ma OREGON, SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1903. McAttEN-McDONNEtt Comer Third and Morrison. Daniel Mc Allen, President and Manager awa ri ... r I ' i J.'i st&LJf i n r " - ffl JSS SUSAN PLOWDEN 8TOTT has been' largely the center of attention the past week prior to her marriage 'to John Emer- son Cronan Wednesday morning. The wedding, will be one of the most beautiful and Impressive ever sees In Portland. High nuptial mm will be celebrated at the cathedral for the first iim in "Portland, on account of the high standing of the principals In the Catholic cntircn. wis grace, Areuwunop Christie, will read the service and he - will be assisted by Bev. Father Thomp son. An unusually excellent musical program has been arranged by Mrs. ' Rose Coursen Reed for the. services. Mrs. Frank Freeman and Mrs. Lansing ' Stott will be the attendant matrons and Mrs. Lftnsing Stott will be the attefid 'ant matrons and Miss Mary Cronan and Miss Bertha Tdngue the bridesmaids. Louis Cronan will be the best man, and the ushers will be Dr. Ben Norden, Dr. George Alnslie, Plowden Stott, Arnold Rothwell and William Lyons. .- There has been a great deal of en tertaining for Miss Stott.' Even since her engagement was announced early in the summer she has been the honor ' guest at various functions, for she is ' one of the moat popular of the younger set. Among the affairs -given for her ' the past week were a luncheon with Mrs. David T. Honeyman as hostess Thursday, and a dinner last night with her sister, Mrs. James Laldlaw, as hostess. . ' ".-,....,..-,, Mrs, Honeyman's luncheon had covers "for eight - and her guests Were Miss Stott. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. John K. Kollock, Miss Grace Warren. Mrs. David C. tewls, Mrs. Frank Freeman - and Miss Hazel Dolph. Xast night Mr. and Mrs. Laldlaw'a dinner guests . t spent the evening with cards. They were Miss Stott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeraan,'Mr. and Mrs. David T. Honey man, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Miss Amy ' Heitshu, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Laid law. Mr. Cronan, Harry Montgomery and Rodney Glisan., - , '; J . - '- ' -: V:- V . Mrs. F. N. Pendleton entertained with IS tables of bridge last Saturday after noon. 1 Her guests were Mrs. Warren F. Houghton. Mrs. Robert 8. Howard Jr.. Miss Effie Houghton, Mrs. W. B. Ayer,;Mrs. N. E. Ayer, Mrs. Fred Page, Mrs. i Daniel Shlndler, Mrs. Charles Chenerv, Miss Busan Btott, Mrs. Jamas Jjiidlaw, Mrs. C F. Adams. Mrs. Bert C. Ball. Mrs. J. Frank Watson. Mrs. R, Lea Barnes, Mrs. David C. Lewis, Mrs. James D. M Honeyman, Mrs.- David T. HoneymaoMra C. E. S. Wood, Mrs. C v Rooba. Mix Henrietta Failing. Mrs. J. G. Gauld. Mrs. Frank Hart, Mrs. Wil liam H. Warrens, Mrs. w imam . jones, Mrs. Henry E. Jones, Mrs. W. B. King, Mrs. Peter Kerr. Mrs. David Lorlng, Mrs. I. Allen Lewis, Mrs. William Mae Master, Mrs. Stewart B. Linthicum, MIm Virginia Wilson, Miss Frances Wilson, Mrs. A". L. Maxwell, Mrs. W. H. Nunn. Mrs. C. J. Reed. Miss Von Bol ; ton, Mrs, E. T. C. Stevens. Mrs. Philip Nohuvler, Mrs. Holt C. Wilson, Mrs. Martin Winch, Miss Hasel Dolph, Miss tlenevleve Thompson, Mrs. J. N. Teal, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. Harry Allen, Mrs. William H. Dunckley, Mrs. Louis H. Tarpley, Mrs. F. A, Knapp, Mrs. Krnest Tucker, Mrs. W. M. Whldden, ster. Miss Grace Warren, Mrs. Lea Hoffman. Mrs. Payne, Mrs. John C 1 Robinson. Mrs. William A. MacRae, Mrs. Harry Sargent, Mrs. Leroy H. Parker, Mrs. R. D. Peters, Mrs. Walter F. Bur re 1. Miss Msude Ainsworth, Miss Ells-' ' nr'h Cadwell, Miss Blanche Catlin,' 1 Mrs, Charles Ladd, Mrs. J. F. Dickson, ' Mrs. Malpas. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton and Miss Ella Stephens. ; . -i The . wedding of ',- Miss Elizabeth - Dooley and - Wilson Warner Clarke Wednesday evening at the Portland was ' a- pretty affair. Archbishop Christie read the marriage service, which was pronounced In the large reception rooms of the faotel.i Palms, cut roses and car . nations, and woodland greens made a beautiful effect' In decoration. The - bride twas handsome tn white duchesne :, satin ornamented with rose point She ; wore a wreath of lilies of the valley ; and carried a shower of the same flow- - ers and wore no Tell. She entered with t her father, R, M. Dooley, who gave her in marriage. . Mrs. Frank Dooley was . the matron of. honor and made a strik ing appearance in a gown of princess lace cut on princess lines.- She carried ; orchids and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaids were Miss Lucile Doolev . and Miss Lylla Clarke, who were In dl- k rectotre gowns or pale green satin and j. rarrled Bridesmaid rosebuds. Ben W. v RAd of OftlclAnfi was ths hint miin. served at on end, of the large room . from mall tables, i Mrs. R. M. Dooley, ; the bride's mother; was In black lace , over pale blue satin. Mrs. O. M. Clarke, j me oriaegroom a. moiner. was in wnite 7 rtrne d : AhlnA. tHmmM with Trlah : crochet. A number of prominent people i or me younger sei were present, tnougn - few invitations were sent out. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have gone to southern California on their wedding .. . i i- ... - . . . . . v trip. xiiey win return iq aoouc six t weeks and will be at home at Alexandra court. . 1 r w Mrs. George. Allen Emerr entertained at cards Wednesday afternoon at her noma in irvington, assisted dv miss . Ruth Sloan and the Misses Wltmer. ; At the close of an enthusiastic game of live nunarea. reiresnments were served -and the prizes were awarded to Mrs. Clarence Hickok and Mrs. William Read. ; The guests were Mrs. Alex. Nibly, Mrs. , tinny xenny, Mrs. .uryant. Mrs. John 5 Ferguson, Mrs. Clarence .Hickok,. Mrs. f William Read, Mrs. B. Fleckenstein, r Mrs. George McGowan, Mr Jesse i Walker, Mrs. H. C. Buckley Mrs. B. F. Weaver. Mrs.- D. G. Tomasini, Mrs. Charles Fargo, Mrs. Elizabeth Thorn p ? son, Mrs. Marcus Delahunt, Mrs. Eugene ; Pearson, Mrs. Charles K. Henry, Miss t Rogers, Mrs. Charles Boss, Mrs. Sam i Rothermel, Mrs. Charles Runyon, Mrs. j - v nanes MCGlnnis, Mrs. John McGInnla, r Mrs. E. M. Branch. Mrs. Harry Foster, t Mrs. O. N. Versteeg, Mrs. John Stone raad. Mrs. J. C. Mann, Mrs. Horace c Cushlng. Mrs." George Jackman, Miss Mayme Scheurman, Mrs. H. O. Ogden, Mrs. John Frem. Mrs. Roscoe R. Giltner, Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Mrs. Alice Wright, Mrs. B. M. Dennlson, Mra. Orrin Fith lan. Mrs. George Simpson, Mrs. McKin py Mitchell. Mrs. I. Aronson, Mrs. Louis Thompson, Mrs. A. W. Witmer, Mrs. A. ;iebtsrh. Mrs. WllUam Little, Mrs. Ben lierger and Mrs. Leon Peters. ;' --"" The - Multnomah club ' dance to be given under the auspices of the" Ladles' Annex tor the club members snd their friends next Wednesday evetlSg .t thi MaopiO temple is being arranged for wh- good deal of elaborateness of rteiail. The patronesses ar url) a . Mf.rrinon, Mrs. George W, McMillan Oeore K. Chamberlain, Mrs A J .losy, Mrs. O. A. I.yman. Mrs.' Iran liiuimoon. Mrs. J. P. . Bronstigh, Mra lloihert Hi'lman. Mrs. W. H. Chimin .tmI airs. K . Buffiim. Miss Frances J f ; Is the general chairman of Miss Suaan Plowden Stott, the arrangements, but she has numerous committees to assist her. Those actively engaged are Mrs. G. A. Hoffmann. Mrs. Leon Peters, Mrs. M. C. Holbrook, Mrs. Robert Krohn, Mrs. Clifford Irwin, Mrs. H. G. Thompson, Mrs. George Kadderly, Mrs. Frank H. Ransom, Mrs. Dwlght Edwards, Mrs. Norrls B. Gregg, Miss Dagmar Korrell, Miss Vida Reed,. Miss Mildred Raab, Miss Vivian Marshall. Miss Eleanor Brodle, Miss Louise Williams and Miss Persis Sargent. The men who" are as sisting the yoirhg women tn the work are H. K. Jortrn Wllllnl Hnnnvmon James Ambrose. Al McHolland, Edgar Frank and Arrjold 8. Rothwell. The af- iair promises to De one of the success rui and Important functions of the ween. .- Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Henry en tertalned Friday evening with a large musicals at their Irvington home. Mrs. Ralph We lker, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Dougherty, Mrs. E. E. Coovert, Miss Failenius. Mra. nMi, Parish Miss Gregory, Miss Kathleen Law- ler and Miss Nona Lawler gave the Program. Other nt .r- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livingstone, Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson Reed, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Henry Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Al len, Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Hinney, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mao Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Baley, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Walker, Mrs. Maxman. Mrs. J. W. GOBS. Mra. filrtnev Smith Mra I. H. Maxwell, Mrs, John R. Swlnton, Mrs, R. L. Sabln, Mra. Frank J. Raley, Mrs. C. L; Russell. Mrs. C. W. Roll Inn Mra. K. K. Baxter, Mrs. Henry Lawrence, Mrs E. F. Lawrence. Mrs. Hidden, Miss Hidden, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. S. R. Wentworth, Mrs. C. T. Wlllett, Mrs. James Schultz, Mrs. R. L. Donald. Mrs. Fallenlus, Mrs. W. F. Woodwtrd, Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, Mra M. D. Wisdom. Mrs. Stoppenbach,- Mra H. L. -' Tatum, Mrs. Martin L, Pipes, Miss Jessie Millard, Miss Murch George Dekum and Dr. H. I. Keeney. Mrs. Gustave Simon was hostess at two affairs within the week. Last Saturday afternoon she enterained with a luncheon. Her honor guests were Mrs. Samuel Galland of Spokane, who I", v,"Uinf her mother. Mra Hexter. and Mrs. Fred Seller, who left late In the ween jor iniqrnia. The other guests were Mrs. L N. Fleschner, Mrs. Sig mund Frank, Mrs. Albert Feldenhelmer, Mra Charles Feldenhelmer. Mrs. Sol Rosenfeld, Mrs. Adolphe Wolfe, Mrs. Edward Ehrman Mrs. Abe Meier and Mrs. Charles Kohn. Wednesday atfernoon she entertained ? ,? J? for Mr- Oreenewald of Salt Lake City, who was Miss Mildred Rhelnstrom. There were four tables and those playing besides the honor Fut8tTWr" Mr- J"""" L. Meier, Mrs. t r 4;!pnl"J, Mr?- Solomon Garde, Mrs. T N. Fleischner, Mrs. Max Hlrsch. Mrs. S"f?;yK Bkl Ml"' 1 Koshland. Miss Hollub. Miss Mae Oppenhelmer, Miss Gertrude White, --Miss Hexter, Mlaa tS!"?" ""'. M Sybil Llppltt. Miss Hilda Jacobs and Miss Mabel Beck. Miss E. Semosky was married to J. Adolph Levy by Rev. Dr. J. Bloch Wednesday evening at the home of the bride s parents. There was a large attendance of frlenda The house was elaborately decorated with Oregon grape and rosea and the bridal party stood beneath a bower of roses Interwoven with pink and white tulle. Miss Carrie Schllt waa the. maid of honor and she wore pina suk ana carried pink carna tions. Miss Florence Roc-era of Heattie a cousin of the bride, waa the brides maid and she wore Dink silk trlmmx) with Irish point. The bride waa given In marriage by her father, J. Semosky. The bride was gowned In white silk rnmmea wun lnsn nmnt ami worn oranga - blossoms and carried Bride roses. Murray Levy a brother of the Bridegroom, waa the best man. A wed ding banquet followed at which Dr. Bloch was the toastmaster. Parsons' orchestra played throughout the even ing. - The Portland Helrhta club Is busv preparing social pastimes lor its mem bers, and the people of that neighbor hood can have no excuse for not becom ing acquainted. Tuesday' evening theie will be a large card party there for the members. Preparations- are under way for an elaborate musicals to be given sometimes next month. - An effort Is be ing made to have an at home day at the club each week with a different hostess In attendandce each day. These at homes will be of an Informal nature and will promote- -acquaintanceship among the club women. Tuesday has been chosen and the day may take the form of a tea or card party. A good deal of Interest Is being shown in a dancing class thst Is being organised at the eluo for Wednesdsy evenings under the direction of Miss Lulls HalL The class meeting will be followed by an Informal hop. ; . . - -, '..'