The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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$10,000 -ft cull, one l'fS
most modern houses lu Portland, easy
le$750ei- caah, 40 room, very close
in: raoaern, etc. ,
12000 ft cash, about SO rooms, i
neat hot and fold water every
a e.,.itMr nlano. etc.
H90Oft cash, IS room, nearly new;
"Washington t.
f 00 1 4 rooms, modem, near Hm-
h,$580 10 fine large rooms, clean. mod
ern, suitable for light office or oth r
i business, no agents.
Grand Theatre bldg.
Wants i:00 house for S lots.
Mountain View tract. $1200.
14 acres at Reedville, $2000.
40 seres at Donna, $1500.
80 aers at Mosier, $2600.
"0 cr-s aL Farmington, $3000.
33 room hotel, rent $65, $2000.
20 shares Home telephone
s"?k. $1200.
Make an offer. Main 3T7.
Room 8, Benson Bldg, 2SI H
I when competent ; day and evening
, -lasses. Oregon College, S3 6th St., 6th
COIN operating machines actually made i Jjj'or
- more money at tho St. Louis exposi-j -pi'tA VKI.IXO secretary with musical
tlon than any other kind of piopoaitinn. j comedv company; experience not re
nd they'll do the same at Seattle this on I red. reference and $350 cash re
year . We want several live men ritrlit ! Mi,iied. salary $30 ''a week. Apply ready
away to place machines. You can sell tostgii contract. KOI Bwetland bldg
nr- nmraio mem n nine ojp jmhiho. t
We have a proposition for you, either
Wav you choose. Address Sales Man
uin. xt i. g i- uin. km
iX&X"' Tb I u. irad-
(References lun-JSrad
88 rooms on Morrison st., $75 rent;
2 years' lease, all in good condition;
24 rooms on 6th St., it; center of busi
ness section; 26 rooms' on 4th st., rent
$70, good lease, furniture in good shape.
A 6 room corner flat close in, furniture
worth $600, goes for $250 cash. 721
Board of Trade. A-4062.
38-Room Hons
'All furnished, two blocks from the
new, depot now in course of construc
tion on east side; cheap and terms easy.
Nester at Richardson. 122 Grand ave.
$1600 ft cash. 22 rooms, modern, all
light, one floor, no work, lease 3 years
. at about $3 per room. We have others
all prices. In faf t, nearly all who
wish to sell. We furnish ft the money
to buy with. West Coast Co., Grand
, Theatre bids;. -
. Compels owner to sell rooming house
st a sacrifice; fine place; good loca
tion: house making; money. Nester A
Richardson, 122ft Grand avenue.
ONE of the best butcher shops and
- packing plants in Lane county, 125
miles from .Portland, in town of 2500
population; good railroad, logging and
mining trade; up to date new machinery;
- will sell cheap, trade or take in part
ner. Address owner, P-971. Journal
PARTNER wanted by architect who
handles real estate and building; no
experience necessary;' will teach you;
can't depend on hired help; you can
make $10 to $200 per month; very little
rash required. Particulars, National
Realty A Trust Co., 826 ft Wash, st
' POOL and billiard room handling; cigars,
candles, fruits etc.; the best buy in
the city; clearing; owner $160 every
""month; one month's trial if in doubt;
low rent with living rooms above; we
have exclusive sale; $1360. Sisco, 406
, and 407 Couch building.
PARTNER lor bakery, delicatessen and
light lunch room on Washington1 st. ;
just the place for man or woman; guar
antee profits $126 to $200 per month;
. little capital required. "National Realty
& Trust co 826 ft Wash, at., room 616.
STOCK of hardware on eas( side; good
location for farmer trade; retiring
from business cause of selling-; will con
sider trade for small farm in Clarke
county if prices and conditions suit.
F-29, Journal.
100 rooms, strictly modern in every
respect, cost over $16,000 to furnish.
"Must sell"; "going; away"; easy terms.
Bee my agent. West Coast Co.. Grand
Theatre bldg. .
FOR SALE: High class vaudeville the
atre. in good eastern Oregon town,
first class theatre throughout. For par
ticulars wrlte Frank Neugebauer, 7
E. Alder st, room 16, Walla Walla.
11600 One of the best paying in
Portland, made over $20,000 in few
years (sickness): must be sold at once.
Ixiok it up. West Coast Co.. Grand
Theatre bldg.
APARTMENT house, located in Nob
Hill district; built 100x100; always
full; waiting list; shows net income of
IS per cent Price $50,000. C. J. Owen
Co.. Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Party to Join lady In es
tablished steam cleaning and dy
business; rent only $20; good leas-;
fine trade: experience unnecessary; $4o6
Inquire 326H Washington St.. rc-om 417
ROOMING house. 22 large light rooms,
V 1 floor, modern brick building, good
furniture, insured for $1600; price only
$1200; $400 down, balance $36 montBly.
n-ygoo Aojummeni km., aon Ankeny.
MOVING picture theatre for sale in
cny or iv.uoo. eastern Oregon, at a
bargain to quick buyer. For particu
lars write Frank Neugebauer. 7U E.
Alder st. room 15, Walla Walla. Wash.
FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop; 2
porcelain baths, gas and electric
lights, (ib; oo cash, balance terms.
Reason, doctor's orders.
Burns, North Bend. Or.
