The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Steamer Tjnieric deal's for
Australia After Brief
: Stay.
Sailing Schooner William Bowden
Completes Cargo ot Lumber for
Callao. Peru Steamers Sel ja.
Elsa and Boveric leading.
Two lumber cargoes will be started
thd atn fmm Portland todav. One
consists of 1,091,498 feet of lumber and
763,000 lath, and the other of 900,000
feet of lumber. The former is valued ai
113.000 and the smaller shipment Is
worth about 112.000. 1
' The lumber and lath shipment go to
Sydney, Australia, on the British steam
' c-r Tvmerin which cleared yesterday aft
ernoon. She loaded at the mills of the
Portland Lumber company and was in
the harbor less than a week. The Ty-
f merlo could have cacried nearly 5.000
OflO feet but being one of the Australian
mall liners It was necessary to send
' her to sea nulcklv and the remainder
1 . cf the cargo will b forwarded on the
i liner Veddo which is booked to arrive
. here to a few days. Prom here the Ty
, merlo will proceed to San Francisco to
ptcK up general freight ana man.
The 900,000 feet cargo, goes to Cat
, lao, Peru, on the American Bailing
- schooner wunam Bowden wnicn has
; been loading at the mills -of the North
Pacific Lumber company for about three
.weeks. She reached the river during
t the cold spell and had to go on the
drydork for a few repairs after having
aea ine ice coming
few days the Norwegian steam-
up the river.
bucfted th Ice com In
...... T U
era Sclja and Elsa and , the British
$ Bvjnuci DDTrnc wiir ciear irom " vnis
' . port for foreign destinations taxed to
5 capacity with lumber. The Sella goes
to Shanghai with about J. 500, 000 cubic
--i feet under charter to Balfour, Guthrie
i vo. ine cisa. unaer cnarterto the
Pacific Kxport Lumber company, goes
to New Zealand with a cargo of- about
ine same dimensions and the Boveric
, Komi to Singapore and Manila. The
j Manila shipment consists of material
k consigned to the government. .
Salmon Fleet Will Soon Be Taking
, on Supplies and ' Stores. .
Preparations to send the salmon fleet
to Bristol Bay next spring will soon
begin, ; along. . the. coast. The larger
number of these vessels have been win
tering at San Francisco, but some have
been In quarters on the Columbia Hver
nd Puget sound. ; -,':
The vessels will begin to spread can
vas at about the same time and the
usual race will be on, it being consid
ered a ; prominent distinction among
the skippers to reach the fishing
grounds flrBt. The fleet consists of
from fifteen to twenty iveasels. They
will return with the season's catch.
Salmon carriers wintering in the Co
lumbia this season are the ships St.
Nicholas and 'Berlin. The former is at
Astoria and -the latter at Goble. She
will be brought here for equipment,
gear and erew as' usual. . She will take
about 100 Japanese to work In the can
neries, in (addition t about . forty ; or
fifty white fishermen. '
The tenders North King and North
Star will leave the Columbia shortly
alter tne sailing vessels nave jrot
a good start.' The tenders usually jmuh-j
the run -in' about two. weeks, whereas
with ordinarily good breeses the wind
jammers make the run In tweuty-fle
days, . : '. , .. ; .' .-
I -li f N V i - is
at-- w . -.. .. T.. , .
On March 1 the Open River Transportation company will place its new steamers Inland Empire and Twin
Cities in regular service between Olilo and Pasco and Kennewick. :
It is announced that about March 1
the Onen River Transportation com
pany will be ready to pluce the two new
Htenmera Inland Empire and Twin
Cities In commission on the upper Co
lumbia river between celllo and Kenne
wick and Pasco." The boats will alter
nate on a daily schedule connecting at
Celllo with steamers from Portland by
means of the portage road until the
completion of the Celllo' canal."
The establishment of this line of
steamers, it Is held, will prove a great
factor. In the development of com
merce betweea Portland and the Im
mense Inland empire, as it will save
mercnanta thousands of dollars each
month in' freights. m
ocean-going steamers must be equipped
with a system or. raaio-ieiegrapn in
charge of a capable operator.
