THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 26, 1909. Demonstration of "Nemo" Corsets by Mrs. A: L. Craig, Expert Fitter Portland Agents for PerrinsV Gloves and "Estcllo'V Corsets Se Meier Wh Wmmli Store Cleaipaiace Sale PORTLAND AGENTS FOR Butterick Patterns PORTLAND AGENTS FOR Trefousse Gloves A Sale Extraordinary of Fine Silk Petticoats Our Entire StocEs of UndermiisliBas Reduced Women's Fiiae. Waists Values to 11 -fbir $3.95 " : ; 11 Great January Clearance of our entire stock of Women's High-Grade Silk Pet ticoats of the best style and quality Made of silks and satins of superior grade .Plain, deep or medium flounces, ruffles,' tucking and accordion plaiting, ruching trimmed or strictly tailored Plain color ings, Dresdens, plaids and brocades -A wonderful assortment of styles, colorings and combinations in all qualities Our entire stock at exceptionally low prices Take advantage On sale on second floor $ 7.50 Petticoats are on sale for. ..$5.25 $ 8.50 Petticoats are on sale for... $6.95 $10.00 Petticoats are on sale for. ..$7.95 $12.50 Petticoats are on sale for. . .$9.85 $14.00 Petticoats are on sale for. $10.85 $16.00 Petticoats are on sale fot.$12.25 $18 Petticoats on sale for. . .$13.25 -$30 Petticoats on sale for. . .$21.45 $20 Petticoats on sale for. . .$14.85 $40 Petticoat? on sale for. . .$27.45 $22 Petticoats on sale for. . .$16.45 $50 Petticoats on sale for. . .$35.50 $28 Petticoats on sale for. . .$20.85 $60 Petticoats on sale for. . .$44.25 Our entire stock ef Cloaks, Bolts, Wtltti, etc, ars bow en sals st clearance prioes. Our entire magnificent stock of Paris and New York Undermuslins on sale at - ., ." : . . :-. Clearance Sale prices AH new, dainty lingerie in matchless array and priced: at the lowest point ot the year-Give immediate attention to your needs and jt profit fry the unusual saving opportu-. nities that' are how offered These are extra special values for tomorrow, Reg. $3.50 Values at $2.18 Garment $4-$6 Vals. $2.98 Parm't 1 . 1 '" ' " . i i - 1 ' . i n.i - , .. f ' ; li : v- . i " y. ; : . , ' ;. . . Two immense lots of women's fine cambric and nainsook Night Gowns, m a large variety of pretty styles, lace and embroidery trimmed; all new, clean .merchandise.' Women's two-piece Combination Undergarments corset cover and drawers com-; binednainsookand cambric materials; prettily made and trimmed with lace d AQ and embroidery; regular $3.50 values are on sale at this very low price each vl90 $2.00 Combination Garments on special sale 6f the exceptionally low price of fl.22 I: 'egg: . 1 Great clean-up in the Waist Department, on the Second Floor 200 , Women's . Fine Silk and Net Waists, values up to $11.00 each,-to be sold out at the wonderfully low price of f $3.95 each- Silks' and: nets, plain tailored and fancies- Yokes of lace or silk embroidery, pleated fronts and small tuckingLight and, dark colorings Styles to ' . ' 3) ' : ja please every fancy-Take - Uff your choice for. .V - :, Our entire stock of Women's Waists, valaes from $2.00 to $90.00, all on sale now at special low Clearance Sale prices- On Second Floor "V 1 I 1 '" " . " ' ' " ' " .'! ' Women's , Rubberized ; Raincoats in 6atin, -silk- and alpaca; loose, ; semi-fitting land , empire styles; come plain and trimmed; best colors; regular values up to JJO OC $25, on sale at a price" that will move them quickly; choice,t garment .QtOw; Women's tailored Suits, long or medium length; semi, tight-fitting; plain and fancy tailored, plain gored skirts; serges, cheviots, broadcloths;' $30 values for., f 1-1.85 Great Clearance sale of Walking Skirts in Panama Cloths, serges and tweeds; black, j. navy," brown, ligbtand medium gray mixtures, also checks and stripes; all new, up-to-date styles and great bargains at the following special prices; take advantage: Reg. $6.00 values.. ?2.88 Reg. $7.00 values, .93.55 Reg. $3.50 values.. 