THE . OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1909. TAYLOR'S ERROR TOPICS COVER . RUSH TO PAY - TAXES IS Oil POT Oil FAST IS ADIillfTED WIDE E HAIL TDAII 18, RATIG Cirv Knfrineer Excuses His . Action in Changing Con crete Bridge Plans. day afternoon at p. r s pmbr of the xecutive board and deU d t rwe!Wnt anJ. -the nftv eneineor nct in the mayors ... hfflre vMt"rday afternoon to hold a nation but deals with 'all i final conference on Uie fJtst iwniy lohth trppt hridse. .Attorney J. A. "McMarv antf Haisr Bowles of the Northwest BrMxi works were also pres- Cltv Engineer Taylor admitted tnat l"' A wide range of subjects is covered by the series of Hidden lectures which Is to be given at the White Temple un der the auspices or the l . ai. c a. and the Federated Men's clubs of the PbrUand churches, beginning next Sum day afternoon at 3:30 p. m. Air. Rid one denoint- religious and spiritual matters from a purely non- sectarian point of view i he program as announced Is In part a follows: Sundav "Science and Kengion. tne searchlight of science on the religion he Ltd ermitte1 changes In the plans Oon"ay,771(1rv m .CI . 't of the bridge, but slid fie considered the ??- 5t"df?' Jh?if" ?he in changes ot such slight Importance, thst on?es of a future 1 1 re, ti he 11 n 5 hir,i, it i,PceRrv- m nntifv of the mind over the body and ti Nature1 the evl fluence jTj i nt thfnlt It necesaarv to notify T 'he mind over me Dony ann me ooojr LAJXkrl "ece8Br5r to notlfy over the mind: metaphysical and divine Attorney McNary. jor tne nncig com- '".-" r,M.V'nH fl,.l Y, Vi,;,, nrf that hi Growth." the physical hauls of mind o- v.i.-nr, nr. tin. hr.m h land morals: tne emooaimeni or meats The executive noar.i, nowever. injtes "'"i ...... he position that thr. enfrinwr repre-1 now to overcome an nan iui .1... Ka.1 nn v In n far n itiiannait me micner viriucw. L.J m. t J. ' that nltwt unit I Wednesday "Psychic and Spiritual specifications were followed bv the con- Phenomena." sense perception, soul per irantors. and that he had no authority ception and spiritual perception: telep- to sanction departures rrom tne plans, amy. sueni xorces. ', iiun,, pru- T. G. Greene sailed attention to a pnecy ana me bbctci ui cuuimuiuuii jwnn clause In the contract which specifically I God. t.t tn.t nv chaneo made In the Thursday "The Psychology of Buo- oonstructlon of the bridge without the) cess." explaining how to acquire the approval of the executive board would I elements of mind, and heart that win be at the risk of the contractors. out in the battle of life, and the way to The bridge committee will maKe its develop a strong, captivating person report to the executive board today, allty. .- and it is regarded as certain that the Friday "Heredity and Prenatal Cut renort will recommend mat tne ivortn-I ture " the law or genius: uie trans west Bridge works he required to tear I mission of acquired characters: the pos out both ends of the bridge and re- nihilities of Drenatal culture: the hered- build. Ilty of noted characters: Pope Leo the XIII, Mary Baker u. ifiddy, Kobert in- sersoll. etc. the abnormal man. TI r Other subjects listed are: "Christian rnillV Till IT IWIPJlUa Mysteries Unveiled." "Ancient Wisdom. lilllVT 1UU1 lllCllllJ New Thought. Christian Science and the Atonement." "God. Faith and Praver." 'The New Man," "The World's By Simply Eating a Little Pleas- Redemption; Vo2 and r"' Mar" ant Tablet After Each Of Them. It is arranged that no admission fee shall be charged to the lectures, but an A TABLET DIOESTS A HEAL. offering will be taken each evening to When digestion is perfect the fluids .-auwJT5.-iVr XSFX'T I- lr? o'clock.'" Question bo7at V:""' are of right proportion and do their worx speeaiiy and wen. When indlaes- iion ana dyspepsia are prevalent these same Juices come slowly If at all. are weak and insufficient or are filled with Irons; acids and alkalies. . When such a condition exists each meal is a hardship upon the digestive (Organs The meal should strengthen the Juices, but on the contrary it weak ens them, so that man by the very act of eating causes conditions to arise which of themselves bring him pain and loathing for the next meal. tiV eat n fir one OF Ktli rt htRnAttili nnnlli nmnlili Tablets you mix- the tablet with your their preparatory school -work last saliva and it goes Into your stomach a night when the February. 1909. class of niiviiK. viHuiuus iiuiu. 