THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. MARCH '18. ' 1009. 13 FOR RENT FLATS CA6JI ADS under thla clarification, 1 cent par word par InaerMon, thro mianipni ror tn pric ni wo. iintiif.HN A riMim fiat .tii"'Pai-Tf lo at rent 120. Pariah, Walking Co.. 360 Ainrr. ak. Kit. PS N ICE iiiDilnrn flt of i rooms, fecln east, rant 124. 669Vs alh at Alain rnnin tt. I7li,i Pacffla at rant $20. Parrlsli. Welkins Co, 2C6 juper at NRW nioilarn I riinm (lat with furnace. gss, electricity, between 16tb and 17lt n. warn, inquire agaric CHERRY COtfRCtlftjDer and lower flata. close in; modern. 154 Cherry at "on" '- awn. faorn.'riM 1 and 7 room flat, waat aide. walking distance. Call forenoon, and evening, M. 3983. 116 Modern 6 rut. shades, wood lift, nice- lawn. num. .., k1 HEnnarhond. Kaat 4866. window (ood r COZ .. FLATS, rimaouabl J rant, close in; no a mall children., e janitor, au iia.ii at. . FOUR-ROOM" flat; bath, gas, ehades, casement; private entrance. . mis' slaslpnl ave. 111. Kaat KBIT. ' ,MODICRN.. 6 room flat, " steel and gas range, winnow snaaes. suv jiaisey near Bteei cringe, l-'i per itionm OR RENT Five-room flat, electric llchte uit can. 812 month, Phone mil. -114. - FURNISHED FLATS 60 PRACTICALLY new furniture of I room flat for Bale; cloae in on west elrto; flat will rent chnp. Call M. 7319 Tfl REG- room flat, furnished house. keeping;, gas, bath, new and clean. IT17 Belmont-Phone -East 6508. APARTMENTS 48 IONIAN COURT-r-Eleaant S room fur- - nlshed apartment,- private vestibule, nam. ateam neat, not ana coia water, range, refrigerator, telephone' and Jani tor service. Apply Janitor. , 18th and TUB NOflDiCA Newly furnished S j- and 1 room suites for housekeeping; - Etrlctiy modern. Corner Grand and Bel mont, pnones East 8418.B-1687. bEL MAR, room housekeeping apart ments, unfurnished; ateam heat; hot and cold water; phone service; walking ui stance; aauita. ta. rturnaiqe at. v B RES LIN -APARTMENTS. '-, Modern, ateam heated brick. 2 and room suites, fig to $25. E.v Burnaide aum yroiiu .tb, - - - J EFKERSONIAN Nloelv furnished , and 3 room suites for' housekeeping, aiivucnt. loin ana aenerson. - - MARLBOROUGH. Hat and Flanders, i rooms, every convenience. Main 7616 STORES AND OFFICES 11 CASH ADS under this classification. 1 cent Der word cer insertion, tares Insertions for the price of two. fTORl" brick uulldlng and basement, 0x1 00, . with ' large electric elevator. e una Die ror wr"'aio or retail nuai neas. Apply to W. E. Grace, care Com' merclal club. STORE for rent. 1048 Hawthorne ave.. line location for groceries, dry goods or general uture. 1 W. L. NASJ.5 OWNER. 888 E. 85th et.,i; Phone B-23H. NEW, modern store, 25x50,. plate glass show windows, basement, suitable for drug, hardware or notions, . opp. Pfed 'mont. 1258 Union ave. N., owner Woo. lawn 2326. : THE MILINER. Si0 Morrison, corner Park; modern office and living apart .ments -tojnblned; furnished . or unfur nlshed. , K1R8T claas outside of f ice rooms for rent in new building; steam .heat, electric a nu gas iIkIH, with janitor serv ice, n. ta. cor. a a ana Maaison. CORNER suite of 2 rooms, 12xl each, on- 5th floor; also corner room 26x80, on 4th floor, rnoenix hide;.. 6th and Oak. BURNISHED office; also housekeeping 'rooms, nicely furnished. , Phone il 8480. 209 Vm 4th st ' pbR RENT Store, 8d and Glisan, next to watting; room. Apply 617 Chamber or commerce,. A DESIRABLE orrice room for rent on second floor Goodnough bldgv Apply to elevator conductor. FOR RENT Desk room, both phones, light and heat Apply Buchtel Kerns. 880 JE, Morrison. B-2444. B. t8. FOR RENTStore roon, 25x20; gooj location for hat blocker or cobbler. 178 West Park. Main 8242. DESK room or half, large, light corner offlse. Call between 9 and looi" chono aiam (ia. ii Moarq or Traae Dldg. IIOKSICS, VKHICIJ3. ETC, 18 DR. K. W. HAOYARO. araduate On tarlo Vetarlnarv rn)lra;e; cfflca Expo el I Ion bldar.. lMli anrt- W I'hona alala rraUleM-.. TsjHlnlJ;4. LIVESTOCK 85 CHOIClfl f resh cow, part Jersey, bl milker, cash or trad for baef cat 11 Brown house opposlt Qckley Uraen, St, jonna car. IK YOU want a sooJ ireah cow. 4 y old, perfect every way. a large milker, can un -raDor jizn DOCiS TRAINED 'AND BOARDED DOG 8 boarded on ranch at reaaonable ratea. Have had 80 years' exparleaee Will alao take limited number ef bird doss to train.- Plenty of range, good neauny rood, ran give fortiana rer erenoes. H. "J.'Viunger. Marrlaburg, Or, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 PIRCHKR upright plaob, $125; anolhei vrmn tin. imu, rwim l fX)R SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 r, THE NEW BOOK V TIIK I.lTTf.B BOOK 1 Entitled the City of St.-Anna, which has .lately made Its appearance In the dook stores will . prove a rerreanin treat to those who are tired of llterar duck puddlaa and want something fresh rrom tne rountams; it comes aa an in tellectual bombshell -Into the theologian camp. - - , - --Tic Dollar Auction :Co. We want furniture, lota of It: hleheat prices, cash paid or aau on commiaaion. 212 1st. A-I3Z7. Main Btli. Foil BALE Lnn time leaae on a story brick building in the whole' sale and warehouse district, covering a corner lot on N. 4th at.. 60x100. A bargain. - - i or particular, can or aa dresa 714 Marquam bldg., Portland.'. Or. FARMERS. ASyTKNTIONf A good aecond hand 88x66 Buffalo Pitta threshing machine for aale; no reasonable offer refused. Inquire A. D. Chrlatianson, zot waamngton at. FOR SALE Good oalnter'a outfit: win? staare. 