84.85 Wash Goods 9c Yd. Great clean-up of cotton Suit ings in all g6od styles and col orings; regular 20c and 25c val-: ties, to be sold out at the un usually, low price of, yard... 9 Eiderdown Comfrt'rs 25per cent reduction on our . entire stock of eiderdown Com-, forters, all new patterns, finest qualities, great ' special values; see them, oa the. fourth floor. $5.00 Shoes at $3.85 Women's tan Russia calf Shoes, button and lace styles; new models, welt soles, Cuban heels, all sizes; best $5.00 values, on sale at this price, pair... 83. 85 60c Ribbons 38c Yard ii(i .1 .. 15,000 yards ' allVsillc Satin .Rib bon full 6 ins. wide; in purple, garnet, lavender, gobelin, brown and other good shades; best 60c grade, on sale for, yard... 38 $2!50-$j0Sash Sale extraordinary of beautiful imported Sashes in silk,, satin, brocade and Dresdens; magnifi cent styles, $2.50 to $10 values' on sale at ONE-HALF PRICE Sale of Waist Nets White and cream tucked striped and Persian Nets for waists and sleeves; 18 to 40 inches wide: $1.50 values, the yard.... .88 $2.50 values, the yard. ..81.98 65c Sheets 55c Each Great special offering of 200 dozen extra heavy Bed Sheets of superior quality cotton; size 81 by 90 inches; regular 65c val ues, at the low price of, ea. .55 $1 Ribbons at 43c Yd. Great clean-up of all wide fancy Ribbons in brocades and Dres dens; handsome ribbons in great assortment; values up to $1.00 the yard, on sale at, yd...43f $1.80 Carpets $1.51 Odd rolls and short pieces Body Brussels Carpets, suitable for 1 or 2 rooms; best patterns and colorings; $1.80 val., yd.. 81.51 Includes sewing, laying; lining. $5 Blankets at $3.77 . 1 " ' i' ' ' ' ' 1000 pairs Oregon wool Blan kets, odd pairs' and sample pairs some slightly soiled; regular $5.00 values, on sale at this un usually low price, pair. .8 3,77 $1.25 Laces 25c Yard 350Q yards imitation Irish Cro chet and Venise Laces, Edges, Bands, Appliques and Net Top Laces; 1 to 5 inches wide; val ues up to $1.25, at, yard..25f $6 Blankets $4.85 Pr. 500 pairs of high-grade white wool Blankets, with pink and blue borders, full size; best $6 values, on sale at, pair.. 84. 85 See them, cn the fourth floor. $7 Shoes for $5.95 Women's imported Russia calf, withjsrown suede tops, lace and button Styles, welt soles, Cuban heels; regular $7.00 values, on sale' at, - special, pair. . . .85.95' $9 Shoes for $5.95 Great clearance of women's Na poleon Boots in Russia calf and lustral colt; button style, hand made; regular $9.00 values, at this low price, the pair.. 85.95 Hosiery at i4 Off Yx off entire stock Outsize Ho siery; alt styles and grades, me dium, light, heavy weights; cot tons, lisles, lace, embroidery and balbriggan. A complete stock. $6.50 Shoes at $4.85 Women's lustral colt Shoes . with tan, suede or dull kid tops, button style; high-grade foot wear; regular $6 and $6.50 val ues, in all sizes, a pair.. 84.85 Great Umbrella Sale $1.50 Umbrellas, each... 81.19 $2.50 Umbrellas, each... 8 1.98 $5.00 Umbrellas, each... 8 3.98 $7.50-$10 Umbrellas, ea.', 84.98 $10-$18.75 Umbrellas .... 8 7.98 Great Clearance Sale of our en tire stock of men's and boys' Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Rain coats, Trousers, Waists. Shirts. Great Stationery Sale 1 . . I ' I I ! An unusual offering or Initial Stationery, fine linen paper, . beautifully embossed with your initial; envelopes to match; on sale at this price, the box.. 39 Sale of French Vals. Great clean-up of 1001 dozen French Val. Edgings and Inser tions, Yi to l'A ins. wide; best patterns in ijreat assortment; values to $1.50, doz. yds... 50 Grocery Department '1500 of the best eastern sugar cured Hams, regular 18c value, on sale at, per pound. . .154 Figprune Cereal, package.. StOp 1000 tins of Sliced Pineapple, regular 20c value, at, tin. .14 All groceries sold , here at cut prices; in big Basement store. Sale Men's Clothing Our entire stock of men's Cloth ing on sale at clearance prices. Suits, overcoats, raincoats, trousers, fancy vests, etc., in all grades, included. Clothing de partment, on the second floor $2.00 Carpets $1.55 Great sale of 2000 yds. Bigelow Axminster Carpets, odd rolls and short pieces; lengths for 1 or 2 rooms; best patterns and colorings: regular $2.00 values, sewed, laid and lined at the un usually low price of, yd.. 1.55 Carpet department, third floor. Drug Dep't Specials Fairbank's Glycerine Tar Soap"; on sale at, special, cake....3T Rainier Mineral Soap for... 7 Jap Rose Soap for, cake... .Sip 1-lb. bar Castile SOap for. .11 Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soap in all odors; special at, cake.. .8 Honey, Glycerine and Elder flower Soap at, the cake. ...4 25c box Soaps, for, box...