t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALil PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 28. 1009. 38 FOR SALE FARMS . It THESE ARE BARGAINS 1U acre, all rich Und. 10 acrea un der fine stale of cultivation, Delano easily cleared, except 16 acres which la In trern uwrkUll Uwlxr; fin two nary, ulna room house, large liay end horse barns, i-liloken and nuthousea. frood orchard of asaorted fruits In full Bring, good well at house. lac frmrd and crnsa fenced. In fine nelgti- horhood. K. r. D. and telephone serv ice rallea from two towns, one a R. R. town, 7 miles from Vancouver, ' on level, graded road. Personal prop wrtv! Hood team, harness, wagon. tiiiiiv. harrow, nlowa and all ainnll inula. 1 flna cow a. hay. lira In. eto. All for $ 10.000. Terms on part at per vent Interest Thla placa la on the pro posed streetcar line. - 180 arret, 155 under cultivation. 0 Acres genuine mtvfraim mnu, j acraa In flna full bearing orchard, large S story modern 7 room houae, hot and cold water, oic. large horse and oow barn besides hay barna and outbuild Infra, running Water and flno well, place fenced and croaa fenced Into 10 and 20 aero flelne, county road through place and streetcar una aurc jo puna mreui" land, altuated only -i miles from Vancouver, on fine level, graded road. Absolutely the bant buy In tha north writ today for the money. Price only 11.000: $13,000 caah, balance at I per cent for 20 years If desired. Thompson and Swan Qtlsen'a National Bank bldg.. Van conver, Wah. HOMESTEADS 47 IIAVB 3 homeatead location! and t re llniiulahineiita: excellent soil: I oca- tlun fees reasonable. 138 railing bldg DUSINESS CHANCES SO FOUR year leav to sell, promi nent corner, office bldg. and lodge hall, fat profit; alao IV4 year lease to sell, on Washington at., near 6th; got busy. Wanted, to borrow $300 ,on lease and chattels for I inontha, Washington at. properly'. Apply NORTHWEST TIMBER It).. 20 Lumber Kxchuiige Bldg. 1.150 H KST A II RANT. HIU SNAP. I.unrh counter and table, well fur niahed, modern, good location, linjulre 64 1 4th at. 80 Acres In Clarke county; flna noil, fenced, good orchard, creek and springs,? room house, cost $1200, barn 40x52. IS acrea under culti vation; $4000, terjna. ' , 160 Acres 40 acree fenced, 140 tillable, erek and spring, family orchard, box house, barn 60x65, 10 acrea cleared; $3500. terms. , 60 Acres I room house,, good well, barn, woodshed, young orchard, mostly In bearing;. 12 Acres Cleared and under fence; price only $1600; soma term a. The Coast Realty Co. J20 Lumber Exchange, ?d and Btarlc A CAFETERIA FOll SALE located on -d nve., Seattle. Wash.; the beet re tail business street In the city; lease for . yeiirs, montha; doing nig busi ness; room 60x100. seating 400 people; brick oven- in sub-basement 40x50; line kitchen: rent $400; place can clear cont tnis summer during the rair. Aaaress or can uommerciui importing to., nu W. Jackwon st.t Seattle, Wash. OYSTER HOUSE I . B. nn -.h nn U year lease; rental $85; Income $30 to $50 per day; clear bill of sale; $950 cash; worth Investigating. W. If. CARTER 400 Shetland blrtg. 6th and Washington. IF TQtT WANT TO BELTj OR BUT A BUSINESS, 6EK W. H. PUULEY CO.. 811 STEARNS BLDG. COR, TH AND MORRI SON. MAIN 3038. FOR SALE Small stock of hardware In a aood location of Portland: good building and chean rent. Tnr FROM OWNER, SAVE COMMIS- Meat market, doing, large cash busl- ' " .n-. I naaa flna ah c n nA 4 n 1 llltal, a ail artAd land. 5 niiei i ness, juaniain at ouu. SSM R-utiiM Coast Commercial Co. - i Voii and vetch. 40 acres I . an a n.b,,n nu i -mA. tnr aeed: all fenced and I . .. -rr- 'u"j jr v.T.ii. frame ham. Ulbi i.t A Jj mercnanaise Biore lor aia crosa fenced. WnHikmTs CTWk ing a fine cash business; location never ,flng well and ! Lc" Ideal, In valley town; convenient to : runs through part of nortn ena or piai-e, . . tinnn Potatoes. Implements and tools to worn "-'J' Xlu . .V in place; for $$7 P?r acre., or zur- vy"J V'"l",rr rv ther particulars inquire oi ,o. , pltt. Suver. Or. I . ROOMIN FOR.8A1.E An excellent hill .dairy flrenlacea., nle lawn: onlv 1800. ranch, 820 acres, If miwa eouinwesi i(r room. EOOt. bnaement. lease, down ' ' '1 miles to cnurcn; isoua ouimnn., , J A BEARD & CO daily mail and Phone; fine SH are 41. 26V4 w v v R ,15 Main 4629, ..... am npAharn ii r:rRj unaer cuiu- i , : , , : . vition. 