THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND," TUESDAY "EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1909. II ENFORCES SIJOKE RULE Bats One of Elliott's Men, but N. P.' Magnate Com- mends the Act. (United Pren Leaied Wire.) Helena. Mont.. Jan. ?fl flna nt th. members of President Elliott' part felt the Iron band of the law here yes terday. There is a sign on the Northern Pacific ' depot prohibiting smoking: -on the premises. 1 One of the members' of Mr. Elliott's party was found smoking in me oepot. ana the policeman on duty forced him to top, after handling him a bit roughly. President Elliott heard of the episode and immediately bunted un . iue nouceman ana commenaea mm r his action and said lha rules were imoo , to do eniorceo. . u s : Change In Spokane Service. O. R., 4 N.. train ' 4 known the "Spokane Flyer." leaves Portland, 7:30 p. m., arriving Spokane 9:30 a, m. Train 3. known as the ''Portland Fiver." leave Spokane, 7:30 p. m., as at present,-ar riving roruana :su a. m. t San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING CLASSIFIED AD KATES Classified advertisements ja Tha Jour- nal are as follows: ! No ad leas than ISo per Insertion, v Phone or charged ads So per -line per Insertion, 7 Insertions for the price of 6. Cash ads 1e per word per Inser tion. 7 Insertions for the price of 6.. Lost snd found, help wanted, situations wanted, for rent and '-. wanted to rent ads. lo per word per insertion, i insertions tor the prlte H to 20 swords, 20c: 81 to J5 words, 26c: matrimonial, manicur ing, massage and bath ads, 10c per v Una per insertion. , , , . . Card of thanks, meeting; and fu- n.Ml nntlraa RAa mam I n..i(lr.n 0 W. New today (agate measure. 14 I lines to inch), 84o per Inch. Count wurui iu iiiiv. The Journal cannot guarantee aecur racy or sssume responsibility for errors cf any kind occurring In telephoned ad vertisements. - Should any ad appear Incorrect on first Insertion,-The journal will not be responsible for subsequent Insertions.. The Journal's business office la open from 8 a. m. to ( p. m.; Saturdays 8 a. m. to 10 p. ra. . Phones, Main 7173; A-6051 YOUR IN the TELEPHONE, BOOK IS GUARAN TEE, ENOUGH FOR US If you have lost any thing, 4ieed another cook or want to sell or buy anything, call up MAIN 7173 or A6051 Tlie Journal will print it and send you the bill later. The cost is only A CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MARRIAGE LICENSES -' Os sjis i'w 1 ispis l Charles I Mason, 360 H Alder street, 21, and Agnes Kenyon,-24. : - John H. Carlson, 666 S. avenue. 41, and Mary j. Thompson, u. , C. C Henry; 1095 Union avenue, 31, mnA nrmpm T. Rutler. !A. - James' C, Goude, 268 Crosby, street. 85. and Nora H. emitn, xi. John Emerson Cronan, 78 Front street, 21. and Busan Piowden Btott FLOWERS for weddings snd funerals. Alfred aurktiarat, woo tuu nonsu 120 23d St; Main 601. A-3184. WEDDING carda W. G. Smith & Co.. Washinston bldg.. corner 4th and , Washington sts. CLARKE BROS., florists: fine flowers and floraraesirns. rs Morrison st MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 Sth st, o poslte Meier ft Frank's; Main 7218. op- BETZ & SONS, florists, funeral designs. 349 Morrison; aiam b-jub. a-iiii. FULL DRESS suits for rent, all slsea, - Unique Tailorlnr Co.. 309 Stark St. BIKTHS ' PETERSON January 28. to Mr. ' and Mrs. Martha Peterson, 119 Willamette boulevard, a daughter. BROWN January 20, to Mr. and Mra w. Frank Brown, 1783 Porterworth, a son, BRIDENSTINB January 17 to Mr. ana -Mra Alonso Claude Brldenstlne, 272 1 Hunt a son. ' - NAME LAN Stale's Greatest Project There are now oh the market sev eral thousand acres of, the choicest lands of Oregon. This land can be filed on in tracts from 40 to 160 acres. The land is free to the settler, but he is required to 'pay a charge for . the water to irrigate the land on each 40 acre tract which is classified as irriga ble. This charge is made by the state and represents construction expenses. Iake Application for This Lnd at the Office of WILLIAMS & KANZLER -209, WELLS FARGO BUILDING . V WEATHER REPORT The low pressure area central' over southwestern Oregon yesterday . bas moved south and it Is now central at sea off the California coast The north western low pressure area . Is moving slowly eastward, and It is central this morning north of the Dakota. The St. Lawrence low pressure area is passing to sea off the New England coast A ridge of high pressure extends from Washington southeastward to the Texas panhandle and thence northeastward to the Ohio valley. Heavy rains have fallen in California as far south as San Luis Obispo, and' high winds occurred yes terday and last night in the Sacramento valley.