The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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Ames and MullIiiokike Crack '. Runners "From Coast
Bolstering Material for v -Meet in struggle at tne
f Casey's NorSvcsters.. ; ;v Oriental Building, i
' .:. -i.--V' - - .- : -,.'
- Special OorrponJenc. V In th Oriental Julldln; at thy fair
Medford, March, Z Jt la aJ together run1 Portland sport lovera
early, to net much of a line' on
ey a ball losnefa. and it will be ev-
ul Amvm Kf nc Iia will alLniuin tha
nembara of hia tralnlne- crew to ret
down to playing- Inside baseball.?. There
la no doubt, honvtr. but that he will
' have aplendtd bunch to chooae from.,
,. and It will be with difficulty that ha
will make ht'a decision aa. to th ones
,be will bvy hot eakea for. - .' :
Twelve of the hopeful. Including
Casey, were out on the ball ground thta
. morning and put In two houra of hard
york. The weather was perfect and
nder the generoua warmth of the aun
the pitchers - llm,berd up and proved
" regular gluttons for , work. Lf t to
: their own device they would work their
head off. ...... 'r '
Rex Ames.' the Chicago member of
Manager Caaey pitching staff, worked
out yesterday afternoon and thl mora
.'. I rig. If he continue to play In hi pres
, ent elasa Caaey has, made a find. Ha
look rood and rets into action like an
old timer. HI arrival made alx hurl
. era In .the training camp, every one of
; whom aeemed to be there with the
goods. The other are Pender. Gard
ner. Osborn. Coleman-and McFarland.
Eaoh of these. boy took a turn In the
box thl morning ad In spite of the
: fact that it was only practice they used
the curve and smoke balls a if they
were down to the real thing. Casey is
having difficulty to keep them under
wrap. . ., . , .
MulUn BmasUnr Player.
That man Mullln, the old Three-I
leaguer, was put through a few infield
turns and he showed himself up a a
amashing Initial Backer. He waa in
the collar all the time and a soon as
the rough edges come off he will be in
a class by himself. Swanton and Rls-
ley also worked out 'on the infield and
handled themselves like ballplayers who
knew their business, swan ton rouna
the Infield a new book, but he showod
good form and no doubt will be kept on
pay roll.
Regarding Casey at second and Bas
se In the outfield there is little to be
said. They are playing ball. . Casey la
worrying more over building up bis
team than he is about the aecond saok.
He realises that he has a big job before
him and the way the boy is tackling it
111 cot their first dccd at the Mara
thon race which i creating such a
furore in all part of America. Eigh
teen crack long distance runner, some
of them- of international 'reputation,
wlU line up for the starter's pistol In
the capable hand- of Mayor Harry Lane,
promptly at :80 O'clock. The distance
la at mile and I8S yards, and the race
win do ,m -progress until - alter 11
o'clock. , v - - ' :
' An 11 lap dirt, track haa been pre
pared for the runner In the Oriental
building' and the round and rourld af
fair promise to be exciting all the
way through.1 t - i.
Special streetcar' service ha been ar
ranged to carry the crowds to the fair
ground.' 1 The. advance sale of seats
Indicate 1 that there . will be a, large
crowd around the track. Some of those
who are unable to get out lor the start
have made preparations to be on band
at tne nnisn alter iu:so o ciock.
Among the runners entered In the
race are: - Arthur Burns of Calgary,
Alberta, wno ran in tne London uiym
lc Marathon; Albert Dorrls of the
ultnomah club; Fred Walby of j the
IaaI V Wt f A wrkn flnlukul mann A
In the Seattle Marathon: Soldier Olsen
of Fort Casey: Walter . Spangler of the
Seattle Athletic cluo: Harvev Donald
on of Seattle Y. M. C. A.! A. Wallace,
a Greek of that Portland T. M. C A.
R. V. Belmont of the local Y. M. C
A.; F. M. yanderllp of Toronto, Ont.,
a champion at 6, 10 and 16 miles; c
Birch of Aberdeen, a star Norwegian
runner who haa won several Marathona;
Martini Ststo, an Italian who once de
feated Dorando; Frank Dan, a ". long
winded fndian irom tne tnetnivs
school: Boddekker of the San Francisco
Olympic club, and Chandler, who won
the Seattle Marathon In easy faahion.
New York. March- . Interest In tlio
10 round bout between Jack O'Brien
ant Stanley ; Ketchel has-livened to a
noticeable degree a the date' for the
enoounter SDnroache and the noma of
he National Athletic club promlnea to
be thronged tonight with ring anthue
laata curious to see how well the clever
PhlladelDhlaa can aaaimllata the run-l
liliruent of the middleweight champion. I
rill be O'Brlen'a first real ne-nl
should brina- Jov to the Portland fans,
, He realize what .must be accomplished
to make up a whole club, make a debut
In a league where he ha never played
himself, and finish In the first division.