-.194 Large bars pure Glycerine. ,8 La Premier Castile, cake....7 Great Petticoat Sale Our entire stock silk' and satin Petticoats, every new and pretty stylo in plain and fancy color ings; values from $5 to $60 each, at very low clearance prices. Men's fine Trousers Great special clearance sale of our entire stock of men's fine Trousers, custom - made; best patterns and materials; greatest value$ ever offered at the fol lowing very special low prices: Regular $5.00 Trousers, .f 3.89 Regular $6.00 Trousers. .84.83 Regular $7.00 Trousers, .f 5.48 Regular $8.00 Trousers. .6. 29 Regular $9.00 Trousers. .86.97 Let us show you the assortment. Sale of Fine Portieres Great sale of single Portieres, one curtain of a kind; suitable for couch covers or single doors; beautiful designs and colorings. Values to $6.50, each 81.85 Values to $10.00. each. . .82.95 $3 Madras $1 Yard Beautiful fancy colored Madras, foreign materials, best style and quality; 50 patterns; values up to $3.00, on sale at, yd.. 8 1.00 Clearance sale of Lace Curtains. $1.25 Silks 79c Yard " ' v " 3000 yards fancy Silks, plaids, stripes, Dresdens, etc,; light and dark effects in - large variety; regular $1.25. values, on sale at this low price, the yard.. .79 fancy Lamps V2 Price In the big Basement store, a great clearance of all our fancy : Parlor Oil Lamps; great variety to select from; $5 to $22 values, choice at ONE-HALF PRICE Challies for 25c Yd. Great special offering 2000 yds. new Challies, half wool, hand some patterns in grand assort ment; exceptional value at this very low price, the yard... 25 $1 Nets for 50c Yd. 111 !' . " 5000 yds.' white and ivory Bun galow Nets and Ivory Linen Scrims, fancy col'd madras, etc.; best curtain materials; values up to $1, on sale at, the yard.. 50f Great Clearance sale of our en tire stock of Pictures; 4th floor. Picture Framing, special prices. Great Clearance Sale of Boys' Clothing "Great (clearance, sale of our en tire stock of boys' and young men's clothing; suits, overcoats, topcoats, " trousers, raincoats, rubber capes, waists, blouses, etc., all on sale at verylow clearance sale prices. Do not fail to take advantage of. this splendid offering. Let us show you. On sale on second floor., Oriental Rugs Reduc'd Our entire $100,000 stock orien tal Rugs on sale at greatly re duced prices. Rare specimens in large and small sizes. Largest and best showing in the west to choose from. Third floor. ' Special Sale Drawers Cambric and nainsook Drawers, fitted waistbands, Vide flounces and trim'd in lace and embdy. Regular 75c values, pair...49 Regular $1.00 values, pair..73e Embroidery Bargains 10,000, yards of Swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery, Edges and Insertions, 1 to 9 inches wide, at the following prices: Regular 22c values, yard. ..1Q Regular 35c values, yard.. .15 Regular 40c values, yard.. .19 Great clearance sale of men's Furnishing Goods; low prices. FAIR COMMISSIONERS ANSWER OREGONIAN Portland. Or, Jan. 26. To the Editor of Tlw Journal Referrlnr to an edl' torlal appearing; la th Orefonlan ro mrrllnt tha . xcendltur of the money ' entrusted to th. Oregon commission to th Alaska-xnkon-Faciiio exposition tot th purpos of making- an exhibit of the reanureci ef the state of Oregon at Se attle In 109. we deem It our duty to aay to the people ana taxpayers oi inis aiate that we tiave made a complete aummary report of our doings to the legislative assembly now In session, as per law requireo. wn nave usu iuu yumwi an ltemisea siaieraeni oi iti i apsiiui turea with the secretary of state. When our commission met la the ear ly summer of 1907 we considered many plans for gathering an exhibit and do ing the work pleed In our hands. Here- tof ore work