The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 13, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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mm to
Su festive Questions on tKe Sunday ; '. ,
V, . Scnool Lesson fcy Rev. Dr. .T. S. Linacott
Humor Says Dorainiou ltoad
Flans to Invade Xot'Only
Norr Invest but 3fexico '.and 3M .tWim- j ' a..i-.
Spanish America Pot
I - -V - Baptist,
First Walts Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor, Rev. J. WhltoomB rouanr,
D. JO, "One Acoorrt" pray or mating I 12.
Bible utiool; . Youni Feoplse meat
In. Topics: 'Wishbone or Backbone,
and "What, Jesus Ma Id About ii raven.
Arleta m.. K. a, Bmltn. II ana .
& 8.. 10: B. Y. K U. .
Hlahland Alberta and Bllh. Rev. E.
A. 'ijoonara, pastor, hi ana
.' f. :3U; 8. 8.. 10.
SllwofKl Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
D. W. Thurston. 11 ana ?:; o. ., v.
Calvsrv East Elehth and Grant. lie.
J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8. 10: B.
Y. P. V-. :S0. Topics: "Advancing
and l it. Topics, "The Miracle of Bern
ic' ijfid "Tha Magnntlo Christ."
Thoiuaa O. 1'kior. 8. a. ,U and
Kern rarK -nev. . is.
and 7;J0; W. H.. 10; C. E.. :3. a""'""
tople, 'A Gracious UfUr and a hejilati
U,WoodlwB-11 and T:30;' Clark W.
Coinatock,, J -.
' ?" i ' Brenfslloal ' Associations, .'. "
First Kngllnh-Knat Blxth and Mnr.
get. F. B. Culver, 11 and T:802 V. P., A.,
.aft; a a. io. . . .- . , - -
First (Jet-man Tenth and Ciy. r.
Bens, 10:41 and 7:; S. 8.. S:lo: Y.
Topics, 'The Bible Standnrd for l nurcn
land M ay Get Terminals.
; Todar'g railroad rumor concerns Itself
exclusively with the Canadian pacinc.
It's a good, routing, full grown rumor.
however, and has attracted some atten
tion among the"raliroad goaalpa. It la
none other Mian that the Canadian Pa
cific, which has been emitting threaten
ing rumbles as to Its Invasion of the
United States, and particularly of the
n.m MirthMl: has a nlan for inak-
greatest iransportaiion i
. In. Ilaal tha
tha world, ejnbracincnot only
Canada, and the Atlantic and "Pacific
) octana. . bat Mexico. Cuba and central
,ian1 fimifj, A marina, i1
' F..W. .Petera, assistant t the second :
vice , president, was in Portland this
VVMkrtKI wnile nere maae a careiut ex
amination of terminals and dockit. Jle
j. traveled In his private car. and Ifft for
Iinmanul Jones' hali. Front and
Olhha: Rev. A. H Mlnaker. 10:80 and
7:30; &.a. 12; B. Y. P U :30.
Qrace Montavllla; Rev. Albert E.
Patch. 11 and 7:80; B. 8,M0; Y. P4
V., 9:30.
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny;
Rev. W. T. Jordan. 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8,
1?: Y. P, 8:30. Topics: - Family Wor
ship," and "Are You a Christian?"'
university park Kev. A. M. wans.
8. 8.. 10: 11 and 7:30. B Y. P. IT.. 6:80.
Sunnyalda (derinanl Fortv-rirat and
Huwtuorne; Kev. u Feidmeth. 11 : a. a,
St. Johns (Qcrrotn) Rev. C. Feld'
Uieth. J: 8. 8 J.
Second Seventh and East Ankeny
10:30 and 7:30; Bible school, 13; B. Y
P. U., 8:30.
St Johns Sermon. 11:30 and 7:80
S. 8.. 10; Y. P. V., 6:30. Rer. John Ben
and "Which Church Shall I
Chinese Mission 3SJU Oak street
"J-, ' JreacJilng In Chinese, 8 p. m
First German Fdurth and Mill
Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:80: 8. 8.. :4(
"Second Uerman Morris atreet and
Koarv avenue; Kev. F.Buarmann. 11,
and 7:30" 8. S., :5. ..7. ,i . -Kant
Forty-fifth street- -?ornp Raat
Alain: jtev. m i . ,'onif. . ii anrt Tran-
fiiv , v w. w i v, ifc , , , ' . . . - - ; - :
th outh. Including' trip to Mexico. J 01019 bcqdoi. iw: x. . u., :4d p. -m.
