18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, ; MARCH . 28, 1009. HAMU1 BUYS THE KANSAS CITY x '" . i N Will Take the Senator's Place on Jan Fran- eisco Hun. PBACTICALLY OF SAJIE . SIZE AS KOSE CITY Captain Kidston Will Bring Steamer Out From Xevr York aa Soon ' Khc Can He EuuJppcd and "Manned ' for Itun Around Cape Horn. creased depot . facilities hsve hen ap proved by Ui lighthouse board, , . Tlita means that the buoy depot al Tongue. I'ulnt near Aalorla will l equipped with a blacksmith shop, a carpenter ahop , and a ' machine ahop. 11 will greatly Increase lha efficiency of tha iSunt ao thai henceforth much of tha smaller repair work can be done. mere on anurt not ire. A auhd.'pot will ha located at Edli riooK. near I'ort Angeies, ai ina en tranca to Puget sound. It will aerva aa a supply mat Ion for llirhtahlpa S7 and SS. Ilia former atatlonad at Uma tilla raef and the latter aoon to take the atatlon on Bwlftaure bank, off tha. entrance to tha straits or Juan aa Fuca. M.4.RIXE NOTES . Kansas City la the name of the steam t r purchased by the San Franclaco & rortland Steamship company to ply be tween this port and San Franclaco In 'Conjunction with the steamer Rose City 'and In place of the chartered Pacific ' Coast Steamship company's liner Sen ator. Tha steamer was purchased some time BO when R. P, Schwerln, manager of the Harrlraan water lines, went to rew j York for that 'purpose, but the name of the craft has been withheld from the public till , today, when It was first an nounced at San Francisco. . . The Kansas City Is of about the same dimensions aa the koss city. Deing az feet Ions:, with a beam of 46 feet and a depth, of IS feet- Her' net registered tonnage Is 1161 and the engines are credited 4000 Indicated horsepower. She was built in Chester, Fa., in lssa, ana lias been plying In the passenger and . freight traffic between New York and . Savannah for several years. She was - recently given a thorough overhauling nd la said to he in first class condi tion. She carries a crew of 64.. It-4s believed that Captain Kldston, formerly master of tha Rose City, will be given permanent command after bringing her ont from the Atlantic Coast Her name will probably be changed to tha Bay ity. Tha Kansas City exceeds the net ton- tiaae of the Rose City by about to tons, the latter's net register being 2154, but the Rose City is longer, her length being 836.2 reet. She has less Deam, however, but has deeper draft, the beam being 3.2 reet ana tne aentn Deing zz.i reet. The Rose City's engines are . credited with only Z600 . Indicated horsepower. She carries a crew of 75. The Rose City waa launched at Chester, Pa., the - same year as the Kansas Citv under the name of the Tumuri. She later became tha United States tender Badger and transport - utwton. When Known i the Tumuri she plied between New York and the West Indies. With the Kansas City and Rose City on the route, the .San Francisco & Port land Steamship company will give -the best service ever attempted between this port and San Francisco. . A third steam er will probably be added later. The Rose City leaves here this after noon with every bit of freight space oc cupied . and with 800 passengers on board. Both north and south bound traffic haa been so heavy of late as to tax tha capacity of the liners to the utmost. ''. I Astoria. March 16. Arrived down during the night and sailed at mldnlgh. Himmrr t'asco for San Pedro. AT rived down at S a. ni. British bark Carmanlan. ., Kan Franclaco, March 16. Bailed a' :S0 p. in. yesterday Steamer River slrie for Pnrilaml. Port Ban Luis. March 15. Arrived Steamer Atlus from Portland. Coos Bav. March IS. Sailed Htaam er Alliance for. Portland and steamer eureka for Bureka. Point' t xi bos, March 15. Passed Steamer Olympic from Portland for San Pedro. 