- Rain has also fallen in the Ohio valley, Tennessee and the Vir ginias.' Klsewhere throughout the country, fair weather prevails. It is warmer In Montana and the Dakota, and colder in the middle Mississippi valley, the Ohio valley, west ern Pennsylvania and the Virginias. The temperatures on the Pacific slope are about normal, and the changes since yes terday have been unimportant.. The Indications are for fair ' weather in this) district this afternoon, tonight ana weanesaay. Temp. - Mln. Baker City Or... 88 Bismarck, N P., , 39 Boise, Idaho ..... 44 Chicago . ........ 4 Dubuque, Iowa ... 42. Helena, Mont. ... 39 Jacksonville, Fla. 78 Lewiston, Idaho . , -4 8 Los Angeles ..... 68 Marshfleld. Or.... 62 New Orleans ..... 74 New York. . . ....... ; 63 Northfleld. Vt. ,. i 36 North Head, Wash. 4 8 Omaha, . Neb.- , .. , : 44 Pocatello, Idaho . , S4 Portland, Or. ,. 43 Roseburg, Or. ,,,', 46 , St. .Paul,- Minn.,.. 40 San Francisco ... 48 Seattle ... 40 Siskiyou, Or. 36 - Spokane i ........ 40 Walla Walla 62 Washington, T. C. 60 Max. Free l p. 36 .0 18 0. 28 82 22 , SO 68 . 82 48 84 64 38. .1 36 80 22 . 34 82 38 44 86 30 28 . 83 40 .0 : .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .i .0 .08 .0 .0 .0 T. .0 .0 .84 .48 .0 .04 .0 ,T, DEATHS LA NO In this city, at the family resl- aence. tz-j fa.TH avenue. January zs. 1999. Edward Lang, axed 48 years. Tim of funeral services -will be announced later. ! " - j -: . FALLAB January 20, William Pallas, city, age 78 years; senility. STUART -January 34. Johanna Stuart, 889 Lownsdale, age 77 years; old age. FARRELL January 24, Patrick H. Farrell, f 13 First, age (4 years; ar-terio-schlerosls. BOTH January 24. Annie Roth, city, acre 11 years: aDDendlcltls. BANKUS-. -January . 84, Martin Bankus, city, ago 29 years; tubercular perito nitis. ' -. '' , '' WILSON -January U. Beatrice 3. Wll- Ann nlf tr a a wAweik.. . 6 I i-l i n, f-KV mull vUO , (UB1IIUSHII3. BAHLER January 81, Mary Bahler, : I4i norm union, age 49 years; cere bral apoplexy, FULLAM January 22, Florence Ful lam, city, age 25 years; uremlo poi soning. . , PICK January 21, Peter Pick, 649 Fall ing, age. 28 years; exhaustion from chronic Bright disease, with general dropsy. . FUNERAL NOTICES -J. ROTH January 14, Anna Roth, aged l years, daughter of John and Mathilda Roth. Funeral service at church, in Clackamas, Wednesday at 8 p. ni. Friends will find teams at Milwaukle station at noon Wednesday. oCHMlKDKCKB - Funeral of Mrs. Sclimlndecke, mother of Mrs. O. Grls- cnaw, win take place from 801 N: 19th et. Wednesday at 1:30 n. m. Intrm.nt at Riverylew cemetery. FuneraJ at the MUTTI -The funern.1 nrv1r nt nmi lleb MUttl. aired 25 Venra will h at Holman's chapel at 1:30 t. m.. on Thursday, January 28. Friends Invited. nuerniem oreenwooq cemetery. FTJNE1UI4 pmEcrona DUNNINS, WKNTEEJ A GILBAUGIt undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail; Seventh, and Pine; Main J. P. Flnley k Soa Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1699. ZELLSJR-BYRNESi Ca. f u n er Al lrn. tor a embalmersl 2 70 Suuil M ENTEE-ERICKSON CO., undertakers;" lady ass't. 409 Alder St. Both chonii EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker; J20 3d St. ROSK CITY C:METERT. Phones C-21H and Main 444. j-S!14 and F. S. DUNNING, east side funeral di rector. 414 B. Alder, comer sth. - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS LAWTERS Abstract A Trust CO- room 6 Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts a specialty. . Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Carl a Nelson, lot 8. block 17, Rossmere. .. ...... , i ctn David Cole to Catherine B. 8ilvey, lot 3, block W. Piedmont..,. 1,000 Balfour-Guthrie Investment Co. to John Tait, 12.7 acres beginning at southeast corner of section 82.- township 1 south.r range 1 east ...... j.. ..... . .. 1.TS0 Rna h H.0,iaK, t0 w M- Starr, lot 22' y,00 h Sonify: low 28 and fijTrM,ue' lote to 1. block .'".uwuwb ana wire Tft ud.v South Portland Improvement Co" 1,600 feet In James Terwllliger D. L. C., in section 16, townshln 1 w"r,thirLn" 1 east. .. ....r.;t 3 000 W. J. Hofmann and wife to El iL Farrington. et al, lots 4 and 6 Same to same, lots 1, 2 anrl' V block 3, Wild Rose addition.. lino S- ponaugh and wife to Lucy M. ' . Tlchenor lot 8, block 13. SlU- - ler's addition to Sellwonrf r Egbert F. FerrU and wlfi to'fcf A. Mannassa, lot 8, block 2. Couch's addiUon v. ! 