U and :30;"RY Y. P.. IT;. 6:80." " '
Mount Olive Seventh anr! Kverett:
ttev. xj. jonnson. 11 ana 7:so.
Swedinh Hovt' and Fifteenth' Rev.
Erlek Scherstrom. 10:45 and 7:46;
Br 8.. 13; B. Yi P. U 6:80.
Union A venae l!!aion fflwedlaht.
vomer OKiamnre B. e.. 10. -
Third Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R.
Schwedler. 6. 8., 10; B. Y. P. U.. 7:30;
,A uia a. 1 '
While In T a co ma he studied, the. termi
nal situation there as 'well,- and It is
reported that the Canadian Pacifie has
a deal on wHi-oecomn-m
owner of terminal lands adjoining, those
of tha Milwaukee on the tldefbats, and
lose ot th Mil
twice" aaJarga ga . those of
The mysterious north coast line Is In
'eluded in tha TumorlBts' calculations as
being a Canadian Pacific line. Whoever
.'.Robert Strahora may be representing,
. ,1m has never let anyone In railroad cir-
' flea in this cart, of the country Into his
C aecret. Railroad men generally, agree
vthet the ftorfch roast Js lltner Canadian
t Pacific or Harrlman. Which they can't
say, further than that tne construction
.work how being- done In. eastern and
! southern Washington Is of the name
general character as mat on roost oi
' the HarrlmSJj lines; ' ) .
-' Tha new rumor would have the north
' 'roast coma Into Portland, Spokane'; and
- Seattle, it Is also agreed that a ateam
' ship line between the Pacific northwest
.;. snd Mexico, Central America and South
America is part of the Canadian. Pa
rific's extension plan. - Which of? the
northwest ports Is to be the terminus Is
. all that remains to be settled. Taooma
First Twelfth and Aldert Rev.
nam Hiram Foulkea,- 100
Presbyterian. .
and 7:3ft
Topica: ''Tha Burning -Brush," and
"The Interpreters' House to the Groan."
Misoah East Thirteenth anri Pnwelt:
Rev.' Harry Leeds. 11 and 7:30; 8, .8.,
Calvary Eleventh and Clav: Rev. J
a. tr, Mcuraw; iu:bo and v:30.
"The Light of the World," and
Fourth First snd Glbbs: Rev. Don
aia MCKenne: i:s
rumors say Tacoma has been agreed up
!. on as the only place. Seattle Indignantly
, "Oenies this, and saya tue Headquarters
, for the new steamship line will be In
me ytieen city or nownere.
rumlnators aro Inclined to
Columbia river may be selected, because
, Mt presents the easiest access to 8po
. kane and the Boo line connections there.
Sir William Van Home Is now In
- Cuba, said to be looking over the poasl-
, uintiea or inat iiana ror .ratiroaa ae--.velopmertt
by his company.: .
0 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 13:
C. E.. 6:80. 'The Prophet Preacher and
His Message." "On the Right Track."
Hawtnorne Pnnc-r-Tweirth and East
Taylor; Rev. William Parsons; 10:30 and
7:30; 8. 8 1S: C. a,. 6:80. " , -
Forbes Bellwood .and Oantenbetn;
Rev. Harry H. Pratt i 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.,
10:-O K.. 6:80. , ;- . ' -
P4dnnnt flevolahil mnA -ST.rr.ft'
Portland I Rev.- A. W. Helnhnrd- 11 and 1-Ka- a
ltiimrhio i ii:io; t:. m. e:4o,.
mm pHiifinfQ
' Manager Bowles of the Northwest
, ,'Brldge works yesterdaw proposed to the
.executive board to make certain changes
in the reenforoed concrete bridge on
' : Kant Twonty-elghth street, which the
.board recently rejected because it did
'not comply with specifications. The
. proposition of the .-contractor was re-.
: -f erred to the bridge committee, .-
-V As the matter now ' stands tha com
- , , nany must submit a bridge that" will
, comply with all specifications and If
the intent la to do this there Is no need
or waiting longer for a compromise on
j. the part of the city officials.
