THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 11, lBOSh 13 1 1JL V l 1 f "kill 1 I . I Jit m i t a . I ' 1 mummmmmmmmmmmmKmrrm9mmmmmmmmmBmmmm eiaswawem-samxaaaxaaaaaaxeB m rrn nrr ft 1GO0RE' : FOR -POTATOES As iliffft as $1.10 Offered for Select -Quality at Comi- try Shippiug: Tomts. ,". ; '""' ; . .' ". 1 v' '. j -l'1'' , TOPAYB .WIIOLEISALK- MARKETS Paying mors tor potatoea. '! ' Vnit, market -la .lower. r v Drrwad moatJi-aeU. freely. ; r s-4,! Chickens tight-lit top- . ';, Jf Kfforta to boost hops rei . :-.:,, Bluestem what sold at .:.. Cabbage market is. very a. .,,'. .' Vae-ln nor for Fotatoes. ' , ; Aa hlih M 1.0 per hundred pound! i" hat been paid tor extra ae.leet potato j at country shipping Points by buyers ; who .ship, to tlouthc The tdne f : the market at Ban Francises .U quite good and Jhls haa induced aome buyers to offer more ror extra smewi. m "- which la ahowlna much the bent demand . In the south. California aeeins willing . . ...... ..i.aa for carefully selected potatoea but the ordinary tuff receive no more thaiv-lt ,1a. worth in : -proportion to other grades. V ,Aii hipping; point. $1.36 la belnav freely offered for firet clats stock: thle belnB an advance of 10 per hundred pounds over the Quotations or tna P" " . ' ,. There- remains a very , quiet -tow e In - the onion market both here and. in - the aouth and quotations are. therefore . weak and dragging;. x..- Dabbae-a market Zs Terr Higto. 1 T at. .hinoiMiti of cabba ge .-f rom ' the aouth cost from 20 to Sffc mpre per hundred pounda than previous .... -.. this accounta for; the arrea.-'Strengtli locat prices are showing at . thla time. ' Wlilla the nrtaa of cabbage '.here nas reached a figure that .almost, makes it - prohibitive .there Is -still lt.Vbra4 demand. Noufe of ,the handlers of, cab. bag are making- any. money '" " time. California atock la always paed " in such bad shape mostly lose leav-e and no body to the egeUblethat when supplies are cleaned up. a bit not any money In the -handling for.any . ' one. This la the reaaon therefore that even abthia late date when tha-reuiar Oregon aeaaon. haa -pasaedmora' than month lat ol Oregon cabba Re la worth bout iff- a pouna mo u - n th came if the southern vegetable amounted o anyming. . Dressed Xeata 8U Treely. Dressed "meats . are- sclllna; freely. In the local market at this time. While ; more veal la coming- forward the price along Front atreet re inalna very; high and up to 19c pound Is obtainable for best quality Dressed hogs are Faher Blow in coming forward and aa there has onlvi boen" a' nominal movement In the stofkyards at llv stuff prlcea on Front atreet stand stretched. - . , . '''"'TtZt Market. Xs lower.""; A drop of about Is noted today .in the local rgs Situation. ' Receipts are still ver heavy; and - while- an oc aslonaf sale may be made to the north the outside trade is not what It was last week. . Sales of eggs along; Front street were generally made today at 22: although onoe . In - awhile aorne small buyer iwaa. held up for 22o while in other ' instances soared receivers cut the price down to .gie.v w Itn veryun predicting- lower.; pHce Hlooks as if Aonllnna will bs H10Wn UnlSS here is a healthier movement toward ihe'horth i recelpt-ar nm so iiQerai. f Chtckea market remain firm at for mer top prices. .. i ' t Efforts to Booat Kops Tail Het AU efforts to boost the price of hops locally ' by "manipulation seem, to have failed for It la Impoasibla to get' out siders mto tne mirKBi aoove oc.w. irumiu. Contracts, however are aomewhat more - xtiv. with 1Hlpr offering 10. lOkW joHc a pound the fojmrr two quite rreeiy rorvis. . . Th. farVnrir ProitncprB1 Price Cur rent says of the general situation - in tne nop marnei: - -- ' - ; "Very little of importance has trans ninj in th nn iraHo the past week. in New Verk states trading has been. more juici uum mo ,",v" . . Jn growers', hands are going out at last o . i o i b t ions -- n n ;Jne Jraal jnar ke t jome medium io prime, WaBhlngton have been pold at c. On the Pacific coast aomo furth . contracting is reporiea at w JOHc, for.-one year: In both Oregon ana county. . Cal." Jfew York hop Prices pef pound: ; ' ' V 'iv'-,i, tate." Wf, prime td Choice. -V. ?..1f J State, 108, medium- to good,rt-10 " tate, 1907. 4 . ... . . . ; . . Jsomlnal Pacific coasti pnmf . w - -- r choice" . .f..v-v:. . i. . . it Via Faclfle oast,:vj08, i medium to v good : .w ; ' fs; Paclflo coast, 1907;v. y. , ".Is. J . OermanB. 1908. . . . . i . . ; raclfia coast, 190.