Tlltf OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,'' FRIDAY EVENING., MARCH 19. IDOO. 14 r THE MARKET MARKET : IH BAD SHAPE Xonc Wnnt to Buy and tlic : Stocks are Hotting Whflc Growers Are Holding, TODAY'S WHOLESALE MARKETS. Union market In ba shays. - Potstors holding Vrtn. . " r ; potato urr firm. ; Hallhut down to Jc pound,. tn(( are quote') ateadler. . , 1'oultry holds at top. i 'aUfornla butter threatens. Ioor oranges sell low. Beat aweet potatoes firm. : Onion Market U Baa Bis pa. - f The local onion ittuatlon la badly Anmorallsed and tha same condition ex ists alnewhera on the coast. Onlona re rotting and sproutlor on svry aide and while Boms lew proaucsra w un-Jiiadlng- all they can at a lower , ranee of values, roost of them are till an ticipating a higher figure and for that reaaon are blindly holding. - The Mime condition exists among tha eommlaalon men. Moat pf them purchased onlona at y (ilgh prtoea aoma time ago and being . unwilling to sell for a lower tifure In order to unload,; are holding- and allow ' the auppllea to rot So far as buyers ' are concerned, there la no ahlpplng demand for onlona and svaryone In avery center seem Intent upon unloading ex-i eept in Portland, unions tnav were . 1 eome time ago are now being of ferea as Nix 1 atock and conaequently seu at the price for the latter aiocx. Orowera BtlU Hare Hope. 1 To the holding; growers the hop atlll fclinga that tha present clouds retain a allvery lining and practically most of the rie&lera are of the opinion that .n Inn. win do better late In the seaaon. The onlv aueatlon at this time Is aa to Whether It pays to allow half of the crop to rot in order to secure a quarter more for tha remaining lots toward the ena ot ins , , , , - . potato Xarket emalna Oood. ! There remain a very Rood tone In the potato market both here and in the south although the Japanese holders of 'rivers" in. California-are said to be letting go of quite heavy supplies tintin in tha aouth Is quite general. Ijocally thera la a demand for Early Ftose for seed and this holds tha prloe la that line quite hlgn especially as offerings are quite light. It Is stated that as high as 11.60 has been paid for freed stock at country shipping points during me past lew ay. .fc California Butter Tnraatsns. LACK OF CATTLE TO -SEND PRICE HIGHER PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. ' t-inwm rttla. Sheen. Friaay 16 " ... 2 Thursday (..,.... Wednesday ....117 Tuesday (4 Monday ........ 320 Saturday 230 disposed to Indicate great . )66 V It 114 St 880 , S ket I lnPnl l former quotations m:rua. or livestock, compares wnu mis aay jn recent yesrs as follows: jfOfta. Cattle, Bhee , 19 i li 101 1 80S 1907 10 1906 A ...SOI TS ii S26 176 111 Portland i n An tiiocavaras. juarr-n i v... .... . ,. -- -. ... . j..'n,.lln. Ihm. linn or iv ju. . -mm v... u-, i wa wen rirm at unchanged valuea In succession, that no cattle were. rs- . . " " J rlv.d in tha local market for aala The few head which came yesterday A. F. Hunt of Hunt A Lacay The were already purchased when they ar- I market Is very firm for cattle, but none rived. Cattle have been scarcer- thus l arnvea in auringtne qay, Hogs are far this week. than for a like perioa 'rra- a lew aneep are corn- many ycara . Kor. tha five days only " r S1. valley and sre finding a 14 hud nnirid In in i yara ion '" ura irrcw, being scarcely mora than aufflcient to I .Oould of Gould Commission corn tide the trade over during one day of Pn? T1. strength in the local catUe health v demand... L""r" ? vrT Vronounpad. and I bae Th this ... at a nnr finii rtw ss Ku k i.kt.i a a. a e demand ror cattia is neaimy m;." -nanism inr. iop time and fhers Is not the slightest "'J w 111 H up to 16.60. because to doubt that ir fancy siuii om i rr--' - iw vnrm. pumi A . - . i.An "iirru wire in TfMiav rmm u' Mian...). ) rvi n liberal shlDments ' at ' Call v fornla and eastern butter in this direc tion of late threatens tha high pries of the local product now In affect