THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. 11 BURGLAR FACES ' - LIFE SEIItf IICE Boasts of at Least t)ne Job a r Day at Seattle Has a ' Record. in Oregon. - - (L'olted Pres. Leased Wire.) ,', Seattle, ' Wash., Feb. 2fr.-;onfesalng that ha has stommltted hundreds of thefts n this city during the past three months, Harry Flynn,' arrested after a desperate fight with of fleers In a,' Fifth ' avenue lodging house, , faces ' the pros pect of a life sentence in the peniten tiary. Because of two former peniten tiary sentences, Flynn will go before the superior court charged under the cumulative- sentence law, which makes a third conviction punishable with life im prisonment. "V In his confession to the police Flynn admitted- he had stolen at least one arti- .A ...... J ...... Li. m,..4 L n ..... some cays no naa eniefea lour or live houses. . tyelore coming here Flynn operated in Denver and later (went to Portland, where, 'under the name of Harry Dillon, he was captured and 1 convicted of burglary, he . served, a -seven-year sen tence at Walla Walla and then went td Tacoma where he was convicted of burglary under the" name of Thomas Rogers,. For this crime he served three years in the state penitentiary. V WHAT THE HOUSE V v , DID YESTERDAY " (By Journal teued Salem Wire.' Salem. Or... Feb. 20. Bills were passed by the house yesterday after son and last night as follows: : a B. 21 (Johnson and Kay) Ex tending operation of Initiative and ref erendum to counties. S. B. 0 Nottlngham)Amendlng present law relative to registration ot Voters. 8. B. 225 (Johnson) Prorldln the manner of proving the Issue of a, fed eral license on liquor. 5. B. 207 (Norton) Amending pres vent law wherein it relates to levy and tele under execution. 6. B. 227 (Oliver) Amending' pres ent law wherein It relates to when sev eral persons hold real property as tenants In common. & B. 246 (Caldwell) Empowering municipalities of one state -to acquire title to lands and water rights la Ore gon. 1 A T 149 fTtnnv Amendln the present iiw wuorwa it niawi iu drainage of land 8. B. 231 (Merryman) Fixing the sal ary of the assessor of Klamath county. S. B. 242 (Johnson) Fixing the sal ary of the school superintendent qf Benton, S. B. 9$ (Abraham) 'Amending pres ent law relative to fishing near fish ways. , -. 8. B. 187 (Abraham) Regulating the breeding and sale of pure bred and grade horses. 8. B. 61 (Merryman) Providing for manner In which wire fences shall ' be constructed in certain counties. S. B. 125 (Committee on Military Af fairs) Providing armories for the Ore gon national guard. 8. B. 90 (Albee) Establishing a fis cal agency for the state of Oregon in New York. 8. B. 19$ (Hedges) Providing an other judge for the Fifth Judiolal dis trict 8. B. 223 (Josephine county delega tion) Relating to right of eminent do main for drainage or Irrigation ditches. 8. B. 114 (Mulet) Prohibiting circu lation of false rumors to the detriment of any financial institution. 8. B. 2o3 (Hart) Amending present law relating to registration. S. B. 42 (Johnson) Fixing the sala ries of certain Bentoh county officials. 8. B. 198 (Beach) Authorizing the governor to appoint peace officers on trains and steamboats. 8. B. 138 (Smith of Umatilla) Pro viding for the creation and organization of new counties. 8. B. 113 (Barrett) Amending code relative to the right of a corporation to titles to land and water. 8. B. 183 (Selling) Amending pres ent law relating to the crime of larceny by baileei. 8. B. i'Sl (Ways and Means commit tee) Appropriating 130,000 for prem iums at the state fair. . S. B. 167 (Day))-rAllowing foreign mutual Insurance companies to do busi ness In Oregon. 8. B. 9 (Miller of Linn and Lane) Authorising county courts to build rail roads on county roads for construction purposes. v , S. B. 143 (Bingham) Amending pres ent law relating to compensation of commissioners of Laoe county. S. B. 47 (Oliver) Appropriating $15, 000 for experiment farm In Union county. Bills failed to pass In the house yes terday and last night as follows: , 8. B. 180 tParrishi .Amend nran.nt law relating to the records kept by the county surveyor. 8. B. 252 Appropriating money for iMramtrs, oiock oarns ana sewer sy tern at fair srounds. The following bills were Indefinitely postponed In the house yesterday: S. B. 240 (Wood) Requiring the county court In Washington county to pay 90 per cent of road tax to the city of Forest Grove. S. B. 180 (Parrish) Providing for the location of county roads and road dis tricts. , SrjB; 200 (Bailey) Amending present wmiivo ma uuues or me county r 1 Or If nt Hfttltnrkvmal, ..a,,..... The following salary bi'l was passed over the veto of the governor by the house yesterday: .a. B- ,1? CMiller of Una and Lane) ''" " aaiary or me county school superintendent of Linn county. NO JAP BOYCOTT ' OF THiJ A.-Y.-P. FAIE (Cnlted Press LraaM WV.) Seattle, Wash, Feb. 20. Declaring that at no time have plans for partici pation by Japan In the Alaska-Yukon- E0."