8an Pedro. March 25. flailed Steam er George W. Klder for Portland. Astoria. March 26. Sailed at IMS P, m. Steamer MaJeatlc for San Pedro. Sailed at 12:30 p. m. Steamer Bowdoln for San Francisco, Arrived at 4:20 and left up at 6 p. m. Steamer Asun cion from San Francisco. Sailed at 6:80 p. m. Steamer ueorge w. Kenwick ror Sah Pedro. Arrived at 9:30 p. m. and left up at midnight Steamer Elmore from Tillamook. Queenstown, March 26. Arrived French bark General Foy from Port land. Point Raves. March 46. "Passed at 7 a. m. Steamer W. 8. Porter from Eureka. Eureka and Coos April Hose City. Han ' Franulaoo April A Mala, orient................ Aiirll II Numantla. orient . .Xiarch 10 Bella. Orient .........I May I Arabia, orient June ro Roanoke, Ban Pedro and way .Indefinite Teasel a von, , I a viand Rroa. Br. ah.......... O. W. P. lVinna Franceaca. Br. bk...... Aatorla cnureniu. Am. sea.. Astoria A i vena. Am. sen .Astoria TV. r. Jawett, An, Bob.. ...... .Astoria Irene. Am. soh... .....Astoria ivaaninston. Am. ss nryaoc A barf o via. Br. bk Oceania St. Nlchelaa Am. ahlw. . Aatorla Berlin, Am. ach. ......... .Coal Bunkers Neotsfleld, Br. bk (a Vf. P. urabiocn. nr. dr.. ...u. w. r. I I . . 1 1 u ' , 1 ' 1. t.iejiaivcn. . m , pi, .. ..,.. . .v. . x . Henry Vlllard. Am. ach.. Astoria Agananthus 8t Johnai Christian Bora, Nor. sa..fort Lbr. Co. Dundee. Rua. bk Knappton Andy Mahoney. Am. aa. ...... .Llnnton Oliver i. Olson,' Am. ss Rainier M. S. Dollar, Br. as. ...... R. tt Vf. Mills Croydon, Br. ss ....... .Inman-Poulsen Daisy Mitchell. Am. SS....K. W. Mill Virginia, Am. ss. ........ u .... .Astoria Numantla. Oer. ss Alaska Rainier. Am. ss. Westport Asuncion. Am. ss Portsmouth Sue 11. Elmore, Am. as. , Couch at. Ii JUmt to X.oad Xamer. Annie K. Smale, Am. as...... Hongkong Mabel Gale, Am. ach Mollendo Reran gere.Fr. ah........ i.Ioulque Jacobean, Fr. ah. .....7 Moliende (ihoshona. Am. as..,,,,. Kan Francisco t'ompaor. Am. ach. ...... Han Francisco Daisy Freeman, Am. as... Han Franclaoo BL Helena, Am. as Han Franclaoo R. W. Bartlett. Am, ach.. .Han Francisoo Welleslay, Am. sa. San Franclaco Olympic, Am. se. ........ .Ban Franclaco an moat Wtta Oamant aad oeaeraJ. Oulf Stream. Br. bk., ....... .Antwerp Poltallock. Br. sh ..Antwero wavertrae, nr. ah, ,.... .Ellestnereport Mattarhorn. Ilr. sh. . ,Neicaatlo-on-Tyne Uabln Chavave. Fr. bk ..Antwero (.Town or uermanv. nr. nic .antwero Oenevleve Mollnoa, Fr. bk. ... .Antwerp Marecnaei ae Castries. Fr. bk. .Glasgow General Faldherba.Fr. bk., ... .Antwerp Tnai ptaamers Sa Boats. Clan MoFaflane. Br. ss. .Victoria, B. C Mn.'Trkfl Fight a Owsley. (United tress Lraaaad Wtra) Chicago. March t tt. Attorneys for Mr. Mary Yerkes, widow of the trac tion magnate, have filed a petition In the auoerlor court for tha appointment of a receiver and trustee for the Yerkes NEW TOD A IT. WEATIIKB REJKJnt estate. The attorneys also ask an In junction restraining Exeoutor Louis 8. Owsley from obtalnlna control through ancillary exenutorahip proceedings of the New York cart of the estate. The action Involves the disposition o mora tnan st.ood.uoo. , . . Portland for Monterey. . Falmouth. March 26. man ship f ortiana. Alexander A rrlved ?er- Isenberg from FCRHHEU1IATISH A small high pressure area overlies Alberta and Montana, and the barometer is relatively low on the i'aoirio aiope, Tha disturbance yesterday north ol Montana haa advanced aoutheaatward to the upper Miss ImsiddI valley, and th Washington. 1). C. storm haa moved northeaat ward to northern New Knrland Light rain haa fallen In California, and moderate to heavy rain turning to anow nas occurred In tho Atlantic states as far south as the . Virginias. Light snow hsa also fallen In - tha Canadian northwest and at scattered Places In Montana and South Dakota. It la much colder In the Atlantic, and east -Oulf states, and correspondingly warmer In Nebraska, Kansaa, Oklahoma and north, em Texas. On tha Paclfio slope the temperatures are atout normal, and no marked changes have occurred alnce mier gton The indications are for showers to- vesterday. except In northeastern wash Ington, where It la ten degrees colder. t,S!i H.?f S..yrdn Wwttan jdl :mnat a ; ; r uvv.vu.u ,v6vu.u hucu so uio Bluest uq SSUCSC Cure. I OO OiSCaSe 13 Bolae. Idaho ... ..nicago, 111. . . . Cincinnati. Ohio Dubuque, Iowa