While the make of local butter la in- , creasing, the output Is not trrowlns; vary fast and the trade Is still' unable to fill its requirements. For that reason tha Outside stock is being held--within l3c a pound of the local make. Heavier shlpmenta from the outside will bring prices down here In sympathy. - Cheese supplies are today scarcer than at any time during the present sea son. Market therefore firmer though prices are not showing any change for the day, , . BfgTS Ars Quoted Staadlar. " ""There is a steadier tone lnth a local gg situation owing to ina very gooa outside demand. British Columbia and Puget sound polnta continue as buyers In this marsei ana wmn in uxoipm ar quite . heavy - me price i wuj. Most sales along Front street were mads today at 21c a dosen although 22c was received in some Instances. As heretofore stated tha future., depends upon the outside buying. , Brief Jfotee of Wiolasals Trade, ' u.ioini la nnwn to 7c a pound today. . a drop of,, le sine yesterday or Zc for Poultry - narkot is holding at top quoUUona with receipts and demand ?aspor oranges, mostly of tha repacked variety, are selling very row iKiuif, some sales being made down to 11.25. . Fancy, fruit is firm at lormer quwu . tinns. ' .. . nut tti nt sweet potatoes are fchldln firm at 2fc3c a pound, but noor oualltv is selling as low as 2c. Vin. i,,ff In veatnrdar. ' Hops are reported quiet -with eastern Shorts holding down ouying prices for best around 7 Ho a pouna. unwi m obtained at this figure, therefore the Siairnani iraon, room hi. t nhtaln or as h ah a price vaIv points, hut prices are about the mm mmA k. ri.V. wh.n trafflO I " OgB firm. weather""17 V? "I . Ur iKW.Vt?. tVrm'0'1 No? onlr la tha trade showing a L TBenaon of T. C Benaon . 4 Son- ood damand for ton stuff but even 1 " '- re m. witn no cattle at an o?dhiarv Jrada It s?ae i T would now Jn i0""1, " Demand Is find wIootSough it'i. Sot at ill SR ".. kT nat bettar prices likely that .this condition would cpn- " ajhirkav rnmmlHlnn mm.m tinn. tr fnr-r ond aunniiea of the c'ilr"y commission .company Those betur quality wore .hown. Beside, 'uS" 7"' th. .lMnth In ateera la the whole-1 ffiY." A ""r?'ic ro.m Present out- a-ZWa m m,m an1 h.lftn nd ' 1 maraet. I logs are nrra. bull7"f ind' aeall "at prl that com forward find a sala. ara - aurnriain for the r unusuW . Tard's KeprsssnUtlve Price. strengtBIn fact tha demand for cat-I Following prices are representative of tl was never oetter in me ronnnu uim mmacuoni in tnt yarai and indl market that at this time: this following cata demand, supplies and quality of the extreme dullness of about 10 days fared: ago; Indicating that tha buyers did not have qulta aucn tioerai supplies , on hand aa -was believed ana that tney were unduly scared Into remaining away from tha market. finsap Coming Trora tha Talley. There was quits a good run of sheep STEEL OUTLOOK DULLEST TRADE MUSES WORRY FOR W DAYS Stock Market Is Very Quiet Clilcaga Wheat Market Has With Small Changes - a Very Narrow Spread of Close Fairly Steady. Prices During Session. New Tork, March' lh Tha stock market opened mixed . but showed , a general recovery later in the day. CHICAGO WHEAT 'MARKET. March 1. March IS.' Loss, 1I0J May in.: ii4 n ii u ' s . ueo. ...... ...;sx b 7t HOGS. IS hogs (9 lambs s sheec Net Weight U.S070 SHEEP AND LAMBS. ..6230 730 Price. 17.26 1(1.76 6.00 Th. fnllnwln la' Ih .....1 wamim-m In the yards during the 24 hours, a total values on stock ruling in the yards for of 826 head being received. Considering late shipments: . " , the fact that total arrivals of sheep Hogs Best eaat of mountains. 97.26; thus far tha present week reached but ordinary, 7.00; blockers and feeders. 1714 neaa, loaayn snowum ' i -io.(. markable aa might be thought at iirsi I Cattle Best steers, weighing: 1200 'Y'r '- " T..i. ' Americans 'abroad were rather heavylo.