The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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. Baptist,
first Whits TeniplaWTwelfth ana
Taylor. Itev. J, WhIUwmb brougher, 11.
D. 10,
"One Accord" lira
services. 10:80 and T:30;
ioung loples meeting.
rayer rel lug 13;
jiime acnoui.
lop lea: Morn.
Rumor Has It That Govern
ment Will Order United
to Get
Ing itrmon by Thomas Woody I avenlng.
'Tioma t ool Man." .
Arieta Kev. K. A. Smith. It aa4 ;
& ., 10; 11. y. P. U, 0. .
fiigiimnu Alberta ana mxin, mv. r-.
A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and 7:19; it. 1.
P. I)., 0:30; 8. 8.. 10. .
fieltwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev.
D. W. Thurston. 11 and a; 8. S.. 10; If.
P. U., 7. .
Calvary Kft Eighth and Grant, Kav,
J. N. Monro. 11 and 7;S0; 8. B. 10; B.
. r. U., :to.
AffnrnoV Hf fPrni l'f I Immanuel-rJonea hall. Front and
illlOiney JutuOUIl Oibba: Kav. A. B. Mlnaker. 10:80 and
n:i H,, Tn 7:0; S. B.. II; a T. P Uj :30.
: JUll 01 Ileney Jn-J Oraca Montavllla; Ravi Albert R.
(Jictinents. 1 ! - '
11 .and
7:30; 8. 8.. 10: Y. P.
lea: "Wltn Steadfast
How to Become a Chrla-
v.. 4:10.
Paith.", and
Central Eaat Twentieth and Ankeny;
nev.w. x. joruan, 10:20 ana; a, o.
Dismissal or Immediate trial of at Is a in- n ...h .n i v x 'tt
least is or me remaining zo or ma ure. Topic: "The Christian PualllaL" and
. enn una iruu wiuiuwnema lyum "a IJvlng Robber's Request."
... : fotir years ago at the Instance t Fran-, Sunnyalda (German) Forty-first and
;xcIh i. Heney, will follow cloaely - tha Hawthorns; Kav, C Fetdmeth. 11; 8. S.
:.. vltlidrawal of Trary C-Becker aa-apa- ,:46. '
... cibI prosecutor In these-eaaea. It la now St. Johns (German) Ilev. C. FeM-
: believed. That . these cases will be meth. 8. 8., 1:46: services It and 7:30.
" nrnod over to United Stales -Atlornay . Second Seventh and East Ankeny;
-M oCourt to be disponed of Immediately. 10:30 and 7:30 Bible- achool, IS; preach-
ntlier by trial or dlauilRaal, at hia own In a; by Rev. John Bonis I en and Rev.
discretion, la almost certain. Mr. Mo- Thomas Moody; U. T; P.' 1J.. 6:30.
Court eaid yesterday: s. i . St. Johns Rev. John Bentalen. -11:10
"In event these land fraud cases are and 7:30: 3. 8., 10; Y. P. V., 6:30.
riven into my solacharge they will be Chinese Mission 851H Oak- street
disposed of at once.' Trial of many .of 8. 8.. 7; preaching, S p. m. by Rev. funs;
.ibese Indictments would not now aarve Chak.
the purposes of Justice. Borne of tha Klrst German Fourth and Mill;
Indictments, wera returned at the In- Rev. J. KratV -11 and 7:30; 8. 8., :6.
..stance of Mr.1 lleney because certain .Second German Morris . street and
. per eon had seemingly -: attempted to l tioar-y avenue; tttrv. liuermann. 11
mors: ine rovemmein in iib Kuan,! .w i ' w-!
lrlns; vlolatora of the land laws to Jua- .,.aat Forty-fifth street Corner East
S tlce. Soma of tha offendera should be "ev-, C. cook. 11 and 7:30
brouffht to trial at once, I believe, . , aopi, io; a. x. r. u., : p. m
- M - ; .ents Kav. r. F. Heacork. S. S. 10
wu w w . ijj and 730' B T P U '0"3b TodIcs
; W. C. Bristol, uringr bla brief term 'The Geftal Judgment'; ' and "How
i. as inura oisui luumcj, .utwcu iv,nrisi Aiiracta.
, Mr. Heney, as prosecutor in me land Mount Oliver Seventh and Everett:
TI uu lnr. Ail, xjj in,Hu-ww,.jf, i i, -a, n, .junnaon, 11 and T:3u
it u understood, waa not altogether to tsweaisn Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev.
