mmm. EDITOEMb EiGE OF TEE JOUR! T THE JOURNAL AN IKDErCNDKXT HtWSPAPBB. well assured. It so, la a few ' years j sons who are heartily In sympathy mat portion or union count ana I wua 11 ana ..wno realise its.import the Grand Ronda valley tl be one lance should aid. In bringing H about of the most productive and valuable in tbla practical way or contributing localities la the' Pacific northwest. I to an educational fund Pubu mains itmfi.imivt Mora neoule. and Influential and W art Hnaiu nrm n A f in Joornii noun I 1 lot, rtru d4 atru. foriuad. or. sou reef ul people, are perceiving the! WOfLD IT, NOT BH JfX'HDKIlT o. a jackson, mi .t n.. M-torrtM .t vi.4. or . for I the importance, of such en tnutmimitm thmigk v mi m eoo4-aim ! terpriees. That such men a thla mtum. ..,- I .vi j uue uieuiiuumi uo iun uuu niv ruauy "'now""--"-.!" "Tv H.2MK,.lt2I- o ct n accord with others,: even All priiD rvirhrd r lb aamir. I . .. ' ta h wr.ior ih tartmat ? wbl 1 away from home, in auch a matter, ronriAN nvea-risinia sitrnicaENTATiVK. 1 " cnLouragiug. .- Brnlsitiln A Kreteor Co., RninnrlPk PnlliUnt. I i More mD, tbOUS&ndS I AYOR LANE waa on, the side of safety and sanity when no consideration was given the pian ir patcmng up Maaison afreet bridge for a restricted traffic. of ' them, I The report of the engineers., aald MS nrtt arrow. New York: looT-a Buret I til... ik... t. i iki. I . . rto -. v . . k -,i .a unna ttonae project are neeaoa. i ua mo structure, ino nriage "wouia t rtSS' r ??. jliS.r. n,ii,h c"n"r?. I many instances Irrigation of thou- be "i -rendition to carry a traffic . . ataiim. c a j. nri Cn., o rut sands of acres,1 multiplying their val-1 restricted to one car and a light '.'u kiwM. . lue .tenfold, could be accomplished 1 trailer on a span, with loaded teams Aobwriptioa Trm. br mMi - t mnr ddmanl without government or any outside I kept well apart, 'and crowds not al . t uniua But.. Cauda r ataxic: J help, Just by Intelligent enterprising flowed to congregate." What would J' ' f, ! DAIXT. - w.' I hAnnAri Hrtn aif lst xif ta4 In Ant 1 anil I rVA th anararlo ril tn-Aa. ' lf v vn ui a, i uiaiumtuuiai a uuubo vu "UlVU HAM alt would, have to be restricted to the., doctrine of these .political re forms is likely to Bp rend. Bewldea, other Influential newspapers, even if not advocating these movements so specifically and emphatically are discussing them as questions not to be casi aside contemptuously as for nierly. So it Beenia very likely that COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SMALL CHANGE, OUEGON SIDELIGHTS Uie REALM, Inaurgcnta art nceiry to progress. Frostsr nlrhta ar a reminder (hat It me wnoie ramuy, or a large portion is aim jarcn. , . - of Its members, are likely to become Moral: Don't' talk back to an aditor as great ; fools as Oregon, before with a gun and kin Mm. , , many years. , Most of these- reforms The Journal has stood for during tox?iSM?ZZM. existence, ana nas helped to bring about or. sustain In . Oregon. And nillllons of people are realizing that thla state Is the wise boy Instead of the big fool of the family.. ' Agitation and booatlnr ara uaeful but It world not hurt tha lntr.rer.ta much 10 aDoiisn I'm auty on ari, at leaai. Orant county, for tha first time, la out ot debt. ... . ' Th crowth of Corvallla will also ba worth watching. . . 'Tiera la a areat amount of snow In tha JlIIus moutttatna. , ,. - r , About Nprlng Gardening. ' J.lj women who enjoy seeing tha green things grow will be Inter eated In the oommunlcatlona from aomaof our subscribers who are In Orknt county Tn reut pumbora." " . Yef Vj'ut'tO A Snow laflve feet deco It miles east Of Weaton, ajid packed. r x . - , Letters From tte People ' ' - BDNDAT. -a .' Oaa . ttu ,.$tM I Oa aeoth...... .JS '. pAILT AND SUNDAT. . . - nn rror. .17.60 1 una moata. .83 I ' Portland's Bridges. . Portland, Or,. March 24. 1S09. To the Editor of Tha - Journal Our vigorous Tha fruit buda war wisely ar luck- lijr iiyw in cumins jhjk iiiia . aiTiiia. t. There are )ho many profeaned Demo crats wno want eceasiv protection. Rooaevelt Is apparently laying the foundation foracaUinc soma mora peo-lva pia uara. . - , . . . Tha union council has . made .Itself a pew atrlvt Sunday lid,. ,, " ' v. " a ' .' ' '' SIX companies ara now worklnr In tha supposed Maihaur county oil fieida. a TI-ANT,' , By Floradells. . There ara few things that yield as large returns fur the amount of labor and money expended aa a garden, and a good x&rden I not. only a delight, but it ia a. great economy as well; bealdea ' x aavlng In houaehold expenne one wllk find an Improvement in tha genera iW, c ; . . Sloth makes all things dlf- flcult but industry makes all things easy; and he ; that sriseth late must trot all day, ' and shall scarce overtake his J TbuBlness t. nlghtj , while Lazl- . ness traveis so slowly; that ; PovertF soon overtakes him., Franklin. v . " - ; ; .' P Fine anrlnr weather un In 'Harnev health of the family when uxlng; a. diet llev u I lreT rroM wl?l be DluteU conalatln largely of good f reT vege- uey. and larga crops wui Da planted. ublHlfcv During eArly all of my houae. , ' . keeping experience.