THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 7, 1009.- V Bl'SINL-S C1IANCLS 20 I $1600 Blacksmith andwagon shop, 4IX ' 60 lot and, , hulUliiif ; good location, ! ' county Beat; all lula and material (or ' 100 wagons- $750 down. , - I35ui t lots, good hotel anil liver bam with feed corrals; horava, har aw nesa 8 buggies, windmill, good rH I WJ town, good commercial trail; $1500 j . Bown and $t0 a month, j ' 14000 A-l machine (hop, I forges, all J ' latliaa anil tool In Rood or dor, cheap ' poweri rant $J0 a month: food location. , lota of material on hand; bargain for J Ttmchl il I n t turins. , IvOSANOKLES TRUST CO., )' I 82U VVaah. tt., Room 417.. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION. Do you want to cell your bual rim or aa, you want a partner , for a legitimate business? If o, we can aecure you a partner or nil your business without pub licity. Monuy advanced. -Wilts freely and get our ternia. . NORTHWK8T TIMBER "CO- , 62Q Lumber Exchange bid St leara 1100 a month, furnace heat.' tin ocation, cheap rent, f boo. Term. Downtown. room, cheap rent, 1(00, must sen thin.-' U K. MOORE. . V ' . ''Til Swetland bidg. ,. Offlca open Sunday 11 to 8, 'A Spiemtld Upportualty .., A general merchandise business in a town In the Interior, doing a fine bual neas. Thla '1 aomethlng that haa a iiuiurs to it. ' uat in aneaa oi tna rail road and profit by It; will Uke aorn oiiy properly. ':..,' Hcnkle & Harrison 811 QrllnRer bldg. WANTED High class atoek 1(0 weekly, to follow up adver- v. tivlng campaign. Boom I, Kal- . elgh bidg. TWO atoree for aale; now, rented for $30 per- month; fine location; bound to double In value in the next two years. Price, $2200. Owner must sell, as he la compelled to leave town. A aafe conservative Investment for any one deetrlng to make some easy money, Tik m-u n n a t . .. AM organizing a stock company with targe capital ana want a man in nugu tlate contracts i and options, and have " general management of entire business-: must have $2000 to $8000 to invest; will nut 10 for. 1 : alo raoalve salarv: atrlct- '-ly legitimate business and will stand striotcat iTivestlganon. u-iz. journal, Business Chances 2 well located saloons $1500 and $4000 would consider an exchange for larm or city residence xor latter one. Otto & Harksoa- iSiH First st. ADVKRTISE In the Hotel News. Tort- lnnj's new paper, distributed free daily on incoming- trains ana steamers; read by 10,000 travelers and homej seekers each week; yets business for It advertisers;' low rates. 215 Oregonian Milg. Phona A-3792, FISH and poultry market, prom-; lnnt location, year lease. 27$,. Btark St. 1 FIX-IT crockery cement mends glass, ; cut ffloss, china, crockery, earthen ware, furniture, and bric-a-bro. Price 10c, for la everywhere 17. Tairgart st. Manufactured by V. JS. Simon- son & Coy ?OR SALE CHEAP Grocery store, Ilusaell St.. averasre sales $50 per day. $200, part cash or will sell interest. OREGON LUMBEB.AND RE ALT! CO B25 Chamber of Com. . Phone 8560, A-66t0. CrOOD grooery to trade for house , , and lot. 272 Stark at IF YOU are looking for any Kind of business come to see me. I nave a 1rn list and will arive vour v;ants mv personal attention. Young,- 513 Ger- A PART M ENT house for sale, $500; good location, ' well equipped, $40 pei month nroftt on S500 Investment, V-ttl after 1:30 p. m. 314 6th at. Am leaving city. finnriCHT Owner tired of hired help wants steady partner; pay energetlfi mnn $126 montn, experience unneces sary and little money, required. Par tlculars 2481, Btsrk st. , . , GENERAL nierchandlso stock for sale, consisting dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps, clothing, etc.; will in rolce about $8000; nice trade, good rea son for selling. Lock box 8, Newberg, Or. STOCK of dry goods, hats and shoes; Invoice about $9000; will reduce stock to suit, one or best locations in cuy; long lease; g 1-98, Journal. TWO corner saloons. - -. Two corner restaurants. Two corner grocery stores. Two corner rooralng- hemsps. , P. O. box 227. Portland. FOR SALE or trade, , old established business, paying WO per cent on in vestment, $18.00; 1 will ahow you; phys ically unable to attend to Jt. Owner. L-90, JournHl. - " . ' ' . $250 buys small established business; vou make your own goods at home; protected by copyrightf goods sold to -retail trade: big profits made. Bee toy agent, 314 Couch" bidg. . KNAP. Nice small rooming house, or can be used for flats; right In heart of city; rent $20 per mo, rtoom , moyt mui rlson st. - - OR SALE An interest In a brick manufacturing plant. well located. with an Inexhaustible mount -of su perior brick i material. Portland market. -94. Journal. -' GOOD OPENING. A blacksmtth shop in a thriving coun try town for rent, stock and tools for sale cheap. Inquire engineer. Good- no u g h b H X, Sth and Ywmhlll tw. Iff van want ta aell vour business, list it with ns. W. II. Dudley Co.. $lL B tea rns bidg..' corner 8th and Morrison, laT '- FINE reataurant, choice location, big business. Owner going east as chef r for lar hotel. 