The steamer Arjro Is due to arrive
here today from Tillamook.
The steamer George V. Elder will
leave at midnight- for San Pedro auJ
way ports.
The steamer Breakwater is due to ar
rive here this afternoon from C-os B.iy.
The steamer Alliance sailed for Coos
Bav last nlirht with several hundred
tons of freight and ebout seventy-five
The Oriental liner Nicomedla to
scheduled to sail from here for Manila
and Hongkong on February 11. Th
liner Arabia la. due to arrive here Feb'
ruary 26. -She is expected to brln
considerable freight for local Im
porters. The American-Hawaiian steamer Riv
erside Is expected to be ready to leave
for - San Francisco, tomorrow or Tues
day.' She brought 900 tons of freight
shipped from New York by way of the
Tehuantepec raiiroaa across tne isio-
mus. The tiiversiae is unaer cnaner 10
the American-Hawaiian line for a year
to ply between Portland and San Francisco.
Lumber Laden Square Rigger Makes
Klniir. lliin' IfVstm Vit 1 un 1
After a tedious Voyage the British
ehlp Anoaios has reached Liverpool With
a cargo oft lumber from this port, ac
cording to advice received by the Mer
chnnts Exchange of this -city- yesterday.
The Ancaios left the Columbia river
for Europe on August 27 and hence has
been out more than five months, about
a month longer than the average pas
sage. Ordinarily the run from here to
Liverpool is made In 120 days, and quite
often in 110.
It la supposed that the long voyage
was due to contrary winds or calms as
the announcement of the arrival does
not Indicate anything but that the ves
sel reached port In good condition.
Measure Being Taken to Equip Lake
Steamer With Wireless.
Washington. Feb. . Representative
Wilson of Illinois today brought for
ward evidence tending to show the
house that all lake steamers should
carry wireless equipment. His action
followed that of the house sub-committee
whlrh reported the Burke wire
less bill amended to exclude the appli
cation of its provisions to lake steam
ers. ' v . ' .-,-.
The bill as amended provides that
Astoria. Feb. 6. Condition of the bar
at 6 p. m., rough, wind southeast 26
miles, weather rainy. Sailed at 11:35
ra.. steamer Stanley Dollar, for San
Francisco. Sailed, steamers Cascade
and Northland, for San Franclaro.
San Francisco, Feb. 6. galled at 11 a.
m., steamer . Kose city; at l p. m.,
steamer Rosecrans with Roderick Dhu
In tow; at 3 p. m., steamer. Johan Poul
sen, for Portland.
San Pedro, Feb. . Arrived February
steamer Majestic, from Portland.
Alaiers. Feb. 6. Arrived. Fnhmnrv 1
steamer Banksfleld. from Portland.
Liverpool. Feb. . -Arrived. British
ship Ancaios, from Portland.
Tides at. Astoria Sunday High: 2:35
m.. 7.7 feet: 2.06 p. m.. 8.0 feet. Low:
8:35 a. ra., 2.8 feet; 8.45 p. m.. 0.1 feet.
, Emmet's Birthday Plans.
The A.- O. H.' Will celebrate 'the nn
hundred and thirty-first anniversary of
Robert: Emmet's birthday the evening
oi mb i, wim un eianoraie enter
tainment. , Among - those who will mar.
ttcipate are Judge Thomas O'Dav. who
win aenver me oration, imrnet 8 speech
from the dock will be given bv E. J.
Quillinan. Roger Slnnott wnl preside.
Segulr Xurs Due to Arrive.
Argo. San Francisco Feb. ?
Breakwater, Coos Bay ....Feb. f
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook .Feb. 7
Rose ,?CIty. San Francisco . . . , . . Feb. t
Roanoke, San Pedro and way.... Feb.
