. tiis
race has been drawn up by County Sur
veyor HoinrooK, ana aeriniteiy an
nounced as follows with the runners
' keeping alwaye to the left. The contest
ant will run four laps inside of the
.Armory before taking the regular course
'ana win run tn rinisn or tne race,
which will be- four lane and 80 yards.
- Inside the Armory on their return. The
course starts at the Eleventh street en
trance of the building, -and proceeds up
to Washington street, east to Front
street, south to Jefferson street, east to
Water street, south to Hood street and
eaat on Hood to the Macadam road, and
'thence to the gate of Rivervlew ceme
tery and return the same way, a dis
tunes of exactly 10 miles. 'Arthur Burn
the winner of Friday night's 26 mile
Marathon, will be entered, as also will
Nash and walby, who came second and
third.-respectively.. Albert Dorria will
run for the club,
- It is expected by those In charge of
the meet that a record crowd will at
tend, and preparations for 6000 specta
tors nave oetn made in tne big audito
--.'''".V '' " :' J ' ' ; .s : -.
By Sportsman.
It is aulte remarkable' the amount of
interest that hag been evinced in wrpBt-
llng, both amateur and professional, this
year, and wnue it would naturally ne
supposed that the splendid weather
tha the northwest is enjoying would
call DeoDle to the big outdoors, the in
terest in the mat game ha been so
keenly aroused that sport followers are
demanding that the season be extended.
The matches tn which U'conneii nas
participated ! of course easily account
for the continued interest, and now that
Young; Hackenechmldt and Koller are
to appear before the Portland public,
the interest is Increased. These pro
fessional matches between O'Connell
and Joe Vhrlacher. the middleweight.
Th mt win herin .h.rnW two husky giants, such as the
7:80,' and is expected to be completed by
II o'clock, or a little sooner. The offl
. lals have all been chosen and the pro
gram arranged, so as to avoid as many
conflicts as possible, and the events will
be pulled off promptly in their order.
The winners of first and second places
are to be presented with handsome med-
als. and the team winning the relay
race is to receive a beautiful cup. A
special feature of the meet will be the
contests of the companies of the Oregon
, national uuara ana tne rort elevens
soldiers In wall scaling and hospital
drill. The wrestling bouta - will also
attract added attention, as several good
men are entered from the University of
uregonr o. a. c.. Y.. M. C, A. and Mult
tiomah club. .--".....
The list of officials for the indoor
Referee E. E. Morgan.
starter William Hayward.
- Announcers R. S. Farrell and J. K.
Judges of Finish Rev, A. A. Morrl-
aon. J. N. Teal. H. E. Judge. Dr. f. H.
.. Iiammasch. R. O. Jubltz, Rev. Paul Ra-
. fler, Kcwara cookingham, W. A. Holt,
Hopkin Jenkins. .
Timers W. B. Fcchhelmer. A. B. Mc
Alpln, Herbert Greenland, Frank J.
Raley, W. E. Tallant, Dr. A. E. MacKay.
. Clerk of the Course Frank Lonergan.
Assistant Clerks of Course R. M.
Townsend, Ivan Humason, W. L. Mur
ray. Joe Meyer.
. Field Judges Ed car Frank. R. G. Mc
Crackcn. Hugh Hume, Dr. Wylle, G.
Woodruff, T. Morris Dunne, R. C. Hart.
George W. McMillan. Ralph W. Hoyt. A.
Htevana. F W V. Anr1r-w Ran
Trenkman. Hal Rasch, J. H. Smith.
Chief Inspector -C N. McArthur.
' Inspectors George W. Simons, J. F.
Ewlng. W. W. Banks, M. B. McKay.
Chief Scorers W. J. Petraln. R. L.
Ringer. R. A. Cronln.
wcoii-eorge u. Bcnaix. George T.
Wlllett A. M. Ellsworth. Irving Rohr.
Marshals C. E. McDonnell. Dr. J. C.
Jn. M. C Holbrook. B. H. Wlckersham,
F. E. Harmar. Phlle Holbrook.
Judge of Relays Ijinsin Stout,
, Walter Honeyman. W. M. Cake. A. H
Allen. M. T. Pratt. Walter Geartn.
Referee of Wall-Scaling Contest
Major T. M. Dunbar.