While he has a likely bunch of players
at his disposal it la going to take a lot
of head work to make good. He is
, watching his players closely and while
he is joshing most of the time there is
a quiet little menace about him that
spells a ticket home for the player who
lay down. .
Gartner Mnat Work. , 1 -Slim
Gardner work when he is In
the box,1 but he does not fancy romping
around the. garden chasing, the festive
, sphere. He blames the warm weather
na spring rever ana says ne is a
itnher. anyhow, and not a backstop.
However, the boy has a good chance fo
make the pitching staff if lie continues
in nis present rorm.
The new sulta for the local baseball
team arrived yesterday and the team Is
daily practising to get in condition for
the opening game Saturday. The visit
of the Portland team has aroused great
enthuslaam for baseball throughout
southern Oregon and the local boys are
out to carry off the honors. After
Slaying the Colt they will , try s out
rants Pass and tf the Paaa make good
Casey ha promised to take a bunch of
- his youngster up and show them a
little real ba.lL Jacksonville 1 another
town that is trying to break in and get
a game with the colt, mis wiu prot
ably b arranged for a week from Sun
day..' ' - '
Mornlngstar Beat Cure.
JDnited Press LeaseA Wire.)
New York, March 2. Louis Cure, tne
Frenchman, was .easily defeated by Ora
Mornlngstar last nignt aoo to izs.
George Button defeated Harry Clin In
the afternoon.
Fights Scheduled Tonight.
Stanley Ketchel against Jack O'Brien,
10 round, at New York. .
Maurice fcayors against uvm i-oweii.
IS rounds, at 8an Francisco. "
Hew to Increase your ' alary. Bee
(United TreM Itaied Wire.)
Kansas City.' March 2ti.-Frank Ootch
took two straight falls from Raoul de
Kouen in their matcii tor tne worms
chamDlonahiD here last night, before
one of the largest houses that haa ever
assembled at a wrestling match , In
America. The big American' title waa
never in danger, and he threw the
Frenchman with comparative ease. A
full nelson gave " the Humboldt farmer
the first fall, and his famous toe hold
cauaed the capitulation of the foreigner
in the second. The falls went 14:45 and
13 minutes, respectively." ..
" De Rouen tried his usual rough tac
tics several time during the bout, but
as Ootch can rough some himself, .the
foreigner desisted shortly. Repeatedly
he tried to strike Gotch in the face
with hi elbow, but Frank would come
back and twist a little harder on his
Gotch weighed 212 pounds when the
men went on. the mat, de Douea being
nearly 50 pounds heavier. Uesplte this
welaht handlcao Raoul aDDeared nervous
when, they entered the ring, something
that haa . not happened in any or bis
other bouts. When the gong sent the
grappler to work, de Rouen took the
aggressive. Seven minute later the
big frogeater went " to the "' mat, with
the American on top. a leg hold doing
the work. Gotch tried toe hold and
leg holds for 20 minutes Until the crowd
waa wild with excitement. - Gotch's toe
hold were punishing and the foreigner
waa in aeonv every time ne ciampeo
them on. A bar lock and a hammer lock
were fastened on de Rouen, but neither
waa effective, although the pain was
great. I
Twice the men went off the mat,
once going over the ropes. The third
turn on tne mat in tne nrst ran saw
Gotch throw de Rouen with a leg hold
and slip a.xuii nelson over his neaa
The Frenchman made considerable re
slstance. but finallv succumbed.
Gotch made .the second fall shorter.
He sent de Rouen down in eight min
utes. He immediately fastened a toe
hold on his opponent and the end came
within a rew minutes.
Gotch's end 'of the purse was .15000,
The champion will meet tne Turx. Man
mout, in Chicago next month.
Great Baseball Manager gays
There Is No Change
or uoing Back.
It will be O'Brlen'a first real fight : Fielder Jones, tne great leader or tne
since his faka eneountar with Tommy Chicago White' Sox. reiterated till
Hum at Loa Angela more than a morning that thereJ was no possibility
year ago. on which oocaslon Burn gave or nim going, oaca. u naaeuaji again,
the Phliadelphlan a double cross and H aald that the Seattle people must
ooa Dea tins' at ina mini time. Binje I a"i'" " - !.
hen the ffrht fana have had little they said Owner Comlskey told them
fnr ivn.. ..h t h rin tm. I Jones would bt back on. the lob if he
vor he willliava to flaht on the aouare could get away from his local timber
and fight well In tonight' contest That Interests. , , .