-.. . . ' W f Brief Hotea of WaoleseJe Vf&: A mixed car of vegeUbles, came In from the south today. ' ,:. . Fish marketai are firm With scarcity ef' salmon. '-. "-V' -'''' Rasor clam are In better aupply. Same price." ' ' , '. ' ' , " " Creamery "butter ;nd cheese remain firm and scarce for best, ...-' .., -Front street sells at the following " prloes. Those paid shippers are lesa regular comrolBSionaii - tj. , "" Sntter, Srgs orrir.";: BUTTER Extra- creamery; lc; fancy. It ttflS5e; store. -lc. , UUTT1R I'AT Uellvery t In Port. land Sweet cream. 140. eour.. tl0 - !b'KC5GS Local" best, .' . ! : : r-ijirirRW r.nrv full creitn fiats. . , llHHc: triplets . and daUiea. 17c; IL Young Americas, i7JTWc: storage wins., 16c; triplets .and daisies. 1 0 ofrt.TRT iliied"' chickens. lt V le; fancy hens. 101 .reosters, , old. ISc; fryers. 1022HC broilers. 12H &tlc; geems,. lie; turkers. alive, It .18c; dressed 22 tttflte; ducks. 11020c; ' pigeons, squabs. 82.0002 80 dosen; eld 11.00; dressed poultry. lOIHe higher. " " -r. Hep. Woo! aad 2Udes. ; WOOL 108 Willamette valley. lSe. .. Hot contracts, eaa lorn uregon. lloioa lb. - - ,. HOPS i0 crop, rolce. e; prime to , choice.. 74r, prime, 7ot medium. So. 19 contracts 10c. . TAIXOW Prim o-r 1U. : Na SHEEPSKINS hear!n, each; short wool. J0Oe: ssilam wool, 0o y $1 each; long wool. IMO each. ' - CH1TTIM BARK Cld. KOei W. , iMtrhe 1. HIDES Drr hldt. Hrlc lb; greJU ei0c lb; bulls, areen satt. Be per lb; klpa. it! eilree. gren. lJrle pr lb. - UOUAtR 108 Nominal. 1801e Orala. Tie aaA 2Lay. BAitLKr Teert, $!013.CI; roilceV.' 1: brewing, 27O-0. WHEAT Buying prlc r.ew Track, I Portland Club, 1.8; blueiem. 11.20 VI. li; fortyfold. 11. 10: rrd Hueolan. CASH OEOilllO i IBEST CATTLE III CURE FOR DLUES DULL POSITIOH Siwt Wheat Active iii losHKveii Finest Quality 'Hard to Centers and Brings Up . i Jlove in Yards Foor : 'Chicago Futures. Hogs Hurt Prices, y Way J 8 Uec.v CHICAGO WHEAT MARKKT. March 11, March 10. Gain. 10. fay ,- v.. . A 1HH J Thursday uly . .1. ,.. 10a4B ' 102 - ;. JH Wednesday . lept. V. tfA " ' 4 MS Tuesday; 4. Sheep, iOfl ..... 8N ; i 7TB 22S 100 0 8& 730 ; V t .vy PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN.' . Ilors. Cattle. Bhee ... 100 ' 100 eti i ii 100 a I . . i ' r' aa eel JKUIlUiy .tfe, XV . f BaturdMir fO . ' .1 Lvi.i... . e c ;- Chicago. March ,11. There waa - a ""' harp break in the -wheat market at "Portland Tnlon Stockyards.' March 11 the opening of today's session, but the l-There waa an tnerease In the dullness ciosina- was iiriQ ana iuiiw -..,. j, - ... ik. options 1 I ") -- " ri nni or int iirenfm wnirn mem in.- i vgii x hou.ih played late in the day came through I ere' wants Btlll are ef a nominal nature tne reports or gooa export oubujmb ai . .v.. n. h. r Winnipeg and other centers, as well as f . " , IZ the more liberal demand and ; higher neglecting even the better1 class of prices in effect for casii siuir. .. . i steers, une , load or jrceiieni stun It was reported among tne iraae to-1 waa carried over ' from yeateraay pi dav that m. lot of aver 200.000 buslielS this accounts Tha market seems to b of wheat Dougnt at . Kjinaas uuj . io i in a most peculiar condition at tne mar come vhre has been, resold .there at I ment. Packers,, with their quite lib- an auvance oi mo a numiei i"r ui evm , noiainaa oi surplus stoc Dries In effect here.: This shows one tin the-market. Thev are1 no rirBm. rt thm rsah dpmmd: - --..lln hit tha nrl bcii.uaA thev . IVInninm, rinnrtnl nhpat Ki'e- hlaherlfect thatr own hnlillntl at hi all priced on account ot tne.oeiier can tor sup i gouas ana mini mey are unauis i niia. fmrrt Mirnn. . -.:r.. . - inn inv mari atiDnnea u tne momiBL Mlni.iitnll. nnrtit ihm eash iln. I - Ona or twn nf t ha handlers seem to mand there as slow with sales fit flour I see a light ahead for the market, out tne poorest or ma weea. - . I w miomiv ny muiw.uw Argentina enipments ot wneai were i imineuiaia iiniirvvennni in miwium w i.200,000 bushels. . . l 7 I the naked eye. Borne very good steers . A ttmr th. Inm.p' nntnlnc here, which I were Bold today at 85. and better-stuff was Induced by the. decline of ttd bothlat 15.10. Some sales reported, today at-the opening and closing of Liverpool, were made yesterday, some as rugn as tnere was oonsiuerapie snon wywuii, t."p i " khm ' t as -well as long aaies ana tnia prougnt i any nuns iiuj, - - -. . thel price Ho the high - point, closing I .: '-: zog About SSeXowet. " within a fraction or It. - , , whlfe thara is no -severe pressure In t. i ,i-rrir..A. '-.i.