THE OREGON I DAILY-JOURNAL, . PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3. 1909. 10 WILL WORK OUT OLD BiDISSUES Tort of Portland Commission TroTides a Sinking Fund. -DECIDES TO BUILD OCEAN GOING TUGS Contractors Invited to Submit Bids for Steel Hnll Craft to Be Opened Here March 11 River Towboat Oklahama Might Be Bought. By providing a sinking; fund the Port of Portland yesterday afternoon loo iatAna te wlnA nut Indebtedness that ha been standing for some time. The total amount of old bonds to be re, tired v this newly established sfnk- ing fund 1" 1760.000 and It will take ap proximately 25 years to accomplish it : One series of bonds falls due In li when $850,000 will have tobt Produced hv the nort commission. To raise ine required turn, $17,600 will be set aside .... tV. mnnav will be Invested in the meantime so to earn all or a part of the 6 per cent iniernt i.v. on the Indebtedness. The second aeries falls due in 1881.. It 1; known" the drydock bonds and calls for $400,000. To gradually wipe this out. the commission will set aside 110,00 each year until 1881. The first seriea of bonds men A.A k.ith anlrt to rtv for the expense of dredging and diking the channel to we sea many yw s- Bonds Issued later will be retired au tomatically at the rate of 10 per cent per annum so that the sinking fund ""will" not have to provide for them. In- eluded in these bonds are the towage and pilotage system bonds and the re funding bonds issued to pay for the dredge Columbia, Half of the amount Involved in the latter bonds haa al ready been paid. . . . , , The establishment of the sinking fund ; was accomplished at a special meeting held by the Port of Portland commission yesterday afternoon. In addition, the matter of buyinr or building tugs and ., towboats for the towage service be tween the port and the sea, waa taken up. The commission decided to invite bids for one or two steel ocean going - tugs to operate at the mouth of the Columbia, bids to be opened March 11. - Specifications and plana have been pre pared by Chief Engineer 3. B. C. Lock wood and may be had by intending bid ders. The dimensions of the tugs will be: - length, 150 feet; beam. 26 feet: depth, moulded, 18 feet 11 '"inches: draughti loaded, 16 feet, crown of deck. 6 inches. They; will be single screw craft, equipped with -Scotch marine boilers and triple expansion engines, capable of develop ing 1000 Indicated horsepower. This will make the boats about twice as pow erful and much speedier than the tug Wajluls, now operated at the mouth of the Columbia by the O. R. com pany. The proposition to purchase the Wal lula waa dropped, since the owners con sider the boat worth $80,000. Chief En gineer Lockwood in his report states - that he falls -to see where the value of the tug can exceed $45,000. The port considered the price esked for the towboat Oklahama quite rea sonable, and that boat will probably therefore be made part of the port's equipment Manager J. P. O'Brien, of the O. R- ft N. company, offered to sell the Oklahama to the port for $30, 000. It was decided to accept the prop osition providing a survey shows the craft to be in the condition described. How soon the Port f Portland will be In position to take up the manage ment of the towsge snd pilotage system botween Portland and the sea was not determined at the meeting, but It was apparent that It will be done very short ly, the intention being to charter tugs and towboats until new ones can be se cured. It is estimated that It will take about eight months to build the ocean golne: tugs for which bids have been In vited, so they would not be ready until next fall. The commission will hold Its regular monthly meeting next week. AT LOCAL SHIPYARDS Steamers Sarah Dixon and Xo Won der Hauled Out for Repairs. To undergo a general overhauling the Shaver Transportation company's steam, r Sarah Dixon was today hauled on the