t THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, f PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1809. 6 T JfEW TODAY The Shaw-Fear Co. ' 245 M STARK STREET ' XVe hive added a department for the handling of city property m con nection with our extensive farm and acreage business, and parties luting their properties for sale with us will receive the benefit of our heavy ad vertisimr and the services of efficient . Bailsmen in presenting such proper ties to purchasers. LARGEST RIVERFRONT TRACT in the citv now available, 4U to 160 acres, deep water and rail trans portation. Ask for tin?. 10CU100. corner Tenth ari.l Flanders streets f32.O00. 100x100 near -ran end Madison street bridge, $8000. . . . A !,..,,. I SOvvlt, uranti avenue, m-u street, 11,000. Modern. 8 room house east side, near Eighth and Mason, $3800. 14 ACRES, elegant country home, Smiles out. H mile to station on elec tric and steam road at Beaverton; a bargain at f 8500. j Yt ACRE HOME SITES on steam road, 40 minutes' ride from business center; f 150 each. See our advertisement of BEAVER-TON-REEDVILLE ACREAGE else where in this issue. List Your Properties - With Us Orchard Bargains 45 ACRES OF YOUNG OR " CHARD, trees set 4 years, all :. trees in fine shape, all well cul l tivated and cared for, just in bear ing; 39 acres of apples, 6 acres of cherries; just outside of good : town, on railroad. This orchard ' can be bought at the low price of 1 S200 Der acre. . ALSO 120 ACRES suitable for apples, , surrounded by small orchard tracts, .close to Salem, all in cultivation. Price $125 per acre. . NEAL BROWN 709 SWETLAND BLDG. NVAWvVlN- INDISPUTABLE BARGAINS 60x100, W4th eottatfe, llth Ud Davis. flOOxaoo, Warehouse Block, os S. St., 13th and Overton. 100x100, oa slat ud Tork St. B. X. S5 Ox 100 opposite Willamette Iron Works rouodxy, with rall- : road. ',,:- 75x100, fine Bungalow, in best part of Xrringtoa. 60x100, sloe, modern, 8-roomed boms oa Irving, star 84th. .Plata, t or mora, up to data, in best parts of elty. 335 scree f arming1 land, bast ' soil in Oregon. Tlmbar on land will py half of pries askad tot tract Bayers should sea us, as our hoiaisfi ara first claaa. DONALD MACLEOD CO. 309 Concord Bit, 3d and Stark A Great Snap In a New, Most Modern 6 Room House in Sunnyside for Only $3300 A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS IT Balance in Monthly Rental. House lias all the latest Improve ments. Electric lights. gas. cement cellar, cement bidcwalks. all street Im provements. 1062 E. MADISON ST., NEAR THIRTY-FIFTH STREET ON TWO CAR LINES Mount Tabor-Stinnyside and Hawthorne Ave. (.'ars. Pacific Northwest Realty Associates 80S WILLS Z-AKOO BUILDING. ARTISTIC HOMES ON EASY-PAYMENTS LET US BUILD ONE FOR YOU WHY NOT? Dutlerworth Stephenson Co.,Inc. l Designers and Builders of "5 Artistic Homes -35 Lafayette Bldg., 6th and Wash. Choice Apartment Site 13 BOO Near 19th and Washington. SSllMO. This lot ix desirable hnih In . sine and location, for modern apart- uriii. jrrmis. KEB Trie Spanton Co. 870 8TAXX ST. FOR SALE . ! acres, all clear, no waste land, oti the west side. Very desirable for platting into lots. A fortune can be made if prnperly handled. ott particulars inquire at the office , KNXPP & MACKEY 4 $1$ Board of trade Bldg. Sightly Lots : ' j Tne Spanton Co. 870 8TAJLK ST. Nortgage Loan's Lot rates of Interest. , M3H SAX.OMOK, v crt SUr fctreet, neat Soeoal. VNEW TODAr. DO FT m (0) w On March 1 we are going to take all our Cranberry Land not -sold off the market and plant it out ourselves. If you are thinking of buying or want to investigate this, do it now or you will be too late. Remember the date, March 1. Myers Invest ment Co. 272 STARK STREET Phones: Main 1190, A-1473 UNION AVENUE SNAP 60x100, N. E. cor. Union ave. and East Gllsan: liard-stif-face pavement on Union ave. Price 16600. This is very cheap. Edward F. Mall Boom 6, 965 Washinrtoa St. MEETING NOTICES 41 B P. O. ELKS. Members of Portland lodge No. 142 are requested to meet in our lodge room today (Sunday) at 1:45 p. m. sliarp to conduct the funeral services of our late brother, Richard Clinton. Past Exalted Ruler. Visiting brothers are Invited to assist By order of the Exalted Ruler. , C. M. BILI,S, Secretary. THE Jolliest Club on Earth will give their grand prize masquerade ball next Friday evening, Knights of Pyth ias hall. 11th and Alder sts.: 8 fine prises; most elaborate, original, comical and funniest. Prasp's orchestra: finest maple floor In the city. Ladies c; gentlemen 50c. ALBINA lodge No. 470 will give a whist and dance In Hill's hall. Bus sell and Williams ave.. Monday evening, February 8. Admission 13c. Every body invited. Come and have a good time; good music; refreshments. ANCHOR council No. 746, K. and L. of S., 500 and whist social Monday even ing. February 8, 190S; nice prizes, re freshments and dancing. AdmlsRion lc. Odd Fellows' temple, 1st and Alder. Committee. MASK BALL, to be given by Arbutus circle. No. 273. W. of W., Friday even ing. February 12, 1909, in W. O. W. temple. 