Homer. San . Francisco . Feb. 1 0
Alliance. Coos Bay Feb. 11
Eureka, Eureka and Way .... Feb. 1 3
Senator, San' Francisco- Feb. IS
Arabia, orient Feb 16
George W. Elder, San Pedro. ... Feb. 1
Numantla. orient March 25
Alesla, orient April 15
Mcomedlu, orient r May 1
Begular Users Due to Depart.
George W. Elder. San Pedro Feb. 7
Argo, Tillamook ...'... Feb. 9
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Feb. 9
Breakwater. Coos Bay Feb. 10
Roanoke, San Pedro and way. . . .Feb. 11
Nicomedla, Orient . Feb. 11
Homer, San Francisco. Feb 1 3
Rose City, San Francisco Feb! 12
Alliance, Coos Bay Feb 13
Eureka, Eureka and Coos. Feb 19
Senator, San Francisco Feb. 19
Arabia, orient jrPD 23
Numantla. orient March' 15
Alesla. orient t April 25
Tassels la port.
Leyland Bros. Br. sh O. W P
S?nn.,Tr?ce'c,ut Br- blt Astoria
Churchill, Am. sen Astoria
&.lvln"T Aml "ch" Astoria
w. I. Jewett, Am. sen Astoria
Irene. Am. sch Astoria
Washington Am. Uryaock
Aberfoyle. Br. bk...- Oceanic
Early Showing and Sale of Moderately
Priced Spring Mil
linery at
145-147 Second Street
Bet. Alder and Morrison
Productions from our own
workrooms, and selections
from leading manufacturers.
, Showing the latest effects in
brims .and crowns for the
' spring eason. Cleverly
trimmed with novelty feath
ers, ornaments,' etc AH the
new favored spring colors.
Prices Range $5
to $10
" x h v.
i ' Jrf ' : I . :
. . . r
' s x t s
- i ' l ,f '
1 ul 1
f 4
' ' ' ,
The New Jewel Corset--Always
in Popular sFavor
Another big shipment just in. We have already created a big
demand for this splendid corset, necessitating us to frequently re
plenish our stock. We are well prepared to fit all figures and
8t Nicholas. Am. ship ...Astoria
Berlin. Am. sch.. .Gobi
Neotsfleld. Br. bk., O. W. P.
Brablocn, Br. bk O. W P.
Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk... Tongue Pt.
La Tour de Auvergne, Fr. bk. . . .Mont. 2
Desalx, Fr. bk Noith Bank
Carmanlan, Br. bk. .....Columbia No. I
Aenieses, Fr. bk ..Tongue Point
Virginia, Am. ss Astoria
Nicomedla, Ger. ss Albtna dock
Boveric. Br. ss. E. A W. Mills
Robert R. Hind. Am. sch N. P. Mills
Elsa, Nor. ss Llnnton
Selja, Nor. ss Inman-Poulsen
Riverside, Am. ss Columbia No, 1
Olson & Mahoney, Am. ss Oceanic
Nome City, Am. ss ...Ranier
Sa Xoute to loaA Ziumber.
Annie E." Smale, Am. sc .Hongkong
Shasta. Am. ss San Francisco
Ukmc, Am. as t..San Franclsoo
Mabel Gale. Am. sch San Francisco
Wellesley, Am. ss San Francisco
Bowdoln, Am. ss. ....... .San Francisco
Yosemlte, Am. ss. ....... .San Francisco
Wrestler, Am. bktn San Francisco
Dundee, Russ. sh Callao
Luzon. Am. sch San Pedro
Shoshone, Am. ss... San Francisco
Olympus, Am. BBS San Francisco
Tamaipais, Am. ss San Francisco
little Bennett, Am. sch . . San Francisco
Yosemlte, Am. ss San Francisco
Tellowstone, Am. ss San Francisco
R. D. Inman, Am. ss.. ..San Francisco
Da Boats With Ostasat ana QtntraX j
Gulf Stream, Br. bk Antwerp
Glenalvon, . Br. bk. Antwerp
Poltallock, Br. sh Antwerp
Wavertree, Br. sh Elleamereport
Matterl-orn. Br. sh. . .Newcastle-on-Tyne
Rahln Chevaye. Fr. bk Antwerp
Surcauf. Fr. bk... Glasgow
Skjold, Nor. bk Antwerp
Crown of Germany, Br. bk. .. .Antwerp
Tramp Steamers En Boat.