. Mr. Heney s liking. Sixteen months KricK Hcherstrom. 10:45 and 7:4S:
ao Tracy C. Becker of New York who I 8. 8.. 12; B. V. P. TT., :J0.
had previous to that time been teaching Union Avenue' Mission (Swedish)
Jn a law scnooi in IN e w iora, appearea i vurnsr on iu more . o. b.. 10.
as special assistant prosecutor to that Third Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R.
; district attorney. During Mr. Becker's Schwedler.. 8. 8., 10; B. Y. P. U.. 7:30;
service mree or toe penaina cues were i
"disposed of. It Is commonly understood
that neither the attorney genera.! nor . PrssfcyterlaB.
i'i - i.k "d .. First Twelfth and Alder: Rev. Wll
- "irr""". v" T' ,V "7. T" am Hiram Foulkea. a0:30 and 7:30.
Y"niP,"r,-."iViu Topics: 'Backslldins;.- and "In Vanltv
Falr," fourth of aeries in Pilgrim's
Sucstive Questions on tlie Sunday , .
School Lesson LyRev. Dr. T. S. Linscott
I J, CorkMng. ll and T-J9; B. S, 10; C.I rt!C)C;),KCJC..!CJC
v.. au. .
Alberta Kast Twenty-seventh and
Mildred. Rev. U, K. ilmerluh. 11 and :
a. o., is, . . .... .
' The International Newspaper Blhla Study club la for tha purpose of pro
moting In an unfettered ay among tlie niaaaea, a wider study of the Bible,
the basal truths f Christianity, and tha problems whlt-h enter Into every
men's life. It la compoaed of all those who Join a local club, aud take up tha
simple couraa herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who hav
not Joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for tha prises.
. Persons may Join tha ulub at any time during the year., but must, of
course, answer the 6S questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for tha
prlaes, and the back questions may be obtained by addressing this office. I
t . luls paper has secured tha right to publish the International Sunday
School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr. Miiseott. which have aroused so much
Interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly In both tha Saturday and
sunuay issues or 1 he Journal. One of these .questions eaclv week is to be
answered In writing and upon these answers the pUes are to be awarded.
' Conditions of tha Contest, -t
1. Each contestant, or hia or her family, must b a nfeaerlk-a" ta this
Paper, in order to qualify for membership In the International .Newspaper Bible i
Mill ill r luK a Okies 1 ,v. 1 sltit ' ' t
i. Km h oonteatant In this local club must anawer each
tlona for 63 consecutive we'ks. commencing Sunday, March
must all be in tha possession of this paper within two
of this period. .
- S. Kaoll Question Must bs anawsrrd senaretelv. and th. r.r... .!..
one aide only. Nq answer must exceed 100 words In length and may be leas.
r.SCh answer must have 4 ha n, unit mAArmmm rf .1.- u,.l , -. . v. -
vt tha anawer. :, "w " lT
f the written quea
4, and the answers
wteka of tha close
Svaage Ileal Asaoelatloaa,
First Enallsh Kaat Sixth and Mar-
I kef, F. H Culver. 11 and 7:30: X. P. A.
0:30: S. 10. ,
Flret' Oerman Tenth and Clay, F.
Hens, 10: and T:4: 8. a. 0:30: Y. P., 7.
Topics, "Why Is tha passion Of Jesus
not Understood," and ''Asking Jesus to I
ienari. .
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb
betta, Morris Jleverllng, 10 and 7:30;
St. BV. II, . ' , i f ; ;
. TTalted SvangsUoal.
- First East Seventh and Stevens. Rev.
a. a. winter, n. b., 10: ll and T:30.
Second Fargo and Kerby, Bsv, C' C
Poling, 11 and 7:80. -."
St. John's Ivanhoa and John, Rev.
u. -. xatea. B. h., 10. .
Ockley Green Gay and Willamette,
Rev. J. Boweraox, 11 and 7:30; a .,
10; C. B., 0:30. Topic, "Tha Reaperaand
S WS lYBIHD BIIU -ill CCI, . . ... . . I .... I .(.,.. f . .
TrnifM Noma of Towo-
IUUII or City
4. J lie answers must tt dnllverad tn this nrrli-A mnA v. ..m v. ..n...
at the close of the contest and forwarded to headquarters for Independent ex
amlnation by competent examiners. The prlsea will then be awarded ac
cording the nlghe-st number f marks, won by members of Tha International
. ; First 'Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants.
fion(1D8",r,''rA llver rnedal to each of tha next five contestants.