. . ' T". Miss Josephine fate of Spokane Is again the guest of Mrs. Thomas O'Day, and is being extensively entertained. Miss Tates has visited here before and has made mahv frten,ia wlin m r- A of the prolonged visit she has corns u Bride-Elect of This Week. make. Thursday Miss Genevieve Thompson entertained with a matinee theatre party at the Orpheum. which was followed by tea at the Portland. The guests, besides Miss Tatea, were Mrs. O'Day, Mrs. Louis H. Tarpley, Miss Inez Barrett, Miss Llela Shelby. Miss Louise Carey and Miss Hazel Croker. ' Mr. and Mrs. I. L. White entertained charmingly last Sunday night in Honor of their fifth wedding anniversary. No cards had been sent out, but about 80 frlerida came in for the evening and spent the time playing cards. At mid night supper was served. The drawing room was beautiful with potted plants and flowers sent in by frlenda Mrs. Whlta wore her wedding gown of white satin and a bunch of white orchids. She was assisted by her sister, Mra Cecil H. Bauer. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shepard enter tained with a delightful supper Mon day night aTter the meeting of th Fortnightly Dancing club. The guests wore Dr. and Mrs. William H. Skere, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Nunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ainsworth, Mr. and Mra R. P. Ef f Inger, Mr. and Mrs. William MacMas ter. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot. Mr. and Mrs John K. Kollock, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shevlin and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mears. A wedding of some interest wss that of Miss Marion Cook to Charles M. Stow Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ?yrus M. Cook in Irvington. Only a rew mends witnessed the ceremony, which was pronounced by Rev. Paul Rader. Mra. Stow is a sister of Wal ter M. Cook of Irvington. Her pub lished poems on scenes of Interest in Oregon have attracted some local at tention. Mr. Stow came from Grand Rapids, Mich., and was a Stanford man. -Miss Lulle Hall's little Vnnlv bann ing class met for the last time thla season at the home of Mra Julias L. Meier last week. The tiny hostesses were little Jean Meier and Mrs. I. N". Fleischner'a little dauchter Amv Th other class members are Elsie and Jean- ene meter, jane ana Catherine Seller and Helen Bisslnger. Most of the children are going away with their par ents and so it was deemed best to give up me ctass ior tne present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dooley enter tained at dinner Monday night In com pliment to their sister. Miss Elizabeth 1?2leZ-nd Mr- Clark, who were mar ried Wednesday evening. The guesta were Miss Dooley, Miss Margaret Dooley of Salt Lake, Miss Luoile Dooley, Miss Genevieve Thompson, Miss Celeste Moore. Miss Lylla Clara. George Dekum, Arthur Mears, Maurice Dooley, Mr. Orlewold. Ben W. Reed of Oakland and Mr. Clarke. Rev Edgar E. Brooks, who Is spend ing the winter tn Pasadena, Cel., waa She..e'li.,r?8nU'' of Mr. and Mra. Al fred E. Clark of 786 Hoyt street Mr. Brooks last fall was compelled to resign ss rector of St John's church in Dover. N. j on account of 111 health. Mrs. Clark and her, daughter. Miss Louisa Man, returned recently from a four months' stay in New Tork city, Morrla- ivwii aiiu v uier eastern points. Thomas S. MoOrath. president of the Hunt club, entertained at dinner at the Portland, Friday -evening, in compli ment to Miss Ainsworth and Mr. Jen kins, who are. both enthusiastic mem be hs of the club. The guests wera Captain and Mrs. Pond. Mr. Pond, Mr. and Mra J. C Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. George West, Miss Ainsworth. Mlsa Hazel Dolph, Mr. Jenkins and Dr. Coughlan. The week has been a quiet one with only small affairs given, mostly in honor of the brides-elect. The coming week will be a busy one with the David Lewis's and the E. C. Mear'a card par ties Monday and Tuesday, the Feder ated club's card party Wednesdsy, th Multnomah dance that evening, the Cronan-Stott and Jenkins-Ainsworth weddings the same day, and the Gad skt concert Friday. - -- ; - - V -J M v ' Mrs. M. D. Curtlaa has been a much feted guest la Los Angeles where