-1 have had a good . . - . . . .i I nm.njrun v-nr umu iJic.t-ni. inn.,, i Harcl,.n And rrom nv exDerlenca In aa- -... t i ' j ,7 J: m "'' " KUitor or Tha . Journal Our vigorous ;' JJ." fact" In aupport of Ita statement that lection veaeublea of nA)d oualltv thut THR ROGt'K v V.. f f one. car and light trailer, the teams and growlag city was always behind the mlhl b.'11 . the mines in the Bunvllle iiatrlct are w!i mate a .Sue "iSn fSrtSt ? tatte tha "..' ; be kept .well apart, 'and crowds Of times on bridges. It-waa considered a w -atarvo. r- ..;;.v rapidly coming to tha front a pro- graatar part of the year and that will,. ND Investors have" pur- pedestrians not be allowed to con- V"ju'lthJ";b'.Inn.L.we!t ? 'Vfty cleaning ip ttamS are obaervabl. ""cer' f ' ,ha, mtt 1 i1,,!'1 L'VlJ! : ?l 1 ...n.r. uiwwl llama Wun . -w I 3. "... ' . . I " .'- t- i ". '. T" " . ORTLAND Investors hava nur-1 nndeaf Hana i k nrnnariv , rtnr n ara ih a rAiii'aa a. r a w i . ' " . r . . a." ? i i aun. a wui b ua a aw Chased the MoorehOUSS tract wf gregate? What would be the fnec- ZLZZ:' wlila .1 Z ! . PPa, aai good Hems. Keep All incfleatlona oolnt to a nroanerous may be helpful to a few of tha many 130 acres oneland a half miles taele of this city using abridge On Ferries would doveii enough, and a "T T , .'. -'. 1.!?!: ih,t. 'Tiii ri rknAffi,nrn:i Jll " .1 . . - . n l I vi. t. . j j - ... . j. I Willi- i' i !'" in"", iiwumjiimu, "o "-- -;:r". - uwiuwm-nivouirii ruiui iu i wuicn m lew auueu peuyia, - a anno unu nu ji outrage un me pram i iuu,ii.j i -m Yji" i " k .grower and the merchants of Douglas lie a itat mat win rurnian rrean. vege- JiKa Air..' wowii Pl I iin.intir n.lnv Ik. ..... lfin avm lh 1 lanilll all Ktlrft Rnrlnr. MllmmMP. Uhllntl ana ir property narveatea .ana carea lor. h goua. auppiy lor at leant pare or me ORKGON . ND ILUNOI8 FTER nearly three months of Inability o Jackson county. The tract is fruit crowding of teams or an eitra street- 7JXry t0 Spm ground for "a Sivo" e! wtaTSeJtt th, Y ., and alfalfa land, and the price paid car might cause a collapse of .theD e "w"f, '" ' S., , , Nw; r; - was 150 per acre.- According, to structure? What would be the spec- . Doeuiltio and w. ,T".Y5ry.5cLf.5 PuUtaf atrongly for .-Albert Neadhcm and son .Frank -ara -whiter) .Beans,... beets. - cabbage, cauii - . . . . . i . k .i . . : t. . . i m Buu.uuu uny wui' v k uik uvi iibw- i Dianiinr 1 1 acres or oronira in jixuii- i rwwwr. wiory.. i-urn. 1 mrruin.. cucuni. ine Mearora. xnpune, every root or tacie ir, in an unguaraea momeni purring, .waowy old ptarK street rrryi n-,nt that, will help to, attract tha other vsie. a suburb of Eugene. , The mont bers, jettuce, oulonn, paraeiy. peas, para. lana la toe tract IS susceptible Of the crowd Should tfilcken, trie teams I W"B Bn p-tun imuinuon wnra m jjou.uwo. - ; . ,, ... rv , ' '. . I or tna trees are winter appiee and are or I nipa, potatoes, raaisnea. squasn, toma gravity, irrigation.. A large portion congest and the bridge fall Into the Zl.:'Zl: 1" - Attorn Genenu rrawforov i .1.0 is to be set to apples fend pears.! . j river? Z V ' .' . , - And too wabbly to look good or feel helnsr mentioned lor Rovernor. At this riety. : . . ; . , : .r J good variety for a family gnrden. Aa Bo riifrtr the story of growth In There is a afe and a sane way In good.. New York ha. J 5 tube, under the eion ' next r. 7 - ' 7j :."T . Kd Hollow.V ha. iu.t combleted tha well In th7- Soring pianthe" SEP. "o? .a . I . . mmm m ' . . s 1 riVAf ' UOSf Irti sihAltlif hava . aa V I AA as I .. -A.iAr. f ' i ' . . ' i I " . soutnern , uregon. jsear jacason- an numan anairs ana one goiaen """i" . . .; setting, out or another rarge oronaraiomona, paranips, peas, oeets and eanv villa una TC,tn. v., nof cnnit rnla In tVn nn rhnnrea T lvn I two. , The bridges should swing -ubove I Make SalerA big enough to support I south Of Brownsville, says the Times, j turnips. Find a sunny sheltered spot Vllie One JnVgStOr naS Set OUt OUUU mie IS, laXO no Cnances. . UVeS are -teamboata n1 he -ISO feet wide, andlmoro than one new. hotel.- eAva tha Th nnw nnh,M rnntoln. 7R rre aet I and nlant a little nlot for extra onrlv .... Shoots of the Tokay grape, and In I more costly, and even reduced to a there need not be mora ; than . three of I Statesman, i But it might be wise to to Apple, pear and cherry trees of thel e. few onion aets that will make the vrr ina ora uni iini. ,. .