-t. 97? and at London, Orioea were lower. " " uopper market abroad la vary quiet w,i.prv". .'h.,.., Chicago. March 1.Tha total range shows a surnlus available for dividend ta pries of May wbaat today was of 19.000,000 compared with f 11,000,000 ha from atart to finish; in July it was I aI ..Tf-. " .1.:. ...i . qu 19 He; September- e and thasama In .vo l'a vtit vii wiisv asaLii,a kfv I I laVamhai aM nn. Tha mavriraar nlrimtxA TL. Gold hlDmeiitB abroad and the atael I T1 an - . w.:-ki H4a; " uuaiion sun oonrusa me trade and I i j,.n ii;i... trading in the market today was of a lv,r "1 " Ji.." k . ' . T7r rL5u,rf.nir."-.,.T' -Wfd1 8ffMioma time thin todaya trading The " iT ' market opaned weak and lower and tlon in Steel: I maM hut llttla Kuiln Aurlnm th. The conflict betwaan united States I ... , . Z Steel and the independent steel corr 1 1 1. nswl Ananad WA A A ak SBpaaa4 a w4ai as rr. , ; u. i " f.:" v : ;rr i aa cioaea 10 a aown; .sr.uu. v - . . ,T I Argentina shipments of wheat are .X Vv,.. A-3 tirnated at. ,8tB,000 .buabela; corn, had gona back to the old Carnegie Jol- j0o0 bushels. ' i . ll rai7r.w"1. FJi"V." r." There was a fslr demand for cash tlo7 anno-unT . tha tlmV To . . ins as as sa wl ai-iBLu uwt iUDT. 1 arastio enougn to prevent a iurtner i Rmnmhn nm. nPM'... .hi ments of wheat exclusive of Nortn America at about 1.200,000 bushels and predicted an Increase on passage. unicago wneat prices: no. z red, il.ia 01.23; No. 1 hard, S1.164.01.18U: No. I hard. 11.121.16V: No. 1 northern spring, l.ll1.19; No( I northern. 11.16 Vi.Ktti.iNO. spring, ii.ixefi.17. glance. While not showln a any ness the sheep market is not making the steers. 14.6004.75; best cows, speaking prlceare as previously quoted. I 6.76; best hay fed wethers, 5.00 weak- at display of strength as other Portland yams. n the pounds, 16.26: medium steers. 16: steers. 14.60(34. 7fi: best cows. 14.26: est medium mi tl in- hulls 19 Kami an and generally Sheep Best grain fed wethers, 16.60 poor 4. So few hna-s anneared in the yards to- 6.26: lamba. 1 sn TH' .atmlirht oar inn mey cnuiu n.iy uo nininr i mixed iota, ib.uo. ered 'cs a supply. Nona came forward Veal--Cholce young calves, 16.60; yesterday, and in consequence ine mar- heavy and rongn. 14.60 04.75. white, 1SS. 60 3S; gray, 136S7. Pmlts and vegetables. FRESK FRUITS Jrangea new nav s. 1202.60 Dar box: tancerinea 11.65; bananas, 6 He lb.; lemons, 11.16 P.uq ooz; graperruit. saw; pineap- piea, Hawaiian, S!tf.ze aossn; peara Jl.iOttl'K. rviA tuko Mew, aeiung 11.50 si 1.76: buylne for shlnment. oer cwt.. country, extra rancy, i.ssb'i.4d; oral nary shipping, b'uying. 11.25 1.30; com' mon, 11.101. 20; sweet 12(33. VEGETABLES Turnips, Oregon tl.001.10; beets, 1.001.10; carrots. 11 1.10 wick; parsnips, SlOl.lo; cab base, 3 3 He per lb; tomatoes, Mexican, 11.60ca2.00 crate: norma. crate -oeanss-T-i n h o cami no weiv- w i crate: neaa. lH4f. horeradtsh. e lb artichokes, 45 76o doa: green onlona Rip bansnas are scarce ana prices are firmly held at se a pouna. Front treet sells at the following prlcea- . 1 nose paia snipycraaio regular commissions; Atttar. Im aaa Fanrtry. ' HOTTER Extra creamery, Se; fancy, l2H36c; stora, lie. niTi rw Sr ATljllverv f . a. b. Port land Sweet craam. 14 Vie, soar, 12 : rr.r.s TjimI beat. 219 21c : fUHHSR Fincv full cr-un flata. J7c; triplets and dalaiea 17Hc; Toung Americas, 18lHc; storsge twlns. ISHc; triplets and daisies, ih17c i POULTRY Mixed chickens. 16H lie; fancy hens, '1ltHc; roostara old. 11c: fryera 2022Hc; broilers, 24 ARn- rmmm. lie: turkeys, alive, lew 18c; dressed, 222le; ducks, llIOo; tilaeons. sauaba, I! 00Jr2 60 dozen; old $1.00; dressed poultry. 101 He higher, mova. Wool aaa mass. WOOL 1909 Willamette valley, 170 IT He, 1109 contracts, eastern Oregon, . HOPS 1901 eroo. choice, 8c: prime to choice, 7toQ8c; prime, 7c; medium, eta, iuc dt lb.. lOte; No. 4f 4c; 1999 contracta, 10c TALLOW Prima, M mm A rr.a mm TfllUlk - &HKEPSKJKS dhearlng, roOlSa each: ahort wool. 919400: median wool, 10c M .aacb; long wool. U SI LS rh CHIT11M BARK Old. H06e; saw, sve lo. HIDES Dry hldaa. 