The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 20, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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ciiniior emiiir
y. m e A: permit
City 'Attorney Advises ' Couu
cil Jtegit&lng Steam
Tipe Conduit.
Suggestive Questions on ttc Sunday ! ! ; r
School Lesson Vy Rev. Dr. T. S. L inscott
Firat Whit. TimpU. Twelfth and
. .1 uiiiii'iimn uroiiKinr. u.
Accord" prayer meeting; 18. J,. ,
I; . Vouni Feoplea '- P m?J'.J
: "Jeeua lUappolnted Will
Taylor, Rev.
D. 1. ''On. .
Dlblo school
Ins. Topics:
He Be With -You?1
i rubllo Interest la- paramount and the
'council has no right to (rant a special
permit to the Y. M.-C A.i Of to my
oilier private corporation or individual
fur . an under round conduit under a
city street. The Y. M. C. A. applied
' Tor permission to Install ouch a con
sult hnwnrn Ita naw building and the
Hotel Portland, from which iwm heat
waa to have been obtained. City At
torney Kavanuugh Bent the opinion
. -uuoted to the. street committee of the
council which met yesterday.
Tim committee recommended the O0n
' Inar of Alder street through the corner
( mido by Chapman and Washington
treats. The el tension of the street
was requested by heavily Interested
property owners and business men.
The olty attorney also declared in an
opinion that the oouncll has no power
1i rescind 'improvement proceedings on
Ksst Sixth street, where a large fill Is
be Ins; eoustruoted. The Inman-Poulnen
company boa been fighting the Im
provement because the company will
nave to bear the expense.
. .- . i
The second 1n the aeries of literary j
evenings at the t Ep worth Methodist
church, corner Twenty-sixth and Bavler
streets, will be next Friday, March it.
at 8 o'clock. The author presented at
. Thjs time Bcm lowwi. Mrs. v.
Chaoman wiU read "A Parable:" Mrs.
J-Yanic CKeisey. wno so neiigntea tne
audience with her-readlngs from Long-1
U rive "The Vision or 8lr
Lannfal;" Miss Eleanor
YVoVnen What Jesus Said About Them."
Arleta itev. E. A. Smith. 11 and i
a B., 10i B. Y. P. V., .
JllgliUnd Alberta and Sixth, Bev. K.
A. Leonard, pastor. 11 and 7:10; B. 1.
P. 11., t.30; 8. 8.. 10. Kvangellstlc ser
vices every night. Hev. I. H. Leonnrd.
Bell wood Tacoma and Eleventh, Kev,
D. W. Thurston. 11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10;
Y. P. U.. so.
Calvarv East Eighth and Grant. Rer.
.T. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8. 10; B.
. P. V., t:30. tjurvlcee every night,
Kev. O. W. Hill.
Immanuel Jones' halt. Front and
Gibba: Kev. A. B. Mlnaker. 10:30 and
7:10; 8. 8., It; B. Y. P U.. t:S0.
Urace -Montavllla: Rev. Albert K.
Patch. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10; Y. P.,
central East Twentieth ana AnKeny;
Rev. V. T. Jordan. 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8,
13; Y. P.. 8:30.
University Park Rev. A. B. Walts.
R. S.. 10; 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. U., :S0.
Topics: "The Ideal Mind -ot the Chris
tian" and "A Colt Immortalised." ,
Sunnyslde rOerman). Forty-first and
Hawthorne: Rev. C. Keldmeth. 11: a. B.
11:46. ' J?
8t. Johns (German) Rev. C,- Feld
meth. 2180 Dedication. S. 8., 2.
Second Seventh and East Ankeny;
10:30 and 7:10; Bible school, It; ft Y.
f. u s:s.
St. Johns Rev. John Sentreln, 11:30
and 7:30; 8. 8 10; Y: P. U.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission 1(2 Oak street
a s., 7.
.First German Fourth and Mill;
Rev. J. Krt 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 9:46.
Second German Morris street and
Rodrey avenue; Rev. F.- JBuermann. 11
ana a. a., :o.