Third Beriea A Teacher's Bible, price 15.30, to each of tha next five con
Fourth Series The book 'Tha Heart
or me next t contestants. -
Kach medal will be suitably engrav
for what It la awarded and In like manner
scribed. .. - ,
All who ran write and have Ideas, are urged to taka up these studies re
gardlesa of the degree ofrthelr education, as tha Wers are, n ""ued from
an educational or literary standpoint, but Irom th. mint' f ,i.J'V .i,.
- ' TJnlWd rfesbyterUa.
Church of fh RMnnuarLlWi.'i anil
Grand, Rev. 8. Karl DuBola, 10:30 and
7:3.0; S. S., 13. Sermons translated for
ine aear each Sunday morning.
First Sixth and Montgomery, 10:00
" :sv. nev. j. jj. ucnesan.
Third Marauerlte hall. Thlrtv.flfth
and Hawthorne. 8. 8.1 1; preaching at 4.1
' State:::;:.:;....;;;;:....-;:.;; .;:;.;..;;..;:.
'': Fill out with pen. pencil or rubber stamp and send
bv mail, express or messenger to' Journal Savings
17 JIa rv. - r ' f T--l J - ...
jcjuuur, aiic journal, x oriianu, vrceIon' I
Carlstlaa of no.
First - Church of Christ. Sclentii
on the part of Mr. Becker. Some ques
tions were asked as to why the ex
penses of special prosecution should be.
so ions; conunuea. ine xangioie resun
of the questioning was the quiet pres
ence, during tne nearmg or ine argu
ment In the Oregon & California land
errant case, before Judge Wolverton. a
short time ago, of an elderly man who
.listened attentively to every argument
'that was made. It has since developed
roercss sermons.
Mlspah fcast Thirteenth and Powell;
Rev, Harry, Leeds. 11 and 7:30; S. 8.,
Calvary Eleventh and Clay; Rev. J.
A. P. McGraw; 10:30 and 7:30.
Fourth First and Glbbs: Rev. Don
aid McKenale; J0.80 and 7:30; S. S.. 12;
C. K.. 0:30.-
Hawthorne Pork Twelfth and East
that 'the elderly man waa L. Allison Taylor; Rev, William Parsons; 10:30 and
'Wilmer, a special assistant to the af-
torney-genaraL ; ,
Xeport 1n7 as Aarerse.' "
"TVhen Mr. Wilmer went back to
7;30; S. S.. 12: C. E.. 0:30.
Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln;
Rev. Hsrry II. Prattr 11 and 7:30; S. 8..
iv : c, e:s.
t...i.i i. j .. . i. . 1.1.1 Piedmont Cleveland .and -Jarrett
r" r ':u "f;"rtuV?' 7 r- a. w. Hnhard; a and r.zo-. s. s
report i was to . the effect that Mr.
Becker did not measure up to the stand
ard of the government in the prosecu
tion of the land fraud cases and that
Lis withdrawal was desirable.
It has also been - suggested that Mr.
12:16: C. EL. 6:45.
Chinese 1464 First. 7:45; 8. S., 8:45.
Westminster East Tenth and Wcid
ler: Rev. Henry Marcotte; 10:80 and
7:30; 8. 8., 12; C. K.. 0:30. -
Becker was to soma extent Informed of f sSh XJ W ttivi S S 10
the doubtful .condition of his fortunes ft , ' ' U' W' Uay' 5' S' 10
... I, - . ... .J . Wat.tA,nn A I " . ' " ' 1
cogency of their reasoned ideas.
Copyright, 1100, by Rev. T, a Linscott,
t. u. -
acgwroh aa, 190.
TeniDeranca lesson. Pravurh. tih
Golden Text At last it blteth like
a serpent, and allngeth lika an adder.
Provrbavxxlll:32. .
Verses 18-30. is strong drink ' as s
beverage in so called moderation, good
for any bdflyT ?
Do all who drink habitually receive
injury aa a reault?
Should alcohol be used In any form
as a medicine? . ; , . ,
Is It safe or prudent, for people In
good health to take Intoxicating drink
aa a beverage?
What claasea In the community are
suffering from the drink habit, directly
sun inuireciiy r . ..
Why do athletes always abstain from
drinking when they are in training for
a, roniesi r
What are the signs by ' which von
can nearly always toll a drinking man?
verses si-3; wnat evil is likely to
does not drink, stands at tha bar and
looks on. while his comDanlons are
drinking? ...
What can you say or a man who will
not-drink himself but treats others?