1 1 mil v iime, morn k'nai kiiin niarn aennni mini iimi i nil powerful than tne natural digestive was the second class to graduate from Juices. These tablets are made un from I th nv anhnnt A fln nrntrmm hud natural vegetable and fruit essences I been arranged, and It was enthuslas and are composed from Hydrastis, Oold-1 tlcallr received from the first eolo by u Dim. ijouioaa, i ux. Asceric fensln. I Httiavt Urrf!nlr to the lust nnmlMr rn Bismuth and Jamaica Ginger. There lsldered by the girls' glee club. Dr. Luth Sheriff Takes In Average of More Than $10,000 a ' Day. ' - DIPLOMAS ABE GIVEII TWELVE . the formula and one grain of it will dl gesi soou grains or rood in any stom ach. Beside digesting the food It will give the blood the power to enrich the digestive fluids so after a time nature will take care of Itself. Though you have no stomach trouble one of these tablets after each meal is a powerful assistance to nature and is an excel lent habit to make. Go to any druggist- and ask his opin ion of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. We will abide his answer if he be an hon est man.. They, sell for 60c per pack age. - Bend us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., ISO Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. er R. Dyott talked to the class on "The Privileged Life." . He told them that self -discovery, self realisation, self-control and self-dedication were the four great problems of life, and what was necessary to do in order to solve them. Herman Wittenberg, chairman of the board of education, was Introduced shortlv after Dr. Dyott had finished, and after a short talk to the pupils pre sented the diplomas. The graduates were Alvln K. Bradford, Goldle Orls som, Margaret Thomas, Max Somera, Waldo Miller, Elisabeth Lewis, Mar guerite Mathiot, Emanuel Landerholm, John Bosorth, Leon ' Chevalll, Ruth Owen and Roy Hatfield. - . The crowd in the tax department of the sheriffs office these days makes he rush hour at Brooklyn bridge look like a cheaa tournament.' Nor does the occasional Bowl of rage from a tax payer who believes himself overtaxed detract rrom the aptness of the com parison. Chief Denntv H; ft. Martin turned over to the county treasurer yesterday $20, 836. this beinr the tax recelnts for the first two days of February, 1909. This is an average of a little over f 10. 000 .a aay taxen in Dy the aepartmwit. Notwithstanding the fact that SO extra clerks are employed to facilitate the handling of the increased business and that two night shifts are on duty- it is impossioie to Keep up witn vine work. It Is necessary that each daVs receipts be distributed to the different county runds ana this apportionment is a considerable task in itself. Mr. Mar tin said that If people who send In to tne ornce ror statements wouia remem ber that there are thousands of appli cations in ahead of them and that these all have to be taken up in turn, they would be a little more patient In their demands. All applications . for state ments of taxes will be answered as soon i possible. There will be a turnover made to the county treasurer every five day and Deputy Martin expects the receipts to average about xiu.uuu or more a aay. DECIDE LIGHTING CASE NEXT MONDAY Harriraan Officials Arrange 60 Hour Portland to ; Chicago Schedule. Some decision will probably be hand ed down Monday by Judge Wolverton of the United States circuit court, Jn the case of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company against the city of Portland, in the matter of the applica tion for an injunction, seeking to pre vent the city from prosecuting the rail way company and its president, B. 8. Josselyn, for violating city ordinance No. 10003. Arguments in tne case were heard all Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Josselyn was arrested on com plaint of City Attorney J. P. Kavanaugh who charged the company with having violated the ordinance regulating the distances that high voltage wires should be placed apart on cross arms and the manner in which transmitters should be placed. The railway counsel contend ed that the ordinance was unconstitutional. NEWPOKT CITIZENS ENTERTAIN STEANGEKS (Special r1ptch to Tb Jonraal.1 Newport. Or.. Feb. S. The social event of the season was the reception given in honor of the strangers In the city by the residents. This entertain ment was held last night at Irving Log Cabin and was attended by over 200 citlsens and strangers. The log cabin was an ideal place for the gathering, and it was at Its best last night. The- two great fireplaces were piled high with