!.0,. P?ltion been brighter and that the exhibits already arranged- for shipment to Seattle will constitute one of the most comprehensive views of the nation s social and commercial Import ance ever assembled, T. Takesawa. gov ernment commissioner for the exposi tion, ha arrived In this city. Commis sioner Takesawa comes to take charge of the erecting of the Japanese building at the grounds and will remain during the fair. Today he Is holding con Terences with exposition officials, and Japanese Consul Tanaka, at the conclu- 5'.7.of wh.,ch ha W1J complete detailed building plans and hurry the work- of construction. -... . . . . . 80 CENT GAS BILL IS ASPHYXIATED (By Journal Leased Salem Wit.) gas titll was asphyxiated In the senate last night. II votes being given for In definitepostponement After being amended to authorize vthe city council of Portland to fix the price, quality and service. It met little more favor than before. The Multnomah senators were alvlded and Kellaher charged them with changing front. Me said Bailey had been for the bill yesterday but was against It last night. Debate was brief, being , cut f)t f by, the previous question, : -- . ' FLAMING WRATH FOR ; FIRE WARDENTHLL (Br Jnsrnl leased Sabm Wire.) ' Salem, Or. Feb. 20. Senator Bing ham's bill providing for an Sppropria Uon. of 116,000 for the use of the fire warden was put on the table last night after an extended debate. Campbell con tended that the bill was In the interests of the "poor timber barons" of the state and not In, the Interest of the poor man. -. j. The - general opinion of the . house seemed to be that the Mil was unfair, that It raised the appropriation from 8600 to 315.000, and that it was in the sole-Interest of -timber owners of the state and not for the people generally. Acting on this argument. . made by Campbell and Dlmick, the bill was tabled. . , i , ' . ., San Francisco Office Oregon Journal . 1206 CALL BUILDING PHONE YOUR . WANT ADS A 6051 Main 7173 JOURNAL OFFICE OPEN ' , FROM 7:30 A. M. TO 11:00 P. M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The Journal carries more , columns1 of Want Ads than any other . Portland paper, . and nearly as many as all other Portland dailies com bined. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Classified advertisements In The Jour nal are as follows: No ad less than 1 Be per Insertion. Phone or charged ads Co per line per insertion, 7 Insertions for the price of 6. - Cash ads le per word per inser tion, 7 Insertions for the price of Lost snd found, help wanted, situations wanted, for rent and wanted to rent ads, lo per word per insertion, insertions- for the price Of 3. . ' 16 to 20 words, 20c: 21 to 2B words, 25c; matrimonial, manicur ing, massage and bath ads. lOo per line per Insertion. Card of thanks, meeting and fu neral notices, 60o per Insertion. New today (agate measure, 14 lines to inch), 84o per inch. Count 6 words to line. The Journal cannot guarantee accur racy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring In telephoned ad vertisements. Should any ad appear Incorrect on first Insertion, The Journal will not be responsible for subsequent Insertions. The Journal's business office is open from 7:80 a, m. to 11p.m. daily, except Sunday. Phones, Main 7173; A-G051 WKATHKR REPORT A new storm has made its appearance off the southern Oregon coast and storm warnings were issued at 7:15 a. m. at Marahflplit And at the mOUth Of the Columbia river. The storm yesterday over the lake region is npw passing to sea off the New Engiana coast sna mall low nressure areas are central over . Oklahoma and" North Dakota. Tlie barometer is relatively high over south ern California and over the east gulf states. Light to moderately heavy rains have fallen on the Pacific slope as far south as San Francisco, and rain has fallen iq the Atlantic states. It is cooler In the Canadian northwest, the Rocky mountain and Pacific states, the lake region, Ohio valley and south At lantic states, ana warmer in Texas, im lahoma, Kansas, Missouri, eastern Ne braska and eastern South Iakota. The Indications are for rain In this district tonight and Sunday, with In creasing easterly winds which will be come high along the coast and probably veer to the southwest by Sunday. The Indications are lor rain- in this district tonight and Sunday, with In-, creasing winds which will become high along the coast and probably veer to the southwest by Sunday. Temp. Max. Mtn. Prectp. Baker City. Or 43 28 . . Bismarck, N. D 88 24 0 Boise, Idaho... 44 32 .12 Chicago. 111.......... i S2 0 Dubuque, Iowa...'.. 34 . 2 0 Helena, Mont 38 2 0 Jacksonville, Flo.... .. Lewiaton, Idaho... 48 84 .02 Los Angeles. CaX... 60 4 0 Marsh field. Or 60 88 - New Orleans, La. .. . 60 62 0 New York. N. T 84 4 .61 North Head, Wash.. 46 36 .14 Omaha, Ne. 40 80 0 Pocatello, Idaho.... 34 2. , T. Portland. Or 46 37 .48 Rosehurg, Or... 48 38 .88J St. Paul. Minn..... so zz .01 Bait Lake, Utah.... 40 80 0 San Franclsoo. Cat. 6 48 .01 Seattle, Wash. 44 S .26 Siskiyou, Or 36 2 .06 Walla Walla, Wash. 48 86. 