128 11th st.; first-class mu sic; many prizes. Admission, gents 50c. ladies -';c. THE VV. C. O. F. will entertain their many friends with a whjst and dance In their hall. Zeller Williams ave. and evening. February 9. and Mueller, cor. RuBsell, Tuesday PORTLAND company 107, W. O. W., will give a whist party Wednesday evening, February 10, in Woodmen tem ple, 128 11th St. Admission 15c Re freshments and dancing. M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp. No. 6975, Mondays. Selllng-Hirach block. 10th and Washington streets. M. W A. Evergreen Camp. 6468. meets Wednesday evenings. Aiisay oiag., a ana Morrison sts. M. B. A. WHIST, social and dance, vv. O. W. temple. 11th St.. February 13. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 REAP THIS If you want a home cheap. $550 cash nir.. i r,wi. fnttnire. 2 lots. SOxlOO. fenced, barn, chicken house, 15 chickens, fruit trees and roses. $1250 takes room cottage, 2 lots. 80x100. fenced, barn, chicken house, fruit tree and roses, 1 block to car. $1800. $1000 casli takes f room mod ern bungHlow near Woodlawu; Its a dream. . $2500, $500 ensh, balance $2o pr month takes 8 room cottage, lot 60x32, w-est side, walking distance, will rent for $2f per month. $2850, $A0 cuhIi. balance $25 per month takes 5 room new modern bun galow. E. Morrison nt.. close in. iiSOO, JiOOfi rash taks 7 room mod ern houn"' with large hall, lot 50x100. nice lawn, roses and trees, in lrvington. all GERMAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO, S4jii Washington St.. rooms 3 and 4. A GOOD PUT.' Lot 61x100, strictly modern home, big closets, 5 blK rwms. beside pass pantry, hath and reinption hall, f i m. arrangements. big porches, concrete sidewalk, cement flonr in basement, refrigerator built in; fruit closet, fur nace, gas and electric light fixture; Duplex shades on wlnrtowH, screens for windows and doors; nice lawn, roses and other plants; 1 block to car; excel lent location; price ;i!n; terms tn suit; wottM like to sell furniture also. See owner, 957 E. Flinders st. TIGARBVILLE . lfi ncr... 4 cleared with nice spring branch on it, on good road, cfo.si to Salem electric und pro positi McM iunvllle branch; rriro $2110 per acre; J1U00 cash, balance terms, oil for particulars and let us show vou the land. KAUFFF1AM k MOORE Lumber Kxchange. A RP.AND new house, very artis tic In plant. and'finlsh; will exaclly suit anyone desiring an inviting, restful lmme; 7 rooms and sleeping porcu, wide veranda, full basement, furmicn and fire place, full lot. Is block to car: choice east fide neighborhood. $6000 If sold soon; easy terms on part. MOBSMAN & PARTRIDGE. Phone Main 642. 408 Commercial Club Blcg. Near Ivanhoe station on WW car line; very sightly corner, 3 lots, close to car, all cleared; price only $1000. $300 cash, balance monthly. KAUFFMAM & MOORE 325 Lumber Exchange. ! AT MOUNT TABOR. Nearlv new- 3 room house with fine 60x100 lot, chicken house and yard, with bearing fruit trees, 4 blocks, from car. We have several up 'to date bunga lows and houses, on our list: also small acre tracts mr canines, w can sell your Mount Tabor property: list It with us; as we nave several nuyers for same. MOUNT TAUOR HblliHTg . REALTY COMPANY. At end Mount Tabor carline. Phone Ta- - bor H. MUST sell employment business, good record, location and business; must leave; no cxDense. A. V Journal. FOR SALE REAL "ESTATE ; HEILMAN ft LATHROP, -(Sign of tha Horseshoe) ' Over Merchants Nat Bank. .Portland Heights lot on Elisabeth st. 12000; I860 cash, balances 8 per cent; paveu street, on canine, ror bungalow. (Sign ' of the Horseshoe) Union ave. corner. 4n -rrowlna- district. Improvements paid, 'no better business investment, iZ6b. . (stcn of the TlnrnHhul Sunnyside. close In: fine buildlns- lot. macadam street, cement .walk, sewer. water, neaa or street, line view, 11250 - (Sign or tne Horseshoe) Comer lot 1 block Aajit nt TTnintt ave. 50x75, paved street, cement walk, all pain, i it oo. IHlffn 'of the llAraMhruil WOOd lawn PiirnA,rlnt ttnrl-Aiin. line. $460. ' (Sign of the Horseshoe) E. Salmon. at., mrnflr. olnt in fine lo cation, elevated, south facing, cheapest oa the street, 11800. . teign or tne Horseshoe) from Kllllngsworth, swell surroundings, (Sign of the Hdrseshoe) Quarter block. Walnut Park district: good for 3 or 4 houses or bungalows; sewer, gas. 2 short blocks from Wil liams car. S from Union". 