The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 29, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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.Jt x-i. . h -r . - ,'.-, ' v , . . ... ... .... . ...
Very Busy in Seiiate' Against
-the 'Bill That -Would
Eaistf Taxes, a '
(Br Journal Lease! galenj Wire.) .
, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.-Stormy days are
head of the Seals timber cruising bill,;
which has passed "the house1 and. la now
in the senate. Representatives of the
Dig limber interest of the state are
trying to Induce the senate committee
to smother the bill, "While - they aro
working on the body bf the Senate to In.
sure an adverse maiorltv on final con
sideration should tlws bill he brought out
01 commute ana pa to the rinal vote.
. The Heals bill provides that all own-
..: era or timber lands in" the state be com-
rMlll4 Irt llQI'. ihol ttrtliln vn MmiluJ
r at leant to, furnish- an estimate of
the amount of timber on the lands held
by them, for the use of . the county
- assessor In detenrrfnimj' the- true vata
rif the land for assessment ' purposes.
I'enelttee ara provided -for lh refusal
or neglect of the owners to make these
rstimates in accordance with the law.
treat pressure is being brought to dn
feat the bill, it beine- contended that Tha
ruieera- estimate riled of record would
too unfair to the owners of the land,
as it would publish to the world for
the benefit of speculators Just what
the land wae worth.
It Is contended by thin friends of the
bill that th reason it Is being; fought
Is that the Southern Paoifle and the big
timber barons of the country who have
large timber hokllnaa In tha Klat do
. not want to meet the Increase Inr taxa
tion mm woum come irom tne enact
ment of the- trill and . the enforcement
of Its provisions. The timber land is
bow. assessed In the timber counties
, of the stat at very low figure, for
ine most pari, ana me Meals
Chun as this nv arlvina the asseaaor
power to demand aomethina: Ilk true
estimated value or the lands.
The bill la now on final passage In
' the senate and has been made a. aoSelal
: order for the first of the coming week
Vkr "Journal Ta4 gidem Wire.)
. Ralem, Or.. Jan. 29. MoCue of Clat
sop has Introduce. bill at the re
quest of tha Multnomah Bar associa
tion providing for the taking of de
positions and affidavits outside the
.state. By this bill It would be made
possible lor voters temporarily outside
. tha afata iff Vaffltfta n
other general elections.
McCue has also introduced a. bill em
powering executors to execute deeds.
1 ' " Helps Horticulturist.
(Br Journal Leased Salrro Wire.)
Ralem, Or., Jan. 29. Things horti
cultural have champion In Representa
tive Carter of Hood River and Wasco
counties. Mr. Carter has Introduced a
Mil asking that tha state appropriate
ikuo ror inn ana jviu, ror tne pur-
Fose of printing the programs, reports
nd proceedings of- the State Horticul
tural society. The bill also- provides
that the governor shall appoint a board
of trustees, .eonslstinar of three) Active
memoers or me organisation.
Another bill waa . also Introduced by
ji i . v-arior aiiimiiiijr inn prmoni niHiiiin
with to provision mat tne county court
of no county could dlscharae a county
fruit inspector without the approval of
the district commissioner xor tne state
board of horticulture.
Mr. Carter has also Introduced a bill
In the interests of Hood River county,
providing that the new county be con
sidered to be In the seventh judicial
Sheepmeji Ready to Show
; Its -Effects Want It
: Kept Alive.
Ladies' Suit Sale.
&adlee and Hisses' Bolts too om the f L
We have Just secured 76 sample suits
for 0c on the tl. Oarments will be
placed on sale Saturday morning, last
1ay of the clearance sale. Don't miss
It. McAJlen aV WcDonnellj corner Third
and Morrison.-.
Eye " glasses, tl at Metsger'a,
Bf Journal Leased Salem Wire.)