of this kind has been placed in the hands of superintendents of the different departments, sucn as Horti culture, agriculture, forestry, mines and A HARD CASE Imagine a -man 'so low with kidney fllnease that he had to sit up nignt ana day. He even had to sleep sitting up, being unable to lay in his bed or stand n his feet Tet such was the final condition of "W. JL Marquis." the well known business man of Bartow. Fla. He went to s sanitarium In Memphis,' where he was attended by three phy sicians. They gae up the case and ad vised that he go home. On bis return he heard of and sent for the new emollient treatment. The fourth wek the heart and flropny began to mend, and the fourth month be was walking all over the town without cane or crutches, and he per mits this reference. - mll!L "J1 "Wney dlsoaee Is called whether kidney trouble, Nephrl. tls or Bright s Dise4t is iaflaiima- V".m "Vr' the oid-time Tuin kfcTrs? meUlciiw-a are kidney ex ritants. you can see why they failed la hi esse as they have in yours. Fulton's Bnal Compound ts the first auccMsful Renal emollient thus reduc ing lienal inf iammatinn, and kidney dis je is now curable for the first time. i.rn serious supposed Incurable forms viil.l as above. . . - Literature mailed free. John J. Ful- Kk id more Jrug Co.. I5i " Third t Are our local agents. Ask for Ei MKrU.Ur bulietlB of late recoveries. . . mining, educational, fish and game, ete, who would travel through the state am gather exhibits for their respective de partments. In this way the cost to the state is very great, and in many in stances poor results ootamea. After a thorough consideration of the matter, the commission decided to place in the Oregon building a collective ex hibit of the state's resources, and it was the unanimous desire of the commis sion that this work be done as far as possible by the members of the com mission. Under the act creating this commission the executive commissioner and the secretary were the only mem bers who could draw a salary for their work, consequently the work or gather in this exhibit was allotted to the ex ecutive commissioner and the secretary, and up to the first of December these different departments- have all been handled through these two commission ers. We found It necessary about De cember 1 to employ a superintendent of education ana one ror rorestry ana mines. Data for Booklet. The- executive commissioner and the secretary, under the authority and su pervislon of the entire commission, have also looked after the erection of the state building at Seattle and have gath ered data for the booklet on the re sources of Oregon which" the "Oregon commission Is to publish and distribute free at the exposition. - In this booklet we have given space to each ana every county in the stats to advertise their resources. , .-- - Our reoort to the legislator of the money expenaea is as xouows; Expenses and incidental. .... .1 3, SI J. 9 Horticulture ................. 1,948.8 Forestry- .................... - 118.20 Education and fin arts...... . 104.20 Publicity 1.6S8.6J Mines and mining; ........... J4.40 Agriculture J7.E0 State building and additional work 85.S6I.14 Maintnnance, grounds - and architect s fees . ,..-.' S,SS.60 Salaries . . . . i . . . . . l.tit 1 2 , Freight and transfer , ... ii.' . .' : -. 403.69 1 refrigerating plant (part pay- ' j meaij ...... Z.7I.U0 $223 S for apples which we have placed in cold storage. "Publicity" Includes paper, photo- rraphs and statistical matter for the 0,000 booklets mentioned. "State building" .includes the Oregon building, contract price of which was $38,399, - and additional work of about $2800. There is still due .on the build ing about $300. This amount is being held back until some minor repairs are made to the roof. "Maintenance, grounds and architect's fees" Include the grading of the grounds, in addition to the architect's fees. "Salaries" Include the services for period of 14 months of the executive commissioner, the secretary, the steno rapher and also a keeper at the Oregon Dunaing ior one montn. Kuan Money Xeft. Instead of the $100,000 