144lla lb; grcaa, IftlOe lb; bulla rrn sslt- o per lb; kih. c: calves, grean. 14Ale per lo. MOHATR 190 NomlnaH 21921c Clrala. Floaz aad Say. ' BARLKX L ill 4ai.0l; raUad. 1; brewing, llTOii.l. WHEAT Buying prlea r.ew Track. Portland Cub. tl.OI; blueaiem. 11.2 l ti: fort rf old. 11.10: red Ruaalan. 11.0: Turkey rad. Sill; Willamette Ji TUFFS Beninir mWiillnsa lll.vs: co. 123 a 21 : siraiia i FLOUR Selling prl 123 a 21: alfalfa meal, 120 per ton. prtee Bran, anorra, ssv; valley, 1.S lMdllni en: a1 son patent; S9.CS.:' straight 1416: s:t to jrw- 14.19; bakers. 11.4901.11; valley. Il l; jrraham, V a, SI 10. whole whaau IS 4: rya. Sa fsTS; bal-a SS.0O, i HAT Prodocara- prlra New wna , atliy. Willamette vallr fsncy. S1 0: cr-lfrary. 114 fill; atara Oregon. SIS: salved. Sll Sfl;SJlt; elowr. Ill.SS; rnua Slt-es; cheat. lt.M; alfalfa, 'oATH Prwdwers arlca-JTraek. , VI WXU VAT AM rOlX4VSt . rt: m: Pf1 Park, any alse l-rmmi Veal, under ISO Iba.'. . ixM4 TeaL Ur Ts Sa IthwI Hwi and Springs. . a It. mi 41 Turkeys .............. . Ivm4 Iturkl la Lta Hwt snd Springs lea .lrm T'i-ri 1T Li LhMk rsTTrrrsla "rta rark pr-. V. wi.I Mai rbvt the ttvat dey. W 4 rf fMri. omlK. all' reit f soo-1 saakty and raack va la taa rtxat ahapa. Frank L. Smith Meat Co. a, ' rcatA. csEcii. . 4660c dos; peppers, bell, Fla. SO crate neaa lettuce, uc aos; hot Chile t ): house, Sl-60 per box; radishes. 16o dosen bunches; celery, 40gP90c; egg' Dlant. ( ) 10; asparagus, llgtlgo. ONIONS - Jobbing Fattcy Oregon Sl.90O2.z per cwt; garlic, hc id. APPLE5 Fancv Hood River. 82.600 SS.00; ordinary. (1.6001.76; poor, 1,0 per. cox. ' Orrooarles, lrms. SUGAR Cuba. S6.60: nowdered. I6.S5 fruit' or berry, S6.90; dry granulated, s.o; conr. a,; extra b,; Golden G, 15.70; D, yellow. S6.20: beet, arranulated. S5.70: barrels, 16c; half bar rels. 80c: boxes. Sfto advance on sack basis. Idaho nrlces are 16c lower. (Above prices are 30 days net cash Quotations.) SALT Coarse Half ground. 100s, 111.00 per ton; 60a tll.6b; table, dairy. 80s. I1C.60; 10a SHOO; bales,; Imported Liverpool. 60a 12000; 100a S1S.00; 40a S18.00: extra tina barrels 2a 6s and 10s, 84.5006.50: Liverpool lump rock. 130.60 per ton. RICE Imperial Japan No, 1. SUe SOlSo No. t. 6i4c: New Orleans, bead. Ajax ( ); Craola, SHO- . uivex ivew, ipe P"r in. BEANS Small whits. ii: largo white. S6.00; pink. JSAO; bayou. S4.00; Llmas, 15.65; Mexican reds, if.zs. Meats, Fish and Sfrovmoaa. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Poruand nack (locai) hama. 10 to IS lbs.. liec per lb: breakfast bacon. ISffSlo lo.; picnics. Vio: oottasa roll, llo 10.: rcauiaf short clears, smoked, ISHc; lb; backs, heavy smoked. 13 He lb; light, smoked, ijm,c id: nicKien tnnrues. mic eacn. DRESSED KEATB Front street hogs, fancy, SSfilOc; ordinary, 9c; veals, extra, io?rloc: orninary, stjioo; heavy, es7c: mutton, 7ric. LOCAL LARD kettle leaf. 19a 140 per lb; 1 4 T4i c per lb; 60 lb tins. 14 Ho per lb; steam rendered, 10s, per in; Gs, mi4 per id; com DOund. 10s. ft ic ner lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 31.40; rasor clams, yx.ou per cox; ive par aos jristi hock coa ifo to; uounaeri So lb: halibut. 7c per lh; stripe, baa a lie oound: catfish. 0c pound: salmon (supply of fresh fish nomi nal); chlnook, ISc; herrings. Sc per lb; soles. 7o oer lb: shrimp. lt&c per lb: perch, Sc per lb: tomcod lOo per lb; lobsters, ISo per lb; fresh mackerel. ( ) psr lo: crawfish, xuo par dosen; sturceoa ( ) Er lb: blsck baaa. SSa per lb: Columbia smalts, so id; silver smalts, so per ID; blsek eod. lo par lb; rrahs 8l, 16 0 1.476 per d"a OTSTERS Shoal water oay, per rat ion, 83. so; par joo id. sack, ii; uiyns bta. per raflon, 82.40: per 100 lb. sack.; eannea. soa can. asa; aaaurn la aboZl. 81.76 par loa. Palata. Ooal on. Sta, LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla. 7e: sal: iota or xs aailona. le leas: oil cake meal, SST ton. kofe Manna, f He; sisal, 7H lit. BENZINS SS dec. caswa. 