) Salem, Or., Jan. 29. Oregon sheep
men are rallying to the support of the
Oifferent measures now pending before
the legislature for the benefit of the
Industry. Prominent sheepmen and of-
ricers or tne sheen growers assorts
tion and officials of the bureau of anl
tnal 'industry are now at Salem looking
alter xne aarety or the iiz.ouo appru-
r nation carried In the Blusher bill of
07k for the Oregon board Of sheep
commissioners.. The sheep men ate also
backing up the fight for the passage of
the scalp county bill, carrying a con
tingent appropriation of $40,008 for the
purpose of putting the lid On the preda
tory animais.or tne state.
Dr. S. W. MoOlure. ohlef of tha In
speetors Vof Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, ' has appeared before the ways
and means committee of the house and
has also met many of the members of
the two . houses. He has' told them
what has been done under the provisions
oi tne eiusner bill, with tne cooperation
of the government. Two years ago the
state enacted the Blusher bill and ap
propriated 112,000 for carrying out its
provisions. ...
The sheep commissioners were ap
pointed and went to work In cooperation
with the officials of the bureau of ani
mal Industry. At that time there were
lld.OOO scabby sheep In the state ana
1.200,000 more that had been exposed
to the disease This fall when an exam
ination was made there were 7200 scab
by sheen In the state and 3400 more that
had been exposed.
.-During the two years the government
has spent 127.000 In aiding the state to
stamp out tha scab from among its
sheep. The state commission has spent
about $11,000 of the appropriation of
iz.uuu up to mis lime, jjuring tna
two vears the sheen men have spent
$76,000 for sheep dip alone, not counting
the men employed or the vats and other
appliances necessary. During the time
2.200.00a sheen have bee dipped at an
average cost of 10 cents a head to the
sheen men of the state, or $220,000 for
dipping aione.
The total value of the sheen of Ore-
ron is fixed hv Dr. McClure at approxi
mately ana tne annual in
come at $6,000,000.
The Quarantine on Orea-on sheep will
be raised by the government on July 1,
according to Dr. McClure.
"(By Journal leased -Balem Wire.)
Salem, Or., Jan, 2 . Senator Johnson's
highway commission bill has emerged
from the committee on roads and high
ways with a favorable report, but three
members of the committee, composing a
majority, took the floor to explain that
thev were not committed to It. and
might vote nb" when' the time came.
Those making this explanation Were
Smith of Umatilla, Smith of Marion and
Hart of Baker. (Amendments reported
by the committee were adopted, and the
bill goes to, third reading.
The old highway bill, which was vetoed-by
the governor, has been made a
special -order for . next Wednesday.
Johnson Is apparently still undecided
whether to ask for passage of the bll'
over the veto or to abandon it for the
new bill. Ha Is playing both bills, pre
pared to get behind the one that looks
most promising . when the crucial mo
ment comes. '
(Br Journal Leaned Salem Wire.)
Salem, Jan. 29. The senate has voted
to give the Judge of the Ninth circuit
a 24000 salary, the additional 21000 to
be contributed by the counties compris
ing the district, $300 by Harney, $300
by Malheur and $400 by Grant.
But It refused to Increase the state
lib ran Ian' e salary from $1860 to $1000,
as proposed In a bill by Abraham. This
rm ranea oy a tie vote.
Senate Bill Looks Good to I
House Committee on
Military Affairs.
- By Joarnal Leased galea Wire.)
. Balem, Or., Jan. 29. Armory appro
priations to the extent of $40,000 look
reasonable to the house committee on
! House Committee Action In
dicates . Reference of
' Legislators' Pay..
fRr ImhA HalAm WlM t
'Salem, Or.. Jan. 29. The people of
the state will In all probability be given
an opportunity to vote on the question
of raiaing the salaries of the members
of the legislature from $2 to $ day.