The' International Newspaper Bible Study Club la for the purpose of pro
moting. In an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible,
the basal .truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter Into every
man's life. It Is composed of all those who loin a local club, and take un the
simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who have
not joined are- warnuy invited to do so and to compete tor tne prices
Persons may join the club at any Mm during the year, but "must of
course, answer the 13 ' questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the
ana ine .dsck questions may be obtained iy addressing this office.
MD.f . has attmireri tti rlirht In miljllMh the Jnt.rnaMnti.l . Htinrl.v
'Home Fool I Boh00' Lesson questions , by Rer. ir. Llnscott, which have aroused so much
Rev. f- Seroskl. Low mass I. high
PiuhS and sermon 10.
toil. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
.Valley road. Rev. Sr. 1 HI Ion, 8. J. Low
mass I and 1:30; mass, sermon and
benediction isrsu. .
Asoenslon, Montavllla, Rer. J. P.
Fltspatrlok. Mass and sermon In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
Trinity Nineteenth and Rverett
A. A. Morrison, S, 11 and 7:30.
a u
The Km manual
Interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly In both the Saturday and
Bniioay issues of. The Journal. One of these Questions each .week la to be
attwered u, writing,, and upon these answers the prises are to be awarded.
' v " ' . OoadttlOBS of the Contest.
1. Each contestant, or his or her family, mast be . subscriber to this
gaper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible
d lay i-m ii ana mis local ciun.
3, Each contestant In this local club must answer each of the written
questions for il consecutive .weeks, commencing Sunday,' March 14, and the
answers must all be in the possession of this paper within two weeks of the
cJose or tbls period.
3. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on
one auie oniy. xno answer must exceed zuu woras in lengtn and may te less.
hSkh answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom
of the answer. v, , j
4. The answers must be delivered to this office, and they will be collated
i me nose oi ine contest, ana torwaraej to Headquarter ror independent ex
amination by competent examiners. The prises will then be awarded ac
cording to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International
Miwupaper uiDie study club.
The Prises.
First Series A gold medal to' each of the first five contestants.
Second Series A sliver medal to each of the next five contestants.
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, price 15.60, to each of the next five con
Fourth Series The book "The Heart of Christianity," price $1.60. to each,
of the next 35 contestants.
Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner, and
tor wnuc it is awarded ana in like manner eacn uidio and book will be inscribed.
All who can write, and have Ideas, are urged to take up these studies re
gsless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, out from the point of . view of the
cogency o: their reasoned Ideas.
9:46. Evening
Movement." .
Bt Matthews First and Car ut hers.
Rev. W. A. M. Hreek, 11, 8. R 10.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Mar
tyr Thirteenth and Clav. Aer. II.- M.
Ramsay, 7:30, 11 and 7:84 p. m; a a.
;46. i-
St. Andrew's Portsmouth, Rer. X E.
Forsythe, 11; 8. 8., 10.
St. Murk's Nineteenth and Qulmby.
Rev. J. K. 11. Simpson, Un. and 11 m.
ni.; 8. 8., 10. . ...
St - John's Church Multnomah . and
Taylor, n and 7:80; M, H., 10.
L'nurcn or our eaviour wooostocg.
Write or Stamp .
amo and Street ...... . , , ...... , . . . . . . , , . , . . .
NamaofTown :---;"; ' . ' . ;. ' ' '.' ''.-V ?
r Dty ,
Rev. J. C. Foravthe. 7:10.
Good Shepherd Sell wood
and Van-
. 11 and
March 11, 1S0I.
Golden Text They that were scat
tered abroad went everywhere' preach
ing tne word. Acts vm:.
. The following: review scheme can be
used with profit bv ail the newsnaper
clubs who are taking Hp - the - Bible
ifllon of
F. Baldwin
will present a paper on "Lowell, - the
Liberator." The music will consist of
two selections by Mrs. E. 8. Miller, and
a number by Miss Vivian Marshall (a)
Because" (DHardlott), (b) "Where
ISlossoms Grow" (San Soucl).
No admission will be charged.
Mam; Kev. B. C. Cook. 11 and 7:30;
diuib acuuni, iv: n. j. f, u e:4D p, m.
Lents Rev. J. F. Heacock, 8. S., 10;
II and 7:30; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Rev.
