THE OREGON TDAILY- JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY " EVENINO, MARCH 28. WW. v.-.' v . v e- ess Si! v CALLED TO Lieutenants of Great North crn President. Will Con- ; ; fer 7. With Him at San Francisco ' May Jlcan Terminal Settlement - Frantla B. Clarke, president- of 1 tha North Bank and Astoria A Columbia River roads, left last night for Califor nia, called by a telegram from President Ivouls W. Hill of the Great Northern. On the aame train were former Judge ('. H. Carey, legal representative of the tim . i vi .1 i r f mil imcrviiB ill ruiliauui iiu xi. v. ' Nutt ceneral manas-ervof the North ern Pacific. Undoubtedly all of the J ill men mentioned are hound for Ban Francisco to meet Mr. HI1U . As to what the' significance 'of the matter la, every railroad man In Port land haa hla own Ideas, but there seems to be a general feeling that It mtini the Portland terminal situation will be brought t6 a crista and decided one way or me omer. Great secrecy was maintained yes terday concerning the movements of tne general omciais in rortiana. one tumor was to the -effect that General Manager O'Brien of the Southern Pa- t-inc and O. K. & N. had gone to Cali fornia again, but It was officially stated at his office this morning that Mr. O'Brien and General Superintendent Buckley of the Harrlman lines bad merely gone to southern Oregon to In spect Improvement work being done In tne vicinity oi urania raas. REPORT SAYS COOS BAY ROAD MAY BE UNDER DISCUSSION San Francisco. March 26. Louis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern, ta expected to arrive In this city late this afternoon to confer with other officials of the road from Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, the principal sub ject for discussion being, it is under stood, the extension of the company's lines to Coos Bay. Hill, with his party, was at the Paso was his reported intention "at that time' to proceea ii tnis city lousy. Tne ureat Northern offices In this city stated this afternoon that while Hill was expected shortly he had sent no message that he would arrive today and no word had been received from other officials of the road who. are reported to' be invited to attend the conference with H.111. Particular Interest is taken here In the projected conference, inasmuch as it may mean the taking of definite steps to extend the Great Northern to 8an -Francisco bay. Thla is reported to have been the purpose of the recent Incorpor ation of the Pacific-Oregon Railway A Navigation company at Tacoma. a road said to be allied to the Great Northern. Mrs. Marian Cbflcott Secures Divorce McMlnnvllle, Or.. March 2. Mm. Marian Chlleott, wife of Robert Chll eott. a prominent Seattle man. was yes terday granted a divorce from her hus band by Judge Galloway, who also or dered that she be paid $75 a month dur ing the rest of the lives of the litigant. There If Only One "BXOMO QmSlVZ" Tht ( LAXATIVE BHOMO QUININE. Loos fr the Unatura of B. W. Grove. Used the World oer to Curs a Cold in One Day. 25c. WALL BURLAP" latto Tard. Tomorrow, red or" green. Bannon A Co., 888-390 East Morrison St. DOWNHILL LIKE A COMET Three Men ; Seriously, One Probably Fatally, In ' jurcd at Seattle. (Called Press Leases Wtr Seattle, March . Threa parsons were seriously and on probably fatally Injured when an outbound ' Broadway electrlo car became uncontrollable to day ' and dashed down the hill from Miller street, overturning when it truck tha curva at Roanoke street and colliding with a telephone pole. Motor man M. -12. Purketts was badly cut about the head and otherwise injured by being -flung from the front end of his car wnen it jumped ine iracn. Laborers from a. nearby building rushed to the aid of the Imprisoned fiassengers ana with planus succeeded n raising the car, which had toppled over on' Its slda. Pinned beneath the rear end of tha car lay. the unconscious- rorm or M. Bents. Both of his feet were crushed and one of his .cars had been torn off. He may die. Edward Burton, anoiner passenger. waa rescued, bleeding from numerous outs and bruises.. An eye witness says wnen tne car was about half way down tha hill the motorman. finding his brakes would not work, reversed tha current. This caused the fuse' to blow out and the car waa Immediately ' enveloped In flames. At Increasing SDeed the runaway car dashed on down the .steep hill, keeping straight, ahead at tha Roanoke street curve and smashing Into a telephone Dole. After cutting this cole off. tha car continued on Its mad career until another telephone pole was encountered. Here it turned over, pinning the pas sengers beneath' It. To see the beautiful sister additions. Lovelelgh and El Tovar. means to buy a lot. Prices are reasonable and terms liberal. I STATE Fillll RACE CARD COMPLETED Two $5000 Purses, for Pacers k and Trotters, to Be . Hung. Tum4 liUa Wlrs.l S Salem, Or., March 21. Ths racing program for the Oregon state fair to be held the week beginning September It and ending September II baa neen arranged and will follow tha general outline of former programs. The two largest purses are the Lewis and Clark and' Greater Oregon, the former for trotters and tha Tatter for pacers; tha amount of each being 15000.