The resolutions committee of the house
has decided to recommend the adoption
of the joint resolution calling for the
submission of the question of m consti
tutional amendment on tne salary prop
osition to the people. The resolution
will , be recommended back favorably
ana win in au probability os aaoptea.
tnim. -,t,iK cirri,! A" senate wui pernapa xouow sun ana
and eoo'.Mi; .h. ..n-r hill In . a'rCI the question will then, go to the
ed 'to wade through the military code
um, wnicn aiso comes rrorn tne sen
, pie at the next, general election.
ate. The committee gave fayorable con- AOTIOIST BY RENATE
slderation to the approprUtlon measure,! A vAt XA, XU
which grants 0,ao for tha purpose of
constructing : armories in different
Darts of the State.
Tne provisions or tne dmi are tnai in
the event a county wishes to erect an
armory it can have half of the nec an
sa ry funds advanced by the state' con
tingent upon us furnishing the second
half. The report will be made to tha
house today and the bill will then go
to. the ways and means committee for
eecnntl AnMf.tlrtn dHav IA flnl
port on tne question or its passage.
(Br Jouriul tjttwA &m Wlr
OalaiM ' A Q ...Va. kill. V...
been introduced u the senate as fol
8. B. 149 (Merrvmanl Dlrectlna
county clerks tot furnish a large ballot
box for. eeneral tickets and a smaller
one for state and district tickets.'
a. B. 150 (Mullt) Providing 1100,000
to aid lh construction of railroad from
Pacific coast to Idaho boundary, via
urater lake. . ,
B. B. 151 (F. J. Miller and Hartl To
create state conservation commission to
cooperate with national commission.
8. B. 162 (Merryman) Fixing salary
of sheriff of Klamath county at $260(1, i
deputy at $1200. and. allowing ex
penses tip to 1600.
b. m. i6i ttsauey)
-Renuirlna' Ireenlnv
i mm povaa oy various county OII1-
cers.-- -, . ..
8. B. 154 (Bailey) Providing for sep-
rgy Jooraal Leased flalem Wire.)
uaiem. -Or.. Jan. 99. Committee re
ports on bills and bill passed by the
senate on third reading are as ronows:
B. Bi 26 (Bingham)- To provide for
improvinar tne- ouaiiir or mux. Agri
culture and forestrv. favorable. Paaasd.
. fi. R. 11 (ParrltihlTn n ulr. nt
Judge of Ninth circuit," flute and
county orncers, favorable. - -
8. B. 120 r Marlon county delearatlonl
Fixing salary of school superintendent
oi jaanon county, same committee, ia
vorable. ' .,
11. B. 49 (McCue) Firing salary of
cnooi superintenoent ox sonooi or tjiat
op. Same committee, favorable.
It B. - 60 (Mc'Cue) Fixing salary of
treaaurer or i:iatftnn. . Kama committee.
favorable. ,: i
IL B. 69 (Mahonevl Firlna- salarv of
ecnooi superintendent or Morrow county.
Same committee, favorable.
H. B. e (Yamhill delegation) Flxlna
salarv of school aunerintendent of Y a ro
ll l a county, tsame oommittee, lavoraoie.
H, B. Ill (Jackson) Fixing salary ef
cnooi superintennenc or snerman
county. ; Bame committee, favorable.
II tl S tO T .1 .h., D .lati.. A
rauroaa -rates. ; Hatne commitiea, ravor
able. V
H. ; B. 26 ' (Besnl Reontrlrisr real
estate brokerage contracts to be 1st writ
ing. jua iary, favorable.
B.'B, 7 . (Abraham). Making It man
slaughter to kill a person by mistake
ror a oeer. juoieiary, uniavoraDie. in'
definitely postponed, 16 to 1
tr foe sen- 8. B. lift (Hart) To ha
arate sets of books for recording deeds (court decisions prepared la quintuple.
and m or t (taxes
H. B. 166 (F. J. Miller) Providing
xor caiiinar a conariturinnfti pnnvnt on
In 1912.
8. B. 15ft (Coffevl rreatln tL rnA
coniuuiiiuii mr revision ana coairica-
tion ox tne criminal laws.
Judlelarv. favorable.