000 fI?b15,tie,l'.block 1. Albion adt dition to Albina . AA Otto Welnrecht and wife te H. 'ii ' KJoeppfng lot 4, block iEtSi Portland Heights, addition. 7. I StO John Veasen and wife to France " Theodor.tt01son. lot 6. block ' Henry SonahueVal to Tliu, Knl V'0? 18. Willamette 'un. " ao, iv. ana in hiu.b. Ar.mV0n5 61over "d wlfVti Or- 1.800 IV " lots and 36. j, block 6. Tabasco additionT. . . . . Ed J?-.T0Dtn nd rtt to Sarah B. McKensie. 42x100 feet com tnencing 100 feet south of a point 903S chains north of ceti- f sectlpn 16, township 1 , 400 ovumij a ailfi si raBl . 200 jwirii in vBiment i:r.. Limited. to meve Prsybylskl. lot 11. ' .block ( 1. PI ttengers addition to Albina. 200 JThe lands in this region 'are very fertile, and the climate is mild, there being an average of 309 sunny days in each year. The exceedingly moderate cost of a farm, in this region, together with the, excellent markets and the great increase inland values which is certain to come, make this offer of the state most attractive both to the homeseekerarid investor, .-. EEMHCG REAJL ESTATE! TKAJVSFER3 Oregon Chair Co. to Rudgear . Merle Co., .21 acre in sections . 15 and IS, township 1 south, -range. 1 feast.................. B. M. Lombard and wife to V. M. Vone,, lots 36 and 36, block . 6,- Railway addition to Monta- ' vUla ......... v j. ........ Henry W. Fries to Anna 8. Sande. lots 16 and 16, block 11, River side addition to Albina. ....... . Fred Lindes to Ernst W. Wehtje, lot 16, block "B," Portsmouth Villa extension................ Kenwood Land Co. to-John Bing- ham, lots 8, 8, 10 and 11, block 26, Kenton. .. . .j .........,,.. Point View Real Estate Co. to Charles Z. Delaet, lot 10, block 8, Point View Theodore Nicolal et al to John Hedstrom et al. lot 13, block 83, Central Albina. . William Stevenson and wife to I. M. PhannaTi mrf nf !n 1. hlock 2627 .13 J 800 BOO 1000 86 609 8. Sunnvslde addition. ......... 2. SOO F. M. Smith and wife to Gail Grant Shadinger et al. south 60 feet lots 1 and 2, block 4, subdivision of Baverview addition to Albina Robert E. L. Duvali and wife to Annie E. Maynard. lot 17. block ' 7, Firland.... Same to same,, lot 6, block 6, Ar leta Park No. 2 . , ..... H. GerBon- and wife to Blla Car lisle Lamond, east 40 feet of In IS hlnlr - anMimlth'l ad 300 109 dition ' . ... - . 2,800 Frank B. Janes and wife to Joseph E. Field, lot 18, block 2, Florr enfce heights ,., Joseph M. Healy et al tor D.. J. Sharp, lot 14, block 20 Waver lelgh Heights .-....,,.... Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to B tT Htnm.t,. lnta 1. 8 And 6. 43i 400 block 9, Lexington Heights. .. . . 660 Ira Shattuck and wire 10 i,ucy Shattuck Hansen.-lots f2, 8. 4, ,17, 18 and 19. In blocks stand , ' 66, West Portland; also undivid ed of lots 8 to 6. blocks 1 and 5. subdivision of block 'N," snd west H of block "M,'" south :. of Patton road In Grovers addl- ' tlon also Interest in other city lots ...... . . . . 73 Moore -Investment Co. to J. A., Harbke, lots 10 ana ii,.iQc i, Vernon. .-. ....... t : , . 1.100 J. J. Shreiner and wife to Jeen Dykstra et al, lot u. oioca. v, . Willamette .,.......... Q. - M. Rlnker to Ernest .Kern, south or mock ivo, Beuwwu BOO Charles , T. King to R. M. Barr, southeast Vt oi wi i, uw James Johns' addition , tr St. Johns ............' 800 A. L. Rumsey and wife to f lora Ethel Tnompson, ioi i, nioj; , Rumsey'a addition to labor Heights 00 fAClFIC Title Trust Co.. the leading aoatractors. zm-e--i gaums "'" ' SEE ' Williams Abstract Ca for prioea 838 Chamber of Commerce. NEW TODAY. Best Buys in Acreage $125 per Acre ' 98 acres on Salem electric line, fall timberf-eiectric line passes , throutrh orooerty: station, half .mile. " ' $175 per Acre 22 acres on Base Line road, two blocks from electric line; clear, suitable for . dividing into acres or lots; terms if desired. $500 per Acre 5 acres at Lents, near school house-; good soil. s $1200 "per Acre 8 acres in Center addition, close in; a step to MontaVilla car line. $1400 per Acre 10-acre piece adjoining Rose City Park, suitable for subdivid ing into lots.' 40 Acres On Goble creek Cowlitz eonn tyy about five miles from Ka lama; in second growth timber; will exchange for city or sub urban property. C P. WELLS 231 WORCESTER BLDG. PHONE M. 3253' Of the people employed in Portland earn their living' on the west side. NOWj. We are selling acre tract on the west side, onlv 16 minutes' car ride on the 1 finest electric line in the northwest. 