613 Abtng4on Mdg., 3d. Et.KGANT opportunity for a good man, 700 required; for particulars call, at its. , - CLEANING, pressing and -repairing snop Tor,ni, finip iiu. to tow v"1 week. Call 409H E. Morrison. FOR SALE Half Interest in good pay- - Ing Job print inar offlco, Portland, a gpP, B-94, Journal. . FOR SALE Rooming house." i rooms, - In go.l condition; partly new car- pt. H.5: rent n. i4 w. rara. .WANTED Man . With from $l000-ta 1 $;o0; chance to make at least 10 to 1 tn o-th. Q-. Jonm al. IVKHT and boarding atabiea4 alalia. rood business; will sell cheap as bare -ther nlneE, A-124. . Journal. FINE opportunity for man with $404 to take agency for swift selling machln rr. - an- At.tnKTon rHig JX'R SALE A millinery 'ir In .Wil- lim'ltt n tlley !-... Applr $ th at FOR RENT 4 1 ore st9 f t h sL M. E. Ie, r" 411 (Vrhelt Mdg. ATTTe7ue Is ttrftHtt W totem it oh ly; reacpes tifry fioi-i in tm riuirm. VE HAVK buyers or aUera Anything yg want. IP ton en mag,. rt land BreLsei bak ery. at e0 TJ'larTwkst. TtF r m"y maker; ,rt capital; lok - !-. tit We'l-Farf ytlil g WT. TrtAl.'E lMif. J? T. Le at CcC ef T'f M'W rT.H fXITL. ri ff tsken at -e; . a g . I '""- e Ft 17?.. Tf rTi" t'iT t vou- ISO gtt for ' 6c? C'l Rice Kltcb. SO II HOrtMS, modern, furnsc heat, near Valilnglori at.. In. price sui. II roixm, all full Tilt st, wear Jrffer aon, price fhSO, lialf rash. Si room;, business renter, nut 1100, price fiiiUO, term a. You can't loae. 8 Ml Til t L LU A K KR, , fit Worcester Mil. Main 6179. . 1 FlN'E'luuaaliia In rooming houaea; one of 2 room part new Ttirnlture; brick building; rent only $60; fine loca tion; houna clearing about $100 per month; onlr $a60. Ona of 16 rooma; rent only $75, for $1160. This la eloaa In on weat side. 10 rooms, nsr court house, for 1600; rent 146. Keystone Itaalty Co.. tit Allsky bidg. T . SNAPS In rooming houses. Tou . . name the location, wa do the rest, I7t Stark st. . ' ; C6ilN"lR ' 8AL66N-Unie of the belt money maker In the city; see it and fee convinced; Ion lease on whole build in; If .you want a .saloon you can't afford to mis this. Koom 107, 243. Alder at. - - . - ' - i-;.. .. : .,,-,,;...: LOTS to trade foe : auto. , filark... ', -J. . : .V.--. f 171, t-kADIKG ' hotel In gooewa.lley town, low rent and lone lease, positively making fine profits; full Investigation invuear price sxbuu; wouia aooeni gooo Portland real estate. Call Monday 11$ t. namosr- or commerce. INVESTORS. If you call at our office, we will show rou I of the best bargains In flats in he city, really below cost, and , they are Al. 622 Worcester blk. Main B179. A, BL'titNK8t! man of Portland, hlKhest references. wlll cay $$000 interest for use or i&vuu one year ana give plenty collateral; need money Immediately and perfectly sare. ji-138, journal CJ2MCNT business;. owner busy at work -wanta partner to tend office, collect, . . . . i r . . $7So required. Particulars $48 Stark. We have clients waiting. List your property for sale, rant or exchange. Manhattan Investment Co... room IS. Washington bldg. FURNITURE of 21 rooms, good tran alent house: must sell on account of sickness: bargain If taken at onoe. $26H 1st St. HAVE a mannfacturtnar business In on. eratlon, of which I will sell 3000 shares of stock to Increase the output: in vestlgate. JT E. Rand. 220 Swetland big 40 RUpM rooming house, good location, lease $260Q; SO room rooming house, brick, lease, $1100.. Room ,301, 242 V Airier st ' NICE little rooming house, 9 rooms, good location. Park st, only $500. Manhattan Investment Co., room ' 16, Washington bldK. WOULD you like to bUv a ling estab llahed, well located profit paving drug business! . If so, address, A-1I1, Journal. RESTAURANT Owner cook wants partner to be cashier: $400 reauired seourcd, pay $6 day. Particulars 248 H Stark st. - 28 ROOM brick, heart of city, corner, rent SOS month, rnotl Imum. rhiiiih full and a money maker; leaving city; price, $1800. Main 6179. FINE furniture in 9 room rooming house, cost $1100, goes Monday for $000. good looation. Call room 107 243 U Alder St. : -. , ' PARTNER WANTED By a ' lady. 'one who understands aewlno". an eatah. Itshed mercantile business. Small cap!- uti requirwi. A-iaa, journal. HAVE a half million dollar real estata rteal that can be -handled with $1J,000K win guarantee ivv per ce profit in 12 months. 1-91. Journal; . A v"ELL located general : hardware store; sales $115 daily,; lots of new buildings going up. Inquire 1019 Board of Trade. - - ', - CtQAR, dOKKEetiONARY; ICE CREAM ana delicatessen, 8 living rooms, $15 rent, 2-yar lease, doing good business; bargain if taken at once. Phone C 1183. FOR SALE- 10 room house, nloely fur nished. full, arood location: must aWI: owner going; east; rent cheap. 283 8d at., corner Jefferson. s ' MAN with $875 cash can secure an es tablished cash business, pay in a- $160 per month; must have the money; no agents. Give yhone. W-49, Journal. RESTAURANT very cheap. 