8. B. 37 (Cole) To require medical
certmcate peiore issuing marriage u
censes. a
8. R. 22 (Eav) Provldinsr for trans
portatlon of convicts to penitentiary.
Substitute by committee on penal insti
a r 81 (Cnffevl To eternise certain
convicts and Insane. Substitute by same
Wn. 42 (Kav) Provldin for trials
on nrlainal indictment when new trial
(y jonraii ia Salem wire.) la grantea on appear jteviswn or taws,
Balem. 'Jan. ? MotiHtnra mii1. nflrnvorthl rtmort bv maiorltv. unfavor-
xane ana Lmn and Mart or Baker are 1 able by minority. , inaenniiaiy pvsi
DOnaora for a hill in eat a. iit nn. i Tinned. IA to 12.- .
nervation commission of seven members,!. S. B. 62 (Atbee) Relating to suppler
to do appointed oy the aovernor and to mentary articles, ot cnaniaoie ana re-
erv wimoui pay. The Dill approprl-1 ligious institutions. Bane comuuin,
atss jiooo for traveling expenses. The
intention Is to have this eommiMlnn en-
operate with the national commission
named by President Roosevelt, making
known the natural resources of Drearnn
and aiding In their preservation for
uiur avnerauona.
S. B. 70 (Selling) Relating to taking
depositions. Same committee, favorable.
8. B. 91 (Kelianer) Amenaing cnap
ter 181. laws of 1907, Same committee,
4a vnraHl a '
S. B. 308 (Abraham) -Increasing
salary of state librarian from H6 to
$1800. " Same coramlttee, favorable.
Failed to pass, 15 -to 1." ; "
6 B. 117 (Bmltn or umatnia -rro-
Tndannli-elv noatnonad.
a n ax mnwurmtnl Dlvlnr consent
to United States to acquire lauua. xtsu
i,ar fuvni'ahlA Passed.
8. V. K. 1 IVOrMTr-ommiiwe oi
(By Joarnal Teaaed Balem Wire.)
Salem. Or.. Jan. 29. Mm T.. I. Mrv
was a Balem visitor1 yesterday, spending
the ' afternoon at the' Cadtol aa the
guest of her son. She. was accompanied
oy miss xiaaei Brown, miss Kuth Church
and Miss Oenevleve Church, all of port
land. One of -the Intereatlnv faatna
of the vialt WBJi. tha maatlnv f Un Ine annmnrlatlonti. Adnnted.
McArthur with RepresenUUvs Con- U. B. 100 (Reynolds) Relating ''to
yers, who, as a- member, of the first I legacies. Assessment and taxation, f a-
wregun iriniuun, cust nis vote lor I voraDie,
one senstor and two repreaentatlvee be
appointed to visit, state ' institutions.
Amended to leave out visit to Portage
hallway, adopted. '
H. J. It. JO rroviainar muugvi. yaicm
Senator .
Nesmltb, Mrs. MeArthur's
rThe secret formula for making the
paper xor me fsanx.or England notes is
owned by a family to whom It has
brought an ; enormous fortune in two
X fl.OO Stiff Bosom
' V Shirts 39
.,'.'.:. '
" $1.00 Puff Tics
25 .
: $1.50 Barbers
Coats 65
$2 Soft and Stiff
.. Hats 85
$5 Patent Leath
er Shoes $2.65
-iW JSM aK m
17 Hearing
1 f rS
Lion Clothing Company's
January Clearance Sale
the End
You Most
For Boys
50c Blouses 25
50c Shirts 25
$1.25 Sweaters
$1.25 Knee Pants
$2 Hats $15
50c, Caps 25
pl.OO Boys' Suits,
small sizes,
only $1.35
Our Straight From the Shoulder Clean Cut Offer for Saturday
You may have your choice of any $20.00 suit or overcoat in our stock broken
lines in all wool, snappy,, up-to-date, patterns, cuLand fashioned correctly as
t . !..."!:. J1 OS -;'J SW. am - mm.
rou can see uv inspecting our 11.00 wmaow f I rj iCTij
.rrlf your fit is here, and we have it in some CTV 1 1 H I ' fN
pattern For the nominal-sum of . . . . Ofly J L 1 1 , q CeJi
.EXTRA SPECIAL King Reversible Collar Button s?tsPearl
back Four buttons on card -Regular 25c , value IA.