ways at the Portland Shipbuilding company's yard in South Portland. The Shaver Transportation company's steam er No wonder waa hauled out on the ways at the same yard two days ago for repair of damages Inflicted by the steamer T. J. Potter on the afternoon of January 26, near the mouth of the Willamette river. In addition to these two craft there 1s one new river towhoat being built at the Portland shipyards for the Star Sand company. The pontoons for the drydock for the Oregon Drydock com pany are also being built at this yard. Joseph Supple is completing the con struction of a steamer for Alaskan wa ters and the Willamette Iron & Steel works Is completing a fine steel passen- 5eE t?mer,.fo.r..Pu"et ouni- The St. pnna Shipbuilding company is com- nlatin th farrv f 'i A Sr-Z - ' . . . " ' 'ii.' ' i oircouTf r lor the Portland Hallway. Light & Power company. WILL GO TO MANILA Large Shipment of Shells to Carried by the Xicomedia. Be .Loaded shells to an aggregate welaht II Vw- d'".,: "J VL'fLKT? if an.'ia via v a vi tiaiiu at. Aiiiiii ici n ramgnin MrnniVi ltn.r Klenm(. .iu ' She'l.Wked to saii from her." .V next week. This Is tne nH i.r'W V'' presumption tnat ehinment of shells and einltVi. ! to Manila through this port in the oast I few - months, .The Nlcoraedia will deliver the shells t the Philippine port and Instead of Solna; to Hongkong first, will go to anila after leaving Mojf, Japan. Then from Manila the liner will proceed to Hongkong. Besides the explosives, the TheOregon TZ8ZT OaUEAT Museum of Anatomy OUATEB TXAH XTZS Weakness or any contracted disease positively eared by the oldest specialist in Portland. Con sultation at our of fices free. Our offices are separate from the museum and strict ly, private to those wishing to consult us and there ia not a lmmy a COSt for nulttlon or to , visit . the nuunm 4 We cure an Diseases of Men wirch as weakness, nervou Hahti ity. kidney, bUdder tad III toal traeted disease u D ,l'k w 'eS; aminatio I a. t!n mJ ?1L Hours 10 to rill V m-.' Sundays Oregon Medical M M Institute Ml Horrlsoa it..; so. Or. NicomAla will take 4000 ton of flour and about 800,000 feet of lumber. She ... jH - . . . iL. 111. i . ' " . w win eiiui iu ii jo Aiumt aoct tomor row jiiurniiig; 10 loao. ....y i The liner Arabia 1 due to arrive here from the orient about the 25th oi mis monm. INVESTIGATION OOXCXTJDED Inspectors Take J. N. Tel-Rocham- beau Case I'nder Advisement. Local Inspectors Edwards and Fuller completed the taking of testimony in the J. N. Teal-Rochambleau collision case yeerterday afternoon. A decision will probably be handed down next week. The French bark Roohambeau palled yesterday bound for the United Kingdom with a cargo of wheat. The vessels collided in a fog off Llnnton on the afternoon of January 26. The Roohambeau waa at anchor alongside the towboat Oklahoma wait ing for the fog to lift and the river steamer J. N. Teal was heading for Llnnton to take on a shipment of lum ber. The Teal was damaged, but th large windjammer escaped without a scratch. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgeno, sails for Coos Bay this even ing. The trench Dane Hossuet eauea mis morning from Astoria bound for Europe with a cargo of wheat. Captain O. W. Hosford, a prominent steamboat owner and navigator of thin port, will leave this week on a tour of Mexico and southern California. He will be accompanied by his family. The Russian ship Dundee will load lumber at the Simpson mills at Knapp ton for the United Kingdom in the near future. The vessel was chartered a few weeks ago. The British ship Aberfoyle has been ordered to take on 400 tons of ballast. It is understood that negotiations for her oharter for a lumber cargo are about to be closed. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Feb. $. Arrived down at 9:30 a m., British ship Torrlsdale. Sailed at 8:45 a m., French bark Boa suet, for ueenstown or Falmouth. San Francisco, Feb. t. Sailed at last night, steamer - Nome City, for Portland; it I p. m., steamer Olson A Mahoney, for Portland. Antwerp. Feb. 1. Arrived. French bark Eugenie Fautrel, from Portland. Ban irancisco. eo. i. Arrived at 7 a. m., steamer Ueorge W. Elder, from San Pedro, for Portland: steamer Roa noke, from Portland for San Pedro Ar rived at 8 a m.. steamer Daisy Mitchell, from Portland. Arrived at 8 last nla-ht. steamer Rose City, from Portland. Astoria, Fen. 3. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m.. obscured: wind east 14 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Thursday Higrn. water 1:08 a. m., 7. J feet; 0:18 p. m., 8.7 feet. Low water--6:50 a. m.. 3:3 feet; 7:18 p. m., 0:8 feet GOVERNMENT FINDS PUGET SOUND FRAUD The Merchants Exchange of this city today received a letter from O. P. Austin, chief of the bureau of statistics of the de partment of commerce and labor, stating that the letter from the exchange in reference to the November wheat exports from Puget sound had been received and that the claim that the Puget sound figures had' been padded to the extent of about 600.00 bushels had been found correct. Mr. Austin stated fur ther that the Puget sound fig ures will be corrected next month in conformity with the facta CASTOR I A For In&iitt nd Cnlldrea. Tfca Kind Ycj Have Always Bougtl Bears the 81&&atur of nizzEszszsszExinnsnxBsxiisKn METAEE M M And How These are Re duced to a Minimum In the Methods of an Ex pert Specialist s a si H S M Doctors make more mistakes than any other Profession. I helleva In fled to make a definite statement In this regard, as fully half my work as Specialist consists of correcting the mistakes of other doctors. The 9 reason for so many mistakes is plain to any person who will stop the tremendous task assumed by H the tremendous task assumed b-r H pnyaicma. jn aiiempiing too mucn i v . H F'1""?".!' too lltUe. The greatest . N ?e ,uul? l" wnole numsn macntne, M derstand tne whole human machine, and offer 4 help when any part goes wrong. That Is where H .Ti T .1'?- -V-Jfl ii th gMttnin, be (tin. And h txpocta il y k uoift. Let a man with a chronic disorder go to 10 different doctors, and he is more likely to get 10 different opinions than five that are alike. i ii nve ooctors aia agree on Offer a prescription different H tw wo thousand diseases In the list of ments, ana pronaoiy twenty uioueana symptoms, either direct or re mote. They range ell the way from falling of the hair to pains in the toe. and the averaa-e doctor Is sumoaed to knnxr thm ait nr lu.t M tfeldom refuses to treat them If he can get pay for his services. He M mar be conscientious in his desire to help the sufferer, but in under taking so large a task he Is more likely to fall ten times than cure once. And he cannot, without tnluring a patient's confidence m his ability, recommend the services of a specialist Instead of his own. V M , . L. . . , . , , i ....... i aa - j.i uiMuinj wnn uiy vi aktjcncnia constituting my specialty, seea n an expert's and not an amateur's services. You can come to me know ing that I - nave treated hundreds of teases like your own. and thou sands of others very similar. Ton can rest assured that I will know Just what to do will not make a slnble misstep in the treatment of your case, and that, a complete and permanent cure will follow. The incurable cases that come under my observation have been those of men who have neglected to seek treatment in time, or having tried to core themselves with electric belts, patent nostrums, a drugstore treatment, or some other worthless meana Such treatments are far worse than none at alL They nearly invariably produoe complications that are as hard to cure as the original disease. , Sometimes they appear to benefit for a time, but as sure as Fate their after-effects will . prove harmful many times fatal BEWARE OF THEM. They cannot cure you. no matter how eloquently they are advertised. Seek my sclent! flo and successful Direct-Method Treatment, that will not fall to cure you. Do not delay until your ease haa advanced into the Incurable state. MY MODERN and up-to-date methods will effect a eertafn and needy cure of RTESKiTOUKOBA, COMTHAOCTO DZSOBDXM. STEOxno BZOOD POXSOaT, LOST attEMOHTM. aad all Mflax ailments. TABiOOCWJ. ynaaocru and STmxerrm positively eared WITHOUT TBJB JOTITB. .