How would you characterise a tem
perance man who votes for a man, or a
party, pledged to support the liquor
traffic? i
, How, many evils can yon trace to
Ministers, Sunday school teachers
write The Journal briefly their viewa aa to
particularly if they consider them of value In
i- For the Boys and Girls1 of Portland and the
rt of chri.ti.nity- prica 11.10. to fja s'" Oregon (ountry Av Cleat Chance for Them
mnefe'ach bla Md'book wIllTa ln cond Woodmen's Hall."' East Sixth To). CnCOUragC the Spirit if Saving among the yOUng people ofPoit- "
liana, ana tne uregon country, The Journal will print a journal Sav
ings coupon on page 4 of The Daily and Sunday and Semi-Weekly
journal irom jviarcn iu to May ai, inclusive. Seven hundred and
fifty dollars in cash awards will be distributed to enable the most
industrious boys and girls to start a savings bank account with some
and-Alder, 11 and 8: a 8. 13.
"Reality," , : t
I Vnltarlan. , '
Church of Our Tamhill and
seventh. Rev. T- JU Knot, u. D.. Rev.
atrong drlnkt
Think Of all tha luinnl.. tKI th.t W n irilnt tk mrA tAU .XT xr n.i,..
!Snd vl1 nd cmPare' them with ministers, 11 and 7:48. 8. 8., 0:46; Y.l
J. L'"t.wt .lo" arina naoit. and
which habit is the greater curse to
. What la tha fascination, which draw,
so many thousands of victims to the
drink habit? , . .. ;
which were biting and causing the death
of thousands, what steps would likely
be taken to eradicate the plague?
Beelnr that all nnotleailv uinit that
the evlla of tha liquor trafflo are mors
Tirulant than "serpents" and "adders"
culd be, how do you explain tha apathy
ter evil? . IThis quesUeu must ha an
wrd la writing by xnembers of the
Versa 33. Does licentiousness and Im-
A6i.0i.5.,n2er,!?rtrn- Vie 5"."' bank that Is a subscriber to The Jotirnal or is advertising in The
sL-Awenln Journal. I ,: x r v "...
Journal Savings Of fer :
Church of the Good Tidings East
uch and Flahth. Rev. J. T. Corhv.
10:40 and 7:30: 8. S.. 12. ToDlca. "The
Hoip or tiring ldentmed with a Creat
Cause'and "Old Home Scenes of New
M. X. Choxoh South. '
Second. Rev. E. H. Mowre. ll
10: K. T... 8:30. Mnrnlnv
ervius vy woman a tiomi Mission ao
ciety. -
hand 7:308.' S.
' . MlsoeUaneoua.
First Spiritual Society, Western Aead
emy hall. Second and Harrison. Annl
versary all dav meet in a- ,
The Salvation ArmV rnrn. T KK Ttm.
purity of thought generally accompany
the appetite for. strong drink, as this
idi accins lotsuggestrt
Verses 34-36 Does drinking - alwavs
produce moral, as well aa physical an
aeetheala, deadening the soul to the
TniflARt i.rlm..1
Men .under the Influence of alcohol ?l!'rt;1th' 1,ull? Wells, 11 and
are onen grievously hurt, sometimes
almost froxen to death, and are uncon
scious of the hurt at the time, and when
they ret better keen on rirlnlrinr irr.
do you account for it?
Lesson for Sunday, April 4. 1909.
Peter and Cornelius. Acts x:fc.48.
and others interested
To the Boys and Girls of the Oregon Country
To the boy. and girl in Portland or in the Oregon
country who collects and secures the greater
number of Journal subscription Savings Cou
pons, durinj? the period from March 10 to Mav " '
31 inclusive, The Journal will give to each' I
MnTiSS, -"To the next two highest boys and two highest
SVlMltl' Phtirnt, Main H.. 1 i . . . . " ... . O A
eiiort time aaoi. ostensibly to voice -Mr.
Hency's, protest against the appointment
of Senator Fulton to the new i federal
Judgeship In Oreg-on. ' Evidence shows;
however that the department of Justice,
possibly under- tho advice of Secretary
r tne interior - jBaiiinEer, nau aireaay
San; Rev, fcdward M. Sharp. X and &
S. 19. '" -.
Sellwood East Sevehteenth and Sno-
kane; Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11 and
7:30; S. S. 10; C. E.. 6:30.
Third---East ,
Rev. Andrew
Thirteenth ' and
J. Montgomery.
determined that it would not be exDedi
entuo continue Mr. Becker in charge or Work of Grace," and New
suits involving' nnanciai inieresis ox stone.
the Oregon land Anabel 11 and 7:45
sucli magnitude as
fraud cases.
Hooe Montavilla: Rev- S. S. White.
