THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. MARCIr 23. 1009.7 N says lon-juip- t t - - III OIILV MIT Representative Kahn Warns ' That Exclusion Jlust be . ' ; Accomplished.' Tssey and i numlr of hla colta upon tneir arrival III this city tortfiy. prvfn I youngsters, Uaaeey, Macrarlane, Uard per. Inlr. t'olmnan. Oahorne an Troeoh. arrived willi C'aary today. Tli other membera of I ha Uh(1 ara expert' ed to drift in during fa wo. - The local ball arrounds nave Men pu In 'f rat r aaa Shane. Tiia rirsl gum will be played next Baturflay. . I'real riant t'olvls of Ilia Coniinarclal Club I to pitch the first Inning". in otnr prominent ettlaena will taka part In th one. in or me Maann nara. wsn prae xirai it ties work aays will occupy tha J OY L r "Washington, March !. While wait ing to Interview tha president. Repre sentative Katin or 'California : today made tha following abatement In ref. areiioa to tn atutuds of tha JPaclflo ooaat on- trie Asiatic question: , v ''The present calm on the i Paolflo enaat la no Indication that the anti Japanese sentiment la any weaker. Wa ara merely waiting to see If tha na- tionai government i will ' make good Ita pro-nines to keep the coollna out. . If the coaat la not protected from a ,Jow Invasion, tha legislature at lta next session win pans tue drastlo anti-Jap- wi'M dims - -inat ftooseveit as strenu ously opposed and .which were tabled taier .in uererenoe lows wishes,". Ill SHIR ARRIVES IQUQR (Continued from Tafa One.) (Continued from- Pag Ona.) tha proposed amendment, but In general terms includes tha main bualneaa canter of tha weat aide., tha bualneaa dlatrlct of the eaat aide, tha bualneaa dlatrlct of South Portland and Alblna. All of the paeidano districts of tha city are to be left without saloons pr depots or any kind., . - . ' The right la reaerved to operate care n bona fide hotele of JOO rooma or mora -within tha whole limit! of tha city, but theaa bare are to be Included In the 260 Bet out In the propoaed amendment ' ' Tha franchise aaked ror,ie not erree- tlve aaagalnat the aale or llfluora in drug stores, under phyalolana' prescrip tion. aa la now the case. It la alao provided that, the association la not to allow women in the piacee mainiainea by It, la not to permit gambling or dis orderly conduct of aay kind, or to nave closed boxes In any of Ita placea. All plaoea are to be cloaed at midnight and kept cloaed until 9 o'clock in the morn Ing and all day. Sunday. t , v -H.'.r-.-' OoosoU Ou Xeroka, Tha violation of any of the' terms of the franchise la around -for Ita revoca tion by- the city council, In order to enow good fattb and ensure the correct operation and maintenance of - the de- from Lieutenant Shackleton, but It la Withheld for the present , The; British V AnUrctlo teamr Nimrod left. New Zealand on a- Toy aga of dlBCoterjr on January'i; i8(J8. No further newt wai learned from the expedition ntnMarch ..10 of S-'oWetn? the same year When It wafl reported! the : establishments the aaaoctatlon thai Captain England of the Nimrod &2L of 5S VVhWrn. uu, vi tain Duacmeion, in jenarge i of the franchise. j, . . -s , of the expedition, had diaaKreed. The Friends of the proposed amendment t t , , . I contend inai tne operation or tna uoin- Nimrod left the Chackleton party at J enberg. Idea ellmtnatea all of the bad the foot Of Mount ErebUB and waa to f uree of the liquor business. They x i ,,. .. . . ... I admit tnat tne granting or such a rran- v'wtnru iu a Buuw uutviiuu.wuin cblit mesne the establishment of a Shackleton and hla men were to liquor aeiiing monopoly which would put i, v.i , . , all of the aaloon men of the city out make their way Over, the ice. of bualneaa within the city and force Discovery Of the south pole has them either to engage In other lines .!..