0 MARRIAGE LTCEXSES Jacob Bartholoma. 835 TTnlon avenue, 22, and Nettie Schrelber. 19. Archie W. Burdick. Lexington, Wish. 24. and Clara I Law. Lee B. Brown, Bellwood, 22. and Cora Ellen Rlgdon, 18. . James H. Pannay, 808 College street. 24, and Linnette B. Snarrlnghousen, 20. WEDDING cards. W. G. Smith A Co. Washington bldg." corner 4th and Washington sts. - . , CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 289' Morrison st MAX M. SMITH, florist, 160 6th st, op- BETZ A SONS, fjorlsts, funeral deslgna 348H Morrison; Msln 8995. A-187T. FULL DRESS suits for rent, all sixes. Unions Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st BIRTHS CLARKE To Mr. and Mrs. A - 8. Clarke, 208 tt. First street, February 13, a boy. - - ROBINSON To Mr. end Mrs. E. R. - Robinson, -Rose City sanitarium, Feb-msry-18,-a boy. - - DEATHS DRISCOIJj Mrs. B. E. Drlecoll. : a Vincent's hosnital. ' Fehruar lit. .... 47; , cancer of liver. - -FOLKT Baby Foley. 118 East Twen-i tieth street. February 18, age 1 day; premature birth. IlIXON Miss . S. A, Hlxon, Good Sa maritan hospital, February 17, : age 6fti embollara. . , -xt" . ..... FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' DUNNING. WENTEE GIL.BAUGH, undertakers and - embalmers ; modern In every detail; Seventh and.Plne; Main o. JUaay assistant. J. P. Flaky & Son Lady attendant. Main 9. A-lft. ZEL.LElt-BTB.NE8 CO.. funeral direc tors. embalmers. ' 270 Russell: East 1088. Lady assistant. M'ENTEB-ERICKSON CO.. undertakers; lady ass't. - 409, Alder st Both phones. EDWARD ; HOLldAN,. undertaker; 220 xa st. Phones C-2114 and Main " F. S. DUNNING, east side funeral di rector. 414 E. Alder, corner sth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS LAWYERS Abstract Trnst C, room Board of Trade bldg, abstracts specialty. ABSTRACTS copied from the original. 71s Chsmber of commerce, Newton Clark and wife to W. B. Braggelton et al., west H of lot 1, block 218. Hollodays addition .'...:.... M00 Samuel H. West to Joseph PaliKtinan At ! In SO blOCK ' f 8, Williams Avenue addition.. 1,880 ixiuisa is.-r one to .aiva n. a- - per,- 60x104 feet in lot "P." fit - - - -Johns Heights... e-..- "0 William Arthur Gwynn to Sophia , Racette. east of lots . 10, -, block-10, Uncoln Park annex. . 2,260 Sion B. Allen to Charles E. Pugh, . lots 6, . block 16, Falrvlew.. 210 Holt C. Wilson and wife to W. . E. Hayden et al., lot 6, block 22. Kentlworth .............. 376 William Holl to Perlet S. Shel-- , don. loU 1, block 21. High- -lands ....4 3.00 Qua Salmond and wife to N. J. Bailey et al.. lot 17. block 6, Beverance addition (00 George Hurd and wife to Axel -Anderson, lot 7. block 2,4 -Multnomah 2,600 A L Brooks and wife to A. U Brooks, lot 7. block 16, Wil lamette ;.......;r 300 Peter Michel and wife te Alfred Thompson et al., 20 acres beginning at point in Vt sec tion line 80 rods south of cen ter of Section 10, T. 1 south R. 8 east 1,000 Alfred Thompson and wife to C. E. Pugh, lots 8, 9. block 2. Thompson's addition to Gresh am 400 J. W. P. McFall to Mary A. Prink, lot 14, block 6. north Mt. Tabor 400 Conrad White and wife to H. L. Bay lea, lot 16 and south 23 feet of lot 14, block 2, North Villa 1.600 University Land company to Chris Stenback, lots 6, 6, 7, 8, . block 120 University Park.. . 670 Perlet S .Sheldon and wife to Robert a Butler et ai. lots 4, 6. block 1, Highland Place 4,000 Peter Bernbart and wife to Nick Spady, lot 8. block 16, Lincoln Park 1.100 Aloha R. Murray and wife to Leslie W. Murray, 10 acres in northwest ouarter of section 2. township 1 south, range 2 east. 1,000 Title Guarantee & Trust company to Fred Stukel. lot 6. block 19, Berkeley 100 Same to Fred L. Pope, lots 21, i 22, block -8, Berkeley....- 200 Same to Joseph Stuckel, lot 6, block 19, Berkeley 100 Same to R. H. Anderson, lots 7, 8, block 8, Berkeley ". . . 200 N. A. Knight et al to the King estate, lots 3, 4. block 2. King's Second addition 23,000 Bada V. Brown to John Roethlis berger, lot 8, block 22, Carson Heights 750 Hibernia Savings bank to P. De Roo, lots 1, 2. block 15, Capitol Hill .. 400 T. M. Word and wife to Lizzie Burns, lot 1, block 3. Saratoga. 600 River View Cemetery association to Harriet A. Van Schuyver, lot 38, section 4, said cemetery. 400 Citizens bank to. Marie Corbel t, . lots 24, 25 and 26, block 2, Ral ston's addition 800 Electa E. Masten to H. D. Rob bins, lot 4. block 10, East Par adise Springs tract 160 Flnley O. McGrew and wife to W. A. Plummer et al. lots 1, 2, 8 and 4, block 8: lots 6 and 7, block 7, "Town of Lent 790 John C. DeGroot and wife to J. Vi. and Eva Buell. lots 21 and 22. block 5. Firland '. . 3,600 A. Q. Ott and wife to William Reidt, north 15 feet of south 90 feet of lots 1 and 2, block 1, Walt's Cloverdale annex... 1,000 Andrew Peterson and wire to J. C. Ainsworth. lot 13. block 10. Overlook 1,150 Western Oregon Trust company to Roy A. Giles, lots 2, 3 and 4. block 1. Creston 800 John Fischer and wife to John Shurter et al. lot 6. block 18. Central Alblna 2,000 Title Guarantee A Trust com pany to H. E. Irish, lot 8. block 62," Sunnyside Third addition.. 