Referee tt Wrestling Eddie O'Con
nell. Timers for Wall-Scaling Contest
Lltut. Lea M. Clark. Captain U. A. Bow
man and Captain R. M. Dohie.
Tuesday Night
March 30
Eddie O'Connell
Wtlter eight Champing of the
. World
Joe Uhrlachcr
Coming Middleweight Cbam
, pton
Exposition Ririk
A?rrin-n St; rcrc4 !
ft SI Tukft at Cadwcfl't and
.V'i '.r". ktirg ' rjrTtdfd
Seattle physician- and the namesake of
the Russian lion, followed a few days
later bv the greatest contest of the
year between O'Connell . and Tremblay.
the Canadian, will furnish the Portland
sport followers with all the thrills that
they could possibly desire. The ama
teur game has not been overshadowed
bv the professional contests. While
there is always a strong following that
attaches Itself to the champion and his
contests, the uncertainty of amateur
eompetitlons and the constant develop
ment of new men appeals to many
sport followers.
- It may seem like a small thing to
conduct a single athletic meet between
two of the representative c&Ueees of
the northwest, yet the very fact of
starting a splendid sport may result In
big things that eventually become Im
portant to college athletic activities.
The Oregon Agricultural college, by
Initiating wrestling and taking the re
sponsibility of bringing on the wrestlers
from a sister college hundreds of miles
away for a competition, succeeded In
arousing an interest in this sport that
will doubtless result in the organiza
tion of an intercollegiate wrestling as
sociation In another year.
reather la O'Connall's Cap.
The Beavers' victory over the Ever
green team from Pullman was a splen
did one and is conclusive prooi or ine
thorough instruction given them by
Mr. O'Connell. It was another feather
In the cap of this shrewd developer
of elever wrestlers. He merely re
peated In the northwest those thlntrs
that made him the most formidable In
structor of college men on the mat
connected with any eastern educational
institution. Hia record while at Yale
of winning, the Intercollegiate for four
consecutive years and turning out a
victorious team for 31 dual meets was
unprecedented and it Is doubtful if it'
ever can be equaled.
O. A. C. profited by his skilled in
struction and long experience and
turned out a team that was a credit
in tbir Instructor and an honor to
their Institution. The Multnomah club)
succeeded in aereaung in naninjTui
riaie conege - iraiii, nu. iuuuku
Multnomah wrestlers have been con
nected with the game for a number of
years, and have had much more experi
ence, their victory wae not one whit
more decisive than the victory gained
hr the O. A. C. boys. In both cases
W. S. C. was defeated In five of the. six
bouts, therefore it looks on paper as
though the O. A. C. would at least
give the Multnomah wrestlers a good
battle. . '
Their success has .Interested the Spo
kane Athletic club and a challenge has
Just been received to meet the Spokane
wreetlers In Spokane sometime in April.
The O A. C. manaeement haa accepted
this challere and will send a team to the
Inland Emnlre to battle for additional
i hoiun. While they are nandieannea ny
1 less experience, they doubtless will sir
I the Spokne met men s hard battle
and It reakea little difference from a
pare srvtlng standpoint whether thev
1 wis or le. It Is worth mtwh to them
,tn( n and worth still more aa
adding la h Inter that attaches
Itself this splendid snort.
Craws Oet asy.
Th atern colleges that maintain
crew would saost certainly be delight
ed wrt h the w-tbw that h favored
thla w-tlo f the iwthwest during
tt.e t few wk. Karty -waterwwfk
t t varsity rrrvi sometimes bxroine
1lffV-lt problem for erew eoeche. Te
rntTTPlty of Washlnatoa Is especially
favored at It la poesihle for thm to
work or t of doors during almost the
eitlr ear tut rrwB)t of th weather.