appropriation being "practically exhausted now," our report to .tne legislature puDtisnea in the Morning Oregonian on January 13 snows a balance on nana or 4Z,iV4.Z4, which Is still available. In regard to the statement that Cali fornia had spent $85,000 and Washlnr ton $70,000 at the Lewis and Clark fair. permit us to say that, we are not in possession of the facts In regard to the amounts these states spent, but we do Know tnat Derore uanrornia and wash' Ington started to get an exhibit tocetb er for the Lewis and Clark fair they had on hand a collective expenditure of $40,000 each, which exhibits were shown at tt-' lxuls. When the Oreeon com. mission started to get together an ex hibit ror tiie Aiasta-1 UKun-i'aclflc ex uuun . . Leaving a balance on hand of $41,794.24 In "expenses and incidental" are In-1 eluded furniture, stationery, office rent, ! euuutB, i:v-. mii ipt iravenng . ex-1 penties of the commission. J "Horticulture" includes $1444 for Jars for preserving fruits unit tuttfc hlbiUng grains, nuts, fishi etc- and ays x zn nnv Never Foils fo Restore Gray Hair to Its Natural Color and Beamy No matter how long it has been gray oriaaea. promotes a luxuriant growta of healthy hair. Stop its falling out. ana positively remove Dan druff. Keep hair soft and trlossv. Re fuse all substitutes. 2 times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Is Not a Dye. ; and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 1c for free book "The Care o( the iiiu," . ttuio Bay Spec C, Newark, U. J. , Bay's narflna Soap cures pisiptes. red, inuh and chapped hands, and all akin die taara. Keeps akin fine and soft. 2Sc, druggists, seiid icUat lit book TbeCare of the bkia. , WOODARD, CLATJtE: fe CO. position the only things we found avail able were 10 show cases and a few pieces of finished woods which had been left from the Lewis and Clark fair. This -was the reason we had to pay $1444 for Jars to start our fruit exhibit, and was one of the many things we had to purchase, while California has kept intact her entire exhibit form the Lewis and Clark fair, which will not take more than $20,000 to replenish. In addition to this eplendid exhibit Cali fornia has appropriated fipo.OOO more iu nuveriise tier stave. It Is a well known fact that the people of California and Washington are very resourceful, energetlo and pro gressive in putting forth the advan tages of their respective states, and if mere is. anyxning lacKing? in tnelr ex hlblts it will be forthcomna- bv dona tlons from the different commercial or ganizations. Building Xs Spacious. We also wish to call attention to the Oregon building at Seattle. This build ing is one half larger than the Califor nia or Washington building at the Lewis and Clark fair and is also a much better building. Ws simply men- OixirsfSoraia Cleanses the System Effect ually, Dispels Colas andneaa aches due to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts ruy as aLaxativew J ;;, " f Best forMenVomen ana Cnu ren-ybungand 0la jlo pel. i is ljeneTiciaii-ifecis s buy tKe-aenume which fie jull n ame of the Com pany. - -1 r CALIFORNIA JIa Syrup Co. m it it manufactured. printea n tns frsntef every nacko$e. SOLD Kf All LEADING DRUGGISTS. erw size coy, rejulor pries 50-botil fa wav tion these facts so that the people of uregon will not be misled by the erron eouB statements that are being made In the Oregonian. The aim of the Oregon commission is to make a representative exhibit at Se attle of the state's resources on a larger and more extensive scale than has ever been made before. Oregon received a rrMt ifeal nt mnA from the Lewis and Clark fair, and if a proper effort is put forth by the peo ple of this state In cooperation with the commission she can receive just as much good from the Alaska-Yukon-Pa-cafio exposition, but if these erroneous statements are to be continued by the Oregonian it will not only be expensive to the state, but bring about a feeling that prevents harmony in our work. We have no apology to offer for our politics and our personal expenses speak for themselves and can be had in itemlxed form from the files of the secretary oi state. W. H. WEHRUNO, President. W. D. .WISDOM, ' ' Secretary. WOULD DIVERSION BE LEGAL IS QUESTION City Attorney Kavanaugh was asked to prepare an opinion yesterday tor the ways and means commute Informing the committee whether It would be leral for the f?1tv tn withKnM I1AA AAA it owes to the water department and uuua crematory wiin me money. Coun cilman RtlMhHeht mad. th. .......