-. f Free ConsnlUtloti and Diagnosis aa Ailing men are cordially Invited-to call at my office for free ad 14 vice, examination and diagnosis. Office house t A. M. to P. M. g an il ays 10 to 1. write If you cannot can. , HTHE DR. H V COaUrSB KOJUU80W AJTD BBOOBB 8TXZZn. J . ?. atraaoe, fmtt ICorrlseti teeet, rertlaaUL Oregoa, mm It is a remarkable fact that hundreds of thousands of aDDarentlv sensible men ana women go on year alter year sur ferine asonv and humiliation, when I very simple and pleasant remedy would na mern or mat aetestaoie OJseaae, ca tarrh in short order. Hyomel (pronounced Hlrh-o-mei will give tne surrerer rrom catarrh joyiu relief in five minutes. . it is such a remarkable cure, and so osittve in its action, that woodara, !larke At Co.. goes so far as to guaran tee u to cure catarrh or money oaca. And neoDla who have cured them selves of catarrh with Hyomei will tell vou mac it la a moat excellent remeav. A complete outfit, which consists or a hard rubber pocket inhaler, a oottie oi Hyomel, and an unique dropper for filN In a- the Inhaler, onlv costs $1. and IT an extra botue is arterwaras neeaea tne Dries Is onlv 50 cents. Hyomel is a heallnar. antlsentlc balsam taken from the mia-htv eucalvotus trees in the health-giving forests of Australia, where diseases , of the respiratory jtract are unknown. All the sufferer haa to do is to Inhale the antiseptic air of Hyomel over the inflamed carta where tne germs ere en trenched, three or four times a day. Soon the Inflammation will subside. the discharge of mucous will cease, the hawking, spitting, snurrmg and oaa breath will be a thing of the past, and all the strenth and ell the energy pre viously used to combat tne ravishing- in roads of the persistent and destructive germs, will go to Duiia up your neaun and put new blood, muscle and ambition into you. Comnlete outfit II. Mall order filled bv Booth's Hvomel Co.. Buffalo. N. x. ' Hyomei is eoia in every iuwu i ADr- ica. Evory Woman L tstaasnsted sad sboold kaow - Stout the woDOarra MAKTa WhirUM Spray ITaeaew VatMSTriM. tojta. mm sss aufwa. atn-su. est J eel uonveaieav i Ml I MM IIIIMIII, Aee erasawt flap It, a cannm anrmy un 4RVKa eobcDt ao eUur. bak Mad itunn faff llluitnlcd hook mlit Tt i full aarttealjur and dlrartiona in. valuabl to ladlw. MtaVKL CW B. M ST IIW b Bklaamere Bras Oc. Wee Oausa 4X aaa Laae-SavM Braa O t bi CHICHESTER'S PILLS VLrr THE DIAMONB BKNa. A Brant.t. As k fci t MM UK S-T KM"W lAMON Bat All B PIlXS. tor tan nm a aa Salt, Srtait, Alwiyi KaUable SOU BY CXUOGISTS EVERYWHERE UERUIDWOMER. Vae Big 41 for aaaataral dloaarat,laaatea. Irritation! er aloaratlana et siaceaa Bamkranai. f hma oartafka. falalaM, ana set sstrta ImEW80HEI.ieAlC8. gaat or aoiioBoas. a .-. . pm aa ruaiaelala kIIIOIalUTl.J ..a. T fa m sjsasi y re'i w 1 a, or 8 bottle M.7. OlrotUar seat ea raaaart. are made T am mull. easily made to consider the regular ne acoom mistake of ne can un- and pay for ev 91. TATZ.OB. The Leading peelalhrt. a diagnosis, each one would be sure from the other four. There ara anma what ara known aa r-hrrmii." ail CO. ::rrsirrzzsrrzzrszi m s ' ill TVJaf l.MI W I U Wm (r?.:Sar XsViK- 4ui l4lal AfeynrWrgUafgA P11U la B4 a4 U lllcV Uio. wld with Blue Rlbboa. V W U TAYLOR San Francisco OtHce , Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING CLASSIFIED J AD RATES Classified advertiaemeata in The Jour- oat are as toiiows: No ad leaa than 1 So per insertion. Phone or charged ads o per line per insertion. I insertione for the ptlce of . . Cash ads lo per word per inser tion, 7 insertions for the price of . Lost and found, help wanted, ituationa wanted, for rent and wanted to rent ads, lo per word per Insertion. S Insertions for the price 1" to JO words, 0o: .Jl to M words, 25c; matrimonial, manicur ing, maasaare and bath ada, 10a per line per Insertion. Card of thanks, meeting and fu neral notices, tOo per insertion. New today (agate measure. 