875 M. C. Howard and wife to Alice E. Michael, lots 4. 6 and 6, block 7. Stanley No. 2 225 Louisa J. Smiley, administratrix, to K. C. Amsteln. lots 18 and 19, block 2, Reservoir Park ... 1,380 PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading abstractors. 204-6-6-7 Failing bldg. NEW TODAY. $500 for 50xl00 foot lots. All other adjoining property 25x100 foot lots. Murlark is situate :four blocks east of Pen insular Station. Adjoin ing Kenton on the west, within three blocks of the business center of the Swift Packing Plant Townsite. Between )two carlines leading to the Swift Plant and St, Johns. Every lot high and .sightly; our prices ' 50 per cent lower than adjoining property. . Terms $50 and $10 a month. HoImes&Menefee v 89 THIRD STREET : Chamber 6f Commerce Columbia x rust Company, tCouch Building.. , ' mm NEW TODAY. ' Business Men and Home Seekers FOR QUICK RETURNS AND BAR V GAINS' GO TO : Thornton's Realtyv and , Business Exchange SU McKay Bldg. ,. Walnut and Fruit Lands We are 'subdividing 2400 acres In Yamhill county Into 6, 10. 20 and 40 aore tracts. Adjoins good town and ny... mosiiy iow roiling nuis, very oeep soil. Well watered, beautiful, will sell the .first 60 tracts exceedingly low, se cure an early selection. Geo. E. Wagoner ' 833 BOAKO OT TBA9B. WE BUILD ARTISTIC -HOllES . ON EASY PAYMENTS LET US BUILD ONE FOR YOU WHY NOT? Butterworth Stephenson Co., Inc. Designer and Builders of Artistic Homes 35 Lafayette Bldg 6th and Wash. If. S. OOJUTXB OX B. 10TK fc WASX. $6500. This nrooertv is 75x100. with 18 room house; monthly income $35. This is a fine proposition for apartments or flats. See toe owner about this at once. arO. 84 B. 10TH ST. LOOK HERE If you want to sell your Teal estate; If you want to sell your business; If you want to loan your money; ' T.l Tt WltK TKOBVTOVS REAXiTT fc BTJSHTESS uvauus, 812 lac XTay Bldg., 3d and Stark.' MEETING NOTICES 41 OREGON Lodge, No. 101, A. F. c. a. m. niaiea communica tion this (Saturday) evening, b ciocK, Masonic temple, v is. Itlng brethren cordially Invit ed. By order W. M. A. J. UANPLAN, Bee, M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp. No. 6975. Mondays. Belllng-Hlrsch block. 10th ana wasnington streets. M.XV. A. Evergreen Camp. 646, meets Wednesday evenings. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 NEW MODERN 6 ROOM BUN GALOW on East 21st St., full basement, lot 50x100, prloe 32600. )700 cash, balance 320 per month. Spencer & Co. 102 2nd st. Piedmont Home 8875ft New modern 8 room house, ce ment construction, lot 60x100, Improved street cement walk and curb; J2250 cash, balance terms for a few days only. SCR ANTON. 214 Couch bldg. SUNNYSIDE Real bargains on pa,v ments, 6 room modern cottage, 82100: 6 room modern cottage, $2650; new 8 room modern house, 8250. SPEER & CO. 1000 4 Belmont Ave. FOR SALE 2 lots. 80x100. on Waver lelgh heights; finest location for a home on east side. Parties who want a nice location for a home near big school and carlines. Call 138 H 1st st., rooms 18 and 19. PRICES of all Sunset Beach lots will 1)0 advanced from 26 to 60 per cent taking effect March 1; present prices 360 and upwards; easy terms; send for Illustrated folder and map. Goddard & Wiedrick, 110 2nd st. FOR SALE Lots Auer's add., east side, on 20th or 21st St.. bet Clinton and Taggart; corner 31000, inside lots 3900; easy terms; owner. Max Smith, 88 N. 16th st. bet. 12 and 7 p. m.; no phone. TWO 6-room new cottages, lot 82x100, rent 330 per month. 33500, or will sell separately with half the ground. Leased by good tenants. Owner, 29 Hamilton Bldg. ABRAMS and SON Real estate, 208 1st We have custom ers for South Portland property. M. 4290. 7 ROOMS, new, a modern home in all respects, Holladay Park; lot is worth 31500; will take $4600. Owner, room 29, Hamilton bldg. SALE OR TRADE New 5, room modern bungalow, bath, laundry, toilet, sink, basement; 2 lots 100x87; $200 cash, balance monthly. 612 Couch bldg. 31200 For sale by owner, 6 room house, Portland boulevard, 1 block east Den ver sve., 3500, balance terms. 68 Port land bldg"., or H. Pledm ore, Pri. Ex. 89. TWO lots, restricted residence district, - beautiful- view. 3276 each, small amount cash, balance monthly." F-69 Journal. WE DE8IGN AND BUILD Modern homes on reasonable term a A. a EMERY & CO., Ina. .814 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUILDERS OF MODERN HOMES To suit you. Term or cash. A J. SALISBURY A CO., 820 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALB $1600, 3 lots, corner, near Piedmont carbarn. C. R. DONNEL-L CO.. 838 Chamber of Commerce, 6 room house, $750, $160 down, JT3 month, 2 blocks from car. Call 208 H 4th lr you w mi h iij uuy, aru vr VAUUHngq property, it will pay you to see Rosa & Murphy. 