12000. (Sign of the Horseshoe) Best che&o lot. 20 mlnutei fmm Wash ington St.; graded street, water, board walk, lot is cleared; easy terms. $359. (Mign or the Horseshoe) Swell 8 room house, steam heat. Rtidd heater, all Improvements, corner lot. east facing, beautiful lawn with shrub bery, $7500. . (Sign or the Horseshoe) Very modern 7 rooms, hot water, heat. very complete, choice location, a perfect home,$50. (Sign or the Horseshoe) Brand new tmniralnw HOllatar Park First: 6 ' rooms. furnace. firenlace. everything complete, $4750. issign or the Horseshoe) Coxy home. IS rooms and hath, mortem plumbing, full basement, corner lot, im proved street, fine berries, etc.. 8 blocks from 8 minute car service. $2450. HKILMAN & LATHROP. (tsign or the Horseshoe) Over Merchants Nat. Bank. , $6750 TEN room modern house, stone rounaation and wall, nearlv Half block of ground, overlooking Willamette rlVer, nice lawn. $8750 Beautiful home,, beat residence section Willamette Heights. $7500 Beautiful home, best residence section in lrvington. $5800 Nice home, 7 rooma. lot 75x100. in nice residence section in lrvington. $2750 6 room house on Corbett St., South Portland, 2 blocks from car. $2500 Good 7 room house and barn, and one half acre cultivated ground, just beyond Ladd tract on Montavllla carline. . $2750 Good house and one acre cul tivated ground, lots of fruit trees, on Mount Scott carline. ' $3000 On of the prettiest building sites at Rlverdale, consisting of 10 lots. $3850 IS acres near Tigardvllte, new 7 room house and barn, about 11 acres under cultivation and 4 acres finest marketable oak timber. MURPHY & CASWELL. 230 .stark st. $1150 NEW 5 room bungalow, pantry. closets, fine large woodhouse,. corner lot, 1 block to car; small cash pay ment, balance 6 per cent. $2600 New 6 room bungalow, "mod ern," reception hall, beamed ceilings, paneled wall, full basement, 2 blocks from car; terms. $2!00 7 room modern cottage, 2 fine fireplaces, full basement with summer kitchen, full corner lot, cement walks, street improved, easy terms; or, if you want vacant lots, we have some bar-1 gains. J. F. STEINMETZ & CO., 193 Morrison st. LOOK -HERE? Ten minutes' walk from Steel bridge; house of five rooms and large . attic, bath, pantry, china closet, wood lift and toilet, full basement, gas. Bull Run water, cement sidewalk; east front, small lot. Price. $2600, half cash. See owner at 433 Rodney ave. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT OR HOME $7650 A fine home In the Nob Hill district, or a place that will bring the owner 12 or lb per cent on tne invest ment. On carline. four good fireplaces; also furnace, modern plumbing, .full 8 foot banement cut up into billiard rooms, etc. Cement walks and steps, shade trees, roso bushes good lawn. A. J. SALISBURY & CO., 820 Chamber of Commerce. WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments. There is no reason why you should not own .your own home. Call and see us and let us explain how easy It is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. A SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. A strictlv modern bungalow, fur nished complete, with best of furniture, lurge lot and elegant location. This is a snap; first here first served. Price $3500. RENSHAW, OSBORNE St CO., 1009 Belmont. IK) vou want real estate Investment that will pay you 100 per cent on the investment? I have 3 good i snaps. $5000 will handle the same. This : Is no rooming house or wild cat prop osition. If Interested write at once; win not last long. IS-33, journal. WORTH HAVING. 5 room house.t. block from car, full 7 foot basement, modern plumbing, new house. 50x100 foot lot. Price $2250; cash or terms. A. J. SALISBURY A CO.. S20 Chamber of fpmmeree. $2000 LOTS, northwest corner East Salmon and 3Sth sts. $1100 Corner lot, southwest corner Kast Madison and 38th sts. LEONARD BROS., 334 Chamber of Commerce. WEST side, walking distance, 5 room modern cottage, large attic, fractional corner, cement basement and sidewalks; !;tl,0; $1000 cash, balance terms. Nice home and conveniently located. Owner, 174 O rover. $2750. ne-aer 6-room house, chicken barn, fruit close to car This is a fine buy. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., S20 BOARJ) OK TRADE BLDG, SOME GOOD CHEAP LOTS In Vernon that part of the city that Is growing so. on E. 15th, near car. A. .1 SALISBURY & CO., V.'O Chamber of Commerce. TO REAL estate owners who have prop erties for sale: Join the Owners' Realty association to save commission, lawsulis and annoyance. 205 Arling ton bldg. BARGAIN 6 room new modern house, den. pantry, bath, stationary tubs, near 3 carlines. Owner. 836 Kirby St. Take L or U cars to Shaver st. 5 ACRE tracts near city, overlooking the Columbia: o. W. P. station, Cur tis, on place. $2o0 per acre. Terms; no agent'. 405 Hawthorne ave. . NICE 4 room cottage., modern, on. 44th st.. near Hawthorne'""ave, $2150; easy terms. T. W. Marshall Co., 1154 Haw thorne ave. MR. RENTER $150 cash and $16 per month takes new 4 room plastered cottage; only $800. CaU 208 4th. WANTED 100x100 or more, Alblna or Multnomah; state price and location, terms. T-25. Journal , - ; -; -.- 1775 EAST side lot, walking distance; lots adjoining are $900.;. 608 Main st. Oregon city MUST sell; best corner on E. Uth; 12 minute's walk from Sd and Morrison. G-29. Journal. - . ' FOR SALE 6 room , house, on corner; u cnvinn 100 feet on Alberta St. Call 108 E. 17th St.. Alberta car. $10 DOWN.-: $18 per month will buy a lot on the peninsula. , Phone Wood- lawn till.'-.