It will ha a Minra t A.f n, nn Ann-1 LAirlna trie brier period nelder ana
test at all 1 assured, . however, by thejemmy were closeted yesterday, they
fact that It will be referted- by Tim I did not discuss Jones' propos tlon to
Hurst whose honaatv and abllltv have Purchase any Interest in the club, but
never been Imntichxt . . Idave themselves over to a discussion
Ketchel-rules a decided favorite Infof the probability of the peerless lend-
what betting is being done on the- r- T returning to the groe. Fielder told
ult of the fight It will be th cham- p''l'fWr that he had finally decided
plon' first ring appearance here, but to bull up a business for Jones, and
hi Drowess Is well known and the e-en- that to remain In baseball on a salary
eral feeling la that ha should b able baalr would never see the ;',ompllsh
to dispose of O'Brien within the stlp- ment of hi object In life. With that
ulated number of rounds. O'Brien,' nl in view he had decided to get out
though acknowledged to be one of the Of tne gam ror good.
cleverest- boxers who ever donned a Comlskey I. said to have Informed
glove. Is not believed to be the eoual Fielder that he would leave the tnana-
of Ketchel' with hia aledaa hammer ferial ' berth open until April Z4, when
tyle of flrhtln. A Ketchel will Drob- me. American league scneauie aians.
ably force. the fight O'Brien will have I 'n hopes that the manager woul re
to omnlnv all iha .Vnnwn mathiuia nt I lent and once more assume the reins,
defense to escana tha mlddlawelaht'a I Cam my and Fielder parted the best
heavy wajlop.
of good friends, as they have been for
years. Even though he cannot serve
Comlskey so actively as In the past.
Jones will be of great service to the
Old Roman out on the coaat. Nobody
can analyze a player better than jone
and his scouting work among the Coast
and Northwestern teams ia bound to
result in great good to the White Sox
0nlrJ Prea Leased Wire.) '
Seattle. Wash.. March 26. The
ports from Portland that Fielder Jone.
iue great DaseDau manager and play
er, Is Irretrievably lost to the Chicago
vvnue box are not entirely correct, ac.
coruing to a atatement made by Own
er Charles Comlskey today. Comlskey
ays mat tne matter waa not definitely
settled at the meeting he had with
J ones in Portland yeaterday. Jone
tOld COtnlBlCflV that If it waa iu hia
for hlim to get away from his business
In the Oregon city, he would return
and lead the White Sox for one year
mure. .
The "old Roman" denies a atorv sent
out irom Portland to the effect that
Jones offered him $260,000 for a half
Interest in the Chicago club. Comls
key announced today that . tha White
box will spend two weeks in Seattle
during their training period next
prlhg, arriving here March 24. and
piaying a series of games with. Presi
dent Dugdale's team. - Using thla clt
operations, tney will vis
aa a base of
Tacoma and
Our $3 Beaver
Is absolutely guaranteed to
furnish satisfactory wear or
we replace it with a new one.
The Beaver Hat $3
Saturday .'Special.
lUbunDiiivti vv n i v xi
FOBS given away with
every Beaver Hat purcjuse.
Although a sharn lookout ' was kent
for Joe Juhrlacher. the Rochester mid
dleweight, who is to meet Eddie O'Con-
rneu on, the mat in Exposition rink next
Tuesday night,-he could not be found.
He waa due to. arrive nere yesterday,
but may have been delayed.
There is considerable doubt in the
minds of the fans aa to whether or not
O'Confiell has not cut out too much of
a jou agamat a rellow like Uhrlacher.
There are many who orofesa to think
thst Eddie i In for trimming for once
during his career of victory In Portland.
John Berg defeated Joe LaSalle in
two atralght falls at Eugene last night.
Berg took the first fall in XI minutes
on a double head hold, and the second
In It minutes and 0 seconds on a full
neison. -j ne match was good practice
for the Roller-Berg bout here next week.
, fSparfal DlaiMtrk to The Joni -
Bun Iuls Obispo, Cal., March I.
Buddy Ryan arrived yesterday after
noon completing the outfield. How
ever. McCredle will keep Oarlbaldl for
few days to see if Ryan makes good.
There waa glorious aunshlne today
and yesterday after several days' rain
and the men showed up In grrtt form
aier iw na resi. -
A game between the Irish "nd the
Dutch will be played Friday afternoon
and the team will leave for Los Ad
fr lea on Saturdav mornlna
A preliminary gam will be played at
Vernon .on Sunday and the aeaeon open
Thl Dale Im Sport Anna!.
lilt At Boston Charlie "Wltrhell
and Jae auiraia went rour round to
a oraw.