Chlng Chak A. M. '
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett:
u. r. j oanson. il and 7:30.
East Forty-fifth street Corner East 1"ti,d'e''' whether having actually stud
. object being purely beneficent. .During
tne social wmcn is to ronow in tne en
tertainment hall, coffee and cake will
be served.
-For Wednesday evening, March 31,
the Et worth choir has - secured the j
Columbian Choral society for a program.
They will be assisted by Miss Cornelia
Barker, violinist and Miss Emma Per
Jjff Lincoln, reader. v
.: ' 1 - '
The "Sundays at Home" at the Y, W.
O. A., Seventh and Taylor streets, are
rrovlns; exceedingly popular wlth.young
rtris during tne series or taiKS-on a
Swedish Hovt and Flflo.nth-
orlk . Scheftr6m.; 10:46 and 7:46;
o. o., it, a. r. f. j
Union Avenue Mission
Corner Skldmore S. 8.. 10
Third Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R.
Schwedler. 8. S.r-10, B. Y. P. U., 7:30;
11. Evening services at Forbes Presby
terian church.
Firat Twelfth and lM.r' Hmv
Ham Hiram vFotilkes, 10:30 and
Topics: "Culture, fthrlstian or Secular'
ano -rne valley or the Shadow."
led the 11 lessons here reviewed, or
only one of them, or whether this is the
iiret lesson wnicn has captured a read
ere attention; for while It is a "review,
it is aiso complete in itsen.
The date and title of each lesson
and where found, the golden text, and
one question on each lesson follow.
Jan. 3 Acts 1:1-1-4. The ascension of
our Lord, golden text: Luke xxlv:61. It
(Swedish) came to pass while he blessed them, he
vn jaiiru VIM Iftviu atlsw Vftl rif u uy III
to heaven. - , t
Verses 10, 11 Would the coming; of
tne spirit or Jesus on- tne day or pen
tecost be the return of Jesus as these
two men meant?
Jan. 10 Acts 11:1-21. The descent
of the holy spirit, golden text. John
xlv:16, 17. I will pray the Father
and that he shall give you another com
forter, that he may abide with you for-
Mlznah East Thirteenth and Pnwnll-
Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and 7:80; 8. S.,
Calvary Eleventh and Clay; Rev. J.
A. P. McQraw? 10:80 and 7:30. Topics,
"The Second Coming of Christ" and
"The Inequalities of Life."
Fourth First and GIbbs: Rev. Don
ald McKensie; 10:30 and 7:30; 8. S IS;
a E.. 6:30.
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Rev. William Parsons; 10:30 and
'Voim Woman's KtrucVles" Kv 'nr. I.
W'hltcomb Brougher' 'Last Sunday's
address was right to the point, with
. plenty of good suggestions for every
-clay living and many a bright story for iTavlor
illustration. jt.very one or tne large 7;80; S. S. 12; C. E. 8:80
nnmoer or young air s present xouno - Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln;
, -help in her own individual problems. Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:80; S. 8
Tomorrow's Address will be one of xo- C E. 6-8H-' '
Tr. Rrougher's i best "The Struggle to Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett:
Re Happy" And promises: to be even R,v. A. W.: Helnhard; 11 and 7;30; 8. 3.
more delightful than the last. The 12:15; C. E, 6-46
musical program follows: Chinese 146 First. 7:45; 8. 8., 6:45.
Contralto Solo "O Hear My Prayer" Westminster East Tenth and Weid-
, Tostl ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte; 10:80 and
Mrs- L.'Hammond.. 1;J0; 8. 8.. 12f; C. E.. 6:30.
Piano (a) "Rustle of Spring".' .Zlndllng Marshall Street Marshall and North
,4 (b) Reverie Beventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays. 8. S. 10
' Miss Ethel Edlok. 11 and 7:30. -
Soprano Solo "Beyond the Gates of Mount Tabor Belmont and Preltr-
- jraraoise ., uooerx
Hss Zeta HolHBter:
At the meeting of the park board yes
terday afternoon Mayor Lane announced
that he would not hereafter aign any
requisition for- tropical soo specimens.
He said that animals and birds brought
from the hot xone contract tuberculosis
In the cold climate of the north and
that the disease might be Imparted to
human beings.
