THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 23, 19. It Australian, 4 Q 4 V pee pntind. Potato- lArl. 834 ii la per Or 31 850 1.60 per wt ; Wmm. i ..' 86 per p-r ton or $1 !0fH d i-r r t ; Karly" Raae. seed, $16 r ten; t fornfa new potames, l6o pr tnunj, sweet potatoea, $1.11 0 1 r !. TV7 n? hp EJTIRE GRAHI MARKET QUOTEMERY QUIET ' , BOARD OB TRADE RECKIPT8. - A ''P3 AURORA HOPS : CLEANED :0(IT " ; - . , G.-Mucck Lets Go of 215 Bales of Primes at 7c i flutter Down 2c. vTODAT'B ', WHOLESALE MARKERS. Hong are sold at"7Hc. ,h utter la down to 84o. market li attady. Trade la out of rliflsna. Warning- to mohair wool mn.' Msal .and Manila rdp lower. , New crop peas from south. it, i'.ur celnry In from south. " .. ' r.uuKnA . ..! i.ii..... Hops Are Bold a TH by O. Mueok The sale of 218 balea of prima "hop y U. Mueoko, of Aurora,-to Julius in cus, of this city, at 7 Wo a pound, about cleana up tha growers' holding's in that vast producing section. ,T)it hope were very good In . Quality,, but would not : ttrada choice. . This put the extreme value of choice irooda to 80 and Indl rates that the short aellers will not pay more unless ' compelled to by re- pewea no mm if or (rowers. J no mue 0 Mr. Muecke was unexpected, althouai rea-Otlatlona for the deal have been ear- - rierl on for soma time. The seller has lwa been a very firm holder, and . therefore the trade takes the view that ; crowers are Very trred of waiting for a higher market. . - . 4100 Baes Sops memainlny. u. Acoordlng -to the - best Information available, fust 4100 bales of-1909 hops now 1 remain In: growers' hands In this 'State and every one of these balea would . be Instantly cleaned up providing grow vers were willing to takethe present ( market. While It la stated, that there re many mora short sales of 1908 hops than there are remaining supplies -to fill ; mem oui 01 me nanns or growers, the sellers have adopted the' waiting at- tuuue 10 lunner weaKen me producers holding tendency. '..-. . Outside of the Muecke transaction, mere is Dut little doing in the local ho market at this tlmeT either for casl or future delivery. , Harrv I Hsrt la t said to have taken ' on a three years' contract from an anxious grower at a racuon unaer former iigures. The ice paid for the first two Years' da- very Is lOo and the third year lie a yuunu, . ... BntW Is Down to Ma round. mmnm A FOBCESlll Chicago Starts Strong and Higher-and f hoses yii) '. ', Good Gain for.Day.r ' CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. 7 Mur:?S. Miir. If . Ctitn - HAS May ....lldte 116 ',4 . ,. -4 Juiy ; . , .109 a. 'ion4B 8;pt. 7H t Ueo. "...' 884 18" 07 V .a 84 88 !s Chicago, March SI The sho whir of strength at the opening of the wheat market here today was due entirely, lo the advance abroad. The local niurkr ciospa ftWfto a Dove yesterday Llvemool oiiennd .?Ud hle-her' than yesterday and cloned wltlisnet Raina of 11,' This started fconsluerahle short covering' here and sent the price of tha three options tor a higher point at tha opening. May was a higher, at 81.184: July tb same amount, at $1.08; Boptember, o, at 8T. and December ." , After the onentns. the market waa firm for awhile, but gradually the drift waa into exirem dullness; although tha tone was strong. This remained .until almost the closing, when another buying rauy set in' ana ine price movea up 10 lue aign marc, closing mere. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co. ; - Open, High. Low. Close. POLITICAL IIEl'JS AFFECTS STOCKS ' . ; , EuroiK'iin -Trouble' Cause Selling of Americans i Abroad and iii'X. Y. RETAIN GOOD PRICE ' FOR SHEARED SHEEP PORTLAND LIVESTOCK ItUN, WHEAT. . May HSU 1164 US' July , ..; w,ios 103 102 Sept i..;,. - T ,' T Deo. 98B - fSH - 97 T -COBN. . May H H A drop of 2c a pound In the local hut tr market was annoifnced this morning , br- local makers. This put the price of mo m-ni piiiuui'i at 1 in urop was . expected and has been forecasted In this report !- the influx of California and Eastern butter started. - While the , suppiy or local butter Is increasing and Will increase from this time forth, ' available stocks have not been up to the requirements of tha trade and therefore were It not for the outside supplies the tugn .'prices -yesieraay in errect woulo be fullv lustlfied. Eggs are holding steady at former .. Poultry market stands In good posi tion at unchanged values, Warn Against sisal Sops. - ' Wool and mohair buyers are 'again warning producers aalnst the ue of isal rope In the baling- of mohair or wool. It-Is utatd by- the buyers that the use Of-St8iil CFrusefc some of"' the rope to remain In the mohair and wool ' and therefore puts the products In' a $ lower grade than were other rope used. Local manufacturers announce a de ' cline of htc In sisal and c per pound . In Manila rope, tha change to take .ef fect at once. - . Trad ts Ont of Caeaaa. Practically no supplies of fresh - Nheese remain in the hands of sellers and the trade Is not able to secure quarter of its , requirements even- at the high price now In effect. There Is trnlya -email lot of storage atock re .malnlng and this la finding a good de- mand at figures but fractionally less . ttian -What rresn stock has Been qtroted at. ' However,, ss there is practically ' none of the fresh goods offering, trx trade is compelled to take what is next pest. Brief Vote of Wholesale Trade. - ' New crop garden peas are being of . fered from tha south. ' t A mixed car of cabbage and caull- flower arrived this morning from Call . fornla and both lines are showing ad- . vanced values, uaonnga is now as nign 'as 3 V4o a pound, while cauliflower Is quoted at $2.75 per crate of two dosen. A car of celery waa among the ar rivals from tha south; quoted at higher priced because of advance at primary points. v . ' ; Strawberries are down to 20a a box, ", 'With more freer,abfferlng by Los Angeles. . Dressed meats remain firm at top Ojuntatlons. j i Demand for bananas 1s heavy and the trade has practically cleaned up yesier riav's arrivals of rloe stuff. . - Front street sells at the following v prices. Tnose paid snippers leas regu lar commissions: " ' 1 - aatur. mi w ronrtry- - - . BUTTER Kxtra creamery." ties fancy, 3232Uc; eastern, v ll82c; ' California, 82 82 4e; store, 18c. . . BUTTER FAT Uelivary f. o. 6. Port, .land Sweet-cream, 32 He; sour, 30 Ho EGO 9 Local best, J0fcT ' CHEESE Fancy full ereim Jflata, 17c; triplets and daisies, 17Hcs Toung .Americas. lS13Hc; storage Qtwins, tllHe; triplets and daisies, lfH17c POULTRY jaixea cnicKan.- ue per lb: fancy hens, le per lb; roosters. old, lzc: rryers, iuarzivc; Droiiers, z tribe: geese. 