Mrs. C. E
GENERAL store, with poatoffice
connection, it miies irom town, n
opposition, building reasonable, good
at invoice, about $6000, in one of th
Itest sections of Oregon. T-28 Journal
Have two, must sell one. only $260
Fpienaia cnance ior a cook; nnest loca
tion in Vancouver. A. C. Chrlstlanson,
- naffmngion si.
WANTED Partner with small capital
to buy Interest in. motion picture the-
, aire Business; wiu Clear ibu to $250
weekly. For full particulars consult
.Newman. zg Burnslde.
DAIRY $600 buy 10 cows. heifers
- rig. cans ana route ior rent, fib per
month; horse barn, 6. actres pasture. Call
181 Madison.
NICE stock of groceries for sale; wil
consider house and lot In mnA (am.
Hon; will trade a good houie and lot'
i or tot on i.'nion tve. JC-S72. Journal.
jt hjaij r o nouse. central location.
rooms, good furniture; clears $85 per
month; only $350. Room 7, 181ft 1st
V? V& Btork Investments:
trade rM 8olU m,n,n" tock. will
trade" bare" ta,d minln tot,: Will
1200 shares tine mining stock;
Wells-Fargo bldg. iv-
drV gi;';vTK"D,Ta.te T ihe ad-
southern 0e., to.J.?-60 In old. In
a county. Or.
MU?-4 Bar(,;'f OTJ JKt-t. Co..
ght and
1 r ton "rr : . " mag.
' ZZm T" 00 Pwcell. 208 Star.
. s-r.-i-. -. -: - 1
. for 1410 E.BEvereu' it
WANTED Salesmen; many make 1100
to $160 per month: some oven more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards; cash. Advanced
weekly; choice of territory. . Address
Washington Nursery Co- . ToppenUh.
I Wash.
j MEN" WANTED to learn plumbing, elec-
trirltv. autornobtling. Dlaateiinr and
I bricklaying, by actual Work. Advanced
! scholars earn wages. Catalogue free.
! Coyne National Trade School 6 Con
j et ruction Co.. 230 8th st., San Francisco.
: WANTED Railway mall Clerks, cua
I ;mns clerks, clerks at Washington.
Commencement salary $800. Many
March examinations. Candidates pre
pared free. Write for schedule. Frank
lin Institute.. Dept. 649, Rochester, N. Y.
iVAM a good, sober.
take ji half intrest In the real estate
and htiilrfing business, $100 per month
salary: expi rh nee not essential; $250
n ijiiii ed . money fully secured; personal
and hank reference. F-82, Journal.
V AN'i'Kl i Man willing to make himself
haiidj In lunch counter business,
chance to get In right, small canital
rciiuiri il. Cull 3-Gft Washington St.,
l oom 4 1
A is i hi) - rounK
raiihy. wages $60 to $90 per month
A YUt'Xi; man, well acquainted in city
to' solicit and collect on a suit cl'ib i
iiroiHiMinuii, mum come wll rwom
mended.. The City Tailors, 430 Wash
lngtnn st.
ytiV can make from $10 to 8100 dally
in the motion picture business; oth
ers do, why not you? For particulars
see Newman, 292 Burnslde. Small cap
1 1 al necessary.
RAIt.VAY mail clerks, commencement
salary $800; spring examinations;
Preparation free; write immediately
'ranklln Institute, department 402,
Rochester. N. T.
WANTED Men to join our suit club.
membership $1 per week. For fur
ther particulars ask The City Tailors.
430 Washington st.
26 N. 2d St.. Portland.
Phone A and Main 1626.
Help free to employers.
YOUNG man of good habits with $176
for profitable office and outside
duties; easily learned If willing; good
wages. Call 606 Swetland bldg.
W A NTED To buy any kind of precious
stone, also old gold and silver; high
est price paid. Diamond Palace, 328
Washington st.
$2 FOR 8 hours' work clearing land,
grading streets and lavlna- sidewalks.
at Gregory Heights, end of Rose City
BOXOFFICE man or treasurer Immedi
ately for first-class road show: must
have some capital. Address Box E-33,
ADVANCE man immediately for first
class road show; must have some
capital. Aodress Box D-39. Journal.
WANTED A farmer and wife On good
farm, by the month or on shares.
Q-86, Journal.
WANTED Two experienced solicitors;
salary and commission. Inquire at
853 Union ave.
WANTED Young man with $200 to
take half Interest in good paying bus
iness; Investigate this. 181 Madison.
MAN to help plainer, $2.25. Call at
once. The Acme, 276 Burnslde, phone
Main 7824.
PRINTER married preferred; must be
competent. Apply 604 Uoodnough
bldg., 7 p. m.
WANTED Experienced grafters, In
nursery; long Job: write at once. ah.
dress Brooks ft Sons, Carlton. Or.
WANTED Oak sewed soles 60c, rubber
heels 25c Standard Shoe factory. 308
tiurnsiae sx. M . sol.
WANTED lien to have their shoe. r
paired by first class workmen at mod
erate prices, ouzi Washington.
WANTED Men to nave their shoes
half soled for 60c. 222 2d st
WANTED Sign painter. Zlrnglebel,
66 1st at.
WHEN you need help, call Main 3656.
tree employment Bureau.
253 ALDER What? Modern Dentists.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
DEMONSTRATORS wanted; all cities
and towns in Uniteu States; ladles'
specialty. Particulars, address S. Mfg.