- -; i nest varieties. ' Mr. uouoway rias great i eariy green onions, some jettuce, ran A A wrnniHn tha tlllnnlo i.ii,i. I lull HBUitf viuiuiijr mere ro iu,vvv nurum uiuuc unom, .010 uiuig iiir " iit i uu. tSTS stUI SeeJ thVth 13' cre-of brush laid peculiarly tdapt- clous than bridges. -;We want no vrmp..r lure is stUI deep in the throes ...m t To. , with It. .rtAVnth nf .nr. Of COUM. tubes cost money. The or a senatorial hold-up. What I . : ..... 1" . 1 same objection was made to bridges In 'months nf rit iai.iattnn I ' '' aistrlct.'lZ acres or or-1 rowing nomes Ana even me groan-w as to tubes now. The increase 1n that three means Oreeon wll Vnown p,,;;. Chard recently sold for .118, 000, or lng taxpayer wants no : collapsed land values sure to result from tubes federal officeholder' In the S t the rate. oUl500 per acre. ? Big wltk tcr every political bOBs, and every ward P114' from bt8ide sections Is turn- Portland to pay. Ia any analysis, Jn va,U8 at t m tor dBUB0-.of naneer-on has bean- at ' tha eonitai I lnS - me aiBtrici, as ne w yieiu 1 mem, nm mu, mc, nve mites eacit way,, up and aown tne plots, conspiracies and counter conT fru,t Maim-JrotltMTdH IssuC there Is but one conclusion. of business' lots 14) Portland on the -west spiracles. The Chicaeo Record- reauzea rrom pear ana appie or-i uituBe 1 uU 1 BWe would equal half aa much more. Herald. Rpnnblfr-nn h nnhiiahArt 1 charding, and the region produces made perfectly Bare,, ana mererorei of course, under our present absurd Whether the government or Standard I fruit producing country and balks that I Of seed that y.ou' have chosen fo greens II wins can never be determined unless I faith by deeds Instead of words.' , i: . l' mustard, .cnard and spinach are a the. amounts of their several attorneys' . ' , ; I good' selection, flant tomato, seed In a fees are made known. . a - fl, The -future :- of Harrlabura looks 1 10 ss early as March and-keep In ' 4 -.v, iT-V.' i -nj brighter every day, says the Bulletin. I""?! '.-iZw. " panSnTI Senator Albert Abraham of Doua'as Much depend on what wewho are now itfr?PJ" u'wJ?n..th5r nAxot 1. i.a Anv irv- m lurnm, I har dn In Inln un the town tol"ve Dt.ui-inree seta ot true leaves -w . r -,t. 77 . -..ri , ;:.7' : tnev ahnnid ha trnnin ti tn mnth., Irovernor. He win prohaoiy at least man mvitanie to- ine people wno are ' ' T' ,r Hr .X ead the names for that office on the continually looking over the. valley for l? 'wh,l Ji??1" wihK? ballot. - , . - ' suitable town In which to settle. Get S 1!?- 1fit.-t- SBJ?i-e' -Uk- . a-. ' . . buav and keeD busy -- . - "lower-1 celery and egg-plant may be . : The bis Rose Carnival In Portland In , P ' - L-f; 'W..- " June Is sure to be about the bitaest t. . k...i. i I "n 1b5 u5 Pm xoP F'i-?.E and best attraction on the eoMt"hla m-VV" Register. Now you're I. than atVre-enCaay. the Her-oner Hwdy " varieties. ;'heNpTaauVi .waat '. .' Times. WHh ? tha price of sheep from eorn jt j, a . g0od Idea to select one alone. But what for? . Surely not r to I CONCRETE BUILDINGS M vllllncrlmr itrmApt ftAttas Ks-IHitaiBI nnf hot. I . " " . i-v I . " ?.7.rr7 The Albany Democrat , ici iaviiiiirn tut Kcuiug vvcr ui uuuvi I i rvti . i . .j. i vb cu ii ffiauuei vi iviaBiii ine river, xncy win nave u aone some t h, wftij ih.i aay. j ne- quicaer ib aone -ana uoneithe editor create a local Inn nf Ih. m.rn t.n The Times believes that a judicious j that will give a succession of tender year. Kuuene ,4yui.u;a, u as puousnea - -' .i.,t ' .hAnM h. torn Wn Tf If I. al. avstem nf taxation nrlvati owners would talking. "fi.-. :P.OTtma8t value thu. created. W- should Thnlfurn, .inwnaic revenue collectors 'y'T "1."".. 1. ttZ -i,.u .tn, "av - Pt the- coat of public d0ot take! the'hoinw iaier to io out SriT.".;'"" : Pi '..-?"' very beet .Bd .other;,otJhefeder.i;.-pu8W .Bd v" . . -tirieliX Vht! iULllelV demands thut th .ntnn I cures tur it. lue wuriu h uet uiiuea. i " -'" " . co.,.UVir-ua tuiii iv;iii.cij. to their Jionifia nnii norfnrm ihi As a pear producing, area It Is slm- publlo murder? ties for which thev draw salaries P'7 without rival on the globe. I yromtrovernment. Ona rmA t There have been instances where Springfield Is trying to elect Hop- carloads of Jtogue .river pears have kins,, and other factlonsUn his own ; brought in the New -York anfl Lon- party are striving equally hard to I aon mricets prices, mat seemed ai- (.,A, -.1 li : . . ... ' -I mnitt f Bhiilrkiifl ThA rntt&ot- tiati hpn ...-..-. v.uvv.wu.-. iiio wi uuio-1 r - - . I lQt anrt n I n forest In W. i., . '...l.. I Hm.i Drii.i. ir n hi. i j.. . j . . . ... . . tin, tha Drtirnii xvui. Munt,i al .... - irios m uuf iini were nem ousiraci- " .' w .... 1 11.117. M ra 1 II 1 ,1 U I .1 U'llQIlT ArrfflA ,1 n-K I W J... V. bUO 1.VI.UV, . . .'9. fc,..l..T I . . - 1 - 1 .... 1. 1 . w l. ll Q 1 I - I IaHIabI 4 , rAfflnnl & ara la unit ii.. i. I lltftral s-nlilmfnA 11 ha frn t indiis-1 wvj A.11UWU iu mi.rv 1 " r irsnlpa. The Dark. Stlnnon nar the BUPnly began to runll. an- not mt iiimmur heat. flialli'a the price went up to 2S Early Jewel takes the lead as an all pur- AXUFAOTURERS and ; users well, the sooner they can boost prices lng somebody himself T " ' " ,J.?,v,ei.tD? LVJRXV!!! ,1?LPt-cbw. iOt-4fr-m.UtorMd .