THE OREGON." DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1909 . ' ' . . '. " " Candle $9 Hats $1.98 A clean-vp W'th values almost i!nbeneable,:?ia ;.lhopgh th statement founds too good to be me, it is absolutely so. It is a rand clearance ot an noveuy shapes in -felt, beaver or velvet; choice, stylish untrimmed hats that sell retrularly for up to $9 each; Friday's remnant d QO week price FEATHERS ' AND TRIM MINGSA large assortment; values run tip to $1.50 each, for Friday's selling, priced 1 fl at, choice AiL. rwTT nPBNS TAMS- Won derful reductions; come in blue. redor wftite; Duy i-riaay. .. Shades " t price. . ; : j. Re. 10c : S Re. 20o -f A ' values values Keg. tie values , . 8c value , Rear. z5e values !:i3c Cut ClaSS Buar n Creamers, regularly- ls.60 0 BTA pair, remnant price Friday. .)' v Champagne Tumblers, set of CO fft , res, worth 86.60. Friday . I Pafe KaJs iv ,d e w d i - English ' Plate size, hundreds Friday - at very Rails. 10-inch patterns on sale special prices. 4 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaBaaaBaaaaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaae ( Cut Glass ' fj?"'1 - vtivi a. win- , :; nil of, I biers, set or e. worth $1... inch Vases, regnlar $11.60 ? 75 values, special, each,. Friday regular 60o value, special. . values , OV values . . " .Reg. 90e -J:" ,2 B0 $1.25 ' Values . , . V values 9 Baby Bonnets A' special in 'the second floor In fants' Wear department to ef fect a quick riddance of all odd lots of baby silk bonnets, tight fitting effects, colors or -white; vc offer, regular values OA up to 75c each, at........ JLJQ, Regular values up to $2.50 Regular values up to $3.50 WOMEN'S TEA APRONS, made of white lawn, round style with fancy ruffles of embroid ery: sell regularly at 65c IQ each, special Friday....... iOC Dozens of special bargains in baby things in lots too small to advertise. - - - $5md$6Sh6esal$tM ' At 0?iYou' may purchase Worn Ll2l en's Kid Oxfords, in all sizes.worth to $2.00 the pair; Fine Shoes,, sizes up to , 8, worth to $2.00 ; Young Women's Tan Shoes,- with low heel, ,rejr $2.25 vdlv Choice - ho ' of 'any of these . . ... , OC Investigate the extraordinary bargain offerings presented this week in, our Shoe Section, Good styles, good ; leathers,' and ALL THESE SHOES FITTED, BUT CANNOT BE EX CHANGED OR RETURNED. . WOMEN'S SHOES Mostly narrow widths, embracing all sorts of shapes and materialsfootwear from the very best makers. An assortment of. sev eral hundred shoes thrown into one big tot." Mostly $3.50 and $4.00 grades, but many pairs worth $5.00 d f?A and $600. Special ........ D1UU WOMEN'S SLIPPERS AND OX FORDS All odds and ends bunched in One immense lot, regular values from $2.00 to $6.00. Priced d AO for Friday at $1.49 to 0lee7O WOMEN'S RIDING BOOTS Small sizes, regular $15.00 values, (P AA frnday 4tOJJ MEN'S SHOES Odd lines of $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 grades, priced for Friday at "MEN'S MEDIUM GRADE SHOES All sizes in the lot, values to o on $4.00 If 50t u can kuv Women's Bou rn evoif Slippers, in large sizes, regular $1.00 values, pr Women's Large-SizeHouse Slippers. Big Art Dept. Special ' ' ' i ' Drawn-work fancy pieces, Mexican or Spanish goods, finished with hemstitched edge or Taora wheels. They are center-pieces, lunch cloths, tablecloths and scarfs. Regular vals. from $1.7.5 to $35, at ONE THIRD LESS $1.75 values, spc'l $ 1.17 $ 7.50 values, spc'l $ 5.00 $2.00 values, spc'l $ 1.34 $15.00 values, spc'l $10.00 $3.00 values, spc'l $ 2.00 $22.50 values, spcT $15.00 $5.00 values, spc'l $ 3.34 $35.00 values, spc'l $33.34 1-inch width, regularly 8c, the yard, special Friday C only ......jJC 1-m. width, 10c value ?v Yt-n. width, 13c value.. ,.. Vi-in. width, 18c value... 