10 aar gal: Iron bbla.. 1144s per gat. TURPENTINE In cum. 68 Ma par sai. WHI'iB LEAD Ton lota, 1m par lb; 60 lb. iota. Sa par lb; lass lata, 8 tee par lb. WIRI E NAILS Present baa la. St 46. Raa Franc Isw Grain Market. San Francisco. March 19. Merchants' exchange quotations: Cash wheat Wnlte Walla Walla 190; red Russian, tl 87H ; Turkey red, 1.92 H: biuraurm, ll'il.7 Future aheat May. 82.02 ask: Da- rember, SI 9. Cash parley rtM, 91.41; brewing, IIHV Future barley Mar. 1 1.44 1 hid. 11.47H ask: lBibtr, 81.27 bid. lifh oata wwta fl i?lS. MiUstuffs Bran. 121 SO: talddllnaa Sit; abona SH. Lfvrpn Wh-at MarkH. Urtrpttl, March 11 Wtnl: Ora CJoa July ept- v SEIITBIT IS JUST THE SAM E Views of Buyers Kcgarding Grain Prices Are Just About as Yesterday. i BOARD OF TRADE RECEIPTS. Wheat Barley. Oats. Hay. Flour. (jars. cars. cars. cars, backs. gglng. Such has not been the case. and tha low prices now being quoted by the corporation hava caused a mild panio among the Independents. Tha majority of Them cannot take business at the present level of prices with prospects of profit Should tha prloe of rails be reduced, and indications now point to a lowering of tha quo tation from IZ8 a ton, further aemor- allzatlon would ba tha result "The Independent companies secured a great deal or Dustness on the strength of the steel corporation's pol icy or maintaining prices, Tha cor Doratlon has now reversed conditions andkdrons its prices below those of the J Sept independents whenever an opportunity i ueo. d resents itself. A continuation of tha I "price war' as it has been waged for I M the last two weeks, means nothing i ... i ,t i juiy dependent companies. Thera aeams to I "i"- be ampla grounds for the reports that I ( tha Independent companiea sra consld- I ar.v ering tha question of ( organising fori July iMav July 116J4, 103 Range of Chlcaco ericas -furnished hr Overbeck A Cooke Co.l .. a . . WHEAT. - - Open.- High. Low. ..116 . 116 ..104 ' 108 H .. 97S 97 .. SSMi 1 98 CORN. . . H -T .. 66 6S OATS. Closa 116 108 f , 97 S?J - 66 W 66 . 66B PRICES OF WHJ3AT AT THE W0EI,1)'S CENTERS 4 ' r ."r "May Option. 4 rortland i ........... ,1. 08 V . 4 Chicago . Ml . a 4 New York . , 1.1 9 T4 .' 4 'Dulutb . ,., 1.14S4 4 Wlnnspeg . 1,1114 : 4 fit Louis 1.1 SH 4 .Minneapolis, 1.1 Vi J- 4. San Francisco lot' 4 4 ' Liverpool .. SslHd 4 e- ;;j V . v,- ,. : 'April Par cental. purposes of protection." Range of New Tork Prices furnished ry OverbeoK ar CooKe Co.: r 4 DESCRIPTION. Friday Thura Wed. .. Tuea . Mon. ... Sat .... 9 .. 9 .'. 4 .. 6 ..21 .14 7 8 9 1.200 2 7 3.200 1 6 7,000 1 12 6,716 4 2 11 13.3(0 2 2 9 8,000 grain mar prices are Sentiment in the local ket remains bullish but showing no change. Those who hava oats and barley to sell, especially tha deaUva, are putting are from 81 to S3 a ton above what supplies are being actually purchased at: their Intention being to force' the iroaucer to hold ror tnis rigure wnue hey may unload whenever ready. So far aa the wheat market is con cerned; tha season is practically ended throughout the Pacific northwest The small lots still available for consume tlon are not moving at all because holders want more money. Some of this will be needed for seed before many days and this makes tha situa tion stronger man ever. , Board of Trade prices: . CLUB WHEAT. Bid. March 107H April 108V4 NO. 1 WHITE OATS. March 182V4 April 185 NO. 2. FEED BARLEY. March 145 April 160 Ask. 108 109 190 191H 150 162, PRODUCE IN SAN FRANCISCO crate. S1.2S01.66: Onlona per sack Oregon, S1.S0QS; other stocks. Il.eft 4Jl.s; (United Press laaeed Wire. I San Francisco. March 19. Eggs, per dosen California fresh. Including cases, extras. 22 He; firsts, 22c; seconds, zuvc; thirds, 30C i . Butter,-jier pound California rresn. extras. 28 He; firsts, 27 He; seconds, 26c. . . ... New cheese, per pound California flata. fancy. 141ec:. firsts. 14c; seconds, 12c; California Young America, fnncy, 14He; firsts, 14c; Oregon flats, fancy, 15c: do Young America, fancy, 16H" Potatoes. per cental River Whites, fancy. 