Co., 639 Merchants' Exchange, San
$4$tt Washington st, cor. 7th., up
stairs. Phones A and Main 2692.
Carefully selected help free.
WANTEID Elderly lady. Christian
preferred, light housework; two in
family; Arbor Lodge station. St Johns
car. 292 Portland boulevard.
WANTED A lady as housekeeper
In family of I; Inquire for Mrs. Btepp,
865 Bowdoin t. Portsmouth, station,
St Johns Una
STENOGRAPHERS Experienced or
beginners, should take the K. B. I
road for good positions. Special drill
classes. 630 Worcester block
WANTED Young ladles to learn com
mercial telegraphy; wages $60 to $90
per month, when competent; day and
evening classes. Oregon College, 83 6th.
xxr a I'Tin i e i 73 . . . .
ri- j i i nav o niui us gins ior traveling
musical comedy, good looking and
have good voice; experience not neces
sary. 326 ft Washington st, room 604.
WANTED Lady to go In country: two
Ip faintly; assist In care of Invalid, j
Inquire 130 Grand ave., N.
AM KI Apprentice. Madam Squir
rell, 10th and Washington, Sellina
Hirsch bldg., suite 74.
WANTED Female cook; part or all of
cooking. 186 5th street.
WANTED A good seamstress. 273
Cherry st, upstairs.
WHEN you Deed help, call Main 3565
Free Kmployment Bureau.
FINISHERS on pants, experienced only
1AU 1 .t a. ...... J 1
"WANTED An assistant music teacher
Call 888 6th st
WANTED An office girl taterestedTn
music 288 6th.
WAITRESS wanted at $86 Flanders st
Call between 10 and 11 o'clock a m.
263 ALDER What T Modern tentiata.
WANTED 100 boys and girls to take
i months' course in new school of
music for $10; all Instruments tooo-ht-
special for February. Phone M. 788S.
NIGHT SCHOOL English, arithmetic,
shorthand, bookkeeninr. n.nminihin
Tn V. t . fun , . . . . . T
j-.. p. vj.. v&9 Tvorcesier olOCK. A-5446
WILL exchange music course for few
; nmirs woric per week. 383 6th st.
WANTED Demonstrators of good ad
dress and self confidence: a nw art I
cle of merit with no competition. 202
oiumpia mag.
WANTED Live agents, money to hus
tlers. . jt.11 ggj otn st.
WANTED Situation by steady married
man as norter or uinitnr:,nU
I-84, Journal. -
LICENSED chauffeur, steadv and re
llable, wishes position. - P-S 2. Jou rnaL
YOUNO man, willing worker, wants
uuiuqu; win no anytning; have you
nything to offer? TB-8. Journal.
POSITION as hotel clerk by thoroughly
- competent man, with geod city refer
ences. !-;. Journal. .
EAPK1UENCED bookkeeper and sales-
wpl recommended, desires post
. X-31, Journal. .
A- O. ClYLF.R, painting, paperhanglog
. ..r,d . .i"Hn- .v Prices right Phone
Main 8919
Oak et
class carriage painter wants
Addreaa. f. Deubrull. 671
Sunday Ad
I MX f
C. S. Jackson, Publisher Journal: From the display, ad in
The Sunday Journal our store was crowded all day yesterday.
There was all the business we could possibly attend to, and we had
extra help in anticipation of the results that would follow the an
WANTED Position by a grammar
school graduate, in a business house,
with chance for advancement, or learn
a trade. Phone E. 4046 or S-26, JournaL
SOBER, reliable man. experienced in
furniture, wants position, real estate
or store; can drive team. References.
0-28. Journal.
SITUATION as steward wanted by
thoroughly competent man, hotel, res
taurant, city or country or on steamer.
R-32, journal.
EXPERIENCED lady would like po
sition as housekeeper in rooming
house or would buy an Interest. N-35.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by
day or hour; good, laundress. 29SH
1st st room 34. Phone Main 8449.
MIDDLE aged woman with girl aged
6, wants position as housekeeper in
wmower s iamuy Z-B4, journal.
MIDDLE aged, capable woman desires
position as nurse.- 24 7 Fargo st
Sunday between 11 and 2. I
EXPERIENCED woman wants work
laaindry or cleaning. Phone evenings
only, Mrs. Wilson. Main 3768.
FRENCH lady wiabes laundered shirt
waists and fancy ladies' clothes, 383
Davis. Delrleu. Main 7728.
MIDDLE aged lady wishes position as
housekeeper la widowers family;
city or country, w-zt, journal.
EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper wish
es position; specialised in banking
course: gooq references. 867 E. 8th, xv,
BY MOTHER and daughter, charge of
louKinx iiuune ana cnamutr wuik, or
any other work for two. N-3Z, Journal
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
refined gentleman, u-zs. Journal.
LADY wishes position as waitress to
learn, rnon eTabo r nil.
For Graduates last year: men snd wo.
men learn barber trade in S weeks; help
to secure positions; graduates earn $16
to $26 weekly; expert Instructor; tools
free; write lor catalog. Moler System
of Colleges. 35 N. 4th St. Portland.
C R. Hansen Jr.
Men. 26 N. 2d. Main 1526.
Women. 343 U Wash st Main 2622.
Help supplied free to employers.
Employment Office.
Main 727. A-2290. 7 N. 2d
violin, trombone and clarinet
Smith, 292 12 th. M. 4703,
E7THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil
, Sevcik; A-4160. 824 Pine. M. 3046.