-- - ' . . v STRI&TLY modern 6 room house, full t. $2760: small payment, $26 month- iy. Phone Woodlawn 179. C. R. Dcnnell fifCo. Real Estate. Room 838 C. of C YOU : certainly have , something you don t need; let me sell it for you. A. I', m-ramon. Z 1 4 uoucn OlO g. A BARGAIN S room modern cottage, Bunnyside. J2100; 70 cash. Bpeer & Co 1000 Belmont. ., . FOR SALE REAIi ESTATE 18 LAST One at this price, heautlful Queen Ann style; makes other bargains look actually, 'Sick. 1 - -$3250 $1000 cash.- . Right on car line, and new. 6 large rooms and den. Lot 50x100. - -,. V' Improvements) In and paid.; ' On 0 foot street. High and sightly, flno vlewOf city. ; Furnace. ' ; Cement laundry trays. ' Full cement basement. Cement floor. Cement steps ud to house and cement walk Around house. Large reception hall, with corv seat built In Sliding, doors between dining room and parlor. ... Large bedrooms and closets. Beautiful pantry, with arlass china closets and bins and drawers. Piped for gas and wired for electric ngnis. , Medicine chest in bathroom. Toilet up and down stairs. Big bay -window in dininor room. It Is the cheaoest house for this price that ever was offered in Portland. House within one block sold for $4500 mat is not as good. ' see tnis ana you will agree with us. GRIFFIN, 1082 E. Lincoln. Phones. Tabor 1821. B-1810. BUILDING HOUSES TO SELL? ' That's your business. SELLING LOTS ON WHICH TO BUILD That's our hiiMlness: And while we can show you 'a great variety in the way of . locations and prices, we wish to call your ATTEN TION to an ESPECIALLY .ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION ' ' in !- PATTON'S ADDITION A full block lying threo feet above grade; streets graded all around and cement walk on one side. Bull Run water In; sewer one block away and to be extended on two sides of oroo- erty; railway company holds franchise on street passing property. PRICE, Including all 'improvements. $6000. On TERMS or 10 PER CENT . ' DISCOUNT FOR CASH. If this looks good to YOU, come and . SEE US. 'DOIT TELEPHONE. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St Swell Bungalows New 6 rooms, modern In every way, built-in china closet, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, fireplace,- furnace, tinted walls, paneled dining room, window seat, el ec trio lights and gas, 'full base ment, part cement floor, laundry trays, coll in furnace, wood hoist, cement Walks, sewer In. e-ra.VR)Al tritpt Khariea and fixtures; between 2 car lines: alf! paid; J320O, iisoo cash, balance to suit New 6 room modern house, same as above, except fireplace and graveled street; good location, 2 blocks to car, $3300; $1300 cash, balance all the time wanted. New 6 room modern house, same as first one, except fireplace, furnace, graveled street, and has board side walk, 2 blocks to car; is a beauty; $500 cash, balance $15 per month and inter est. . 1 New S room modern bungalow, on Im proved street, good location, $2300; $500 cash, balance $15 per month and inter est HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., E. 34th and Hawthorne Avp. Tabor 516. S ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. Near Lents, well fenced, good 6 room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, etc.; 65 fine bearing fruit trees and berries of several kinds: some wood and grain; new washing machine, 2 good incuba tors, 2 brooders, 64 chickens and all household furniture, includ ing a new $50 steel range; rent only $10; 2 months paid In ad vance; lease, etc. Tenant will take $250 for everything pn the place. CADONAU & DURHAM, 270 Washington St. Room 1. AS A CHICKEN FARM YOU CAN'T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER. 22 acres on the Base Line road, -cast, 400 feet from electric line; running wa ter; only 10 miles from center of the city: 5 acres in cultivation; no house; a snAp at $110 per acre; easy terms. , THE CROSS LEY COMPANY. .708 nd 709 Corbett Bldg. PURSE'S SNAPS. $10 month, lots; take pick. Price $200 each. , $425 each, sacrifice 2 lots on.Cotiricll Crest. This is $200 less than adjoining lots. $3750 $ acres In fruit. 30 minutes' beautiful ride from heart of Portland. $1600 2 acres. 30 minutes (actual time) from business center; fine view; a summer camp now on this place. SI 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IP YOU are interested in . real estate you can not do without our new sec tional man. ' 25 MILES OF PORTLAND'S SUR ROUNDINGS. It gives townships, ranges and sec tion numbers, R. R. and electric lines, etc. Price SO cents postpaid; send stamps. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 708-709 Corbett bid. . LOOK INTO THIS. 100x100. Two fine 6-room modern houses, full cement basement, cement sidewalk; $40 er month; on K. 10th st: half cash. '6RTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 820 BOARD OF TRACK BLDO. FOR SALE 4 room plastered house, with full basement, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, large bathroom and pantry and lot 40x100. only 8 blocks from carline; price $1400, $176 down. 10 a month, o.. Atjderson, 343 Hall st, jwyrtie i ars. WORklNGMAN'S BARGAIN. r Sell wood: 4-room house: 2 unfinished In attic: lot 60x100. Thla ia a fine buy for $1060. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 820 BUAKO UK TKAUK BL.DU. FOR A-l bargains in farms, timber lands, city property, acreage and va cant lots, also property for . rent and trade, see THE PEERLESS LAND CO.. Room 7, Benson Bldg., 6th and Morrison. EAST BURNSIDE DISTRICT. We have several hlxh-srrade homes in the swell East fiurnsida district for sale, ranging about $5000 In price. it. 1. fAJai KM, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. . - MODERN 5 room bungalow, bath, pan trv toilet, full basement, wouu miHi: corner lot 60x100. $2400: all famished by owner. Call 488 Claremont , at. woodlawn. ; HOUSE and lot, $6 7,-with terms; house and lot. 6 rooms. S 700. with, terms: buntralow -with 6 rooms. $800. terms; house, 11 rooms, modern, $2500, terms. Call 204 Mohawk bldg. ; $2800 NICE new 7 room house and 60x 100 lot in vernon, near AiDeria cant full basement hot air, fireplace: mod ern in every way-w Phone East 2612. WHO wants thlst Up-to-date 8 room modern house, near Williams ave. and Broadway, netting 8 per cent on in vestment, fnone woodlawn lz!( 8 ACRES on O. W. P. electric line, $ . acres cleared, station to be built at corner of. tract; price $1000; easy terms. Knapp & MacKey, zia Boarq or xraqe. T., T" OAT I.- At .... ...... H . wAAn ...... .. lot 100x100. Might trade for smaller house or good lot See owner, 660 Mason st., corner 13th. ' V ' FOR SALE Good location - for flats, on carline and walking distance, . on westsiae. w-i, wournau MUST sell modern 6 room house, worth $2700; will take $3300; owner. 1033 E. 28th St. N. -" - - - ; A SNAP 4 lots .in Berkely for $500 If taken at once. George W. ,Burke ; & Co.. 22Q iweuana Diqg. LOT close to Brpoklyn school and Sell- wood car, cneap, inquire mi aiu waukie st FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE 16 a-BpsafceWll"sBW' $1400 Good $ room plastered -house. . with larse barn on place and 2 -lots 60x100 each; the lots are worth prico asked for-all: in the Riverside -addition; terr $500 cash, balance $15 per montn. Don't fall to se tljis big snap If vou want a home. $3500 Modern, 7 room house, hard fln . Ish, cement basement, etc.; in Kenilworth, on W. W. carline; $1500 cash, balance on mort gage or will exchange for farm. $3000 Good 6 room house with a nice large barn and acre land, with about 30 nice fruit trees. This place is very sightly and at ractlve; near Montavllla; terms, $1600 cash, balance years at 7 per cent interest. 82400 Beautiful new modern 6 oom bungalow, with 60x100 Jot, on K. Glisan at: $200 cash, balance $20 month. ClSftn K'le mnriern. new 10 room house with larae closets, bass- ment toilet, bath, etc., on Monta ' villa carline: terms. $600 cash, balance monthly. - $2500 6 room bungalow, with fireplace, hot and cold water, cement base, ment, electric light, etc: fine lot 50x100, on Hawthorne ave. car line; this is a beautiful place , and very cheap; terms, $1000 cash, balance to suit $250 Beautiful new 6 room bungalow, a corner, 60x100; a good ."re place In living room; tinted walla, electric fixtures, all com plete: only $500 cash. $2000 New modern 5 room house, all on one floor, cement basement elec tric lights. Piped for gas, etc., wltH nice 60x100 lot, on St Johns carline. Glenwood station; ' terms, $600 cash, balance $20 month. . $3000 Beautiful corner lot In Haw thorne Park, on 13th st, near carline; a big snap, M cash. $3600 6 room bungalow, modern, on ,E. Taylor st, Sunnyside car, '$500 cash; Improved street. $"50--Each, lots 11, 13 and 14. block 20. Highland i-ars $1250 Buys a choice lot in Piedmont, on carline. .' ' $1100 For a beautiful lot in Piedmont, only 1 block from Union ave.; a big snap. V $1000 Beautiful lot In Vernon, with small house. ' $ 600 Each for two nice lots at Ver non; only 1H blocks from Al berta car; these lots are a snap. $ 4B0 Each for 2 beautiful lots in Gaza addition, near carline. $1380 Buys a choice lot with elegant view on Willamette Heights. $ 326 Each for 4 choice lots in Arbor Lodge, near carline. 3 600 A big snap for a choice corner lot in Norm trvingion. 250 Each for 4 choice lota In Oak Park addition, St. Johns carline. J. H. SHIELDS 80S Gerlinger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main S43Q. SUBURBAN HOMiTS.. 9 acre farm. V. acfes cleared. 1 mile from station on electric carline. 8 miles from Portland, small orciiara, nouse and barn; $2750; cash. 7.20 acres, all cleared, f room nouse, large barn, full bearing orchard, splen did view, 10 miles from Portland, one mile from station on electric canine; $3000. . 40 acres. 23 acres ciearea. poor nuua- ings, 12 miles from Portland, county road on two sides, running water, 7 acres Of ftne timber, balance easy cleared; J1200 handles this place. 