4 extension ladder! and other tools; cheap i for cash. Phone J BDOr os. 16 fine,, choice Barred Rock pullets,.! cnoice cooKerei; inying now. GREBE STOCK CO.. 978 Brooklyn at., phone 8ellwood 1027, AUTOMOBILE, gasoline and ateam en- ginen repaired, worx ana prices rigttt. ,. .- ujrsaiityM at rumLi, Bupples Boatyard. ' ' WE oay too ckah orlcea for rurnlture. Portland Auction Co.. Main 6466. A- 4121 kXjH SALE Bull terrier bitch, 2 yeara old. Phone M-8261. nent Tip. 3. Ask for apart- SUNT SOON HUIK CO.; Silks, mattings, rugs, fancy 'roods. 70 6th t.. between Oak and Pine. ONE Cornell Incubator and 2 Peep-o- uay orooaera. cneaD. ai. uiara. si w)iQ8innn sr. IF you want window screens, ty i i oca .i-ti . Airfim, oov jiciiuiiiHau ve. Woodlawn 2182. CHEAP Showcases, desks, safes, regis t era, carpets, furniture. Wa also ex change goods. 218 and 213 Front at FOR SALE Full blooded white splU call C1. Phone doo. male. sular station. 1829 Burrage st., Penin LAUNCHES and enginea. for sale. Ray's uas engine tioepuai, root or tills worth tt Agency for Tale engines. GOOD for east side people; we buy all kinds of second hand furniture; pay ine rest. t-none ta. ivoi. z union ave. FOR SALE My entire kennel of Boston terriers, a a. no BgyKosenurg, or. FOR SALEA fine parrot and cage for ;iu; going. to leave city. Esa college. b ic.,ij bu, ve,a w pacity. a. A. Btois. 771 Williams ve. $20. shoemaker machine, good as new. t;aii 383 ta. Morrison st. CANDIES, purest. sweetest, lowest prices! 1 m, 10c. 830 3d. Ctty Market. $25- Keslaurant Buck's steel range, in ierfect-c6ndttln. Call 39 Union- ave. FOR SALE or rent 20 sewm machines, zhs urnnn ave.. waivage t.o. E-liau. EXCHANGE MISC. 25 u ii. AVJxi a in tjt jcj-w-A iaay s wneet , in Kood condition for a small horse. P. .' box 460. city. MEVER flute. 13 keys, ivory head, with case: sell or exchange for mandolin. M-165. Journal. . FEW nice offices In the Couch and Chambers bldg.. 601 Couch bldg. FOR RENT Store and 6 rooms, $15 per montn. inquire 4s eneriaan. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Vacant and unfurnished houses for rent We have a large list or suitable tenants waiting. Northwest em Investment Co., 198 4th st. I WANT to leiase house 12 rooms or more; what have your Mam 6S44 705 Swetland bldg. Must be right. '0!IB to room houae. any location, Drop card giving particulars to A..H. Hildeoranq. iszyi oranq ave. GENTLEMAN . wishes 1 unfurnished . . room cheap. A-1S0. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 I 1? HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE. 1 span mares, 7 yeara otd, siou iob ' : 1 span mare and gelding. 7 years, 2000, i 1 span mares witn roai, y, zydu. I span geldings, 7 and 9, 8000. . 1 span drivers, 8 years, bays, 2100. 1 buckskin, $ years Md. I860. 1 sorrel horse, 4 yeara old, 1600. 1 gray horse, 8 yeara old,. 1500. , 8 driving horses, 2 milch cows with calves. 12 dirt wagons. . ' 8 furniture wagons, goosenecks. 6 delivery wagons.' .2 Democrat warons. - We expect another car of horses Msrch . 15, which we will auction off .under a guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVENUE STABLES. 4S Hawthorne ave. J HI buy a second-hand vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the same tirlos as yon would nay for an old one. We are located outside of the high rent district, therefore, can mine tne price. Driving wagons. Dug glee, delivery wapons and farm, wagons. R. M. WADE A CO.. . T lit Hawthorne Avenue. ItOAN mare. years old, With colt weeks, $185. . . Good saddle pony, $45. Span of marts, with harness. 8180. Four grocery wagons, $78 each; Iti Tarm waann. goon aa new. PBTERBON'B STAPLKS." M I'nlon are. BKl-ORU buying It would pay you to iook over our it nead, whicn are left from 86 head shipped in here last Tuee day. Including saddle horses, a few all- Durnoae delivery horses and 4 or 8 heail of drafters. 6S6 Alhlna ave. Take L car. UCKU bay mare. $ yeara old. weight ive ids., genua ror ladlea to drive, harness and rubber tired top buggy, $145: ran e seen at Peterson's Stables, 14 Union 'ave. Mrt. Plrk. FOR SALE Sound mar, weight 100 ids. i an r u. miame, raa emm In. 1 blocks north ef Pester road. Tnt. Or, POR SALE ranel top wason. good r-onduion: r,rlre 876: one in vl neas, inquire nose city Baaery, j jn n. 'jr. HohSKS and busgtee for rent fcy day wek and htielneae heueee. Fast Tt. lib; special ratea te tta asa uawthoraa -iiU&Si-&-a adjuarea , ef JO! - a4e - to eaie at Rose Hf Pale etableav lltk el Jeffeewn, Main 3lfte. ilCKSKSf ehd P levari A Mc6rw. Handanada work if preferred; botk , r a4J 6 rurr' e ft . ror. 1 1 th- Yin PALK bora weigMng about la lba. atwit 7 years old. eound er4 trt. lni)(r 17 Vrjoji ee. - ti.SF, gfe eerk furniture wagon, iH lo. It?; re eray hnrm, years r-'uV ma, t:i. rh" Tebor 1 4 8 "G iU ea f ' r aale; OregoB) H. a' r. v 7t a j Q'j r-t r f e lr Iiarits l. u 43 J. (tb ac. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE And anything you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6665. - A-4131. - MONEY TO LOAN 27 I $ $ ' $ $ MONKY I.OANKt : ON 'yOUR BALA (It! piano. liotHiciior.n (Uximh, etc. H'I'R K'Tf V l-l IN rfTlKNTI AL. LOWtHT RATES, KASY PAYMENT". Kvery II paid orr rediicea cost. 8TATK SKCURITY CO., Iftl I'lll IMil -IIITiil $$$'$$$$$$ I $1$ YOU can gat tlie inoney you needfrom us. on your Dlano or household furni ture, and repay In small weekly or mommy payments arranged to "uii. Our terms are lowest and beat Bus! neas strictly confidential. Huttoa Credit SlONKY advanced salaried Deoole an others upon their own names without security; cneapesl rates, eaalest pay ments; oftlcea in - It principal , cities save yoursair money by getting our terms first. Tollman, 817 Lumber Exo. Yi'E loan money on diamonds and JeweH ry at reaaonable Interest, for long or nuri iims. a. a a, jeiovage, jsweiora, lit Waahlnston aL MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos. ypewryars, real estate, mortgages, horses, wstches, diamonds and jewelry; lowest rates 1-1 .flan.a 1 1 a lll.Lv hM. MONEY to loan. Urge loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. O. Beck. 818 Falling. LOST AND FOUND 21 CASH ADS under this classification. 1 cent per word per Insertion, three Insertions for the price of two. LOST or mislaid U. M M: sued by the - Penn Mutual Life In surance company, on. the Ufa of Fanny D. Cox.- The finder will pleaae return It to the undersigned. Application has been made for the issuing of a duplicate. LOST March 10, 7 a. m., from steamer Oregona landing," Sellwood ferry, bull and coach ' dog: license 854'. one ear black, other white, name Patsle; return Davenport Bros., 150 Front et, receive reward. - - - - PARTY flndlug lady's watch and fob. monogram "O. A. J." tn BIJou theatre will kindly return to private- office of Meier A Frank. Co.: liberal reward; no questions anxed ollcy No. 168272. la n Mut FOUND Place where epeolal attention is alven remodellna of hate by up t-t date trimmers: English correct millln- ery. 831 Morrison. Marquam bldg. LOST A gold monogram watclii fob'. Initials "M. C"; between Salmon and Washington -or on Council Crest car. Beturn 196 3d. St. Reward. : . , OST A bunch,, containing 2 large keys. xas. Yale door loca key, pattern. bottle opener and buttonhook. Returned to journal orrice. STRAYED from Portland Heights. 1 Day Da la raced norae, weignt iduu ids. Finder please telephone L P. Hansen, Main 6105. $10 reward. BUSINESS FEKSOXAL 53 KIR OROVR sanatorium, strictly a wo men's hospital, where patients can gt the beat rare at reasonable rates and any physician they choose, city orrice, Impomiera Therapy Co, speclallsta for men and women, room 60S Aierchanta Truat bldg., 326 (4 Waahlngton. phones Main 773; A-6766: snnatarlum. Tabor t'r. isaneiie Macule. ; DR. ALICTO A. GRIFT. - A speclallat on dlaeaaea of women and Children; alao aurgery. . Nervous and chronlo diseases treated. No charge for consultation. Room 10. Grand 'Theatre bldg., Washington and Park ats., Phones Main 3928. A-6607. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND has removed to 606 Commonwealth bldg.. corner th and Ankenyi makee a specialty of sur gery and . diseases of women. Phone Main 4047. , . , . ; - Men Cured Quickly Modern electric treatment for diseases of the prostate, nervous debility, pllea. etc. W, I. Howard, M. D.,' 804-8 Roth chlld bldg., 41 h a nd Washington. AZA HOLMES RTbbECKE Reliable skin specialist, manicuring, hair dress ing and beauty culture: lara-e stock of goons at prices cut in two; derma- ng islr toiogy taught iin st Parlors Grand Leader, DR. T. J. PIERCE, dlseasea of women; all irregularltlea corrected, druglesi yatem, no exposure. Call or write. 816 AiiBxy- niog., Portland, .Or. v t Miss Georgle La Pettlte rtooma ox- -C olumbia bldg.; corner W. Park and Washington. Main otl MAY ANDREWS teaches card reading! lou am. r-uone Main 7of. lANlCURINO AND MASSAGE 4UI RECENTLY opened manicuring and chiropody parlors, vapor bath and electric treatment. 386 Washington, corner W. Park, suite 12-14. formerly of 683 Waahlngton St. -' COAL AND WOOD STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. WOOD AND COAL. ' Phoness , East 434. C-1778. i V. D. SMITH 'deUvsrs fir wood direct - irom cars 10 you; an wooo A r a. x, eut of big live trees, flist growth, thick oark; special prices in largo amouata. t-none Ma in 6Ba: A-enga. SOUTH Portland Slabwood Co. Main 1689, A-3843. and $3 14. eO: dr Inside wood, $3.60; green slabwood. ,$ Block wood. and timber. $2.60 a load and up. Phone main dik f TTXV A 1 '.TWDCl Phone E. 6343, w. J-. nawtuno 470 Belmont st Wholesale, retail. Full cords guaranteed. FTiR SALE 4 foot dry sound dead fir, west siae delivery, xuu corn. Main 6091. . WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. H. F. Lee. 827 Board of Trade. M- 8849. COLLECTIONS WE collect bad debta. Interstate Ad Justmon t Co.. 601 Qarllnger bldg. r CONTRACIORS AND BUILDERS A. H. YORK CO., contractor and builder plans, specifications and es timate. Jobbing a specialty. 3u9 K. Waahlngton at East 4769. Sellwood Hi. JTErXEWTON, contractor and bulldefT specialty, first class work, 194 4th. Tabor 349. , . E. WEI. TON Of Una general lobbing. $1 atore Dxturta; lat. M. 3190. RYAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. c.a or, 1 1 1 .... - AAAa .i. TTiiiiqina a.vv. gu. lv.ft M. J, REISNER. contractor and builder. g'ncrii jopoing, ae layior. pi. COMSUSSION MERCHANTS ALICE HAMOT. baths, ' massage and chiropody, formerly of 208 6th IL now at 291 Alder, suite 27. MISS SNOWDEN and. assistant 145 W 6th st, room 24; vapor baths, vibra tory massage. Phone A-6671. WB PAY SPOT CASH for dressed veal, ' hoaa. . beef, ea-e-s. Doultrv. butter. cheeae, hides, furs, wool, cases ra, hay, grain. Write ua what vou have to sell. Ruby & Co.j86Couch St.. PortjandJr. MISS- ALICE SMITH, massage parlor. tub and vapor baths. Room',1, 