M. C, SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Sal
mon. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty.
LOUIS A. CREITZ. teacher of violin.
Phone Main 189. 211 Sherman t.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per Insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
latest style skirts to measure, from
your own material, for $3. Absolutely
high class work and perfect fit guaran
teed. Also suits and costumea The
Elite Tailors, 646 Wash. Main 8026.
KEISTERS Ladles' Tailoring College.
306 Stearns bldg. Ladies make your
own gowns here. Rates reasonable.'
NTCEI.Y furnished rooms; heat and
phone'; prices reasonable. 475 Tay
lor st.
THREE first class rooms, gas, heat
telephone. 15 minutes from business
section. t unsan si.
wcl.l. furnlsheri room, rln.n In Kmv.
phone. Prices $1.60 to $3 per week.'
325 7th st
STEAM heat rooms, hot. cold water.
prices reasonable; ft block Wash, st
1Z west- mm w
WRI.L FURNISHED front room, heat
ed, coxy. Only $2.60 per week. Close
in; bathj pnone. s mn . at.
258 ft 13TH 6T Nicely furnished
rooms, new house, -every convenience,
gentlemen only.
THE TEMPLE. 343 ft Yamhill, opp. Hotel
Portland, niceiy xumisnea, ciean, iigat
rooms, $2.60 weeg. Transient,
THE NEWLAND Furnished rooms
$1.60 to $3.00 per week; transient
806 ft First st --
THE KARI Well --furnished rooms.
$1.60 up; transient, eyo up. zvzft
2d st. comer Tayior. ---
NEWLY furnished rooms, also house-
tun nr ana transient: wrj if in r .
tance. aq ana toiumim. T a a mu
FURNISHED rooms, reasonable; steam
heat, batn, pnone, waiving aistance.
825 12th st. - k , .
SMALL.- sunny room, $7; pbore. gas
ana oatru zds utn St.. near Main st
NEW ROSAMOND H. Levins, : prop.,
pi 71 ""1 .1,, uaj rinw. -
Hr.tftl RlWal i !?-60-$6 week; ,60e to
J x pay. 1
08U 4th st
NICELY furnished room, with phone
aim ior rent cnesp. ii Everett
NICE clean room. $2 per week,
8338. 152 N. 14th.
!53ALDER What2, Mgdern Dentists".
Crowded Store All
ruz4 and notd llatertaf
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
insertions for the price of two.
Now open, 208ft 3d st
Has every .modern improvement
Thoroughly renovated and under fiew
management; steam heat; hot and cold
water In every room; private baths;
elevator; special rates to good perma
nent roomers.
WELL furnished rooms; private fam
ily; home conveniences; boarding
house; handy; rates reasonable. 287
13th st
for clean people at the
6th and Alder.
Large, light, nicely furnished house
keeping suites, single rooms; water,
phone; for bachelors or families. 60;t Va
LARGE well furnished front room, 4
large windows, furnace heat, phone,
bath: first floor. 474 Clay, cor. 14th.
LARGE well furnished front rooms,
running water, heat, phone, bath'.
181 6th, near P. O.
Steam heat electric lights, free baths,
rooms, $2 week and up. 3d and Flanders.
THE Newport hotel Newly furnished.
steam heat, hot and cold water; tran
sient: elevator service; 6th and Wash.
Hotel Mason fftS X
Tee phone and path.
NICELY furnished rooms with board.
very reasonable; walking distance.
452 6th st
OPENED under new management lust
cleaned and remodeled, rooms $2 per
week and up. 225H 1st st
DESIRABLE front room, well furnished
and ail conveniences, reasonable rent;
gentlemen preferred. 815ft 8d; upstairs.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, close in, reasonable rent 429
Salmon st
MITCHELL Housekeeping. sleeping
rooms; electric ugnts; convenient;
reasonaoie. A-4Uit. tin ana landers.
THE LINDILL. 269 Market, rooms
heat bath. 50c to $1 day. $2 to 34
ween, board, home cooKmg,
FURNISHED front room suitable for
two gentlemen, private family, mod
em conveniences. 596 Market st drive.
2 GARRET rooms $6 each per month;
electric ngni, 011 neat. rrivate real
dence, 760 Lo.vejoy, near 23d.
WANTED 4 gentlemen or ladies to oc
cudv front suite, comfortable furnace
heat; private home. Main 3397.
FURNACE heated rooms, nicely fur-
Prices $2.50 to $5 per week. 189 7th st
189 fAKK Nicely furnished room.
suitable for man and wife or eounle:
rurnace neat; pnone; Dam.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
insertions for the price of two.
LARGE newly furnished front room.
suitable for 2 eentleme.n. tirivate fam
ily, modern conveniences. 304 Ross.
East 4044.
THE MACON Nicely-furnished outside
rooms, all conveniences, block from
steel bridge. $2 a week. 222ft Crosby st
2 UNFURNISHED front rooms, private
home: use Of pnone and bath. 253
12th st. Main 8643.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
steam neateo. u ne xtewcaaiie, 3d ana
FRONT room $5 per month; with bed
room, $8; 1st floor; with bath. 628
(jiay st.
FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent.
Phone Main R548. 176 Sherman.
EXCELLENT board ana room for
ladles or married couples: select
boarders; tfcme privileges; $5 per week.