40 Acres aslly cleared, balance AN eatablialied caah bualnesa paying. a aroOd Ilr timber. " 11 per acre. irrma , """" J yi -""'. i wanted or will divide place tnto I large proms; man wiin isu casn an 5- A Miller box- 120. Philomath, Or. I ties easy, hours short. You'll have to - - I J w nv- -u.n. ' ......... viiw.vuq,. FOR BALK fiBou, 4o cr inveatigation. Fartlcuiart Z09 com- witli at rrvntn hAURA. bam. Orchard. etC. I mnnwnlth JMoe 6 acres clear, balance gwdpasture land; fqB saLE-A modern steam laundry in Ly" 'nd: 2 miles from . mowing Willamette valley county xt tj i so miiAi k o aftw peoDie; aoinx a kooq uuki- ;,ci.Jnwr" W it Stiii L Yacolt ne8S- wlth a large express trade; eCt from Vancouver, w. x., iuij, i, -... ,n5 . ; i-'.,i. ' t-i In It"'" a snap at fsuoo; write to owner. 350. AUKiiBw '""V't t.l'. Journal. k n TflmiMiM nuxuu vaa r w Ofalfa 300 adr, cultivated $00-Dandy good little restaurant on water for Irrigation; 'can't Be equaled Washington st.. all furnished and very tV tne money In soutrwra Oregon. Ad- cheap, best location Brown. 826 dress box 230. Ashland, ur. Washington st., room 417. LYMIC ' AND ENTIRE WEEK The Lyric Stock.Company IN ,Wdlw Fir By Special Arrangement, of the Owner a. -Arthur C' Alston The Lyric Theatre is one of the most popu lar show houses on the coast, and has been attracting large houses during the past sea son. They give performances every evening and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mati nees. The Journal free tickets are good for the afternoon or evening performances .'TICKET TO TIE LYRIC Any reserved . seat in the house for any day nekt . week except "Sat urday and Sunday. ONE . . TICKET ' ' To the Lyric Theatre Witli Every Cash ; Want Ad to be inserted in next Sunday's Journal. No tickets given out after 8 p. m. Saturday, March 27. Only one ticket to a person regardless of the number of ads. IIEJLIV M'ANTE1 FIJMALE WANTPJD (llrl for general housework. "I'l'iy vfi y. imoit ai j-orimtin neign HELP VATKr sr.iut JLSD FICMALU - ' . 20 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduatea laat year; men and wo man learn barber trade in weeks; hl to secure noaltlonai araduataa earn $1 to $21 weekly; expert Inaiructor: tool free: write for catalog. Molar System of Colleges. 86 N. 4th at., l'ortland. WANTUU 100 bova and alrla to tak t months' courae In new school of music or $10; all Instruments taugh spcclMl for March. Fhone Mnln 788 SITUATION WANTED ftlALK ' YOUNQ man. 24. good general educa tion, wishes position, aa clerlcNn of rioe. T-ma, journal. VOITNO' man. asa 17. wlahea to finla rJumblng trade;, referencea. John U- cent, ima ftincaaam ai guy. 1-1 RST rluHW blacksmith witnta Jo atendy work. F, Q. Kramer, (49 Thur man at., city. 1 WANTKD Situation aa atatlonery en glneer; good referencea; long expert ence. y-li4, journal. EXPERIENCED rancher wanta a lol 'ranching, or dairying. C. -K. Clark, Forest Orove. Or. WANTKD Position by ratchet setter. experienced man: stnta waaea. dress Bheppard, Yale, Wash, Ad CARPENTER wan tat Job or dny work alterations a specialty. ( 11th at. Phone Main 1117. SITUATION wanted by band or clroula - aawver: handle Himon or Hill nlggr experience notn. -ien. journal SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 WANTED Position : by experienced ' ntenographer; can glvo the best of referencea and secure the best kind of a recommendation from any or all viJ nv.nltvnm PIlMiM V . 1 0 1 9 a ft I 30 p. m... or Main 7634 during the day, LADY wants day work, washing. Iron ing or-.-cleaning nouae.-can jno. union avenue. El.DKHT.Y. cook wanta work: good cook for few men In camp, ranch, country ho tel. Mrs. Hazel uinder, 131 w. cm st WaNTED Mending, dusUng, sweeping bv the hour: also to crochet opera shawls and oapy jacaets. fTont. PROFESSIONAL, i nurse, all kinds of cases, city or country, fnone A. zaoa SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 WANTED Situation by elderly couple to .care, ror mace in owner s aDsence understand care of lawn, f lowers, cow and chickens; references, v-iau, jour nai. YOUNG man and "Vlfe want employ- raent on farm. $50 board and room. Call at 863 Ml Savler at MUSIC TEACHERS 46 PIANQINSTRUCTION. Miss Lillian liardner. Diano teacher. 