5-cent fare, ;: At $600 Estcfii On very easy terms. Your family can greatly assist you in making a living on one of these beautiful tracts. : - - YOU CAN Be independent in a few. years by in vesting a small amount on the" west side now. " Call and let us show you the best values offered in Portland today, v M. E. LEE Room 411 Corbett Building. riortgage Loans "''" Lowest rates interest, i - X,OTTU SAIiOMOH, . 83S Stark, Street, star Seeo&O. NEW TODAF. LIKE A FEW DOLLARS INVESTED IN AILWAY LOTS IN THE CITY LIMITS WILL BUILD UP AN VIE FOR LIFE PRICES OF LOTS AND UPWARD, Easy Payments $10 Down and ?5 Monthly COME OUT TOMORROW AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Take. Montavilla car at cor ner Third and Morrison sts.; get off at corner Villa and Hibbard sts., Montavilla branch office. For. further particulars call office. C P. WELLS 231 WORCESTER BLDG., Phone Mam 3253.. RIVERFRONT We offer diceCt to buyers the larg est riverfront tracts in or near Port land now available 40 to 160 acres. Fine for mill or factory purposes. Deep water and rail transportation. LasL opportunity to control large areas at reasonable prices. TIE SUA W-FEAR CO. 245J4 STARK STREET Portland, Oregon Cheap 5000 Acres Choice rolling foothill land. Deep, rich soil. Yamhill county. A good col onisation project GEO. E. WAQCrOITEB 92S Board of Trade.. MEETING XpTICES 41 MACCABEES. Officers and members of Multnomah tent No. 67, K. O. T. M are requested to attend funeral of John Frledhoff at Church of Sacred Heart, Milwaukee and Rohne streets, at 10 a. ra., Wednesday. January 27. By order of commander. ' J. W. HOWATSON. R. K 1 BAY, neighbor, come uo to the meeting of George Washington Camp ton tonight at lzg nth st I wish to speak to you. All visiting iieizaoors are welcome. . H. L. DAY. C. a ti. A. t KEUKiCH. Clerk. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. No." 1, I. 6. O. P. Regular meeting this (Tiih. day) evening, January 26, at 7:S0 o'clock. Oddfellows' temple. Royal Pur ple degree. Visitors welcome. - '- E. E. SHARON. Scribe. M W. A. Oregon Grape Camp. No, 4975. Mondays. neuing-Hlrsch block. 10th and Washington streeta M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 6466, meets Wednesday evenings. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison ste. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE In 100X112 CORNER, good 6 room house, E. Ankeny St., $2200; $500 cash; worth more money, 622 Worcester bide. M. 617. BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow, 100 ft from Alberta car. full corner 60x106. Close to school and stores, $2160; $1000 cash. 622 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE One of the best corners in Piedmont. 309 Pearl St. corner Rod ney ave.; well Improved; price reason able for qnlck sale. Call for particulars. WILL sell 2 lots C1600 each, close te Russell st, overlooking the harbor; worth 43000 each: terms, half ujth. C. P. Etayion. eia ijernnger Pldg. FOR 8 ALE 9' room house in Sunny- side; lot xa. ror $2900, or with lot 33x100 for $3500. Call 616 Board of Trade Ding. OWNER must sell some beautiful building lots in irvmgton for $1200 each; will double value in short time. C. P. Stayton, 616 Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE Highly Improved lots 41x 100 near Alberta carline, $600 cash. Phone Wood lawn 701. HOUSE and lot In Waverleigu Heights fo? sale. Inquire 180 West ave. N.; take Montavilla car. LOOK $100 down and $16 per month takes new 6 room cottage, near car line; only 31409. Call 084 4th. , $6500 BUYS 11 roam mooern house and lot: terms. Call 605 6th st. STiDK RN 6 room house, corner, lot 34 FINDING EDITION 4 66. 33S09. 481 N. 2Sd St. block of car, FOR SALEREAL ESTATE 10 1300 BUTS 2 room house, 2 lots 90x99, Raybura ave. S750, $300 cash, balance $15 per month. . ' - ' Bungalow, 6 rooms, m oder n.'- t blocks from Mount Scott carllne on Powell vaney road, $1,200;, cash $600, balance per raomo. ' . ... 6 room -fion r WttlAmAttA lintirhtn. $4000; cash $1000, balance terms to' suit NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST- CO., . 