THE day Is tone when the woman who carm for her appearance can Just grab ber back hair tomtwhare between her ears and her crown, and, with one deft twist, arrange it for the day by the aid of one or maybe two wire pins. The hair dressing of the moment is a painstak ing process and requires time. When we look at coiffures on th stage, )n the street or In the house wa are struck with the seeming quantity of hair . possessed by every woman. Can be possible- the thoughtful, must sure- ly - wonder, that wveryne Is blessed with such luxurious tresses? Can It be , that the day of thin heads has gone? This is surely not the case; the hair of the. average woman is even more scare than ever. The effect, however, la lux urious, and it is with the effect that we are chiefly concerned at present. "But how do they do it?" you ask. "Do they wear rats, do they us false hair or do they wear wigs?" Sometime one .and sometimes an other, madam. But the woman whose hair looks best arranges It with skill and, perhaps, with the assistance of some bought hair. That is why her ap pearance Is so wonderful. That is why he looks always coined just right. And it Is this secret I wish to divulge to you today, so you, my friends, will hot say that there Is a point I have neg lected; that I have not in every way tried to do my duty by giving you all needful Information. When you are arranging our hair, re !lem!,r,t!Lat you "n t no satisfactory " .oomis in Informal Evening Parties TN the very beginning today t want to .1, .-.. . - ... . j vi an ini ii you wiu aa- dress your letters straight to me, instead of t Mrs, Symes, I will get them th sooner and, . therefore, the sooner you will receive the answers. Of course, Mrs. Symes turns all questions concerning- etiquette ever to me, but X wruld much prefer not giving her that trouble. Letters meant for m should he sent to Mrs. Chester Adams. ' Today we will talk about th little In- w uo4 yaiw, ifiiciv UOys Auu giriS gather on winter evenings in some one's parlor. I have talked much on formal affairs, and I did this because I thought that the etiquette of these function would be both Interesting and instruc tive: but now the Urn has com to take up those little intimate affair th In formal gathering of friends. Not very Ions; ago I received a letter from one of my. correspondents asking me which would be correct In th case Of a small evening party, to hav re freshments 'served In ''the parlor or la the dining room? Of course, I said "In the parlor." If the guests are out few and it is to be merely a buffet supper a few light dainties passed around on plates by th men then why so divide the people as to have a few lit .on room and a few more in another? Let them all stay together and thus add to lb, gaiety of the occasion. "Twpslng" . the use of hairpins. It Is not neces- sary to Invest in the expensive ones of shell, amber and celluloid, so extensive ly used two years ago; it Is even better rou ahould have nothing but the ordi nary wire affairs, with, which you can afford to be extravagant Onoe provided with these and plenty of them In the average else, it Is well to also get a few large ones: These are Invaluable in holding the structure in piece, and they will give the coiffure greater se curity. Of course, for the finishing touches, nothing can take the place of the Invisible pth, and it should be short and very fine. With these Implements at hand we may begin the coiffure, but Jet m impress upon you once more to let each individual hairpin do its, own work. Never let one take the place of two. IN DETAIL For the coiffure of today, whether you expect to Indulge in the pompadour or in 'the part, the hair must be divided. Part It across the head just back of the ears, then divide the 'front Into three parts, tho middle and two sides. This must be done, even if the hair Is mar celled. To arrange the front, brush back the unlddle section until the effect is right then fasten It in- place' by a hair pin just a little below the crown. Brins- up the sidesone at a time and fasten them In the same place, but let each be secure. For" this you wilr heed nothing but the medlum-slsed pins. The pompa dour (which, should be soft and low) or the part then being finished, the back only is left to arrange. Th ends be is a very recent word, one that the con duct of the young people of the pres ent generation caused to be coined more's ihe means that young people are prone to forget their duty toward their host 'or hostess and fellow-guests and g0 "la two" to some corner to, avoid general intercourse. This is unfair, and, for my part, if any such