61.2601.50; Lompoo Burbanks, S1-86&2; do Salines, S1.90O2; do Ore gon. Si.7601.S6; new potatoea Pr pound, 4f4Hc; sweet potatoes, per trenacseai new green per box, ZtttlOc. uranges. per oox iaveia, mnmro, 1.2S4J I.7S; choice. -II. 714x8. 25; fncy, 2.26 6 2.60: tangerine, per box. SI. SO; do small boxes. S6c0SL ... PORTLAND PRODUCE RECEIPTS Receipts of n reduce by boat rail and express for the 24 hours up to 11:80 a. m. today ss compiled by the Board of Trsde: Annlea 76 boxes: 2 cars oranges, 81 boxea aparagus, 6 boxes cucumbers, 26 boxes lettuce, 27 aacka onlona 1061 urki nnutma 16 boxea rhubarb. 71 crataa fomstoea 62 p-kags vegetsbls. 2201 gal loss cream, Z gaiiona mwa. o boxea ctiese. iss -Mcaaaea puiiar. (1 rasas eggs. 76 boin clam a 12 boxes craDa, a poxes snriinpa. ia ooin nan. aacka 4 pans ana ii ooim oyan-rm, mom phlckena I coop ducka 1596 rounds dressed poultry, S2 dressed hoga, 7 dreaaad vaaU 1 cars meat. 1 car tal low. . I 44 Am. Copper ....I 6SH Am. Car & F-. C.I 48 do prd Am. Cotton Oil. cl Am. Loco C....I 61 Am. 8ugsr. a. ...1130 Am. smelter, c. 84H do pfd 103 Anaconda M. Co. 41 Am. Woolen, C... 28 Atchison, o 103 do pfd .. . ; .... 102H a. at. .. o. . . ., . log do DfdS Brooklyn R. T.. Can. Pacific, o. Con. Leather, oh 2Jf. do prd ...... C. & O. W.. o.. C M. 4 St P... C. & N. W.. c... C. & O Colo. F. it I., o. Col. So., c. . . . . . do 2d pfd . . . do 1st Dfd... Corn Prod., ov. . do cfd D. A H. D. ft R. G., c..,. do pfd . . . ... . isrj, c i . , .1 do 2d pfd ao 1st pia . . . Gt. Nor., pfd.... 111. Cent , Int. Met, c do pfd ....... L. AN.:. Manhat. Ry Mex. Cent Ry... M.. K. A T.. o... do pfd Distillers Ore Lands Missouri Pacific. National Lad... N. T, Central. ... N. T.. Ont. & W.. Nor. & West. c. . North American. North. Pacific, c. Pacific M. 8. Co.. Pennsylvania Ry. P. a.. Li. & C. Co.. Pressed 8. C, c. do via Reading, c Reading, 1st prd. Rep. I. A S-. C. .. do pfd. ....... Rock Island, c... do pfd S. L. & S. W.. o. . do pfd........ South. Pacific, c.118 !8 60H 129 84H 103 40 28 103 H 102H 1074 . . . . 71H 167 2H 8. Sept May July Sept May July Sept May July I Sept 1773 1770 64 48 T4 40 4J PORK. 1771 1775 64 U 481? IT47 1760 LARD. 1016 1025 1042 1046 RIBS. 9S0 938 945 960 962 965 3017 .1006 ivsu loio 1080 923 935 650 1760 1760B 1760D 100T 1017B 1033 92SR 940B 955 . News Gossip of Finance 87 T( 7V 139 31 11SH 8 129J4ll!9T4 128H do pfd . Southern Ry., e. Southern Ry.. p. Texas A Pacific T.. St L. & W.. c T., St. U p. i'. Kactnc, c.... U. Pacific, p U. 8. Rubber, c U. S. Rubber, p.. U. S. Steel Co., c TT. S. Steel Co,, p. Wabash, c Wabash, p W. IT. Telegraph w. central, c... W. Central. P-.. Wheeling Lake.. ikIioubs .. . Utah Copper,.,. Third AVe. Big Four a. western "a . K. C. Southern.. do pfd. 17 95 44H tioS 18 44H 17 87 71 23 62V 22 H 118 123 2 14 62 80 H 179 95 H 484 8714 44 2974 87H 140 20H 40H 13 35 5H 68 75 134 814 1S0V4 113 36H saiem, Oe., March 19. Articles of incorporation hava been filed in th. office of secretary of state as follows: Washington County Telenhnna mm- pany. principal office, Hillsboro, capital stock, 626,000; incorporators, O. O, Wilkes. Gaorae Stevens ajd Oaarn Dcavimencit. Lewis River Tie and Lumber Mills association, principal of flea Portland, capital Stock 810.000: incomoratnra W jbu. arreu. a.,c. Horg and B. C. Spen cer. United Lumbar comDanv. nrinclnal of. jliuo, rgruaua. capiia.1 biock fou.uuu; in corporators, James E. Page, Oliver O. Walker and James Cole. Tha Oregon Metalislng company, prln- cipai ornoo, oruancu capital stocn. sauuu; incorporators, a. b. fattullo, IT. W. Newell and H. H. Northuo. Marsnrieia ana buDurDan Kali road company, principal office, Marshfiald, capital stock, S5000; incorporators, E. Oren, f)avld Nelson and C, A. Smith. VflttoA States Government Bonds. New Tork, March 19. Official bid ELEVENTH STREET v ; LINE TO DEPOTi I v,., . . (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Vancouver, Waah4 March 19 Accord Ing to tha present tlans of tha Van' couvsr Traction company, tha Eleventh street