11 and 7:30. r
Kenilworth East Thlrtv-seventh and
iGladctonn. Rev, J. S. Dunning Ph. D.:
a. s.. 11.
Willard Avenue Rev. John A. Town-
send, .services ll and 7:30; S. S.. 10
'The Visiting Nurse Association will
have its annuHl meeting next Thursday
afternoon in the assembly room of the
' Medical building, Park and Alder streets.
Dr. A. E. Rockey, Dr. Luther R. Dyott
V and W: I. Wheelwright will be the
. (speakers, and the president, Mrs. Millie
Trumbull, and the secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. A. F. Biles, will give their annual
, reports. Tea will be served after the
. programme and -a large attendance is
There are to be some radical changes
, in tne anairs or the association. .- Miss
. Gentlerenger has been engaged as head
of the work and will arrive here about
April 25.j She . has for several years
. . been connected with the Henry Street
HPttletnent in New York, and has wide
experience in medical work among the
settlement classes. Heretofore three
nurses have been engaged in the work
here, but when the new head arrives the
work will be concentrated in her office
ana sue win nave one assltsant. She is
pronounced a most capable person.
a. m.
Dr. J, Whltcomb Brougher will speak
Punin; O.CIOCK Bl tne I. M. C
fA. on -inn Mtruggie to be a Chrlstlon
the last of "The Struggle" series. There Deen a large attendance and keen
interest shown during these Sunday
i talks by Dr. Brougher, fr they are
direot and practical and' help In the
proniems wnicn conrront. everv airL
fceh talk Is complete 'in itself and
, this fourth Sunday promises to be the
meat interesting or tiie whole.
Musical program: Piano solo. Miss
Kins Palmer; vocal solo, Miss Hazel
. jiaraie: violin solo. Miss Alice Dough
arty; Vocal solo. Miss Nora Lawler.
"People of the two towns and between
are going to build good wagon roada
J mm iviamain ans to Lkeview.
aC' fVSL
Taylor Street-Rev. Benjamin Toung,
D. D.; 10:30 and 7:30;'S. S., 12:16; E. L,
b. -jopics, "America's immigration Prob
lem" and "Divine Irrigation."
Sunnyslde East Yamhill near Thirty
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30; J. E.
L.. 3; E. I. 0:16; S. S.. :50. Topics,
"Christ In the 8torm" and "Indictment
of tha American Saloon." "
St. Johns S., IL Dewart; 11 and 8;
E. U. a S., 1C.
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Savler;
Rev. Charles T. Mcpherson: 11 and 7:80;
a 8 , 10; E. L., 0:30. Morning sermon
by M. C. Reed. - - ---i-
Centenary East Ninth and Pine;
Clarence True Wilson, D. D.; 10:30 and
7:30; S. S.. 12: E. I... 0:16. Morning
sermon by pastor and Newton Rlddell;
evening. Mr. Rlddell, "A Demonstration
of Triumph Over Sin and Sickness."
Trinity East Tenth and Grant: Lewis
F. Smith; 11 and 7:80; 8, 8.. 10; BL I,
6:30. -i .
Central 334 Russell. Rev. C It Ham.
ilton, 10:30; 8. S.. 13; K. L.. 6:30. Morn
ing, "Complete In, Qhrlst;'' venlngr"un
ion service at Forbes' Presbyterian,-
Chinese Mission Chan Slnsr Kai: 11
and 7:80. : .
Grace Twelfth and Tavlor. Rev. John
II. Cudllpp. 10:30 and 7:30; 8. S., 13:16;
E L.. 3:30. , .
Vancouver Avenue 11 and 7:30.
Laurelwood Rev. E. H. Brvant: 11
and 7:30: S. S.'. 10;' E, t30.
NorweKian-Danish Th rteenth and
Davis: H. P. Nelsen; 10:46 and 7:30:
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt: G.
A. Wassa; 11 and 7:30,
Swedish Rorth wfck and Rparh R.v
John Ovall, 11 and 8; S. 8.. 10: E L.. 7.
Morning service by Deaoonass Olivia
Bostrom. Evening. "False Security."
Second German Stanton and Rodnev.
Rev. E. E. Hertzler. 11 and 8: S. 8.. t:4B:
H. L... 7:30.
Japanexe Mission HI North Fif
teenth. Rev. Eilaen Ribara, 0:30 and
8:80: 8. 8., 3:30.