- ;': ' .' ' .. . increase thi'trade of the busiHia. men h.fto?; eTr'ly building purposes are organ- Tv1" "" nBf1"" , , ,T 1 1 7 i .1. ' ""fouDteoiy an that much. , ' ::'r. a splendid late variety.. The ahort stump VJr7ZZ?,m I delayed, electric, cars malting through Meal rnan to send a- ambassador, to , , . ' ' - . . I rooted carrots and parsnips are more that were never obstruct-1 rn-jun ir m ma ou years 01 1 Qpja Beach Globe: - After tne arrival satisfactory for the home garden than a m kans in .ra i,. ,,, l BUDprlor and notaoie work he has man-In. rtsnrav iat wMk. a. toiiificatinn I ih. in., vui.tu. rk..,iiri...i....'i .... . .... I aged to save tne Price;' "- .1 nr.V.nrprt ihl-K lnnteil tarn nr thru inmil la an. nt t,a ki n. .hi. Politics Is regularly 1nvnV4 Th- try. y. v.r onto the vaiue of I" ""' i.:v-- ' . - .. " y- W ? n.nyu"" while the "Ouernsey- Is a leader t- " .iT I. I -V. , - w..f f i.i h. k. in tneir inieresi,. ana is 10 oe reaa t. A . n imnrnvmnt.. . Aioany ueraocrat: - Aottage urove were parHciposts. ooow soia among tne v'wj 'o Biiv wiuo uue, ana. ine ar- ,.v" f of tor malrln rliiA flllnwnnrn for thla I rri.-k . . ";;:,. ouainess man nas sow nis, ousiness in per oouieoin i.i 1 i.. ...... ... . . nuDnimn with tha (...tinimr .iroom, I a" Que allowance tor tuiBiThat day may not be so far away as 1 nnia, t Hvnt m timS. to m. I Simrt . -mhVn .B t iuo Bia are riven irom cen- . " fa vt thot .omanf as a hnllrlinir t nl It hevond the vntln nower of kli ;;n .hi . i nk m ti omW .nm. In . KI.,'-.. '" ter to circumference. Legislation and nearby forests added assets in . , bald headed men now living to help in- la yar. Wouldn't that Jar the bones of a dry county. - . J all vines need a rich-sandv Toam. where ull " ,y,' langurate. v ' .:- ,.'J I croker. . - I . . . ' T. '...',. - the sou la warm. ? Melons are not hard ' - I J ne pennie or uom nm, says me i to raise, put they will -not thrive In - a "Old Man" Bennett . has nrotpsted I Kews. are fullV- Imbued with a spirit of I clnv nli th hnt in aonriinir ' heretofore because persons, one In Day-1 Improvement i and progress occasioned individual taste. "-Choose beans, peas, ton anrl another in Ontario, annrnnrlateil I hv the levfclv. weather war. are -enjoyine". I .ti iwnriilnir tn Wniit ana hnA. the newspaper name Optimist, which he Houses and yards are being- cleaned and flavor, as a rule it is better to buy the ........ ... .......... V. . . . a.. . ,mkmaa . 1 . n. c. mi , I n . mhm a n .1 In 1 . . . . . . . ... , i- v.,iMin 1SHU8 II iui ir, uruuxuer. 5H" i " rn iw wuni hi jiu iinvivim, . . '" '" , , nrj mn j ; uwn to try raising inem in goa when Dolph, Mitchell and others f ne of the mdst thickly popu- X 1 TrnaTl roVr haW appropriated hs 553 ..1 hlTVn .were assassinated at , Salem, and Mated and one of the richest com- .1 hefn wwanapern &ar i no new iniBmur w" I iv, , 7 1 ! . j . v iij I rew plants . or rnuoaro, norseraaien. hanEs fn awsT; in.ThT the region's ealtlu To -Its fruit f merell' . Of 'the' Senatorial Btruj:jrle"Wttll-ItS preduelnat possibilities is added a aauonB' 8U8' Bridges are out of date acros a navf- AetoatnBtVt t rllmstft whrRfll7ihritv Iqthn riellirht larSeIy into use, Is -ft fact apparent gable harbor, anyhow. The tube has defeat or passage contingent on votes climate wnose saiuDrny is tne aengn; . , a,iij! I rorn r- rarwrrar. for this or that candidate for cenator. of the resident the whole year - T" ."T"ZZfa if'Zl 1 " It Is the old regime of former Ore- through. The region Is fast becote. - Issue With Dr. Brougher. ,;' when the state and the Republican I munitles In the Oregon country '. .r.rt, . a . ...... I v :, . . Vv"H-. . I. . . .... . .1 jmiij. nno i uuu torn wun pas-i nj i..--,. i Qnn Francisco I inherent immortality, and as he Tan not i oune. sioQ. It Ib a tale of -flirty politics, REFORM IN COURT PROCEDURE rthm, aki, arid rt fire a lmmort.u ?ul J? .V,s Blw,'1!e v - " -. . - i quotes rrom a neatnen pnjiosopner, viz for it Is believed that they are prac- Socrates. St. Paul warns the - - saints cement buildings have already been mon of last, Sunday night he- takes it I the irrigator. constructed In Portland, and more for granted that the soul of man baa J be iasued at Canby, succeeding the Trh. I fldently look forward to quite a build-j etc.. and the savory herbs that are al lng boom in our thriving; little city. the true Inwardness of which will never be rehearsed, because it ln Tolves and blights the whole state structure of Illinois. Meantime. Oregon, which bad a half ,1s pending In the state senator to elect, required but a few j legislature. Three judges of the su A w M J-Ct TTTlgTri-VTr x jnuva.Mi.iM iu simpiuy cwn ,, D.ot f Uaalnst such, callins theirs teachins- Drocedure Is In nroeress In Illl-I . ' .. . . . . . .I" ..n .nri t,.iiinn r m.n in. nrtin. TciRlatinn In that hn- upevi m v.v.x. . I word, and teaching or enrtst. in that ings In - eastern clues. vieveiana,. 