While Mmn' erw are l-borlng In
nr mm the rwtfig eserhlnr t b roast
if,r mrm rj)ui th dehght of work
In tK rn ,
The P"ebketa rtaU bas ut five
rtt Hra t year aa plurkv little
lnrfMirs Nas oWtdM withdraw
trr tnmnriU nt It is rather a brl
trtifW for -rtet'ws t keef aliw
H rrw iHirttlM. The hmv souhsm
i4et than their romp Mora nA
th are t !1h t ' " rerrei i
So li4am a aa iht is wSW th-
Ldri ansa u am S rears of aga, I
spite of their youth and their other
handirans thpv have done remarkablv
well during tife years that they have
competed In the regatta. This year the
crews win be Pennsylvania, Syracuse,
Cornell, Wisconsin and Columbia. It
seems rather too bad that, the navy
cannot again participate in the classic
event. Two years ago Annapolis sent
her crew and It added much to the pier
turesqueness of the training period on
the Hudson. Instead of living in the
noteis on snore, as aid most or the
crews, Uncle Sam sent a aunboat to
care tor the youthful oarsmen. The re
gatta that year was one of. the finest
ever seon on the Hudson, with seven
crews competing; for the greatest of
aquatic honors.
Yala and Harvard at Sbiladelpbla.
It sfeems more or less of a shame
from the standpoint of a sportsman
that Yale and Harvard do not drop
their little two handed game and send
their crews to. Poughkeepsie. It al
ways seems from the standpoint of an
unprejudiced critic that it would be
better for - the interests bf sport, and
less indicative of snobbishness if they
would enter In with the rest of the
colleges and nelp to make -the Pough
keepale regatta the biggest possible
thing- In water sports. When two crews
race there 'is always the possibility
that the race will be spoiled by somo
Occident. This was true last year when
Oris wold of , Yale callapsed ,and ffrom
the standpoint of a real race the event
was completely spoiled. Thus, the
thousands of people who had come with
the expectation of seeing the race were
disappointed. f ,
- This condition Is impossible fit Paugh
keepsie where 'there are enough crews
so that even If one man or more should
by any accident be disabled, ' the race
would still be on and there would be
competition to the finish. In fact, last
year a condition of this kind did arise
when No. in the Wisconsin boat
caught a crab and was struck by the
heel of the oar and became unconscious.
At the time Wisconsin was in the lead
and doubtless would have won the race,
and while It was too bad that their
chances should go by the board In this
unforeseen manner, the spectators were
not sdiSaDDointed In seeinsr a snlonrilri
finish (as there were five other crews to
compete to the end.
The Sullivan twins. Mike and Jack.
Will leave soon for Paris, where they
hope to get on speaking terms with
those delightful French francs. ; .
The tall end teams in the American
association will look sad before the 168
games schedule is played out.
M. Coppinger Secured for
Season Portland Has the
Best Playing Grounds
M. Coppinger, a well known profes
sional coach, wBo coached the Liverpool
Cricket club in England for two years,
and who was last year coach of the Van
couver, B. C, cricket ciud, has been se
cured to coach the Portland Cricket club
this season. It was mainly through his
efforts that Victoria won the Pacific
coast championship last year.
The ciud now has 45 new members.
and will start the season of 1909 wltn
prospects of a splendid year. The club
has taken a decided impetus this year.
largely through the efforts of Presl-
Hont fharlnfa I i 1 u lr 1 n v" Jtr mlrlAV i
one of the most enthusiastic cricketers
and a very generous supporter of the
club. '
During the' winter months a consider
able amount of work has been done in
getting the grounds tn perfect condi
tion, and Coach Coppinger gives it as his
opinion that the Portland club will with
out doubt have the best playing grounds
in this section of the country. This is
mainly due to the untiring efforts of
the captain, E. Fenwlck.
The club grounds are situated i at
North Mount Tabor, two blocks from the
Montavllla car line. All interested Jn
the national game of England will no
doubt be cordially -welcomed by the
members. Practically all of last year's
team are again available,' and with the
assistance of several promising players
among the new members the team
should be materially strengthened ,
Dates are now being arranged for a
number of matches, and the club expects
to be visited by stron teams from Vic
toria and Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and
Tacoma, and for the first time in many
years a team from California will bo
here to compete with the Portland
eleven, The annual tournament will be
held this year in Vancouver, B. C. ' Port
land will be aole to send a stronger
team than ever before, and there has
already developed a great- keenness
among the members to obtain places on
the team. - -
Practice has already started,- and pre
liminary matches will commence the
first week in April. During this season,
as last, there will be three elevens se
lected from the members, who wll take
part In matches every Saturday after
noon, except when the club la competing
with an- outside team. - Tn three teams
will be captained respectively by E. Fen-
With the Eddie O'Connell-Joe Uhr-
jacher wrestling match In Exposition
rink next Tuesday night and the John
Berg-Dr. Roller affair Friday njght
at the same place, the mat. fans will
ha,ve their fill of tna sport this week.