! Musical enthusiasts were out In full
:", force this morning at the HeiUg box of
. flee when the seats for the Lhevinne
; ' recital were put on sale. As usual with
a pianist, every one wanted, the side of
the house where a full view of the ar
tist's hands, and his fingering, might be
.r obtained. If there had- not been sd
. great a " demand 'to hear this , famous
- young , Russian' next Tuesday evening
the house would have taken on' att ex-,
-tremely lop sided appearance.. , ;
There more interest 'shown In the
- coming of Lhevlnne than has been dis
. r-played in a piano recital for ' many
'.months and a full house will greet the
1 'distinguished Russian. The recital will
4e a the Helllg theatre on Tuesday
... .evening next under the direction of
lila Steers-Wynn Com an, and the seats
- are now selling at the box office.
"' The residents) -of this. city will be In-
'leen selected by the United Electric
Garment company a the site of its Pa-
cific coast plant. This factory. It Is
' stated, will give employment to several
ftinndred people and as the garments
- are manufactured from local products,
-almost exclusively, and are in demand
- all over the United States and Canada
It will be of great value in advertising
Oregon throughout the entire country.
1 Weather Keept Edward Housed.
i ' ' trrrtted Prr Leased Wire.l
Parla, . March 18. A message from
'Blarrlta says King Fdward, was unable
to ro to Pau yesterday to see the
.rwrlght airship on scoount of the In
- clement weather. The trip has been
j-na:poned several days. It is said the
-king's health is unchanged.
Is not pretty . nor pleasant. Whether
it s caused by neuralgia, toothache or
amident. Ballard's Snow Liniment will
reduce the swelling and relieve the pain.
The great and sure cure for rheumatism,
futs. bums, brufsea, scalds any and
nil arhea and paina. Sold by Skldmore
1 'ri'g Co-
Chinese 145 First 7:45; 8. 8." 6:45.
Westminster East Tenth and Weld-
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte; . 10:30 and
7:30? 8. a., iz; C. B f:S0.
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Ray. C. W, Hays. 8. .8. 10
11 and 7:30. '
Mount ,, Tabor Belmont ' and Pretty-
man: Rev. Edward M. Sham. 11 and I.
8. S. 10. " ....
Sellwood East - Seventeenth and Sno-
Kane; kcv.. i. a. xnompson. il and
7:8o: s. s. io:c. K.. 6:30. :
Thlrd-r-East " Thirteenth and Pine
Rev.'v Andrew: J. Montgomery. 10:30
knd 7:45. Eveniiag topic: "An Old Fash
ioned Example of Restless Activity." ,
Anabel 11 and "7:45. f - ,?
Hope Montavllla; Rev. S. 8. White.
11 and 7:30. .'
Ken 11 worth East Thirty-seventh and
Gladstone. Rev. Jsr;8.' Dunning Ph. D.;
11; 8. 8.. 12.
Uethodls. ga
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D.; 10:30 and 7r30; 8. S.. 12:15; E. L
6:30. Topics: "The Angel in the Wil
derness," and "The Profit of 8ervtce."
Sunnyslda East Yamhill near Thirty-
nrtn; w. t. muster; 11 ana 7:so; j. e.
L.. 8; E. L., 6:16: 8. S.,: 8:60. Topics,
"The Incomparable Book," and "Flot
ence." , W.- .
.Johns &.H.; Dewart: 11 and .8;
E. L.. I S. S., IC. . .v ' 4
Epworfh Twenty-sixth and Savler;
Rev.- Charles T. Mcpherson; 11 and 7:30;
8. 8., 10; E. L., 6:15. Topics: "The Im-
Eerlal God," and "How to Live la the
unshine." '
Centenary East Ninth and Pine;
Clarence True Wilson. D. D.: 10:80 and
7:30; 8. S.. 12; E. L.. 6:15. Topics.
"The Divine Afflatus," and "The Mak
ing of Wealth."
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
. smitn; ii ana i:so; B. B., 10; E. i.,
8;30. Rev. W. B. Holllnghead, p. m.
Central 334 Runssell, Rev. C. I
Hamilton; .10:30 and 70;,S. 8.. 12; E.
P., 6:80, services by . Rev.5 W. B. Hol
llnRshead and Rev.'L. F. Smith.
Chinese Mission Chan filng Kai; 11
knd 7:30,
Grace Twelfth' and Taylor: Rev. Wil
liam H. Heppe; 10:80 and 7:30; 8. 8.,
12:15; E. I... 8:30.
Vancouver Avenue 11 and 7:80.
Laurelwood Rev. E. H. Bryant; 11
and 7:30; S. Sa 10: E. L.. 6:30.