-. At of vbuslneaa or become employees of ninoB ,uoci.,wuuvicu A iuuiq uu' association. i 1 ficult undertaking than the discovery I ' According to ' the general plan the nik. v. i . v. saloona altuated In the down town dls- - ii w tooouu iu trlcts, in the center of the business dls- vast stretches of unbroken sea and ice exist In the south and Islands and inalnlanda do not appear." - The magnetic needle becomes almost in operative and the ..mariner Is com pelled to take his bearings by the stars trict, would be operated aomethlng on the present plan of high olaaa cafe end merchants" bars. " .' Those places patronised more by the working men of the town would be run I on a different plan. They would be equipped with - reading rooma, lunch rooms, tables and many of the features or-tne ciuo. won alcoholic drinks WOltld be Bold' aa well aa alnntiolln an The discovery of the south pole " ' . should he desire to drink tea wuuiu uo icgwucu vi ucuicuuuuu i luncn, could do so. importance to the scientific world. ramuy xaquor Stores. and would outrank la achievement "There would be' still another class of j. j , tL. estaDiisnments similar in most features Amundsen discovery of the Worth- to tn9 pre.ent famtiy nquor Btore. Here west passage In fact, from a scientific n? liquor would be sold except in origin- viewpoint the discovery would prove"No.fbrr wSuidaiSaiiSS more Interesting as It has Important in connection with thia establishment harlnnn hA atudv nf thA Psrth'a and no liquor wouid be drunk on the " ---- i nr.miH... - magnetic currents and other ques- it is argued that this plan gives in ALL DAriQUET TICKETS SOLD - . . a i .1 1 . New Issue Made Necessary f. for 500,000 Club Din- V ; ner. Tonight , ' Tickets for the 800.000 club dinner to be given at the Commercial club rooms tonight at 1:20 o'clock were all gone at noon toilny, and the barkera of tha movement will try this arternoon to arrange for more plaoea, '- . "Thoush all the tlrketl for the 100 Places have been aold." aatd Tom Rich ardnon, "we hope to b able tacare for alt who come. Wa will provide lor ail. - ". Interest In the movement to bring about the organlxatlon of such a club la evidenced by the manner in which bualneaa . mxn have taken bold of the Idea, and also -the rapidity with which tne tickets have sold. The-dinner will be served ' prior to the formation -of tha club; and wyi be rouoweci py i, addresses by I'neoaore n. wucox, u. joaaciyn, a. i. mius,. bo ward Kbrnian. C. F. SwigerL F. B. Hoi brook and others, who will explain the objects, and. purposes of .tne organisa tion. . . , Followlna the ' addresses, organisation of .the club will be effected, and the personnel or the committees wnicn win canvass tne city tomorrow wiu be an nouncea. Tne work will be carried on systematically, and no trouble Is an tlclpated In raising $100,000 a. year for two years ror duducuv worn. .Livery ona win pe aaked to arive. The following compose the ; commit tee In charge of the dinner: Julius I Meier, C. C. Chapman," F. B. Holbrook, -Hlbbard, George K. Johnson . and W. Hormann, - , . - - tions of scientific moment. F0RMEB HEUBEB OF BALDWJN EXPEDITION DISCUSSES DISCOVERY .It- creased revenue to the city. - For -flOO Portland received for lta saloons! ami wholesale houses combined 1359 7S0. The new plsn, it Is pointed out would give the city $365,000 annually for its re ran liquor licenses aione, leaving the wuuiestue ana qruggtsts' licenses as mey now are, i - ao argued that the granting Of the entire llauor bualneaa ta n. firm or .oorparaUw, wtnilV do wa.y wttwi: ma i)rawwt'"i.viwi-'gfawing-ut nr tha Anaree nquor ousmess. xt would create one In discussing the significance of the! the present evile)--growing - out of rv of the south pole. A. Andrea ! liquor business. It would eruta of the united States weather bu reau I central body which could be held ac- says that the voyages of discovery have! countable. for violations of the law. In- Deen more vaiuaDie ror wnai acientnic sieaa or naving 4H0 dlrrerent saloon data was gathered along the route than men to deal with, the liquor business had the main object- been attained. . would be reduced to one centrally con "I .would want to take a ; little time to ducted business, taken out of politics "-"-.