Parkkeeper Mische was directed to
furnish the board with a complete list
of the inmates of the coo and to desig
nate those that do not thrive in cap
tivity. Everybody agreed that the po
lar bear suffers continually and to put
him out of his misery the board may
have him chloroformed.
Klngrlman; Rer. Edward M. Sharp. 11 and i
Sellwood East Seventeenth and Sno-
kane; Rev. V. A. Thompson. 11 and
7:30; S. B. 10; C. IS., 6:30.
Third East Thirteenth and Pine:
Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. 10:30
and 7:46. Topics: "A Forgotten Phase
of the Sabbath Question" and "How to
Become a Christian.
Anabel 11 and 7:45.
Hope Montavllla; Rev. S. S. White.
11 and 7:30.
Kenllworth East Thirty-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev. J. S. Dunning Ph. D.;
11; 8, 8., 1.
ever, even the spirit of truth.
Verses 6-12 An educated ministry
is desirable but which Will make the
moft converts, a man with fair Intel
llgence . and . a common school educa
tion, filled, with the holy spirit, or an
university graduate lacking that ex
perience T '
Jan. 17 Acts 11:22-47. The begin
ning of the Christian church. Golden
text. Acts 11:42. They continued
steadfastly In the apostle s doctrine and
fellowship and in breaking of bread
and in prayers.
Verse 22 How Is -it that Jesus has
impressed himself upon thetfbrld as
no other. man has ever done, and that
he has swayed the hearts of the lowly
and mighty alike, and that his In
fluence is Increasing with the years?
Jan. 24 Acts 111:1-26. The lam
man healed. Golden text Acts 111:16.
His name, through faith In his name,
hath made this man strong, whom ye
see and know.
Verse 6 Need the lack of money o
abliny ever prevent any man from do
ing the work In life which God I has
appointed- -himw do?
, Methodist.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young.
D. D.; 10:30 and 7:30; S. 8.. 12:15; E. L-
6. Special services.
Sunnvside East Yamhill near ThlrtV-
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:30: J. E.
L., 8; E. L., 6:15; S. S., 9:60. Topics.
Christ Launching; His Kingdom and
couvar, Kev. John uawson.
7:80; o. 8., :46.
si jjavids east Tweirin ana uei
munlon, I a, m.; Rev. Henry' Russell
Taioot. , . . '
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights,
S. S.. 0:30. .
All saints' Church Twenty-second
and Keed, Kev. Koy .Edgar Kemlngton,
11 and 7:so; a. a., jo.
Grace Memorial iSast . seventeenth
and Weldler, Rev. George' B. Van Wat
ers, 10:30; 8. S.. 13; Lenten aer vice,
ITrldav ft n. m.
St. PaulWoodmere. Kev. J. c. For
sythe; 11 a. m.; 8. 8., ;45. v ;.
First Madison and Park. Rev.
Luther R. Dyott. D. 11.: 11 and 7:46: 8.
8.. 10. Topics, "The Science of the Soul"
and "What Is Worth Whller
University Park Haven and Dawson.
Rev. a. W. Rlggs; 8. &. 10; C E.. 6:30;
Sunnyslds East Tavlor and East
Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J. Staub: 11 and
Feb. 17 Acts lv:32 to t:11. The true 7:80; a 8., 10; Junior C. S p. m.;
and false brotherhood. Golden text Senior C. E., 6:80, Topics, "The Lord
Prov. xll:22. Lying lips are an abomina- ship of Jesus Christ," and "The Etfeo-
tion unto the Lord but they that deal ve cnurcn or Toaay."
Verses 1-3 Have priests and
preachers In the past, been qulok or
slow to see God's new revelations of
truth, whether in science or theology?
truly are his delight.
Verses 34, 35 Is faithfulness to God
a sure cure for shortness of money?
eD. 14 Acts YM7-4Z. The Anostles
Imprisoned. Golden text MatOv:10.
Blessed are they which are persecuted
for righteousness sake; for theirs Is
the kingdom of heaven. -
Verses 84-40 Is It not true that the
heretics or one generation have been
tne saints or the next?