901 E. Flanders, near 29th: 1 hour. 60c; half hour. 26c. Phone B-1407 El THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil BevciK; A-tlso. is Jine. m. auta. PIANO, Violin. Trombone. Saxaphone. iTof. o. a. smith. a iztn st. EMPLOYMENT AGEWCIE8 53 CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Street Entrance City HalU Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge Main 3666: A-S624. i'lfiHTT acre farm, with stock and im- FINE opportunity; half intereat in old laments- take part In suburban home. established business; other interests wriTi n. call for particulars. $60 per oblige - owner to leave city. Address rre onlv 2'i milea from Portland. 88 N-4Q, Journal. North th at. STRICTLY cash, corner grocery; 3d st; MONEY for you 'if ypu.tmy land In close In; 3 large living rooms; cheap Umatilla bounty, Or. I have a large rent:. doing $30 dally; price $775; will Jiat of wheat, alfalfa nd fruit ranches Inyolrie, Phone Main 6179, , A. O. JOHNSON. , DO you want a good electrio light . . r reewntcr. plant 7 i nave a cnance ror a man FARMERS, ATTENTION. ; with $5000 to make a good thing. . J-180, A good farm for sale with about Journal. ; 1.000.000 feet of saw timber, stock and no YOU want to buy a grille now en- tools. For particulars Inquire at once, Joying a nice business? Good loca- T. Hi i.ensiow, verroinm, -t. -tion. well patronized; a good money KNOW good land when you eee it? I maker, journal. nava the best ln Oregon; ; no excep- I ROOMING houses that pay seldom are tlons. "Wrlta E. C. Hackett, Oregon I f0r sale; mine pays good; make every City, Or. ' ' I investigation; can only be bought I HAVE several good farms for sale; through me; write owner B-l8, Journal. close to Beaverlown, A. C. Harris. AN ESTABLISHED real estate business. T Jiiirelwood".' O. W. P. car. I nentra.1 location, thoroinrhlv enulnnnd. GROW peaches, apples, garden truck J well furnished ...office $125cashi account nr rtalrv. I have the land. Write I of leaving the city. H-194, Journal. TS. C. Hackett, Oregon City, Or. for SALE Notion store, best loca- FOR fruit and farm lands aee Dlllard J tion In best town in Oregon: Invoice 4k Clayton, itosepurg, or. i iuuui mow, Liicnv nv. jouji iio, jueu- rord, or, ' FOR BENT FARMB 14 FINE PAYING Milk route with or without full equip- FARMING OR DAIRYING, 40 acrea In ment for sale cheap if taken now. Call cultivation; also- zu lencea pMiurv aim i at room s, (-wri muinami bi. large out range: good house and barns, j HAVE buyers for any line of business. m .linn Onv.lan LL TY1 1 A mtntiftn A Tin V i , , , ...I.V. . . W i . " i ' , ' . , -r i 1 LllSl V U U I UUHHICSa Willi IlltS IUr UIUIIipi to owner. 759 East Couch, Portland, ,.t.ilnn and reanlta. Archie n flrran. mornings and after 7:30 p, m. fn -1a roiich hldg. BOOK, stationery and periodical bual- BUSINESS CHANCES 20 TEN room cottage on paying to18 furnished nicely. mpdejn conven iences; ten minuteB' walk f rorrv VV "isl " : ' . EA.1AA. nrlnn nlHOft COm- lngton st.; o. v- - ' , ,on plete $9X50; terms; no agents. 2.0 Tourny tiag. mam jh.. MORTGAGES, real efte. city to exenange 101 -iv. o $3000 to $5000. OMo Investmeiit Co. 421 Abington Hiog. tSttrmATOLOGIST parlors, fmest In the D?5MA,n enuiSmenta. turns away work; owner will learn you the profe: slon. Investigate at - Sli MftJt I """" t,. . luvtni city will sell " usineV-clearing per month; can be doubled with little effort; good lo cation; cheap rent; lease; R-194, journal. A MONEY MAKER can use a man with auuw to ovu. " 20o to 30c dividend each year and sal ary besides. Look this up. Box 103, St. Johns. Or. IF YOU are going into i ""V-lrv.air,- -- established office can be had at a reasonable price I m leav ing tfce city and will sell; this is no fake. A-181, Journal, WANTED FARMS WANTED A good farm near Portland, fc-19i; Journal. preicraoiy in vtiuubwh tvum-j, vi. nesa. nets izoo monthly, invoice $1900;. $1600 for quick sale. .Inquire tiot less than 160 acres nor more than I TEN room houae. lull of furniture. l-a aerea! have a caah buyer for the . across high school; must sell, leaving nim. at a reasonable orlce. for the Boutn, T0U. T-l, journal. M iiu 1A t - ?A Arri near Portland: I 9187. cheap cash price. WE KNOW where there Is a first class VUdd 1 general mercnanaiae iiuainpss insi 417 Swetland Bldg. can be purchased for $4000. 425 Cham FOR SALE UMBER ber of Commerce. 28 lady or gentleman partner, moving TIMBER Dlcture show; fine location, lease: in vestigate. 286H Washington, room 412. Tgbocert store snap At invoice, clean, fresh stock, store and living ?cims, $15 per month; owner has. established 12 years. -12 M'KAY BLDG. 22 room xS Ment nav in it business, low rent. 10 acres of good yellow fir timber. wi ligation. Call afternoons. 