she has been the ruest of her daughter. Mrs. Walter P. Story. One of the most elaborate receptions of the past week In tha California city was given In her honor by Mra Story and Mra John R. Powers. Mr. Curtlss is Just returning from an extended trip east and Is ex pected borne this - week. - ; . : .. , . Mies Beile Ainsworth will be married next. Wednesday afternoon- at 4 o'clock t the First Presbyterian church to- jrtarpn h. jenain, Min Maun Alpn- worth and Miss Mabel Morris will be the bridesmaids and Horace Jenkins the best man. The ushers will be i Dr. CoughJan, Thomas 8. McGrath, IB. T. Chase and Arnold Rothwell. Miss Mary Montgomery entertained' at dinner last Monday night in com pliment to Mr. and Mrs.- Henry Ladd Corbett. Covers were laid for 12.' The guests were Mr. and Mra Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. Miss Fran ces Wilson, Miss Hazel Dolph, Mr. and Mra Guy Webster Talbot. Harry Mont gomery, Allen Heitshu and Roy Rem ington. - . ; Mrs. Alvln Barber who was Miss Lucy Lombardi. has sailed for home from Manila as her husband. Lieutenant Barber, has been ordered to the front. She will go to her mother's home in Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. . Barber were married, in early September in Berkeley and after a short visit here sailed im mediately for the Philippines. '.. . V Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett has ' re turned from a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reese Hoyt in' New York. Mrj and Mra Cor bett are now in-their borne on West Park street, the pretty Corbett home which has been entirely remodeled for them. .- "; Miss Alta Rush, who has been motor ing aoout Europe with her rather and mother is now in Venice. Miss Rush is a most clever chauffeuse and ranked among the best women motorists of .Portland. They expect to return In the summer. . ; W, : ' Dr.' Gustave Bear and his sister, the charming' Mlsa Bert! Baar, accompanied by Mrs. Edward Cooklngham, left last Sunday ' night for southern California to be gone two weeks. They will spend some time at Catallna island - . Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer entertained a few of the younger matrons in compliment to Mra Wertheimer of California, who is visit ing her sisters, Mra Ben Selling . and Mrs. Emmanuel Sichel . .. . , Mrs. C. F. Swlsrert and Mrs. A. C. Em mons, left Monday on an extended trip east. They will remain till after Lent. Mrs.' Emmons' two daughters sre at tending Wellealey college and the Art league in jjew York. Mr Max Hlrsch entertained Infor-' mally with a tea Mondar afternoon for ' Mrs. Samuel Galland of Spokane. About a. dozen of her friends called. The tea table was beautiful in yellow. . Dr. Katherlne C. Manton has taken apartments at the Hobart-Curtls for the rest of the winter, while her son. Lome Manlon, is attending Jefferson Medical college In Philadelphia, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery and Miss Margaret Montgomery have been visit ing in Washington With Mra Ptnchot. They are expetced home the last , of the month. Joseph L.' Barber returned recently after spending a year in study in Chi cago and Washington, and Is at home witn ma parents, Dr. ana Mrs. S. J. Barber. Miss Shogren entertained Thursday afternoon with an Indoor "paper chase" for Miss Belle Ainsworth, bride-elect, who is a popular member of the Hunt club. w Mrs. Ben Neustadter entertained Wed nesday with a luncheon at the Portland in compliment to Mrs. ureenwaia or Salt Lake City. There were covers for 12. w Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seller, their chll- dren and nurse left Thursday night for soutnern uauiorma to spend several weeks. TJie Irvington Dancing club will give Its next party Thursday evening at the Irvington club house. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis have cards out for an evening, of bridge Monday. Miss Florence Wolfe entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon. Mra. E. C. Shevlin will be a luncheon hostess this week. If 3J EVENTS OF THE WEEK The Scottish Rite at home Friday night at their cathedral, on Lownsdale and Morrison, was one of the most bril liant affairs given by that order.