- ...the local hog situation, the buyers are nRintt of Chlraa-o wheat prices fur-1 i.ii..,'. ,.. .,win. .nn Overbeek A Cooke Co.;. or ,uDiies.. -There has been too much WHEAT. I pbor Btuff in evidence of recent day Open. High. , Ixw. Close, and this has had -a tenflency to lower ilH 11B lis V IIS A I the value for best aturr. xoaay s iop 108 1021k 1D244- 103 "ili Baiea in me nog nrn wrt ivuuu 97 . 91 9H 7A 7.10 but It 'may still be Impossible to ssu agiZ B7Vi 984kNi squeeie 17.25 out of buyers for some- ' rnw - th'" select. Therefore the general May ...... 7T 6H , "74 change ln'thie report today. July .... 67 !'' 7 ;. "7HB I Sheen arket showed small' arrivala Mav July ...... ept. ..... Dec. OATS. s X- May . Julr . Sept, . j Julv 17f 1800 XARD. 40 41 PORK. 1787. 1800 H I 41 May July Sept. Mav July Sept. . .. , 4 Sheep forwak-d. but - trade la not of healthy 65 66 0i4 DBfc - I -,a a.... j;.llt th. marli.t Among the mvestook Bhrppere) . C. A. Minor, an Echo shipper' who generally has something good to offer, sent three, loads of steers to market today. ,- - E. A.' Evans had a load of cowsi and bulls to his . credit In the local yards today.-" Came from Boise, Idaho. v? ; Heppner haa not been represented in the yards for some time but today the wheat and wool center sent forth some, supplies. - Tlnsman ft; Ha.ll Qf the Mor row city sent in a load ot good steers. , Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol- 1022 - 1082 1036 1045 1017 1065 RIBS. 932 942 947 960 967 " 97S 1780 1737 1022 1085 1045 920 . 945 962 1797 1795 1022B , 1045 '1067 ' 942 960A 975 $1.05; Turkey red. 11.15; Willamette j Jl"" valley, $1.08. . ,ow" Mll.UTU'FS Belling - pnoe tfran, $26.60;- middlings. 188.00! snorts, (80; chop, $2831; alfalfa meal, $20 per ton. "2 FLOUR Selling price Sastern re- iXni gon patent; $8fr .straight- $4.66; ex- . , , . Hogs, . Cattle. . 100 100 !. : . '25 , : ,. : none , ... ' - none 825 250 Sheep. 100 400 60 Port $4.10; bakers, $5.40 6.66; valley. uo f ,.VX Siil' V&iVifi baie0.oWbeat tokyweVS.hoVfnar firm' tone with fHA'TPdu'c6' "prlcViAew tla- change in quoUtions ; ERIE TROUBLES 8IIIII0 8ELLIIIG Keport of a Keceiversliip tit ,r Koad Forces .a Decline; ' or3.rouits Today. r , -.' -.r--s-. -- - e aueelver fo IsrUt.j. .- . J:e . New Tork, March. "11. That- e) , the Erie raj 1 road was 1n flnan- . e 4 cial difficulties, arid 'that a re 4 reiver, would be appointed, waa' e ,"he text; of a , rumor, that was., generally believed, In flnariclul e . circles today and brought about e a three point decline, in the se-. curlty. : T " New Tork, March 11. Rumors of a receivership. for the Erie caused a. break of $ points In that issue today. While the news was dented by people- close to ins management, is was nevertneieBB believed - by the trade . In aeneral and all started to go short of Erie common. The elosioa- todav at 2244 waa 8 Dolnta below the final figure quoted yesterday. - xne tune matter arrectea tne general market and while some small gains are noted In the closing' as compared' with yesterday,' trading during the last hour was decidedly bearish- . -' . . ; ., Range of New York ericas furnished py uvrrnwn qe i-qoay K.Q. DESCRIPTION. bthy. Willamette valley fanevv 818.00; 1 erdfnarv. 814(918! eastern Oresrsn. 816:1' mired, $ll.B0.-ll 00; .-l,xer. 11.0;Tne cattle market continues very dull rTleWB of Livestock Handlers. w Lee M.iLaoey f Hunt & TLacey4- gryln, $13.00; cheat. ; $U.O0; a If elf a. mth aom6 Btuff carried over from $1- L , . . . day to day. I believe, however, that . f.S"rPucer riJme N some improvement will be shown dui I white, $88.60; gray, $36.00. , - ' s' n Ing the coming week. rrnrts and Teeretahiea. ; t. C. Benson A Son Market is rath FIUSHfci b'KUli S Oranges, new nav- er quiet for cattle with even best quai- e's, $2t.50 per box; tangerines, ity neglected. ' ,. . .: $1.65; bananas, S4e lb.; lemons. $3.25 Gould Commission Co. Market is 04.OQ box; grapefruit. $304; pineap- quitet all around. Cattle demand is pies. Hawaiian, dosen: pears. I showing no improvement. tl.25h'2. t ' I William Burke Jr.. for J. C. Loner POTATOES New,- V selling $1,590 gan It is still rather dull in the cattle 1.75; buying or, shipment, per ewt, I market but quotations re showing country, .faney, i.o bi.4h; orainary i change. buvinir. $1.0001.15: sweet. IS.?5ffi3.00. 1 Pr.nt Rh.rtev nf flharkev Commis -VC-Jl Q Turnln. nn 1 .1 .r 1.-. 4 " ..! ll uoi.40i beets, -iiOf-earrcBrf argugq'rr belled thmronaniongaM i.4.i parsnipa, . 1 jua.j , about tne time u auring in bage.JHfflSo per lb: tomatoes, Mexican, I Dast rew days. $l.lo 2.23 crate; Florida, $4.60 if 5 crate; J p81. " IT, beans. 