828' Washington St. FOR SALE 3 room house, 1 lot, 1 block of carllne, $360, -.. -4 room house, small barn, 2 blocks of carllne,' $t5o. . We have several good bargains ill nouses and lots on easy payments. Star R. E. Co., Grays Crossing. Take Mount Scott car. - . . - INVESTORS, ATTENTION. ' $2000, cash, 3 years, 6 room house, corner, 100x150; "nice, level land, fine view; fruit, shade, etc.; lovely home. worth $3000; must sell; only live buyer waniea. . "Money taucs. " see mv ex- fclusive agents, West Coast Co., Grand rneatre piog. - $4000 WEST side, cosy new home, ' well built, 6 large rooms, fireplace, built- in bookcases, all modern conven iences: block to Willamette Heights car; . lot 60x100; $2000 cash, balance long time. See about it now. James C. Logan, 326- Washington St., room 416. " 7 WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments.. There is no reason why you should, not own your own home. Call and- see us and let us explain how easy it Is to do bo. . , THR VETERAN LAND CO., ' ' 822 Chamber of Commerce. EMSaANT CORNER- "if 300 Half cash, double corner lot. 100x100, 2 blocks car station; nice, level lawn, alt lmnroved: irood neighbors: fin est view on peninsula, Others all prices. See my exclusive agents. West. Coast Uo urand Theatre oiag. ' Bia BARGAINS. 11500 Half cash, fine corner. lOOx 100. small house, nice lawn, fruit, flow ers, shade, paved, etc. xr mieresiea, see it noon: no stents. Others all prices. West Coast . Co., Grand Theatre bldg. Main 7362, A-1835. , LEAVING CITY. M ,. water, basement and beautiful 100x100 well located corner for $1760; $1060 down; a positive bargain for Invest ment or" home. Portland Homes Co., Z04 Morrison st. - . ' - - $250 8TOPS THB RENT 1.EAK. Easy monthly payments thereafter, and you will own a modern 6 room house in Creston, neatly tinted walls, enamel bath, electricity, full basement. STRONG ft CO., . 605 Concord bldg. LOTS! L0TSI 2 beautiful lots. 2 blocks from high school, $ blocks from car; price $200 per lot Terms $10 cash, $10 per month. Call 208 Lumber, Ex, FOR SALE e" room strictly modern house, for less than .can be built for. In one of the best residence locutions In Vancouver, 19th and Main ; must sell at once. Address 11. O. Triplett. 1900 Mam St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 7. $3650, WEST BIDE HOME. . . 6 room cottaxe and fractional lot in Nob Hill district: only $1160 cash heeded. STRONG A CO., 60S Concord bldg. $500 NEW 8 room modern house, lot 68X100. graded street, sidewalks, full cement basement, chicken house and 1 dosen chlcKens $45 range; on Alberta carline. $500 cash, balance like rent; $2400. Inquire 629 Oantenbeln ave. 100x100 IV CRESTON. Basement -excavated and foundation already in; fine start for a home, only $100 needed, balance easy, terms. STRONG & CO., BPS Concord bldg $ioo BIX room bungalow, bath, elee tricity, hardwood floors, etc.; 2 blocks from car; built one year ago; terms, 1500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. See salesman American Trust company, room 200 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL f room house, closets, pantry, cement basement, gas, elec tricity, rine finish, complete home, close In. near oar line, bust part of city; worth $3850; will sell for M250; $1000 cash. C. P. Stayton, 615 Gerllnger bldg. DANDY trade, new 6 room modern house, Bath, pantry, 2 large porches, full lot, price $2250; will trade for 40 to 60 acres Improved and assume difference. See Angeles Trust Co., 326 Washing ton St., room 417. BARGAINS I HAVE. One 6 room modern bungalow, barn. chicken house, half block from station, f round 100x100; price, $2760; $600 down, 26 per month on balance. BIG BARGAIN 10 room flat bkig. and 4 room cottage, full lot 60x100 E. Morrison west of 20th; income ' $60.60 month: orlce $6000: terms. 22 Wnr. cester bldg. M. 6179. MUST sell at once, $1600, on account of sickness, terms, large 7 room dwell ing and 2 lots. 60x100 feet each; dwell ing alone worth the money. McKlnxie, 616 Gerllnaer bldir. 780 EAST SALMON, near 23d; modern residence, furnace, electric lights. laundry tubs, $660 cash; balance very easy terms, ror sale Dy owner: ln- qulre en premises. ABRAMS and SON Exchange furniture house, 208 1st st. All kinds of real estate. What have youT Phone Main 4290. WE HAVE for sale new and modern , homes in all parts of the city at first cost to build, cash or terms. Priest A Everett, 263 Vi Washington st, room 10. Main 4076. LARGE 7 room new modern house, all improvement in, in.rgs 101, close in, near Williams ave. A bargain at $4600; terms,, or will take part trade. Inquire 9i iianienuin v. NEW room aweuing, Daaement ce ment walks, 2 Improved lots, on car line: worth 3ou; will sell for $2460 easy terms. McKlnzle, 616 Gerllnger DIUg. BARGAINS In homes; good location, fine climate, dairy, fruit and stock ranches: fine timber land, well located. Write for booklet A. L. Rainwater, Philomath. Or. FOR SALE Equity in a very desirable residence lot: cement sidewalks. graded streets; must have cash. Phone li-l&so. WANT small Improved acreage In ex change for 7 room house, modern, full lot $3800. Bee Angeies Trust U), 326K Washington st, room 417. ' $3250 CHOICE H. block, prospective .business property;-also corner lot at a bargain., to close an estate. 