thing occurred In my house the couples who were so forgetful of th'elr breeding would be Invited no more. Such behavior should not be tolerated. Bo, you see, if all the party are kept In one room th entertainment may be mad much more general. If a girl la Inviting a. few of her friends to spend the evening at her home, and if the invitation Is to b written, It should be sent by her' mother, not herself. If, however, she Is merely going to ask ber friends "by word of moutb'-eltber in person or by telephone then she may do so her self. When they arrive, however, they should And th mother at hand, al though, when she has spoken to th guests, she may retire and leave her ; daughter and her friend to their own devices. It Is then usually h', order of the dsy to play some kind of game, and this should be chosen beforehand, so that th arrangements may "have been made. If It is to be a gams In which a prise Is to reward th winner. It is unnecessary to choose anything ex pensive. ' Any trifle, either bought or hand-made, would be appreciated, for, after all. it 1 not 'the value of th prise, but th' "winning" that appeals tp th sportsman. Sometimes a joke prise i best of all a tiny cake, a woolly lamb for such foolish ; things provide fun and amusement for every one, and cannot cause a feeing- of dis- appointment or jemlcusy.. After the game, b it what It may. Is over the' refreshments may be served, and, if tha party 1 very Informal, let the guests help th men as well as th girls. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY Concerning By longing to the front hair may then be twisted separately to form a foundation for the final knot, or, if the hair is not long enougL, they may be tucked in all to themselves. Their separation from Such Informality only lends merriment to the occasion. The girl who must do her own, work might avoid ao many . embarrassing situations if she would learn to treat all such details as a joke to be shared with her friends. As to, the refreshments themselves, there should be lemonade, some platn sand wiches and some cake. NOT OLD-FASHIONED When the time comes for the guests to leave, the mother may return and say good-night. She need not appear again, although she should never retire until the last guest has gone. The chaperon Is Just as Important In fact, more im portantat an Informal party than at a really formal one, and, even though she does not remain with the" young people during the entire evening. It is proper for her to be near at band. And, girls, no, not think this la old-fashioned that no one cares for such things nowadays. The idea of cbaperonag U growing stricter year by year, and you have no Idea how greatly your friends will re spect both you and your mother If you are particular In your manner of enter taining and going out and discriminating la the selection of your friends, t If there is no mother In the house to chaperon her daughter's parties, the daughter may Invite some older woman sS - lW.W " SW , f " - v- , It th roll and Jet th PERPLEXITIES SOLVED Not at All Proper Is tt ever right for a girl to allow a S3 am -U pay her ear fan and board bin? SUSAN. Nol a girl should not put herself Into a position of Indebtedness to a man un less she Is engaged to him, and even then It Is not right for him to bear her expenses. Furthermore, they should rot be anywber together without a chap MRS..HLNKT SYMES ,.. -"Wi.-X l a . wrm jl .. . ... .. f w V the back hair is necessary, for if they are included, the manipulation of the back will spoil the effective arrangement of th front. In the picture the hair is to be ar w of her acquaintance to come and act as chaperon. , It sounds harmless and Is harmless for a number of young people to spend the evening together, but cus torn dictates that a chaperon is essen tial, so there is no use in trying to argue the fact away. Do not let young people stay too late. Schoolgirl parties should be over by 11 o'clock, even on Saturday evening. Lster festivities are always reserved for days when school is over and girls have grown into young ladies. About the guests: If any one of them should forget and leave his or her man ners at home, be polite and courteous as long as the mistaken on is in the house. Thi is one of the laws of bos? pitallty. It is, however, quite unneces sary to invite the offending ones to the house again. Require of every one who visits you that he or she shall remember how to behave; select your friends carefully. Surely, it is better to have one or two really nice and trustworthy friends than six or eight acquaintances who are a constant source of worry and embar rassment. Do not be afraid to pick and choose. Do not be afraid to drop from your acquaintance those who do not reach your own highest standard of be havior. There are always the right per sons to be found If you hav th pa , tience and wisdom to wait until you find them. eron, where such a contingency might occur, : The Bride's Veil I would like to know bow a bride's veil hould be worn when entering tha church. Should It be wont' over tha face and thrown back on the way out of the chorea or should tt remain ever the face? ANXIOUS. Tb bride may wear her veil ever her fac" going Into tb church. In which silLtsaiMy....