2 years' lease. Kood trade, chean rant Uu N. nl" I ROOMING house for sale, close In, good -location, a rooms; win sen very L-u-ap, mi nic ma. Ks-i&i, journal. REAL estate offioe for sale for less than cost, fitted for 2, rent and phone paid for month. R. 220, Swetland bidg. 7-lOOM house,' fulL close m. furniture v extra good. This la a bargain. See owner, 485" Alder st. - 20 ROOM rooming house to trade for house, vacant lota or acreage. House is clearing $65 month. F-l 28, Journal. FOUR page, 6.. column newspaper . for sale; good reason for selling, phone xaoor, boi b, Arieta., - WANTED -Good worklngman's room- ing or boarding house, at once, '425 liumoar mcnan ge. HAVE flue established motion picture theatre for sale cheap. Newman, 29! Burnstde. - V- $3 FOR 1000 business cards, 100 for 50c Roso City Prtntery, 192 3d St., just above . Baker theatre. SMALL grocery for .sale, fine location. . cheap rent,- modern living rooms oove. I'nono pei iwooq 8 a r. . $300 cash buys 1-3 Interest saloon on th st Main 1976. Traders' Agency, room s Benson oiag. FOR SALE -Bakery and confectionery, nnlv one In town. I want tor ao east. Call or address W. E-.-Cox, Qlendale, Or. MEAT market for sale, good location, doing good ouHinrnn; aon answer un less you mean Jbualncss. Q-97, Journal a m ......... .. ., v-m.... WHAT kind of a business are you look tng forT I have It. Scranton, 214 Couch bidg. - , . rrTrTriwr A Tt .n !,.' K.. 1111-' T ' v. .. -.u. , cri . location. In . city, chfeap rent,, long lease. I-9, Journal. CASH grocery, -corner t location, close in. West side; rent $4' month, S large living rooms. Must sell; $760. M. 6179. NEW store, stock and building modern. at utnnton; nest, town ,in uregon, 8850O: 425 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY atore for sale or will x rhange for farm. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor bet t oidg. SALOON for ole, good, location and nriced right -i.njrw Heckler. Mil Corbett bidg. ' 'T" DON'T overlook this; 17 ' rooms . on Washington ot- lease oo; Monday; no stents. Main 782. - A SNAP In manufacturing the best on the coast; Dig pronto, tail aiam 7T1S. MINING STOCKS ' I M FOR SALE AXD EXCHANGE) Safe and ProfltaMc The Austin ilanhattan Ccsoll(!ate Kinlag: Co. fe-one of llio SAFEST INVE8MENT8 that the world ovor has offered to tbo INVESiOR. IT 18 NOT A PROSPRTT. NOT A SINGLE MINE OR A FEW MINES, but a consolidation Kt -ONE HUNI'RED and PiXTY-ONB MINING COMPANIES, which nave produced up to data $6. 000,000. Limited aoooM of treasury stock being offered to-complete equipment of muieo with modern machinery. 9 aharos Is alf that wll be sold. The stork is full paid and Don-asseaaable, par value $1. The prlco of the otock Is He per la cash-ttd-?e on the lhtalTm"eirtpia n. In le equal payments at interrals of 10 day. Como and ,at you a block ef this stock bfor the next advance In pi-tcat tH'ii is Arm l. . Kor full Informsti'H call at, A A. K. OIEPRANDT. -Peelal Ropreaentaltva. , 4t 1 4-130 Wnrceater bide , Id and Oak. phone Main 1. - . GOLD COLN STOCK i $iet tu on Tnartet. Will pay dlvl t'nK by Jn'- U. THE I. T. kAliT lSYrTtiTriT CO, 601-2-4 iird of Trade b.Jg. ni'SINLSS CHANCCJI -..-- i ,,, ni f 'IL S. Smith .JIOMES; : . ' . i- ; . ; i , ' f r ( . . ' '. .' ? . ' . 3; : i ; 7' h Oregon Journal, Portland Oregon - ; 1 ; y Dear Sir: '-We take much pleasure in informing you that our immediate results through Journal advertising prove highly satis- tory. One insertion of the-above ad with The Journal resulted in the sale of two of ttie'described properties. v ' ' .- Thanking you for "results" and any benefits ,we may de rive in theT future, we remain, yours very truly, ; " ; REAL(REALTY COMPANY. - ; . , Per H. E. Smith. ' MINING STOCKS 88 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE .TAT .If ' WTTTT S'LETCHEIt. " " 3,000 'Alaska Pet & Coal. treaar market 760-Almeda Conaol. 60c ' ' 1,000 American Mining Syndicate, 16c. 100 American Telegraphone. $2. .. , 1,000 Antioak Leather, transferable, lo, 115 Anglo American Oil & Coal. bid. 460 AUlOmailC Ulll jjiuv. vvw. 600 Big Hill Coal. 0c. ; . . . 6,000 B. C. Amalgamated coal, c. 10 Burllngame Teiegrapu irjuwrum i KOft Hutta Bovs Consolidated, ptd. 8,000 Cant-re-fil Bottle. 60o. 7,600 Chetka Copper, ioc. . 250 t'omstocK wiaen unu, i7i 1 Cninrv nlllh. 140.- 1 1,000 Fidelity Copper, market. S.00aalbralth Coal.. 27c, . 8,000 Gold Creek (Santiam). 40. 10 Home Tel. StockV Tacoma, $10. 6,000 Lady WashlngtonT-Oil, 20c, 3,000 Mammoth jMetallne), V4c, 26 Marconi -Wireless (parent com pany or Knglanan immw 10 ten' Wifeless America). $30. . wimIoim iCa.nAAa.1. 12. 1,000 McGlllivray . Creek Coal. Z5C i AO uij rill Ornirnn. I0O. 7,600 Midway OUt Oregon. 20c. 1,000 Mono Standprd Oil. $1.- . 6,000 Morning (Metaline), 4c. , 3,000 National Copper, lig. ft 1,000 Omaha Telephone Bond. 50c, 176 Portland Coal & Dev.; .kid,- - Mft 'Pnrtlanif Tel., $20. 1,000 Potlcie fining, 10c. 600 Tabasco Plantation, $300. 10 Telepost $8. 1,000 United Placer Mines, bid. ,25 United Winfeless, pf. trBn8,$17 .60 All other stocks and bonds. See roe before buying; may, be able to do better. Meritorious mining stock to trade ror real estate. WANT 'Alaska Pet. A Coal Jael'ty,.5:jepurner B. C. Amah Coal Campbell I s G Burner CMcadiaM.. -n(i-i, .r-ihds jttiaway i v.e" - t,mh.r with List your reai e. 225 AHnrT""!!!- ., i MINING AND INnuyTKi ANPfBONDS. IDUBTRIAIj iiiw.iv WB ' WLL ' SELL. -600 Aimed Con. j. . 