--'"-, .i'"v na-coniroueq oy one set OI men, Who who was f member -of the Baldwin -Are- would aland to lose their franchise tlo expedition. "'1 would not like to should they allbw violation of the 2yJusLwhat ifloance law In the places conducted by the aa- of the discovery Is Without considering soclation " the matter closely. ' The fact of the u .. i i i. j ant?et,itaotbaeaflrh.,St KvmS r.bui 6 ?hT oThen"hanT i will attempting to be f lrat In dlscpyering the I meet wlth combined and nnnn- h. iFea of 'hunt- fi"ii..ftwiJ'??5 blerly"b, Doles for many years. lies nave aicuur(iia in iuto oi nuni- ,h- --i i,- n Vv, ing for the pole,, for that alone, as It iifinrL-SUKf'0;6 was and not done for atrlr.tlv scientlf In nnr- ? Me- anienaRient. . it will pe poses. It was a sort or race to see who would reach the pole; firat. On these trips, however, many new Islands and lands were discovered and much Inval uable scientific data was collected. Thia has been the chief value of the expedi tions up to, this time.", .- TWO NEW PLANETS : . ANNOUNCED SAME DAY Paris, March 8S. The astronomer Galliot announced tonight' that he had discovered two new planets situated beyond Neptune, which la the outer most planet, or the solar system. MEDFORD TURNS OUT TO MEET CASEY'S MEN Medford. Or.; March - 21. Medford fans turned out en masse to greet Pearl fbugiit by the Anti-Saloon league whose aiuiune is set out Dy J. K. Knodell. Its secretary, when he said this morn ing: , Beforaers WU1 Object. The Anti-Saloon league will make no compromise with any men or move ment which has as Its object the li censing of the sale of Intoxicating liq uors. As an. organisation the move ment "Will be opposed, though what at- lviauai titude the ipdi members of the A Dainty Dessert is made with individual dishes o Toasities, Ripe or Stewed Fruit, and Whipped Cream. Try this for a starter. Your own ingenuity will soon "create others. k Tliis" dainty, food is made of Vhite Corn, has a delicate "toas- ty" fla-6r which enhances many other choice dishes- .' .', "The Taitt LUser" i Directions in the ' little book, 7T4-Bita made with Toaitica" a copy in every pkg.- . , .. ' league will .take I do not know. Tbe plan has been under considera tion for several months. Recently a similar proposition waa nut un ta tha council of Medford In , the Spirit of "trying it on tne dog." it was well reoetved by the Medford council, but wa afterwards Withdrawn. It having been- offered for the purpose of sound ing publlo sentiment rather than for securing me lueaiora Franchise. - It waa at first Intended to take the ror u an a pian Deiore the city council ana uk ii o pui ine proposed amend ment on the June ballot, but thia nlan was abandoned. It beings feared that the matter would be held up bv the cur j am era. ii waa aectdea, arter a conference held a few. days ago be tween McAllister and the representa tives of the eastern capitalists back of the movement, to put the amend ment on the ballot through the Inita tlve and let the people . Vote on tha question directly In June. . countered It Is possible the rescuing parties may n ariven out or tne nnia. as they were last nlgbt and the search again postponed. v " ; Pasadena, where Iane Gilliam. Rich. ard Hslstead, Harold Parker, Sidney Gray and . F. C. Dodschuti, Mueller's companions, live, is a city or mourning today. Business - Is practically sus pended and the major portion of the male population -la narticlnatlna' in tha searcn ror tne missing Dauoonlsts. - . RICHEST W03IAN IS . ALSO LONELIEST New York. March 22. Mrs. - Hettv Green Is preparing to take her departure from Hoboken. Her daughter, who waa recently married' to Matthew .Astor wilks, was Mrs. Green's constant com- f anion and now- the richest woman In he world complains that she la . the loneliest also. Mrs.- Green would "hot ieu wuere sue was going. , Derailment; No Damage. Los Angeles, Cal. M.areh 23. Two Pullmans and an observation car on tne southern racltlo tram No. 9 were derailed early today at Old Salton sta tion, east of India. The cars remained upright and no one was injured. Traf fic 'was resumed after several hours delay. , , .! PUBLISHES STORY BOOK; "boeal Firm Intredaees Hovel Method of Interesting the Investor. . . Out of a flood of real estate ' liters- ture of every kind and description, the little booklet Just- Issued by the Ja-cbbs-Stine company, "The Death of Doubting Thomas," is one of the most unique, pointed and suaraestive that has -been published this year. Carlca- turlno- aAmewhat "Ptlrrfma PrftM.." ;th8 author of this booklet Introduces Mr. Slearsome of 333 Timid street: Citv of Opportunity, likening him to a blindfolded man. whose