442 Jefferson.
THE HAWTHORNE, corner 13th and
Salmon, modern, well furnished, with
or without board; reasonable rates.
nonir. cKKnii, room with board or
witnout hoard, py the day or week.
Call 22 N. llth st.
MCEI.Y furnished rooms with board
in private family; walking distance;
.T-a-wmmoir. aity mm. Alain 481
MCE front room; two gentlemen pre
ferred: strictly home cooking; $5 per
week. 733 Brooklvn.
ROOM and board, suitable for 2, home
conveniences; $25 per month. 149
Lownsdale. Main 7224.
LARGE front room and board, suitable
for 2 or 3. with furnace heat; private
boarding house. 225 W. Park.
CLEAN, well furnished room, suitable
for two; good home cooking. Inquire
IB. Vlll
FURNISHED room, suitable for 2 n,
tlemen. all conveniences, with or -mitfti
out poara; on car una bob Williams av.
NICE board and room, home style. $4.66
231 C. Edward Pitsker.
WELL furnished large front room, first
class board, for two; homo comforts;
$26 per month. 662 Morrison.
NICELY furnished rooms with board;
fine' cooking; rates very reasonable
close in. 434 , Burnslde. M, 667.-
- - m. r 'r i,
ROOMS l per week, meals 16c, or room
NEATLY furnished rooms, with board.
ta. lzm p.; jnooern.
ROOM and board, (20, parlor, bath, fur
nace. . . ItB. A-iTFI, - '.-f , f
Day Monday
January 5, 1909.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
874 Yamhill, open under new man
agement; room and board: also table
board; excellent home cooking; rates
TABLE BOARD $4 per week; meals.
25c. 81 N. 14th. corner Everett.
European plan
only; $3, $5 day.
THE ( ALUMET HOTEL, 160 Park; Eu
ropean ana American plan.
BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
insertions for the price of two.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping.
Including gaa ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception room,
all free; furnished apartments $15 per
month up; single housekeeping rooms
$2.60 week up; best in city for money;
short distance from Union depot Take
"S" or 16th st cars north, get off at
Marshall st .
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms,
2 $8-$10 month, 8 for f 12-16; sleeping
rooms $1.25 week. 364 N. 26th; 16th st
car to 26th, south half block.
FURNISHED housekeeping suites for
rent to married couples without chil
dren or dogs from $14 to $16 per month.
Close in. 321 7th st.
2 OR 3 furnished or unfurnished house
keeping rooms; parties without chil
dren. 366 2d st.
CLEAN well furnished front rooms for
housekeeping, single or ensulte. 611 ft
Gllsan st.
LARGE housekeeping room, first floor,
flat; gaa and cook stove, $10 month.
448 Yamhill.
HOUSEKEEPING suite, furnished or
unfurnished, close in, reasonable. 36
Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morrison.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms,
236 12th St.. rent from $12.60 to $18.
.fnone, light and bath furnished.
THREE large, connecting housekeeping
rooms; good neignrjornooa; walking
aistance. in. itn st. Main 607b
FOR RENT 2 large front rooms, newlv
furnished lor housekeeping, walking
aistance. 388 bin st. fnone A-&794.
$3 WEEK, splendid front, nicelv fur.
nlshed housekeeping suites, gas free.
oi etiygrove St., corner istn
361 TAYLOR 3 basement housekeeping
rooms, partly furnished, $3.50 per
weeK, suitaoie ror ramiiy.
PLEASANT south room, well heated
could be used for light housekeeping
ait conveniences. 361 10th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms
ground floor: - also several sleeDlna
rooms; reasonaoie rent, ss . tn.
291 CROSBY st, near steel bridge. 2 or
3 rooms, gas range: an comforts
SEVKRAI. rooms for rent for store
and housekeeping rooms. 474 Wash
Main 2607.
Park Modern offices. housekeeDlnr
spartments, nirnisnea ana unrurnished,
elevator, oaths, not ana cold water.
steam neat. -
ONE or 2 large nicely furnished house.
Keeping rooms, fine location-, close in
321 nth st.
$1.60 WEEK up, large, clean furnished
housekeeoina rooms: rjarlor. launrirv
o&tn. i onerman. o. r-ortiana.
WELL furnished for housekeenlne. sin.
gie or 1 room suites. 413 10th., $10,
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
iwini ior reiiL iiv. odo xm. zetn nt.:
in. o iiu.
COZY 3 room housekeeDlno- suits fur.
nlshed; also small sleeping room for
gentleman. 334 6tn si. .Main 7526.
313 14th, CORNER Clay, light cleaiC
wen xumisiiea 1 ana z room nnnsA
Keeping suites; rent reasonable.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping
roofns. nice vard. laundrv. hath nn3
pnone. main zaoij. bsy 1st St.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas ranan
running water, bath, all conveniences
103 10th. off Washington.
THREE rooms furnished complete for
nouseneeping; $iz.- Z33 Clay st
PLEASANT housekeeping
rooms, 215
inn si., corner eaimon.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single
ivwiia, rqm rcagonaoiq. 140 eth st
CASH AD3 under this classification.
' 1 cent per word per Insertion, three
inacruona ior tne price 01 two.
with or without board, $1 up; on ear
line. 121ft Russell st.