Sellwood East Fifteenth and T-
coma. Rev. Lester C Poor, 11 Bind 7:30;
J. K. L... Z:0; Xj. Im., s.-o.
The Cllnlon-Kellv Memorial Thlrtv-
nlnth and Powell, Rev. 8.. X Kester. 11
and 8: 8. S, 10; E. L. 7 3. K. U. 8.
Wood lawn William J. Dourlass. 11
and 7:80: a S.. 10; E. L 0:30.
University Park Dawson and Flake.
Rev. W. R Jeffrv, J... 11 and 7.30.
Montavilla Mohle and Hlbbard. Rev.
Harold Oberr. Jl And 7:30: & 8.. 10:
class meeting. 11; J. L.. ; E. I. 0:46.
African Zton Thirteenth and lt&(a
Re-. W. W. Matthews, 11 and 8, SpecUl
Hatlon Michigan avenue and Carpen- j
irr, v. a. nailers, 11 ana i.iv; Is. a., is;
K. L.. 0:30. Mominr. communion: even
ing sermon by W. B. Holllngnhead.
Mount Taboi- East Stark art Klity.
fire'. J. W. McDougall. 11 and 7:10.
Woodstock J. l. Voce. 11 and 7:30;
& S 10; E. L, 0:30.
and 9:30. High mass and sermon, 10:80.
vespers, instruction and benediction,
7:30. .
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low
mass, 8, 8 and 9. High mass and aer-1
fA.IA T 1t( H
7:30. - .
Holv Rosary. East Third and Union-
Very Rev. Aa S. Lawler. Low mass, 0,
and x:30. liicti mass ana sermon.
10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
Sacred Heart, Mllwnukle Rev. Gre
gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10. Vespers and ben
ediction, 7:30.- .i
Holv Cross, University Park Rev. J.
P. Thillman, C. S. C. Low mass, 8:30.
Wlgh mass and sermon, 10:30, Vespers
and benediction, 4.
Holy , Redeemer. Portland sma van,
couver Rev. Ed K. Cantweil, C. SS. ll.
rLow mass, 8. High mass and sermon.
10:30. Benediction. 4.
St. Andrew's, Ninth , and Alberta-
Rev. Thomas Kleman. Low mass, 8.
High mass and sermon. 10. Vespers, in
struction and benediction. 7:30.
St. Stephen's, Forty-second and East
Taylor Rev. W. A. Waitt. Low mass,
p the worth of these
ther work.
are Invited- to
cirls The Tournal will trive n25 00 Mrh S100.00
7:80:8. S..10; a B. 0:80. " ""-Up ' ; 7' ft 1 ,
Swedenborglan K. P. hall. Eleventh lO the TlPVt fniir . nirrhc.r hrv ai-iri tnur htrrhcf
and Alder; 11 a. m. . , " " " ' V& .. "A r . b -sr
Divine Truth Center 201 Aitakv. Pirls Th Tnnrnal will tnv 311. Sft orVi SlOO.OOf-v
Thad M. Mlhard. 11; 8. S. 1 2. Topic, 1, V 7. . ' b rvr -v. ....... -r jaw-
"The Joy of an Overcomer.'' Rev. X r To tU n.v " f tt.nrVir. I,a. U '. .U .. T I
Green "'V iivav hh, fiiunob uuys ctuu live Ultrticat - I
ondtiL,nTl1oV?.sSoAaXdt'8,iaU- 8ec1 Sirls. The Journal ' will give $10.00 each, or a
.total ipr the ten p? $j.uimju
Clinton: Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 and 7:80;
rT,rnlty O'rman (Missouri Synod)
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rimbach.
9:15: 8. 8., 10; 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Rodney and
StBHton; Rev. C. A.. Tolin.. 11:4S and
r.'o: . s., 9:30.
Swedish Mission Seventeenth anj
l'an; Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11 and 7:46;
D. S., 1"
Reformed.- First flprnun T.nlh nd
Stark. G. Hafner. 10:45 and, 8. S. S..
r.av. i, a., i
State Snirltiiallsta
Oregon 4Q0 Alfsky building.
11 and
Hlch mass and sermon. 10:30,
Stainslaus, Maryland and Failing;
Rev. C Seroskl. Low mass 8, high
mass and sermon 10. ,
8h Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
Valley road. Rev. F. Dillon, S. J. Lpw
mass 8 and-9:80; mass, sermon and
benediction 10:30.
Ascension. Montavilla. Rev. J. P.
Fitzpatrlck. . Mass and sermon 9 in
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
. .
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett, Dr,
A. A Morrison, 8, 11 and 7:30. S, S.,
9:45. Evening topii;, ''The Emmanuel
Movement." '
St Matthews First and Caruthers,
Rev. W. A. M. Breck, 11, 8. S. 10.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar
tyr Thirteenth and Clay. Rev, H. M.