271 estimated at 10,000,000 feet, land and Taylor st. timber lays nice, no underbrush, handy w.mte-tv-Man with little cash for to log-. As good timber as there is in A".!11" . " V..- ' Oregon In ouality and quantity. Price , "S""V5 ,,a i,,rnl """""" v1" ISA nr irrn. We pun locate tnti ati a number of Just such claims as men- FOR SALE Good paying shooting gal tioned above. lery. cheap if taken at once; inquire TTT r-.il - I On I etn si. Box 45. Over Bank of Oregon City, Orgoii 'lty. Or. PACTFJC COAST TIMBER LAVTS BOUGHT AND BOLD: ALT. ESTI MATES GUARANTEED; CORRE SPONDENCE SOLICITED WITH AC TUAL BUYERS OR TIMBER OWNERS. C E STOKE 4X1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MY SPECIALTY. Saw mills and uw mill location a. Anything from $5000 to $50,000. Can Hrurt $ to 11 montha contract for your output. Now la the time to get In while you ca n aocure a snap. C. C. Shay, tlf Abington bldg. - ( CHEAP- COHDWOOD t: atrta flna land a R R.; 00 i-orda: only t per acY: $l9J caah will bandla thla it N. sth st. THE CLATSKANIE LAUNDRY; 1600 population; for particulars, address George Kohersteln, Clatakanle. Or, CONFECTIONERY, fruit. cigar and tobacco stand; owner muat sell; good location: 3 living rooms; sure to please you. Inquire at - a 1 6 J. aj . . n . : , .All fin a Gno, ?e eTu:ck fu l: new bulldln and furniture- you will never get this cWe J,rU. iiaoo: terms. Phone Maid 6179 . ' m -nin DrH.tlc. antiaue. Gre B"c .. Romanand Florentlnenlaster casts and ornameniB. -":-"rvt For particulars apply 11 Htb t- very cheap if taken qu HELP WANTED MALE WANTED- High class salesmen cap' able of earning $50 a week, by big eastern corporation capitalized at 200, 000. We train, you to be successful, and mako liberal weekly advance while learning. Entirely new, not worked to death. Big commission; exclusive ter ritory; permanent connection for first ciass producer and opportunity ror ad vancements to superintendent to one of our Branch offices; newest and big gest agency proposition in existence References1. required. Call 601 Colum bla bldg. WANTED MUlmen to send for The Practical Lumberman. It contains what you want to know about na-urlne-. sawing, grades, finished sizes, capacity or vessels, inspection, etc.; mailed for $1 by B. Brereton, box 1158. Tacoma,Wash. Particulars on request. The Practical Lumberman, Bernard, Brereton; pub- lisner. MEN Don't accept any kind of work until you hear from us; make $10 per day, selling a household necessity; new article, new plan; 125,000 sold In Minneapolis; cost ec sells for Z5c; send 6c for 2 samples. Domestic Mfg. Co., i uesn a-z i). Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to $160 ner month: soma even morn. stock clean, grown on reservation, far irom ota orcnaras; cash advanced weeklv: choice of territory. Arirlren Waahlngton Nursery Co., Toppenlah. Wash. WANTED Railway mall clerks; salary $809 to $1400; examinations In Port land, May 16; common education suffi cient; candidates prepared free; write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept 950, Rochester N. Y. ippiy nick. ViiN 0f means wants an unincumurr-u lady with $500 to $1000 take partner ship fnterest In Krdh0,(;l,P,;XS't,?nj wtion. Portland. Call today, - in, r until 9 this p. m. Main 7Zi. 64 rooms rent $400 month: good leaae: .ihrrte furniture. Price $4000. See 827 Board of Trade. t5oo A fine saloon in a brick building. good lease: S&00 cash, some trade. 718 Bweuann oiag. WILL sell rooming houae right to right party; business. 196 14thst-, no $2 for 1000 business cards, 100 for 50c. Kose Ulty rnmery, new management. 192i $d st.. Just above Baker theatre. FOR BALE by owner: doing caah busi ness $;S to 130 daily: west side; in voice about $1,0. T-2. Journal. WANTED TIMBER WANTED Bargains in Umber lasds front rr up: will rrulae Imaae ! va telv eed pay ah. A-99. Journal HOMESTEADS 47 H"MKrrEtP8 for htmra-mkrrm Hart 7c- of rl h v-Riaht Iaa4 csa f il vi 1 ea aa bowsteads end eVacrt ulwi.- Alao bargains la fruit landa sad farwia. Oet a howie: land la wealth, ..rt,n p.i'i, r , -itarl. Or. lliht.t; cNik bmete4 reiinatah- ctrii, r-mr arbnel. towa. Wtall rtrate; r rr'.Mi. feet timber; MtbeTD Or rr, !-- til Ab'-ne-i brdg. jv Hh'7l .1 I r- iivniil.-nft. . t-, rmti al i ' bi-a s If aat m bargaui 1 a-otx '.. . !