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth and
Davis; H. P. Nelaen; 10:46 and 7:80;
E. L.. 7.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt; G.
A. Waasa; 11 and 7:80.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach, Rev.
John Ovall, 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; E. L.. 7.
Topics: 'The Value of Life," and "The
Power of Faith." ' -
Second German Stanton and Rodney.
Rev. E. E. Hertzler, 11 and 8; 8. 8c, 9:45;
E. L.. 7:80.
Japanese Mission 131 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Eilsen Ribara, 8:80 and
8:30; 8. 8. 8:30.
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Ta
coma, Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:30:
J. E. L, 1:30; E. L. 6:30.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thirty
ninth and Powell, Rev. 8. J. Renter, 11
and 8: 8. S. 10: E. I. 7; J. E. L. 3.
Woodlawn Will tarn J. Douglass, 11
and 7:30; 8. 8., 10; E. L.. 6:30.
University Park Dawson and Fiaka.
,Rev. W. R, Jef fry, J., 11 and 7.80.
wwnimvui m in ynie niooara, Itev,
Harold Oberg. 11 and 7:30: 8. S. 10?
class meeting. 11; J. L., 3; E. L. 6:46.
African lon Tblrteenth and Main.
ReV. W, W. Matthews, 11 and 6. Special
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, D. A. Watters. 11 and 7:30; 8. 8, 10;
E. L-, 6:30. Topica: "Where Is the
Tithe." and "A Ruler's View of Christ."
Mount Tabor East Stark and Sixty
first. J.iW. McDougall, 11 and 7:30.
.Woodstock J. D. Voce, 11 and 7:30;
a 8.. 10; E. U, 6:30. , ;
The international Newspaper Bible Study (luD is rnr tne purpose of pro
moting.: in an unfettered wuy among the niaasra,. a wider study of thw Bible,"
i im imhhi truths vr.uiirlstianity. and the probivnia wiucn enter into every
man's life.. It la composed of all those who loin a local clubhand take up tha
simple course herein outlined, barring nly ordained clergymen. All who liava
not lolued are warmly Invltwl to do ao and to compete for. the nrlxea.
Persona may Join tha club at anv time during the , year, but must, of
course, answer tke 6a questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the
prises, ana tne back aueatlona may be obtained ty addressing this office.
This paper lias secured the right to publish the International Sunday
s. lino I treason questions by Rnv. Dr. Linscott, which have aroused so much
Interest elsewhere, and they will appear weokly In both tha Saturday and
Sunday issues of The Journal. - One of these queattbns each iweek la to be
ansae red in writing,, and upon these answers tne prises are to' be awarded.
. i 1 , - ,.,, ' OoadlUoas of the Contest. '.;'- " s "
1. Each- contestant, or his or her famltv; moat ba a- nbadrlber to this
paper, in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible
Biuny ciuo ana tnia io;ai viuo. ,x. , , , ,
2. Each contestant In this local club must' answer ench of the written
questions for- 63 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14, and tha
answers must all -be in the possession or tnis paper within two weeks of tha
clone or this period. -
3f Each question must be answered separately!, and the paper written on
one aide only. No answer must excead -Zoo words in length and may be less.
Each answer must have tha name and address or. tha writer- at tha bottom
nt th. iinH,, . r - .
4. I The answers must be delivered to this office, and they will be collated
at tha close of the -contest, and forwarded to headquarters for independent ex
amination by-competent examiners. The prises wlfl then be awarded ac
cording to the highest number Of marks, won by members of Tha International
Newspaper ioie muay c:uu ' ' '
First Series A . gold medal to. each of the first five contestants.
Second Series A silver medal " to each of the next five contestants.
Third Series A Teacher' Bible, price 85.60. to each of the next five con-
, - ,
It U.dla ni anrT UTaohanln Raw. T
Fourth Series Tha book "The Heart Of Christianity:' nrlea 81.50. to ach . '",r,,' V .... o i V; A
of the next 35 contestants. . .-' A- " . & V,o ' j. . ' ' '
wiavlal will Ks. aniltaKlir anra fA olvlti iViA nasvia a (ha Minnas mnA i .
aiwsa was vv w nsf3 v a 1 '9 " s ins va riiv wiuu':i aiva
for -what it is awarded and ia like manner each Bible and book will be in
scribed. - ... V - --,,-....'.,..'