- The decorations were palms, woodland freens and flowers, and were beautiful, he patronesses were Mrs. Albert But terfield. Mra J. P. Moffatt, Mra. Frank K. watklns, Mrs. J. U. Olds, Mr w. T. Jacobsen, Mrs. J. K. Locke, Mrs. A. H. Willett, Mrs. D. G. Tomasini, Mrs. O. W. Staple ton and Mr R. D. Cannon. Many handsome gowns were worn by the guest Music, cards and dancing formed the principal amusements till supper was served. The list of guests included Mr. ana Mrs. u. u. Tomasini, Miss Inez Neville. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Plttock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Run yon, Mr. snd Mrs. Harvey Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Graves, Mr. and Mr Edward AMen Beal Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Hilton, General and Mr W. E. Flnzer, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Werleln. Mrs. A. G. Long and A. G. Long Jr., Miss Mary ixng, aiiss rJva w. Long, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Nichols, Mrs. L. A. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Smith, J. L. Bailey. Z. Swett, Miss Florence Grossmager, Mr. and Mr Dr. and Mr A. Tllzer, and Miss Com- rort; Mr. and Airs. J. l. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea K. Fields, Miss Kate Hutzman, Mrs. J. Oauntenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. D. L Povey, Emil Eyssell, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown, and Miss Sybil Brown; Mr. and Mr J. R. Bowles, Mrs. Julius Kraemer, Otto J.' Kraemer, Dr. and Mrs. James p. Moffett. Dr. and Mrs. C. 8. Hosmer, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Krohn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mlnslnger. Mr., and Mrs. H. P. Palmer, Mr. and Mr J. E. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, W. H. Jobe Miss Banker, Mrs. William Boys. Dr. add Mrs. B. E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Evans. Mr. snd Mrs. R. D. Cannon, Miss Eleanor Cannon, Mr. and. Mrs. J. Polivka, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. EI rod, . Mr. and Mr George M. Hyland, Harry P. Neefus, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Freeland. V. A. Avery, Mr. and Mr J. P. Menefee, Miss Elea nor Menefee, Miss Anna George, Miss Amy George. R. Martin Jr., Mrs. H. J. Houghton, Dr. and Mrs. Clayton S. Sea mann. Mlsa Anna Clark, Mr. and Mr Hiram E. Wood, Mrs. Verna Short, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wlllett. Mr. and Mr Philip Neu, Mlsa Helen Werleln, TVCo bertb, Mr. and Mr J. E. Werleln, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanduyn, Mr. and Mr A. G. Bach rod t, Mr. and Mr A. Nep pach, Mr, and Mr George B. SeUar Mr. and Mr "W. T. Masters, Mr. and Mr Peter BoryanvMargaret Howatson. Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Blaesing, Mr. and Mr W. H. Powell, Miss Lenore Toung- '.,?I,''S? Mr"A,CV Jckon- Miss Nellie McKlnley. AH. Arnold, Mr. and Mr Will H. See, Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Locke. Mr. and Mr C. B. Turley. Mr. and Mr Frank E. Watklns,- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Butterf leld, J. H. Lynch, Mr. Mr W. T. Jacobsen. Mr. and Mr F. B. Field Mr. and Mrs. C. W. King, WEDDI NQ AND VISITING CARDS V. G. SMITH & CO. WASHINGTON BUILDING Sample Spring Suits Clearance Prices at Advance spring, .1909, style ments and only one of a kind. These splendid suits have not been in the house five days but we have decided to close them out at regular Clearance sale reductions. Remember, sample Suits, Coats, etc., are always much better made than are the regular stock and besides you get a greater range of models to choose from. Not a single incoming style; fabric or color but what you'll find in this superb collection, - Many decided novelties not shown elsewhere in this city. Every garment in our suit room i radically reduced, but we want you, par ticularly, to see these sample suits, , Silk Petticoats at S3.98 J Regular selling price $7; made 1 . tf..' 