14 lines to inch), lie per inch. Count g worria tn Una The Journal cannot guarantee accur- racy or assume resDOnaibllitv for errors of any kind occurring in telephoned ad- Should any ad appear Incorrect on first insertion. The Journal will not be responsible for subsequent insertions. TI on he Journal's business office is open front $ a m. to 8 p. m.; Saturdays 8 m. to 10 p. ra. Phones, Main 7173; A-6051 WEATHER REPORT The north Pacific disturbance haa separated Into two low pressure areas. one of which Is central this morning over southern Alberta and the other over western Nevada. A ridge of high pressure extends from Wyoming south to New Mexico, and a high pressure area of considerable magnitude over lies tne guir states. Heavy rains have taiien in northern and-central Califor nia and in southern Oregon and light rains have fallen In the Willamette val ley and the sound country. The weath er continues cloudy and .threatening; in eastern Oregon, eastern-Washington and laano, out no rain nas yet occurred in that section: It is colder in western Oregon, western and southeastern Wash ington and nortnern California, and warmer in the Mississippi and Ohio val leys. The indications are for rain la this district tonight and Thursday, with lower temperatures east of the Cascade mountains. -Temp.- Max. Min. Precip, Baker City, Or... Bismarck, N. T. . Boise. Idaho . .50 . .32 . .58 44 .0 14 40 IS. 30 40 86 62 44 24 40 34 34 '42 38 16 46 42 SO 40 46 18 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 .0 T. .46 .0 .0 .34 1.30 .0 1.03 .26 1.28 .0 .0 0 Chicago. Ill .46 .46 Dubuque, Iowa Helena Mont. ...:.43 Jacksonville, Fla. ..62 Lewiston, Idaho .,..46 Los Angeles 72 New Orleans 64 New Tork. N. T 84 North Head. Wash... 4 8 Omaha, Neb 68 Pocatello, Idaho ....50 Portland, Or 64 Roseburg, Or 60 St. Paul. Minn 34 San Francisco 60 Seattle, Waah 50 Siskiyou, Or 40 Spokane, Wash 64 Walls Walla, Wn...4 Washington, D. C...48 BUSINESS CARDS FLOWERS for weddings and funerala Alfred Burkhardt. Nob Hill florist. 1J0 28d st; Main E02. A-S184. WEDDING cards. W. O. Smith at Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Washington eta CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 189 Morrison st. MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 6th St.. op poslte Meier A Frank's; Main 7818. BETZ tt SONS, florists, funeral deslgna 849H Morrison; Main 8096. A-1877. FULL DRESS suits for rent all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark at. BIRTHS 1 COWLEY To Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cow ley, Portland, January 25, a daugh ter. LONG To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Long, 411 Mechanic street, a daughter. ADLER To Mr. and Mrs. B. Adler, 18&H Grant street, a daughter. HARDIN To Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardin, 412 First street, a daughter. 8IMONSON To Mr. and Mrs.R. Simon son, 178 East Seventh street, a daugh ter. URING To Mr. and Mrs. H. Urtng; 271 North Seventeenth street, a daughter. WILSON To Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson, 281 Williams avenue, a daughter. - CIERNINSKI To Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Clerntnskl, 677 Gantepbeln avenue, a daughter. HANSEN To Mr. and Mra N. O. Han sen, Portland, a daughter. BAKER To Mr. and Mra J. Baker, Oovernment island, a daughter. SOMERVILLE To Mr. and Mrs. J Somervllle, 874 Sherman street, a daughter. CROEM To Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Croem. 