Klsh, Br. ss Bremerton
Katanga. Br. ss. Bremerton
Croydon Br.- cs . . Com ox, B. O.
Hazel Bollar.VBr.jSS .Japah
Yeddo, Br., ss...... San Franclsoo
OU Steamer En Boat.
Argyll.' Am. ss ..San Francisco
RosecraniC Am. ss ..... .San Francisco
Roderick Dhu, Am. barge San Francisco
Bait Xake Wants Bell. A communica
tion addressed to Mayor :.Iaane -and
signed by the city clerk of Halt Lake.
unVI that th. Mtlnfnln.l nfftn... a
. J " ...... v.. .....111....'..., i w w.
Salt Lake and the Commercial club of
that city have endorsed the movement
to bring the Llberv bell west 'from
Philadelphia for the Portland Rose Fesr
tlval. The ueoDle of the. Utah metrono
lis will ask to have the bell placed on
exhibition for an hour or so when it
passes through enroute to Portland.
I S 50.000.
Columbia River & Walla
Walla Company in Dire
Need of Finances.
Xolbrook Accents rraaoalssv F. R.
Holbrook yesterday filed his acceptance
of the franchise granted him t6 oper
ate a streetcar line on Alnsworth, ave
nue, i n aecona irancnise was sriven hv
the 'ouncll after Mayor Iane had ve
toed the first franchise ordlnattce natmed
byithe council because the city, was not
properly naieguaraen. .
Three Seek Appointment. Three an
plications for appointment as medical
inspector in the city schools were filed
with the cltv auditor vesterdav. The
applications will come before the city
health board at Its nexl meetlna. Those
who want to serve the cltv for tSO.n
month are urs. J. P.. Goray, W. E,
Smith and G. J. Potts.
To Portland Academy Pnnils In nr
der to relieve the congestion In their
retail department the J. K. Gill com
pany will serve Portland academv Diintls
on tneir secona noor. iiease take ele
High Sohool FuuUs Please take no
tice that in order to relieve th con.
gestlon- at their store, the J. K. GUI
company will supply high school hooks
ior a rew aays at the Medical building,
t-arn ana Aiaer streets.
That An tone Moe came to his death
at the hands of Herman Goodager" was
the verdict of a 'oroners lurv vesterdav
afternoon, but in returning the verdict
the Jury faild to fl the blame for his
shooting. The only witnesses were
Nels Bmanson. the swamper, who Is deaf
ana saw only the motions of the par
ticipants and whcee testimony amounted
to little and George Logger, who testi
fied that Goodager shot without provo
cation. Logger's testimony was the same as
his statement after being arrested. He
said that Goodager ordered Moe out of
ine aioon ana that when the latter re
fused. Goodaaer came . eraund fmm ho.
hind the bar with the gun In his hards.
He pointed it at Moe and the latter
tnea to Knock it out of his hands
wiuioui result. (SoodageY then shoved
inr nun m mw s iace ana rirea, killing
HUH 1 III'.iltTI .
The Greatest Boon to Kan and Woman
kind That Has Ever Com to
Readers of The Journal should not
fail to read the advertisement of J.
D. Duback, the expert optician. In
today's Journal. Mr. Duback has long
been ambitious to get "the best there
la" for his patrons and year by year has
added features to his optical estab
lishment that he can now boast of one
of the most complete optical establish
ments In the whole west. The Neutro
Rayo Lens Is the latest feature and
on account of its excellent merits. Is
bound to satisfy those whose eye trou
bles have heretofore seemed beyond
remedy. Mr. Duback expects a larre
number of patients tomorrow on account
of this preliminary announcement and
therefore it would be well for a great
portion of these to call in the early part
of the day. ,
...... .-
. Death Hot bjr Vtolc. v;
(United Pre Leased Wir.) " ' '
Pacific Grove, Cal, Feb. S. An au
topsy held today on the remains of Ed
ward Berwick Jr., a well to do farmer
of Carmel "valley, who was found dead
in bed - yesterday . afternoon, showed
nothing to which his death might be
attributed. There- was no Indication
of foul play or of the least suffering.