827 Fall ing bldg. Phone Main 8429. FOR SALE A block and house, north west corner 10th and Mill sts. E. H Hablghorst 208 Falling bldg. Phones Mnin 2112 and A-2122, BUILDERS OF MODERN HOMES To suit you. Terms or cash. A. J, SALISHUKX ;i chamber of Commerce. - BIG snap, modern B-room houne; large grounu, ur.ruij irun, nice lawn' North Mt. Tabor; , $2000. $i00 down! Owner, 170 2d st WE DESIGN AND BUILD Modern homes on reasonahJ ... MORRIS-EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO. 6 ACRES, tine soil, small house, mile from Base Line road, close in: bargain. Howard-Behnke Ca. tl9 Bwetianaoius. $1250 WILL buy 4 room bungalow, bath, electric lights, fireplace, fine finish; a Deauiy; ii jvw n; small ment mc cKlnxie, 615 Gerllnger bl ay- LINGER not That tooth will rot; then. oh. the pain. See the Modern Painless Dentists. 258 Alder, corner 3d.. A big re- nuotiori mi. r. 6 ROOM house and 2 lots In Monta villa; fruit will exchange for spun of work mares. Phone C-2110. Call 621 CPamoer oi ommerce. $1059 2 BLOCKiJ of St Johns carline, nur McKlnney station: littl .h balance $10 per month. B-931. Jou rna 1. BRUCE WOLVERTON has moved from 334 Mohawk bldg. to room A. Lumber Exchange bldg. - HAYF.S, Randolph, coB'ractors arf balldera. plans ami specification furnished. 817 Oreyontan Mdg. M. Jll. C. R.Dcnnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 33 S C of C FOR SALEREAL ESTATE 1C ' TIGARDVILLE : 8 acres, best of soil, some wood, easy to clear. ; Land near it sell ing at much higher prices. Price, only $1350; ;$& cash, balance . ' time.-';-. ' -'' 'KAUFFMANN "& MOORE - 325 Lumber Exchange. . - . A BARGAIN. Nice 6 room bungalow- on Weldler street near, 26th; fine, locality, corner lot. 60x100, beautiful shade . trees on back. The bouse is new and built on honor; fine - fireplace, reception hall, large bath, with exceptionally good fix tures; positively a fine home. . Come and let us show you. , T . , . $3500 . ' '' if sold right away. ' -COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth st. 8TRICTLT MODERN - 6 ROOM HOUSE On E. 21st st N., full basement, lot 60x100. Price $2600; $700 cash, balance $20 per' month. Spencer & Co. 102 Second St. ; $TO0 Investmeat $7M) I : $tm, Hice Little Home, $700 Will rent for $10 per month; '" nice level Improved corner lot; new plas tered house, hear car, good" neighbor hood, fine view, Haverstlck & Gallagher, 843 Washington St. , 3 Lets . " at Ivanhoe station, all cleared, 4 nice fir trees, Ideal view, $1000; $300 cash, balance monthly. : KAUFFMARN & MOORE 82 J Lumber Exchange. TO RAISE the money this week I will sell 60x100 in N. Irving ton for $560. Lots not so well located in same vicinity selling for $800. This lot is surrounded by pretty homes that cost from $2500 to 15000. A beautiful build ing spot 4 blocks from Union ave. car line. Apply to L. J. Clarke, Journal office. 100x100 AT NORTHERN Hill station on - carllne, close to store, all cleared; $1000; terms. 1 acre on Mount Scott carline $1260, terms. Another at Creston 60x100, easy terms. VOUNG, 812 Gerlinger bldg. WHY N(VP Buy a nice little home of your own. It don't cost much; small payment down, then rent money does the rest. PaSs that rent man up; you have been his meal ticket long enough; let this soak Into your "think dynamo," why not? Talk to the "bungalow man," 35 Lafay ette bldg1, 6th and Wash sts. ' Afe You , Looking; for something" cheap? Here you are: A lot for $200 cash; adjoining lots are selling for $270. Come quick, NEW house, built for 3 families, full cement basement, "lot 60x100, fence; Corbett st, $2800; $500 cash, balance terms. M, Abrams & Son, 208 1st st. Main 4290. . YOU ' certainly have something you don't need; let me sell ltfor you. A. Scran ton, 214 Couch bldg ACREAGE 67 ACREAGE located on Estacftda electric line; tracts from acre Up. Pries $160 acre up; good terms. W. I Younger tk Co.. 411 Couch bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Irrlnted Fruit Land If you are looking for fruit land, learn about the Sutherltn valley before you buy elsewhere. Water for Irriga tion guaranteed. A reasonable price and Vay terms. Send for booklet. MOBSMAN & PARTRIDGE. 808 Commercial Bldg. Main 642, A LOT IN LOS ANGKLES To exchange for residence property In Portland along Alberta carllne. Also 200 acres Rogue River bottom land, good Improvements, good markets, rich soil, for Portland property. THE B. J. W. REALTY CO, 610 Lumber Exchange. FOR 8ALE OK TRADE 60 acre fine fruit and vegetable land, large spring, also 8 room house, 100x100. These places are well located, .For particulars address K, ii. Collins, nt. Johns. 