- HORNING, JANUARY 24, 1909 and Beauty ranged In the Psyche knot, so the back hair Is divided the lower from the up perand the top la tied close to the head. If the hair is too scanty to ar range this way. then let false hair form case she raises it when she leaves the altar on the way out. Some brides, however, do not wear the veil over the . face, but wear it back all the time. It Is entirely optional. Never Have Been Introduced It omftlme happens that a girl Is placed In a position where it Is neceuarjr for nor to speak to a stranger. Should aha than recognize him or her on' their next meet ing?. TOPST. This is a question for debate, but I see no reason why a girl should not bow to any one with whom she has ha'l occa sion to talk. She should, however, let the acquaintanceship progress no fur ther without a formal introduction. Introducing Young People What U the proper way to introduce boys and girls between tha ages of 14 and U. MADOB B. The Christian and surnames should both be mentioned, prefixed with "Mr." or "Miss." The Christian Name AH of my sisters are married and, al though I am the youngest daughter I am certainly unmarried. When ought my Christian nam be oa my ardsT LORfA DOONB. It is not necessary to use your Chris tian name on your cards, as you must be Miss Doone if your sisters are mar ried. Very Bad Form , Is It srood form to carry on a conversa tion during a concert? INQUISITIVE It Is not courteous to the performers to distract their minds r spoil the ef fect of the musie by conversation. Un fortunately, many people do, lnot remem ber this. When Climbing Stairs 1HAVE heard girls complain because they have to climb so many Sights of stairs in order to reach their rooms. Now, with a little practice they will be able to go up th stairs without feeling th climb at all. Hold th head erect, th chest up, breath slowly and deeply and put th ball of the foot firmly on each step. If you follow this method you-will soon form th habit of maUng the' cllmblns; task less tiresome. real hair hang as shown until the next stage In the process. The tied portion of the hair Is then brushed out and made into a lengthwise puff. This should be held In Clace with large hairpins, one at eacbr end (now you see why these giant pins are use ful), while several small pins may make -security doubly sure. It then remains only to dispose of the lower portion of the back hair. As shown in the pictures, it Is again di Mrs. Symes' Aids WINO to the great amount mail received and the limuea space given this department, it la absolutely impossible to an swer letters in the Sunday "issue follow ing their receipt. The letters must be answered In turn, and this ofttlmes re quires three or four weeks. All correspondents who desire an Im mediate answer must inclose a self addressed stamped envelope for a reply. This rule must also be compiled with In regard to personal letters. Lost Patience f have been following a diet list ana taking exercise to reduce my flesh for ovr pVosS'inrei- I much lm do? CONSTANCE. It Is not time for you to feel dis couraged you must remember that It took some time for the flesh to accu mulate, therefore, why shouldn't It take time to reduce it? It will re quire at least six months of vigorous exercise and careful dieting- to lose much of your superfluous flesh. If you are persistent, you cannot fail to succeed eventually. Bloom of Roses I would like to have the recipe for a harmless rouge will you please print one as soon as possible? Mrs. Q. V. Mere is a recipe for a harmless rouge: Rosanllfn 77 grains V"hlt wax 14 ounces ' Spermaceti GO grain White petrolatum 380 graln Alcohol H n. dram Perfume to suit. Dtnaolvo the dye in alcohol, add this so lution o the fats previously melted and incorporate the whole, continuing th SUr rtrig until the mixture His coaled. . - Bran Bags Of what use are braa bags in the water and how do you maks them? C. V, A. Bran bags have a softening effect upon the skin, which Is very good, for