- i; 5. POOLROOM and dkar stand, central location: clearing. $200 a month. W- 190, Journal FOR SALE Paint, feed and hardware store at University Park, Or. Inquire of w. L. mcnarna. owner. THE new railroad la -completed to Pioche, Nev. : hundreds .of business chanoea: free booklet. Y-189, Journal. 221W FIRST ST. Furniture of II rooms; good transient bouse; must ell account alcknesa. SALOON FlrBl-cla-e. en principal at.; rent; long lease; reasonable IfcOno B-.81. Journal. FOR SALE Delfcateaaea and bakery. For particulars inquire owner, tvi E. Morrtaon. No aganta. Phone B-1SSS. DRUG FUSINKS, long eatabllehed. well located, profit peylng. M-lll, Journal. nvertine in Boo Til lea Western Month - Iv reacbea every betel In 1$ states FOR PA LK Grocery and lunch counter, central location. Main 7A. WE HAVE buyers or sellers Anything yes went. own wig. bLST money raaker; ehert capital; look p. Uwnt, lit We'to-Forrn, bldg. WF. TK ALE attrthlng. H F. Lee ai Cw 27 Pr-I nf Tra-le. Mala 1M9. FO RENT Ketel build tag, 99 room. Inrjir ?4 Ma'-leay bids; F?R REN'T--Cotnpleel y furmabed reatavraxt. lecated lit ilaaaeil at- agents. MINING STOCKS 88 FX)R SALE AND EXCHANGE THE Austin Manhattan stock will ad vance from 6c to 70c In cash on April 1. There are only a few thousand ihare. left. The owrtunlty to get Into an actually producing mine will soon be pas Come and get your share right now. before toe next vance In i price. For full Information call at 119-920 Worcester bldg ain 6188. Portland. Or. Pbooe I HAVE 7000 shares of stock In the best mining town In Nevada; ether people hold their slots, at 'awe; i win irija for Umber or city property at mnrh leaa P-192 Jonrnai. iniereaLed In mines or mining au mm- WANTED 3 good salesmen for leading fruit sections in. Or., Wash, and Ida. Good commission broDoaltlon: noaalbll- Itles big; only best men need apply; give references. Oregon Nursery Co, Halem, Or. YOUNG man willing to travel. - get contracts, put up paper, ; ahead of large theatrical company; experience not necessary: $300 cash; salary of $36 per week and expenses. 613 Abington bldg. WANTED A good blacksmith at good .wages, steady work, - or to buy half Interest; or to work on shares; big shop, good location. A. F. Martin. Tygh Valley. Or. WANTED Every man in Portland to know that we have the best suit club proposition to orrer you on earth; mem be rahip $1 per week. For further par tlculars ask The City Tailors. 430 Wash. WANTED Experienced hardware order clerks for Seattle; state age. experi ence, salary expected and whether mar- rieo or single. f;-l9, journal. HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house; op portunity ' if first class; state age, experience, references. L-194. Journal WANTED 25 experienced brickyard men. McMahon Bros., 4 2d and Dl- vlsion streets. WANTED Boy to work in greenhouse. Apply J. S. Bacher, 428 Vancouver ave. GOOD sober man, cook, wants work. Room 42. Main 7764. C R. Hansen Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men. 26 N. 2d. Main 1S36. Women. 84$ Wash st Main 2691. Help supplied free to employers. DRESSMAKING 40 ROOMS AND HOARD 13 FINK Mo m heated front room, suitable fur two, with beat home, board; liio.l. eru resilience, bath, phono, liume prlvl I -gea. 288 4th at. T'llliKlJ atudeiita - can have room and board very reasonable; references re el ill r -d I 1 1 Ml Juhrm i )n Kt. LAHi-irJ front loom, sullaUIe for 3 i. tliunen. with board: orlvata .. family. clone In. 981 Ross St. TsIlCELY furolahed rooms, with or with- out board, pome cooking: close In, 434 Hurnslda Main t7. SlCKL Y urnlshed room with board," home cooking, private boarding house. 126 W. Park, near Salmon. LADV with nice private noma would like a gentleman to board and room,. 216 Broadway, N. THE COLONIAL, 10th and Morrison, 7 l""iii, ui'wru puiwi, ram low. BOARD and room In private family, ii " N. 10th. ' C PLEASANT rooms with board; block to. car; nome privileges. 