18 acres, all cleared, wen rencea. gooa dwelling house, two barns, fine orchard. mile from uregon electric line, ciosh to church and school, splendid mm and walnut land; $2300; V, cash. 6 acres, small house, some fine tim ber, running water. mile from Ore gon electric carline. rich soil, no rock or gravel, 9 miles from Portland; $750. HOSSACK & GOODMAN. Oregon Electric depot. Front and Jef ferson sts. Phone Main 6426. $5,0DO To settle estate the following Is offered at above figure:. Flour mill complete, Including 36 aerea of land, perpetual water right, warehouse for grain, loe houses, 100,000 ton capacity, and two beautiful homes, all com plete; 15 per cent guaranteed on the Investment Near Portland. Terms. Stage routeincluding 3 livery barns, horses, hotel, wagons, mall contracts, etc. Terms. Wonder ful opportunity for live man. 305 Wells Fnrgo Bldg. Portland. A-3237. Main 5641. DO YOU WANT A HOME? If so we have prices, payments and locations to suit you. Call and see. . $3300 7 room strictly modern bunga low. Alberta: $S0O rysh. balance easy. $2600 6 room strictly modern bunga low, E. Glisan: $20,) cash, $20 monthly. $19005 room strictly modern cot tage. Firland; $2$0 cash. $20 monthly. $1576 4 room, iKisement, lot 80x100, Laurelwood; $200 cash. $12.60 -monthly. $1500 4- room Mrlctly modern cot tage. Myrtle ParK; $400 cash, $20 monthly. $130r0 5 room modern, lot 80x100, Gray's Crossing; $250 cash, $12.60 monthly. $1250 6 room modern cottage. Mount Scott car; $300 cash. $15 monthly. $1250 6 room modern, lot 100x130, Sell wood; $500 rash, balance easy. All nice homes, near carlines. Oregon Adjustment Co. 308 Anlieny. Mnln 8267. $200 60x100 NEAR Country club. $.100 100x100. Marqiium bill. $600 1 lots, Fulton Park. $9009 lots, Patton road. $950 House and lot, Mount Scott line. $1100 Corner, 60x100, East 44th. $1850 100x100 and house, Kast. Yam hill. $2750 Fine house. South Portland. $2000 100x100 and house.. Sell wood. $2500 60x100, corner, and 7" room house. WILLIAM A. HANSEN. 732 Marquam bldg. Phone M. 8649, $16004 ROOM bungalo In Sunny side; ", terms, $504) cash, balance easy terms. $2100 Modern 5 room cottage, less than a block from Mount Scott car; $500 cash, balance monthly payments. $2500 Modern 7 room house, near Mount Scott car; $500 cash, balance easy payments. LEONARD BROS.. 334 Chamber of Commerce. MOUNT TABOR BUILDING SITE. Very choice, almost an acre, on promi nent street, city view, highly improved, some fruit trees; fine for home or in vestment See me for. price and term. J. R. BTIPE. 710 Chamber of Commerce. $3760. SUNNYSIDE HOME. RAven-room modern house, full cement basement: corner lot. 60x106; a beautiful hntnn: 12250 cash, balance per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 820 HOAKU 1' TKAUK WJ-.I.H. SPLENDID modern 7 room house, fine , . . . I V. I . . A 1 ! lull loi, ver vigiikij', iu(im , vmj $3260; easy terms." . - Another beauty. 7 rooms, E. A. car, only $2900. 380 E. Wash. East 1115. B-143. - - i ... ,r Sunnyside - Lot. west 9th st I block north Haw thorne; snap; $650. 114$ E. Taylor st Owner. . ' " ' 1 ACRE with new 4 room . house and fine young orchard, chicken. house, 4 blocks to car. 6c fare. 20 minutes out; bargain. $2000; easy terms. 922 Wor cester bldg. Main 6179. : 'MITAP ACREAGE. S or It acres, level, fine location.' 10- cent car fare., hourly service; $250 per acre. , Brubaker & Benedict, 602 McKay bldg. NEW 4- roonf bungalow, modern, gas. electricity, on sightly ground,' 1 block from Hawthorne car. Only $1900; $260 down, $16 per month- T. W. Marshall Co., 1164 Hawtnome ave. $1360 WAVERLEIGH Heights, snap If - taken at once; fine view, corner. Main mi. ' " '' -- '' SOME (rood build In it lots at a bargain, -- G. H. Travis, 457 Hawthorne ave. BY OWNER, elegant flats, fc.iyii im . st, near Morrison. X-32, JouTnal. FOB SALE ItEAL ESTATE 16 IT AFFORDS us great pleasure to 'announce having; estab lished an office for architectural and engineering- purposes at num- r.. '.- - J! 4 -' , ber three hundred sixty-two (352) Washington street, Portland, Ore gon. ' . . , , . i. ' By reason of years of experi ence In th east which were' pre ceded by a most thorough and .practical 'knowledge ef bulld- t ' . ing construction, further by special training lnthe many and varied lines of this profession, w are prepared to offer those In peed of such service the best obtainable. i Our experience in the design. Ing and ' construction of reen forced 'concrete,' of which we make a specialty, is from the time of its first general use In build lng construction' in the east As Is customary In eastern prac tice, service may to had In 'either of the flowing methods: First, to furnish complete plane and specifications i wlthr details and superintendence at the reg ular fixed professional charge, the building to be erected under con tract. Second, to furnish service as first stated with the erection of the building included, without any additional charge. This method requires more time 'and attention from this office, yet for every reason It is undoubtedly the most economical. v Trusting we may be permitted by a personal Interview to more fully state our, purposes and meth ods to those desiring architec tural services, and extending a most hearty invitation to visit this office, we are V. Tours Respectfully, ; MURRAY & AUSTIN, Architects and Engineers, 862 Washington st, Portland. Or. Phone, Main 8296. $300 , Cash Two high east front corner lots, near Alberta car: small rustic house but comfortable; the lots are highly Improved, with fruit bearing trees and vines and Hh rubbery. A safe buy for a quick profit or for a permanent in vestment. J. C. STRUBLE. 