'n -- . A -f taiieta 9uk wun-accp unacr-nounce ana tuiiic, strictly-tailored and extra full; a complete assortment of colors and black; best $7 values; see them,;-?.;; '-'i -.'.:-. 1 . $10.00 Dress Skirts at $5.75 ' Gored, plaited or combination styles and the matef ial is "all wool French Panama; skirts , are trimmed with buttons -and taffeta folds and come in colors. navy, brown and black; regu lar $10 values, at f5.T5 each.s?. -' Closing Out A1J net and silk Waists at cost for this, the last week, of the Clearance sale; come, choose from our splendid stock and pay just actual -cost price;. Every waist in the house is new and desirable; take quick advantage. Coats and Jackets Reduced! Remarkable are the values we are offering ip 'Coats and Jackets for women, and misses; prices have been reduced to the lowest level. It will pay you to attend. All necessary alterations free of charge for this week only. ' . , Dress Goods at Clearance Prices Mr. and Mra O. M. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William Frlber. Mr. and Mrs. H. C Weber, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Jaucke, Mr. and Mra J. J. Read, Charles Coopey, Mra M. Franklin, Walter a. Moffcrtt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Head. The silver wedding- anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hurlburt whloh wan celebrated last Monday night at ineir attractive nome, isu jtst four teenth street, waa a most dellahtful af fair. The rooms where soma B0 guests aHsembled were tastefully decorated. Quantities of roses and other flowers were In evidence. As a prelude to the evening's entertainment a piano solo was played by Mlsa Marjory Hurlburt. Speeches were made by Colonel 8. R. Harrington, Waldemar Beton, Harold Rand a and Douglass W. Taylor, inter spersed with Instrumental and vocal so los Dy mibs Manorr Hurlburt,. Mra John 8. Hurlburt and F. A. Bchoppe. An elaborate supper -was then served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Camp, Misa M. libraries, Mr, and Mra u. &. Fields. Mrs. C. Flies. Colonel 8. R. Harrington, Mrs. A. Handler. Miss Mar lory Hurlburt, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hurl burt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hammond. R. A. Hurlburt. Raymond F, Huplburt, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Hurlburt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hatfield, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. .McGregor, . It, n D . . Mr. and Mrs. William H. Man kin, Dr. and Mrs. R. B. NOrtbrup. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Newton. Mr.' and Mrs, A. Li Rumsey. Miss Marian Rich mond, Wllllanv 3. Richmond, Harold Rands," Mrs. J. H. Richmond, Mrs. B. T. RockfeUow, Miss Ruth Rockfellow, K55 PM fllae Sttartt Tooftlhi COME IN AND SB, B. B. WTtlOHT GOOD SET OF TEETH ON RUBBER PLATE.'. DR. B.: E. .WRIGHT 'x: ZWy2 .Washington Street, Corner Seventh OFFICE HOURfc 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 4 SUNDAYS 9 a. m. to 12 m. s Phone Main 2119. Fourteen Years In Portland. .Manufacturers' sample gar from very best quality rustle j .en t .... . to the Waists Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Seton, Miss Louise Sehoppe, F. A. Schoppe, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Taylor, Mra M. K. Winn and Mra Dixie Woodward, The ladles of " Laurel wood -Hl ve. Ib. E8, Ladies of the ' Maccabees of the World, held a public installation In Carter's hall. Kern Park station Thurs day evening. D. 8.