Feb. 21 Acts vl:l to vll.S. Stenhsfi.
the first Christian martyr. Golden teTt.
Act vi1:69.. They stoned Stephen, call
ing upon God and savlnir. Lord Jesus.
receive my spirit.
Verses 11-13 -When a man with
right views of truth gets angry at the
man witn tne -wrong views and perse
cutes him, which the latter takes with
meekness, which is likely the better
man of the two?
Feb. 28 Acts vllt:4-25. The gospel
in samaria. uoiden text Acts viti:i.
The people with one accord gave heed
unto those things which Philip spake,
hearing and seeine the miracles which
he did.
Verse 9-11 Is there anv evidence to
believe that there are, or ever have
been, persons with the power claimed
by witches, conjuers, fortune tellers
and similar fakirs?
March 7 Acts vlll:26-40. Phllio and
the Ethiopian. Golden text. John v:39.
Search the scriptures for in them ye
think ye have eternal life: and they
are they which testify of me.
Verse 26 May any person. Who is
not playing double with God, safely
trust "the Inward voice" to direct as
to outward circumstances f-
March 14 Acts lx:81-43. Aeneaa and
Dorcas. Golden text. Acts lx:S4. And
Laurelwood Rev.
8. S. 10. C. E. 6:30.
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi and
Fremont, Rev. , Daniel TV Thomas; 11
Fill out with pen, pencil or rubber stamp and send
by mail,. express or messenger to Journal Savings
Editor, The Journal, Portland,' dregon. .t; r r
ror the Boys and. Girls of Portland and the
Urfdnn f rutntrtr - A flriaif rhinr. rv Thm
To encourage the SDirit of savine amone the vounflr oeonle cf Port
land and the Oregon country, The Journal will print a Journal Sav-
vvuuun un ptee oi Ana uai v ana &unaav ana aemiweekiv
Mimal llJT L. 1 ft r , .
jwu' iiuui vuanu aw io wuy-oi, inclusive, ocven nunarea and
f iff T Im ...U I. Til I J! a a- t1 .t '
""j vaon awaius wu uc uisuiuuicu tu cnaDie ine most
industrious boyg and girls to start a sayings bank account with some
bank that is a subscriber to ThJ Tournal or is advertisinp- in Th
Journal ; "v .f ' ' , ,
Savings Offer
ilassaUSfreesf senth ana To the Boys and Girls of the Oregon Country
Ps'nf." .?.d "Godi of Men1- "y.uo- To the boy and girl in. Portland or in the Oregon ' :
- country wno collects ana secures the. greater
number of Journal subscription Savings Cou
pons, during. the period from March 10 to May
31; inclusive, The Journal will give to each r
$75iOO $150.00
To the next two highest boys and two highest '
gins ine journal will give $25.00 each ...,$lUU.UO,
) the next four .highest boys and four jiierhest
girls vThe: Journal will give $12.50 each. . ..?100.00
T6 the next five ;highest boys and five highest
girls The. Journal will give $103)0 each, or a
total for the ten of . .$100.00
Highland East. Sixth and Preaoott.
Rev. E. & Bollinger; 11 and 7:80, 8. 8,
10- C. E., 6:46. Topic, "The Path of
8t Johns Bev. G. W. Nelson: 11 and
8, 8. S. 10. . .
First German East Seventh and
Btanton, Rev. John II. Hopp; 10:80 and
7:80. S. S. 8:16. C. E.. 8:30.
Swedish Immanuel Nlnatiutnth
Irving. 11 and 8: B. R. fi-4fi
Granny" "hST'iS? ?5ft1 To the next four .highest boys and four .highest
Betanla Danish tTnlon anil Mnrrl.-
Rev. J. Stott. 11 and 8: S. S.. 10. Rav.
J. H. Thooely.
t. James' English West Park and
Jefferson: J. Allen Lens. 11 and 8: S.
B., 10. Topics, ' The Baptism of Fire."
and "The Cost of Christian Life."