12 A Sale of Ribbons A sale of miles and miles of choicest satin taffeta ribbon, in assorted colors and widths. Here are ribbons for every purpose: wide enough for sashes or the one inch ribbons suitable for smaU trimmings, and every yard is decidedly bargainized. - 24 inches wile,' regular prica tiz me yara, ipecm. xn day only ZJf-in 4-in., reg. 40e yard 274 At , reg. 25e yard 1T $ZS?f I reg. 30c yard 20 Z&JL $225 Handbags at $! .39 ' $ MffonJeiling 69c JYd. Thev are made of seal leather, with gilt trimmings, extra com purse inside, nicely finished, good quality, good style handles, come in black only, leather trimmed; regular price $2.25 each; d OA special at v. ........ ,t ..... . ...... , , i ...,,..,.,..,,. . .... , ! X ilv S Women's 35c Hose 17c Pr. WOMEN'S. BLACK WOOL HOSE, also plain and fancy cotton, and children's fine black ribbed cotton or -cashmere hosef regular values in either, lot to 35c pr; choice..... 17c WOMEN'S BLACK SILK HOSE, for-dressy wear, em broidered in colors, an sizes; stockings- that sell regularly at up to $4 the pair ; to close out. odds and ends, of fered Friday at. . . . .. $1.98 Em broidery Remhanfs . Decidedly low 'prices prevail Friday in - the embroidery do partment, while we make a rad ical cleanup of all short lengths and remnants of embroideries. There ' are " edges, insertions, headings, etc., in fine Swiss or cambric i Remnant Week Prices EMBROIDERY EDGES and'INSERTIONS'in Swiss or Cambric, blind or openwork designs, reg. "val. to J55c the yard. 1 ft WOMEN'S HANDKER CHIEFS in pure linen, with hand-embroidered initial, sheer or heavy materials, worth to 35c each. Special at . 1 1 C Or $3.50 Sweaters II Mi 'Supply yourself with ;Venihgs;yor'j6dq(uaity. . Take advantage of this splendid special. Fancy, Griffon Veilings, with embroidered or velvet-dots, in such wanted shades as brown, navy, een.ed, tan, light blue, black or white. Values to Qfy . $1.50 the yard. Special Friday. . . . . . . .... DyL TRIMMINGS Broken sets of trimmings in odds and ends arid short pieces. Venise, Chantilly, Ori ental and Net-Top Laces; also Colored Dress Trim mings and Bands. Values in this lot up. to 65c the yard. 'Your choice( Friday, yard . . 10c Ts the final word, the cut minating bargain of Rem nant Week. That we may quickly dispose of 75 very handsome waists, in tailored or fancy effects, regular values up to $5, choice Fri day at one sixty-seven. Tail ored styles in fine madras, black lawn, white lawn, lace trimmed, or rich lace. Choice while this sale lasts, at each $1.67 Women's Wool Sweaters, In white or brown, slightly soiled, also "a lot ot women's kimonos in wool challie or extra fine flannelette. Sweaters are $3.50 values, kimo- nos worth to $5.00," all go Friday at each $1.67 A Coat Special Women's Coats In plain colors, checks, stripes and fancies, good styles, regular values up to $16.50, the best coat bargain g r no in Portland, Friday just 43 0 $8.50 Blankets at $0.95 Very fine fleeced wool f J blankets receive the attcntign of the bar gain seekers for Fri day's offerings. Good quality, made with pink or blue borders, heavy weightf nicely finished. Shop Early Tommorow Ree. $18 values, n OP? Friday, the pair. . D7u Friday, the pair. . -da OO $10.00 val., the piar $7.50 $17.50 val the pair g!3.25 Reg. $8.50 values, . AC $11.00 yal.t the pair $8.35 $22.50 val., the pair $17.25 $12.50 val., the pair $3.05 ' $ 4.80 val., the pair.3.60 nfmes Every Sort of Valentine-is to be had in our superb stock, and the prices