1 he will find the truth, which will make FAMOUS GEMS OF PROSE American Nsttional-tyw'B3r Rufu Cloat TpArM an fta t KAfrtrA ih VAiin oetuw lu ici. retjuirea out.a tew icgwiature. iiiiBe juugea ?i iuv u- Cement Age says, "unburnable him free from the blasphemous doorU, "....7 m antes nf thn trilatum. tt nerlnr ronrf havA hen annnlnted lI?e V?nP ? aaja, uuvuipwmi M .A, mh -mv.iA fMen s Democratic Club, In the Tremont complete the task." The Tman elected a committee to propose amendmenu f ' aviu& ul juuulucihviq v- i uod throuah Jesus Christ.- wno natnii utluw ui mubci i-uiuow iu iins. dollars to its Citizens--In other abolished death", and .brought life and I sweet spirit of nationality the nation words. Cleveland: the city of con-Mmmortallty t Ughtj; that "death Is thelallty of America. See there the pillar of crete and all in 10 yearsViB the wa?esof I "h . ,V ;t nV "th ' fire which flod has kindled, and lighted. iL LITaIJZ, r L neth Jt h?" .dtetThat e (Jesus) and moved, for our hosts and our ages. maae an orrenng or nis soui ror sin. t rjnder such an influence you ascend H died "fnr'the alna nf tha wnrlrl, . TTa 1 . v. . t, a A ii,t. ...u is In the city of Washington serving to the practice act, . .The chief jus- " Vita -H.. ,r . , I il v 1 li i i. O01lf lO mu vuuiwLucuii, auu uiguu m ail ui iui iuiuuiv vuuri, uai uaiucu peace. The legislature with Its one a committee of Justices to confer on : ftallnf fi. xK a1ii1a l.lj, I Ik. ..kl.Ai i IT1.A ''4wtA.M v...4-1.ik " H"u.: waa icil tree I uwjou. . mo jueuv, yi. -vun .. .. - tTi i-rpslrlent nf thft and untrammeled to, proceed with supreme tourt have unanimously ap- SS2? Tssoclatlou of?lmea? o .iuiu mm uiDiiamiuusw lilBpaiCU pi urcu nuicuuuicuio. .uuu, .- .Kill, . u- of ; legislation. The session was thorite the courts to. give oral In saved from bedlam, law making went strudtiotiS; to Juries that will pro on undisturbed, and many measures hlbit reversals by the appellate court of great value to the state were en- on mere technicalities;' such as are acted. Is there one man in all Ore- now proposed In the Cooper case at goa who does not know, deep down Nashville, Tennessee. -The. same la his heart that the Oregon plan Is recommendation by the supreme 1 he safe, fectlve method Users, who is also a government ex pert lnithis work. "Concrete, cheap and beautiful," he says, "will be the building material in 1919. Every thing will be made of concrete then.' . In 1893 only about 300,000i bar rels of cement were manufactured luo uick pun ,g reconinienaation uy iii? supreme - . Kll 00ft 000 'barrels ware method of elecUng senator? state to amend indictments for er- ":.. Il iM,' fl ofaoi titT CXK)PERATIVE IRRIUATI&X rors of form. It is a matter of re-4 veloped. 'This . is another of Ore gon's opportunities, even though it has more timber than any other scarcer and dearer, and steel costly, I omAiiVl' niSndilTnorl' Ivill lnrronap gret th.t -the. late Oregon legisla- far fMtei. the futuret ln'aU prob; tuifj rejecteu measures tuai urouoneu i . ,, ,i..iiin, tnaaa It THERE has been in Grand Ronde reforms In the court procedure. As ,g m tQ be eitensively-used,.as valley a movement on foot forJ was seen, however,, In the act, of, a dIson l8 8ttemptlng to use it In ' IT f 7 . ' aRVins m v,ew Cic',, "J.W'," uituutuau the oUick construction of qheap , ''rttatlon of a large trsct county, there Is still a means , for g fof worklngmen. M this ot land there, land owjned by many reasonable progress if bench and corJIiection. worth while to re- - v,.., vi mnu mnR aiiii u.ri-wi.i uimi.w. u,..), again - that Oregon is rich in , hundred acre each, and in all. com- know that the-unbending I m. matftriai n rn prising many thouBands of acres. To some courts jpay to archaic; prece- upply itgeirand havc great amounts ...v-. v..c iui tun) nuicvBBini miuui,iuiiriiu ui luuuuuug, .uu.nj fw export, once the industry is de- r i ui tun lanu vwuttrs w ItlllQ l uuairuvu j uain rj. iu nuivu wm tbe proposed area for irrigation, matt J set up as A safeguard has evoluted agree to join In, tnast sign up. must I into hair-splitting abstraction . In enter into a mutual agreement tol which there is little reason and less I .i.i i . . . I siaie. intrude lucn lauus ior me cost or I aiscreiiou. proviaiog ana maintaining the pro- The honorable profession or the Ag determined ' by the normal , posed ' irrigation project, which Is bgr can ill afford to invite the crlt- school board, the normals should aid by competent engineers to be Iclsm the practice entails, and the atiu bJ gjTen the opportunity to ex- ruLirviy iraaiuH?, t.nougn expensive courts can