All who can write, and have Ideas, are urged f to take-up these studies re
gardless of tha degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, out from the, point of view of the
j i ji - : . w '
1 wwal savings coupon
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib-
betts, Morris' Heverllng. lq and T:o;
B. 8, -.11. -' V 'V'.-"
' i ' tTaltad SvangeUcal. ""' 1 .. ' v
First East Seventh and Btevens, Rev,
a. a. winter, a. a., iu n. u -
Phelps. M ' t . v '
(second far go ana jieroy, nsv.
Pol I no-. 11 anil 7:30. -
' BL John's Ivsnhoe and John, Rev,
g. f. rates, o. a... iu. -; a -
Ockley Green Gsy and , Willamette,
Key. j. uowersox. 11 ana t:s: 0. 0.
10: C. E.. 6:80. Tonics. The Influen
tiai Lire ' and "Heart bearcning. -
: VaiteA Bretbrea In. Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison
Rev. H. C. Shaffer, 11 and 7:30; b. a,
in. c it -in 1 , .
Third South Mount Tabor; Rnvi H.
P. Rhaffer. n. m. - :- .'
Radical Blxtn ano: Mecnanic, Kev. x.
J C,
Alberta East Twenty-seventh and
Mildred. Rev. B. E. Emerlch. 11 and 8
a. a., 1.
Frti. Write or Stamp
IUI Name i
nd Street. . . . , . L . . , , '. . , t . , . .;
Name 'of town - 1 ;' ' . r - , t , . ' ' '
,, or City
cogency of their reasoned Ideas.
Tor, Karen , ltO$v
Aeneas and Dorcas. - Acts 9:13-43
Golden Text And Peter - said tinto
him f Aentas. Jesus Christ make tb' thee
whole.' arise, and make, thy bed."-And
he sirose immediately. Acta 8:36.'
VfrBu Sl.Do darknasa .and lla-ht.
Irr(,,ln ,MJ . nwr an., Taw
persecution ... and "rest" alternate and
enter into every, normal Christian life1
loaay, as in tne Christian community
lu tha beginning? .
wnen .a cnurcn walk in "tne rear)
Of Ood," and "the conjfort of the Holy
opirn.- . is it always muiupiiear
Verse -.82 Was thera any Institu
tion, in the AooBtolin age. to corraa-
pond with our settled pastorate?- . '
If preachers were to follow tha Apos
tolic, pian. or -passing throughout an
quarters," would the final conquest of
tne world do nastenea? .
To whom did the name "saint . annlv.
In those days, and should we continue
the use of it in these days?
verses 33. 84 Is all sickness of the
devii 7 - '
Are some people sick' by the sneclaJ
dispensation of God?
Does . not' God take most dsodIs ' to
neaven tnrougn sickness c '
What proportion of sickness is avoid
able? " ,
Are we to assume that God wants to
cure, everybody from their sickness, tha
same gs he does from their sin? ,.
was Aeneas cured throueh bis own
faith, or by the power and pleasure of
God, without faith? ,
What is the difference In this cure
and modern faith healing methods?
is Gods ideal for us. sickness or
health? ' "
Does God cure' some people today
In a slmrKtr way to the cure of this
man? " .
Is faith far , the cure of sickness &
Christian Boianoe.
First Church of Christ. Scientist'
Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and
special . gift of God. and are we not I lownsdale, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 12. Topic,
instructed tnat uod win oura tne aicki "ouostance."
In answer to such faith? ( . , Second Woodmen's Hall. East. Sixth
Verse 36 When God does cure some! and Alder. 11 and 8: a. B. 13. Toplo
cases or noted sickness, what are tne i ' euDstance.
results In the community?. .' i"
"If-the Church should have tha power! ' ;, ' ? . TBlversaUat.
restored or heallna; sickness, would that Church of the Good Tidings - East
e-y?'"8.".8,8""1? U,."'a f.uJa ?"s,b,e 10:45; 8. 8., 13, Rev. Nehemiah Baker,
for "a-: Christian to . live - without doing I . . j
. iiow. ao you ciassiry tnose wno eoni . . . .
tent "themselves with going to church! Church of Our Father Yamhill and
and prayer meeting, and talking- and I Seventh. Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D., Rev,
praying, and are not following Jesus W. G. Eliot Jr. and Rev. N. II. Baker,
In "going about doing good?" . - ministers, 11 and 7:45. 8. S., 8:46; Y,
Why did God permit Dorcas to die? P. F.. -6:30: kindergarten. 11. Topic,
Why does God sometimes termltl"Th Effect IlDon Practical Life of a
those to die upon whom so much ' da-I True Interpretation of Life" and "8ym
pends; the bread Winner of the family, I pathy as a Factor In All Real Achleve-
tne mother or little children, the pillar I ment.