601 East Twelfth, February J, a daughter. DUNKER8 To Mr. and Mra F. W. Dunkers, 746 East Fourteenth, a daughter. HOWARD To Mr. and Mrs. R. R. How ard. Arleta, Or., January 6, a daugh ter. GATENS To Mr. and Mrs. U. Gateni, Woodstock, Or., January 20, a daugh ter, PHILIPS To Mr. and Mra. T. Philips, 605 Second street, January 20, a daughter. SUTHERLAND To Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Sutherland. 692 Smith street, a daughter. LOOMIS To Mr. and Mra H. A. Loorais, Portland, January 80, a daughter. , TEN EOCK To Mr. and Mra R. A Ten Eock. Portland. January 81, a boy. . " BLUMGUTST To Mr. and Mra M. Blumgulst, West End O. R. 4 N. R, R., January 18, a boy. DEATBS SCOTT D. 8. Scott. 499 Williams ave nue, February 1, age 46; tuberculo sis: ' SMITH Mra C. J. Smith, Long Beach. Wash., January 81, age 71. . WRIGLKT J. Wrlgley, 836 . East Twelfth street, February 1, age 68; gangrene of the lungs. OTTO J. H. Otto, St. Vincent's hospital, ' January, age 74; phthisis. HUNTER F. E. Hunter, 1017 East Yamhill, January 80, age 48; angina pectorla TONG Mrs. N. A Tong. St Vincent's hospital. January 81, age 69; galla- tlneo. RUEHARD F. F. Ruehard, Second and Jefferson, - January 81, age 8; bronco pneumonia HOOD B. Hood. 45 Texas avenue, January 80, age 7 days; gyanodlsand clinanltion. CARD OF THAJTKS WI wish to thank relatives and friends for the beautiful floral pieces and kindness towards us at the death of our beloved mother and grandmother. MRS. Q. QRlBCHAW AND FAMILY. FUXEKAL DIKECTOKS DUNNING, aTENTEK GILBAUQH, 1 undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail; Seventh and Pine; Main 410. Lady assistant. J. P. Flnlcy & Son uar attenaant. Mam 8, a-1691. ZELLER-BTRNES CO funeral dlrao- tors, mbaJrners. 870 Russell; Bast 1888. lady assistant sfBNTEE-EKICKSON CO, undertakers; isay u A'uer m. bow pnones. EX) WARD HOLMAN. . undertaker; 180 8d st ., ' " ROSE CITT CEHETERT. T Phones C-1114 and Main 4444. F. 8. DUKNINa. esst side funeral di rector. 414 E- Alder, corner ftn. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS LAWYERS Abstract, Trust Co., room 4 Board of Trade bldg,? abstracts a .ABSTRACTS copied from the original. 7l unawiper or commerce. Joseph T. Ennts and wife to-Cat- , miir Jf Rti-nhlo lot 17. hlor.k IB. Vernon , . ,'. . .. ......... ... . . .$ 1,160 Thomas Darling and wife to fever C. Anderson, commencing at the southeast corner of lot 4, - block 1, Dolan's addition, thence north to north line of lot (, . block 87, Hanson's Beoond addi tion, thence west 40 feet, thence - south ' to north line of East Main itrMl. thanea east 40 feat to beginning i.. ... I,oo Frona Wilson to J. A. Thomas, lot; B. block 80, Beltwooa , evu George L. Peaslee and - wife, to Percy H. Blyth et al, north tt at lot (t hlnck 88. Ralalah's ad dition .,...... 11.006 California Conference association of Seventh Day Adventists to UnAh XT gmilh A al. lot 1. block S.AIblna addition ...... S.tiO Nordby-Craven Investment com pany to KUtn A. ;iariage, weai H of lot 4, block 3, Strubes ad dition; west H of lot 1, block 1. Field's addition i . . 1,150 C Leifer et al to F. W. Gartner et aj, lot 11, block mraaise Springs tract i . . . 1,800 T, Dorenbus and wife to V. V. Mathews, east 18 2-3 leet oiior 18 and west 18 8-3 feet of lo$ 17 block 1, Acme addition too W. A. Dixon and wife to W. A I Miller, 4 acres in section iv, , tnwnahln 1 wuith. ran re 4 east. 7(0 A. L. Dundas and wife to Leota . I King, lot 12, Block A cner rydale MOO Carl King and wife to Ida M. Dundas, lot ". block "A." cner- rydale O. I Webb and wife to, Lyman 1,800 E. Belknap et at, i Bayard addition Same to same, lots 38 and 14, block 1, Tabasco addition ... A. L. White to Elliabeth Marsh. Mil lot 4. OIOCK 4, tilgniauu dciwvi UmiM Arlit Inn .............. 