less aiiora. ine jobs or tgt Dy. contributions of their -friends as a great quantity of water must be respect it occasions. An endeavor by M gUte institutions. It is not the brought from distant mountain both to move along the lines pro- fault of n0nnals that they were at reams. The cost per acre will be posed in Illinois would be a Bub- ereate4. It waa poor boon enough no greater than some government Btantlal contribution to the general for thenJ naTe been eft entirely project. Tbe land lies near rail- welfare. . , - .. unsusUlned. To those atudenta who roaas ana is already owned, settled ;: , e gbout t0 graduate next June at and to a eonalderaMe extent cniUva- The tariff .reform committee of jeast as mucb as this should be ex- ted. It is not really desert or arid the Reform club of New York, in a tended, towit: that their diplomas lacd and Is .valuable now and its circular communication published In BaTe ine plighted indorsement of the owners are well to do residenta. but this lame, asks for ' contributions gtate 0f Oregon. Good faith entitles with this water its valne could be from, persons interested - In this these coming graduates at least to inaltlplled "reveral times, almost In- movement and who are desirous of that, if not more. irwuuiw ui it I iiuiuk me euooiiuuu wura oemgi i carried on, and: that it is impoVtantj The Kew York American, "to pre- wcrth now 50 aa acre or so, a large tract a, coold be subdivided into am All tracts, and 'made worih- IJOA ia $1009 an acre. Tha cost of irriga tion wouia ie bu aiigst la com t-srlrVia with this increased value. One of tte 'owner . thotfxkvini la 8hrmaa cos sty. where he is a t-enker. ori ICO acres which It mi dfired to Inrlude la this projoct ni rn to! eg to attend a xaeet ir-g tf the irneatora ha at Once de t'arrti that be would, put Ha land Is. Irs . " la our county we would S'H t! ani-li m I'ropoaiHos) en ir-.rv'r t? kt kh mi! i r..rt 'n rtf .'.- 7r tr.!Jt h-'.M4 a vtMi r-ms rttty to the masses ot people ahonld be I serve a government by the consent of carried on. All educational wfforttjtJiXQvernednilroialeaiJfl):Ill lu behalf of beneficial changes, move-j rect nominations: . (X the recall; meats or reforms require contribu tions from pablic spirited c It lions who ire willing and Able "to help carry ,tbm forward and so be!p ben efit mankind.- , The prWevted Inter esta ran and do roniribate aolimtted sums in oe wafor another to en act and preserve laws and customs that enable them to ploader the un organized, people who hare been prsrtkally helpless aralnat their eb r roach meets; hence vow. mbea there i sw r-oaiwt or at leat a rei-! tCi'y ol tariff rcforrn, mr.y titl-j (I) tha initiative; (4 the refer endum; (51 a corrupt practices act; (4) puhllc ownership of public util Itlea, and a referendum upon every public franchise; (?) . the election of eenatora-by. the iople Aid of judges for abort terms. Tneee ob ject s, briefly explaftied, tha American prints 'as the eaeeBUal things' for the object stated, at (he head of its editorial columns. Tbe A merlcan and the other Hearst aewspapers tare a vsft clientele -f readers, mt of .whom agree 'ib it; henue Heiahnra tha itmnka and stir of .this smaU poureo out nis soui unio oaui. ; I local , Strife; you tread upon the. blab die Is to perish (only as Christ . shall j piaeee oif the earth. and of history; yoa g-tve "us lire). or there is no otnert think and feel as an American for Amer- "an V''er rvit:isviir. vorr 4Ca; hfer power. her.emlnencS, her n sour which will not .hear that prophet sideratlonvher honor, are yours; your haJlrl,-"troy1'rmi'fmln sompetltors, like hers, are kings . your ppople.'r Thiis. proving that .the soul k . v hr. i.ih.mrH. vM,pn,ih. ?" destroyed can die. ton perish. k h , on tn, hi.hway of empires; If that is .true. It Is pot Immortal, and charge, her charge, is of genera- so has not, otnnot have, eternal life tlonlI ,nd your record ner TteQtdt in torment, and suffer torture through , f treatles battles, voyages, beneath all eternity,jbut if It .ia locorrrgiwe the constellations; her Image one, im- lll"PJ?!LmlZZ2m n-'rtal., on your eye as our ---- ."-"". iMipn. tar-at avenmar -rises oa tne the '"second death.' Death, and he who had the'powef of death,.' will .- be de. stroj-fed:Then WHl sung the victor! ous song.' !'Oh, Death, where Is thy sting, Oh. Hades; hera is -thy victory r. Thanks be to fjlod . who 'glveth ue the victory.'-through our J.ord Jesus Christ. Then- shall -this mortal pot' on immortal ity. Then shall death be ? wallowed Up in victory.? '. And he shall reign till ha Duts alt things evil under his feet, de livers-up the. kingdom to .Jehovah Ood, his father.' Then will the kingdom for which the saints have prayed so long be ushered in . and his will be "done on earth as Is dona In heaven.' I find In A faithful Study of his word that he has a-tven ua many proofs that he does-not delight in. the death- of any. but , would rather, all "would come to him and Hye: - Search h Seripturas, for In them ye will find eternal life tb rough Jesus Christ, -who came to give life, and life abundantly to "Whosoever will."