12.o lb.: cauliflower,- $1.602 I ,; Taras4 Xi ; peas, mttc; noreraaisn, o 10; boxes, 6575o "dos.; green onions, ox; peppers, bell, Florida, $6 crate; atepresentatlre rrioes, trnllnwlna- nrices are representative of latest transacttona in tne yaras, ana in- ji ' .1 .imnlln. anA nn.lltv At. ta A t.ttim. Atl Arm , tint. I . 1 house, '$l.501.75 box; radishes, 16c , : STEERS. V j ' dosen J-.Dunones; oelery,-75 soc; egg-l Net Weie-ht. 'Price. crate artlchol 40c dox; pepp Chile -. ): ri plant, ( ,. Ibj asparagus, llo lb. ONIONS Jobbing Fancy OrBi gon, 62- steers 28 steers $1.902.25 per ckt; ordinary. $f.50i ! garlic. 8epound. Ji'!" . APPLE? Famrv flood River. 82 500 1 steers .......... i tni in. .-.. i .ni t steers .......... r', I, . t 2 steers O .t.r. nAAavtaa. W uaa - - - I . ...... - BIMaR-Cube 26.S5: nowdered. 86.60: 1 i Zil.r. '""" fruit or berry, ; 86.16; dry granulatel, 28 u.ers . k..!7 $5.75! conf -A..ffSextra " eteers '...,26 Golden O. $6.66; P.. yellow, $5.05: beet, 84 -trs , V, .-s.vf .-. granuiaiea,, oarrria, ioc; nt 1 2 5 Steers 53,245 87,675 26,060 10,660 5,025 2.076 9.310 9.810 8.165 ! C 4 IS ,700 69 ..27.875 iaaho prlcei arff 5 TowerT ' COW8 r HEIFERS. . (Above prices are 80 cash cows v.. .'2,850 quotations.) - v 24 cows .............. .26.600 SALT Coarse Half ground. 100. 4. heifers l. ....... ...... 3,626 u.VU per ton; sis. u.u; teDie,-carry. 1 g cows z.iio . Vftn-'f v . 7 BULLS. ' Llft ' 1 bull . . f r.- 1975 barrels I . K..u ......... 1 sn 60a 816.10: 10a 216.04: bakes. 82.85:1 imported Liverpool, 60a $20 (: 100s, iy.eo; os. xii.qo; ' extra fine. SHEEP AND LAMBS. WTL FAT AS rOXOWSl Iwel pork, anv alra ,'.8He frewaed V!, under 180 lt e Dresa-d Veal, iarse te t Di - 1 lirrtm and 8pringa ITe Iwd Turkeys ... ...-toe r-f 1 Tuk -lee Uu Hf and Pr-Tlnge. ......... 1 S Lire TTJrk-ra ...( ..lte Live lic" ' ! Kill. wirkM rio. will bti4 rKrlt t west day We do rot rharga commlwheii. Ml shipment mut t f t'l oaiity and raach as In the rifet sbspe. Frank L. Smith Meat Co. !fH-g te e-f Trt. rbiiuio. oio. . 1 Aa . . tAAItAI T l.,nul . . W A A' V4 A VB, ...V A , . . ,... Inmn S9A. RA n.. t.n RICE ImDerial J a nun No: 1. r I 'Ac: I t!)S nn .... . . . . . . . . , 1 9.656 No. 8, 6-Hc; New Orleans, bead. tfte; j36 ews 20.680 AJax f ); Creele, lUe. . . , 1 67 awes and lambs i. . 6.140 . HONET New, lie per lb. ' . ' I ' ., . ,, ? HOGS beans small wnite.. . - large 1. ,, h. . - 7V Ro 1.260 - I 168 fcoge ............ 29.966 81 pigs ............. 1B.UVV white. $5.90; Ink," $8.10; bayooft-Oej 15.00: pi Llmas. 85.66: Mexican reds, tf 25. Meats, rua Bag aroTVanJL $4.85 4.76 5.26 5.00 '-r 4.75 476 4.75 6 00 6.25 4.25 6.10 , $4.00 8.75 4.60 4.26 $9 69 .00 $4.26 4.25 6.00 $7.00 7.10 l"7.00 6.60 HAM8. BACON. ETC Poruaadr Dack I ' Th. rnllawliia- Is -the ren-ral rafia-e of liocai; name. i 10 jc ids i,itc per 10; 1 values on stock ruling in the-yaras ror oremini mean, 19110 jo., (iiciuca, late shipments: 9 Me; cottage roll, lie lo.j regular Hogs Best east of mountains, $7.26; Bhort clears, smoked, 1 lb. backs, ordinary. $7.90: blockers . and feeders, heavy smoked., lte lb.r light. Smoked, tg-.jj. ... . - , --- Uo ib.; bellies, smoked, llo ItM picketed Cattle Best steers, weighing 1200 tongues. 600 eacn. ., pounds. . $66 .25: medium steers. $5: dkBKli MEATS -Front atree Jo" stee $4.6094,75: beet Nmwi, boas, fancy. SjMJtc; ordinary 8 c" 4 ,5; mAum cows, $4.S4.7; bulls, veala, extra. lOCMOfec; ordinary, 9 10c; !. ,08 60 - tZZ'-fP'"'' n?0Hi2.8Qir tea Cheep Beet raln fed wethers. $5.50 trr 1 7K isakesr nav ran - mm t nnre m b. em ..Ij'liu'.'r A- itmnrVdT'lOa $-21: famh $6 l6 75; straight ewes. iifi--11 HT- ii1 UtJ? Mr lh-inl- $4 2544.76; mixed lots. $6.00. -t- - ii.Vi'ina ikiaJ lit ' v Choice young calves, $.S0; CLAM8.rSsntll per box. fl.40; vy and rough. $4.o4.76. . ner raror clama. $2.40 per box; le per dos JlSit HOCK COO. iva 10: llonom 6e -lb; pees. salmon Pelt la anil Khen Tower. ' 19. DourSl :"!"??-.a M-rt-h" IL-HOgS. tl.0-0; (Tpp.v of fresh fl.hnorr,.- ""V-""- t2f- - L.IRPI, i.-"-r.a-; miiio, )vn heavy, $6 6666.96.- rough. $6,660 h. It Kit & Mr lb .5e pound; eatflsh. nel); Chinook. lc; herrings, 6c per IbM'ttV? T? I"?' lbHA. llTl 4it 6.V.: eeeUraT 86e per "lb: freiV m.cVerVC &'niu,e A'Tr- ,' p.r lb" cV-wflsh, par dosen; Omaha, Slarch 11. Hogs. 17,909 cat- :,., . lb: black baaa. 8M tla. 00: sheep. 10.009. perb ColUmbsm;itl 2 aZ Kaan. CilyrM.rch 11. Hoga, 17.099; . . - . ... hi. .a iii. aaa . r a a A - .KMfi anna Snieiia ec prr ia. iJ i" Taw .9m 1 ... . lb; era be 8 1.25 If 6 prr do--. 1 a. 82 69: rer ! ltw aeck. 81. Oiym-l ra. tr rI)nn. iz : per iw m , $99 8 60! canned. 