872 Waahlngton St., Main 176 FOUND At ths Grand Leader ahoe store, 6th and Alder, hi. Marks Jr.. formerly with Marks Shoe Co. LOST Bird dog, white with brown spots, brown eyes. Return 675 Bel mont st. Phone B-tilO. Reward. LOST Cuff link, solid raised gold set with small diamond: return to nal; suitable reward. Jour- NOTICES 26 NOTICE To all persons to whom these presents snail come, ureeung: Ica is hereby arlven that the Oregon State Board of Fish Commissioners, by the authority vested in said board by law. has closed all of the Willamette and Clackamas rivers to the taking, catching and fishing for salmon, fish and sturgeon, except with hook and line, between 18 o'clock; noon, April 16, and 12 o'clock, noon. May 1, 1909, for the Burnose of creating an additional closed season on said river and to com ply and correspond with the spring closed season established on the Co lumbia river, by act of the twenth-fifth legislative assembly of said Stater and It shall be unlawful for- any person tor take, catch, or fish "for salmon, fish or sturgeon fin any of the waters of said rivers during' the time hereinbefore specified. r. vv. Dcii3ui-i "Governor and Secretary of State. GEORGE A STEEL. . Htnta Tn.naiirfr Constttutlng the Oregon State Board of Fish Commissioners. Attest: . J. m auuib i arv. Master Fish Warden. SCIENTIFIC masseuse alcoholic treat ment, chiropodist, manicurist, young graduate. 8 Kalelgh bldg.. 8th and Wash MISS GIBSON, scalp treatment. oz, ZbBft Morrison st. Room NEWLY opened massage parlors, 340 Ankeny. corner 7th st. . LUCY MORTON. 208 6th, ' bath, sage and electric treatment. ED Y THE BRYNE. maesage cabinet baths. Room 15. 386 H Wash. A-5083 MISS GRANT, tub and vapor baths. massage. 201 Vs 8d St. A-6496. MISS Weldon and aaat. electric treat ments, vapor baths, massage, 167 Park DAN CI NO Bertha Beckett's Dancing Academy. Allsky bldg,, 3d and Morrison. Class every Saturday evening; private lessons dally; fancy and stage dancing: walt.i and two-step guaranteed in four lessons. Res. Main t527; academy, A-6182. EDUCATIONAL THE. VON G1LLMANN SCHOOL FOR RIDING AND DRIVING ' Occupies the premises known as the ORIENTAL BUILDING, And solicits the patronage of those Who wish to cultivate HORSEMANSHIP In any of Its branches. Phones: A-4135; Main 2894. NELLIE SPRING, chiropody, alcohol massage and baths. 291 Alder, suite 1 NEWLY opened massage parlors. Room , the Olive. 6 th and Washington. BUSINESS MKECTOKY i ASSAYERS PORTLAND analytical laboratory. 623 Worcester bidg.. 3d and Oak. M. 690. WELLS ft Proebstel. assay era. analyt hemjsts 204 H gsh. Main 750SV ACCOUNTANTS Publlc accountants and estate agents. Ing, Investigating and systematizing. 324 Worcester block, phone Main 6667. ARCHITECTS No, No. No. No. S. U N. GILMAN, auctioneer, 411 Wash- I ingion -st. Detween itn ana. xun. tz paid for household S!4TS, A-7B0. furniture. Cash Main THE Denver Auction houae cava hleh- eat cash price for houaehold furni ture. ,ni za 3418. .227 2d at Phonea: A-1099. Main HI WE WANT second hand furniture; pay casn. Telephone Mam lZn, . or A-4243. if you want us to call J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. - WANTED To buy oval front showcase, also soda fountain. In good repair. Address, L.-H. Boyle, Houlton, Or. Ij,WANT second hand bicycle. In good cuuu.iiuu; wruv slid varu 1040 K. Grant. ICe JCa WANTED Houaehold goods, ladles' and - gentlemen's clothing. The O. K. store. 213-213H Front st FORD AUCTION CO 889 B. Morrison st. Buy, sell or trade furnltura A-2311: East 988 CASH for household goods, savage A rennmi, o-atr tax, st. wain u. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture. B. 6204. 194 Grand ave., cor. E. Taylor. EPOT cash" for your furniture; prompt attention always given. East 1047. REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF, THE OREGON CONSISTORY NO. 1 OF PORTLAND, OKOUJN. Dated April 1, 1902. The following numbered bonds of the above issue, have been drawn In con formity with Article X of the mortgage executed to the undersigned, dated April a ln2 sacurina- said bonds, and will be paid by the Security Savings and rust company, peruana, ur., on Apn 1909, upon surrender or me oonus. Interest will cease to accrue on and fter that date. ; ' - ... 1 141 azs 314 4-"0 ... 20 - 148 240 368 488 ... 61 178 263 408 498 ...60 182 268 415 509 ...10 188 269 431 616 ...107 201 275 442 622 No. .,'.....121 210 300 469: .632 No. .129. 217 801 464 634 No .134 21$ 824 468 636 No. : 139 221 828 479 644 SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. TRUSTEE. BY R. Q. Jublts, Secretary. GRANT H. LEE, architect builder. Lowest prices consistent with cood workmanship; ' $60 to $300 saved on your home; no office; make appolnt ment. Phone Sellwood 130. P. CHAPELL BROWN, 406 Marquam bldg. phone Main 9309. ATTORNEYS OREGON LAW bCHooL Established 188$. students admitted any time. Thorough course In law. No time lost from regular occupation. Recitation ceilings. Commonwealth bldg. LAUD'S Preparatory School of Pbar macy. 148 2d si.. Portland. Or. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 'REAL ESTATE : DIRECTORY- i REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER DEAI.ERS ALPHABETICALLY" , . ARRANUED FOR TIHC-CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL READERS ; ,'"' - '30,000 PORTLAND 1910 . ' ; ' Tt should be the first and foremost aim of 'every man to own hie . own home. You owe It to yourself, to your wife end to your chil dren. Every year you delay buying la costing you dearly,' . - values are ever advancing. Consult reliable realty dealer. . anas i-iuu Kvuipmuj Baker. A. A........... Hronr Steel Oaipany , - Butirwortb BtPj'bnoe Company,. Ine Clark, 0. K. and Cook. J. W Cook A On.. B. 0., ,. . , . . . . . t'hapla A Harlow Columbia Truat Company (Bwlnton) Coast .Really Company... Puna-Lawrence Company,.,......'.. Coldaehmldt's Agency ATtDRRM. . ; "r ..420 Lambar Exchange irucriioMt. ..Home A-1-120 .....Ilk AUasiaa Bldg.'.u Main 71, A S'-'M ..,,.110 hmiid St Main and A-K-'-vi 30 Lafaretle Bldg...,.lk and Waatk, MeAVS Board at Tri te . ........Vala 47. A-r.f ...rKiT-6iS tVa-katt Bids Mala Ml.l, A '3 ....425 t'bamber of Coaiaterea ...Male IHM ;...TI4 (;,urk Bldg ..Main 641. A-1I1 ....2 Lumbar Kicbanxe. ...... .Mala l&dn. A-41M ....248 Alder Mala 9015, A-tU ....2.114 Waahragtoa Bt ....Mala and A 30S4 .... 1 Worrestee' Bldg. ...... SO Third 81 ...1021 Ifawtburne At., corner 84ib. T-614 ....14. riflh nt .........Mala 6SS. A-28U Berkeley, Dover.) - . . . ....823 Oiatnber of romawwr..... Main 4MT ......Male .m ...Mala txHt Horhmnk Co., R. B., (Irvlnirtna Rark).... Holmes A Memfe HrTlngtoa)... Hawiboro Realty (o.............. Jecobs-Stine Ce .'. (Belle Creat. Kllllm-sworrk. W. u ..... Knapp A Mat-key Keaaey A Co.. I). B. (Heights property)., Lang, W. H. Marshall A Co., T. W. Mall ft Vos Borate! N Moore Investment Co. , , Moffett L. L..... n Orfoa Real Estate Co., The ..Oread Are. 'and Multnomah. O. W. P. JLend Co. Immigration Buraaa. ... ..rirst and Alder Btt ...Main 1444 7 t'bamber ef Commerc., ...Office en Helgbta ...840 Cbsmber ef Commerce. ...Kaat 80th and Hawthorn.. ...104 Serand St. ............. ...SISVj Waahlnjrtee St........ ...423 Lumbes Exrhsnf ..... Mala A W a-uxt ..Mala 23A3 ...Isboe 4 ....Mala i A in ...Mala ft A Sin? A-67-tf ...East T. 0-170 Mala Parrlih, Watkla A Co.... rortuna uooej Balaton, L. 0. (Ralatea BelghU).... flnmmlt InTestmeiit Company,,....... Bweet. Elnathaa Swenaaoa A Ce,, A. 6 ;,,..,. Bchalk. Oorr D... Btse Seal Estate Co.'. . .-, Shields. J. H- C. C. Blrkok Taylor. J. 8. (Timber Lands)....;., White, b! F.. ..'...' .. ...250 Alder St.. ...... ...204 MorrUoa Bt.... .......American Bank. 80 Tth.Bt...... MaU 154 .......129 Kllllngsworth AT..,......Woodliwa WJt ..,.....24 Corbett BI1. ................. -.iln 7W .....263H Waahlngton St......... .Main A A-nA .V.r.'..SH4 Stark St...-. Mala 802. A-2WJ Third 8t.....,.,....-.w-....Mala 82T8 .......Sue Cerilnger Bldg ......Main 6U0 ................... '.437 Woreter Bldg. . ......8-0 IJibb Bldg .."..Main 7334; A-'i241 BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. , ' . ' , CAPITAL Sl'BPLTJK. $1,600,000. ' - ' - - I KO IXTERE3T PAID OH ACCOFKT9 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OBEGON. - , ; Northwest Corner Third snd Oak Streets. r ansaets a General Banking Bnalneas. T1RA179 ISSritD Arsnabl In An fitlaa of th United States and Europe. Ilonaknng sod Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. Prealdent J. C, AINS WORTH Caabler K. W. BCHMEEIt Vice President R. LEA BARNES Asslstsnt Cashier W. A. UOLt Aaslatant Cashier A. M. WKIQHT GEBMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland, Or.. Comer Sixth and Washington St. . Transacts a general banking bnalneas. Drafts luned available In all the principal ' cities of th United Bute and Europe. Foot per cent Inter! paid on saTlngr--acconnti. Safe deposit vault. ' ' BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. ST ORRIS. BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerc Building. Mnnlolpal. Rllrod and Pnhlle Serrlee Corporation Bond. DOWMNO-HOPKINS COMPANY Established 1892 BROKERS. ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bonght and Sold for Canta and on Martin. Private Wires. Room 201 to 204 Couch Building. Phone Mala 885; A -2337. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. PACIFIC Electrlo Engineering Co. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d at ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re muved. Mrs. Hill. 30 Fleldner. - GASOLINE EN Ci EVES WILLAMETTE Gas Engine Works; we build and repair anything in GAd ENulNEU and AIR COMPREaSORSs'; AUTO repairing reasonable. E. Waah ington and Water. East 665; B-1921, STATION AKt ana marine; electric euuiDments: .launches, .accessories wholesale and retail; engine repairing. rteierson fliacmnery CO.. ia Morrison. IJ5AVINO PORTLAND. Roseburg Pasaenaer , . Cottage Grove Passengor California Kxpreas San Francisco Express WEST SIDE. Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger forest Grove Paasenger Forest Gran Paasenger ....... Foreet Grove Paasenger, Southern Pacific ...8:15 a. m. ,. 4:16 p. m. I ,, 7:45 p. m. I ..1:30 night T:20 s. m. 4:10 p. m. 8:60 a. m. 1 -.00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:15 a..m. Cottage Grove Passenger..........!!:! a. m. Roseburg Pasngr ............. 6: Bv . ; Portland Express .11:15 p. m. , WEST SIDE, Oorvallla Passenger .............. 0:90 V. m. Sherldaa Passenger .v..... .10:30 a. m. Forest Grov Panaenirer... 8M a. m. Forest Grov Passenger. ........ ..110 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger 4:60 p. m. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 25c LASTO mantles Barretta LEATHER it bUiUlXGH a T. JEFFREYS, 15 YEARS' PRAC TICE IN OREGON, 8 YEARS ALASKA. 