11c; turaeya, aiive. nv lie: dressed, ilH5Sc; ducka. lJ0e: , ptgeona. squsba, It OOfft BO dosen: old ' 11.00; dressed poultry. 1 lHe higher. .. J t Mirpm. WaoJ anil Kldea. -.-.-' r WOOL 10 Willamette valley, 174 . tiflc: eastern Oregon, 7iBlle. . . ! HOPS 103 crop, cholca, 8c; prima to choice, 7Hc; prime, 7c; medium, ' Ifflttt: 1A rnntracta. 10c. ' TALLOW Prime, o-w Ih. : No. 6H 65 July, 1 65 J GSV Sept. SH 6BH . r w OATS. . May B'V 4"'. ,H . July ,,y-i, 4SV'. 48H ,',S Sept......f 4 H 40H . '.. PORK. ; . ' May 1773 - 17(0 1770 July 177B 17S0 1772" 8epl ...... 1780 170 1762 ' LARD, i ... May ... .'..-lAt! 1027 1032 Julv 108S 1037 1032 Sept 1047.. 105S - 1045 ' . RIB8. May 4J 950 940 July 967 963 f5 Sept, 975 980 970 103 7HB 98B 5HB H 48 40 1783 1782 , 1785 1037 1087 1060 946 960B 877A 35.10) graham, Us, 15.10: whole wheat $5.40; rye, 5s, 36.60: bales, 33.00. HAT Producers'- price New tim othy, Willamette valley fancy, (18.09; ordinary, 31442)18; eastern Oregon. 118: mired. 811.60;lt00; clover. (11.00; rram. cneat, i.vo; aixaiia, 18. OATS Prodneera" price Track. No. 1 white. 439089.60; gray, )3839. miti and Teretahiea. FRESH FKUITB Oranges, new nav- 2 J. 60 - per box; tangerines, 81.S5; bananas, 6H0 lb,; lemons. 33.25 44.00 cox; grapefruit. TftSt: pineap iea, Hawaiian, aoeu; pears, l.i&ff't. -f- r t. POTATOES Newt' aellins -"tlBOO 1:76: buylnit for shipment, per - ewt.. country, extra fancy, 31-35S1.4&; ordi nary shipping, bwying, 31.25f.89?oom- llll'll, tl.U'!l.i,(WCTl! VEliifiTABLEa - TurnlDS.; beets, 3101.10 tack; pars New lork,. March v. flThf atook market was .' dull , and VUf nant ( most to prices. The European political attua tlon caused gelling of Americans abroad today and unsettled the market there. This Influenced local tradlns-'to a great extent - and caused a generally lower using. . ; Ranae or New' York prices: furnished oy tveroecg uooaa to.l inscription 1. . upen. Amal. Copper Co.. . . . ,-. .... 70 Amer. Car A Pdy.' o, 48H Amer. Car ds Kdy. p. , . . ,. . , , , .. Amer. Loco., c... ..61V Ainer. cugar, c. . . . , . 1 , , , . . 111 Amer, Amer, Anaconda Amer. Woolen, 0 29 . 29 Atchison, a 103 : 102 Atchison, p . ,., i.V. . . ,'.103 Haiti, tt Ohio, c.,..i.,...,,10K tfaltl. Uhlo. p ' ci. 110 .51H 4 4U r. Smelt., c... 37 . 88 r. Smelt., p. 1... , 103 on.ia Mining Co. . ... . . 42 ; 41 102T4 103H ' 108H .;. 93 H . nil 4aui. or. Vint., u I... Brooklyn Rap. Tr. ........ 73 Can. pac.o.. .18 , Central leather, p. , 4 . , Ghl. Gt. West., ,e. 4 ni., ml. a tfi. f ...... ,.t..iit CM. & Northwestern. C....179" Colo. P. A I., c. Colo, Southern, 0. do 2d pfd. .... do 1st pfd. . . '78 .180 -40 Corn Products, e, Delaware . Hudson' . . . , , .174 Den A R, G.. c..;. .:. . ... .444 Brie, c. 26 00 ltd prd. do 1st Dfd. .... O. Northern, pfd. .... Illinois Central ...... Inter. Metropolitan, c, do pfd. Louisville ft NeshvilU Manhattan Rv. Mex. Cent. Railway.... M. K. A T, c do pfd. Distillers Ore Lands Missouri Paeif lc National Lead . , New York Central N. Y. Ont. & Western.. North American . . ; ...... Northern Pacific c rawiuc ra&ii oipamBuip -jo. . . . . Pennsylvania Railway ...,112 Pressed Steel Care ...... .... do oref erred Reading p . ... . kock isiana c do oreferred . ...... . . St. L AV San Fran. Sd pfd. do 1st preferred do common ............ St. Louis & B. W. jjfd. Southern Pacific c do Dref erred Southern" Railway o . . - do preferred Texas & Pacific 28 101 4 17 80 18 84 .... Z9S 37 14H - 143 143 14i ,144 18 ,42. 37 12H .142 20 40 78 - 3D : 85 76!S 12 46 98 140 31 111 86 97 .140 .. 23 f4 119H .122 . 24 a UIVUU' OV J W f . Will. Toledo, Bt7X V W., pfd. 47 tTnlos. Pacific, common .... 180 union i-axinc. prd ........ .vt 'nitea states Jrtubber. om.. . - nlted States Rubbed, pfdl08 bas:e. 3M(U-3v,c net can. 81.50a8 crate; beans. 12 He lb crate; peas, JZHc ! United Steel, Co.. c "ti nSSrin. lTnHed States Steel Co., pfdll0 .iV20flliiii!lSr5.-rS: I Wabnah. common ......... 18 Tr vr!.i.. fr 1 1. 'a- : horeradlsh. 9o lb: 1 2,r'""n8in,?f"tra1' pr'" 7 artlohokea, 8576odoa.: green onions, WeMIniS0u ,S 56c do; peppers, bell, Flft.. 3 crate; Titari ?on? ti Itti Chile ( ): head lettuce. 40o dos; hot- JpMr aSI' 1? i$ house. ti0 per box; rad she.. 16c W 28 63 87 fi6 13 62 119 122 23 61 ;j 70 180H 84 103 44 1104ft 17 45 tf, 84 49 87 9 Tuesday Monday , Saturday f ridav . . 1IIUI BUKJ . ,, Wednvsday , Hogs. .Cattle. Sheep. , . . . 160 10 187 317 803 140 ioo 6U 825 88i ' Portland Uolon Stockyards, ; March 23. Th movement of sheared sheep Is on in a limited way to the local market ana wniie.tne run la quite liberal a a compared with recent arrivals, the total supply is not very heavy. The first ar rivals of this character came forward yesterday and some more put In appear ance this morning. , Sheared sheep are ?nding a very good call Just now about 6c to 31 per hundred pounds less than the supplies with wool attached. The allowing-of strength in tha sheep maraei at ims time despite tna pros pects of fliilte liberal runs of sheared stock In tha near future indicates that killers have no surplus whatever and have been and are now buying from hand to mouth. Therefore It looks as if It may take some time before they can fret all their requirements and lay by a Ittle sumlus to work uDon in times of scarcity. . ;,: s-. " ' . stogs are Tery rum. .- With no arrivals of hoas in the vards since last Saturday, the tone ts very strong and prices are therfore held stiff at former top 'rulings. Because of tha local scarcity killers are 'still compelled to sret the bulk of their needs at eastern or middle west points. .-' ; -. veal calves are very scarce in the aras tnese-aays ana values are very iff Cattle. Sheen. 217 627 126 125 50 48 813 firm with killers anxious to secure sup plies. - ' - Cattle run for the day waa small, all of the auDDllea aoina to 8. A B. by- whom they were shipped to this city. Top steers sre still quoted firm as high as 85.60 with best cows equally as firm at 34.69' . Today's run of livestock in the yards compares with this day In recent years as follows: HOgs, 1909 .". 1908 1907 1908 119 linn '. . . .'. . ... .v. 94 A vear" aao todav all lines of live stock were quoted Arm at unchanged prices. Views of Commission Jfercbanta. Tv. M. Icev of Hunt Sc. Lacev Th i market la verv.flrm for cattle and a good tone is snown tor sncep. Sheared stock Is bringing good values or about 51 less man tne wool siock. Hogs are very good property and would likely sell at top prices if, quality was there." - Frank. C Sharkev of "Sharkey Com- mission Co. "Kverythlng in ths live stock market stands in good buying call. All lines ar firm and top prices are realised for quality. This is true of hogs, cattle and sheep." 