."THE OWEN" 280 ft Russell
housekeeping and furnished rooms bv
week, $1.60 to $2.60. '
HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, all
conveniences for $6 up, walking dls
tance. 181 E. 7th st
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
upper or-lower floor, modern. -77 e!
Taylor. Phone East 3297. .
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sint
gle and ensulte, from $9 to $16 23 M,
iVlCElA" furnished hn.uBkeepin room.
no children. Uj Williams ave .
$1.26 WEEK up, clean furnished house?
: wim rooms, Dam, laundry, furnace
heat. yard, ,203ft Stanton st. U sar""
262 ALDER, what. Modern Dentists.
WHEN you move yon aways need some
I lurnnura- . - y ,. -.
- ' Buy " at no rent orlees: tha urtnn
v win uovea cos; or . moving.
our wwii Duiiaing; ' occupy
dui nmi; coneci rent onnaiance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone E. 2929.
6 ROOMS in Brooklyn, 17th and Carl sta.
rooms, modern, tsanitaiaei st.,. near
rooms, furnace, etc. N. Irvington.
.Any one or these houses, $16 per
montn. .National Realty e Trust Co.,
826 Washington St.
GOOD 4-room cottage, east side river:
large chicken house, barn. lam
grounds; good place for cow, chickens,
garden: $10. Snao. Anolv 164 NT 2th-
16th at cars to 26th; turn south Jialf
-. . '- ABOUT? FEBRUARY 16.
6 roin modern new house, furnace,
electric and jras, all conveniences, rent
reasonable. Inquire 8U Commercial st..
n niiwii ana onayer canine. -;
A FINE modern, 7-room, corner house;
hades, combination fixtures, cement
basement, beautiful yard, roses, fruit:
$22.60. 416 Wygant st. WoodUawn or
a mens car.
t .ROOM modern house. Just completed;
electric light and gas; Cleveland ave.;
1 block from the carline. Reasonable
rent., tatu AlcKinley Mitchell, 2021,
Stark st. phone Main 2131.. -
$17, modern 5 room cottage; gas, with
' bath, window shades, basement, etc.,
walking; . distance. 436 .Ross, corner
unpont St.. 808 Btark. Main 614.
CLOSE IN Nloe 7 room modern bouse
l.r.. lot' iap 9 fiiilstlr ia r 11 n on
district: this week, $16. Portland Homes
company, 04 Morrison st,
COTTAGE and barn for rent; 16.60 per
montn, ivern para. j. won, 11 war-
ner et., Stewart park, Sunday.
$10 A MONTH buys a home of yortr
own in Gregory Heights, end of Rose
uuy canine.
$8 NORTH 21st st, 10 minutes' walk
shopping district 8 rooms, modern;
rent $40. Parrlsh-Watklns, 250 Alder.
0 kuum nouse, oath, gas, all con
veniences; good condition; on carline.
Muramra ave.
6 ROOM modern bungalow, 1ft acres
grouna, iwuu plants strawberries; $13.
urn ex union aye., w. Hiaat 6308.
FOR RENT 6 room house, $10 per
... m K . .111. 1 - . . . j .
taiwiiiu, wain iai(Q y.ra lur Rsrunll,
Inquire Mrs. Darling. 1251 E. 10th st, N.
$10 NEWLY finished 6 room houso:
many conveniences; would sell. 184
Cherry, Reservoir park. Mount Bcott
GOOD 6 room bouse with large yartt
644 Borthwlck st. Rent $15. Wake-
neia. fries & Co.. 21' Stark et
EIGHT rooms $25. rent for $16. 1 block
from Sunnyslde carline. 140 13. 34th st;
bath, gas, basement, etc.
$27.60 ROOM house, modern conven
iences, fine view, rent Includes water
tax. 482 Hall st
DWELLING East Morrison st. near
- east side business district and high
school. Thomas, 267 Oak.
GOOD 6 room cottage on W. W, car, $15
per nyunin. Main 01 id
6 ROOM house for rent $10. 364 11th
at., walking distance. Call 863 llth.
2 HOUSES, close In on the east side.
reasunaoie. pee r. 1 . Merry, 6th at
7 ROOM house, bath, electric light lawn
with rose bushes. $16. 886 Kelly.
6 ROOM cottage in good repair. 467 E.
Everett Phone A-4641.
Grant st.
-4 room cottage, 450 E.
MODERN 8 room houee, 104 E. 18th et
Ihone East 2420.
4-ROOM cottage; walking distance; $12
per month. Inquire 460 6th st
3 ROOM cottage for rent 546 Kerby.
Inquire 190 Knott
FOUR room house; gas, bath; rent $10.
Phone East 666. Call 160 Page.
263 ALDER What? Modem Dentists.
CASH ADS under this, classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
insertions for the price of two.
"HALF or all of newly furnished 6-room
cottage, west siae river, very reason
able; well arranged for two small fanri'
Ules. Apply 364 North 26th; 16th st
cars to ztitn. turn south half block.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage suit
able fo four adults; opposite Bap
list cnurcn, Arieta, or. o. w . p. car.
transier Mount Bcott car.
6 ROOM lower flat: fireplace and. vard
262 gtout st, $30; references required.
inquire cou etoui st.
MODERN new 6 room furnished house
owner leaving cltv: references
cnangea. fnone C-Z0Z.
MODERN 6 room furnished house for
rent. Z month. Hpeer & Co.. 1000ft
Deiinuiit .v..
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per wora per insertion, thi
Insertions for the pries of two.