4Zg 4tn; M. 7484. kln. ai prlvllesea: sitting room: bath. 387 4th. TABLH board by the day, week or nioiun; nome cooking. bi oilwan st.' HOTELS 3U plants HOTEL PORTLAND, European . plan only: $3. $5 day. fBa aLOMET HOTEL, 1(0 Park; kuT ' ropean and American plan. - BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder, ': HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST' SIDE THE Beaver, "12th. and Marshall sta. Newly furnished or housekeeping, In-- elllHInn. nO nn n nn -liutl.U link. 1 . . " n." I "l v.wta.v .luia, I1UI , water, buths, laundry, roceptlou room, all free: furnished apartments $16 per ' month up; single housekeeping rooms $2.60 wbek Ud: beat In city for monevi short distance from union depot, Take "8" or ISth at. cara north, rmt nft Marshall st - . THE BUTHEffLAND Newly .furnished nousekeeping rooms, hot ana cold wa- ter. electric lights. v ni rann fraa baths and phone. lth or "W" carllne, corner 17th and Thurman. Phone A-4174 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. two o io aiw pes montn, tnree iia to 16, front' of cottage $16, 4 .room flat' 20, Bleeping rooms $1.25 per week. pply 737 Chamber of Commerce. TWO unfurnished or partly furnished nousekeeping rooms; reasonable to Ulet ueODle- '269 Montgomery t. It bells.) . LARGE, light, newly furnished, best of beds, silk floss mattresses, beau tiful residence, free - phone, . bath. gas. 896 6th. THE WAYNEWOOD, l09 N. 18th St. Furnished and unfurnished housekeen- lng rooms; running water, furnace heat. WELL - furnished rooms and house- koeDlna suits: modern, hear, batha. cioae in. jvi n. inn at, near wash. ash. WO housekeeping rooms, . beat bath, nicely furnished, walklns- ance. 423 7th. unfurnished housekeeping rooms; suit-" able for man and wife: all modern conveniences. Phone M. 6925. 1SNT1RK floor, 3 rooms and bath, nicely lurninueu, iignt ana pleasant. Ai a rant at. , . THE COLLINS Large light, nicely furnished suites, single housekeeping rooms. $1.76 up. 608 H Alder. NICELY furnished and housekeeping . iuuiiis, uiuueiu cun v vniencea, on car, line. Main 4482. 207 Sherman St. 1.69 WEEK up, large, clean furnlshwi t.n.M.nUnnnln nnn.n n . -. -1 - - 1 bath. 14 Sherman. 8. Pertland .25 S-room suite. furnished for housekeeping; suitable for 4 persona.' tltn. Kin si. TWO housekeeping suites, clean,, light and' airy; gas range, bath; etc., $3.60 per ween. BiarK si. WO furnished housekeeping roi $19 per mmith, including gas cooking. 201 13th st. Main 4039. ATTENTION LADIES We make the latest style skirts to measure, - from your own material, for $3. Absolutely high class work and perfect fit guaran. teed. Also suits and costumes. The Elite Tailors, 646 Weill Main 3025. BOY to learn sign painting. Zlrnglebel, 65 1st St., near Pine. THE PLACE that saves you money, The Owl Rice Kitchen, 66 4th street. WHY pay .10 for what you can get for uwi mucnen, 4th St. .05? TAILORS wanted to help on coats. 495 , Washington St. PLASTERERS WANTED; Fifth and Stark- st. WANTED Men io have their shoes half sohd for 60c 222 2d St. HELP WANTED FEMALE girls winner) Girls 16 to 18 veara nt aor- tn wnt-lr in laciory. Appiy at once. AMJJio-H ARKIS-NEVILLE CO., Sth and Davis sta. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. 906 Stearns bldg. Ladies make your .own gowns here. Rates reasonable. EXPERIENCED dressmakers, suits $2 and up; foulards a specialty; all guar anteed. Phone Main 8776. CALL ON ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 6TH ST.. MAIN 982. FURNISHED ROOSXS WEST SIDE THE LINDELL, 269 Market; nicely fur nished front rooms, with beat, elec tricity, bath, phone; $2 up; walking distance. NICELY furnished hounekeeDlna- room. water In rooms, 328. Front, near Mar ket at ran . X CAMBRIDGE bldg.. 3d and Morrison, newly furnished housekeeping suite, very desirable. Call room 36. M. 945. 313 14th. cor. Clay; light, clean, 1 and 2 room housekeeping suites; walking distance. ONE furnished and 2 nice housekeeping; rooms, close to car, rent reasonable. 523 N. 26th st. M. 6740. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, modern; basement, yard. 593 Main st. Main 8382. THE NEWCASTLE Furnished house keeping rooms, steam heated, corner 3d and Harrison sts. - , TWO cosy housekeeping rooms; grounj floor; private entrance; $2.50; oppo- site city hall. 268 Jefferson. NEW GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Steam heat, electrio lights, free baths, rooms, $2 week and up. 8d and Flanders. Sth St.; rooms up per week. Hotel Mason 7& Free phone and bath. VERY desirable rooma at 36 N. 18th st: walking distance; reasonable. Phone Main 7396. OFFICE POSITIONS We give a com- finiW wiiKB UUUISO W1IQ U1I1CQ CUU1D- ment. roll top desk for each student; nothing like it In the west; all business branches taught; don't be satisfied when we can .help you; office people make good salary and have dignified work. Why not youT See the Rose ctiy Business college. Commonwealth piQg., oin ana An ken y CITY OF PORTLAND Free Employment Office Fourth Street Entrance City HalL Male and Female Help Furnished Free of Charge. Main 8566; A-6624. GOOD all-round hameaamaker for vun. try shop, close to Portland. Steady viui'iujmtni. ier ur. addit jAhn t. lara paqqiery to. - WANTED A solicitor and collector to won on sun ciue proposition; most come weu recommended. The City ia.in.r, TvaningTon.. m. ARE you lr xr-nn fnfnrmation siven on Ing stocks and propositions. .