abllltv to see and act upon opportunity had never been drveloped- Leading this gentle man thrnue-h some of the wnnrlorfnl developments of Portland, Introducing mm to Air. uouoiiui i nomas ana plac ing nim in a mental dilemma for a while. Mr.. Fearsome becomes enthus iastic over- Portland Investments, .de stroys Mr. Doubtlna- Thomas and comes out victor. The publication of "The Death of Doubting Thomas" is limited and may be had upon inquiry at any real estate office In the city. It is believed that the use of such literature, points a moral to the average timid Investor and will lighten his path to lucrative business ventures more than any other argument that has been put forth re cently, j Lipman, WoUe & Co QWAxrrT . oohsidckso on rmiczg ALWATI TKl LOWXBT - vma I" 300 Bllocliefi Sliaipcs $3,50-$7.50 als. 2.95 We have just received a ihipment of 800 high grade blocked shapes no i two alikeand positively! none worth less than from v $3.50 to $7.60. Come early to get the best selection. Your choice in Aj QC this great sale. .&L,jO Rcff. $2 Hal Braids, $1.39 tf'M w mk i7mm; 500 pieces "of the best sat in and silk straw braids not all colors in all styles,' but all colors in some, of the patterns. None worth' less than $2 apiece, many worth more; all l2-yard pieces ; our , . 0 Q sale price... " . .- ''' :h ' ; All Silk Wire Frames, 39c All silk wire Frames, hundreds to choose from, any atyle; QQ our tale price. , . .' . . . , .IC You can also find silk Frame-Wire here in black, white and 1rta any color; put up in roll of four yards i..lUC Full roll of 30 yardg....i-iV'.T.;V.i ;5) , Tie wire," cable wire, rfdy-made hat trimmings, and all other mil linery sundries on sale at .equally low prices. " ' Refl;?50c Mcrcerized-Suilinq, 39& Rcfl. 60c Shanlunn Ponflce, 43c Yd. Solid color mercerized suitiner, herringbone striped effects.. all 'colors.''-;'' Regular 50c value, Wednesday at Wash OA Goods section .... . . . , : ' -OuC Shantung Pbngee silk and cotton wash goods rough M o weave effect, solid colors, regular 60c value. TraJC . $1.50 Iluck Towels, $1.00 Dozen Bleached Huck Towels, si2e 18x37 inches; regular values 1 AA $1.50 dozen, Wednesday., . . . . e?l.UU 50c Bath Towels, 35c Bleached Bath - Towe"U, sixe 45x22 inches, made of double twisted yarn, extra heavy; former price 50c, Wednesday 35c AT '300-390 Cast Morrison Mrce t Near Orand Avenue WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Most Remafkable Sale OF Women Waists Ever Inaugurated There you have it, the unassailable truth, no need of t word if you see them. Say what.we might in the papers, cold type catt never rise to the point of perfectly picturing these handsome hew .waists, Our entire window space devoted to their display. A look means a purchase. The most tempting display of new beauties your eyes have ever feasted upon. A Grand Special Four Days' . Offering That will create enthusiasm amongst the discerning women who are , in tne habit of responding to our sale announcements. The Values and Quantities Run as Follows: ' 40 DOZEN WHITE LINON WAISTS 50 DOZEN WHITE LAWN AND FANpY COLORED WAISTS All Long Sleeve Styles Lace and embroidery insertion trimmed; best 85c qualities, 35 c FIVE LAWBREAKERS , GIVEN SENTEXCES Chris Booth and Henry Hadler. each of whom pleaded trullty to horsa steal ingr, were- given three years in the pen itentiary Dy fresiaing juu uanien betn in the circuit court yesterday atfernoon. Booth took a team from the Ladd estate. Bear Sellwood, while Had ler admitted the uiait oi a mare irom John Roth, t " Arthur Hawklna ' and Clarence Hood hail nleaded aulltv to stealina; a watch and $2.05 from Louis Tujague. Haw kins waa sentenced tu n indeterminate term In the penitentiary, from one to seven years. Hood, being , only 14 rears of age, was turned over to the uvenlle court. ThpAA mnnthfl fn Iha nnuntv IaII waa Mie sentence imposed on 8. A. Gray, a motorman or the caxadero line who levanted with all the cash fares he had collected for one day. A. O. Eddy, the Oregon Electrlo conductor charged with iuiniiii wren, win pieaa tomorrow. PARIS STRIKERS RETURN TO WORK (Culted Press Lasted Wire.) Paris, March 23. The strike of the telegraphers ; and postal employes waa declared Off thia moraine