biasing fir chunks and the crackling flames warmed the big rooms witn a ruddy glow. The committee took special care that none should leave the cabin strangers to each other. Short addresses, music and songs added largely to the enjoy ment of the. occasion. The Newport ladies served an appetising repast, wnlch was amply sufficient for the large num ber present. This unique entertainment will be long remembered. Mall is to be carried from Portland to Chicago In (0 hours, 13 hours less than at present, according to the train schedule that the O. R. & N. and Unlop racinc is arranging for its summei service from-Portland to the east. Gen eral Passenger Agent McMurray of the Hartiman lines is now In Salt Lake con ferring with Short Line officials over ine cnange, ana u is relieved tnat it will go into effect In May. Among the other plans being consid ered for the betterment of the Portland- Chicago service Is the operation of four daily trains to ana irom umoago. Tn preliminary plans, as they are being discussed now, provide for a train to be known ss No. S. to consist of rive mall cars. . This train, it Is ex pected, win carry only mail, and will be known as the fast mall.- No. 1 will be the limited train, and will carry no man, oniy stanaard i'unmans, Observa tion, ana aining car. it is to te tne regular overland limited, and will make tne time rrom cmcaaro to Portland about the same ss between Chicago and Oakland. Another train, a local, will make the Union Pacific connections at Green River as at present, and the rourtn win aino- connect witn the reg ular Union pacific trains at Green River. X If the fast mail is put Into service It will give Portland a servlc that h been badly needed for years, and will do away with the handicap the city has suffered because of slow mail service to ana irom tne east. FEAR SECRET WORK OF THE RAILROADS The preservation and extension nf tK. powers oi me state railroad commission Were the text of two niohltlnn. nmm-i by the Oak Grove Improvement asso ciation at Its regular meeting last night. One of these resolutions strongly fav ored the Dlacina- of all strent railway under the regulation of the commission. wnue tne otner as strongly condemned the action of certain lntereata In h. legislature who are planning to amend the present law so as to do "away with some of the powers of the cnmmluiAn and thus present a way to the abolition of the commission. Another resolution highly Important to Oak Grove people was adopted. It asks the railway people to change the name of the station known as Center and call It, with the station known as Oak Grove, bv the one name of 0v Grove. Considerable difficulty and an noyance Is given to the business men of the district now by the two stations as the mail comes addressed to one sta tion, whereas the freight sent out by the Portland merchants has to be ad dressed to Center. W. Wynn Johnson of The Journal delivered an address to the association on "Civlo Improvement." There was a debate between B. Lee Paget and H. G. Starkweather on "Should Agriculture Be Taught in Our Public Schools." Mr. Starkweather won for the negative by pointing out to the members the Inac curacy in the text book used today on the subject of agriculture. AJUBSTBS cough that has been hanglnr on for over two months by taking Ballard's Horehound Syrup. If you have a cough, don't wait stop It at once with this wonderful remedy. Splendid for cough. coia on cnest, influenza, bronchitis and uimonary trouoies. price 25c, 50c and 1.00. Sold by Skldmore Drug Co. ADVANCE SPRING I lEIfS (TV Now on Ex X 11' aTIl Af IVXlV aT II I " '- ( 1 5f l I . - . 5 I AH p ml i tsVIW mWZim jsawiSMvj I a5 mmmmmmmmmmmmmM For Any of These Elegant and $17.50' Men's Suits Sizes 34, 35 and 316 Special Sale Sm all Size S Save money on your suit if your size is here. See our Yamhill Street window for display of the great bargains The assortment of weaves, colors and designs in this gathering of Suits, both in the single and double-breasted models, is so varied it would be impossible to describe them here. Hand-finished and Scotch fabrics, as well as beautiful worsteds, are shown in different shades of browns, tans, grays, etc., the ever popular and serviceable blue and black serges, etc. We find that we bought too-many small sizes and must sacrifice at least 120 of these sizes 34, 35 and 36 chest measuremerit. Here's a snap for you if you are of small figure. : Your Credit Is Good First and Yamhjll Second and Yamhill me n TiU 9:30 Saturday JNignt