in tne cnurcn. or tne -jjorcaa-' in the
communltyT -:.
verse 38 Should a Christian always
be ready to go to the home of sorrow.
to render neip and' impart comfort
It is a beautiful eustom to.apsakX of I
the food deeds of. tha dsad, and ifls
well kept tip I but It, there aot almost
' id. H. Church Bonth,
171 Second. Rev. E. H. Mowre. 11
and 7:30; B. S.,' 10; E. JU, 6:30. Irving
uart, p. m. i. .- .
' KtscaUaneous.
First SDlrltual Society. Western Aead-
crimlnal xieglect la ' speaking' of the I em y hall. Second and Morrison; 10:30,
rood, deeds of th Uvingt (This qnes.
tion must ho answered Is wriUnr by
members of the olnb.)
Verses 40-43 Is there any use today
in praying tnat me aeaa re raisen?
' Why did Ood raise the dead in those.
and not In these daysT -
wnai great jiurpose nas tnat mirac
uloua age served?
Even if these miracles should brova
to be but legends, will it affect on
lota, any essential truth of Christlanityl
Lesaons tor Sunday. March 21. 1809.
tieviow. . m
fMin-lsters. Sunday School teachers and others interested, an lnvltri Sr
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "nrieatlnna"
particularly if they consider them of value in their work. j
sermon, 11. Vespers, Instruction and
benediction, 7:46.
St. Joseph's (Germanl. Fifteenth and.
uoucn K Key. James Kauw, v. u.
Low mass, 6. High mass and sermon,
10:80. Vespers, benediction, 8:30. : t
St Cawrence's, Tiiird and Sherman--Rev.
J.- C. Hughes. ; Low mass,'.' 7 and
8:30. ' High mass and, - sermon.l 10:30.
Vespers and benediction, 7:80. -r
8t Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savier-
Rev. Pr Murphy. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 8:30. ' -1
St. Michael's fltalian), . Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8
High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers
and benediction. 7:30
8t Francis", East Eleventh andOak
Key. j. h. ttiacK. ixw mass. e. :au
and 8:80. High mass and sermon, 10:80.
Vespers, instruction and benediction,
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. X. Daly. Low
mass, 6, 8 and 9. High .mass and ser
mon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction,
7:30. ' ' '
Ul C...n, TP..i Tit,!." oxA TTnlnn
Very Rev. A. 8, Iawler. . Low mass, 6,
7 and 8r80, High, mas and sermon.
:30. Vespers and benediction, -7:30.
Sacred Heart. Milwaukier Rev, Gre
gory Roble, O. 8. B. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon. 10. Vespers and ben
ediction, 7:30.
Holv Cross, university Park Rev. J.
P. Th'illman, C. 8. C. Low mass. 8:30.
High mass and sermon, 10:30. . Vespers
and benediction, 4. .
Holy Redeemer. Portland and Van
couver Rev. Ed K. Cantwell. C S3. R.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. Benediction, .4. ;
St, Andrew's, Ninth " and "Alberta
Rev. Thomas Jflernan. Low mass. 8.
High mass and sermon. 10 Vespers, lhw
structlon and benediction, -7 :so.
St. Stephen's, Forty-second and East
Taylor Rev. W. A. Wait ft Low mass.
8:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30.
St' Stalnslaus, Maryland and Failing,
Rev. C. Seroski. Low mass 8, high
mass and sermon 10.
8. 8., 10; C. E 6:30.
and '-Up to Date.'
Topics, "Pioneers'
Highland East Sixth and Fresoott
Rev. E. S. Bollinger; 11 and 7:30. 8.. S.
EV :- Topics, ."Septic and
Anti-Hpntln Power or T .1 e'
SDonding to Visions: r 'k ' t
8t Johns Rv. QW. Kelson; 11 and
e, r. a. jiv. ... - .
First uerman East Seventh and
Stanton, Rev. Jobs H. Hqpp 10:80 and
i.ov, o. o. ;io, v. iU. :3U. ;,-
St Ignatius. Forty-second and Towell
Kev. union, b. j. mw
mass, sermon and
Valley road,
mass 8 and 9:30;
benediction l:su.