- , ONLY A SJUDENT OF THJ8 WORD. The Proposed Tax Amendments. Albany, Or March It. To th Editor of The . Journals-Having received, nu meroos Inquiries concerning the ' tax amendments that were submitted by the legislature to the peopl At the resTilar eler thni t tn - Itie'-pleaee - allow- me to state through Th. Journal that a full and definite explanation of the de. mands for this measure, and tts work Inga will be given out at the session of th stst grang which convenes at He- Xlnnvtlle, May 11 ttf It, l0f, and WlU be published thronerhout tbe state. . , ELQtSS ER. .Tbe Good That. Me Do. Chicago later Ocean. Thirtv rasas aco Penator Daniel IX rratt of Indiana died. For IS years many poor ehlldrrw of IvoraBaport th kind Bants ClauS sororttmes neglects- have been rwelvtng Christmas preernta It has Just been learned that a - fund left by tbe dead man. who lived at Lo ganaport. la the -explanation ' ef tees annual benefactions. It was rt a larg fund ne lf Jut enongh te provide 11 1 a f btit It years age lrgansrort waa a small Inn and that amount mtnt i great Kven tertav It means rethlns. Te th tittle children tot w bum the drad rn baa brn piavlng Pur.ta VTavm sa long, ho hll mir rrfw tn'i-h It mfa? Thrrr t Ihe imKh rwit tUp rft f-t WMifcr-tke ti- m!4 fcia. LRg age traveler from bis homejne lowering cloud, no ingry river, no lingering spring," no broken crevasse, no Inundated city, or plantation; no tracts of ' sand, arid and burning, on that surface, but all blended and softened Into one beam Of kindred rays, the- Image, harbinger and promts of love,4iope, and a brighter day. , ,. .'"''.- 1 ' -'. if- nut if vott would. conternDlat nation-. allty as an Activ virtue, look around you. - Is not our own history nne wit ness and On record of What It can do? This day, th 4th of July, and all which it stands for did It not give us these? This glory of th fields of that war, thla eloauenc-of that revolution, this on wide sheet of flame, which wrapped i tyrant and tyranny, and swept au tnati ways a delight to the housewife thee are mostly perennials and should he planted in some place , where they will not be disturbed by the plow. "- tt--ii:S ';;v' How to Make a Lawn. : . YOU may have been looking at the " - fins green turf of some public escaped from It away, forever and for-1 park and wishing that your little aver:' the courage to fight, ta retreat, grassplot in front of your house would to rally, to advance, to guard the young grow something beside weeds. . "The flag by th young arm and-the young lawn,", says Frank A. Waugh, -of Am-, heart's blood, to hold up andthold on hurst Agricultural college, "la the foun- tlll the magnificent - consummation daon of all good gardening." So why crown the work were not all these im- Mi. m,,!'-!! n.1 .,u , iL-.i.i wo matter if you nav never raised , parted or Inspired by this Jmperlsl sen- anything but a crop of old tin cans timentr ...... ' . and rubbish heretofore.: If you go at Look at It! ft has kindled us to no It in the right wav you may have alma of conquest. If has involved us a little plot of the smoothest moat da la do entangling alliances. ' It has kept "shtful green grass. . It all depends on our neutrality tgnifled and Just Th "rKln 2 l? theu Ap!L1i vlcSi BuTthXrar anU Kr W?At&?tti& victories.. But th -larger, and -.truer pertaining to tai.ening, tells how to grandeur of.the nations, for which they make a lawn. from the very first, how are created, and for which they must the different soils must be prepared, on day, before some tribunal, give ac- what aeds to use, and, the subsequent . count what a measure of these it has C,IS that . is required. - . enabled ua already to fulfill ; It has lifted I lJtJ,'VLlm ,cn', all sort of us to th throne, and ha set on our ?iT ..IVirTZZ ... L' TJr fJi'i""V"'7 f I Z t Of the-great republio. outdoor life, "We must make our lawns wrong and to submit to nothing wrong It has . made our diplomacy sagactdu waryrand Aocompllshed; It has opened tn iron gat of - the mountain, and planted our enSign on tbe great tranquil sea. It has made . the' desert . to bud and blossom as the rose; It has Quick ened. to life the giant brood of useful arts; It has whitened lake and ocean with the sails of a daring, new, and lawfuL. trade; it has extended to exiles. flying as clouds, the asylum of our bet ter liberty. It has kept us at rest w4th ia our borders: it has scattered the seeds of liberty, under Is w and under order, broadcast: It has seen and beloed American feeling to swell into a fuller flood; from many a field and many a aca.. though It seeks, not war. makes not war, and fears not