8. Percy Gould of Gould' Commission Co. "I am of the opinion that very frood . prices will be obtainable in all Inea of livestock-for near shipment. Receipts are under the demand and therefore prices on what stuff comes. are easily maintained." Tom Benson of T. C. Benson ft Son 'Livestock prices are retained in exact- ! the same position as yesterday; all nasi-donating strengtlt." .. . 3r C. Lonerran "Arrivals In the yards are small and prices are fully as good as ever; all lines being included tnis strengtn." .: Following prices are representative i of latest -transactions in tha yards and Indicate ' dvmand, , supplies and qual ity offered: , ., , ' ' STKKRS, " ' . , Net Wght -w Birin ...... I. t5 steers , 8 steers , , 17 steers 28 steers .... 80 medium steers 28 medium steers. ID steers 1 cow . COWS. . .3(1.700 . .25,088 ,..3,926 . .80.770 ;.29,475 ..26,775 ..29,87f ..19,260 ,..1,890 Price 6.26 6.40 6 4.60 4.66 5.00 4.00 Wheat, Barley, Oats, Hay, riour. Cars. Cars. Cars. Cars Sacks. ..If Tuesday Monday 7 Saturday ..14 Friday ... 9 Thursday ...4 Wed-. ..,. 4 3 11 ' I J 10 29 13 9 7.. 8400 4500 1J00 3200 7000 1 bull . 188 sheen 718 sheep 8.26 5.60 6.25 6.00 6.00 BULLS. ...1.850 SHEEP. . i ,20,946 1.85 284 sheared sheep '.4i.. 38.125 868 sheared sheen ...... JS.26S ( The following la -the general range ui miu on aiuuK ' ruling in ilia yarus ftVMM V. ' . Vft DVU,,.m.M, M,AM, ordinary. 37.00; blockers and feeders, 86.75. : ... ' Cattle tBest steers, weighing 1200 pounds, t.ztiw&.6U: medium steers. 15: poor steers, 4. 604.75: best cows, 34.25: medium cows, V4J5; bulls, 2.50 Sheep Best grain fed wethers, 56.50 6. 76: best hay. fed wethers. 356.26: lambs, 88.608.76; straight ewes, 34.26 to 4.76; mixed lotq, 16-00; sheared sheep, 10c. 9 i jess, ' Veal Choice heavy and rough, Zeal Choice young " calves, $6.60; n, (f.V04.76.- PORTLAND PRODUCJE RECEIPTS ' Portland board of trade- furnishes foi- lowing list of produce arrivals for the 84 hours ending 11:30 a. m. today; Ap- ies, iJD noxes ana 1 oar; osu Duncnes horseradish. 18 boxes lettuce. 25 sacks onions, ,600 sacks potatoes, 10 boxes rhubarb, i& crates tomatoes, 48 pack ages vegetables, is bags green peas, 2199 gallons cream, 2695 gallons milk. 67 packages Oregon butter, 6 boxes cneese, in cases' Oregon eggs, 4S boxes clams. 8 boxes crabs, 6 boxes shrimps. po uuxes J inn, u sacas ana 2 pans oyS' ' " " ' ' ' .... n . , n, 1. UUUH.M. 1 coop geese. 180 pounds Oregon dressed pouiiry, jizb pourms eastern dressed poultry, 59 dressed hogs, 1 18 - dressed veai, i mutton, ,i car meat. . ' Proposed GQffee Dafjr. -i Clossett ft Devers of this city have received the following from San Fran cisco: ' Congressman Needham of the ways and means committee telegraphed here saturaay mat., tne rayne Dill provides that any country Imposing an export amy or cnarge upon corree exported to the United States, a duty equal to such duty or charge shall be collected. San tos export tax is equivalent to 1 cents excluding 20 per cent surtax, Rio l cent, Guatemala 1 cent, Salvador H cent. Costa Rica, Mexico, Colombia free; Venezuela cent. Liverpool Wheat Market. Liverpool, March 23. Wheat: ODen. Clone. May 7sltd slld July .. .i ......... .us ZTid s HHd September ........ Ja ,"9 Hd 7s 9d United States Oovenunest Bonds. Washington. March 28. Tha treasury statement tooay snows: receipts, ti, 316,688; disbursements, $1,360,000. VJThm local grain; situation was very quiet today. . There , was no change In either cash or futures In any line. . v Flour market was', rather' quiet, al though some miller.. are still talking of. higher prices tfv t'orhe.' However, moat of them say th market is already too high and that another advance is therefore not likely. . . . Mill feeds are quiet, but available subDlles are too - scant for much pres sure to be noted., ' Hay Is quiet, with . quotations Just about the , same for the various grades. ; . CLUB WHEAT. .. Bid. Ask. March i. ....107- 108 April '.'..v.... 108 189 , , NO, 1 WHITE OATS. ' March .-; . . N. . ,u , .,,183 190 April ...i. ,...,...,. .,.,185 198 ' ' v i NO,' 1 FEED BARLEY. March 'i.'. 'i.. '.'.A .1. 1 48 . 160 , April ........ V.. 160 . . 151 x i . ) SEATTLE PRODUCE IAIUCT r.:i-,v.' i-s..:-- t ., M ' nlta Press Leisad Wire. 8 Seattle. Wash., March 88. Buttsr Washington creamery, firsts, 36c- per pouna; rancn, zso per pound ; iresn eastern, 83o per pound; eastern storage, 29 81o per . pound; renovated 26(p27o per pound. . Eggs Local ranch, 24e per dosen; fresh eastern, 22 ft 23c; 'Oregon, 34c. ' Cheese Wisconsin twins, 18c per pound; cream brick new, 18c per pound; wheel Swiss, 18c per pound; block ilmburger, io cheese. 18 Uo 17c per pound. Onions -Yakima, 101o pound; Swiss, '17c per ipound per pound; California Bonds Investments CALL OR WRITE T.S. WRATH Lumber Exchange PORTLANDtOHECOM IrtfiMs? iT It 4'is) 8Xlc(stLorZ Oldest Bank on tha Pacific Coast Capital fully paid - - - , $1,000,000.05 Surplus and undivided profits . $500,000.03 OFFICERS W. M; Ladd, President Edward Cookingham,' Vice-Pres. W, H. Dunckley, Cashier. .. :NIOr'8H.-' t K. S. Howard Jf, Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst Cashier. ...130 doaen btmches; celery, 50(90c; egg- t.V""Y" Plaik (-i lb! "r?? d if?0- - Oeat -WeareVn ' W ' 81.80ff2.25 perwt; garlic 80 lb. I KJansas City Leather APPLES Fancy Mood River. 93.60 01 " "" $8.00: ordinary, 31.5001.76: poor. 81.49 Eastern Iiivratock Markets. per box. Chlcaeo. March 23. Run- 7 45 74 . - 44 L.000 Hogs are 6 cents strong; sheep steady. '...iM":r""..v.T-'.,", . Hogs bijuak V.UD-, o.ou; powoerea. j.o, Chicago ... ... .13,000 t- on. iX lX: L' n Kansas City . . .15,000 .1 r r . .... 1 . nn. , iwm .li,i UUJU. I IT. ID. Q. JJ, VEI1UW, .U.mU, ucc granulated,; barrels, ioc hair bar rels, 80c; boxes,- B5c advance on sack basts, ! Idaho prices are 18o lower. (Above prices are 80 flays net cash . ... BA1.T coarse rial r - groUTia. : idos, 111.00 per ton: 60s. $11.56; u"i)io. dairy. 60. 818.80: 10a 314.00: bales. 38.1$: Imported Liverpool, 60s. - 320.00: 100s. 818.00 40s, 818.00: xtra hoe. barrel! 2s. 5s and J0, I4.5O05.SO: tdverpool lump rock. $20.60 per too. " RICB Imperial Japan No, 1. 8e; No. t. 6li.o: New Orleans, bead. SS8o: ;nx ureoie. ritiMKX 'iNew. iso per - ia BEANS 8maII white. 88. lara-4 white, $5.00; pink. 83.40; bayou,', 14.06; umn. 36.68; "Mexican recta, 3F.25. feats, Tiih ans " Sfrovisioma, Xy 1 U J Oi1A-' WTi Oam.J .... (local) hams. 10 to IS Us. l3Ho rer lb: breakfast bacon, 11 421o lb.j picnics, L U. M..MM. . Mil - 1 , .. Ik M.M.I.I . mw. W WM W U.., . . . V SW. Vf .M. short clears, smoked. 13 He: lb: backs, heavy smoked. 13 Ho lb; light, smoked. 