Ramsay, 7:30, 11 and 7:80 jt m; 8. S,
9:45. -
St. Andrew's Portsmouth,; Rev, J. E.
xorayine, u; o. ci., in.
St Mark's Nineteenth and Qulmby.
Rev, J. E. H. Simpson, 8 a. m, and.ll a.
m.: S. 8.. 10. , . . . .
St. John's Church. Muitnoman ana
Tavlor. tl and 7:30: fl. K.. 10.
Church of Our Saviour Woodstock,
Rev. J. C Forsythe. 7:30. '
Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van
couver, Rev. John Dawson,, 8, 11 and
7:30; 8. a., 9:45. , i, ,
8t David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont. 11 and 7:45; S. S.. 9:45; com
munion; 8. a. m.; Rev. , Henry Russell
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights,
8. 8., 9:30.
All Saints' Church Twenty-second
and Reed, Rev. Roy Edgar Remington,
11 and 7:30: S. 8.. 10. -
Grace Memorial East- Seventeenth
and Weldler, Rev. George B. Van Wat
ers, 10:30: 8. S.. 13; Lenten service.
Ifrldav 8 ft. m.
"St. Paul Woodmere. HT. J.C For
sythe; 11 a. m.; S. S.. 9:46.
Klrst Park and fnliimhtai
7:30; S. 8., 10; C. C. 0:30.
"Visions of God" and "Some
Wrought of God."
Sellwood Eleventh anA ' TTmatiti.
J.-0.. and 7:46.'.". - - - .
Central East. Twentieth an Sal
mon; Rev. J. F. G-bormley. D. D. 10:30
mm i:n. j opics. -'me cnurcn with a
Message." and "The Way of Salvation."
oaney Avenue- Kodney and Knott;
Thomas G. Pletor: a S., 9:46. Topics.
"Tlie Transfiguration of Christ."
KeJ''J.Park Rev- E- M- Patterson. II
a"2 7:3Q: S. S., 10: C. E.. 0:30. Topics,
Christ Living Within, and 'What
Chance Has the Sinner?"
Womdlawn 11 and ?:S0; Clark W.
Comstock. .
United Brethren In Christ. -
First East Fifteenth and HTnrrtcnn
Rev. H. C. Shaffer. 11 and 7:30: a fl..
10; C. E., 0:30.
. Third South Mount Tahor: Rev. H.
C. Shaffer, 2 p. m. N
naaicai sixth and Mechanic, Rev. T.
Association of
1:30 and
Swedish Free Mission Miaalaiilnnl
nu oiiavcr, ana o p. m. v. luna
gren. ...
Y. ,M. C. A. Fourth and YamhllL
Thomas Moody, 3 p. m. Topic: "Africa
and Some ' Experiences There.'' B. D. i
Allen will sing.
Persian National Holiday
Washington. March 27. Flags flut
tered above the home of the Persian
legation today and General Morteza
Khan and his aides joined in festivities
In celebration of the great national
holiday of Persia,.. The day marks the
beginning of tha Persian new year and
is celebrated also as the first day of
spring. It Is observed in much tlie
same way In which Christmas is ob
served among Christian nations, with
feasting and the giving of presents and
exchange of greetings.
To the next ten highest boys and ten highest girls .
lhe Journal will give $5.00 each, or a total for
the twenty of . .$100.00
To the next twenty highest boys and twenty
highest, girls The Journal will give $2.50 each,
or a total for the forty of .... . .... , . . . . . . $100.00
To the next fifty highest boys and fifty highest- -girls
$1.00 each, or a total for the 100 of .$10O.OQ
iu uinutt v,uiisiANiB, Doys or girjs, sending in
.more thari 1000 coupons, wiH be given, as a opecia! award, ONE
CUT-UP PICTURE PUZZLE, which will enable its receiver to
ps many a dull moment of Ume which may "hangr heavily." ,
In addition to the awards The Journal will allow contestants
remitting for more than two subscriptions a commissicVi of IS per
cent on all payments for paid in advance subscriptions.
-. Tha Xoad td Buoeess -; ''
Has many obstructions,' but none to des
perate as poor health.. ' Success today
demands health, but Electric Bitters is
the greatest -Ileal th builder the world
has ever known. It compels perfect ac
tion Of Stomach, liver, ktdneva. hnarala
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tones and invigorates tha whole system.