614 Bwetland bldg. FOR KALK lour room cottage, fur- ntsneo or um.irnisuea; etiaap. Call Ul E. 8th et., fiellwood, cor. Nehalem. INVESTORS, go to the Owners' Realty AssrC Buy direct of owners and save commission, zub Aomgion oiag, HAYES & RANDOLPH, architects and builders. See us before building, 617 Oregonian bldg. Main 2611. C. R. Dcnneil & Co. Real Estate. Room 838 C of C $260 DOWN and $16 per mo.'' buys a .ion w i javMcro c v raiuu. lot ovjuuv, prmq xovv. 'Aaoor D9f. IRVINGTON Corner. 90x100, also in slde lot, for sale cheap. -Terms. J-69, Journal. BIX room house, full lot, block off car line, Montavllla; price $850. Inquire WE have homes of all kinds and prices. See us before you buy. Room 710. P wetland Bldg. . - ' FURNITURE, modern house, 60x100 lot. for sale cheap. Call st 857 E. Flan ders st. 1 . $24006 room, modern house, gas, elec trlo; lot 60x100, half cars. See owner, 1203 Borthwlck St., W. Piedmont. $400 Lots at half price. In fine re- . ftrrictea aiBinci. clone in. ir vnn win build soon. Call room 22. 422Vfc Wash et. CHEAP, corner lot In Rose City Park. IJ-co. journal MODERN 7 room house, 9th and Al berta; $2250. terma' 819 - S wetland. NEW modern 9 room house, Holladay's addition. Phone E. 2432. Lots for sale. MODERN 5 room cottage for sale cheap. 1281 Belmont -rhone Tabor 895. , "" FOB SALE REAL- ESTATE 16 '' FOR RALE. . . . IRRIGATED LANDS. ' In the best fruit district of the north west, 10 acre tracts, water on the land now; easy payments. - We know of nothing bette or cheap er than this. Let us tell you about it. ' We also have some H acre and acre tracts nicely located, on the carllne, wfthin 6 miles of the Portland post office. Prices reasonable and ' easy payments. A furniture business In southern Ore- gon. A hardware business in eastern regon. A transfer business In Port land, j Very beautiful, highly Improved, 188 acre farm, close to Monmouth, at $75 per acre. For Exchange hi acre tract at Jen nlngs Lodge to trade for rooming house. Klamath Falls lots for Portland prop erty. 1 room house In St. Johns for acreage. - Nowlin and Co. Room 318 Allsky bldg., corner Third snd Morrison sts. ,. M , 13750. on East Ankeny, near 23d, facing south; 1 u v-trA nrall...n - i . . w-, "1-.uw,sml ruuuui, niuo lawn. Terms, 32000 cash, balance time. Owner, yooi tfuurnai, ,"5SECTT1ATIN3 CONTRA CTOKSl LOOK at that beautiful BLOCK in PAT TON'S ADDITION, Bounded by Blandena, Oolng, Montana and Maryland ave It lies a Tittle above grade; streets are all graded; Cement curb and walk on Blandena; water main passes property; sewers will be put in at once; street railway company holds franchise on Maryland ave. The .out look from the property Is fine, and the outlook for sharp advance In values is till better. It's on the market for a limited time at a RARE - BAROAIN hv exclusive agents. m COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch bldg. 109 4th st. SWELL BUNGALOW ' New. 6 rooms, modern in everv war. bniltln china oloset Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, fireplace, furnace, tinted walls, paneled dining room, window seat, elec tric lights and gas, full basement, part cement floor, laundry tray, wool hoist, coil in furnace, cement waiki, bewer in, graveled street, all paid, shades and fixture, ell built; betwesn two enr lines. $S'-'W. $1500 cash, balance to suit. M-SWTHOKNE KEAX.T7 CO. B. 1 4 tl; and Kiiwthorne. Tabot 516. LOTS A FEW GOOD LOTS LEFT. 80 minutes' ride from postof flce by the best car service of the city, beautiful locality, well , built up, close to good school, 1 streets graded and water In; price 3260 per lot; 310 cash. $5 per month. Call at once. ROOM 203 LUMBER EX. $1700 Home Near Brooklyn School Six room house, basement, bath, toi let, pantry, closets, hall, 2 porches, nice lot east front: high ground; Improved streets; lawn, fruits, nice roses, garden, etc. Henkle & Harrison 611 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder Sts. FINE NEW BUNGALOW. 31600; y cash; 5 large rooms, double corner, 96x126, good barn, near car line. "This is a bargain." Fenced, fruit, shade. Look k this up. NEW HOUSE. EAST TERMS. $2500; $600 cash, 320 per month. One of the best buys in the city (others all prices), strictly modern, all Improve ments. See my agent. West Coast Co.. uranq Theatre bldg. BEST buy in Patton's addition. 100x100. on Patton ave,, a few blocks south of mmngsworth. fat ion avenue is a beautirul 100-root wide boulevard Im proved at eounty expense. It's less than its worth, but owner wants money to build on adjoining lots, and says, "Sell it for $1600." How's that for a cinch. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. BIG CORNER; LITTLE MONEY. $400; H cash, double corner, sightly view, all Improved, $100x250, perfect title, worth while investigating. "Mon ey talks." See my exclusive agents. MOUNT VERNON LOT. $800; H cash, nice level lot, 60x100, 4 block car line, others sell from $1000 to $1500, all around. West Coast Co., Grand Theatre bldg. A MONEY MAKER. Fine corner on Skldmore, between two car lines. For a quick sale, $800. This is in the vicinity of the new high school and values are sure to jump. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE. 4 block, close In, a great bargain, if taken at once. Price $1650; part cash; balance easy terms. We also have sev eral other extra good bargains In farms, city property and wheat lands. It will pay you to investigate our list before buying. Room 7, Benson bldg. cor. 6th and Morrison. SNAPS IN HOUSES ON EASY TERMS. New 8 room modern house, $2300. New 6 room modern,. $1200. Good 6 room house,' $960. House, .2 lots, bearing orchard, $660.' 291 Vfe Morrison St., room 3. WE BUILD HOMES To suit you st small tost, and very easy paymenta There is no reason why you should not own your own home. Cajl and Bee us and let us explain bow easy It is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO, 822 Chamber of Commerce. HOMES BUILT TO YOUR ORDER And to your own plans on small month ly payments. If you own a lot we will build you a home and let yon pay for ! In small monthly paymenta Part no Northwest Realty associates. 205 Wells Fargo bldg. IRVINGTON AND PIEDMONT. Choice residence lots for cash or on terms; prices from $600 to $1600, ac cording to Improvements. W. N. CARTER, 409 E wetland bldg., 6th and Washlng- ton. Main 6490, A-1286. QUARTER block, 6 room house, abund- ance fruit, $2)00. terms. Beautifully finished new modern house on easy terms, near car. Both near new ; north Alblna high school, now building. 1 Inquire t 1096 Maryland ave., phone i Woodlawn 60. , ! LOTS FOR 3126. High, sightly, level, building lots, close in on 6c carline, water in, ,.$3 MONTHLY. ABLER -ft KURNS. 227 Lumber Exchange. $360 cash and $10 per month will buy a 4 room dwelling and a 60x100 foot lot, t blocks from car line; must be taken at once. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 200 Chamber of Commerce. THE best bargain In Portland, must go this week: new 6 room home, best lo cation in Vernon, 100 feet of Alberta car; modern in every detail, east front; $500 cash, balance easy. See owner. Phone Main 4398. , RESIDENCE LOTS $275. $225, $160 each: $10 to $15 down, and monthly. Grabeel, 391 Morrison St.. room a. $500 buys 6 room bouse and lot 60x1 00. near Woodlawn carllne; price $2000. terms $500 cash, balance $16 per month. NatloneJ Realty & r Trust Co., 326 $6000 home, built to suit your taste, for $4000, including lot. Any priced house In any locality at equal discount In- quirv i,u n-'-- . wm u vtiauy mug. $500 B0 cash, $15 per month, full lot. v!ce; all Improvements palL p. o. box IQ. ffl.a,L6yii . g v nauu. FOR SALE: room, house, modern, close In. (west side, Call at house. 294 jtn L $7250i Near Grand ave. and Morrison; ..11 t ,-kmA 4nAmM -Brill hi.ti.. ,1(1 . 000 Inside of two years. R-68. Journal. MUST sell at once, 6 -room bungalow nn 1..K af- "TVJ TT PhAna WmJ . C t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 We have farms, small acreage, resi dences, rooming nouses, vacant lots, etc. for sale, f or jaxchange, , ' Nester & Richardson 122H Grand- Ave. $2100 6 lota In beautiful location. For builder or Investor they are a snap. 3826 buys 60x107 on nicest part of Van couver eve.; 3600, 60x100 on 6th street, restricted district , Frank Lucas, 29 Hamilton Bldg. ACREAGE 57 A SPLENDID BARGAIN IN ACREAGE 3700 PER ACRE WORTH $1000 PER ACRE aft acres, rour nuiee xrom out oii, near the golf links, with over 1000 feet of railway track, on the 8. P. and O. w. jr.; an level, ran sou. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. K ACRTTH nrairnn fMtv line. 8 miles OUt: good solL no rock; some cord wood. Others asking $600 to $700 an acre. My price for quick .sale. $450. H-66. journal. 5 ACRES Improved land on S. P. R. R-, ltt miles east of Mllwaukle station; lane through to Oregon City wagon road; fine creek; price $2000, $600 down. paiance m a years.- u. watnaway, ACREAGE located on Estacada electrla line; tracts from acre up. Price iou acre up; good terms. w. , i. Younger A Co.. . 411 Couch bldg. A SNAP $2000 for acre of land 6 blocks rrom Broadway carllne on 27 th sc Apply to owner at 47 E. 9th N. Phone East 6605. 11 ACRES inside of city limits. In Yamhill county, $1350 cash. Must be sold by Monday. P-67, Journal. - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Exchange 20-AcreFarm Walnuts, Fruits and Berries' A 'very choice little farm, neat new house and barn, good outbuildings; the orchard all in fine condition, only 1H miles from good valley town; will trade for a good home in Portland. Henkle & Harrison 611 Gerllnger bldg. Bo You Want to Trade? Farmers, If you want to ex change your farm for city prop erty it is to your advantage to list your place with us. Do so at once. Myers Investment Co. 272 Stark St CITY property to trade for farms; lots ior jumoer; wagon xor ouggy. uooo 6 room house and 2 lota in lone for anything; price $800. 