20 ACRES south of Portland, clear of encumberance, and lots on east side, as part payment on a modern home of 7 to rooms, tteaity aroaerage Co., jbs stark st. wine a. WELL Improved 6 acre tract on Ore gon City line to trade for Oklahoma or Kansas unprovea iarm. Keauy HrQKerage JQ., ma Hiarx St., suite z. 160 ACRES 12 miles from Klamath Falls, swamp land, being drained: ex- change. What have yoa? Alexander Itnd -Co., 4 N. "6th. HOUSE and lot city trade for any good property. What have your ive your Aiexan Per Land CO., 4 w. 6tn, 1120 ACRES wheat land, close to rail road. exchange. What have vouT jnexanner uino ko., n. in OUT of town -hotel nroDertv and fur nishings; exchange. What have you? Aiexanuer uinouiji n. am. MORTGAGE, 1600, on 320 acres to ex change for acreage. What have youT Alexander i.anq io., n. ein. 220 ACRE8 timber for city pronertv. What hava youT 4 N. 6th. .Alexander iana Co., SECTION land oh Milwaukee R. R west of RitsvUle. exchange. What have youT Aiexanoer una co n. 6th. BRING In your trading stock; we can match you. Alexander Land Co.. 4 N. 4th st. WILL trade small house and lot for team, wacon and harness. L-947, Journal. WILL TRADE small rooming house as r-t payment on house and lot E Jou mai. - WAATD REAL ESTATE 31 - WANTED. 7000 or 8000 acres of logged-off lands; owners only. OREGON TIMBER ft REALTY . ' COMPANY. (21-823 Chamber of Commerce. Phones Main 6660. A-6 580. WAN TE F A 6 room house, east of Uii ion tve, between Ainsworth and Al berta; must be a bargain; no agents. Manhattan Investment Co.. Washington bldg. LIST your property with us; - we have cash buy era PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. A. J. Gantner, Mgr, 20 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Full lot In N. Portland, be tween Glisan and Savier sts., and as high up as 20th st F. 14. Hoe-net 413 Pippin St.. on jonm line. TO OWNERS of hou .!, lots, acre tracts or farms, who wish to sell, let us hear from you. C P. Stayton, tlS Otr- ,1 -- 1.1.1. mnA ,U.. WE. HAVE buyers for city real estate and farms What have you to tell' Will deal with the owners only. 2o5 Weus-rartjo piog. WANTED Unimproved' lots In Colum bia Heighta Manhattan Investment Co, Washington bldg. WILL, buy good. 6 room hnuu li i west siae prererrea; owners only. 1 DJ-6. Journal WILL buy equity In bouse and lot car. and assume lnri'mhr no Journal. -1 A LOT rear Hth and Albcrra; mt- l a bargain: owners only. W-307, Jour- I nal. IT 6 Acres' $7G'!P - On acre In garden, all .can '.tw culti vated; new 6 room house, ouibuthtins, well, school 100 yards, church muv. town 3Vi miles,-good roads. - 222-Acre Dairy V Seventy-five In .-.-cultivation. SO In crop fenced and cross fenced: watr In every lot; open pasture well seeil,,t ; good 8 room house, big barn, hay, oots and wheat; spring water in every lot and piped to all buildings; orchard, ber ries, flowers; 6 miles to R. B. town; $-5 Per acre; . cash. ; Stock Ranch Bargain ? Two hundred and twelce acres. 56 in meadow; baU pasture and -timber, lot of outside range, running water. 6 room house, 2 barns. SO head of cattle, farm Implements, enough saw timber to pny for the place 10 mile to R. R., 5 to store R. F, D. $20 an acre; cash. . Lcs Angeles Trust Co. 326 Washington at, Room 417. NOW the snow is gone, we are ready to show land again. Here are a few bargains in Clarke county, Washington, land: . . . 4-0 Acres with good house, $650. , 40 Acres - With small house and orchard, 8 acres cleared and all fenced, $1000. .'-v. 80 Acres . With all stock. $2100. - . , ' v 160 Acres ' With 20 head of cattle, 3 horses and all machinery, cream separator in fact, everything goes at. $4000. ' If you are looking for' farm, call and see us. ' -. Ccast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange. ' FARM SNAP ' 40 acres, about' cleared and 10 acres In cultivation, m miles from Castlerock, Wash.; good soil and water, 3 acres in fruit of best quality and variety: 4 room, 3 story house,; rooms newlv pa pered and all furnished; barn and outbuildings; 1 horse, 2 cows, 2 heifers, 6 pigs. 3 dosen chick ens, harness, wagon, cart, sled, plow, harrow, cultivator, and all farming tools go with the place, .... Price $2300 KABFFMAHW & TCOQRE .326 Lumber Exchange. ' Timber and Farm Land Only Small Casb Required - $14,000 - 60 acre farm.. Improved; 7 room modern house, everything com plete; stork, and personal property; bells separate; cash; near Portland Are you Interested In Mlnneaftta nrnn-. erty? $600 cash buys a new modern 6 room house, with acre of . land, 30 miles from Minneapolis, Minn. $500 cash for twtr building lots, on ear line, 80x120. Owner needs the money.' Write freely to Northern Timber Co., 414 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Phone wain agio, A-z:fB2. 