Una wtU be extended to the North Bank and Northern paclflo passenger station- at onca It la exnected work wui oegin next wees. Deo tor and Daly have been awarded a contract for grading Eleventh atreat to the depot ground and as soon as this Is finished, which will be soma time next week, tha streetoar track will be laid. Manager Cunningham could give viii do ueiinus lnionnauon ss to wnen service to the depot could ba ax petted, except that It is tha intention of the company to rush tha line to completion. i no una wm na a surracs road, ana not elevated, aa at first planned. Tha Vancouver Traction eamnanv'i business la increasing every month, February being; by far The largest .month alncs tha line was opened last fall. . MRS. DAN SHANNON . " " IN THE PULPIT 8peelsl Dlipatcb is Tbe JoorntH , Vancouver, Wash,, March 19. A de viation from tha rule was taken yes terday at k tha tabernacle, : whan Mra Dan Shannon took tha evangelist's place and preached -the 'Afternoon sermon. Mra Shannon preached to the largest afternoon audlenca to data. Her text on thy beautiful s-armenta Mra Shan non's listeners were greatly surprised ft her ability as a speaker and showed heir appreciation by the attention they gave ner remaras. . Last evening another large audience heard Rev. Shannon. About SO came forward last night. This evening a delegation, la expected from Oregon City and those who so desire are asked to come to the tabernacle at 7 o'clock and march to tha ferry landing to meet the visitors. PUBLICITY "NVpRK .TO BE CONTINUED Vancouver Commercial Club Looking ' ' : About for Ulan to Succeed ' Lavey, Resigned. , s (Special Pbpatch to The Jearaal.) Vancouver. Wash., March 19. Real Is. Ing; that something must be dona if the publicity started by P. C Lavey, wh6 resigned as publicity agent. Is to be. of any value to the city and county, the, board of governors of the Vancouver Commercial club are busy with the prob, lam of .securing a new publicity agent Already, there have been a number of applications, but none have been even considered seriously. ,W. B. Struble of Raymond, Wash., was to have been here to meet tbe board night before lsst but evidently has been detained. A number of applications are on file and these are to be looked Into at onca The pub licity campaign started In outlying dls trlots will have to be started all ever again lr-jn,ot taken up soon, ', .., Fair Association to Meet. ''"' iRnaslal Dlanatch to Tha Joo raa 1.1 Orae-on Citv.. March 19. -The officers and directors or tne ciackamas county Salr association will hold a buslneaa meeting tomorrow afternoon In the county courtroom. a new ooara or. directors will be elected," and the newlv elected board will organise and -elect tha officers of the association. HABTMAN& THOMPSON BANKE11S A-CHAMBER OF . solicit - small cheo k accounts and offer every " convenience to depositors, re gardless of the amount deposited PMjsjftrfJViseasI riirMMSj J 70U Hi ZStt prloes: Data Twoa registered ... 1980 do. coupon .1930 Threes, registered . 1908 do, coupon 1908 Threes, small bonds Fours, registered ,. 1935 do, coupon .... 1926 Twos, Panama, reg District of Columbia , . . Rid. 101 101 101 100 119 , 119 101 108H Ask. 103 101 114 119 101H English Coa sola London. March 19. Consols 8Sd; acount. 83 11-lSd, -Money, 48 110 442 ssW 86 S4H 'Wl 714 . Today lead and Copper, New Tork. March 19. Conner, lake. lZjllc; electrolytic, lZOlZfeo castin stings, 1111C. Lead S3. 93 Wl 4.02 tt. Tin 128.80 21.60. Iraw Tork IItst. .. New Tork. March 19. Bar 60tte; Mexican dollars, 44a XfoadoB Saver .Market, silver, London, March H.-Sllyer, tSlid. Waahlngton March IS. The treasury 48 Tl I statement today snows: , tteceipts i,ii,u. Disbursements SL985,000. Portland Banka. Clearings today .....61,244,824.29 do year ago ............. is,46,zf .is 4Cr-1i ii .?s ia ?s is'ad MllltllM' 16 cert- perkeaa af Riogways "Five e'CWk T ' wit avery -mwH waat ad fr TYm PuM.v J v m. I Prlwg Is rout s4 a S"r ti fctwe hbw etKf S 'VI Kturdtr miH - For frtbr patM.klai's see the wast pages tr4ay. SEATTLE PRODUCE MARKET fr1t4 trrm tae4 WJr I -SMttK March 19-Butter. per powd Wsshtngtoe creamery." firsta SSc; ranch. mmm mmm k..' mm m1mTm I1M., ItfllZe; rwovate. Ittjiic. Errs Lcal rm-h. jie: California. t9lKi fraah aaaterw. Se; Oregoa, - " ' . tBaa Wlw wnrta1n faia wrira. w. lac; if.l Swlaa. lr: blerk liwtaa, 17c; lim burger. 