208 FENTON BLDG. CHAS. L. MASTICK 4k CO., 74 Front leather of every description, tap mil a. rinninga. Oreeon City. Or. A. B. Combs. Manager, National Life insurance Co. This Is to certify that I have this day received from your company a draft In payment of my son, James G. Rettlnger's life Insurance, taken out wife your company on October 24, 1908, and was accidentally killed January 27, 1909. The policy was only In force about three months. I am pleased with the prompt settlement or tne same. CARRIE RBTTINGER. DR. W. S. ARMSTRONG nas moved from 608 Merchants Trust bldg. to room 83: Hamilton bide where he be pleased to see all of his old patrons as wen as new. LAWYER EBNER, charges reasonable. 431 Lumber Exchange. Main 2726. LiVEliV AND SALE STABLES 3-J&Wy&?WJIZr HESSIAN stables-Hack., livery, board. BICYCLE KEPAJUUNQ 16n ave. Plione fcj. a682, night M. 8U6. APEX Blcycie Co., second hand motor cycles and bicyciea. Buy. sell, ex change and repair. 126 12th St. A-8306. BUSINESS CAIID3 HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank books m'f'g; agta for Jones' Improved Loose Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 183. CLEAN towels daily; comb, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry & ?owel Supply Co.. 8th and Couch eta. hone 410. . THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book . sellers, office outfitters, engineers'. draughtmen's supplies. 133 3d cor. Alder. OSTEOPATH 1C Fid kblCIAN S DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON will reduce rates ou trealuients one haiz for 30 gays. 17 teuton. Main t6L DK, F. J. BAKE. A. S, Dldg., 8d and U- 207 Muuawa Morrison. Muin 22a6. PAIMS, OIL AND GLASS RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High SUndard" Pttinl. N.fa cor. 2d & Taylor. M. A-1771, F. E. BEACH t CO., Pioneer Paint Co. window glass, glazing. 136 let,, M.U34. PAIMT.NU AND PAPEKINU TIN, gravel and Iron roofing. Jobbing DroniDtlv attended to. Krlbe & Mo- Donald, 807 Madison. Main 2618. REMOVAL NOTICES LADY'S barber shop formerly at 1T Madison st. now located at in 4tn. FINANCIAL 01 3 3 $ t $ $ $ $ $ Money loaned oulckly and pri vately on real, personal and chat tels, diamonds and Jewelry, ware house receipts, furniture and pianos, and all valuable collaterals. MORTGAGES AND CONTRACTS . BOUGHT. This company le organised for the purpose of providing ready money at the i lowest cost You can arrange to renav monthly or weeklv . All g business strictly confidential. tan or pnone Mam 2084. U. S. REAL ESTATE A . ' BROKERAGE CO. -a. Room 12 Hamilton bldg.. 181 2d at $ $ 3 3 8 $ 3 3 LOANS WANTED . 80 WE hare partlee wanting front $300 to auoo on tirst mortaaaa, at rates or Interest from 4 to I nor cent 801 Wells yargo Diog. - MONEY TO LOA!t S7 1160.000 ON roortrageav' City er farm property, rir inaurance. aacnenaie Co.. 81 eriinger Bid. ' MORTGAGES, contracts or other real state securities purchased. H. . he Noble, Commercial block. MONEY to loan on Improved city prop erty, wm. Mat. Master. 101 Worcester niof-R SALARY LOAN 8 Strictly confidential; easy 10 gex mna easy ie pay. x. A. rsewtort. an eruensne pie g. MONEY to loan -a all kinds of eeeurtty. w. rtoiu room v. nininnoe Dldg. XlCKJons.. on all. securUiw.8L. W.. K i ng. 46 Whl-g rm Mdg. M. ! SUMS ef $ltd upwsrd on real estate. Oodlr wi'-inct, lie 2nd et MONF.Y t loan. nortgee bought anil . j t n a. t . . . , i ,."11 . . , . . Wtff;fS MiRTJAOK MJANS, AND I FER I KNT. I.uris llltiMnN, in Rtark. "jNEYTO LOAN AT t ATTFR CE'T7 ThO.Ntl CO- CONCORD BLIXl. SAAC L. WHITE, snnney te loaua, fire tftumn-e. Ill fv-rtk bl-'g. FERSOXAb 22 YOUNQ man with steady employment In theatre wishes to marry young; lady under 20. Answer quickly. D. Wooit 548 Vancouver ave., ryam rortunn, PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular 10c. 229H 1st BUSINESS PERSONAL S3 GERMAN books, ma gannea. novels, eto.; German. English, French. 8panish, Swedish and Italian dlcUoneries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co 329 1st at MEN. Dr. Ketchum will promptly cure vie free. 8770. IT. H 3d, near Yamhill. Main USE Blalr'e the origmal NaUve Herb coiiaiipatiom -ana iu Tablets, for blood disordera agents. Laue-Lavta Drug; Co LV you are troubled with rheumatism, lumbaro. asthma, neuralgia or stom ach troubles, and want to be cured, ad dress Dr. L. D. Knight Woodland. Wash. USE Baeeett a, the original native herbs for rheumatism, constipation; (0 tab lets 25c, In blackjgaea. at ail druggists. GRAY HAIR restored, NO DYE; satis faction guaranteed or money reiunaea. Phone East 4343. Will sell recipe. WARREN - CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and croas- Ings. 814 Lumber Exchange. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jeffer- at. Main 142' THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHEIt plumbers. 303 Burnslde. Main 2319. JA8. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of In surance, auretv bonds. McKsy bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS, proprietors of the Elec trlo Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and compressed air cleaning; carpet refrrting our specialty: work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2472. 370 Grant at - - WALL paper and paperhanglng, etc omy Cleaning Co. tinting cleaned. Main 8910, Econ- t'UK beat wora, prices right call P. foane. 104 Union. Both phonea PACIFIC Wall Tinting Co. 2168. $3 to Woodlawn $4.60 per room. PATENT ATTORNEYS R, C. WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. 