- . w - .u6AdlUU at r. meeting last week that the money uuiui Knruage Duroer couia DS Oo tained in this way without imposing another bond hnrrien nn th. hMnf. i the city attorney finds that this can be uunB mm garoage prooiem win - nave been solved., i : . - . . MME. GADSKI TO SLG HERE FEIDAY Mma Gadskt,' the great soprano of tne Metropolitan opera bouse, alngs bore Friday night, when muaie lovers will be given an opportunity of hearing the youngest as well as the most Doonlar of the few great singers now touring me country in concert. After being three years) away from the operatic field. Gadskl patched up her differences with Herr Conried and leturned to the Metropolitan opera bouse. Her Success ,in the great -Wagnerian roles, which. she sings as can no others living prima donna, was no pronounced that it was feared that h could not be Induced tp continue her concert worx. out she je making v short -tour .and will take up her opera work again on February J S.- , . At the Irritation "cnrBTMS hM In I .Grande Saturday. 50 farmers and landowners were in 'attendance JURY AGAINST JACOB KU ' Jacob Kamm lost '" the case In the TTnlted States , circuit ' court. , in which he was sued by Mary Rees of Pennsylvania ior $7000 and interest since 180. The suit was over the pur. chase of steamboat machinery nearly 20 years ago for the Snake River Trans portation company, of which Mr. Kamra was one of tho officers. The machinery was shipped. Installed and partly paid for. - - The complainant Mary Reen, sulnir for her brothers, who were also inter ested in- the business, alleged that the machinery had been purchased by Mr. Kamm, that the correspondence had been carried on by him and that owing to the circumstances he was aione re sponsible for- the debt. . Mr. Kamnt's contention was that he had ordered the machinery In the name of the com pany and that his associates were re sponsible for the purchase. The prin cipal and interest amounts to approxi mately $17,000. . The jurors, who have been hearing evidence for a week, decided: that M Kamm should ray the amount sued for in full, including Interest. Do Fat FolksWorry? Most thin people would sayvno. Most fat folks, yea They have all the causes for worry . thin people, have, and one other their fat.. Fat- mortifies women because it spoils their appearance, and it distresses men, . for it affects their activity. A few, are afraid of it. There are few fat members of either sex who would not- gladly dispense. with SO to SO pounds if theynew how. i, The "how" is my excuse for taking up this newspaper space. Although very few fat folks know it fand those who do -are no longer fut.), there la a. very simple method of reducing safely. All one has to do is. take after meals and at bedtime .one teaapoonful of the fol lowing simple receipt, which any drug gist will fill for a few cents: .' One half ounce Marmola. H ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and JH ounces Pep permint Water, 'and the trick Is turned. This Is a certain cure for "fat folks! worry," ror It does away with all neces sity for exercise or dieting. It never causes wrinkles or - stomach disturb ances, and IS to IS ounces, I am told. Is by no means an unusual amount of fat for It to. take off daily, i YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A y GadsRi-Victor Recital 5 , skew r , -Lax.- " i 1 i v - - Eilers Recital Hall Wed. Eve., Jan. '27 ? . i , j v eao o'clock. ., ; . . -.'; ", ; TZCXSTB rXSE. ,: f - To" prevent overcrowding" ad mission will be by reserved seat" ticket only, -tey calling at Kilers Piano House - before ( p. m. Wednesday, two reserved - seat tickets may be secured. 353 .WASHINGTON ST. - "