110 H. 8. Rowe and wife to Sever Thompson, lot 8, Dioca a, juinn wood addition 1!I Moore Investment company to Annie Sherman, lots i ano a, block 28. Vernon 1,000 University Land company to Thomas reierson, ww and 21, block 120, University Park ........ ...... 171 Timothy Donavan and wire to Henry C Bicaei, Deginnins northeast corner of lot l, block 17, McMlllen's addition, thence south 60 feet thence west 81 1-8 feet, thence north east. 60 feet, thence east 11 1-8 1.1 havlnnlnff 4.000 T vl. M Anmark At al to John W. Hocicet, sa acres, cuniuioi"ii" at southwest corner of the u. L. C. of Hiram and Susan d.fImf a 8,000 Jacob Smith to Paul Paulsen et al, lots and id. oioca . j"' Klna VTomeatead 4,400 Portland University Land cpm pany to Phil E.1Sprague. lots 17, 18. 89 and 40. block 177, TTnlvraltv Park 100 1.160 1,100 1.700 00 100 1.500 too Royal Love and wife to Jeptha M. Kelly et at, a acrea uti ning at northeast corner of southeast of section 9. tnnm.Viln 1 aouth. range 2 OSSt Joseph Lee to John Johnson, lot 22. block 4. St. Johns George P. Henderson and wITe to ISlljan Arnoia et i. ivi , block 16. Sunny side Moore Investment company to Nellie Burkheao, lot oioca 13 Vernon River View Cemetery association to Thad W. Vreeland, lot 146, section 101, said cemetery .... Karl Stephan and wife to Jessie B. Plummer, east tt of lots 8 and 4, block 84. Holladay's ad dition Portland Realty Trust com pany to John Jehorek, lota 6 and 7, block 9, Laurel wood,. . . W. C?. Alvord and wife to Charles W. Henry, lots 9 and 10, block 98, Irvlngton 1,000 Rose City Park association to F. W. llenaerson, lot to, diock j. Rose City Park Riverview. Cemetery association to Wilson S. Hamilton, lot 141. section 101, said cemetery . . . Multnomah Cemetery company to Mrs. M. E. Hunter, northwest 4 of lot 4, block "E," said cemetery ' Electrlo Land company to N. P. Bennett et al. lots 6 and 6, block 80, Portsmouth Elva Babb to Albert B. Clayton, lot 16, block 7, Miller's addi tion Finlay McKercber to Henry Blood, lots 1 and 2. block 2, Concord Heights E. W. Kimble and wife to F. W. Cartner, lots 14 and 15, block 1, Woodmere Park University Land company to Margaret Adams, lot 84 and north tt of lot 33, block 123, University Park R, L. Stevens (sheriff) to I. E. Norgard, lot 20, bloc 4. Ro chelle Frances A. Pearcy to Mary Ellen Murphy, lot 7, block 1, Ter too 100 16 181 600 186 1,000 600 676 minus addition to Albina 700 700 Same to Agnee G. Dlnneen, lot 6, block 1. Terminus addition. . . . J. W. Rowland et al to John Hampton, north tt of lots 1 and 4. block 9. Carter's addi tion to East Portland LOOO Gilbert C. Rosenstock to Rebecca Jane Rosenstock, lot 7, block 1, Fairfield .... Frank L. Ferris and wife to Ed ward D. Kingsley, lot 4, block 25, East Creston 460 Claude Thayer and wife to Earn est warn, iot i, sioca i, miner Addition Annex too 178 Arleta Land company to Fred J. Brandt lot 15, block 6, Elberta Holt C Wilson to Elmer R. B. Baahor, lot 4, block 1, Brent wood .. v.. ft T? -pittelkau and wife to Sal- 6v0 vatore pindla, lot 4, block 68, Couch addition . . 21,500 Joseph N. Teal and wife to Ella K. HaumDacK, tut a aim i, block 6, Auburn Park Viggo E. Chrlstensen and wife to Louisa S. Borg, lot 11, block too 18, sunnysiae TTnlversltv Land 1,100 id company to Lor- etta Henley, lots 7, 8, 9 and tta Henley, lots 7, . ana 10, block 189, University Park. 1.000 Same to M. Ada Henley, lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, block 114, Uni versity Park a:'" H. J. Thompson to George Clark et al, lots 1. 12 and 13, block 800 1, LaDnne Park 475 Investment company to James F. Allen, lots 1 to 9. block 2; lots 1, 3, 6. 7. , 11, it, 15 and 17, block . irvington t-arg 1,900 PACIFIC TiUe A Trust Co. the leading aostractora. im-i-t-i rawing piog. SEE Williams Abstract Co. for prices. Chamber of Commerce. tit IEW TODAT. A Bunch of Twelve Fine sUots Near car and school, on Peninsula, at a sacrifice. Call immediately, BRONG-STEELE CO, 110 Second St. $7,500 100x200 Fine 10 room modern house adjoining Ladd's tract, plenty fruit, grapes and berries, big barn. This is a fine buy. Portland Success Realty Co. a, a. OAjmrss, acorn. 