Then there Is In prospect the ? cham-;
pionsh'ip match between O'ConnelV srho
holds the welterweight title, and JSu-
gene Tremblay, of Montreal, the recog
ntxed lightweight champion or tne-
world, who now finds It of great dif
ficulty tn make the 136 pounds maxi
mum limit.
Uhrlacher. who is considered one of
the very best middle weights in the
east, will weigh In at 160 pounds at
noon, and the match will be straight
two -falls out of three. - In agreeing
to take on the heavier man in a straight
match O'Connell. said he would take his
chances on victory because of the aver
sion here for handicap matches.' He
has henn traininar hard for the event.
as he realizes that he must be in the
win from
Medford. Or March 27. In their first..
gam , of the training 'season ' Casey's
Colts today took the local boys, into
camp by a score of 6 to t. The game)
was remarkable for Its scarcity of
errors, although the boys showed that
It was too early In "the season for them
to get all of tha kinks out of their systems;-
' . , ' ' ... , i , , I
There was nraotically no team work
Ind the ontv men eiti hntn - tnrfuv'a
game gave a line were the pltchera, al- u
though from present lndlcatloua Caaey '
will have a team of hitters, for -thev
are all meeting the anhera sauarelv on
the nose. The local boys were furnished
a battery by the ever obliging manager '
of the. Portland team and it of course
was due to this that Medford was pot
trounced to the tune of a dosen or -so.
The game gave Casev a ch&noe to -
work out all of his pitchers and the
did very well for new mem
For Medford. Gardiner went first into
the box.; 811m gave the Portlanders two
hits, one a two-bararer. and Casev con
nected with them both. Osborn fol
lowed him m the fourth spasm, coming
into the box from the outfield. He "
gave awav two singles before he sot
warmed up. Coleman put the ball oyer
for the last two lnnlnsrs and aave a
double, a single and a pass to. first.
Not so bad when one stops to consider
that the last two were -chilled in the
outfield before trier heeled the rubber,
For roruana penaer Degsn tne worn
tie kept it up for three innings, a
rave no hits, although he worked his
field some. Macrariane followed with
three Innings and was touched up for
two singles, as was Ames, .who finished
the game.
From the fourth until the eighth the
score was tied. Then Portland, headed
by Casey, got busy and played -some
As to the catchers Harriean was the
receiver for Medford and Troech for
Portland. There was not much of a
chance to see them, in fast action, for
no team work could be arranged-
The attendance at todays game was
light The aplendjd weather that has
been the rule since Casey's arrival
turned off cold. The players suffered
The most notable lesson to be drawn
from Mag'i'ramt was the fact that the
Cuts are going to be a heavy hitting
team. Casey states that he is mora
iW- I
best possible condition to
the Rochester thunderbolt.
Uhrlacher left Rochester last Monday
late in the week. However, he did not than pleased with the class shown by
show up, but is expected to make his Ithe pitchers. N ,..'".'''
presenoe known around the sport haunts During the past few days ' the toys
toaay, ne is bunt on the Kred Keen have simply been getting tneir arms
order and has been frnrmnntlv riuhhed 1 in ahnne for the harder work which
young Beell by bis admiring friends. To J will be off with a rush on Monday, if
show how rood a man Uhrlacher ls.he iha remainder of the wauad drops W
is credited with throwln Con Albright Next week will be deVoted to games
three times in an hour, while O'Connell . every afternoon with light batting prac
could only throw Albright twice in an I tice during the mornings. The boys, are
hour in a straight match. , regular gluttons for work and Manager
Preparations are being made toiCasey is keeping a tigni rem uino,
wick, George Shipley and W. G. Smith. -
Thpniia-h tna ffnrnKuv at mpsifs. w.
G. 8mith, A. M. Craeker and another meoico.
member of the club, three valuable
prizes were awarded last -year to the
best boiler, the best all round cricketer
ana tne piayer matting ine pem pbhuis
average. Some of the club's supporters
have already intimated their . intention
or doing the same this year.
handle a large crowd at the match.
which will be the first in Portland in
almost a month. The advance seat sale
is aulte encourasina- and OConnell's
personal popularity will bring out many
of the lovers of clean, fast wrestling.