6e een. 97.99 Cos; eastern 1" !. 1175 per .09. palata. Ooal OU. ta- - LINSKEL OIL Raw. tls . tie; caara. Jc; exitei. a gal; tola ef 119 gallons, le teas; mil ca.a meal, $17 toft- - hnpn ManKa. fHe; siaai, iia 1 t n rTaneiwco. 'March It Merchants' exchange quotation": Cash wheat wnite waira wane. 21 : red Russian. $1.74 : .Turkey red. ilV. bluestrax, ii.ori:s. Future wheat May. $2.92 ask; De cember, tl 69. . " Ca-h barley read. 2 1.42 : brewing. December. gal- Iro-n rfte, llfee per gal. 1 !.- 12 I Futura Varley May. $1.44; H $1 ti bid. 81 21 ek . J, Cub ta White. $1 MV. WHT-42I TOW iota. Te par; MUlalef f e Bran, $29.69; - middlings. $11; abort. $11. ... fn; If- IK lota, as per U; lea laia ' 6 e rr h. I WJKE KAILA Present basis. $181. I j trarrUag Saaaaage SVaV-a. j X-w Vr t--h, 11. g'erlser '" iI!m. 4t lr tH : r!wt. 4M I9 ' Kock-Spring Coal The fceat coal on t market Libert v C-l A Ice C. trmia offica JI revrteeatb ' eirt Biaia 1668. AV-218IL. Amak Cop. Co.. Am. C. A F.. c. Am. Loco., e. . . . Am. Sugar, c. . . Am. Smelt, a. . do Dfd. .... .. Anaconda M. Co. . Am. Woolen, c. AtchiBon, c. . . do prd. B. to., c do Dfd Br. Rap. Trans. Can. Pacific, c, C. ft . W., c.. C M. & St. P.? C. ft N. W. c. C. 4 O, ...... Colo. V. ft I., c Colo.' Southern, c ;, oo, za prd. . . . do. 1st pfd.. . . D. ft R. Q., com. do, pfd. ...... Erie,, corn. ...... do, Zd prd. . ... Jt 1 A. ..4 A , O. N., pfd, v.;.. 111. Cen. . . . .y, . . Inter. Met, C.1 . . do, pfd. fj. ft N. ........ Mexican Ry. . . . M.. K. & T., o. . UWl JJ.U S Si Distillers ...... Ore Lands -. . . Missouri. Pac. . National Lead.. N. T.i Central . . n. y..o. ft yv-- Nor. ft West, I., N. American . . . N." Pacific, c..,.. Pac. M. & S. Co. Penn. Ry P. O.. L. ft C. Co. Pr. Steel Car,, c. Reading,' c. . ... Ren. I.- & Si. c.l Rock. Island, o. -3 J ; tllll,.' . . . ... . S. L. ft 8. F.. i pf st. u & e. w., c. ao pra. -.. ...... Sou. Pacific, o. .r do pfd Southern Ry o;. . do pfd . . .... . . . Texas & Pacific. T St. L& W., c. ' do pfd . : Union Pacific fs. f, ft Rubber, pfd u. b. eteet co., c. do pfd . . . '. 4'. Wabash, o ...... do Dfd . . . .'.-... W. U. Tele-raph. Wrs. Central, o. . do pfd ....... Westlnghouse . .' Utah Copper v. , . Third Ave. : . . . Cons. Oas Bia Four Gt. Western "B" . K. c; Southern-.. do pfd 48 V4 129H 104 41 1084 102 70 H 66U; 68 61 1S1H 104 41 ii 102 107 103H 102 107 70H 142 44 85 29 140 141 16 ft 46 41, 4014 4 66 68 76 123 80 186 2tt 1.8 110 36 1?2 1914 22 61 37 22 K FLOUR BLEACH ' TO BE STOPPED Millers ' Jiccldc ' to 'Abandon Whitening of - Pi-oduct ' Cfor1 Inter staU 'Trade, ;'. ,-- -' '.. : '". - ' , - ; BOARD OF TRACE , RECEIPTS. -. '1 Wheat, Barley, Oats, Hay, Flour. ' 1 Cra. Cars. Cera. Cars. 8ar-ks. Thurtuv .-. rJ-t - 9 8.000 Wed. ,, ;. 24 1 4 " ,-- 4 6.000 Tiia v' 8ft ' 4vA '' 7 IBM Mon.,.v., .-.. 10 10 ' Bat. 88 . 1 ' 1 FrU ,,,. .. , 3 "7 ':'. Z '' 9V 12,600 6' 6.200 18 '10.700 With the determination .pf the Na tional. Millers' Federation to observe the rulings of Dr. Wiley regarding the bleaching of flour, local millers hive decided to stop all bleaching of flour which goes Into interstate trade or In Alaska- The law prohibits the bleach ing of flour at this time but some millers' are taking chances and con tinue the practice. . : ; , , ,'-" - Blueatem wheat continues to show a good demand even at the high values now in effeot. Yesterday there waa a sale In the north at $1.20 a bushel and reporta or a still higher price nut none of the local buyers can confirm any thing above that figure. - ' Coarse grains are gathering firmness both for spot and future delivery. On the board) of trade today there waa an advance if 1 cents a cental In April barley bids and the asked price on the 1.50. March was moved up to $1 ritODtrCB IN BAN FRANCISCQ llt 117-a, 21V4 mi. 118 69U 174 102 48 110H 44U 72 S3 . 70 4-76 102 44 110 44 I'i'iii VP 77 $" 1164 121 23 62 32 174 102 44 110 Total sales, 303,100 shares. m, u. do pfd ito San Francisco. March 11. Eggs. Per dosen California fresh. Including cases, extras, 23c; first 22 o; seconds, 21c; tmras, zufte. . O ..... n . . r nilnit C.llfnr.1. ' fr.Hh extras, 3o; firsts. 82c; seconds, 31c. New cheese, per pound California flats, fancy, 15c; firsts, 14c; seconds, 12c; California Toung America, fancy, 16c:' firsts. 14t4: eastern New York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oregon flats, fancy, 15c; Oregon Young America, fancy, 16c. , Potatoes, .per cental Early Roselv$S; river whites, fancy,. $1.36(1.60; Lom poc Burbanks, $1.86; do Salinas,- $2 2.16: do Oregon, $1.76(21.90; seed po- toes, per cental, $1.60tj 3, aa to variety; eweet potatoes, per crate, $1.66 1.76; do per sack, $1,60. unions, per saca uregon, ii.toR j. Oranges, per box Navels, standards. $1.262; fancy, $2. 