Vigorous body and keen brain follow
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Electric Bitters if weak, run down or
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If your system is weak
and run-down there is no
reason for remaining in
that condition when help is
so handy. Just get a bottle
of the Bitters and let it
make you strong again. It
won't diaproint you.
Catholic : . i
St Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth
and Davis Moat Rev. A. ChriBtle, D. D.
Low mass, a, 8 and 0. Iflsh mass and
sermon. I L Veapera, instruction and
benedict km. ?;4S. ,
St Joveph s iGermaa). Fifteenth and
Cwch Hh Rev limes Raaw, V. a.
Low maes, ,0. High masa and eemao.
10 30. Vespera. benediction. 8:80.
5t Trr1 Third and Sharntaft
Rev. J. C. Hagbe. Low nun, 7 And
. - Hlrn mass and sermea. Il ls.
vreperw ana brneKllrtioei. 1:1.
Pt PatrtHi'a. Mnetemh and Sv1r
E. P. Mwri,hy. Lw snaca. 0. High
eaarn and Km, 10:80. Vespera and
WM4Hi)ii. l.
Ft. Mirhaels llullaa). Fourth 'and
Viil Jeawtt Fathvra. lsw Diaaa, .
Hfs snaea and B-rrnoa. 10.30. Vespers
ard benediction. I It. -
St. Frails'. F.s Eleventh asd Oak
Bev. J. H. Biack. Low snasa. 0, 8.30
First Madiaon and Park. Rev.
Luther R. Dyott. D. D.; 11 and 7:46; &
8.. 10. Topics. "Perils of the Busy
Life" and "Do It Now."
Sunnvslde East Tavlor and Eas
Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Stnub: 11 and
7:30; S. S.. 10; Junior C. E.. 8 p. m.;
Senior C K.. 8:30. Tonics. The Final
Analysis of Power" and "Relation of
Thntisht to Life." .
University Park Haven and Dawson,
Rev. u. vv. Kiggs; h. O; 10; tj. t. .ju
Iurelwodd Rev. W. H. Myers; Tl
8. 8. 10. C E. 0:30. - -
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi" and
Fremont Rev. Daniel T. Thomas; 11
and 7:30: S. 8.. 10: C K- 0:30.
Hassalo Street East Seventh and
Hamalo, Rev. Paul Rader; 11 and 7:30,
S. 8.. 10: C. F... 0:30. Topics. "Begin
nings, ana "unost worsnip.
Highlsnd East Sixth and Preseott,
Rev. E S. Bollinger; 11 and 7:30. a a
10; C. E-. 0:4. Topics. "Light In tha
Way of the Cross" and "Danger Big
hale- in Safe Placea."
St. Johns Rev. O. W. Nelson; 11 aad
I. lO, i ,
First German East Seventh and
P tea ton. Rav. John 11. Hopp; 10:30 and
i:v. ts. o. :i, f. ii :0-
X,atheraa. -.
Swedish Innuiifl Nineteenth
irving. ii and I. t. B- :4.
Norwerisn Synod East Tenth and
Ornti Hev. O. Hagoeav 11 tad 1:l;
K. t . 0 30.
Betania Danish Union and Morris;
Rev. J Stent 11 and 8: 8. 8. 10. Top
f: "When Do We Really Pralae Maryl
and "When Is b Wiwrfnm -of God
Against th V Isdom of Ood."
St James EngltBh H w Par, and
Jefferson; J. Allen Leas. 11 and I; 8.
P ie. Top' ". 'Vsesar s Christians" and
.'PwaedeBi r.f ctr Lord." -
United Norwegian 4S jr. Fmrtent;
IVtnsar Larsea, 11 and 7.30; . 8, 0:40.
0 a.
Zion's Oerw.jin Oiprwt s"d 8al
inn; W. It p-hrena. 10:10; ?:4: a ft
St Paul a Oermaa East Twelfth and
Stomach Blood and .
Liver, Troubles
Much aicknest starts with weak stomach, and consequent
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good, rich, red blood. , Their stomachs need invigorating
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A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver
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out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi
tude of diseases. ,
Get rid ot year Stomach Weataeta and
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Dr. Pierce' a Galdaa Medical Dlaearery
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You can't afford to accept any medicine of unbtewn
tmprition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
ery, which is a medicine of known composition, having
a complete list of ingredients in plaia English on its bottle-wrapper,
same being attested as correct under oath.
Dr. Phnfa Pte-mat Mitt rtflf mod larlgoraie Stommch, Lirer aad iSowaa. ,
Will be served in the Grill from 4 until 6 o'clock I
t - Hailv. ' .. i
44w444 X
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