- Including 11000 consolation. Following is tne week' program: Monday. September II 1-year-old trot, Breedera' purse.. (00; pace. Capital City purse, 800; l:2t trot. 1800 purse. . . . . . Tuesday, September- 1 . paca, 1500 purse: . 1:16 trot. Farmers' purse, iiouuj v.zo ciasa, ;tu-ui uh ' land Empire purse, 1500. . , Wednesday, September Is 1:20 class, t-year-old pace, Willamette Valley puraa. t&00; 1:01 pace. Greater Ore gon purse, 15000: 3:30 trot. aovo. Thursday, September 1 (Portland dovi i.vmmIi) nr. Illlhee nurse. 1400: 2:20 Dace. ISoo: 2:12 trot. Lewis and ciam purse, ,iuuu. i rrioay. nepiemner ii s:iw wwi, ItOO: 2:05 pace. Rapid Transit purse, 21000: 2:01 pace, Consolation puree. $1000. . flatiirdsv. Sentember IS 2:15 pace, nmn Riiit Fair curse. 11000: free- for-all trot. Kural spirit purse, sivuv; 2:12 trot, Conaolatlon purse, $1000. Running races will take a secondary place at the Oregon atate fair aa they have done at all fairs In tha recent past. There will psobably be one or two each day, but no large purses are bung for running norses. Va.. will "KllV A. 'HrtfTI. AVUI 1 V 1 L U.V,, " - - J " See Gregory's ad., page 4.. How to Increase your salary. Gregory's ad., page 4. Sea L0VELEIGH AND EL TOVAR The Beautifiil Sister Additions TTT ARTICULAR people should pick homesiteo with rpuch care, for your envir.onnients mean much for your domestic happiness. First of all, conveniences should be considered. Look to the car service. This being good, consider the character of the district Associate " yourself with desirable neighbors who show their standard by their attractive homes. Then look to the sur roundings. If you can locate where you can get a view of the charming mountain scenery-consider yourself doubly fortunate for this is a priceless privilege. YOU CAN SECURE ALL THESE PRIVILEGES, TOGETHER WITH VERY REASONABLE PRICED LOTS, IN LOVELEIGH AND EL TOVAR. THE POPULAR SISTER ADDITIONS ON THE VANCOUVER AND WOODLAWN CAR LINES. The large aale of homesites in this district proves the superiority of location and the cheapness of our prices for choice lots If you want a hromesite or an investment come to our office and we will land you in the prettiest spot in the city in 18 minutes. Terms 10 Per Cent Down. 2 Per Cent Monthly Brong-Sfieele Co. lio Second St., Phones A & M 1743 CITIES TO ASK , ELLIOTT'S AID .Howard Elliott' president of, , the Northern Pacific Is to be railed Into conference with the heada of tha cham bers of commerce of tha northwest to day In Tacoma, and his advlca will be sought ooncemlng the matter of enter taining ma Japanese commercial repre sentatives who are planning a trip to the Parlflo coast. Secretary K. C. Gilt nor of the Port land chamber of commerce left for Puget sound last night and Is in Seat tle today and will meet Mr. Klllott and representatives of the chambers of Se attle, Tacoma and Ppokane In Tacoma thla afternoon. The northwestern cham bers have derided to Join In an Invita tion to tha Japaneae to pay a return visit to tha coast because of tha cour tesy with which representatives from tha coast cities were treated on tha re cent excursion to Japan. It - la pre sumed they will ask Mr. Elliott's as slstance In oroDerly carina for tha vis itors should they come. Mr. Elliott, notified A. D., Charlton, asalstant general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific that he would be In Portland tomorrow, and he will. It la believed, return east over, the- North Bank as far as Pasco. . , Rheumatism Cure A Horn Cure Will Ba Oven FUUC hy Ona Who Had It In the spring of 1191 I was at tacked by Muscular and Inflamma tory Rheumatism, I suffered as only those who have If know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy, end doctor after doctor, but such relief as I received was only temporary. Finally I found a remedy that oured me completely, and It has never returned. I have given It to a number who wre terribly afflicted and even bed ridden with Rheuma tism, and It effected a cura In every CI"wHl send a free trial ' of thla rrecloua remedy by mall, postpaid o anr sufferer wno wrltea for It. Just fill out the coupon below and mall It to me today. Mark II. Jackson, No. 4BS Jamas street, Syracuse, N. T. Mr Jackson Is responsible Above statement true. Pub. Name . , Address - David Bisphaim . BARITONE Portland Symphony Orchestra Seat Sale Open Saturday, March 27, at the Heilig TOE hi E I L I G IVI A C H 30 f t i I r ::;:.; .;; l - A ' -ti t I it . - ' ' . ' V.J-..' ay TOE A E . 'i V ' 5 JL V5 I IVI r'-i A R C H 30 THE GLORIOUS WILL BE USED Sold in Portland and on the Coast Only by The House of Highest Quality ".'-" ' , ' ' - . - . . ' , ,'.'-'''.'..''' ' i !;- - ". . 