604 Oekuin, PRINTING THE EAGLE PRIN'TINO CO.. not In trust; close figures, good work. 3i Russell biug.. corner 4th and Morrison. MOUERN Primary, 7 KaleigU tuasv. tu and Washington sta. OGilBEE BRu8n printer Carda bill heads, eta Main 1868. 14H 1st st T i T Pneumatic Renovator Co. 56 A suction aftd compressed air j dracerlea Duntleya Electric Va Cleaner. Marn 8S82. 406 Swtland bldg. PLHUC STENOGRAPHER a . and i hi., ..L.ll Imoirlal botaL Vacuum I iVU&5 LCIDUCU Mala 667 Jefferson Street Depot. Portland to Dallas 7:40 a. tn. II Dallaa to Portland. ..10:15 a. m. Portland to Dallas... 4:5 n. m. ) Dallas to Portland...., .... 8:50 p. m. Portland-Oswego Suburban Loving Portland, a. m., 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 7:40, 8:50. 10:23; and p. m- 12:50. 2:05, 8:30, 8:20. 6:25. 7:45. 10:10, 11:80. . . Norther1!! Pacific. 1 Tacoma A Seattle Express. t 8:30 s. m. II North Coast Limited..... T:00 a. m. North Coast A Chicago Limited... 2:00 p. m. I Portland Express 4:15 p. m. Overland Express ....11:48 p. m. Overland Express .8:38 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. - ' '' ' Pendleton Passenger 7:43 I. no. II Spokane Flyer 9:00 a. at. : Chicago-Portland Special 9:15 a. m. II Chi.. Kan. City A Portland Express 7:20 a. , Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. II Chicago-PorNatid 8peclal ......t.. 8:50 p. m. Kansas City A Chicago Express.. 6:00 p. m. 1 1 Pendleton Psssenger 5:45 p. m. Astoria A Seaside Ex Dress 8 :I0 Rainier Local 1:15 p. m. Astoria at Seaside Express 6:00 p. m. Rainier Ijocal .11:20 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River,' Leaving Portland. Arriving Portlands Portland A Rainier Local...'...... 9:05 a. ra. t'ortland 4 Astoria Passenger. ...12:15 p. m. Portlsnd A Rainier Local........,, 6:10 p, nt. Seaside A Portland Express ...10:00 p. m. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway. ELEVENTH AND HOlT STREET PASSENGER STATION, LEAVINU PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express., 9:13 a. m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St Louis, Watla Walla, Paace, Roose velt. Grsnddallrs, Goldendsle. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate sts tlons. North Bink Limited 8:40 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kanaa City, St. Louis, Spokane. Sprague. Ritsvllle, Llnd. Pasro. Roosevelt. Granddale. Whit Salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver. . - ARRIVING PORTLAND. " From Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Walla Walla. Pasco, Roose velt. Granddslles, White Salmon, Steteneoa. Vancouver snd Intermediate StstKma. .. .. North Bank Limited.. ......... 7:80 a. m. From Chicago, St. Psul, Omaha, Kansas Ctty. St. Louis. Spokane, SpraR-ue. Bitxvlllv. Land. Pasco, Roosevelt. Graoddaile. White Salmon,. Stevcnaoq and Vancouver, - s . Inland Empire Express,..., 8:25 p. K. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. - , C. P. R. Short tin vis Spokane... 7:S0 p. m. C. P. R. Short Lln via Spokane.. 9:36 a. nu Vis Seattle, Victoria A Vancouver 2:00 p. m. Via Vancouver. Victoria A Seattle 8:35 p. nt. Vis Bnmas 11:46 p. m. II Via Sumas snd Seattle. ......... .j7:00 s. m. Portland Rjr., Light & Power Co.: ' . Cars leave Ticket Office and Waiting Boom, I First and Alder treta, FOB OBEGON CITY: 4 OO, 8730 a. m.. and every 80 mlnstes (oa th hour and half hour), to and In cluding 9:00 p. m., then to 10, '21; last car. 12. -midnight Gresham and Intermediate points 0:55, T:45, 8:43. 9:45. 10:45 . m. 12:45. 2:45 3:45. 4:43. 6:46. 6:45. 7:45. 11:13 p. m. Falrvlew and Trout dale :55. 7:45. 8:45. 4:46. 10.45 a. m.; 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 6 45. 6:43 p. m. ROB VANCOUVER Ticket" office -and waiting room. ona ana wasningtoo streets. - , A. M. 6:15V 6.-50. , 7S, 8:00, 8:SS, 8:10, 10:80, 11:30.. t , " P. M. 72:30. 1:10. 1:50. '2:30. 8:10, 8:r, 4:30. 6:10, 5 50. 6:30, 7:08. 7:40. 8:lif, 9:25. 10:35.e, 11-46. On third Monday la every month last i -leaves at 7:06 p. as. . 'Dally except Sunday. Pally except Moa. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Company."' 1-. . Ill , , W . 1-UU . Salem Int. Sta.. local . . 6:28 a.m. Hlllsboro Foreat Grov local 7:00 a.m. Salem. Int. Sta., local 8rOO a.m. Hllhtboro-FerMt Gre Local 8:53 a. m. Salem-Tualatin only, limited 9:15 a.m. IIMInhoro Foraat Grov local 10:26 a.m. Kilem Int. Sta., local 11:00 a.m. Hlllsboro-Forest Grov local 1:30 p.m. Salrm. Int. Staa., local 2:00 B SJ. Salem. Int. Stas.. local ........ 8:45 p.m. Hlllaboro-Foreat Grov local ..... 4:10 p.m. Wlhmnvllle. Int. Stas.. wesl ...... 8:00 p.m. Hllluonroreiit Grove, local ... 5:30 p.m. Rui-m fnt Stas.. loeal 6:20 s. m. Salem. Int. Stas.. kvSl .... 9:40 p.m. I Arrlvlnsr Portland Wllsonvllle. Int. Stas. . loci) Hlllsboro-Foretit Grove, local ... Salem. Int. Sua; local Hlllsboro-Forest Grov,. local Sslem Int. Slss., local.......... Hlllsboro-Forest Grove, local ., Salem Int. Stas.. local ......... Hillaboro-Foreet Grove, local ... Salem. Int. Ktae., local i. 8:88 a. as. .. . 8:30 a.m. ... 8:40 a.m. ...10:00 a.m. ..10:55 I. m, ...13:15 p. tn. . . 1:16 p. m. ... 2:30 p.ai4 p.m. Salem-Taslatls only, llalteeS ..... 4:45 p.m. iiiinooro-roresi urov local ...... I:m p.n, Salem. Int. 8tas.. local 9:00 .ni. Hlllahoro-Forest Grers local . . . . . ?T-2" p. m. Salem, Int. Stsa, lorsl-.., S id) p.m. Salem. Int. Stas.. local to.40 y.T. cTivninn cahw.y rt.KiMivn en compressed air and steam cleaning, mattresses snd feathers renovated. Esat 280. C-1250. SANITARY blue wax-oti suction and - compressed air, carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6534; A-5070 a3rt blauuerapueis in Clly. DClTrada Main 7696. 