are so small that no one need hesitate to remember all their friends. Post Cards, comics or fancy, 1$ to. $5.00 I IUmMIM Women's tUmbrellas, with tape edge,1 Gloria silk cover, and gunmetal or horn handles, strong . frame," steel Li) rod, splendid values when sold at $4.50 cacn. opcciax price xor r naay oniy . . . . . $3.48 Any Beltpin or Buckle, at half '. Friday inHie jewelry de partment. There are hun ' dreds of themVgold plated, oxydized silver, e rt a m e 1, plain or set "with stones. All widths and' an endless , assortment Of designs, reg-: ular prices from 65c to $15 . each. For Friday your rhnice of our entire stock at.;.... ....ONE HALF Jet Top Hat Pins at 10c Hat Pins, with strong steel pin of good length and large-sized jet tops or heads. Sell regularly at 19c each, but on 1 A sale Friday in the Smallwares Aisle at only ; 1UC INVISIBLE HAIR PINS in boxes, assorted sizes, J two 5c boxes for - DC CELLULOID HAIR PINS, crimped, shell color, 15c Q card.' Special . i ....... . JC SPOOL SILrC all colors; 100 yard spools. Special . rf ' Friday, each . . .. . :. .. . . uC WHITE COTTON. TAPE, in rolls, 3 j'ds, in roll, all j ' widths, three pieces :'. OC 25c WOODBURY'S -iff- FACIAL CREAM at. 1 i C 15c 25c BOX AMOLIN A DEODORANT at.... i4C DRESS SHIELDS, double rubber-covered, sell regularly at 30c the pair. bpe cial for Friday at. .. , GLYCERINE TRANSPAR ENT TOILET SOAP, regu lar" 10c cake. Spe- o cial Vi.;... V.. ....... IOC TOILET AMMONIA, violet scented, . large-sized bottle, sells regularly at 25c. f Q Special Friday only. . . 1 0 C In Fancy Silks A special of fancy silks worth to $2 the yard, good assort ment, nearly all shades, for quick selling, all in this q lot at the yard OlC $2.00 Gloves $1.19 WOMEN'S MONARCH KID GLOVES, odds and ends, suede finish, white or black, $2.00 values Ar - A at ii.iy ODDS AND ENDS Magnet kid gloves, nearly all v sizes, regular $1.00 val- . f ues, special . , - .-2 i J. 5f Fountain Syringe $1.25 COMBINATION FOUNTAIN SYRINGE AND HOT WATER BOTTLE, seamless rubber, 3-quart size, a regu lar $1.75 value. bpeciai Jfnday in the louet ooods Section at . ; . . . . . HARD RUBBER DRESS ING COMBS, black only, 25c values. Special, . -'t Jj'. each . .'. .... . . . .. . . . . .IDC WRITING .TABLETS, for school use, unruled, v ' Special value at OC WRITING TABLETS, for : pen and ink,' large size,' J ruled, 15c value. . . . . C xds d ..... oi.D COMPOSITION BOOKS, a special lot, to clean up,1 "J Friday, each ........... 1C WRITING TABLETS, for school use, ruled, for "A pencil. - Special' .. .... . , .ffC EYE SHADES of transpar ent, celluloid,, reg. 15c ft ; values. Special , . .... 7C EVERYTHING FOR VALENTINE PARTIES Paper Napkins in clever designs, Tally Cards, Lunch Sets, Paper '"."Cases, Playing Cards, etc ' .. .' .,; ' . ' . . : .. ';. 65c UeckYjear Friday at 18c Bows, tailored linen col- lars embroidered collars, Windsor ties, fancy lace collars, embroidered Dutch colics and small silk bows. AH these mentioned above and more in ' the assort-, ment offered. Regular val ; ues run as high as 65c, '.your choice of over "I Q , 200at ..I OC OLD W SEEKS FMWID COKI tV.ltPT Iaa4 Wlr.) f:r, H enr of , U lamntlnfr thi !' ft wife. h! lg month i v ii cuir- ; r.y m row -;o gnia ,.iir it ; rvf i .