1 . 40-Acre' Farm Bargain -"' All fine, rich soil, 30. acres cultivated. 10 acres part pasture and part tlmher. all lays well, fronting on main traveled highway In a populous district; watered by 2 wells and spring; new 6 room mod ern house, plastered, concrete basement, fme-place stairway, etc.; largo barn and all outbuildings; fine orchard of 300 bearing trees; 1 good team, 6 good cows, now milking: 4 hoei, cream separator,' wagon, buggy, harness, all new; . on cream route, telephone line, K. F. I near school, church and store: all goes now, $7600, ., ., . , ., : : Henkle & Harrison . 811 Gerllnger Bldg., Second and Alder. Y ' Stock or Dairy Ranch-.".-z 1000 acre stock lor da trv rnnnh n-n- lametto valley, all fenced, fine pasture. iwiiij. ciraiwi mnu ior leeu, 1 v miles rom R. R. station: good house. barns, other outbuildings, water In every laaiu.Q, lai'ijiiK pipea m nouHe anu oarn; on cream route, R. F, D. mall, telephone, in fact everything to make an ideai stock and dairy ranch, or would make fine walnut plantation. For sale $30 per acre, easy y terras. Will divide or will exchange jfor city property or close in acreage. Will pay eash difference or assume mortgage. G-740. Journal. 47 ACRE farm located at Wlnlock, Lewis county, Washington, 1 mil from Wlnlock High school, good roads, R. F. D.- mail service, farm all under cultivation, 30 acres under plow, farm all wire fenced, large 6 room house, large barn, chicken houses, other out buildings, all new, 2 - wells, small orchard, fine team heavy work horses 2 set harness, wagon, buggy, plow, culti vator, harrows, full set farm tools, cream separator, 12S chickens, incubator, brooder, 9 cow.s, 2 heifers, 10 tons hay. 60 bushels grain. Price' $4500; half cash. C E. Leonard, Winlook, Wash FOR SALE, FRHIT FARM 75 acres, 60 miles from Portland, 11.- ' 600 prune trees years old, 250 choice bearing apple trees, house, barn and largo urier, spring water piped to build ings, everything In best of condition, price 318.600, terms. This Is a real snap, presenyeariyinme $4000. j"6 Washington it. ; 123 ACRES, 4 miles from Dallas. 30 "in cultivation; all good garden lAnd, sev eral springs and small creek, 143 3-yeer- fiL''L1- 68 .flne English walnut trees, 120 grape vines, 7 room houne, barn and other outbuildings; price 845 per acre. . ' W. W. HEIMBACH & CO.. 807 Rothchlld bldg. WANT about 2 acres within 6c fare f Portland as nart ttav nr , . . 40 acres. 30 cultivated, 10 acrea in fine orchard, good well. 4 room house, plen ty stock, implements, etc., Yamhill county: price $3900. Inquire from An geles Trust Cos, 824 H Washington st. room 417. DALRY PROPOSITION', icres. all stocked ready for bnai. ness. first class land and innii.n. price 818.000. Will Uke rnnri or small Improved farm; some cash and saaA 4 a sm as am Kalsnn " LOS ANGELES TRUST t-n SiS Washington st Room 417 rtit-L, vase city propertj as parlia ment on this 120 acre farm fr, ,?i,,- dale valley, Eugene district; has 6 room house, large cow barn, horse barn chicken parks, orchard, berries, etet at $9000. See Angeles Trust Co., S' Washington st. Room 417. ' BARGAINS In farm lands. ro von want a farm 7 If so. we hivt inm. ... the best buys in Oregon. Come and see us before buying. We can save von money. Call Lincoln Countv Invest ment Co., room 801, 88 Wnsh st WORTH W'tm.R KFJ.-tv,r S09 acres of aood level nA line. 4 hour's ride Portland- ,.!.i, , platting- proposition; way below niHru.t agents need Coast Co. Grand Theatre lii.i g $25,00038 ACRKS cleare.T, lvel, rrev.11 v- V u 1 . . c ,11. Bill lltt( r-- ivmum, inn anu Tamhiil, $j1(oa Ixit 50x23 ami 12xloi bmh nr Colemsn. 31th ernl Clinton, v" n 10 ACliU tracts, fine soil in cuI U Ti ... i" nar station on S. p. if short of ,, wiir let you work out half, .. , lonj? time. Owner 414 Couch tumnu Phortf Main S410. Ft Hi HAl.E Improved ' ncri;- JV farm!" of sll-sixeH; your ewrt f,-, . O. B. Wih.i rhl f Woo.lNn-1. U , ' " A SNAP 15 a. -res, 4 rim. m. ; , intu goo.l fruit, good b.;ii,:i,ai , . , . . proved 61$ t 1,,-hnrisin ..! f l. AClw -"i,,W.r"rr " 1;., )"T, i tlniir. roao. 1 . . i sra ar i or.-f. , , i-.. It. ; FOH SALE FARMS s;-:n fi.,- fnrm 1 fr... Ii" voi;" v. 1 :u i,u. i .. 1 1 '