13 c id: picxiea -.ongues, eoo eacn. 13RXS8ED MAATS Front street hogs, fancy. '9H lcj, " ordinary. 9c; Cattle 2,000 8,000 8.000 "higher; Sheep 1 4.000 8,000 9.600 cattle , . .. ., .. . . -, . . ,.. , "",,'. m--m SPECIAL NOTICE To rarmers and Ccnnlry Merchants Sh,Ip us .anything arid everything, and we will pay you : ' r ' TOP market prices. Hens and Springs, alive ;..14 - Dressed Veal, under 130 lbs. .9 Large Veal.... 7 to 8yW Pork, any size 4 8j.e Estrs best market price. . For potatoea we pay ajl.35 per sack.. Everything must be of. extra good quality and all remittances will be made promptly.. No commissions charged. People's Market Grocery Co, g COR. FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND. OR. HSIBHESBSXXEBBSSSSISBBXESn Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Accounts of banks, firms,' corporations and individuals solicited. Travelers' checks for sale and drafts issued available in all countries of Europe veals, extra, lOftlOHc; ordinary, sOlOe; ii m'ltton. tqtaoc -ti.RI itettie leaf. 10s. tins, 14H I4e per'lb; 's, 14o per lb; 88 lb tins. 14 e ner lb: steam renden 13 He per lb: 6s, 13e. per lb; t end crease. tsitWe. , aVHSEPSKINS Shearing, '18018a ' each; abort wool, S6A40at esetlljra ' wool. 60e3$l each: long weoL 16e9 81.26 each. - - - CHITTIat BARK Old. 40e; aew, 4HS Ih. HIDES Trr hide. 1489 Tb! green, ' 8yi0o lb; bulla, green salt- o per lb; kifs. Se; esivea. green. 14flSe t-ee lb. jauiiAiti io jvominai., iiBiic ' Oral, jrwar aa4 Xar. ' ' SARLKK Feed. 24 eaJ.p0; roUtd, orewing, zvx.aa. WHEAT-Buyteg prtoe. new Track, ',. Portland Club. 310? 1(8; blues tern. '. Il lDSJl 1H rortyrold. Il.l: re Russian, $l.i; Turkey red. 11.15; WlUaroatte t lb; ateana rendered, 10a, KM . VMM Ik . MMM- pound. 10a, per lb. -. lm3--narasneti. per cox, !.; ior ciama. ti. per ooxi 1 vc per aoa FISH Rock cod - 19a ib: flounder $c lb; halibut. .7o per lb; striped Dasa, o pouna: eaunsn. ie pound; salmon, Chinook. UHe; herrings, 6a lb; sole. To per lb: shrimp, 12 per lb: prch, 80 per lb: tomcod, 10c per lb; lobeters, 35o per lb; fresh mackerel. 1 j per . in: crawnsn. xv per aoaea: sturgeon ) per lb; black base. 94 bia a per Oolumt Imelts,' Jo lb: silver vallev. 8183. r:c Bran. 1 M 1 LLe TV rrii Ben' n g iSSS.ii: mlrtdltnea. $1 0: snort. SIS; icncp, IZ1911; airaira meal, lie fr too. wuu t'R Stlllng price easterw Ore- tent: istiyiiri'cM fort 84.19; bakers. 1 36.44 t 66; valley. ITE lYItl PAT THESE PRICES Pi saeei Jtege ....... Se Zr4 V.l maSer 199 P e " . Pnwn4 Veal, terra e ta BUa XXrreaeS Baa 4 prtaga, 17e X.t- Sleas -4 grrtags ..,.1M Xrea Tarkers ...toe Sfrs atarkeS lna AH Predace Mint Be Good Fat . ' Qnality. ' f R4SK l. SUITQ E4T CO. TSfBttaf te Beef Trast." -. rOBTUIB, OmZ4K)aT smelts. 8c per lb; blsck rod, 7e per lb: eraria 8l.J8Ol.fS per dosea. . OTSTERS Sboal water cay. per gal Ion, 82.60: per 100 lb. sack. $1: Olynv ria, per ra-lion. fj. is: per loe in. sac a. $6 08 83.69; (tanned, SOe can. 17. o dos; eastern in n:i, 11.7a ner .so. - - - ratata. OoeJ oa, XVa, - LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla. S7a: cases. 18c; bcl'.ed. bb!.. S9e; cases, $5e: a gal: lota of 369 sailona, le leaa; eil ca.e mrav ton, . . ROr'E-fanlle, 8 .srsat , c jb."" RfNZWfei 88. deg caave. le per sal: Iron bbls. 11 He per ni TURFINTINB U cases. 