1000 Alaska Pet A ' Oil .... 100 American Telegraphone. , 100 Burllngame T. T. (trans) 1960 B. O. Amalg. Coal ... 2000 Butte Boys Con. 309 Comstock Golden Gato. 1000 Caacadla M. & Dev. . . . . 20 Campbell's Auto Gas 2000 Fidelity Copper 2500 Gohl Creek . 6000 Electric M. & M 1000 National Copper 225 Snowstorm Ida.) 1000 Snowshoe (Ida.) 20 United Wireless pfd . . , . .cheap bid $2.50 6.00 . .05 r .02 .25 .15 6.00 . . .snap .... .bid .07 .15 .Market .Market .18.50 W Ci OU. 1000 Alaska Pet. A Coal. 6000 B. C. Amalg. Cokl. 20 Bonville Pub. Co. All wireless Telegraph stocks. We have been recommending to our clients the purchase of ' Snowstorm Min ing and Snowshoe Of the Couer d Alene district for the past two weeks knowing that thav would soon advance In price. Snowstorm sold down to V80,th?.rI? part of the week and closed Saturday at t' 17 bid. We believe there la a ood market profit In the stock whlln it can be had tor less than $2.25. The stock earns a 3 cent per share divident every monUi and hi. paid to date 700,000 dollars In dividends. Capital only 1. 500,000. At present price pays nearly 18 per cent. 8nowshoe Joins the Snow storm and has great speculative value. Si SR XJS All active unlisted, stocks and bonds negotiad. CAmTm A CO. Chamber of Commerce. J. B. Purcell 268 Stark St, Room 19. FOR SALE: 10,000 Village Blacksmith. 1.100 Tiger Butte, 3 cts. 1,000 Butte Boys. snap. 800 Denny Dulln. bid- 2,000 Manssanlta Co., snap. 25.000 North Santiam, 6 cts. 10,000 Canrefll Bottle Co., 60 cts. 20.000 Morris Mining Milling Co.. Ic 60 Portland Coal tc Devolopment Co. 300 Automatic Gas Light 500 Big Hill Coal. 10,000 Princess Panama, 6 cts. 1.700 .Manhattan Chipmunk, 10 ets. 20,000 Desert Green, cts. 6,00 Virginia, 4 cts. -6 000 Wolf ton Exchange, 10 eta. 1,000 Monitor, 5 cts. ' . 600 Cow Boy. T cts. $.000 Fonny Brier. 6 cts. Portland Florence Mining A Leas- Ing CO., 10 eta. - 40 Fidelity Copper, cheap. 10.000 Occidental Gold Co., 15 eta. 1.600 Lees Creek, cheap. 2.000 Lakln AdTertfalne; Machine. 80 acrea apple land to tradfor tele phone bonds. ' ... 10 acres improved ranch In Idaho to Utile for mining stock. -. I WANT: Qoldfleld Mining Co. stock. Frelland Coneolidated. . Telephone Bonds. -- , If rou have anything to sell or trade call and oeo roe. - GSLD'CCm STOCK, RmI huonP market. Will par dlvi- THV-V KEiD'TlW.-TM-NT CO, 4)1-7-4 Iioa.ra or I ran a VI r &i-. Uiamoth. 6c: Miming. 4Ue; fidelity Copper, cheap. National Coffer, market. Vt 1 1 DU1 Parry Pound Corper. 4eJ TtdeUtr mtens Mining Trust Co, martret, .,., THE U. Y. aEAPT J tJii i . va. tPl-l-4 Hsrl or inn mi;- i- GOLD CCIH STOCK Pot bar on market. , TBI poy dlvi- de- by Ja'f 16. 1 ' THE I- t. KT-AIiT INTERTVKNT CO- nl-!-4 H'-a'l f 1 rao hif ! riR sjlntere-t In 4 r 1 riacer rial l-i t A!t00 trt-t 11 rmf.)-'n i r, la want I-'-. rut t rs.e tot ire iiwti wum. viral have l - Pie Hi) Lbwii aia orU. l letie Lul 4.i. TUone Main 8179 V , . . : .. i , . ; . ' ';'KEAL.;REAtIY;: COMPANY'1 : ;V v BUSINESS CHANCESINVESTMENTS S$t WORCESTER BLDQ. . ; . Third and Oak Bis. I,'...' '' PENINSULAR. '' , 1 acre, new 6 room cottage. 3 blocks s from car, near Codnr Park, $1600 cusli. Quarter block, 100 feet to car, on WU ainette boulevard, 4I3&0: terms. . ' 6 lots, near Peninsular station, $200 ' ech; easy terms... Qua.rter block, In Fairport, $1260: $260 casiu More great bargains on Penin- sular. ' ' .'-'..;., '" BMITK FLIMAKER, ' faln 6179. S22 Worcester Blk. ; ' V- Portland, Or.t MINING STOCKS ' 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE REPRESENTATIVE in city and can makev deliveries for short time only In a first Class silver and lead property which will male good prom in so days; this Is a good chance for small Inves- tors. J-91, Journal. HANDSOME white diamond. suiUble for lady or gentleman, exchanged for Aiameaa stocK or Home xeiepnone bonds. 215 Commercial block. , A-2S84. Main 5384. JUDGMENTS bought at a fair price, in - either Multnomah or. Clackamas coun ty, including mortgage notes; will an swer correspondence? AW-21.-J ou rn al. COPPER stock in rich property for sale or exchange for piano or house, lot C-124. Journal, l '. MINING and. Industrial stocks, tel-- Pfiore anq otner i"i " Id. C. I. Fletcher. 126 Ablngton bidg. WE give free infomation on all mining stocks. . Manhattan Investment Co., Washington blag. IF YOU wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. Furcell. 