Ascension. Montavilla. Rev. J, P,
FltzDatriek. Mass and aermon 9 in
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St Mary's Pro-CathedraL Fifteenth
and Da via Moat Rev. A. Christie. IX D.
Low mass. .6. 8 and t. High mass and
m. ar w
If - !
it'.,... . "i . - ,
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett, Dr.
A. A. Morrison, 8. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.,
9:45. Evening topic, ."The Emmanuel
st Matthews f irst ana iarutners.
Rev. W. A. M. Breck. 11. 8. B. 10.
Pro-cathedrat or pt. etepnen tne Mar
tyr Thirteenth and Clay. Kev. . M
Ramsay. 7:39. 11 and 7:30 p. m; a 8..
9:45. .
St Andrew's Portsmouth, Rer. J. it.
Forsythe. 11; 8. 8.. 10.
tit. Marks iineteentn ana siuimnr,
Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, 8 and 11; '8. 8..
10; Services in parish house, commun
ion 8 and 11.
st John s cnuren siuitnoman ana
East Fifteenth, Sellwood, Rev. O. W.
Taylor. Rev. W. R. Powell and Archdea
con Chambers assisting, 11 and 7:80; B.
8-. 10. . . . . . .
- Cnurcn or uur saviour vt ooasioca.
Rev. J. C. Forsythe. 7:80.
Good Shepherd Sellwood and Van
couver, Rev. John Dawson. 8. 11 and
1:30; 8. a, 9:46.
SC. David'a East Twelfth and Bel
mont 11 and 7:40: & 8.. 9.45: com
munion, 8 a. m.; Rev. Henry Ruasell
Ascension Chapel Portland Heights.
8. 8 , 9:30. ,
AH Saints' Church Twenty-second
and 'Reed. Rev. Roy Edgar Remington,
11 and 730: a 8.. 19.
Clrmfm afmnrla.l East Seventeenth
land Weldler, Rev. George B. Van Wat-
era. 19:36; 8. gv, 13; tBien servicsh
Friday 8 p. m.
fit Paul Woodraera. Rev. J. C. For
sythe; 11 a. m.; B. 8.. 9:46.
- Cwarraratioaal,
first Madison and , Part ftej,
Luther R. Droit D. 1.: 11 and 7:45: 8..
B, 16. . Tor-li-a, "Pelf CorKrol ' andt "Th ,
Relation nt the W1U to Succeas."
University Park Haven and Dawson. J
Tt. o w m.n- at a is kl-.i:1
7:3. - , .
Ponnravde East ' TsrWr and East
Thirty-fourth. Rev. J. J. Btaub; 11 and
It; 8. 8 . 19- Junior C. iL. p. m ;
9nlor C IC- 6-3. Toptea. "Th Pre-
eminnc f Chriat" and "The Bcarlet
Ltna ta tha Bib'."
UrtivM Rv. w . h. Mywrs; ii
8. 8. 1. '. E. 6 I.
Mimtasirr Awrraa Mls'rrf t'l
Frememt. Re. I -an tl T. TtMnas; 11
n1 7 J: b. 1; r. 6 1.
?fvalo Btr Kaa. f- , e t S a1
Uaasato, Rv. iaul HaAxi 11 ac4 7 4 v.'
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving. 11 and 8; 8. 8., 9:45. ..' !
. j.uiwwiM oyjioa ji,asi xentn and
o O"'o i v- " agoes, ij. ana 7:30;
o. o., v:8v. .i-
Betanla Danish Union and Morris;
Rev. J. Stott. 11 and 8: in Tnnk.
"How Did the Devil Becnm tha Tta.vit
j ,n, i. rMMi. . . . . . " . .
aim inn jiuerenc generations."
r St James' English West Park and
Jefferson: J. Allen Leas. 11 anri a. a
8., 10. Topics. "Unconscious Influem''
and "A Closed Door and fa Waiting
uaviui, -
United Norwegian 48 N VnTf
Detmar Larson, 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 9:f
St. Paul's German Ha a r TwalftT, or,
Clinton: Rev. A. KrauBe, 10:80 andt730:
8. 8.. 9:30. . ,
Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbach.
9:16: 8. 8.. 10; 7:30.
Klons German Chapman and Sal
mon; W. H. Behrens, 10:15: 7:46: S. &
Swedish Ausuatana Rndnav nH
Stanton; Rev. C. A, Tolln. 10:45 and
O. D., V.OV..
Swedish Mission Seventeenth and
Gllsan; Rev. B. J. Thorea. 11 and 7:46;
Da S. V- '. , ,'
- " '.f' . 4
TTnlted Presbyterian.