433 Chamber of Commerce. IRV1NGTON LOT. , East front, on 22d St., between TILLAMOOK AND THOMPSON. On carline. asphalt street, all improvements- In and paid lor and at $2000. IT'S THE BEST BUY IN 1RVINGTON. If you want It. you'll have to get It BEFORE NEXT FRIDAY. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY., : lii Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth St HERE Is property on the Sunnyside car line, the best line in the city; why? $400 to $1000 Lots, very E. Z. terms. $1100 Choice lot, 116x136 feet; a good buy. , 82100 Lot 60x180 feet, with 6 room house; 12 fruit trees, nice hedge, chick house, barn, etc.; $200 cash, balance as rent. ' - $2950 5 room very modern bungalow. $66,000 New modern flat, close In, $2600 cash. M'KENNA REAL ESTATE CO., 1155 Belmont, cor. 39th. Tabor 865. RIVERDALE HOME, 14 minutes' ride uo on the west side, 4 full lots, with good 6 room house, with fireplace, porcelain bath, wash Btand, toilet, etc.; large porches upstairs and down, fine view: large spring with water ram: water piped to house; your own water system; diockh irom sta tion; good hqmes surrounding. If8 all yours for $2800; $400 down. . X R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce, $6500 BUYS a beautiful new home in lrvington; 8 rooms and attic: full base ment, hardwood floors, panelled dining; room, china closet, clothes shute.. cool ing chests, wood hoist 2 fireplaces, fur naces, 2 toilets, bath, cement walks and all conveniences; a beautiful home. Phone Main S14S. WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO,. 621 tJoroett oing. BARGAINS in; homes; good location. fine climate, .dairy, fruit and stock ranches; fine timber land, well located. Write for booklet A. L. Rainwater, Philomath. Or. . v ABRAMS and SON.-"- v Real estate, 208 1st. We havecuatom- ers for South roruano propfry. m mv A SWELL t room new modern cottage. $800 cash, balance to suit ThU is the cheapest buy In Vernon, near Alberts car. 71a pwcxiana "".ft. VV H. HAVE. lr ,is "fir ' homes in all parts of the city at first cost to build, cash c-r terms. Priest & Everett 263 Washington; t. room 10. Mam 4i FOR SALHJ 7 room house. 8 th and Al berta. $2200; concrete basement and plumbing C Sheets, 713 E. ilth, Sell- wooa FOR SALE By owner, modern $ mom llOUSe, JUIl UBCiriV, vcmuui WC11HB, lmoroved street; $200 down, $26 ' per mnnTcall 474 E. Ash. B-1037, E.3837. FOR SALE By owner; no agents. A modem house, two lots,, with fruit trees' an auto house and auto; $360(7. terms. 1030 E. th, N.,. near Alberta st. t ACjRE on electf lo line, few minutes' ride? from city; running water; $226 cssh. balance essy payments.-,.,Scranr ton. 214 Couch bldg.,, A-2062-. SOME choice vacant lots' and residence property, on easy terms; lots to trade for acreage; acreage to trade for lots. Cascade Land Co., 131 3d st, room 16. FOB SALE KE AL- ESTATE 1 " EAST ANKENY. , ' Very desirable modern 6 room home, splendid neighborhood, nice surround- lugs, large well arranged rooms; terms, , : $2000 cash, balance $1750 mortgage. - - -- $1760. :.; : -mice room cottage,' lot 6xi uiy northwest corner 12th and Shaver; WJ0t cash, balance 6 per cent - i . - I - J $900. ; 8 room cottage,-60x100 lot, East 11th between Going and Wygant; $300 cash, . balance $15 per month. . S. RAX WORTHY,' ' i ' 697 Marshall St. Phone A-24SS. , SOME CHEAP HOMES. -1 acre and new 6 room house,: hnrd finished and papered, good well of fin water, close to two good carlines; price $2700; terms. s- .. . Lot and 6 room cottage, several hire . fruit trees, close to car. Price $1800; $500 cash. : ') . - .'---, -'.: 60x100, 7 room house, $ finished; will rent as 1t is for $10, - Price $110; $650- cash, piano included. ZIMMERMAN. ""21 Board of Trade bldg. - $5000 7 ROOM modern house, built by architect for Own use; elegant home.. o00 $ room house and lot 100x100, west slope Mount Tabor.- . $1800 6 room house, Montavllla car- tin e. :A. , . , .. . ... ; . $473 Lot 60x100, 8 blocks from bus nesa center of fit. Johns. . $604) 2 lots In Firland: -will exchane for small acreaee and nav difference, Inland Realty Co- $0 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash. - -' $3500 WEST SIDE HOME. ' 6 room house on fractional lot In Nob Hill district; full basement; south frontage; bltullthlo pavement. ..For a small home In the best residence dis trict this ia a decided bargain. Non resident owner has reduced the price from $4000 and only wants $1200 cash. Sea us at once. - - ' STRONG & CO.," ' Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg, BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. With over i acre of land, under per fect cultivation, right on Oregon City carline, near station, 25 minutes out; 5 rooms, bath and pantry, spring water Flped in the house, beautiful large ireplace, beamed celling in living room and . dining room: veranda 9x30 feet; for quick sale $2350; suitable terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGII, f ' 510-511-612 Swetland building. ACREAGE ON OREGON CITY CARLINE, We have One 3 acre .'tract on the Oregon City carline, high and sightly, perfect state of cultivation, 30 minutes' car ride, spring- water, the most , beau tiful suburban location adjacent to Portland; $550 per sere: easy terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 614-511-612 Swetland building. ELEGANT 7-room modern home; hand somely furnished with piano; swellest part of Walnut park; owner obliged lo go east; inree-rourtns its value: easy terms or will exchange for good lots. 6-room cottage: new, attractive; $950; lot, 40x100; terms. 