268. Stark st4 room II. ' BIDS wanted for 10,000 shares of Lee's Creek old Mlning-etock at 330 3d st. HELP WANTED -alALE 1 EXPERIENCED collector for Install ment house; must be well acquainted In the city; position will be open; March 16; give references, age, salary expect ed nhone number. D-89, journal. wiwTn Tr.vftrv man in Portland to know that we have the best suit club proposition to offer you on earth; mem bership $100. For further particulars ask The City Tailors, 430 Washington iKf WiNfTRn QUICKLY by big Chi cago mall order house to distribute catalogues, advertise. $25 weekly; $80 expense allowance. Manager, Dept SI 885 Wabash eve., Chicago. SALESMEN make 500 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards," mer chants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 va rieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St.. unicago, hi. SALESMEN -Fancy and view postcards ; Maxwell & Co., 215 W. 126th at., NewJ wi -fimiiMMinns' excellent siae mie. York EXPERIENCED gardener wanted for gentleman's country place; either sin gle man or with wife, who could do laundry work. j-H4, journal. WANTED 4 woodcutters, $1.25 cord, timhor- 6 farm hands. $25 month: 200 other Jobs. Pacific Employ ment Co., 12 N. 2d st. inou. i ctiTTT irual1. Call at 306 E. 10th st. 1 p. m. Must be reliable and sober; no Sunday work; good pay for good man. r ' I'ifctT cement is water proof, mend hm v,ir hssra. rubber boots, water hose, bicycle tires and all rubber goods Price iso. WANTED A solicitor and collector to WOrk on SUlt ClUO prupo-liiuii, mu-i Come well recommenaea. a no ny Tailors, 430 Washington st WANTED Men to clear lande; farm inri Btlckerman. steady Job. $8.60. Apply Free Employment Bureau, city hHH, tn fcnureroe FlX-IT cement Is water proofs mends i.o wato- hna-a. rubber boots, water hose, bicycle tires ana an ruooer gooos. Price 15C. rric inc. i wiNTmi Railway mail clerks: $800 first year; examinations in rorn-nu Mar 15: preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept 760. Rochester. N. Y WANTED Mar. to learn to operate mo- ... i ..... V. i n CI .,, nl... a.L ary when competent; must Invest $30. 11 i Burnsiu-. iSatSTANT bookkeeper. must write r.a ri- ami h accurate, experience not necessary, give reierenc-a. v.-i.o Journal. WANTED Man, good education, neat dresser. 626 Chamber of -Commerce, Monday, 4 to 5 p. m. CITY SALESMAN Commission propo sition, worth at least tu per wee. K-128,- Journal. , FIVE good solicitors: fine proposition for right parties. Call I to 6 p. ni., Hunoay. 4tn st. bto a. A GOOD homo and wages by the month for a good man experienced in clear ing land. H120, Journal. ' WANTED Colored porter. Call at Washington hotel bsrher shop, $06 Wash, st., Vsncouver. Wash. - WIREMAN I Xing Job, good wages; . state experience; references. P. O. box 044. ' - DRY goods, furnishings and clothing salesmen, bookeepers and atenogra P hers. 221 Washington, room 29v WANTEDr-iToneat man with i20 for motion picture theatre proposition near Portland Newman, 293 Burnalde. A S Tt'J - A man for kalaomlnlng .for room rent. 144 S 1st st, bet. Moc rlaonand Alder. XPERIllNCED bookkeeper wants small set books to keep evenings. F-90, Jmirn-1. WANTED fcaarrs helper who can iske up bread. Inquire of J. . pVhafT-r, Oregon City. Or. WANTED Good atoadv man take care of law- a d rhoroo; pert naneat; state eTr-ertenco. M-1H, Jonrnal. SANTID A boy about 12 1 e r. grwvl homo In coantrr. Apply $16 E. 1 st. Prooklyw car. , 15 " YOt'N'l buat-'.ers. jnte-1 tointro- entirely r w ariit ,e. ii t, iivti WANTED -trc.n 1-a. o-er 14. fr deU-ery. grocery. TC9 t rilon aro N. EXIKKIKNCEU dry eleawt-. wanted; g-vd salary. m Cail 44 V'a shin gton. WANflv--M to ciear iul3 by con- trar-t A,11. Joof ai , 6"iLli.ITvKS marl ed. good par- F"rt ld Oaatiltig f. 4i4 WaeMegtcnt. WA NT IA i iori -t.kker .for co.nity hip -. Jenral " HAVE rt -te4 ur S" i' " "' St :l K fm ,a .,. ' th,ir fcaif Sn-ied f of Hz. tit 2d au - but : . V'" ' 'l - U. W, Ellmaker ' A''" .' ) , , - - . x March '6 1909. HELP WANTED SXAUS WANTED Edgermen $3, aawmllL la- Borers z i rigging sllngers $2.50, Z chasers $2.75, 4 churn drillers 2 and up, free fare; teamster, city, $2.26; 2d cook, country, $75 and board: cook small hotel -$10 .week; camp flunkey, 2S and found; R. R billing clerk who. can unv machine, $06 per month; 3 farm hands $30 and found teams to haul lumber bv the thousand, 10 R. R. laborers $2.60 per day. , - For Huntington, free ' transportation for 80 station men, long Job, 30c' to A5o per yard; also about 25 muckers for same place, see boss here today. Alaska, special reduced rates for la borers, wages $5 day and found. Open today, Sunday, a R. HANSEN J it. "EMPLOYMENT - OFFICE, 2 N. -2d st. HIRED help unsatisfactory; I want partner In mv rmvlnir labor employ ment office, big. business, beat location; onij auv requirea; can maae to a aay. Call 607 Abington bidg. OFFICE manager in every city and town in Oregon, to open office; $50 to $75 week profits; handle our goods; exclusive rights; .business for life. Don't answer unless you can furnish references and pay for $200 worth of samples; good chance for right , man; answer quick; territory fast taken; chance of 4fe; no house to house can vassing; straight business. Royal Med icated Food Co.. 404 Glisan st. SALESMEN AND AGENTS, A-l HUST- LERS, GOOD ADDRESS. GOOD CLASSY TALKERS.. WE HAVE MON EY MAKERS. DON'T CALL UNLESS READY TO TALK BUSINESS. J. D. WALTERS, 6(12-4 BOARD OF TRADE. GENERAL representatives, either sex, of ability and small capital for all parts of U. S. to handle household ne cessity of merit, used daily; no com petition; sold under guarantee; haxulled tuiuuKi' riuuci, quu-a returns. oena 60c silver for sample and bo oonvlnced. Electro Mineral Cleaner Co., manufac- turer, Portland, Or. ' "MAKE RICE CRISP," the brand new ' confection, 'pure, delicious, whole some; sells like