For the first time in a year, or to
be xact. . since the Hnller-McLas-lem
bloomer last spring. Portland will get
a glance at a pair of heavyweights In
action. John Berg, who made an ex
cellent Impression locally in hia match
with Eddie O'Connell several weeks ago,
has -cut out a big job in tackling the
Bor" will weigh aoout
180 Bounds at his best, while Roller
will strlt about 220 pounds. Roller
was aulte generous and offered to
handicap the Swedish grappler, but
Uerg would have none or it.
Roller will wrestle H'almer Lundln.
the Swedish heavweight champion.- in
Atthniioh intMit tn h tiih contln-. I Seattle on the night of March 80 and
ues to grow, there are no doubt' many J Roller wlir drop down to Portland the
cricketers in town wno nave not yet De
come associated with the club.. : Any one
wishing to obtain information may oo
so by communicating wlthtbe secretary,
J. C. Cumming, room .704 Wells Fargo
This Dat in Sport Annals. '
1S6S On the Thames lOxford defeat.
ed Cambridge in th annual university
boat race. - . : -
1kS At Svdnev. N. 8. W.Willtam
Beach defeated Edward Hanlan In scull
ing match, three miles 830 yards i
straightaway, tor 15000 ana cnampton
shln of the world.
1892 At Manchester, England James
Dlnnev. professional swimmer. dove and
picked up 84 half pennies with his
mouth from the bottom of a tank, beau
ing the record. s
1893 The University of Pennsylvania
baseball team defeated the Swarthmore
col lent e pine by a score of BO to 1.
1905 At Baltimore "Kid" Sullivan
and inK Kuasell went it rounds to
draw. Vi- -
1908 Old Honesty won ths '.Xyrln
handicap at City Park. ,
next day to take on Berg. Two
wrestline matches with two men of
such ability as Lundln and Berg within
a perloxt or lour days is no smau under
taking. .
Vein, wno wrestled in Eugene
Thursday night, remained there to train
ith Joe LiSjSaue, wnom tie neieated.
until Thursday. He savs he Is in ex
cellent condition and traveling at at
rapid rate.
It was planned to hold this bout at
the Baker theater, but that nlac could
not be secured and the Exposition riuk
was resorted to. .,
Joe Action, one time champion of
champions, will referee both the O'Cop-nell-Uhrlacher
and Roller-Berg matches.
Jio-s-s rtnnnnii wilt loin the Chicago
White Sox at Memphis next month.
Ban Antonio has a faat young player lstaff down, for the boys are all showing,
h has nromlsed to let them out a
few notches during the next few; days
and ttiey are eagerly awaiting the time
when they can get off on the high speed.
The game today gave a line on some
of the hoys but It is as yet too early
to judge them well as they ara for' the
most part still without an eye to judge
the long ones to the garden and the hot
ones from the box. This will come with
time and the hopefuls' are certainly
knocking the rough edges off of their
form. ' ' . '
The players are slow In reporting and
this is arlvlhg Casey his tirst case of
the dumps. Every train is met with a
great djeal of eagerness by the Port
land manager but so far he has been
disappointed for the most part In
boys now in the training camp are::-
Pitchers Gardner, Ames, Coleman,
McFarlane, Osbourne, Pender.
Catchers St. John,- Harrlgan. Toech.
Infield Risley, Mullen, Casey. ; .
Outfield Swanton, Basaey.
Rex Amies of Chicago will In all prob
ability be retained on the pay roll and
looks like he will be able to hold Ids
own on Casey's pitching staff. The
boy is light but uses his head, body and
arm alike. Ho will compare favorably
with Jess Garrett. Ho smoked a few
over once or twice today and was there
with the roods. He la aulet and un
assuming and will prove a favorite with
both teammates and Tans, if someming
unexpected does not develop.
Gardner will remind the Portland
fans of Bohbv Groom. He has a fast
ball and makes use of his side arm. The
boy Is swatting them on the nose no
matter how hot thev come.
McFarlane, Osbourn, Pender and Cole
man are all working out well and are
standing the gaff In rather good shape.
However. Casev will nrobablv depend
on do most of his twirling.