SIX room .flat modern, furniture for
sale. Suitable for boardinc and rooms
must sell. 81 N. 17th. half block from
MODERN 6 room house for rent 37 Hi
furniture for sale, $126; good condi
tion Vaf n,r4lnitl.ia m. 11 ' - .1 .1
1701 E. 8th, Bellwood. -
FOR SALE Nearly new furniture of
rooms; nouse modern; walking dls
tance; reasonaoie rent. aq at.
6-ROOM corner flat, grand view; $22.60;
entire lurmture ior i i; dining room
a lone worm price. ziM ft Margin St.
NEW furniture of 2 rooms for sale
cheap, rent $10. Inquire 464 V4 Union
ave.. is.
run Aiiia furnished riat rooms.
$560: desirable neighborhood: west
siae; close in. M-38. Journal.
hvm room modern house for rent.
(.ou; iurniture ror sale, $126. 1701
r.ast sin st.
FURNITURE- 14 rooms, good location
rent $55; lease: $1100; terms, $800
uown. Aaam 4U5. J
$450 CASH will buy furniture of 8
housekeeping and sleenlnv rooms ail
luu, rent ou. 42 1 Aiaer.
CHOICE location, 6 rooms, well fur
nished: close in. west aide: nun.
ecivt nanuipfiun c, room 04
1 GOOD fresh eow for sale cheap. 780
E. 29th: take W. W. ear. Mrs. c
Bowlln. '
FURNITURE of 21 rooms, on 1st st.
bath, electric lights Prio tann
i( maqjson.
16 WELL furnished rooms, furniture for
sale, house for rent! no 9ns
Main st. Main 2100. T
Fj)R SALE Good furniture 6 room
house, modern, new carneta and nnn
cheap rent 247 Harrison st.
2 ROOM modern house for . rent $40;
also furniture far ! m hirni.
Owner. 61 N. Park.
11 ROOM house for rent furniture for
sale, in center of city, fine for board
ers or roomers. 233 Madison st.
FOR SALE 6 rooms ' completely fur-
. modern - flat
owner tai uourtn St.
FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale,
nouse for rent It North 10th st
7 ROOM cottage, new- furniture, rent
szi4i income. Main 7369. 66 3d.
268 ALDER, what? Modern Dentists.
2 5-DESIR ABLE 4 room flat, flre
Place. rana-e. refflaerator. 186 K. 16th
St., ror. Yamhill. '
room flat, second floor, close
in; no small cnimren. Apply zo Hall.
UPPER flat furnished, references ex-
changed: 25. 464 Larrabce st
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms, flat
144 JS. JStf! St. -,
A 4 ROOM, modern flat furnished or
nnfumlahed, at 658ft Gantenbeln ave.
ROOM modern flat. 309-81 lft lth N.;
particulars Main 3670. 315 19th N.
S ROOM flat 428ft. llth st . Inquire
147 Frontst Phone Main or A-1.1S6.
NICELY furnished .flat: a snap, $20.
Katt Bide Investment Co, Tabor 1147.
FURNISHER flat for- rent. . 308 3d st
CASH' ADS under--this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
NEW modern t room flat, electricity,
gas, fireplace. 62 ft E. 10th, bet Stark
and uak. - w. .H. stokes & Co.. 10s
uranq ave.
FOUR room new modern flat' all eon
venlencee, close . to. car, . $16. 604
Borthwlck st. Phone Woodlawn 1651. --
FOUR room modern flat 606 E. Couch?
between 10th and llth. W. R. Stokes
ft Co.. 105 Grand ave. B-1557. -
5 ROOM modern lower corner flat, large
rooms, all tinted, ,227 Knott Call 23$
Knott - - ,
LOWER a. room flat,' good -view; newly
painted; rent. $22.50. 635 -Montgom-ery,-
near 16th st. - v
6 ROOM flat new and modern, all con-
venlencea: .close in. 1 Inouire
Eugene st- : -
FOR RENT Five room flat. 6 room
cottage -and 6 room basement: reason
able. Inquire 650 3d st.
NEW modern 6 room flats, upper and '
lower. Inquire 847 Benton st Prions
East-1415. - - - - -- - - .
4 ROOM modern flat, cement basement,
stationary couclv gas; 1 block rom
carline; large yard. E. 18TB. - '
THE NORDICA furnished apartment
just opened: steam heat, hot and cold
watw In all kitchens; light - bath aivl
phone; walking distance.-.- Phone B-1587.
One 3 -room . suite' for rent: mantel
bed. hardwood floor1;' price $30. Ail
other conveniences. ,
2 ROOM housekeeping suite, all con
venienoes, $14; large alcove room; hot
and cold water; reasonable. ' 409 ft K.
Burnslde. - -
THE ELMS Furnished i and 3 room
apartments;- heat phone,, bath,
14th st.-'. ' -
CASH ADS under this classification.
I cent per wora per insertion, uirva
insertions ror tne price .01 two.
4 STORV brick building and basement,
60x100, with large eleotrlo elevator,
on 1st st. between Taylor and Salmon.
Suitable for wb"ialo or retail busi
ness. Apply to W. E. Grace, cars Com
mercial ClUD.
FIRST class outside office rooms for
rent In new building; steam heat,
electrlo na g Ught. with" janitor serv
ice. N. E cor, ti and Madison.