1M7 At HavrtiIlL Maaa. Jack Ms
Aatlffe and Martin Snee fought four
tvunda to a draw. -
lOl The California Paahall league
1 7 At Denver "Touna? Peter Jark
aot," lost to Kia t-arter in aevea
rorda. -
s4 At Olo en V'a Tln) fju.
tlvaa wo front, Dick Fltspatrlck In alx
1 7 At toa Alirel JaHt " (Twln
olltvaa defeated Jack Palmer la 1
! At tUltlmnfj. Hsrrv Iwta
ami frwni Terry Hamn rn 1 ft rona
(Specltl Dispatch to The Journal.)
Weston, Or.. March 26. The annual
commencement of the Eastern Oregon
normal school will be held on the fol
lowing dates: , Baccalaureate Sunday,
May 13; clasa day and alumni meeting.
May 24; commencement exercises. May
The. dates were announced yeaterday
by President French upon returning
irom Dai em.
"The local financial board, at a meet
ing of the board and faculty, agreed to
pay 13000 toward the expense incurred
mis year in closing the present semes
ters work, which Includes the month
of March, April and May," said Mr.
French. "This amount Is to he nald
directly to the faculty and receipted for
ur inn.
"Already plans are In progress for an
educational campaign In Oregon which
will put the normal school question be
fore th people in its true light. A com
mittee at Portland Is at work on a nor
mal school bill which will provide for
continuing maintenance, so that appro
priations for the three normals will nev
er come 1 before the legislature again,
leaving only improvements for legisla
tive action. That the normal school Is
sue must be squarely and fairly met
by candidates In the next election Is evl
dent Everywhere most hearty svmDa
thy and support are offered for the pro
posed initiative measure, and the gen
eral feeling is that the normal school
Question will never be satisfactorily set
tied until trfe people have a chance for
(United Pratt Leaed Wire.)
Liverpool. March 26. LUtteur III,
the crack .French entry, with Parfre
monte'"ap, won the Grand National
steeple chase stakes todav. R. w
Barr a Judas finished second and Cau
been Mason third. The race was worth
$16,000 to the winner, but the honor of
winning is set at Higher value by raa
in men than the actual atakea. The
betting against the winner -was 100 to 9
and plenty of money went on him at the
last moment, although he receded in
the betting after the opening prices
were. posted. L'utteur won. by three
lengths and all three placed horses were
completely exhausted at the finish. The
course was four and one half miles in
Which thirty "iumoa" were distributed
ano a part or the going waa over
piougnea ground.
Admiral Evans Seat Sale.
The seat sale far the Admiral rvpm
lecture starts tomorrow xt . rav
Martin drug store. The admiral's
lectures at Spokane and Tacoma this
weex were run or tumor and were lis
ienea to witn great interest. He is
lorctiui SDeaxer ana nreanntui manv
fact concerning the Panama canal and
me Denent 10 tne .facinc coaat cities.
The likelihood Of war with .Tanan
freely dwelt upon. There promises to
be a big seat sale. The lecture takes
placn In the Armory on Wednesday
B .rr'- . SB) LaV'
Edcrhcimer, Stein & Co.
. Catclicp Mitt
Flcldcps' Glove
. wim
Boy's Siiitt
' op :
Sarri'l Eoseriolatttt &. 0
Cop. Third and Morrison Streets
Increase vour income.
ad on page 4.
See Gregory's
Do You Need a 1
New Set of Teeth?
If you do. we will make you a set
that Will look exactly like natural teeth
that Will give VOUt month anH taom
(Cnltod Preca Leaard Wire.)
North Yakima. Wash.. March 28. Jus
tice Heman D. Hunt of this city, Is con
vinced or tne value or the teleohone aux
iliary In the dlHpensing of Justice. Judge
Hunt yesterday tried a case and im
posed a fine over the long distance tele
phone between this city and ToDnenish.
thereby establishing a precedent in this
Attorney l,ee or Toppenlsh called the
Judge's office and Informed his honor
that a deputy sheriff was in his office
with George Swasey, charged with as-
ult and battery.
"We plead guilty." added the attorney.
"Brine your client to the phone," said
the Judge.
is this you. luager- asxea swasey.
Tm guilty.- your honor."
Twenty dollars," replied tne court.
"Thanlr. ' mm A tli,. nri.nn.r antl fha
receivers were renlaced. - --fel luiold
The fine was nam at Toppenlsn, and
Bwaxev was released.