6-room house: $800; near car; terms. FEE A CO.. Room 14. 303 Washington st ACRE . At Sou Ui Mount Tabor, fine soil, all in berries; price $1500. $300 cash, balance $16 per month. , Spencer & Co. 102 2d st 1 PENINSULAR BARGAINS. 20 lots. 60x100, $400 each; 9 lots 25 100, $225 each. Best terms on these mi vs. 4 room house, new, modern; $500 cash, balance monthly. 8 room house, modern, new street and sidewalk; $2700. $1700 cash, balance monthly; 1 block to car. Main J202; Woodlawn 2283. ; JOHN B. EASTER, Gerlluger Bldg. A LOVELY HOME. Full lot. modern 7 room house. Strictly up to date, large sleeping porch, .large, light rooms, close in on east , side; rtne location. ir you i looking for something at reasons m-tce. see this. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade bldg. , $10,600 BUYS splendid 100 by 100 cor ner. Including dwelling which cost $5500, suitable to build to for apart ment; close In: near 17th and Washing ton. This Is a bargain and ought to sell quick, WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO.. 621 Corbett bldg. WESt SIDE HOME. 6 room bungalow, full basement cor ner lot. This is a fine home within walking distance, and a bargain at the price. $2750, $1000 cash required, v J. C. STRUBLE. 432 Chamber of uomnierce. lOOxlOO; FINK location at Wontilatvn. for $550, if taken at once. Fine lot st Tretnont, 40x126; only blocks from car; $200. ' KEYSTONE REALTY CO., 212 Alisky Oiog. HERE IS A BARGAIN. New, modern. 6 room bungalow. In a restricted district., lot 100x100, on ft. street. block from 6c car; $216. rnsh. -balance to suit. Call 113H 6th sF. Phone Main 4381. SEVERAL fine building lots, nice loca tion, value $350 to $600 each, whlca we will trade into a 6 to 8 room resi dence, east or west side. PORTER ft FRENCH, 607 Commercial Bldg. NEW modern bungalow for sale h; owner, E. 26th between Alberta an. I Sumner, facing east; full concrete basement: all latest improvements: prtn $1900: terms. Phone It C. Howes, East 84; B-2324, between 12 and 1. GREAT snap In lots, Long Beach: $ down, $5 per month: no interest. These lots are worth double the price. See us at once. i CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. , 430 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sis. , IT 4 V-T. llAV I.- V So $1330 takes new modern. f oungaiow: porcelain nam, louei. shir. electric lights, dry basement, city water; lot, 40x104. Woodlawn car. Terms. Owner. N-J7, Journal 3 A nUIflC ' Onlnn ADM I ft17AO U V. ' M 22800. terms: my modern 6-room Al il berta bungalow; two lots. 1034 Last J 25th N. : c.-;t r, i i ,i . i i i . " t JVtt OA liCi, oy uniici, lino ITSIUtriivo cement - sidewalk, between two car lines: a snap for immediate sale. Phone B-1680. WR DESIGN AND BUILD ' Modern homes on reanonable te"rm. MORRIS-EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO., 824 Chamber or commerce Dldg. MONTAVILLA. 3 blocks to car. corner, 90x100, good 7 room house, good bam, and chicken house, plenty of ; fruit; $2000; half cash. M. 5179. EAST Ankeny st, corneiS 100x112, good' 5 room house, plenty fruit: a har- galn; $2150; $500 cash. 622 Worcester bldg. ' M. 6179. WE HAVE choice residence property iit all parts-of the city at all prices. Don't buv until you see ua, . Slsca, 406-7 Couch bldg. 3 ROOM house and acre of ground on Mount Bcott carline. . Inquire at 731 union ave., nortn. LOT 60x100, . east side, good location; $460; $100 down, -balance . easy. . . A money maker. 406-7 Couch bldg. " 100x100 NORTHEAST corner Skidmors and Alblna; $1600; terms. CaU 605 McKay bldg. " . .-'- OWNER leaving city; lots, 60x100 In i. Bell Crest: 4 in Hvda Dark. Main 6740, - - V ..-',-' .-. $135 EQUITY In Waverlelgh Heights lot ror purcnase price one year ago. v-iv, journal. INVESTORS, go to the Owners Realty - Assn. Buy direct of owners and save com m Ission. 205 Arlington bldg. ' -' HAVE a modern home for sale in lrv ington; must go as' sacrifice'.5 owner caueq away, jj-34. - Journal. HAYES & RANDOLPH, contractors and i- builders. Let us build your , borne. 617, Oregonian bldg. Main 2611. ' NICE 'new room cottage, modern In' every respect $2800; terms. T W, mao-nnu i iDT-rtawrnorne ave. FOR SALE block of lots near 8-cent carline; price way below value for 6 5 ROOM cottage; snap; E.-i 11th at, $1350. terms; owneT.' 403 Couch bldg. SOME good building lots at a bargain" u. , ii. j. it. via, id( nawtnorne ave., i hi 1 Molt