nervous people. Fill a bag mad of cheesecloth with" the bran; put It into the warm bath water and allow It to soak. One should remain In this, bath only a few minutes; then, after resting for a little while, the body should be massaged. Outstanding Ears Kindly tell me soma way to snake th ears lees prominent. Mine stancl out from my head, making m .look most ridiculous. -EMBARRASSSU, The only way to make your ears -less conspicuous is to arrange your hair in such a way as to cover th defect, Tou might bandage your ears every night before retiring. Lotion for Premature Wrinkles Some time ago I saw a recipe In your paper for removing prematura wruuuas. -Will you plaase-publish tt again? at. B. H. Following Is the recipe you, deslr: Alum, powdered t' grains Almond milk (thick) ............. lVi ouneea Rosewater a suncaa t Dissolve the alum in the rosewater. then pour gently Into tha almond milk, wua constant sgltation. Apply -with-a soft Una' cloth every Bight before retiring. , For Perspiring Feet - t do not know what Is the matter with ' me. but lately my feet persptra so dread fully. WIU row kindly tell ma what to dot At night soak your feet In hot salt water, in the mornine; use the follow ing as a dusting powder: Burnt ahim. .v.. ....k,...., f grime S&licyUo acid................ t'i grama Starch. li grems Violet talcum powder (a grams J vided in half and wrapped around th knot. This is left till the last, so that the hair at the back of the neck can be Arranged to fall in line with th waves at the side. The finishing touch to the coiffure la the final large hairpin, which holds th completed arrangement In place. - You see that the coiffure can no long er be merely haphazard, its accomplish ment requires time and trouble and skill, and it may not be shirked If you would have that well-groomed appear ance so characteristic of th smart woman. to Conespondents Brilliantine for Hair Kindly tell me what brilliantine does to the hair, and pleaae rive in the recipe. FI.Ofc-318. Brilliantine is used to give' a gloss to the hair and to keep it smooth. ' Fol lowing is the recipe for same: ' Sweat almond oil.... I fluid ounces 4 fluid ounces Atoonoi OJycerUw i fluid ounce vii 01 rui ceranium 12 drops Rubber Mats. What can be used in the bsthtab te prevent one from slipping? NA.KCA. A great safeguard is the rubber mat, mad to cover the bottom of the tub, or a bath towel. One should b very " to Hp in the tub, for one misstep may easily result in a broken rib. . , To Develop the Legs Kindly publish an exert! ee to develop tk neck anC legs. Is It all right to use cocoa butter on neck and chestf ELEANOR. Th following exercls will do much to develop your legs: Rls on th toes, count five: lower the body until the heels almost touch tha floor; repeat eight times, touching the floor with . tha faeeis only on tha eighth count. Re peit the same exercise, rising on tb heals. - Cocoa butter Is excellent for massage of th neck and chest. , Bags Under the Eves W hat Is the cause of the little ' bags wjitcb, so often appaas under th eyas? They. make me look so much older, aad I do wish I could get rid of them. Mrs. p. r. a Sometimes these little hags are due to loss of sleep, sometimes to worry, and sometimes la constitutional- troubles. Massage will often tmprov tha appear ance, but you must discover th cause and then remove It.' Before Washing the Head Pleas tr.ll mm t.Awp t. AM ""-"- "7 a ana uis erv a rill lniDrovw it. JANS. , Beat up an egg well with about tw tableapoonful , of , water, and rub the mixture thorouerhlv into th artaln tust bet or washing th hair. -; . Scant Eyebrows and Eyelashes My efbrows and eyelashes are very tola. -What can I do to make them grow? ... - ... , .. Sarah r. . Every night thoroughly - rub some plain vaseline Into your eyebrows. Rub from the bridge of the nose outward, Pur vaseline rubbed on the edges of the eyelids also stimulates the growth of th lashes, and does not hurt the . eyes. , ':- :i -.. X.- , ':. - ; Milk on the Face Would yo advise ma to rub milk oa my face? J have been tnld to do so, but Would like your epie before trrtng It- ' Either sweet milk or buttermilk rubbed on the face every night before going to bed Is very good for the skin. Parasites m the Hair -'wit! you kindly tefl me thnmrh yu eohimna something that wiil ;.-( r. r r' 1 ' llce! A CONSTANT KtAt Fji- Th simplest and quickest way to de stroy head lie la to ah the heal In gasoline do not use Just a litt, but wash th head with It th same a y. t would if you were giving a . r i water shampoo.' If a.'Nr t--- f ' t ire '. ment th head Is sot p repeat th process.