67x150 feet In Port Ahgoles, Wash., for anything; price $R00. Darry land for city prop erty. Rooming houses and restaurants ior realty. zi Morrison St.. room 3. HOTEL MEN I have one 80-acre tract in Oregon and 640 acres In Washing ton; man will trade for hotel or rooni lng house, or sell at $30 per acre; good terms. NELSON & JACKSON CO., , TO EXCHANGE 40 acres land near Tacoma. near electric line, also N. P. railroad runs through It; nice and level, with lots of timber; make a nice home. for some business in Portland; valued at 11200. Ick box 307. Portland. WILL trade 31900 eaulty in modern 6 room houfee worth $2700 for acreage or iota in or near Portland; 600 cash, $1300 in trade, balance $800 3 years. Courtole, 30 Alberta st. $1600 EQUITY OF 1600. New 6 room modern house, east front, corner lot, bearing fruit; near new Al blna high school; sell on terms or trade. Phone Woodlawn 2020. SELL OR EXCHANGE A well estab lished and paying business, clearing $250 per month net; Invoice $2000; will give or taKe difference. o-44. Journal. WHAT have you got to trade for $1900 equity modern 6 room house; soma cash. Courtois. 1038 B. 29th St., N. EASTERN Oregon wheat ranch for rooming house; about $4000; owner. Kant 851 WILL exchange diamonds for real es- laie; no agenda. jj-ii, journiu. 200 acre wheat ranch for grocery stock or residence property, owner. B-2277. HAVE good patent for sale, or will trade for acreage. N-67, Journal. WAXTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED The best buy that 3500 to $1000 will handle,-on east side, close in; no agents; give full description and terms. C. C. Martin. 104 Union ave. WE HAVE buyers for all kinds of pe ninsula property. What have you to sell? See Investment Co., 129 Killlngsworth ave. Woodlawn 1617. WE have buyers for city homes snd farms. What have you to sell? Will deal with the owners only. 205 Wells Fargo bldg. DESIRABLE residence and Inside cltyJ-' property. Give us run description, with terms. McCargar, Bates. & Lively, 815 Falling bldg. FOR SALE FAR3IS 40-Acre Farm Bargain All fine, rich soil. 30 acres cultivated, 10 acres part pasture and part timber; all lies well, fronting on main traveled highway In a populous district; watered by 2 wells and spring; new 6 room modern house, plastered, concrete base ment, fireplace, stairway, etc.; large barn and all outbuildings; fine orchard of 800 bearing trees; 1 , good team, 6 good cows, now milking; 4 hogs, cream separator, wagon, buggy, harness.- all new, on cream route, telephone line, R. F. D., short drive from the center of the city; no mountains to cross; near school, church and store; all goes now, $7600. . Henfcle & Harrison 611 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. HERE is a chance for the poor man: We have 8 l-acre tracts In the Good noes, the best fruit land in existence; land adjoining sells for $100 per acrei we will sell S tracts for $50 per aore: our terms are H down, balance In 1 rear, 7 per cent. Nelson Jackson Co., 710 S wet land bldg. Call Sunday from 10 to 3. VALLEY FARMS Have a large list of farm property, all .1... o i ri,arrtntiinM Sand pr:r,'rd list. Correspondence solicited. A. F. WILL Aurora, Or. 411 ACRES. 60 acres In cultivation, good buildings, ground lays good, fine soil, enough timber, to pay for place, $40.00 per acre or will eell In smaller tracts at different rates, terms. - E H. Cooper & Co. ; Oregon City, Or. NORTHWEST Timber Co., 620 Lumber Exchange bldg., write freely . what you have to sell, ready cash waiting. $400 cash buys 2 building lots on Wood stock carllne, 80x120. worth $800; ae O A II er cvia " 18. i A. tw tj ss, wi Rwa HUJU, no FOGS, 20 minutes rlda to our of flea; ooa third agent West. Coast Co.. Grand Theatre THIRTY., acres level, good soil, small new nou, nn.rn, some cleared, on railroad. IM miles to station, 14 miles frcm Portlsnd, $50 per tcre. Room 22. FOR BALE- $700 mortgage on 12 scree, - further particulars inquire Win. iL. LF YOU want to buy. sell or trade real 811 Buchanan bldg 2S(Vi Washington. IT $2000 6 acres suburban home. distance east of military bsrrarks st Vancouver; lies flnv splendid vi, good soli, all Improved, 6 room plastervd eottagn, cistern, berries, etc. - $4500 -45 acres best black land, fronts -on Salem electric road, mill to sta tion; easily worth $150 per acre In small tracts, subdivided and platted ready t put on market; hal( cash will handle. A paying investment. BEAVERDAM BEAVER DAM. Do you want onion land? We can glvfc you 35 acres 3 miles from Vsncouver. 1 2 acres genuine beaverdam, balance fin black soil with mi fir ttmtatr. Suit. able for cord wood; beaverdam is cleared, ditched and plowed resdy for new crop: last year 0 acres produced 240ft sacks ot onions, now selling for $3 per sack; stream runs through the beaverdam land, house, barn and outbuildings; will in clude cow, good team, wagon, harnrss and farm Implements with plsce; $5koo takes It all If sold at once; one erop on the beaverdam will pay for place. Re member this Is in driving distance of the Portland market t ' ;."t: .... 27800 130 acres fronting on river. 