262.50; tangerines, er box, - fl.Ol, 60; do small boxes, 65 1 SPOKANE nNIJ.0 EXCHANGE (Furnished by Oyerbeck ft Cooke Co.) .. Spokane, , March. 11. Mine prices: -' v Bid. Ask. Almeda .................. 2 . 2 Copper - King - .... . 6 6 Gertie . , 3 . " . 8 Humming Bird '-. . 7 Idaho 9. ft "A. ....v.i.... ; 8 ; r 3 international- v;qai ........ Kendall ' . . . . , .; Lucky Cl. .... -t.i . ....... MlaHoula ,,... Monitor 7 i(. ,.,,.','-.. f . , 4 , .. Nabob . .(. v.......... 'it . . Oom Paul Rambler Rex . ... ......... ouuwHinta ,-....-..- Snowstorm ........ ... Stewart Tamarack ............ .. Wonder . O. K. Cons. , SEATTLE PRODUCE MARKET 0 1 n so 101 8: 8 8 t 8 83 83 2 8 3 5 16 17 170 J73 : 40 - 62 60 .80 : 2 8 . i OlICIIEll fflllTS TO LEAVE ARMY (Wnthlnitoa Bursas ef Tbe JooraaLl , Washingtpp. March 11 First, Llea' tenant Hiram E. Mitchell, son ef the late Senator John H. Mitchell, today telegraphed hlg reeignatlon from Den ver to the war department, asking Im mediate acceptance. - Frlenda of Mitch ell are asking the department to accebt it at once. His reasons for desiring to relinquish his commission ara not given out. . The department Is naturally die Inclined to accept without knowing more about the case..)-... : THEFT AT DINNEIt ; - . PA1JTY IS CHABGED .'-'(-;-'vr;- " ' 1 f 1 . ""' " Mrs. Ann "Ambrdae, wife of a mem ber of the fire , department, living at 286 Montgomery, together with her hus band, was dining with, three acquaint ances at' the Fekin restaurant. Sixth and Stark street, last evening, when the alarm "for the Alnslle mill fire sounded:- Ambrose left hurriedly, amid general confusion, . , , . . . A moment later Mrs. Ambrose die covered that $30 which had. been In a purse ehe left lying on the table, was frnne. She accused the others of steal ng the money, .It appears, and hot works flew back and forth. Sergeant Klenlin arrested Mrs, Ambrose and also Mrs. Ida Fredenthal, Nellie Allen and JP Fisher, a JongBhoreraan, for disor derly conduct ,-'.' ' Nine dollara was found In Mrs. Fred enthal's . possession;- but this did, not Frove her guilt . by .any means. Tbe act that several coins were found In the patrol wagon - led the officers to believe that during tbe ride some money had changed bands. Consequently lar ceny charges were today filed against Mrs. Fredenthal, Fisher and Nellie Allen.- . -. - - Fisher and Mrs. Fredenthal are out on 3109 bail each,' while Nellie Allen Is still in the city, Jail, that sum not having been deposited to free her. - WOMAN BEATEN AND ' BOBBED BY FOOTPAD . Mrs! J. F. Becker.' 1785 East Nine-1 trenth street, wife of an employe of the Portland Railway, Light ft Power company, was " struck on the head by an unknown highwayman last night at 9:30 o'clock at East Eleventh - and Division etreets. The .thug obtained 216 and a gold nugget watch cliarm. Mra. Becker had not complied with the man's demand to hold up her hands and without further .warning he struck her with the butt of-a revolver. - - This Is the first Instance of the kind for many months, for footpada have left women pedestrians severely alone; In Portland lately. The man wore dark clothes, was about five feet, six Inches In height, according to Mrs. Becker,; and wore a dark handkerchief across hia face. She ran to the Ritchie groc ery store, 478 East Eleventh, and a telephone message to police headquar ters Boon .brought a number of police men who scoured the neighborhood without finding any clue to the high way man. -. " -.- - ,' , " -: PRICE OF WOOL IS ' - BUT SMALL ITEM A little advance In the price of wool will not affect the price of .clothing, aa I find many Portland people are think ing," said Arthur Williams ot the San Ami C. ft FM c ex:div.,,.,. per, cent per. cent SCARCITY OF BUTTER . HOLDS PRICE HIGH The great strength-of - the local but ter market is due, te the continued shortage of sunnis here as well as the; high'- prices In effect at various eastern centers. - Arrivals continue to come forward from the east and still tne can is greater man stocas. he receipts for the dav were within a fraction of -the extreme high .point reached 4.he other day. Portland board of trade furnishes following list of produce arrivals for the 24 hours ending 1 1:30 a. m. todayi - AnDles 448 boxes, oranares S04 boxes. lemons 348 boxes, asparagus 10 boxes, cabbage 1 car, celery 180 crates,- pota toes 123 sacks and I ears, sweet -potatoes 1 car. rhubarb 4 boxes, tomatoes 8 rases, turnips 8( sacks, vegetables 27 crates and boxes. buf-r. Oregon. 