Pender is -getting Into shape and can
control his throws better than aome of,
the others, though McFarlane -has a
few smokv tines that bend over occa
sionally. . Casey Is coins to have most
of his trouble in cutting his pitching
1 K .
t Jr
r ... 1
4 .
y -
Crack. Moent Angel Bakct Toasers.
who answers to the nam Of Qulnck.
'Winning th Stanley CUD gives th H
tie of champion hockey team of the
world to th Ottawa (Ont) stars.
JaKea Whit and Joey Bowker. th
English fighters, apparently belong with
th yannlgans.
If only Johnny Kvers was on the Job
the Chicaso Cuba would look Ilk th
old original champions.
The Pitt shun club had tvetter get
Ilonua Wagner's life Insured If ha makea
good his threat to tase out a circus.
Miller Hugslns. the crack second base
man of the Cincinnati team, is nursing
I a sore arm.
Th St. iouls Cardinals 'will break
catriD at I .rule Rock March to and Play
tneir rirat game on tne road at fin
Bluff tbe next day.
Manarer Hush Jennings of the De
troit Tla-ere la reported to hare dtscara
I ed his ' Ee-ah ' yell for "Oo-glahigook.
Harrr Coraleskt of tha PhPad-tphla
Nationals has mad a nice start by
Mtrhlna- a no-Mt ram. That'e th
worst thing that could b Mid to Me-
IGraw and bis Giants.
alanacor Oeor gtalMr.a. "Vhlef
rVout" Arthur Irwla a4 "Instructor ef
Plarars" Duka Farrell "id b able to
show th New York Highlanders how
Xhm gaaa la played.
. Secretary More ef th JSew Knsta
le-u wants few first rise umpirra
Wtrst nerve Jsk ha gnt. Wanting
first rlas umpires, when his teagu la
In clasa B.
"Mmnwaln" Sretcer f th ttwtrwi
i Att)rW- t tr rrmnii a-Mer te
r wsa we If "liarfc" ttm t
rarfal y wil wkew blmaw-if taking
ff tnsrk weight.
Mansaer t-amtl- ef "th Hrerlrtra i
tn v 1 H tn tn a - te eiKer
r i t Sur-rt'SS bat th Jxk-I
aatiii team. , j
the earmarks of navrollers.
Casey Is short of shortstops. He li
been watchinr the tracks for Cooney
roll In. but so far the boy -haa failed tn
materialise, tie Is needed badly to fill
that hoi in the line. He Is expected at
any time as h left New Tork some time
ago. Casey is certain that ho -has a
strong man there that will handle the
hot ones, for Cooney mad good In th
Pacific Coast league with McCradle,
the fana will remember.
Founler. th nifty receiver . general
whom Casev drafted - recently. . Is ex
pected to show up soon. This Will in ,
crease the catchers on the list to four.
St. John Is but little known as yet and
owing to the lack of practice is rather
klridish aoout - handling blmseir.. tie
will probably pick up though during the -week.
Toech is handling himself good
and la also meeting them squarely on ,.
th noa. He Is a powerful hitter and
It was for his benefit that Court Hall,
had gates cut through the back Bid of
the fmro shout th lo. - Three went
over the wall In one Inning In this
mornings prartlc game. Harrlgan I
flaying b I L H-a-r-r-i-n-g-t-o-n epene
larrlgan that'a all. . -In
spit of the bard grilling, th hope
fuls hav had la their first workouts.
they have been showing as in fairly
ermit rendition. Seen f tbero wt
flrvd and sore, but befor a hslf hour
work earb anomlng they all seemed we
limrerfl up ana tnen tney tairiy s
us th work. A general iurm annu
th ball perk haa been th finishing
touch to each day's work don so tar.
Not to t too aangnlno otl-e tha If
If Casey men com out Ilk ther
glr Bromls of doing the Portland fans
will hav oiVasiosi at th end of th
rssoB t tak th pesos nt unto their '
own. ' '
If roo visit 1h easier additions.
Mah and Kl Torar todsv yn will b
oe of thousand Oellghted ropl. Tour
visit will eTplatn why so mury tioMKJ
rwofkle b already eeciired building
lei a there.
irly I
In Tjumpo rr--st na te
s t most t-njed ef -
Ubl lls. after Ht eik. It I s,.-
n tk "jufetur rf mltr
ihtlute T ir-m grad i'a ar
S--d tot .
rv la