-C Lady Alice For ges Installed, assisted .by Mistress of Bfcmoiiy liMjr urmsoy or laureiwoori Hive and by the Queen Elisabeth Guard team, captain. Lady Hyde. The of fl eers installed were l. c. -Lady Mar shell i L. L. C, Lady Hayner Jr,: P. 8. C, Lady Fanell; R. K., Lady Col lins: F. A.. Lady.Brtggs; L. C, Lady Grabel; L. at A., Lady Brons: L. 8efc., Lady Thompson; L. Sent, Lady Slo comb; L. P Lady Buckley. Thera was Instrumental music by Mrs. Welsh. The Laurelwood - guards then put on their fancy drill and In behalf of the Laurel wood Hive" Lady Haynes Jr., presented tha p. L. C., Lady FarrelL with a P. C. pin. In behalf of the guard team. Lady Haynes Jr. presented their captain. Lady MarsheU with a gold bee, an em blem of the order. Light refreshments were served to over 200 guests. Danc ing followed. f The Mispah Social club met Thursday at the home of Miss Ella Lombard, 1277 East Madison street. As It waa her fiftieth birthday the club presented her with half a dpsen Haviland plates Whist was played, resulting in Mra K. K. Kellogg receiving first prise and Mrs. Stltes second. At 4 o'clock all sat down to a large table for luncheon. Tha club will meet February 4 at the horns of Mrs. Hattle. Lincoln. 604 Dav a. Coll LET. US EXAMINE . . If your teeth are kept in perfect condition, they will defy the worst blizzard. - To be -forewarned is to be forearmed. -Don't neglect these, your best friends when we can remedy all defects quickly, thoroughly and to your entire satisfaction. ; MO IP AIM ; .' When we extract your teeth and no ill effects of any kind. Our work is along strictly modern principles,, ; backed by all modern appliances and applied with k , skill unexcelled and seldom equaled. ;In Crown, Bridge or Plate Work the results are equally satisfactbrv. Gold -Fillings and Porcelain nignesi.staic 01 periecuon. $5.00 BEST SET OF TEETH O O A A ON RUBBER PLATE., 3)0. Ull Warner's Rust-Proof y .Corsets Warner's Rust-Proof and Thorn-, son's Glove-Fitting Corsets are worn by ; millions of women the world - over. They "fit .without fitting" and need no freak demon strating. - Leading styleslreduced as follows; ; '-'w, V . , . 1aiHV( Ml. TV fiJll 1 bust, long hip model, lace trinrmed, sup- porters '; front 'mi ;i sides for slender figure, coutil, 19 to 26; a very satisfac- - torv number: oe cial sale at...,.Oo Warner's Rust Proof in low ? bust, ' long liip ' style for .- the average figure; ' comes in white and drab, hose support ers front and sides; sizes IS to 30;' sale price, each. , . .,95 Warner's high .' bust and extreme long hip style for me dium stout women,' white and drab cou til, supporters front and sides, sizes, 18 irmm 30; regular $1.75 grade, each;, 9 a. 35 Winer's medium '.' high bust Corset-. with. Jong back and " nips, tor . tne slender I tt figure, . comes in whit coutil, sizes 18 to 26; a very pop-. . ular . model; ' sale price, each. ,fl5 Thomson's "Glove Fitting - Corset in . model for average figure, blue, pink or. white brocaded silk, host supporters front and sides; reg ular $4 value, spe cial, each.... f2. 50 enport street. Those present were Ma dames Armstrong, Bel ding, Clapp,. Ellis, Hayner, Kellogg, Lombard, Lincoln,' lie CormlcR, PorceU, Smith, Stltes and WU- The Phllatheas, known as the young ladles', class In Tsylor street Methodist church, met at the home of Mrs. F. B. Holbrook, for the purpose -of electing officers for the ensuing year. After the election a social time was enjoyed and light refreshments wars served. At this meeting plans were made by the Phllatheas for a sals of home made candles at the church next Saturday afternoon. - All young ladles of the class are earnestly requested to make candy and bring to the church Saturday fore noon. The public Is Invited. Mrs. Fred Leinenweber ' entertained the Fortnightly Bridge Whist club with a - delightful luncheon, after . which bridge was played, - Mrs. George W. Simpson winning the prise. -: The guests were Mrs. Frederick Kuett ner, Mra Charles JB. Runyon, Mrs. Ed mund Gage, Mrs. John Manning. Mra Lydden Veysey, Mra Clarence C. Hickok, Mrs. George W. Simpson, Mrs. McKlnley Mitchell, Mrs. W. H. See. Mrs. B. F. Weaver. Mrs. Bert Dennison, Mra James P. Moffett, Mra D. G. Tomasini, Mrs. W. D. Jelllson, Mrs. L. H. Peters and Mra Coolldge. , y. .: :- e At the meeting of the- Portia club last Thursday Mrs. John Losan whs the hostess. Five hundred was played Cellars and Mra A, M. Dibble carried (Continued on Page ' Three.) YOUR TEETH Inlays brought to gthe 1 , . -, , - - I - PAINLESS DENTIST Tiponfltoles? v ..