810, Board of Trade Bids;. Cheap Fruit and Nut Land 6000 acres low rolling, hills, deep soil, well watered, partly covered by oak, grubs, in Tanthllt county; - -unexcelled for fruit Good colonisation prop osltlon. At s bargain; good terms. aso. a. WACKKMrn. v ? : ;. . 7 Sas Board of Trade. . NEW TODAY.' THE EYE OF THE WORLD IS ON ELMHURST 'AMERICAN TRUST 00M&NY 200 CHAMBER OT COMMERCE Quick Returns Orchards and Vineyards BEARING1 IN FOUR YEARS Almonds, Apricots, Peaches and Grapes without irrigation. The peculiar soil,, unlimited sun shine, freedom from frosts, make this a certainty at Goodnoe Hills Iirvestifate this. Our claims are all proven. For booklet and in formation see B. S. Cook & Co. 503 CORBETT BLDO. DO IT MOW On March 1 we are going to take all our Cranberry Land not sold off the market and plant it out ourselves. If you are thinking of buying or want to investigate this, do it now, or you will be too late. Remember the date, March 1. Myers Invest ment Co. 272 STARK STREET Phones: Main 1190, A-1473 12 Per Cent Investment $4500 quick sale will bur business property situated on best corner of town 40 miles from Portland; rental $45 month; leased 2yi years; taxes low. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 110 Second St, West Side 50 100 INCOME BEARINO BUSINESS PROPERTY BUSINESS DISTRICT 13,500 ZIMMERMAN 621 Board of Trad Yamhill County Fruit, Land From 10 to 1000 mores finest for fruit walnuts or dairying. Buy while prices are low. as mis opportunity will not last long;. See us. Western Land Co. 417 Boar ef Trade Bldg. : Cheap Fruit Lands 110 acres i 100 acres under cultivation balance timber; 1 miles from good town and railway; Tamhlll county. Per-, feet apple and nut land; rolling hills, t0 per aore. . . Geo. Waggoner . -v -'ej Board of Traae. '- From $19,000 to $40,000 Worth of City Property. To exchange for larce tract of 'cheap foothill lands; - Tamhlll county pre ferred.. : OBO. X. WAOOOsTXm, ; : ass Board of Trade- ,:. NEW TODAY. LIKE ,' FJNDiG A FEW DOLtARS INVESTED IN RAILWAY LOTS IN THE CITY LIMITS WILL BUILD UP AN INCOME FOR LIFE PRICES OF-LOTS AND UPWARD. Easy Payments $10 Down and $5 Monthly Come Out Today AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Take Montavilla car at cor ner Third and Morrison sts.; get off at corner Villa and Hibbard sts., Montavilla branch of f ice. For further particulars call office. ADDITION C P. WELLS J asljs al aa-. Msr-tMsme -saw-k. W. eaae. m ZJ1 WUKUJibTJiK Phone Main 3253. A GREAT SNAP nr a raw, acotnr vmnvxtt book S3.300 HrnrsKBs solum arm IT. Balance in Monthly Rental. House has all the latest improve ments. Electric lishts. sas. cement cellar, cement sidewalks, all street Im provements. iota a. buxxbot armsBT, itbab aSTX BTBXBT. OB TWO CSBT.nrBB. Mount Tabor-Sunnyside and Hawthorne Ave. Cars. PACIFIC NORTHWEST REALTY ASSOCIATES 80S WBXM FABOO BUZUDZKO. SPLENDID PLATTING ACREAGE On the PENINSULA for. imme diate sale; near car. Call if interested Brong-Steele Co. 110 SECOND STREET FOR SALE 8 Permanent tenants good location. Price 1 11,000 half cash. Pays It par cent net on Investment. PACTORY SITQ Corner 10x100 East Ninth at, S3450 Tory Cheap. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 110 Beooad ttt. '," , r . ' r , - $3400 Will buy a room, tip-to-dat, fnodera i house; reception nan; all selected -rnB- tenai ior insine iinisnins; property cated on East 8th st north; - irood' neighborhood; terms, 81100 to 11800 cash, balance 110 to 128 per month. Would also consider a vscant rot as part purchase price, to the value of about 1800. . , 0TT0& HARKSON REMOVAL, Smith & Everett BXAX. BSTATB , Have removed from Bwetiand bide' to 309-310 Falling- Building: .A