TTnUxl JAi... AC X.T a. a -
petraar Larsen. 11 and 7:so; s. s.. :46. lothcnext ten highest boys and ten highest gfirls
jsion-s uerman-chapman and Bai- . xne.iournai will p-ive j.ijij earn, nr a tntai tor
mon," W. H. Behrens, 10:15: 7:48: 8. a I .o-'-.r- " r -r-.-
8t. Paul's Germkn East Twelfth unA th tWptltV ftf IKlllll.llll
Clinton: Rev. A.;Krause. 10:80 and 7130: V , w
s a o-an . . 1 .1 . . . 1 i . 1
"Trinity "German (Missouri Synod)- iU:.lnC "CXI IWCniy lllgneSC DOyS ana twenty
wuiiams and Bollwood; J. A. Rimbach,
:jo; a. iu; v:so.
Augrustana Rodney and
a. 'foun. in:4fi ana
r-eier saia unio mm. Aeneas. jcssiiu.n,nn. t 7.
V 111 1.1. 1 1, C. 1 1 1 IfKUID, .110, Q I I U I Y'.K' W M U7Q
2 .1. ny " a' a " imme- Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
uinuc.j. , Ulisan: Kev.. 11. J. Thoren. 11 and 7:4Et
V aw.O MAM .In n v ! i '
oing; to church and prayer meeting,
n taHrtnf and praytnir, hut 4re)not
followingr Jesus, In
esus, in going about -doing
good? This question must be answers
in writing; oy memDers or tne club).
Lesson for Sunday. March 28. 1909:
Temperance lesson. Prov. xxiii:29-3o.
others Interested, are invited to
an. 31 Acts iv:i-3i. ine trial or
Peter and John. Golden text. Acts lv:
81. Thev were all filled with the holy
ghost and they spake the word of God
with boldness.
TMInlsters. Sunday School teachers and
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these
particularly If they consider them of value In their work.
Liars and Lying in Great Variety.
St. Johns S. H. Dewart; n ana s;
E. L.. 7; S. S.. 1C -
ii"numrthi.TwRntv-iibrth and Savier:
Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 and 7:30;
S. S., 10; E. L., 6:15. Topics: "Joseph,
the Savior of His People" and "Jacob
Redeemed and Saved."
Oentensrv East Ninth and Pine:
Clarence True Wilson, D. D.; 10:30 and
7:30; 8. S., iz; k. l., b:is. topic:
The Bin Annunna: ueatn.
Trinity East Tenth ana urani; lewis
w a mm
at the first symptom of any weakness of the
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Bowels. It may be the
means of saving you a long sicK spell, as it
will tone and strengthen these important organs
and assist Nature in bringing them back to a normal
condition. Delay, or experimenting with un
known remedies, is time and money wasted and
only prolongs your sickness. Dc wise and get
first of all and see how much good it will do jn
cases of Poor Appetite, Vomiting, Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Indigestion, Liver and Kid
ney Troubles, Colds, Grippe, Female Ills
and Malarial Disorders. -
tir'ra- t HE GUARANTEE f
ad V:80; 8. 8., 10; fit L.,
iveystone, ma., writes:
I cannot too .highly rec
ommend your Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters for a run
down conflition of the sys
tem from exposure or overwork."
To be absolutely pure
and in accordance
with the requirements
of the Pure Food and
Drugs Act of June
301 1906.
' Dr. P. L-.Tays, of Her
kimer, KarL. writes : T
consider Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters a leader as a,
tonic, appetizer and
strength giver.
P. Smith; H i
6:30. V
Central 334 Runssell, Rev. C.' L.
Hamilton; 10:30 and 7:30; S. S., 12; K.
f., :au.
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kai: 11
and 7:30.
Grace Twelfth and Taylor: Rev. Wil
liam H. Heppe; 10:30 and 7:80; 8. S.,
12:15; B. L.. 3:30.
Vancouver Avenue 11 and 7:30.
Laurelwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11
and 7:30; S. S., 10: B. L.. 6:80.
NorweglanDanish Thirteenth and
Davis; H. P. Nelsen; 10:45 and 7:30;
E L 7
'First German Fifteenth and Hoyt; O.
A. Waasa; 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Borthwlck arid Beach. Rev.
John uvall, 11 and 8; B. K.. 10; E. L.. 7.
Topics: "The Mystery of Death" and
"The Christian tnvftation.''