19c; California. 17e. Cmtnfte Taktoia, Or-rn. ttf. raawes, te. greea, St(jSS per rt"si. Ftci. Irat S !' Tskimaav t9.i; Fmrlr JlS: ialifn-- Ma. rtm-m, 10 ie per pr-pad, awcrta, f t.'S fjS par erata. Total aalea 488,100 shares. ' Corporal Jackson Furloug.ied. (SpeOal tnspateh te Tee sesraaLl Oregon City, March II. Corporal Wil liam" Jackson, seventy-first coast artil lery corps. U. S. A- is here from Port Casey, spending a'tnOnths' furlough with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Jack son of Elyvllla Corporal Jackson wss s member of the aenlor class of the Oregon High school in 1907, and was at. the time, editor In chief of the "Hesperian" tbs high school msgsslna He was a member of company O third regiment O. N. O., the local militia company snd a year ago, ha enlisted in the U. 8. roast artillery. During bis short term ef aerfica be pat only wears carrmral s chevrdna. but Is eJo company clerk, and wears the medal of a first class gunner. Gain J. 7.'.. Balances today .......... do year ago ............ .$ 8S1.SR8.03 ... 617,18. 15 ,t. 192,414,28 .S1.471.S41. 00 . 1S1.1S7.00 eattle Clearlmya today .... Balances teaay ............ ' : Taooma Baaka Clearings today ..,...$ 898.942.09 Balances today 60,007.00 Jan. Men. ... Msv July J.. spt. . . Oct. ... Dec ... New Tork Cotton Market. Close. f UfSIt Open. , 908 ,.'9S ,.9S0 S21 iis 90S High. 911 919 936 627 Low. 997 914 ' 9SS 428 916 914 912 906 IJS9 . 93S0S4 024026 - 91S019 tlSfllS 618016 -. .... Prsa Sfresmlwaa, . IS rent eacksrslof Rldavars Tlva o'clock Tea" with every rash waat ad for The Sunday Journal. Bring la year ad at any time between now and 8 o'clock Saturday night. 'or further particulars see the want pares tadsy. S alaiiuaummiuciaal sxMXMxaasaiz&raaTrzyi m SPECIAL NOTICE f0 Umtn " CcBBtfy H . ailliia. ii r i' mil hiJI "' ml m Ii I & I n. ii i'n i ' inai 2 , Ship us . snrthing. ndeverTtnin;, - and r wt ' will py-Toi. STOP market prices. -Heti8 and Springs, aJirc.lO Dretsed I6J- 91 Veal, under 1J0 Ibi .. Large Vesl 7 to Byi m Fori. 8jF Sixe......;...:.Si4t Xre-tit market price. M 5 For potatoes we psy f 1.25 per ggek. J 9 EwTtarpa; rnnst be of extra gtod enalify snd at! remittances J - will ba mad 4! protr.ptly. No commiitioni charged. JJ B People's Market sS: Grocery Co B 3 COR. TIRST AND TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND. OR. g nsxttzzzzizzzxjizixzzzTtzzxizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzimhzrx M Mi Capital 55250,000.00 CORNER SECOND AND STARK 1' a .. Savings Bank Depositors And others having from one hundred dollars up which they desire to -produce an income in proportion to the ' earning power of money in trje northwest should consult me about the investments I have to offer. CALL OR WRITE T. S. McGRATH vr LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING PORTiiAND, OREGON Bitulithic Pavement Brings Satisfaction ; And Enhances IS? Vain ef Abutting Property Mort Than Any " : Other Pavement' '. - ' - 7 1 . A - . ' BECAUSE It is durable, never cracks, malci no noise or rumble from pasting vehicles, collects no dust or mud. Furthermore, it gives s ioothold for horses. Automobile! will not atid. . Warren Construction Go. 317 BECK BLDQ, PORTLAND. OR. 6 46664)6666S Overbeck i5t Cooke Co. t Cofrmission Merchants, Stods, Bonds, Cotton, Grarn, Etc z. 216-217 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDINO Members Quest Board of Trade, Crrerpondenta of Lofia it Bryan, CfckacQ, New York, Bottoa W have tha only private wire connecting Portland with tha east en exchangee. ' tor rmaa4 Stoar af TvaSs : : 44444444a44vf4)44444444444 .1