Building Permit.
M. W. Hunt, ertt two story frame
dwelling, Cornell road, head of Overton
street; S000.
H. Stelnmets, repair one Mory rrame
veiling. 72 East wrifth street North.
between- Beech and Falling; SfiOO.
Frank ,'Lne, erect one atory frame
dweJUng, East Twnnt v-fourth street, be-
Alherta and Bralnard. Slcon
awau...iawuiai.iaiinmaiiinnaaaniia laina.
I . v'i
t "-v I
Henry Krterer. erect one story frame
Dec ween
165-170 THIRD. ST.
a nzatcsom or tottm
as well as ywursalf Is tlatt at any tfw
te t-.ave rhvmai lam. We're ail
t tave rvta or kiriA Vralaee or et4,
rrir la tha t-k, nark tr Maa.a
H t.a a? aa - 0T aln. Tha h tr 'a
t-e er4 tM y e.wrbe'e -fai)ar4 a
! Li-lfnrt raW'v aJi ac m.m,4
t "-- and -"I U wD4a. ftoi4 ay
i.:3nr Drag Cw , j
dwelling East Tenth street.
ailing and Bhaver. liuou.
J.' T. Oihaon, erect two atopy frame
welling. Florence street, near Grand
avenue: 12500.
I. Ij. Appleton. erect one atory frame
oweinng. Kaei engntn sireei. oeiween
OAlnr anil Wrnnl: 11500.
A. K Knaer. repair two story frame
dwelling East Palmon street, between
thirtieth and Thirty-first: 0
-Mrs. C. A- Welle, erect thre atorv ce
ment block store and apartments. Fet
Dllfaan tret. corner Twenty-eignta
Mrs. Adls Msrphr. erect one atory
frame dwelling. East Fourteentli street.
bMmn A lNrta anJ Bralnard: 170.
C H. Lrent erWt one and a half
story frame' dwelling. F-at Thirty-first
r-U between Almworth and Jarrett:
W. V. Miller, erect two atrv frame
(tnra awl 1well inm. I7 Oottig etrt
betaraea Wllllama and Vancouver: IP.
President and Manager.
03 Tears Established la Portland.
We will give you a good 22k gold
or porcelain crown for 9 3-BX
Molar Crowns B.OO
22k bridge teeth 3.00
Gold or enamel fillings ........ 1.00
Silver Finings -60
InlHy fillings of all kinds 1.6
Good rubber plates ... BUM
The best red rubber plates 7.50
Pelltilolrl plates 10.00
Painless extractions, with local.. .50
Painless extractions, with Somno-
form 1JM
Painless extractions free when Plates
or bridge work is ordered.
Work guaranteed for It years.
Aasittad by Dr. X. A. Kaffman. Dr. A.
B. Btilea, far. Tan a. BUyan, Dr. 9. U.
Bomgardaer, Sr. J. J. Pitting.
The railing Bldg., d and Weak. Sta
Offloe Xoara R A. K. to P. H.
Sunday I to 1
Phone A and SCala 803
That Has Not Yet BongW His Spring Hat
The demand for hats continues to be extraordinary.
Indications are that the supply will be short, owing to
the big hatters' strike in the east. Therefore, if you
want selections from our present large assortment
liy Mwi
Later your choice will have to be made from more lim
ited stocks. We have received our entire line for this
season. .......
We Sell the Best Hat in Portland for
Sizes and Styles
Yes MOodles ,s
of Them"
You'll Not Be
, and
"If You Buy It From Lee It's Right in Style and Quality"
Bingra Woman Plft
a-, i.i nn aa Tka Jual aal I
WfcH. a. )r-Kn. Wth. Marrb SC.
Mra; Cenrre Raymond. b hrt hr
'f last Ratanlay la hay bmne at Out
ran, a snlla ewst of here, diexf and was
fcvrUMi at CsxarwMtd. Ill hoalth and
"i4(f ara all aa the reawi
( tHa act Mra, Parvwrwt waa V( laa
nrwua Walttar. Fhe waa It yrs
I Mil had hrrn twarrlad att nil s
KK was a nrttr wwmaaj as a taJ-
ntal irsa'daa. '
. Vs.
PRICESSox Seats 93; Re
served Scats 960; QtHtry f 1
ar Aeaa7HssBBaBsaMb inmy I
Buy Now and Cut Your Grass
Before It Cets Too Long
$3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $5.00
$6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $7.50
Rubber and Cotton Covered
and Be
. i i r 1 1 s ' s
iv ..IF.
Two Store