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; S. S., 9:46;
E. L., 7:30.
Japanese Mission 111 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Eilsen Ribara, 8:30 and
:30; 8. a., a:s. t
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Ta
coma, Kev. Liester c foor, 11 and 7:30;
j. rj. Li.. s:au; n,. im, o:au.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty
ninth and PowelL Rev. S. J. Kester, 11
and 8r S. S., 10: E. L., 7; 3. E. L., 8.
Woodlawn William J. Douglass, 11
and 7:30; 8. S, 10; B. L :80. r
University Park Dawson and Flake,
Rev. W. R. Jeffry, J., 11 and 7.30.
Montavllla Mohle and Hibbard, Rev.
Harold Oberg, 11 and 7:30; 8. S.. 10;
class meeting, 12: J. L., 8; E. L (;45.
Airnnn ii i nineenm ana Main.
Rev. W. W. Matthews. 11 and 8. Special
Patton Michigan avenue end Carpen
ter, D. A. Watters. 11 and 7:30;. 8. 8.. 10;
E. L.. 6:80. Topics: "The Foundation
of the Church" and "The Cry of the
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first, J. W. McDougall. 11 and 7:30.
Woodstock J. D. Voce, 11 and 7:10:
a 8.. 10; E. JU. 6:80.
First Park and Columbia; 11 and I ti. h., io: u. c. :ao. topics.
"Why Try to Save Menr and "Why
Mans ho Mticn or tne uiDieT"
Sellwood Eleventh and Umatilla.
10-30 and 7:43.
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon: Rev. J. F. Ghormley. D. D. 10:80
and 7:45. Tonics. "The March of Christ."
and "What We Will Do In the Millen
ium." Rodney Avenue Rodnev and Knott:
Thomas G. Pictor, 9:46; 8. 8., 11 and
Kern Park Rev. H. M. Patterson. 11
and 7:80; S. S., 10; C. E , .6:80.
Woodlawn 11 and 7:3fc; Clark W.
Comstock. - :
United Brethren In Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison,
Rev. H. C. Bhaffer. 11 and T;30; 5. S..
10: C. E.. 6:80.
Third South Mount Tabor; Rev. H.
C. Shaffer, 2 p. m.
etadlcal Sixth and Mechanic. Rev. T.
J. Cock'ing. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; C.I
E.. 6:30.
Alberta East Twenty-seventh and
Mildred. Rev. B. E. Emerlch, 11 and 8;
S. 8.. 10.
RL Marva Pro-Cm th.rtrl wrtmtt
and Davls Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D.
iow mui, a, ana s. nigh mass and
sermon. IL VesDera. Instruction mr.A
benediction, 7:46.
St. Joseph's iGerman), Fifteenth and
Couch Ri. Rev. James Rauw, V. O.
Low maul,' 8. High mass and aermon,
10-30. Vespers, benediction. 3:30.
8L twrence'a. ThlrA iiul Slhrm.M .
nev. j. u. iiugnes. ixiw maaa, 7 and
o. niarn maaa and sermon. 10:30.
Vespers and benediction. 7-10
8L Patrirk'a Nineteenth mnA
itev. ti. f. Murnhv. Low maaa. I. Hlrh
maaa and sermon. 10:30. Veapers and
uviieaiciion, s:sii.
ft. Michaels (Itallaat. ITourth. anil
miii jesuit rimers. Low mass.
High mi? and aermon. lt:30.' Vesnera
and benediction. 7:3.
8t. Francis'. East Elav.ntn and n.k
rcev. 11. Black. Low maaa, 6, 8:3t
end t:30. Hlah mass and aermon, 10 je.
Veapera, InstrucUoa and benediction.
7:30. ,
Immaculate Heart of Marv. Winiama
and Btanton Rev. W A. Daly. Low
maaa, 6, and . High mass and ar
nvn. 1;10, Vespera and feenedatUoK.
Holv Knurr bit niHl mA rrinn
Very Rev. A. 8. LawUr. Low maaa, a.
and I II. Hlah soaaa and Hrmm.
era aad benedletin. T:8r.