17 Board MissDensemMlnY,"4r9QU,im bid"- REAL ESTATE CHIROPODISTS J. W. OGILBE. real estate ana loans; eetao. iae yv7 i"., .w.m TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. D. a Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1497. P. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS WM. D EVENT ana Estelle Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerltnger bldg, 8. W. cor. 3d and Alder. Phone Main 1891. CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp treat ment Mr f . K. I (union, room 204 "Tilford." 10th and Morrison. Or. Rcsa Howard Elecrr specie list 149 Perk. Main 478. U--N S pclai diseaaea treated; - methods: connoenuai. ur. 1244 Wathlrygton-st modern Voae. l.i. uii Kioaaom for all female dl Cares when others) fail. Laue-Davls TVtig Ce- egenta CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO Mrs. M D. Hill. 1J0 Fleldner Mdg. Ec""ON6mY FOOT AND SCALP REM- EDT CO., 729 Pth St. Main 8183. 5 CLEANING AND DIIONO KIDI.NG LESSONS R. J STEPHENS JN. 24 N. irth. Phone, Main 1126. Riding leeeoaa. ell howra; best of reference- ItUBBEH bTAMPS AND bEALS ALSO all office stationary. p. Co, 211 Mtera et Tel 1497. D. C FOSTER A KLK1SER. adfas; the lsrst sl( maker I the nnrtbwwt. eth ssd Kventt sta. HbTi Prlv. Ex. 55. Hoom A-1155. SHiNs THAT ATTRAC T" Pertlaaa Blga .. T Stark. Paclfte Ifree. WHOLESALE JOBBERS WADHAMS A CO, wholesale nv, siaeii facturer and. coouskuloe SMrcbanU. 4th and Oak sta. . - - M. A. GUN8T CQ. DISTHIBI ToSS or riVU CIGARS . PORTLAND. OR. STOVES tT)l t VIBIA Store wsrk. manfsrra-ar )oMm AU ktsds of sheet ssetal wc M t H tve. Est 82S. snd VETERINARIAN SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES ef eVery deecrlpUea; bank. .. .n. stora ftxturea maula ia aralae. 8UVNT8LPE Bteam Cleaning and -Tye TbeLuike Mfg Co. Work-, cleaning, repairing end eyeing. U-.JE. i. uca"!' MaRfiHiLL urii TrT Wore called for end delivered. Tab I atZ ilLIifVS: i.T T4.26&7. 0S fl 14th t showcases, cawaeta. store aad prftee IL W TURNLR. Dyer Cameta dvad at Declelty. 646 Jefferson st hlala Ti. A-1513. WANDA occult wonder will give e lea eon and chart et. your .nana rr-. 214 6th v-t. ' - fcy EG9T powers restored Baaschaan s .JEola hmi Tonlj TbJetv-26e av hai4 - t Tmee $1. Laue-T'evte I'm g Ce, e g ta. 1 1 h 5 TCP1 1 BING CHOONO. Importer Chinas wtedl- j WaalwtU l clnee; eel! Chin tee. cure fee all l r ianflre et Lo.N 1eL fnr the asking. tsry r cbi Te laa Co, 4J9 Nkvn, lie. 46. t- A .M tuhtirht , tbortgagea Ward, 216 ALsky t-IJg. pp.ivAik boer-ltaL Trenteat aVeepltai, Lauta boaoek n. MR. 'C."'C0RNELIU tilt ecle-re 33-14 Be girl, mau-alty . F. S, learh t1lr,g-H iev of bMg fIM or Win for ll fecaate Utaeea 614 taiieaa. Mala 9216. , CLOTH CS cleaned per month. Stark st and rr.uM n tt Unique TaHoring Ce 849 COAL AND WOOD PROMPTLT DELIVERED MW! Call Verw 1747. root ef Carry et K1CER A FARR, deelere la all k!ede ef hard woods end or; r-ci;ty cf ue block from eountr- snlua. Ivs Mkatee et Main 454. Cfo Aeetralien. Wya ar4 Wash coaU "tt Seiivartd provBjtly la ay oua-e tty. Pefe us yor oeiler. Star 1 Ce, 49 2d L llMene M.a 1613. A ltai. fixtures 2 Coach st Main 2141. SHOW rase) and f iaturaaa, bw and eee- ond hand. 313 Everett Main T4I1. "ILTnk FiXTCP.fcj?, show cask, a BIKP8ALL. HAMILTON P. 1-1 Hi SAFES H. R. TH0MP9OX. D. T.' . OrtV tkMrv tab4ai. 429 Ha art bora . Ert set: B-i.saa Haw. A rt. ITH. v! -tnarv P'lla. WM rvwil at. Mat X Bahert- TR.4XSKER AND STORAGE C. O. riiS Traaf-r A S-g O. . aarrW a4 ii mwti it 4 try Wlk mi I aa . aT-ar- t t-as na smI ftraTSR rata tVar vat ., ml eat ssasar 2 aaat P1n t. ftasa b4 r-rvitair a-" aa4 pct4 fur tMpmnrt. Mat M: A-iacag. tiLURoLD Jiacgacrae aafea- larg starkt Tpnr N Ham e iix scuta reni. ji.a leans Safe k IUUiiLJ a lie vk t o, id et MitS !. SSClFTRAIiSFH Ca hv-t He-asr-k s4 trvlsg era f liK Meeier Af Cax, 143 2d t BaNe et factory price); repairs, lockout ofere-1. ha - ra le tvi rpr-4 had aa f KPR.4VINO M.CH1.M3I TI'K HSRI'IK MAM rArri RIXO fVl. Mfst-"Tw f kad and str pre Trf r4, , Pteut t. IVrtUnd. if. t MA't HOB TriR O I raafee st '!, faaaaa. s-4 faraltare ssere. '-- r t m. Mat- -4T ; 1 ISEIJKP I M n I AS rwaaa Cav4 Ml; r i IS f'ri rx t r T IUrrn A TrnW F' -4 -e. W-e ay-r ; ST t.i-i hi f - a ar -. k C Mala Va. A !-. Ill VERDING a FARRRIX. produe. sad mtaalnii merrkants. 140 rruat at. Ioctlaad. Or. l'l?ote Ma4s I TV. C ALIJTN A LWIS GBOtKRItS. TR-NSrORTATIOX San Franciaco aft Portland S. 8. Co. Oaly dkrert eteai Frem Atoearavik a. 8. eaator. 8. 8. Rom Citi From enhre t U. 8. ala C11 8. 8. 8eavatorA: davllaTht HlUas. Parti nd. 4 i. aa. , aroh 19, April a. a area se, awu f. ' Sae Fes Bel,, It s. m. aiarca SO,-April A a rr, apru 10. . W. lsasfs. Dack ar t. M. zee. Aiwa aWk: at. t. Raea. ctty ticket eat 14J laud u alaU eos. A-iens. COOS BAY LINE Th teeaser SkClk WlTIg Vve rm..4 re4seatsy t 9 p. m., - Ctas Abwar-ta A-- k 9r9TsrU Mt. atarak(t.4 sad Cwe Bar peAata Frvlrtt iteitae watt) 4 p. aa. Oar of saltta. r-asaae far-, ft cat rtaaa In; tr.. I eieea, 9T. tclaMlg hwtb a a aaat. 1 1. esr tM tHl4 Cfr , T r4 aM V. a- - a aaa. r Al -urtk . ) ki! NORTH PACIFIC RTi: tlli:P CX.9 STEAMS fill's RoanokandOeo. vr.E!!:r fee 9a)", e r-a'- a hw evavy T-e-er lilt" I S3 TVwd. -if A ' . I WK 4 t . T" M I