17 miles fron Vancouver, IVi miles from small town; 75 acres river bottom (does not overflow); 60 acres In cultivation, a acres mixed orchard, beJance timber and brush, first class soil, several springs; 1H story frame house, new . barn,, gran-. nary, chicken house, etc, 12 head cattle, extra good team mares, 18 hogs, harness, wagon, new seeder, disc and drag har rows, cultivator, all farm utensils, first class dairy farm, on R. F. D., phone line, cream route, close to church and school, good terms. We have a fine tract of 190 acres level land 4 miles from Vancouver, suitable for subdividing, on graveled road and assured electrlo line; over 100 acres well cleared. 10 acres bearing orchard, 2 houses, large barn, 40 acres timber, 90 acres rich swale land, 90 acres upland; , only $100 per acre; will bring double In 1 small tracts; -time on part. The Washington and Oregon Realty Company 80S-80S Merchants ' Trust bldg.. Port- , land, 6th and Washington. Phone Main 2404, and 303 Main sc. Vancouver,' Wi4 Bargains 80 acre farm: 24 acres in grain , and hay. 40 acres all slashed and ; partly cleared; all level and is good rich bottom land: house and large dairy barn, small orchard and all kinds of berries; 2 mares and colt, 9 cows, 1 brood sow, 60 head of goats. 3 dosen chickens, 1 cream separator, buggy and harness, farm Implements, hay to winter stock; $3000; easy terms. ISO acre farm, close to Portland, half, under cultivation, balance fine pasture, 2 creeks and 2 liv ing springs, large orchard, finA largo fruit dryer, good large" - house and barn, with other out- buildings; this is a bargain at $ltjo per acre; easy, terms. 1 acre, $ miles of courthouse, with swell 4 room house, wood shed, good barn, 7 fruit trees, raspberries and currants, 1 horse. 1 cow, 1 buggy, 1 saddle, and shout CO chickens; $1300; easy terms. 50 acre farm, all clear, fine soil, running water and windmill. 8 year old orchard In good con dition, good 7 room house, with hot and cold water; good barn; 1 mile from school, mile- from Station ; 1 team, 8 cows. ' and all farming implements; $7250. Germantown Realty Co. 826H Washington St. Room 216. Port Orford Orchard Tracts Planted and cultivated for 4 t years, only $125 per acre; $100 cash and $10 per month at 4 per . cent Interest on deferred pay- m.ntil. Intammt r vshlA m f-m n- nually. This property is situated in Curry county, .Oregon, about midway between Bandon and Port Orford, 3 H miles from the coast, with an average altitude of 200 feet. The soil is 15 to 20 feet deep; the markets of the world at our doors, being near two deep . water harbors; climate the finest s on the Pacific coast, the tempera ture ranging from 50 to 85; the : most Ideal home one could wish. Five-year-old orchards on this tract are producing over $300 per : . acre net. From 600 to 800 bush els of potatoes can be grown be- -tween the trees. For full particulars, photo- graphs, maps and plats, see The Lee-Bowdler Co. - Entire Second Floor, Pantagea r Theatre Block, Portland.. Or. : 160 Acres 35 acres cleared; 20 head cattle, team, cream separator and tools, household furniture; everything goes at $4000. . 115 Acres Near White Salmon, for $2800; will consider some trade, either lots or small grocery, $500 to $1000. , ,, ,. A SNAP 80 acre farm In Marion count ty close to school and good town; ell farming Implements and stork. Also all household goods. Includ ing a $500 piano. Price $2500. , The Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange bldg. comer 2d and Stark. ... 160 Acres 4H miles of town and R. X. station, y mile of school; 40 clear; house and fine barn; tome timber, fine outside range, $5000; cash, balance 6 per cent. . , 40 Acres 11 miles Portland. 2 miles elec tric line; improved, 7 acres pasture, easy cleared, balance timber; S room house, large barn,,: living, water, team, harness, wagon, buggies, 7 oows, 4 year lings, separator and farm tools, $4500; half cash. ' L. L. W0FFETT 423 Lumber Exchange. NORTHWEST TIMBER CO 620 i-UM-'BER EXCHANGE BI. WRITE FREELY WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL, READY CASH WAITING. - $18,000 buys $0 acres, close to Port land, all kinds of improvements. 60 cherry trees, 150 apple, 15 Pf -rhard 15 years old. l.cow, 1 mile to SchoSl, stoMTetc-. tt cash. trading only legitimate buy . 120 ACRES 130 ACRfcH. 81100 cash, buys dairy ranch, near Tillamook, house and barn. fed. plenty timber, level Und. good watr. no rks. choice soil. 620 Lumber I x. FARM W POWDER RIVER VALTTi. V? jjq" acres, 20 miles northeast Bkr City Or., on county-road. Eie Vsiiev' A Baker 'lty railroad lit construction runs 6 miles of place; 60 s-re in cultivation; family orchard, a mor T,. .., in- .ff.ntMt r f rnO K . ( .. . nd all kinds of hay and grain. Nri . neW i room wwim miit i-iS. barn and outbuildings. Price $3: t, will trade for Portland prop-rfy ,,r aoreage close InJ F, J. Short, ;-,.;v,-rt n, rm tl V r - 2. 6a acre a. fine walnut lmid" . Mlnnvuie, s per acre; i-na. miles west of Portland, Kit ., trio lines, cheap; will st-.l n s ,.r . thriving collesrw town ! rwm 820- fwtianl t "s FOR fruit si' I fn-i - . 4k Clayton, . . . FOR SALE- FARMS