fnllnwlnr general meeting- by the atrlkers. The employes will return to" their old tlons. nendina- a settlement nt .in ferences with the government 30 DOZEN WHITE LINGERIE WAISTS Models of fine rmill and Swiss, trimmings 'exquisitely rich and beautiful, including tiny pin tuckings, insets of embroidery and Valenciennes; every waist in the lot a creation and season leaders at more than double the price we ask; values from $1.50 to Go With a ush. - The demand for that wnntarfnl fin aih, Liver and Kidney Cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills ia astounding- WnnA. ard, Clarke & Co. say they never saw the like. It's because thev never fall tn cure Sour Stomach, Constipation. In- aia-estion. Hiuousnetis. Jsundloa. Ripir. Headache, Chills and Malaria Only 16c. 95c Long Sleeves ... Elaborately trimmed with dain ty lace and embroidery insets; best $125 qualities, - :.. , 63c ' 30 DOZEN NEW TAILORED WAISTS Plain white or trimmed with the fashionable colored bands, starched linen collars and cuffs, perfect indications' of. the au thorized fashions ' for spring; other stores will be displaying,' these 30 days, hence at . twice this price; best $2.25 qualities, 17- $1.19 SALE COMMENCES TOMORROW AND CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY EVENING. The pick of the lots will, of course, go first C O MB BARLY YAlfi SEARCH (Continued from Pag. Ona.) Made by POSTL.M CEREAL CO., LTD., Battle Creek. Mick. from which, there Is no escape. Most it ine nnyona are rilled wiin anns I anow from JO to 0 feet deep,- . .Carried Uttle Ballast. The belief that the-balloon waa nn. able to cross -the mountains Into the deaert Is baaed, upon the fact that the American carried little or no ballast, h cause of the number of ..,. Captain Mueller, however, la one of the moil annul aeronaut in the United Ft s lea, and local aeronauts believe he would overcoma thia handtaan in of emerjrency. bv caatlna- nr.rlv everything movable, rutting loose the basket and forring the party Into the large ring abovs,-If their lives depend ed upon It. -, A number Of Skilled tnountatiuar. ... ii... ii T" " . . " In eanyona Phil Bearne, who la reputed to know every sheep frail tn the Sierra. Mad re ranse. up to Alpine tavern on Kuuni Lwi iai mni ana tnis morn ins sent partiee) doa thrnua-te lha ous eaarona.ln that terrltnry. . n. uiiminn ana-iie aon are direct Ins tbe eearrh In Millard a num. .- bare alee sent aa hfvh on th r.... aa Brown nwMintaln. Fort Ran r r (Wrae V. Crow end Fire Warrir-n Bn ReM left Paaadena earlv tori. in. I 1 1 a oanyoa an4 Mowaw Wlkwnt, where Crew believes he aaw the balloon Run. dav veilr. Aeronaets believe Crow wee rn I '". aa thev ear it wnuiil ara r n tmiinaaihla fnr the A-v-fran retnala attoet -whlia i. flat4 with iilumlaatirc raa aiwt --rr tea" a paHv ef els. hut rN. -jeweara bewllt preve fee was rirM If I be ! remain In tKe bills -t It Is bllerl sm tra'o of t fc tnt- fe artv wm r fmitv tefr Kls'tffall a arsrrely a frmf Of h. anvtk M. r the rans will t rirala nMirloi. The w iom tn jh n-"nraina. whk-H has ra4 tnr tbe past two 4mr Ittm1A. far time ewrlr tutav t";t M , ..... r... 1 In TlPlrBT i eWT :i tiA U... i T "ViA - 5 Th 8atiwfactlpn - That - Comes from Owning THEvWEBER To know that the piano that stands In your home will be admired by every musician who tries it is gratifying to you as the owner. ' . , ; To know that your choice is approved by such famous pi anists as Paderewski and Rosenthal is a still further source of satisfaction. . . . ; . . The recognition that the 'greatest musicians in the world are according to the Weber Piano, is evidence that it possesses something which other pianos lack. Throughout the Weber's half century of existence it has won numerous honors, but never was the consensus of opinion in the musical world so emphatically in its favor as at the present day. Recent Weber models, typifying the highest de velopment of the modern pianoforte are here for your inspection. . Weber Pianos Represented Exclusively in the Northwest by ptsMaOTwiWlCtr root Knox Mats Always considered the best All the New York styles now on display 353 Wnshlngton Street 311 E!crrisonf Opposite Pcstofficc ii JOURfJAL WANT ADS PAY V break m. if a4vete weal bar 1 ea. :