Berwick was engaged to Marry Miss
Edith Jordan, daughter of David Starr
Jordan, ; president of Stanford . unlver-
;; - ' -; ----- V
Ton Bars BO to SO Per Cent:
' For further Information read the page
announcement of Karo-Klapoer Co. In
today' paper. , "j . .
' j (Special Dispatch te The Joarnal.)
Walla Walla. Wash., . Feb.' . With
but eight more days to ; go,' the "option
of the farmers on the. holdings of the
Columbia River , & Walla Walla Trac
tion company has nearly expired. There
la little chance, said Xr. N. G. Blalock,
president bf ther farmers line.-that the
company can raise $260,000, and- he ad
mits that the option will have to be
released unless some . unexpected aid
comes.' - .- "
The report Is current todrnr that Jv
P. Graves of Spokane, , who is at the
head of the Sookane A Inland mil mad
is negotiating for the purchase of the
option, and that he is contemplating
the building of .an electric line from
Colfax to walla Walla and thence to
Wallula. The country tapped by the
electric line would be rich In grain and
fruit and would easily support such a
Graves, It Is said, will be in town
next Monday to look after the purchase
of the line. His visit here is expected
to be productive of results.-
'(United Prvw Leased Wire.)
Washington. Feb. 6. Representative
Volstead of Minnesota today introduced
a bill In the house providing for a pen
sion of $12,000 yearly for all ex-presidents,
payable in monthly installments.
Ton Say SO to SO pr Cent.
, or runner information read tne pag
announcement df - Karo-Klapper Co. in
today's - paper. ., . 'j . . .
Now on Exhibition
Make the Following Initial Offering
Good Plates . $5.00
Best Plain Plate . . .$8.00
Aluminum-Lined, Plain Suc
tion v ?10.00
Aluminum-Lined, Double Suc
. tion $15.00
i Non-Breakable Whalebone . . $20.00
22-Carat Gold Crowns .$5.00
Logan Crowns $5.00
Bridge Work, Per Tooth $5.(0
Gold Fillings $1.00 UP
Silver Fillings 50 UP
At these prices we furnish the VERY BEST of materials. Our work is attjnsrj&zted by the expert in charcre.
and no 6ne is allowed to leave our office unless the work is PERFEQT' in evvery respect. YOtJR; TEN-YEAR
GUARANTEE WILL BE MADE GOOD , at any one; of.our t wen t tofficeslin the United States
Protective Guarantee
It is a well-known fact that
whenever a thorough expert enters
a new field in any line his profes
sional friends will knock at his
door. We wish to add that we
stand ready to testify' and prove
to the public that we have never
met with one misfortune among
the tens f thousands of our pa
' tients. Our phenomenal success
is due to honest and high-class
work at most reasonable prices.
All our work is backed up by a
protective guarantee.
Nervous People
Nervous people ..and those
flicted with heart . weakness
have their teeth extracted, filled
and bridges applied without any
pain or bad results by our im
proved methods. ; We wish to add
that in all our years of practice we
have not met with one bad result
in our hundred thousands of cases.
There is not a day passes over that
we do not receive one or more bad
cases from most prominent physi
cians ad surgeons,- and not,. yet
have we failed to accomplish the
operation successfully. "
We employ no students; every
one of our dentists is a graduate,
having had from 5 to 20.years' ex
perience. ' We own and control 20
offices in the United States. Be
sure you . are in the right place.
Ladies in atendance. ' -
. Ail Offices High
"AH of our offices are of the high
class, having installed all the' latest
appliances and formulas ., for hy
gienic and antiseptic purposes, and
therefore we invite the, public to
call at any one of out offices and
investigate and find out 'for them
selves whether :we are financially,
morally, and. professionally quali
fied to carry out 'any assertion we
may make. ' '