-r-.l ivvftTunrfm P-W hi.ito T Bldg. UT YOU wish to buy er veil mining rfka 1 oa J. a Pureell. Ml Stars at- room 19. MINING and Induatrlal stores. phoee and ether bonds bought nd old. C B. netcner. m "i"l'" " WILL sell 200 shares Fidelity Copper at ISC joumai. HELP WANTED MALE TOt'NG man. acquainted amor r phrst rla s preterr-4. as solicitor for local firm. Adres w-lz. yourra lUl'NU man about IS for general of fice work bd4 etenograpBer; alula an, salary and experten-e. J-11, JrairL $U BKuoth e sober-Jnduatrioua p&M nr; f -vl'n- rtf-mie rqutre4. Jliis Mast. gtosl st, room ill. WANTED Stout lad to aasiat with 1an Itor work In exebanse for Instruction In bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting. etc. M-19U. journal. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFIC, xs n. id at- fortisno. Pnone A and Main Ht. Hals free to employers. WANTED A first-class ladles' tailor. 82 Washington sL; good salary te experiences parry. NEED help. ant fart ner, bonest and - aotwr; takes smaJl capital Call 114 H Waahlngtrm et, room 417, open evening . WANTED Maa :lth small caplPTe buy shoe repairing shop,- bargain. Call e2"4 wa-rilnsn-sj si. A COOK to tak half Intereat In work- lngmaa's tmardtng 4iouae; good money f-r rlgnt man. $74 Hawthorne sve. A COOK to taka half Interest la work legman's boarA'.Bg bou-e: big money for rtM man. 1.4 Hwthrr are. FIRST CLA6S auto and carriage nelat. er wanted; no ctbrs ne-d spply. t JS. P. PlWt M"7T ST. WANTED Reibi h"f, outmde -work. 14 ner wea. uir pnoee number m -f,rn.. Si-IM, jmirr tal. fOH a aio dwtr f il W i 4:fJ h -so tars' Kcoe factory, jt laaaLL SALESWOMEN. TlinM,ikl ..n.pl nn nnH 9 1 n, nlnnn people wanted tn several departments at once. OLDS, WORTMAN at KINO. LADIES Come join our suit club, aa we do high class ladles' tailoring; coma one gets a suit, each week. Call Home phone A-4817 and our representa tive will call on you. The City Tailors. 490 Washington st, Portland. Or. YOL'NG or middle aged woman to do general housework for fsmily of S; wages and good home for ria-ht nartv Sflth reference-. Apply 7(6 ' E. Main. WANTED Girl for general housework. ramny or . tan at room 14. Mulkey bldg., northeast corner of 2d and Mor rison st. NICELY furnished rooms, light and airy, steam heat, bath, very close lo ss ntn st, Main vnu LARGE front room with alcove, ele gantly furnished; modern; close In. 170 16th St., N. Phone Main 1134. HbUSEKLEPING and transient rcoms. neatly and well furnished: Mrs, Etta Keys, 09 4th st ' THE TEMPLE 843 Yamhill, oppo , site Hotel 'Portland; nice, light airy room: 82.50 per week. Transient. DESIRABLE furnished bay window rooms. 8 blocks postoffice and Port land hotel. Main 2239. 212 7th st NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms in suites; su modern conveniences, rree pnone. si 4 jetrerson, FOUR, three, two or one nicely furn ished housekeeping rooms, block from postoirice. 831) Taylor. DESIRABLE bay window front rooms! large, airy; well furnished, both phones, good location. 584 Morrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; pauis, pnone. ma lutn st. , - BIG front convenient rooms, unfur- nished, for housekeeping. 211 Grand. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rma. ; cflose In; reasonable rent. 429 Salmon. COZY housekeeping rooms, close In and reasonable. 812 Columbia 'St. FRONT alcove suite for housekeeping, $3 per week. 331 14th st Main 1078. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, sink, range. 474 Clay, corner 14th. ' . WELL furnished nousekeeping! rooms. very reasonable. 214 Hall. ' : UOUSKEEFINO ItOOaiS EAST SIDE 48 THE NEWLAND Furnished rooms $1.60 to $3.00 per week; transient 30 ist st. FURNISHED rooms, reasonable; heat, bath: phone; walking distance. 825 llth st V-rT T r- X'T" XTInnlu- .n I nV. n.1 nnnn. K jn nr.i. i . n."i - luiiuBiim iwiu, bath, steam heat two gentlemen. 