night and Saturday in western Oregon and western . Washington ' and for showers either tonight or Saturday in the eastern portion 'or these states. Fair weather will probably continue In Idano, brought about by the accumulation of uric add, aa Irritating;, pain -producing oroDcrtv in the blood. This Uonvhlchthea l)ecoiriea unfit for nourishino; the body, while the depodtaiP'tv'ai" ol uric add In the nerves, muscles, loihta and bonea y.mdnr h iAan:iiwi2UM.if':;: "6"t lUKuiuauauY w Meat, me uuume wiu zneaicines containing' pot- lash or other stronsr tninerals. Is simclv addinc amthMr nnln tn h uJAt. Liverpool. March 26. -Arrived Ger- IotmIt AioatA K1rt aonnl J .(li. 3Li - . .J man ship Aster from Portland. i ..rT: " " viuuuj,, ua pernaps W Antwerp. March 26. Arrtved-Brit- the end making; a physical wreck o the sufferer. The one safe and only cure ,Bh. VemeC.8trath"ir" r..ra Portland, 'for Rheumatism is S. S. & It la nature'a remerlv for hf Hie. V.- Asioria, marcn ze. condition at tnei aj ... . ... . 7 : - mouth of the river at 8 a. m., moder- .entirely from healthful vegetable ingredients extracted from the roots, herbs ate: wind -northwest 4 miles: weather .'nnA fmrVa rf trim fnrawsf anA A.M, Q Q e -. J. i-t. n":, . cloud v. 1 - w. w gw uvnu iuiu uuc oiood ana Tides at Astoria Saturday Hih wa. icmuvcs every trace oi me cause ox juieumaTasm. cleanses and uurifiea th ter. 6:40 a. m. 8.6 feet: 6.0T n. m 6.6 rintilattnn anil nafniM tiMlfh ami mmfn a t,, .t. .u a 1 e feet. Low water 11:42 a. m.. 0.1 foot; ."mT:::: "TT w ouiicnng mm ss p. m.j 3.4 reet. uuu. iuob u uui viio wajr w uc cure you are not dosing Sir system with mineral medidnes. and that is to take S. S. S. Book on cumatism and any medical advice free. Los Angeles. Cal. Marshfield. Or. ... New Orleans. La.,, New York, N. Y... N. Yaklmn, Wash.., Omaha. Neb Pocatello, Idaho. ,. . Portland, Or Rose burg. Or. . ... St Paul, Minn Seattle. Wash. Walla Walla, Wash. Washington, D. C. Tflmp, ' -' Max. Mln.Practp. ., 60 .34 ; .50 , 60 80 . h.00 ,60 86 , .00 , 44 88 .00 , 4! .!. 84 .00 43 28 ' .00 64 .24 .04 74, '.,-,44 .'.00 70 , f& ' .00 69 ' '' 62' '; -',.,02 . 68 ' 44 .84 62 .00 . 64 34 J.12 68 ; 42 . .00 62 ' 84 .00 64 " 84 .00 66 4 4 .00 68 40 . .00 40 "' 28 . .00 62 38 .00 fifl 46 . .00 56 86 .14 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ssme to same, lots 16 and II, block 8, Hiulnard ' Ernest C. Piper et al to Fred R dgler. lo 6. block 1. City View Park , Edward Lyons it ! to Mabel - Kuhn. south half of tra t of land lying eaat of Fast Ninth Street, between Wygunt and Springfield atrret. being part of of I.yons addition. , ........ ..1 . ' Security Abstraot A Trust com pany to Duatln Avery, lot I. . block 86 Rose City Park John II. Smith to Abraham T. Doughtrey. lota 1. 8, block 4. Altorna Pank W. 8. Hurat et al to R. E. Bryan, lot it, block 24. Mount Tabor ..,....,... M. VI Thompson-et al to Carl F. ocnuis et ai, lot . block s, ClU- ' lord addition I ....... J George F, Barrlnger et al to Wil liam y. niewton, lot 4, block if, Mount Tahor Villa. Annm. ... . John Carlson et al to L. O. Vogel, iota 17. is. i, 20, block 6, Nor-; tnandala :..:'.,. J. it O'Nell tOvF. I Oreenough. 101s 1 ana 3, diock : lots s. t onS ,'dS Son .D0.,.uhftr,.f'C: 12.600 Are just right for .. .uburban home. 8. b. Cobb et al to standard Box on the Oregon Electric line at CaK-n and Lumber company, west 26 Home: r ch soil, will crow fruit aft Evelyn - . II 11 -rM xv 171 1,800 1.600 (00 750 260 1,200 MARRIAUF LICENSES The steamer Sue H. Elmore arrived at Couch street dock this morning from 1 iimmuiiK. The steam schooner Northland cleared for San Francisco todav with 87S.000 reet or lutnDer. . The oriental liner Numantla will shift to the flour mills next Monday, to load flour. She Is discharging frelaht at Alaska dock today. , The steamer Alliance. Captain Par sons, will be at Couch street dock some time during the night or early tomor row morning. . The British steamer A re Dan thus will finish loading lumber at St Johns this evening. Bhe goes to tna orient. MARINE! INTELLIGENCE THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Baralar llaera Boa to Antra. .March 27 .March 27 WILL IMPROVE LIGHTS Oil-Vapor Burners to Replace Old s , Style Wick La,mps. Captain Charles F. Pond, United States lighthouse inspector of this dis trict, baa received authority from the department at wasnington to install oil-vapor systems of lighting at the light stations along the coast. In accordance herewith the engineers 01 me aepanmeni win install these ystems at JNortn Mead, New Uunge- ness. Cape Flattery. Cape Blanco, Ta qulna Head. Grays harbor. CapeMearea. ... Tillamook, rock, Destruction Island. TJmpqua : . river, Heceta Head, Tree Point, Scotch Cap and Cape Barlchef. loo oil-vapor burning system, Cap- ' iMin j-ona says, prrera tne ao vantage .of a very great Increase In the bril liancy or tne 11 gut and a very material . decrease In the consumption of oil for tne nigner oraer iignta and a small In- crease for the lower order lights. It. la proposed first to Install the system fn 14 fourth order lights in this district This will Increase the candle power In these lights from 279 to 19S8 or mora than seven times, mak ing the power of tha fourth order lights twice as great aa that of the old stylo first order lights. The 14 stations will be 'equipped In the order named: Weatpolnt, Wash.; Point Wilson, Wash.; Smith island, Wash.: Cape Disappointment. "Wash.; Burrowar island. Wash. ; Desdemona . Sands. Or.; Semlanoo harbor. Wash.; Muktlteo point. Wash.; Mary Island, Alaska; Lincoln rock. Alaska; South east Five .Fingers. Alaska: Sentinel Island. Alaska; Kldred ' rock, Alaski, and Wlllapa bay. Wash. The system nas aireaay oeen installed on Patos jsiano. w nan., and with splendid re sult. Tho installation of the lights on the ctiui-v important stations mentioned first will follow. It will probably taka . irom three to four years to complete the work but when in working order the Pacific coast will have Tae r aood . 4 . .1 ... . . - . " . mm tisifs ausduo up to date m very respect. Alliance. Coos Bay Olson A Mahoney. Ban Fran Nome Clty,8an Francisco. .. .Mrach 27 Riverside, San Francisco .....March 27 Breakwater, Coos Bay .March 28 Argo, Ban Francisco March 28 Jim Butler, San Francisco., . .March 29 ueorge w. Elder, Han Pedro. .. March 30 Senator, San Francisco .March 30 Eureka , Kureka and way April Sue H. Klmore. Tillamook. .. .April Rose City, San Francisco Aoril Alesta, orient .April 16 eija. orient May Arabia, orient .June 10 Numantla, orient July 1 Roanoke, San Pedro and way. .Indefinite Xegnla Xdnera Sac to Das art. Alliance,' Coon Bay March 27 Sue Elmore, Tillamook ..March 27 Nome City, Coos Bay March 30 Argo. Tillamook March 30 Breakwater, coos . Bay March 31 Oeorge w. Elder. Ban Pedro. . .April 1 Riverside. San Francisco .... .April 1 Senator, san Franclaco April 2 The Harmony of Home Does Not Mingle With or Emanate From tne Table of Dyspepsia. In the home, meal time should awaken In all the Inhabitants a peculiar harmony of Joy which will make for the home the abidina- olaca of interest and happiness. If one member st the dinner table ia out of sorts, his Influence is felt and tne harmony is lacking. Conversation and mirth are absent. Devouring thoughts assail the diners and alienee prevails. CHARTERED FOR LOfRER and Steam Schooners Wellesley Olympic to Return Boon. The steam schooners Wellealey and Olympic will return to Portland for lumber cargoes for Ban Francisco. They , were chartered yesterday after having loaded one cargo each. Their respec tive capacity Is about 800.000 feet. California has been buying large quantities of lumber during the past three months to fill stocks In ysrds thst were allowed to run down during the dull period of about a year ago and it is expected that the business win improve right along. Lumber is now going south from the Columbia river af the rate of about 6.000.000 feet a week. CONCERT THIS EVEXING Seamen's Friend Society Prepares Program for Sailors. Tho regular weekly concert will b "At the Dyspeptic's Table Ominous Quiet and Gloom Crowds Ont lflrth." All physicians agree that mirth and Jov at meal time does much toward di gestion. Mirth tingles the whole ner vous organism of man. the cells wherein are stored valuable digestive juices, empty their contents under the nerve stimulation and promote the highest de gree of digestion. If gloom and discomfort prevail at table tha reverse action. obtaJna and meals become necessities, not antici pated Joys. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are littla storehouses of digestion which mix with the stomach Juice, digest food, retlnglei the mucuous membrane end Ha nerval centers, give to me Blood a great wealth of digestive fluids, promote digestion and stay a by the stomach until all its MEM The Best Doctor at a Fair Price 1 - THOUGH MY EXPERIENCE IS VASTLY BETTER, MY FEES ARE REALLY LESS THAN THE AVERAGE DOC TOR CHARGES. The value of experience depends not so much upon Its volume as upon its quality. A thousand years of Inaccurate practice would make no physician more proficient. Though my experience Is considerable In quantity, its value lies in the 'fact that it Is experience of the highest order experience acquired through careful and conscientious practice, . proven scientific by an unapproached record of permanent ciirea. I have for twenty-five years been curing all diseases peculiar to men, and each on of these years haa been crowded full of careful study, and sound, good experience. 98. TATX.OB, , Tho leading- Specialist. SFEC1FIO BOOX fOZSOZf No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harm less, blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous tarnt. AJtlOOCBXA Absolutely painless treatment that cures completely in one week. Investigate my method. It Is the only thoroughly scientific treat ment for this disease employed. rxss. My colored charts showing the male anatomy and affording an in teresting study in men's diseases, .will be given free upon - applica tion. In all my work I am thor ough, painstaking, and careful to give Just the right treatment re- ?uired in each individual case. For 6 years I have been proving my ability and my business methods have always been strictly reliable. My, treatment Is as correct as mod ern science can make it Others may offer inducements, such as cheap treatment or quick treat ment, but my foremost claim la for thoroughness, which in the long run IN EVERY CASE means the 'cheapest and the best. coirrxAOTxs sibobdsks. ' Tou can depend upon a quick and thorough oure by my treatment. A quick cure Is desirable, because a slow cure is apt to be no cure at all, and a chronic development will come later. I cure you beyond the possibility of a relapse, and In half the usual time required. uniz AXUCSZTTS. Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder is only a re flex ailment- r isulttng - from - some other disease. Weakness some times comes from varicocele or stricture; akin and bone diseases result from blood poison taint, and Physical and mental decline follow Idng-standing functional disorder. My long experience In treating men enables me to determine the exact conditions that exist and to treat accordingly, thus removing every damaging cause and its ef- CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE Call or Write Today Honrs a.'m. to t p. m. Sunday w to 1. THE DM. TAYLOR CO. 34 tt KOaUUSOaT STMBT, COMES SSOOaTB. X0TXAjrD, OMOOsT Charley Furweck, 211 Harrison street, S3, and Marv E. Neurerer. 60. William O. Carglll. 268 Market street, 32. and Rose Ivy. 22. Fred Cooper, Portland, 84, and Marian A. Bauer, 24. Wir.nniNO -iirda W. O. Smith A Co., Washington bide corner 4th and Washington sts.. CLARKE BROS., florists: fine flowers and floral designs. 28 Morrison at. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 160 6th St., Op- poslte Meier franiri: aaain m. BETZ ft SONS, florists, funeral designs. 