140 packages, eastern 20 packages; eggs 672 ma zzua gai- caaes. cheese 80. boxes., ro one. bream Zell gallons. - clams -.100 boxen, crabs 6 boxes, crawfish 1 box. shrimp 2 boxes, mussels 2 boxes, fish 65 boxes, ovsters 19 sacks and 1 nails. chickens 70 coops, ducks 3 coop, tur keys 1 coop, dressed poultry- 1767 lbs., hogs 65. veal 98, mutton -19. meat 1 car.. - . " Steamer Carta la Arrested. Sidney H. Summon, captain of the steamer Dalle City, waa-. arrested last evening on a warrant sworn to by. Har bormaster Speier, who chargas ' him with -violating tbe ordinance requiring slow epeed In the harbor. He waa re leased on hi own recognizance. The raa will be heard In the police court March 21. Seattle, March 11. Butter, Washing ton creamery, firsts, 36c. Eggs Ranch, 28c; fresh eastern, 34c: eastern storage, 8033c;. 'renovated, 26 (&27c; eggs, local ranch, 27c. Cheese Wisconsin twins, 18c; cream bricks, 18c; wheel Swiss, 18c; block Swiss, 170 iimDurger, ic; iiuamook twins, 16c. . Totatoes Local, - JJ4026; Yakima, t27ffi32: seed potatoes. $85; California new, 810c. Onions- 1 a let ma, idzkh; uregon 22c; fannoa, . Sc; green S0Q36e per dosen. . M.ll, a, Clearings today ...... ... ; $1,322,950.69 do year ago. ........ 1.201,227.77 Oaln' today Balances today - do year ago. , .,..$ 121,228.82 .... ,$177,241.i2 98.224.15 . ' Seattle Banks. Clearings today ........... Balanees today- Tacoma Banks. Clearings today Balances today .$2,071,766 810,580 ...$816,536 . .. 40,677 KVanriaco tailoring firm of Williams ft Berg, at the Portland hotel today. "It must be remembered .that the principal item of expense in the making of a suit is the labor employed. Twenty-five cents more per yard for the cloth will have little effect on the cost of the completed garment ' Mr. Williams is making a business trip along tne coast. INSPECT LINE OF UNITED RAILWAYS "i am welt satisfied with, the prog ress of construction work on the United Railways' said T. F. Wren, who with Thomas Greenough, is one of the prln- Ipal promoters or tne enterprise, wnen e arrived in Portland this . morning extenaea sojourn ai noi DISMISSAL OF APPEAL L10VED Attorneys 'for State' Attack , Suff icieiicy ot ' Murderer 3Iartin's Petition. On the ground thai no showing ef error In tbe trial of Edward IL Martin for th murder of Nathan Wolff has been made by his attorneys. Deputy Dis trict Attorneys Fltxgerald and Page have filed a motion in the supreme court asking that the appeal be dismissed. The two state's attorneys argued the matter before the supreme court two days ago, basing their contention largely on the fact that the defendant's at torneys failed to file a bill of excep tions. John A. Jeffrey, chief connm I for Martin, was unable to go to ralem because of a damage suit on trial lit the -circuit court here in whlchtie was engaged, but he lias .secured an extension- of 20 days in 'which to rile his answer to the argument of the state. Jeffrey takes tlia position that a bill of exceptions is not needed In the ease, the points on which-he hinges the bp. peal being covered in affidavits and records that have been certified to the supreme court. 1 - '', . If the state should win Its motion. ' Martin would be forced to at once be gin serving the 31 year sentence Im posed 'by Judge Cleland on his convic tion for manslaughter, r ,. , . CONFESS R0BBLVG : " ' BOOMS IN HOTELS ; --L:C ' : - 'e- ; " v:. , ": Charged with robbing it rooms in the Winchester house. Third end Bum side streets, wher they roomed, Harold Morgan. Clarence Hood and Arthur Hanklns were arrested this morning br Detectives Coleman and Price. - The of ficers obtained descriptions of the men from pawnbrokers who bought 'the goods and at '8 o'clock this morning learned their whereabouts. The arrest followed' several hours later. - Clothing and jewelry constituted the loot. Hood declared only three rooms had been robbed, but Hanklns; who is 81 years old. while the others are but 18 and 19, confessed to robbing a dozen. Both Hood and. Hanklns accompanied th detectives on a round of the pawn shops today to help recover the stolen property. J. rakaoyasn. - a - Japanese broker, has been arrested in connec tion with the case, charged with receiv ing stolen goods. t v Slapped Hi Wife's Fare. - For slapping , his wife on the, face, Fred L. Boyer, . rooming at Third and , Burnslde, was today sentenced to lu days In the city Jail.; He says he was' struck also, but It - waa Mrs. -Louisa Rover who obtained the warrant. - c he after