69e per WHliS J-EAD Tea lota, 7e fwt id; see id. tota, se per ib; wsa iota. - VlHB .NAIL Prest bemla. ft 48. - -"lertla4l Baaka. '''".t".;L. Clearlnrs today 11.14.144 8$ Clt-arlngs year ago 89.69.49 Oain 13..M4I r,o?e today , ll4.134 49 balances year ago. .... ' Seattle Steak. "H-r t1ay. .'. . . . MitiKt loaay j n-irlr.i to s. ........ .....$ 7 b.ianr tolar $52. tit 34:.188.94 ,.$1T4ti - 3KS.884 - marala mTiftmmMg tHvtdsaa. Ktw York, afarrh !1 Tk KlnnlHlu ivrmtwf 4-i-m the r- "r tHr!r irt4-M. pay-hie April ' T TjrTi". lrw) u41ng t r In train ant frn. is i I a erari ni Sl.:.4t) Jan.ary 21. PACIFIC TELEPDONE & TEIEGRAPH CO. First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Five Per Cent v 30-year Gold Bonds, Denomination $1000 -The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company owns and operates what is ''Known as the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company properties throughout California, Oregon artdAVasbington. both local and long'distance, including exchanges" atSan-'ranciotkland, ' Los Angeles, Portland, Se attle, Tacorna, Spokane, and ibout; one; hundred smaller cities of the Pacific Coast. -.i hfiKti'i'iM-. - - '-"r- ' : - The above-mentioned bonds are part 6f-an origirial issue of $35,000,000, of .which $10,000,000 havi previously .bee ''sold and are now outstanding. These bonds have been placed oh ;the -market heretofore'at better than par and interest, and are recognized as-a safe and exceedingly attractive invest ment, both for banking institufior)s And individuals.-' Applications will be received at our office for the above-mentioned bonds at special price of 954 and interest, the right being reserved to alloTthe bonds in lesser jumount than that subscribed for, and to withdraw the offering at any time. Full information relative to the same may be obtained on application at our .office. Orders may be wired at our expense. MOMS; BROTHERS OIA1.IBER OF COMMERCE Public subscriptions for the bonds are being: received in "the East by J. P. MORGAN & COMPANY, New York City, and N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY, New York City, Boston and Chicago.. UM1 mssm, NATIOMAL BANK Capital $250,000.00 CORNER SECOND AND STARK wmmm 1 1 in in rrm i 1 1 1 ii i i r. . . ;rrrTrr,-rrn-rT . PORTLAND OREGON Xxceptional Advantages Whether your financial transactions are large or mod erate in volume, a personal interview with an "official of the Merchants National Bank may '.reveal to you distinct advantages in having a banking connection with this in stitution. You are cordially invited to discuss any mat ters in which we can be of service to you. . - hXaW Bitulithic Piayement Brings Satisfaction ... . , And Enhances th Value of Abutting Property Mors Than Any .. Other Pavement , BECAUSE Tt is durable, crrrr cracks, makrs no noiie or rumble from pastinr vehicles, collects no dust or mad. Furthermore, it girts a sure foothold for horses. Automobiles will not skid. -" - Warren Construction Co. J17 BECK BLDG, PORTLAND. OR. O vcrticclc C Cooke Co. : Commission Merchants, Sleeks, Bends, Cc'tct, Grain, lie t : J16-217 BOARD OF TRACK BUILDINO .ambers Chicago Beard ! Trsda, Cofrerorideota c4 Zx(a A frfmrt, J Chicago, Kris Totk. Boeto Wa hara tho ocJr prrrato rlr coratecting PorCand arttb 0 ett'f T. - cxthartem. " ,. . tess'sera SerUaaa ra af Tr Xe4to girwr 8Kaekee, Le-v Man 21 filter, Sl4 4444444444 - -.; -