95 N. intn, cor. mark. NICELY furnished room for rent with use of phone and bath. Apply at 412 Everett st. A-1048. NICELY furnished rooms, also house- keenlng. free bath, both phones. 288 V in, cor. toiumnu. , rtEASAJST front room, an conven iences, residence district., walking dls tance. 861 10th st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms to rent. l4-lB Nortn lotn st. Main 461. NEAT room, kitchen privilege for 1 ner. son; monern residence. Morrison. THE BRAE-SIDE. 426 Alder. Rooms oy oay. wees or mo. woo em convenience YOU feel at home In the Blamark, 291 Aiaer. FURNISHED room, 2d floor, light and HANSEN'S LADlEsT AGENCY. . $41 H Washington at. cor. Tth.. np slrm. Phones A and Main 1411. Carefnlly selected help free. WANTED Ex penence operators on shirts and overalls; alao girls to work In trlmlrong dept H. ' Wolfe at Boa. 76 1st st ATTENTION, ladles, fancy laundry work: lace carta in sjone at hom: prices moderate. Photee Main 9242. WANTU) Lediaa. we UmHi, aew. dye and remodel hats dye plnmee at H prtre. Model Mllllrte . 37. Yamhill. cheerfuL 47 Clay. cor. 14th. THE HAWTHORNE Corner ' 13th and caimvn, in 1 1 c yioKMiwi r.wjiiii, niuurrn. FCRNISHED rooma In modern flat. close In. 80 12th st A-9946. FURNISHED ROOMS. EAST SIDB NICELY furnished rooms for rent In suite, or single; all conveniences, centrally located. Inquire 604 AJbiaa are. GIRL for general housework: small family. 161 MeUnda ave. Pbooe M. 111 WANTF.D ala tady fur bakery; state former experience; prefer one speak ing German. - 1 1, ournL GIHXS to tears Udy'a clothes Ironing Vaie I nndrv, i" K. Mrrton. Mi KLT furtilahed front room. uliAble for two ladies er gentlemen; free bath and pbnne. Hi Hdney. near Rwaaell. NICELY furalaned rooma, bath and beat. rent reasonable- walking dia- tln-e. F- ISth and Waahlnrtnn. " ItOOMS AND BOARD IS FCRNISHED rooms with board, free $ LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms., accommodations for 6 adults: large lawn; 2 blocks from carllne: electric lights and free phone. 171 H Russell st. Inquire 181 Russell st THE HEILER Furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 or I en suite, all modern con- venlertbes; both phones. - Hawthorpe and urana ave. . THREE furnished housekeeping roorosj - walking distance; pnone. bath and free. 32 iirranee st. jcast 6767. 61. SS WEEK UD. clean furnished house-' keeping rooms, bath, laundry, furnace heat yard. 208 Stanton at. fT car. ' 280 Russell. .3 housekeeping suites, I single rooms, by week; reasonable Phone and - gas.' ' THE LOGAN Sunny housekeeping suites, modern conveniences; bath, phone. 108 H Union. FURNISHED sunny suite, also single rooms, la choice location, walking distance. 69 Grand ave. i:iCEJ. furnished nousekeeping rooms, 86 H Union ave. S. Phone B-104L Rates reasonable. . MODERN and clean, first or second floor. a-ooa summer location, 1 block steel bridge. 291 Crosby st NICELY furnished housekeeping room, - bath, heat phone, gas, private fam ily, no cnuaren. sag wimams ave.. OR 4 furnished rooms for light bouse keeplng on east side. Phone B-1952. TWO nicely' furnished rooms; all mod em conveniences. 27 Hollsday sve. X)R RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6 room house, 1471 Ei Burnaide; take Montavilla car Una I5"t $l2.J6New S room modern cot mire. with rsraen; tine view jaontavlila. Phone A-2246 a SfX I UP TO DATE t room cottage, on Brook lyn carllne. mooern conveniences. Phone F.aat 7I. MODERN f room hou. clone In; $; on E. sth. near Alder. Inaolre i: E. tth st : 7 room house. It E. 15th St., bath, gaa, electricity, beautiful surrounding": alao part ft elegant reald-nre. FOL'R rooms, pantry, closet, water, $7, S'OviRAl'HKR wlehea pieliios at tmrr; rfWnM si-ry ""ain a4H. f hnvt and bath, s rarllne tvt Grant j 412 timiiTff ave Wanted a fTr-t-',aB ii.-a flrl-h-r 142 "!-'nrt"n t. coat TAIIXKJia WAVT9HX V'TKR. d Want i swl f-r an-. I K - is.f ties; It men. I'ltone Maia 4 1 2. h.tiM sad boarl. prltata family, t-'O per wirr'h. Phnrf (,Hirj 1S. NEWLY f,irnivd rooms wiua or wita eut board. 471 Main St TliK I EVF.RLT. Park asd Temhiil sts. p .n. n-,4 lv n t nM.nitt rate. kt K,5iiUi ri'.i.a Hrt "r ensoul board, bonse cooking. 9f N. 1 4th. Mt Dr.KN 4 room bouae e.gLliy. Momaon. lin. xf SIX room bouee. modem, mag nif u-rtit view. 137. '! morrtnga, 41 Hull et MuL'TRN 6 i-m eotuse. cloea In. 44 E th st Pt'ene- Seliwocvl tt), t room ho S4 Proadwav; reft $:. I -rrUb. N aikins Co, iit Alder st