1 SMrts arid. Spring Underwear CLUETT, STAR AND EXCELLO SHIRTS, plaited or plain bosoms, , light or dark colorings, beautiful patterns" and designs .... .?1.50 COOPER'S SPRING WEIGHT UNDER WEAR, in tan, blue, white and salmon colors; , exceptional values, at, each ...... .....?1.00 THIRTY NEW LINES PURE SILK NECKWEAR you would naturally expect to be $1.00, priced here-at 50 WE ARE EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENTS for the original and GENUINE HOLEPROOF HOSIERY for men, women and children. , A six months' guarantee with every pair. Biggest Busiest and Best picmorwrrflLtarttor 353 WASHINGTON STREET SOTME PEOPLE MAY KNOW The whys and wherefores do not interest as much as the actual iacts, and facts are given in price quotations that mean the saving of much to many. Nevertheless, a reason for this price-pruning, right at the. start of the season, is in order, as you know by previous advertisements we are having a hat sale which we are forced to make owing to the fact that we have too many hats, and tomorrow wlil be the banner day, with prices that must create an unusual demand. Looking back through all our past advertisements, we find no such price-cutting as this, and we are prepared to do three ordinary days' business in one day. It's an honest fact that in all the world no other store quotes such prices as prevail here tomorrow, and if money is of value to you, you want to be on hand early. Foolish to wait for clearance time, when you can buy your spring hat for less now. OUR ENTIRE S 3 0,0 O O STOCK REDUCED A Hat Sale that is the sensation of the hour and the marvel of those who know. 4sr MmssU -.VW.v-'' laaassasUyfl""' C Men's and Young Men's IMS THAT CANNOT BB DUPLICATED elsewhere for less than $a-$J.5 you'll find la thla sal at Men's sizes and young men's, as stylish as the highest priced hatter could possibly show you; greens; tans, modes, browns, as well as tried and true blacks.. Are you looking for the extreme? You will find them in the show ing. Are you looking for mora moderate models? They are here in abundance. Stiff or soft styles here. Name it the style, the color, tha block, you prefer, the same answer here 1 S2.50 and - S3 Mate SOME EXTRCMBLY NEW. IDBA8 A RARR BARQAIN AT Styles we control exclusively; models that tha most fastidious must approve; plain colors and soanany fancy shades that the. showing becomes almost confusing and all United makes. Perhaps you have not given much study to the hats of today; if not, it is well to compare these hats with any and all others; better still, ask the wearer of one of our hats to relate his experience and youll quickly understand that once a United Hat always one; special price, $2.50 and 3 grades 1 5 S3 and TTTT Mil THAT ARB WITHOUT A PEER AT That stand in a class by themselves, head and shoulders above all Pure, clear stock in real nutria and beaver; America's best styles and makes; perfect in construction, made as only skilled hatters can make them. Newspaper talk is cheap compared with facts, but investigation will satisfy the most skeptical that there are no hats better than United Hats; sale price, 13 and grades and $5 YOUR CHOICE OP THE BEST IN THE HOUSE . FOR Needless to describe the styles or materials just best values up to $5.00. Light, medium and dark colors. The best-dressed, most fastidious man will find many here to please, and the average sav ing is nearly 40 per cent. Your choice of th house 82$ ,oo Odds and Ends of 2 Mats About 300 in the lot. They are all worth just as we say $2.00, for this is a store of facts. fl and you can buy them at your choice for. t e7 JL V-K Vr There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, She had so many children she didn't know 'what, to do, She had so much trouble to keep their clothes clean, ! Till she got Fels-Naptha, with the wrapper red and green, , " Now her washing's easy, clothes are cleaner, toot Isn't it a good thing1, she found out what to do? We buy and sell more hats at popular prices than any four stores. In Portland. It is therefore perfectly natural that we should buy in such quantities as to be ut terly beyond the reach of competition. In this sensational sale there are literally thousands of hats in which the climax of value-giving is reached. See them to morrow at TEE UMTES) MAT . TE2E CO OPEN TILL. II P. M. SATURDAY UTIITACTIOX OB TOTT KOTTT BACK 84. Tliircl Street OCT. STARK and OAK BTRBUT8 a m kssu or m ilocz Hcic's an arithmetic problem that's worth flouring out: r - How many hours do you spend each week in washing clothes? Multiply the number by 52. Then divide the total into two parts and one of those parts is how much time you would save in a year by using Fels-Naptha Soap. t You would likely save more. Most women who use Fcls-Napitha Soap do their washing in less than half the time it would take in the old way. And with one-fourth the work. And without any extra expense for fuel, because Fels-Naptha Soap cleanses clothes in cool or lukewarm water. No boiling; no scalding; no steaming suds. Summer or Winters , '. Don't spend more of your life than's ; necessary in washing clothes. Do them the quicker, better way the Fels-Naptha way. Just follow directions on the rrd and green wrapper. journal vArrr ahs p.