wildfire; enormous profit; machines and instructions $10 to $20; a big sample box of "Rice Crisp" and literature sent free on receipt of lOo for postage. Shaw Mfg. Co., 913 Laguna St., Sart' Franclscot MEN w.anted. good" vision, under SO, over 145 pounds, for brakemen and riremen on railroads In this vicinity. Experience unnecessary. Pay $75 to $100 monthly; promoted to conductor or engineer, $160 to $200 monthly. State ago, weight, height. Railway Associa tion, Journal. RA 1 LWAY mail clerks wanted; $800 first yar; promotion to $18u0; exam ination hi Portland. May 15. Common school education sufficient with our coaching. We guarantee where others promise. Full particulars free. Ask for Booklet TQ. Washington Civil Service School. Washington, P. C. WANTED Several experienced advertising solicitors to work on classified, advertising. Applv Monday at 8:30 a. m., to The Journal. CIVIL service employes are paid well for easy work; examinations of sll kinds soon: expert advice, sample ques tions and Booklet 868, describing posi tions and telling eaaieat andymlckest way to secure them free. Wre now. Washington Civil Service School, Wash- lngton, L. C YOUNG men for railway mall service, exam. In Portland May 15; Intending applicants should begin preparation at once; sample questions and "How Gov ernment Positions are Secured." sent free. Inter-8tato Sclfools. 871 Iowa ave.. Cedar Rapids, la. VAN'TED-r-Subdlvlslon salesmen. Some of our men aro making from $600 to fiouu per montn ana oniy commence. the nrst or January. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200 Chamber of Commerce. Pee P. E. Cleland. . CITY OF PORTLAND. Free Eraployinciit Office 4th st. entrance. Cltr halL Male and female help furnished free or crsrgo. Mam so; A-6ti4. WANTED Salesmen;, many' make $100 to $150 Per month: some even more: stock clean, grown on reservation, far rrom old orchards: casn advanced weekly; choice of territory. Addrena asningioa or aery to, Topponlsn. Waah. WANTELe Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all merchao ta in their terrltorr; elegant aid line, con venient to carry; good commissions; prompt rem It ta oca, Belmont Mfg. Co. tnneinnati. t.'nio. W A NTeD Man, aiuat bo willing to learn and capable of acting as our rD- re-enutlvo: no caavaaslng or soliciting; good rnco me assured. Adore National Co-ot ratine Raoltv Co- lrdi Mdg. Wa.-hlegloo. T. C. SIX week-" InstrOctlon la aalearnanabip aa4 posKiog as tivUng aairamta witli a riiar(a firm aarnrMf A n t - eA- rVur book. "How to Saccoed a a Sales- fnaa." Bradstreot System, Rocbester, K. T. ANTKi An ortlro partuer to taJie one ha,f leteroat In a pajjnar mini- factutlag toslnes: ll is ail that It takes to get It Call 84 Madisoa at clock HA-NoVf" EMFiIVfST omci f ?. II at- rortian " PT0 A ar,4 Mat- lilt. He f fe t- ipio--a ftTsiI!' - d.r. '') mo Vit i prn.iri f,.o 1 .- i.t tr, :4 1 arr ,.;! a HELP WASTED 3IAI.B 1 WANTRD High class ' stock salesman, capable of earning . $60 weekly, to follow up advor-N fining campaign. Room $, ltal- ' elgh blag. , liARTK.SDKH with $2u0 to buy one third Intereat and manage corner sa loon. Includes furnishings, lease sets, i anil regtatrr and ltcvnae and rtuit paid to April, , Traders' Agency, S iienson bidg. ' 1IKL1 WANIEU FK.LLE 8 CA8H ADS under this classification. 1 cent per word per insertion, threo i insertions for the price of two. I LADIKS tfelio! sTa nip for llteraturs never before circulated, not obtain able .elsewhere; of Interest to every woman, John Hunter Co., 11 East ave.. Middletown, r. x, WA N f ED Ex perl e n ced Operators on shirts and overalls: also girls to work In trlmima" dept. H. Wolfe & Son, 76 1st - at. """""HANSEN'- ! .A DIES' AGENCY. , f4$4 Washington St., eor. 7th . up stalra. Phoaos A and Main 3693,, ' Carefully selected help free. WAN TEX) Lady stenographer, ofl'ico hours 8:30 to 6:30. p. m.; state ex perience and wages wanted. O-120. journal. tOUKQ Udy as office assistant, state experience, age and salary expecreu, food opening for right party. Q-137, ournal. NIGHT school for shorthand, bookkeep ing, arithmetic, English, penmanship, etc E. B. W., 829 Worcester blk. Phone A-6440. Enroll now. r WANTED Office woman between 25 and 86, must understand shortnsnd; will pay to begin $26 a month. With uara n teeorrai so. A-1 3 a, Journal ANTED Girl for general housework, a l. !.. a act x.' Ftanders st- Phono East 6718 WANTED -Woman to do housework by the day if desired, 4 adults; small house. Call Sunday. 486 Irving st. WANTED Stenographer, salary $30; give age,, residence and phone Bum ber; beginner preferred. M-125, Journal. CHAMBERMAID to take charge room- ing house fOr use of kitchen and sleep ing room, 203 Main st. . . . , ' $5 TO $10 earned dally soliciting sub- scriptions Catholic magaslne. Mount Angel magaalne. 802 Qoodnough, bidg. CAPABLE girl to assist with house work and children.