, Church of ; the Strangers Wasso and
Grand. Rev. 8. Earl DuBols. 10:30 and
7:80; 8. S., 12. Sermons translated for
the deaf each Sunday morning.
First Sixth and Montn-omei'v. in-n
and 7:30. - i
Third Marguerite hall, Th'irty-flfth
and Hawthorne, 8. 8. 3; preaching i.
Christian. "
First Park and Columbia y 11 and
7:80; 8. 8. 10, C C, 6:30. r
,-H.pi,woodrE,TentB' and Wmatllla.
10-30 and 7:45. , ,
Central East Twentieth and 01-4
...wu, . a . tvziiui uiioy, u. u. IV .JO
8:30 and 7:45. Mrs. Congdon.
265 Da
vis, Ernest F. Omann, 7, 11, 1:30, 3:30,
s. x Knsian omann in cnarare.
Friends' - Church Main and East
Thirty-fifth, Llndley A. Wells, 11 and
7:30; 8. S., 10; C. E., 6:30.
unurcn - or , vnrist rsintn avenue,
Lenta: 11 a. m.
Sweidenborglan K. P. hall. Eleventh
and Alder; 11 a. m.
Free Methodist Ninth and East Mill.
Rev. D. M. Cutting, 11 and 7;30; 8. 8.,
10; class, 12; y. F. 6:30.
I ' . . -. . . i
, (United Preas Irraasd Wlre.
Oak dale, CaL,', March. IS. r-Kollowing
a plunge lit an automobile - do wnv, -a
steep declivity into .the Stanislaus river,
M. J. Nlghtinfralei a merchant is ln
a serious ; conauion ' rrom injuries to
his head and chest.. His companions tn
the wild ride, -his wife, a Mrs. Burns
and a little child of Mrs. Burns, were
thrown from the machine as rt left the
road but - beyond superficial bruises
are none the- worse fq,r their misad
venture. Nightingale -was his own
chauffeur when the accident happened.
The party was riding- along a winding
road near the edge of a' cliff 60 feet
above the Stanislaus, Suddenly ' the
steering rear broke and the machine
became unmanageable.' - .
As the machine left the road Mrs.
Nightingale. Mrs. Burns and the child
were thrown out Nightingale clung to
the wheel and was carried into the
watAI .with tbA. nDtnmrthflp . In. dntna-
so be was severely injured out managed
to reach shore. He In - was summoned
and he was brought here. .
United Press Leased Wire.t
Seattle. March 13. The opportune!
appearance of Detective Phillips was all
that saved J. Fleury, proprietor of the!
west coast employment agency irom
serious injury at the hands of a mob I
of infuriated laborers yesterday. The
men claim to - have Daid .. a - clerk em-1
ployed by Fleury several hundred dol
lara as commissions on promised Jobs,
but when they reported at the employ
ment bureau for transportation, Fleury
is said to have informed-them he had
no positions for them. His clerk, he
claimed, had disappeared - during the
night taking the cash with him. This
incensed the - men and threats against I
Fleury were , about to be acted upon.
when the detective appeared and .res
cued Fleury. He was taken to police I
headquarter 'On nis promisa to refund
tne money laaeir in oy nu eiei K, ieurj- i
was released.-. - ;
National fiartk Inspector.
" (United Pra Leased Wire. ,
Washington, March. 13. George Ciitts
or Missouri was .yestenaay - appointed
natlonr! bang -inspector at large.
- Fill out yVith pen, pencil orfubbcr stamp and send
by mail, express or messenger to Journal Savings
Editor, Tlie Journal, Portland, Oregon. " .
For the Boys nd Girls of 1?ortiand and the
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Do yea feel weak, tired, despondent, bars fraqoent bead. (fl ' VJ
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months, by mall ,..". .75 13 montha, by mall. ...... ....,.$1.50
AS A ISPECIAIr AWARD to the ambitious and hustling; bora - .
and girls of Portland and the' Oregon country, THE JOURNAL
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Stii Cut-Up Picture Puzzles: ;
To the boys and girls having the most coupons to their credit for.
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"wi .U
f a .
"tomorrow than on all
the other properties of Port-
g 'land .put together. " Read .Creeorr'a
n ad tomorrow and then visit GREGORY
For the Boys and Girls of Portland and the
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