HAVE large, well lighted reception room
in best located office building In tha
city;, plenty of room for several desks.
718 SVetland bldg.
TWO story brick, ZtxlOO front be
tween lamnui ana isyior. iuo aiaai-
FOR RENT Desk room, both phones,
llvht and heat AddIV Buchtel &
Kerns. 380 E. Morrison. B-3444. E 88.
FOR RENT Fine offices: steam heat;
corner E. 87th and Hafthorne. rcast
Side Investment Co., Tabor 1147
Rtorr and living rooms: nice neigh
borhood; location suitable for small
factory. Thomas. 267 Oak.
A FEW nice offices in the Couch and
Chambers bldg.
601 Couch bldg.
FINE offices and deSkroom,
Swetlaad bldg.. 6th and Washington.
GOOD store room. 26x60; steam heat;
$40 month. 247 Tayior st.
FOR RENT Hotel building, 80 rooms.
Inquire 30 Macleay Qlog.
FURNISHED office In Portland, phones.
etc.; ground floor preferred; must be
reasonable in price. The Beaver Realty
Co., Meaverton. or.
WANTED To rent unfurnished apart-
ment house, about 35 rooms. Mrs.
Stewart. 830 nusseii st.
WANTED TO RENT House, 12 br 14
rooms - close In,1,, without furniture.
D-38. Journal.
WANTED To lease, large room suitable
ror Chinese night school, near unma
town. N-3. journal.
A consignment of all the mares and
homos nt rr. w Kannv's ranch are on
sale at -Brunsel's sale stables. This
hlniM.nt incliitfl!. a few children's DO-
nles, some mares with foal; also geld
ings weighing from 1000 to 1600 pounds.
These' horses are. from 4 to 6 years old.
all broke, and will be on private sale at
60S Alblna ave. Open Sunday.
WANTED to hire for several months.
3- or 4 teams and wagons without
drivers for lumber hauling; referenco
given. Phone Tabor 1132. .
HORSES and buggies for rent by da v.
week and month; special rates to
business houses. Cth and Hawthorns.
East 73.
2 SPAN good work horses. 4 targ
mares with foal. Freedman Bros., 489
Overton St.. bet 13th and 14th; take S
DR. E. W. HAGYARD, graduate On
tarlo Veterinary college; office Expo
sition bldg.. 19th and Wash. Phone Main
1077: residence. Main 1224.
A GOOD young team, double express
waaon with tOD and curtains: good
harness and new rain blankets; to sell
quick $235. 308 Ankeny.
FOR, sale or hire, buggies, horses and
harness; special rates to commercial
men. 182-184 a. 3ttn st taoor iiiz,
WE have 8 very slyllsh and handsome
single .drivers, weighing from 1000 to
1285 lbs1., from t to 6 years old. 605
Albina ave.
A SNAP for the boys two cheap saddle
ponies; coma and see them. 606 Al-
blna ave. ...
HORSES snd, mares of all kinds for
sale at Rose City Sale stables, llth
and jerrerson, Main 3t).
HORSES shod. Stewart McBfieo.
Handmad. work If preferred: botb
phones. 416 Burnslde st, eor. 10th.
FIRST class horses at Madison
stables, 185ft, near bridge.
GOOD horses fur sale; Oregon Horse
Sale CO.. N. I7th and Qulmbysts.
WE still have about 85 office desks
which were damaged In shipping; If
you need one, it-pays to investigate.
W also have showcases and a 6 foot
wall case, good for cigar store.' Call at
Rubensteins, the Homefurnisher, 175
Front st.
The cheapest place in town.
Second hand goods below cost
M. OSTROW. 44 N. 3d ST.
FOR SALE At a bargain, nearly good
as new 300 uaison goia niouiaen rec
ords, half price. Inquire at residence
839 Princeton st. Portsmouth.
A BRIDGE engineering course -in the
International Correspondence Schools
for lm very cheap, Carl Morrison, 397
Morns St.. arter o p. m.
LAUNCH 6 H. P. 4 cycle engine, side.
, how and stern lights. oumr. air tank
and whistle, all complete, cheap. Phone
Main 6644 or a-zum..
FOR SALE Cheap, lady's nice fur box
coat, rieniv trimmed- .Miss Ross. 502
Roselawn ave.
FOR SALE Launches, houseboats, gas
engines and hulls: see ns for snans.
Jamison ft Woodward. Motor Boat club.
CHEAP Showcases, desks, safes, regis
ters, carpets, furniture. We also ex-
cnange goons, rig and Z13V4 Front st
erett. Mfg. show cases, office fix-.
tures. M. 7617.
WE pay top cash prices for furniture.
Portland Auction Co, Main 6666, .A-,
iEWMAN Motion - Picture .Exchange
rsiiia jrn me latest nima- Xfmg slides,
etc.. lowest rates. 293 Burnslde st
Bilks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods.
70 6th st. between Oak and Pine.
WILL get you 'anything you want, in
trude, for anything you have; quick -
r"iiw i Bwmann Ping.
RADMAN'B Microbe Killer., H. D Win,',
nrioters niwn bb y, lirtria ave.. N
TO?' SALE Gas range, beater and
kitchen cabinet 746 Grand ave. N. -
LAUNCH FOR SALE 30 feet long. 25
h. p. Apply M. Nledermann, 249 4th.
J0 UOMBSTIC sewing machine with
Call 383 , E. Morrison.