- 1209 Hawthorne. Tabor 1483. EADY cook wanted, $8 -a week; one tnat Knows now to season well, ror restaurant: references. C-12S. Journal. GIRL' wanted 'for general housework and help take care baby; no cooking, good home. 487 W. Park. WANTED Girl for general housework.,) can iorenoon, 4B3 zvtn si., i-'oriiana Heights. Phone Main 2743. WANTED Girl for general housework and conking: Swedish or German pre- rerrea. sii Aiaaison. WANTED Stenographer and . type writer, small salary to start. Phone Orgon hotel, J. Hess, -- - - --. LADI ES' hats reblocked, new spring styles. Paris Hat Works, 262 8d st GIRL -First class pants finisher: no otner neea apply, zbz ramnin st. WANTED e- Cut hair and combings. Jahn. 384 Tamhill St. WANTED Woman to do quilting at her home. 434 Margueritte ave. GIRL to do housework. 662 Flanders st, apartment 2. WANTED Girl for light houaekaelng, a in iamiiy. Appiy any im near Mill. OFFICE room free to stenographer. Ap ply 16 Washington bidg. Industrious woman, assist house- work. Main 4287. HELP WANTED -SLIXI! AND FEMALE 29 ' 10.000 POSITIONS. ' For graduates last year; men and wo men1 learn barber trade in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn lis to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler System of Colleges. 6 w. 4th St., Portland. WANTED 1000 men and women to learn of sure cure for rupture: no fake. salves or lies. 614 Qulmby, near car lines, pnone Main as&a. WANTED 100 boys and Ifrlrls to take 3 months' course In new school of music for 310: all instruments taught: fspeclal for March. Phone Main 7888. OWL Rice Kitchen. 68 4th st.' newly renovated ana enlarged, WANTED AGENTS O AGENTS' Reminder We are headquar ters best gas generating burners, fit ting kerosene lamps; estaousnea. relia ble, universally interesting; informa tion Eastern Gaslight Co., 280 Broadway, NewyYOrK. EITHER sex to demonstrate a musical Instrument tnarp order); Dig money maker, call Tuesday morning, z num ber Exchange. AGENTS wanted for "Mendarlp" and combination hatchet, 8 tools In 1 ln "Little Wonder." 18 articles in 1. Thomas R. Foote Co,; Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS WANTED For good propost tion. Inquire at 433 Stark, cor. 12th. AGENTS wanted; money to hustlers. atl Montiay. sn atn st. MOTTO not only how much, but how good. uni Kice Kjtcnen. bs tn st. SITUATION WANTED MALE 8 WOULD like mill or camn crew of 60 or more men to board by"eontract by exDerienced man, references. Address C. O. Russell. Vancouver, Wash. M. 96. POSITION Foreman or manager; prac tlcal farmer; understands . irrigation and feeding stock lor market A-94 Journal. ' CAPABLE reliable business woman .with 4 years' experience, would like office work, prerer reaj estate. A-liv, Journal. EXPERIENCE) warehouse manager, grain or merchandise accounts and correspondence; best city referencea M-90, journal. POSITIO.V as cheesemaker, long ex perience; thoroughly competent: will work on salary or by contract; furntsh- ing everything. E-127, Journal. MAN and wife want management of good sixed fruit farm on shares or wagea Steady roan. Don't drink. Ad- dress 706 Jackson ft.. Oregon City. Or. YOUNG man desires -clerical position or assistant bookkeeper; good education and willing to start at the bottom and work up; good references, neuwq lsza. hniiSE and window cleaning a special ty. Main 6673, evening 8. Green, 239 Taylor. FIRST class cook (married) wishes po sition In restaurant or large camp; referencea. E. Kircher. 4 28 Stark st EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small set books to keep eveninga F-90. JouraaL MARRIED man wants poeltion aa night watchman: can control steam. Call or address 664 Savler. AS governesa. tutor or companion by a highly educated and refined lady. Ad dresa F-l?6. Journal. , PLAIN sawing of all kinds and shirt waist suits; prices reasonable. 107 Vk 2d at KXPERIENCED all around carpenter and finlsbor wishes contract or day rork. Phone Carpenter, Tabor 147$. MAN tilth family wanta kitchen ork under contract -by company. Phone Main 7446- Win . Thompaon. ' VANTKD Child ro to take care of and plain sewing. 364 E. lltn cor. F4eens. f ANTtD To lea ra automobile run - rdna and repairing. han-Jy with toeia ( j-er wek to start B-tT. Journal WaSiTTnG. ironing and housecieaniDg. piope y;iwiv m. CATtPENTF-R wtrk waated. or y. Cs'l A-S327. contract lift "-J tl urt-)iK a iMirtr 1 veor ,n,rl,r ". J 1 l i i.'1' oo d--e in ..'-( f.,r rr ae-1 t- I ! J i 1 - ? I T 1 S p f i . h . i , - r . - - t if i - - r , i ... SITUATION WANTED -MALI: .1 TUB CITY OK I'OHTI.AVH FUHE EMPLOYMENT Ml UKW, tMty Hull, found t. )-.ntrnr.v Iloma A-t24 1'lionea Main ' We. will aupply you with ny li-li you may peed on very ahort notlca. wo. have tlis following male help today, who wsnt work; , 8 bakers. , i 13 rarpentara - . tt , 15 clrrka. grocery, hardware, , 2 cooka. - . $2 rngineera. i . IS office men. 24 Janitors and watchmen. . Camp fluuklea. . , . .. Loggm. ,. ... . -, ' ,2 chauffeurs. :- ' 1 i plumbers. , ' " "' ' 4 gang foremen,' 3 lawn tender. ' , ! . . , ' 4 cement workers.1 Sawmill men. i ' . , 8 machinists. s ' 1 experienced lumber yard mn, cap u able of taking charge, ' S elevator operators. , 1 metal polisher, .. '-.'': $ stable men. ..,'' 2 blacksmiths. . 7 painters. '. ,- .' t- paperhang era,, v. ' 1 nurse. . :. . . " , w - t furniture polishers. ... i . 1 coachman. -( . . j. 8 teamsters. 