an PAYING OF GRAND ' AVENUE ASSURED Conttacts will soon be let for the Im provement of Grand avenue from Bel mont to City streets Wit if Hassam pave ment, as the property owners have all signed a waiver on publication which usually takes up so much time. It Is hoped to have work complete by the opening of the Rose. Festival. . . Much credit-.for this work musf be given to the members of th East Side Business Men's ciuo, wno nsve oeen n. n.lrliiM am thla . r. rfi 4 a-t Cfta mstm months. They did not succeed till yes terday when the last signatures were secured and the matter presented to the council. - This will make a street 80 feet wide and a mile long in hard surface pave ment. It is only one In the city or tnat wiain. - RAILWAY COMPANY" COJIMENCES WORK Work on the new office building of the Portland Kallwar. Light 4k Powe torn pan y at the corner of Seventh ani Alder has been commenced. Tbe state ment waa made this morning that all possible speed will be used In complet nt the building. The new sub station nt the power company at the comer of nrt ana jerrerron is unorr roor. Much ot the machinery now used in the plant at'Beventn ana Aider win t re moved to this substation. Machinery for the new building will be Installed as eooa as the first floor Is completed. txty men were yesterday addwl to tbe force working on the underground con-lulls being constructed In the busi ness section, in order te pusn tne work more- rnpldly. - - fi KZZTXZZmZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ KSS&gXISlIgS M.JLZZXTSXXn 2 SPECIAL NOTICE r Tirmtn Cflgotry IIcctIBl, Skip ai anything; and" everything, nJ ' we - mill pay . yoei j TOP market prlcea. . Hen9 snd Spring, alive. ..IO 'Dreeted Vesl, gnder 130 lbs. ......:. Larre Veal a aa 4 ..T to ri Pork, any aixe.. ....Sjif -EreJnfsr tnarket prke. i-or potatoes we pay 3ji- per tact Everything nut be-of extra good quality and all remittancea will be trade promptly. No eommUsiona chaffed. People's Alnrket Sr. Grocery Co. COR. FIKST AND TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND. OR. Springs, Ark, Mr. Wren will engage himself actlvelv In forwarding con struction rork. He-nd MrGreenough were guests toaay at tne uregon noiei. Thav mada an insnectlon trin over the new line between Portland and Llnnton this afternoon. . p - ; ATTEND FUNERAL OF FATHER PREFONTAINE Archhlahoo Christie and Mnnslgnor Ran of thla eltv went to Seattle Tues day to attend the funeral, of rather Prerontaine, one or me pioneer vim-nil- nrioata of the Oregon country. Father Prefontalne was burled at Beat- tie Tuesday. - Me nai a great many friends among s-the people of Portland. Reneral Manager J. P. O'Brien of the Harriman lines left for an Inspection trip of the 8outhern P9-lflc between1 Portland and Ashland this morning. . Trpst Deparlment Our trust department is fully equipped to care for all forms of legitimate trust business. ' ' Bond issues, title holdings,' escrow agreements., proper ties under will or for otljer disposi tion, syndicate or cor porate trusts, : "transfer ahd fiscal agent, etc. . . ; The trust business is kept separate and apart from the other r departments ' of . the company, '" A 1 general . banking . and trust business transacted. - Consultation invited 're specting any phase of our business. '' r.lerclianls Savings & Trust Company; 247 WASHINGTON. ST. rf 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m i in m t in-mrrr-rm-i ii ; 1 1 n il i rrrtrn t'i ri n n i r xrcz-.'zmTVi PORTLAND OREGON mm lLxceptional Advantages Whether your financial transactions are large or mod erate in volume. personal interview; with an official of -. the Merchants National Bank may reveal to you distinct 4 advantages in having a banking connection with this jn stitution, You are cordially invited to discuss any. mat ters in which we can be of service to you. ' v B i t u 1 i t h ic Pave ment Bri rigs Satisfaction . And Enhances the Value of Abuttint Property More Than Any Other Pavement BECAUSE Tt it durable, nevet cracks, make no noise br rumble frr-m passing vehicles, collect! no dost or mud. Furthermore, it guts a turf foothold for hones. Autotnobilet will not tkid. Warren Construction Co. 317 BECK BLDG-. PORTLAND. OR. X , Ovcrbcck Cz Coolcc Co. Cornmlsslcn Merchants. Stcds, Bends, Ccttcn, Gr:'r!, tL 116-217 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING Members Chicago Bcerd of Trade. Corrttppndenta cf Lcjju A f ry - Chicaco, New York. Eotton. We bay tbe orjy private wire connect:-. t Pettiar.d ; S t' e ti - cx char fee. " : Ms-aVar-s rm:iil vr f Trt e - 99 e tee e