Satnrday . . . . .T. . . . ... .... .....I UC
: we
' :.'-!'.: VUV 1 111U1UJ '
166 -170
vt ax Mniit To exempt public
lands from taxation. Same committee.
H. C. R. II Providing1 for copies of
bllla Concurred in. '
8. R. 107 (Coffey) To require aeats
for motornuen. Railroads, favorable.
8. B. 18 (Abraham) Relating to flsh-
In near fish ways. Fisheries, favorable
B. B. 4 Iarrett)-rFor protection of
tva.l,...a faifA-ahU
rinilCHCet v va a.uaw . . .
ah.tituta for 8. B. 1 (Parrlsh) To
prohibit minors from engaging In games
or cnanoe. rm . . ,
a a 111 (Parrisb) Increasing salary
of judge of Ninth judicial circuit rrorn
3o60 to 14000. Paased. 25 to 4.
state highway commission. Roads and
highways, favorable. -
H. B. 190 Kmergency tax oui. nv-
ported ravoraDiy, reaa nrs, mrao
third times and passed.
'raw' Inritixl LmnmrA gaVai Wlra.l
Salem. Or.. Jan. !. Senator Bing
ham's pure- mUlt and butter bill took an
eaay course through the senate yester
day. It establishes new rules of dairy
inanantlnfi. and has received the approval
of the leading dairy counties. Six thou
sand dollars is provided for paying tne
inspectors. , . - - .
The pact with Japan what do
you know about itt If you don"t .
know all abonl it yon should. .
for It Is one of. the great state t
papers that reposea securely in .
the state, war and navy build- " 4
Ings at Washington, P. C and It
tells of the exact relations of
this .country with the mikado 4
and his subjects. Ask for next
Sunday's Journal and you will
IJnd the story of the pact In the
magazine section, . ;
BHT ron: T-M
gaLaxi. naJra om
itjur or
aJta xonn to mncavoow.
smon sncaJTD rr tou
" isasJal m gsawsaBl ganger a T T baaa
Read our: -advertisement Sunday.
- It tel Is. you how, to do It. -
and Palms
V . i, i
By the Celebrated
'Afternoon and Evening Untif 11 o'clock
Harvard' Painless
from the East, will open their branch office over Royal Bakery, cor
ner Park and Washington Sta., on Saturday, all day arid evening,
January 30, 1909.' " ;
These offices are being equipped with the latest and most mod-.
ern appliances and ingredients for doing painless high-class opera
tions of the mouth at very low prices, consistent with other first
class Dentists. i 1 . -
We invite every man, woman and child to visit our. elegantly v
equipped offices and have "their teeth examined free by our expert;
in change. - V
You will find no young; untried Operator in this office, .but
instead,' the well-directed interests of a Master of the Dental Art.
The dread of pain has kept thousands away from the Dentists'
office week after week and month after month, until the whole sys
tem has suffered irreparably in consequence.
Therefore, do not delay. x Come in on the Opening ,Day and re
ceive a souvenir and become familiar with our system of Pain
less Dentistry. ..
Those who cannot; have their teeth fixed and pay cash may hare'
them fixed on the installment, plan, by paying whatever they can
each month. ?
If you are nervous and fear the Dental Chair, do not hesitate
to call upon us, when wd will satisfy you, beyond a doubt, of our
ability to do just, as we say. , . - , '
Twenty offices in the United States. Two ladies in attendance.
. s '" " '" ".Vi'.v-." . r '-'; i"''
Do not forget the opening day. All come.
PaMess Deefete
Over Royal Bakery .Cor. Washington and PariTSts.
- ' llrf
. 4