84h Morrison; Mam FULL DRESS suits for rent." all alaoa. Unloue Tailoring ua. w pit u BIKTB9 t.atiter To Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Lau- ter. , 648 East , Seventeenth street, March 1. a girl. y m TTOirwa Tn Mr. and Mrs. L. P Matthews, S79 East Twenty-second street. March 18, a boy. amNV Tn Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stone, 788 Union avenue, north, March 7, a WC-RTHY To Mr. arid Mrs. Nathaniel Worthv." 616 Ainsworth avenue, March 16, a girl. - wtt.sAN To Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wil son. 891 East Pine street, March 26, 8l srirl aRkJ-To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ark, S4S Flanders street, March 25, a girl. wat.tcrr To Mr. and Mrs. D. E, Walker, 190 Ainsworth avenue, March 12, a boy. . '-- DEATHS cATriftT.A Tn this citv. at his resl dence, 211 Third street, John Falclola, aged 75. years 6 months and zu days. Announcement of funeral later. ALLARD Phoeba A. AHard, Kern Park. March 24, ago 13; cancer of stomach. . TOCOSLER Williafn A. Tocosler, 20b Marshall street, March zt, age 8; apoplexy. HE EMSTOCK Emma C. Hemstock, 690 Dawson street. March 23, age 00; pneumonia fever. FUNERAL NOTICES DISBRO The committal services and Interment of the late ueorge uisoro of East Thirty-seventh street and Her ald avenue will be held at Klver view March 29. The funeral will leave Finley s chapel at 11 a. m. Pleasu omit nuwera. h. cemetery feet of lots 5, . 7 and 8, blook 62 East Portland Annie Marks et al to W. L. Mor- aan. lota 11 and z. bloalr 268. city .... 20.000 Portland Heights improvement .company to fat uwane, lot 1. block "L" In block '"J"' to ''P" ureenway ....... A, Moehnke et al to Andrew McKlnnttt, lot 9. block 2, For est Park C H. Baterhan et al- to Banf leld- vessey Fuel company, lot '8, block 8. Excelsior . Joshua P. Brown et al to Bonham and Currier. Incorporated, lots 6. and 7. block 8L Polntvlew William H. Attwlli and wife to !4onrw 1-4 a fir n n inta 11 An1 17 block a6. 'Cloverdtiltt, extension 1.250 Monr Inventment company to C. M An cri i r Int 1 ttlt-tstlr K ValPa. nnn ........................ 600 . M. Tyler et al. to Bol Rosen feld. land commencing at point In south line of Laurel street. 250 feet west from northeast . corner of block 88, Carter's ad dition Moore Investment company to Martin Lowe,, lot 6, block 4.' Vernon S. A. Reed et al. to Florence M. Adams, south 85 feet-of lot 16. . north five feet of lot 16. block 2. Madeline B. M. Lombard and wife to John Lockhart. 60x80 teet. commenc ing 260 feet west of northwest corner block 7, Hancock street addition ' Same to Bam;" '60x80 feet com mencing at eu reet wesi vi northwest corner of block 7, Hancock atreet addition ...... Same to same, 60x80 feet com mencing 580 feet west or nortn west corner "of block 7, Han cock atreet . addition 1,800 S. L. Belden. et al to Clyde. C. McFarren east H Of lot , S. W. Wingate et al to Elisabeth R. Fanrenwaid, lot io, diock i, Sweetbriar addition, subdivis ion of lot 2, 8, 4. 7. 8. and 8. block "D," Crest View Villa, section 29, township 1 north, ram 2 east . Frank Mitchell et al to Laura E. i.ooo vegetable in abundance; nice , sightly; only 22 minutes ride out. ; Price's from $350 to $650 per acre. In one-acre tracts. They are selling fast now, and we only have a few left. Don't put It off. but buy now and make the profits yourself. 10 per cent down and 3 oer cent per month. . UOSSACK & GODMAN T Qregon Electric Depot, " Front and Jeffersdn Streets. ' TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE Only 7 to 14 miles from Portland on 4.600 the Oregon Electric (Portland-Salem) line. 6,600 (00 2,000 2,000 1 TO 20 ACRES AT f 125 AND UP PER ACRE EASY TERMS One st the few opportunities now left to secure small acre tracts adja- biock 6. Woodstock . " . . . . .' 175 cent to an electric line and fronting on tne ocautnui xuaiatin river, im proved and unimproved. Who can ask for a better chance to' make a sure investment and a coun- 195 try home? :s foil .f ... iaa ... . foa ?h '..7.? 1,400 nd we will be pleased to tell you about ttys garden spot of Oregon, and what' 5 or 10 acres of it can do for YOU. Give us a chance to prove to you that there is no better SECURITY, on earth than the earth itself. CALL OR SEND FOR BOOKLET. 