Sacred Heart. Mllwaukie Rev. Ora-
rory Roble, O. , B. Low tnaaa. . Hlah
enasa and ermoa. It. Veetxra aad ben
ediction, J:Jf.
if "It Crosa. fnlverlrv Trk TJ J
P. Tblllmaa. C B. C Low mm I II
Hlf h maaa and aermoa, l:Ja. Vespers
and benediction. 4. -
Holy Redeemer, Pnrtland and Van-
rwinr Rtr, Kd K. CantwetL C PS. R.
Low soaaa, High asaae aad enaon.
1 16. Bndletton. 4.
L Andrew a, Klnth and Albrta
Rv. Thomas Klenian. Lew mm, C.
Hlch wiaae and sermon, 1 1. Veapera, te
atntrtlnn and befmdletien. 3 :t.
ht. e)tefta Frty-eond and lUrt
Tavlor Rev. W. a. WaJtt. Iw maaa,
8 . H'fli fnaas and a-rmoei. 10 .
6t- StauiaUua, Marrlaad aod I ailing.
Evangelical Associations.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket, F. B. Culver.,11 and 7r30; T. P. A
b:3u: h. h.. io.
First German Tenth and Clay, F.
Bens. 10:45 and 7:46; 8. 8., 9:80; Y. P., 7.
Topics. "Rest for the Laboring and Bur
dened," and "The Blessedness of Jesus."
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib-1
ucua, juurris xieverting, iv ana i.u,
O. 0., I L, ,
United Evangelical. -
First East Seventh and Stevens, Rev.
A. A. Winter. S. 8.. 10: 11 and 7:30.
Second Fargo and Kerby, Rev. C C
roiing, u and 7:30.
St. John's Ivanhoe and John, Rev.
C f. Yates. B'S.. It).
Ockley Green Gay and Willamette,
nev. j. juowersox, 11 and 7:ao; s. 8
10; C E., 6:30. Rev. J. M. Ballantyne.
United Preibyterlan.
Church of the Stranaera Wiet and
Grand. Rev. 8. Earl DuBols. 10:30 and
7:30; 6. 8., 12. Sermons translated for
the deaf each Sunday morning.
Firat Sixth and Montgomery, 10:30
and 7:30. Rev. J. L. Ochesan.
Tftlrd Marcuerite halL Thlrtv-flfth
and Hawthorne, 8. 8. 3; preaching at 4.
CThriatlas fttoleaeaw v
First Church of Christ. Scientist
Soottlah Rite cathedral, Morrison and
I-ownedale, land- 8; a 8.. 18 Topic, j
"Matter." ,
Second Woodmen's Hall, East Blxth
ana Aiaer, ii ana s, o. B. II. Topic:
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Church of Our Fat-ief Yamhill and
Beenth. Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D.. Rev. I
W. O. Eliot jr. and Rev. N. H. Baker.
nuniaiere, 11 ana 7:t. . S., :; I.
f. r, a:o; Kindergarten, 11.
ouch and Eighth. Rev. j. D.corby, 500 March 22 to 29, inclusive.
10:4k; 8. 8., 12. Topic, "The Helpful- er rt If., oo A - g
nrea or Bleased Prayer." .
at m. Caareh SoatX
171 H Second. Rev. E. H. Mowre.
ana .; a. o, i; . L,
Hart, . m. - - - -
First 8plrttnal Society. Weatem Acad
emy hall, Secend ant Warrlaon- 1L :
and ':4k. Jack Baady. Topic, Tbe Well
la the ren.
The Ralvatlen Armr. Cotm L til n.
via Kmeat F. Ontaan. 11, .3a, . Ln
alsn Omana i charge.
Frlen Chnrth Main and East
Th'rty-fifth. Llndlev A. Wells, 11 and
" fwadenborrtan -K. -P. hall." Eleveath
and Aider; 1 1 a. bv
Wvtne Truth Onter 201 AUaky.
Thad M. Wlnard. 11; B. a: f . Jopf,
"Th Emmanuel Kevement,1' Rev. 1. P.
atlllenlal ran O. a. H- hall Seconj
and Morrtaoa. !. and . f
8IT OorSweeA.
"-4 or fovr-root lengtn. Uala (i;
A-litk. Oregoa Fvcl eoanpany. . ,
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