1 plasterer. " 'j -v 1 printer, young man, & years' exper ience. . . , : .;- -- ... -1 shoemaker. . .1 cheese make'r, - ., ' , 1 hotel runner. ' . " :. i.. 1 landscape gardener, IS years' et- perlence. ,.. ;..;'.. ' . Man and wife for farm. - . i Common laborers oan bo furnlsheA '' promptly at all times. GERMAN-AMERICAN desires - position implement house or any stora; ex perienced; good references, P-125, Jour- ' ' nal. ' , ' BOY of 18 wishes work of any kind, handy with rhorses.' Residence 723 Grove st. ..-. ' . SITUATION by first class non-union plumber; good repair man. . Phono East 6508. B-88, Journal- . --' - - - WANTED By young man attending business college, place to work - tor room and board. 68 N. 9th st ' WANTED Work of phone East 4786. any klAd. Call SITUATION. WAOTEDFKyALB 4 THE CITY OF PORTLAND , FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, ' City Hall, Fourth St. Entrance. i Home A-.6624--Ph.ones- Main 3666, -We will supply you with any pelp you may need on very short notice. Wo v have the following female help today, who want work: ;v 10 chambermaids. , ' ' .' . , ' 4 stenographers. . . 3 bookkeepers. . -.- -.. . . 1 billing clerk.- - , 4 general office work, ; , -5 $ salesladies. , ' . 8 nurses.' . . 2 phone operators, private exchange. '' S cooks. . .. '! 1 clerk. ; ,'. -i.x-'.K t waitresses. 1 milliner. "1 grocery clerk. . . .' 'I diessiriuker. " '- - - ' . - Have . positions for housekeepers -and gins to ao general nouseworK, WANTED By young couple, a ' place : where wife can work for room, or room and board for both; husband eni" ployed; references. Main 124. . LACE curtains carefully dona, 35o pair;. , send postal. . Mrs.- Shafer, 398 Falr banks . ave. ' ' v'-- -.-..'-' BUSINESS woman wants office work; references; small 'oalary -till worth is proso, i,-i4r journal. YOUNG lady speaking several different . languages wants position or any kind; reffrencew.- C-121, Journal. EASTERN woman, middle age, wishes position as housekeeper, . good cook,:. Wages $5 a week. B-126. Journal. WANTEDBy teacher of sUto reputa tion, to exchange piano lessons for sewing. Q-129. Journal. , "t WJDOW with small child' want house- . keeping in small family, $4.00. A-l 31, Journal. -''. '"'' " '''':",': WANTED Plain sewing by the day; chtldr.n'a clothAa , asnerinllv. Ct12. journal. WOMAN wants day : work, waaaing lroninjr. housecleaning. 1005 E. 19th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 3. MIDDLE, aged woman will assist with housework In common family, or help -In boarding housp. Woodlawn 3089. . CHRISTIAN lady desires care of a " child; best of home and car , given- Phono East 168. WANTED All kinds of sewing, dress makincr neatly done. .1410 Greely st. Arbor- Lodge. . ' :- '-v - YOUNG lady desires position In doc- tor's or dentist's office. Small wages to beeln. Phono East 168. ELDERLY LADY would like to car for children,' Go out by day or at her home. , N-120, Journal. WANTEt A position as typewriter f cdtiyist and office work; can give ref- erence. Miss G. I. Brown, 211 Gibbe gt. ' RELIABLE dressmaking by the dsyv Phone M. 7440. CaU for Mis Chis hoim. " ' . i - LACE curtains carefully laundered anil stretched. Zftc a pair. journal. AN experienced nurse would like con- nnement cases. Phono Hellwood 139. WANTED A position a cashier in a tneatr or restaurant, u-s, journal. MERRlf Widow hats reblocked new spring styles, Paris Hat works. 288 3d. 3 SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife, experienced cooks, would like position in sawmill board ing house or small hotel out of town preferred. C-125. Journal. MAN and wife, experienced cooks, want position in country, notei or camp. O-120, Journal. - MUSIC TEACIIEKS 49 . ACCOMPLI6HET musician take be ginners and partly advanced Duelist . . . i , , r-A - ZOO. OH Kill D1D9. M. C SMITH, teacher of piano, 462 Sal mon. Main 7340. Beginners a specially. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Bevcik: A-4160. 334 Pino. M. 8046. PROF. T. E. LAWSON.. 168 12th at., pi ano lessons, 6vc. fnone aiain 4isbj. PIANO, Violin,-- Trombune. Saxaphona fror. Ki- a. cmun. iya i2tn at. DRESSMAKING 40 CASH ADS under thl classification. 1 cent per word per Insertion, three insertions ror tne price or two. ATTENTION LADIE3 We make tha. latest stylo skirts to measure, front your own material, for $. Absolutely high class work and perfect fit guaran teed. AleO suits and costumes, The Jlite "Ta llors. t4 t asn. Main 19J fc. EXPERIENCED dreasmakera suit 13 - and un foulards a specialty, all vert neatty dono. Phono Main 77. DRESSMAKING and plain . sowing, by the day. Mist A bat an, lal-larlor at. phone A-4QQ7. PLAIN sawing, especially -children a. at bom or by aay. 1 ntine evooing. Mam T120. ? ' WANTED-bmo at hvini or wiii out by the osy. - I' Main . fcl. Call 471 Morrison evening 5 MRS. A1'G1AN. eaper:.-ri.-e Ur--.- wiaker, wants sawing, IZ Oaf. l.rt lrj.t. - - . KEISTF.R S ldle . Tsiioru.g Sfi ft earn a bidg. Ud nkt y j . r own gowns hero. Rta re. WASTtil i'.a.n dreaae from 1 to )r almon. room 4P4- WANTED l inn a, a S a 'i in. CALL CN A.S1U1' I PAPI.F-.I4JIM !f H Lhiif-il.'KiVii at JirLOY::i sr ... C 1 -