400 William J. Klrkwood to H. T Gibson et al. lot 7, block it), Riverside addition F. Finch and wife to Sarah A. T.ltherland. lot 15. block 12. South Portland- 1.600 Coast Investment Co. to Oeorge r Mnnn el nl. Iota IS and 16. block 1. Barton's addition 480 E. Brf Holmes and wife to Wil liam Woodham, lota '.7 and s. hlnrlr fia - Penlnnulur ' addition , ana I a-u. t ,. vv. F. O. Downing t al to John Plo- nher. lot h. hloclc 2 aiavor Gates addition 728 Victor Land Co. to Anna E. Fair- child, lot 7, block S, Stewart Park ... 660 Rachel S, Harris to Robert Mor rison, lots 6 and 6, block 17, M. Patton's Addition 1.000 Maud Bryan to T. M. Word. El v.. 66 feet or lot t, diock is, city 16.000 Henrietta Block to Salvstore Am- ato. lots I and Z, block Z3, Tib- bett's addition 2,800 F. Reeves et al to George Da venport, trustee, lots 32, 83, and 84. block 16. Sunnyslde. . . . 6.000 Investment Co, 244 STARK ST, PORTLAND, OR. Phones Main 871. A2872 PACIFIC T1U ft Trust Co.. the leading abstractor 104-5-6-T Failing bldg. NEW TODAY; MEETING NOTICES 41 CALEDONIAN club social and dance. Drew hail, 162 2d st. (tomorrow) eai- orday at 8 p. m.; country dances, strath speys and Teeis, to inspiring bcoico music. W. A. Oreaon GraDe Camo. No. ttti. ondavs. Selllnr-Hlrsch block, 10th and Washington streets. Monday M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 64S6. meets Wednesday evenings, ajiskt oiag. sa and Morrison sta FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING. WENTEE a GILBAUGIL undertakers and emDaimers; naoaern In every detail; Seventh and Pine; Mala 480. Lady assistant J. P. Flnlcy & Son WLZ Lady attendant Main . A-lStl. ZELLER-BlfRNEa CO, undertakers, J70 Russell: Kast 10B5. woy aniiani. u'FNTF.K-EBlf!K80I t'O.. undertakera. lady ass u 408 Ainer at. pom ynog EDWARD HOLM AN. undertaker: 2 8d st ROSS CITV CEMETERT. Phones C-2114 and A-4444 F. & DUNNING, east side funeral dl- 6)4)4)4)444d)4 f44)4)4))as;aa4t a I rector. 414 K. Alder, corner 8th. iU.t!ItS!S.i.TV'nln W.h! teaman a I duties are complete. . . . , . . . . . , aiiiiu rm r lan ders streela. at 8 o'clock. Ir A V.n.n.l mttm at I.KUa I . I , 1 1 .. , . ' ' . v. . i. in.kr. o i oining room a place or awe; these Holo. Mini I tablets should be taken after i program will be presented Mlsi Kdlth i' Th, T' "V dy-pepala of a consequence flees Miss Mltlt k K h m , solo. Mr. Olson: 1 xv ta nr hi. n- n.. them relia-lmialv find no sense nf ntuiwi in tha siaht of generous meals or in the nAnr ioi ncn rooung. It matters not whst the condition of the stomach Stuart's DriMml. T.kt.t. j only Improve the juices and bring quiet tJlwa. TL.l a ... ' J "V"fT,UT,.MM'- - ,.--. - .. v. . . imt, in. ainmarn is me earner. solo. rOTouthv Wlrkham n, k '"TV"r "" i n oys- . . . . . i iit-i r- win ai.n i aonsa ; will yw WWL "-,i Mii'ra. r nenaa are ciiralaliv In riled. LARGER DKPOT FACILITIES wm. WHEN IN PORTLAND ! VISIT OUR FREE of Captain Chartea F. Pond Captain Charles F. Pond. rnltj tateS lighthouse Inspector nf this die IHct. received word from the depart wterit at Washington todav to the ef fect that bla racomnneDdatlona for tn- Corset Sale. Forty thouoand oh valet n a vu it,-. tablets In their prsrHce and every drug, giet sells them. Price 60c Bend us your name and address and we will end ymi i trial package by mall free, Addreaa F A Stuart Co, lit to art Rldg., Marshall. Mich. The ew yodels la Thomonn'a tint. flltmg e Warner's rtaat-pmof craetaj r iwrt in oiner make ttoat ititrti with a Thomas r U ar t r tn4f-L Tir rt tt'in th Mart. Reduced pre during alieradon -. McMlea A- MrlxteaeM. anj, ! mer Third . a r.4 Meniann. ! lots ef eorsvts at 27 cents t T reauv WALL I.ITRL.1P . ltm Tar. C, i.t No'iia at. r7il WCMll. tlaa. fiaiia.nua '"iTi" i'u Irnaatwaa aUs rwiaw. asa tat aania "rata, g-aaarsM laiaa. 9 ! iMmM WT9mp9tm S I Vr mrmnmm. rmm, tmt Saaj paaaask I ((tat &st- (a. .aainJf .a. a. AIUSEUM J)F ANATOMY 291 X MORRISON ST. (UPSTAIRS), Bet. 4th and Sth Sta. A GREAT COLLECTION OP LIFE-LIKE SUBJECTS DEMONSTRATING PERFECT AND DISEASED CONDITIONS OF MEN. WE CURE' Snickly. Safely .and Thoroughly WEAKNESS F MEN. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, SORES. ULCERS. SWOLLEN GLANDS. KIDNEY, BLADDER AND REC TAL DISEASES, PROSTATE GLAND DIS ORDERS AND ALL CONTRACTED SPE CIAL DISEASES OF MEN. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION J FREE. If yoa cannot calL write 'for question Lst and free book. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS LAWTER8 Abstract 4k Trust Co.. room Board of Trade blag.; abstracts a I specialty. I 109 '? If i f if 1 ti MEN: IF IN TROUBLE CONSULT US TODAY Hoars from 9 a. m. to 8 p.,m-, and- Sunday front 10 to 12. 13 j : The Oregon Medical Institute 291'. Morrison SL, Bet. 4th and Sth, Portland. Oregon H. Hamblet et al to Louis M. It.hluin lot a 1 and 4. block 83. Falrr.ort. t 85 Portland Transfer Company of Oregon to Thomas D. Ciillen. lota 11 to 20. Inclusive, block SS. Portland park...... 400 game to Oall 8. New aim. )oti 11 to SS. inclusive, block 88. West Portland pork 400 William A. Nuncy et al to George T RarhM lot IS. black 11. Ina park 100 W. L. Herman et al to W. J. McCbeana and wife, lot 8, block 21. Walnut park 1250 Marion Edee et al to Davis R. Cooler et aL lot i.t block 14. Central Alblna 1700 Brong Steele company to T. 1. Conrannnn, lot It. block It. Lorelei ah 800 faeph M. Healy et al to William A. mil ill m ' . iy ..a, win a. ?. Waverlelah Heights STS I Sycamore "Real Eatate cmpany t w. k Kemn. lot il niori a. Kern park .' ISO . L. Dundas et al to J. O Nel ann. lot 11. block "A. Cherry dale tt E. 3. Cowllshaw to David Darp. fi.rt M In, T a. Bloe r lis. I a rut hers addition S.ftO geexrttv avaa At Trust com- SWELL HOME $5000 Twenty-third and East Burnslde. room modern house, 1 block from East Ankeny carline, first class neighbor hood. Terms. UPSHUR ST. HOME 34250 New 7 room house, all up to date Improvements In; 1 blocks from 8 canines. Terms. $5000 Below Market Corner lot, 80x100, 17th and Raleigh; stooq income; aio.uuu. Terms. ALBERTA HOME 31500 8 room cottage. 8800 down balance like rent This la a bargain auu won i last. McGUIRE & CO. bis Bono or TSAOS A Few Good Ones S4ZOO Splendid 7. room home, two story, well' built and attrac tive: fireplace, all Improve ments; lot lOOztOO, corner. Near Union and Wyrant Sta. S750 Ixt on Tenth St, Brooklyn Heights; high elevation, good view, close In. Thia la a sure one. 8450O Lot 1 Si 108 Portland Heights. wnn a spjengio view up tne rtver. of the mountains and the entire city. Corner Seven teenth and Spring Sta. 1 block rrotn car. S600 Lot lOOvtOO on Woodstock Ave.; splendid corner, very rhean for nih S3200 Corner re Id -nee. Cleveland and wrgant Sta; 7 rooms, lot taxis. See The Spanton Co. STO Stark Stroet. $115 LOTS AND UP Fifteen Minutes Out ' $5 Down $5 Month Fine View. Excellent Residence Locality DON'T DELAY Desfun Company 337 Cham, of Com. Building Main 625, A-Z659 Open Till 9 p. m. Have Got an Al Platting Propositio: Wants man with $30,000 to $40,000 to , . aaai mc Clauson 337 Chamber of Commerce I l r S mmvii i: rny to Paul R. ClelaatO. lots z. block . nimharst fa ma to C Y. Smith, lot f . Mock It. Klmhamt. Ps1 Weaslarer et al t EH" T. Manony. anyth f feet of lot Z. block 17. Oatral AlMna 8am to Mary Agnes A Hem. west -half of let 1. and adjolttlna It fee of wealern b'f af lot X. Nwk T rentral AIW'W Grr Tltebad et al Mary p--k. lt a, block t, Atlaa a4-d-Uoa rs ..... .... I 1.000 MO too 00 lOOxlOO With good 0 room bouse, bsra snd chicken ysed. Cms fckwk tnm rarllne a west aide.. A snap at S2SO0. OEO. D. SCH AUK ti4 Ptark "t. V . KAY OOT AM aV-1 Platting Proposition traat anaa with fSOea te assist ma. , , CLAUSON i -in Chamber ef Coosmere. Excellent Buy t room reinforced concrete home; a beauty; with sleeping porch; la 'vVesr rledmont; beautiful trees, etc. U750 witii on Jot, or 11750 with two. . " Chapin & Herlov w caiana or coaoamo. pa-aBBBaa-aBaBBasaBBBBis-aas- 8 -Room House $7000 Modern east front Al repair 4tn le foot lot. sltaated la Holladay addi tion between Broadway and Irrtxirton cariinea. .F.-B. II0LBR00K C0.! mooat i. woBcxrrxa lo.