war. It baa born th radiant flag, all unstained. tt was aald that "All of th' rec1 of mortals is child-loving." That Is still trua And wlll'Alwiy be true. Whoever doe good unto on of these. little ones not only does -It unto Him; be' also trikna the finest - tenderest, tensest rrhnrd tn human breasts. W admire th man who leaves his ntoner for th benefit of humanity; but humanity Is so larga a word, so brief a thought to moat. We need concrete things to ettr th persons! orpins or ua. That is why we regard the man who would - a-lve pleasure to little children with a sentiment more than and" differ ent from admiration. He gives us a con CTrTlf, l"J-m I III H 1 !! " w.m beautiful abstraction. It Is customary for men te prepare aa best they can, for death -te make their souls.' as one phrase has it vt hat net ter. swaetr way could there hava bees than thla than by taking thonght fir tbe etitidrvsv ret te com who- tntM fln. tha anniversary of Chriat's birtfe a cheerlee season Bfchop Kennedy's BlnhdAjr. " The Right Rev. Thomas T. Kennedy. wen knows la Catholic ehnrrh circle aa rector of the Areertran collfg at Rome. - vu fierw tn rmbKAn. f March'SX. !. wad rrrrtrM Ma edere- kn at a eewmary la Norrltnwn. After graduating he took op the aturtv ef law. uhlrh re awns ablird, however, te etodr fev 'he prtUtnd. Xfler finish- Ma toVeW-a to1 ahmad he rnurnH to rlrf!phN e4 waa ar pn",nt4 a pmttmr at Bu ftrle tho. m ntruirv Ijitr l as t- r)n' lo th h!r of (t. A"g-n-atic theoioj y, H!s srit B'Jvaetreeet waa to th rectorship ef , the North American college at Rome, where .from tne beginning ef his service ' he dls- tlpgotshed himself by bis business Abil ity, nis governing power, his tact and courtesy In dealing with the large num- oer or visitors frora the United States. Hianop Kennedy Is noted as a dlstln gulshed preacher. - : -. .. - - This Date la nistorr. " ' 178 Baon John lovelace appointed governor ot New York. - lT7$--Patrlck. Henry mad his famou speech at Richmond. Va urging resis tance to cagisna. ; Benjamin Franklin petitioned congress te abolish slavery. Ills Blooo ef war Hornet ' carta red the British warahip penguin .off th Cap ef Good Hope. . , IMS Charles Albert of Sardinia ab- eveatee. - a - lISi Twenty-three Uvea lost la th burning of the teaper Bulletin Bear t icaseerg. - - ltd The Peninsula camsalra besaa ib Virginia. 1 '7 BootVe Winter Oardeo theeter la w Tor city destreyed by fire.. lilt tt. . Jamee hotel la Dtiirrr ern4. 1 t'rMed Flat re sutrme court declared the rsUroed ra laws ef Miane- aota and Korth Cerellea en-metlts-tiossL T Oriole mfne at Jlre turns et te t a rrr. ef 1H l rt Binr'iKi. vrt a i.'rt T ..nnr. Ti.,r m'lT ,t ere wis. a attiaard 111 it tvn. and dooryarda attractive places to live In, with a certain and sure gain to our neaim ana nappiness. ' ,;- , :. .- v . t - , Spring Foods.' THERE are a few "foods of which 'j- we never tire, and homo-mad . cruety bread, fresh butter, snd good broiled, steak ar some of them. Weight a nd-substance, of food as well as of flavor must be considered in ar ranging a diet and If vou are horin. nine to loathe th Idea Of corned hf. iiii ana puis toes, ana your tnoughli longingly to the clean turning snaro aciditv or "nie - niant" mil h crlan bitter freshness of r'anrina' r" "gni is reaa wnat UT. woods tint- -x chinson sayr about you In the April Woman's Home Companion. He tells iiirjiwi springiim cravings for "garden sass" take pUoe, and give a number of seasonable menus v" which wll' be better than medicine for that spring fever you think you have. 'Veal Terrapin. MET.'"' three tablespoous, of butter and blend In three tablespoons of flour mixed with one half teaspoon of sslt and a few grains ef mace.' Add lowly two cups of milk, stir until smooth and thk-k. add .two cups of cold cooked Veal rut into rlire . mmi thru chopped hard boiled egg. ' Cook until tnorougniv neeteo, ld one teaepoon of lemon lulc and four -drona of tahla sauce nerve on aliees of toasted bread- - TLe Optimist tCratrilMite' to Tha Joarnnt Ar Wilt Vun ti tma Kama aort. His- aroMvooama will ' a r-Ti" man ac tats roluma is XM. fcuix niraai. ... Copyright, 10, by Oeorg Matthew Annul. Wa r always glad when he droos In the pllgrtrn with the cheerful grin. who won t admit that grief and sin sre In poaaeanloni. there are ro manr hrra beiow, who cx their brinr teara to flow and alk forevermore ef wee. wHh po dtrreeslon: Th man who takee th herfui view has friends to born, ami then a few; they Ilka te hr his glad hallo and loud ki-yoodle: tber Ilka a hear him bnwtrlr swear that things are rtght eld t with rare: they like te bear anon th air bis rark-a-diod)e. Tl loeg frit want ha areplr Tlia; he la a tfic f- th Ills that ran't he r--arh ith liver puis, or poroua pWitr ta h'ir te Bialia 1 hr drt ti wm: ants t) groijrfjra in the tomb,- he a. T to dl.ul thr- gux-m of I; ft 8 laeeter. Wait Mea