-n crtiirli-.. in rtfult ' ' !. v'-.t man mrdy lio''- ' i - .i tn it. -H-ic. Uorn-y' if- j iiU.? t 1MB til it t., law to help him locat hla mlaaln wlfa an4 Child. ,- t. Ha aakd th prosecutor to laau ft warrant for tb arrest of Kertha Frank lin, hla wife's later,, to whom ha at tributes his troubles. - Lander lived on Vaahon Island with hla young; wife and, according- to his own story, on Monday last ha left her wna ner sister in tne cottage to fruard a satchel containing fSZ60 while he at tended to business matters. - - On hla return, he said, his wife and ba.b?, h sister-ln-law and the money were eon. ' ' -. . . On hia complaint a warrant was' ls sud for the arrent of Bertha Franklin and a pearch warrant was iseued for a hotd lu thts ctty ronducted by the nKrthor Bf the roisaina: women. Itere tbe (iftectlTra were Informed that they arrived at the place Monday evening but ltad, lft the an me, night. Jander now bellereg his wife jand her" Bister hare sailed for Alaska thoua-h their names) could not be found on the pas senger list of any veasel ailing for the far north. . . . TWO MEN PERISH IN. . CHICAGO DEPOT FIEE ' . tratted Praas Uud Wlre. . ' Chicago, Feb. II. The bodies of two men were removed .early today from the ruins of the Wabash railroad freUh-t depot, which burned laat' night. It is believed another body is In the ruins. One of The dead has been lden ttfied aa Watchman Alwlone. The other was not identified. Thee loss of the building and contents U amount to J6v0,000. . .... . .. OIIE.OF THREE SALARIES RASED Salem. Or.. Feb. ll.Rnreant.v Purdin's bill raisins; the salary of the county jndjro of Jackson county from lizuo to sibvv iauea to pass yesterday afternoon. It received H votea. with rour aoseniees. sixteen vote are re quired to pass a bill. Senator Mullt made an unavailing- plea for the meas ure. . .. . Another salary . raising bill, fathered by RepresenUtlve Mahoney, was ton merolfully scored by Senator Kay and was unable to find' defender. Sesator Oliver, representing; . the eonntle com posing the Tenth judicial district. In whloh the bill proposed to Increase the alary of the prosecuting; attorney from $2000 to 12700, said be had re ceived several protests against it and no on bad asked him to support it He therefore moved indefinite postpone ment, which was carried by unanimous vote. Kay, In his attack on the bill, pointed out that the prosecuting attor ney of the district gets within 1400 of the amount paid to the Ilka officer in the Marion county ; district, but -the atsessed valuations of the two dis tricts sta $37,000 and $245,009. He said the bill had no -merit whatever,, and the senate agreed with Mm. b Senator Chase's bill fixing- the salary of the sheriff of Coos county at $2600, beginning at the expiration of. the pres ent Incumbent's term, was passed with few negative. ' votes. j- , . EXPERIMENT. STATION v Bn8ENT.BACK . . (By Journal teased Salsa Wire, Salem,. Or Feb. 11. Senator Oliver's bill appropriating $15,000 per year "for the support of the eastern Ore gonT ex periment station at VntorrTnat so much opposition on the floor yesterday af ternoon that its author finally con sented that it go back to the commu tes on agriculture without , Instruc tions. - ' Selling thought the appropriation too large and objected-to making it con tinuous. Tha sum provided is double the previous appropriation, but the pending bill sets aside $2600 for a sub station in Baker county. Miller of Linn and Lane suggested cutting the . ap- : proprlatlon to $10,000 and leaving out the continuous provision. Action on this line la likely to be the final out- A SOftTUI TBIOXi;;.v ;'fvs.:; It's an easy matter to keep your Joints and muscles supple no matter what your an may be or how you have suffered with rheumatism. .Rub your self night and morning with Ballard's Snow Liniment. . Cures rheumatism, stiffness, cramps, ' crick in the back, side, , neck or limbs, and relieves fl aches and' pains. . Sold by Bkldmors Drug Co. . ... , . "7