Oome Convincing: Illustrations pi the Superiority of Our Cloaks and1 Suits Thcte are indeed- striking and convincing illustrations of the superiority of our Cloaks j f - from every viewpoint The prices may not in mmmi ;'.-' dicate as radical reductions as some others you see on paper, but actual comparison will find them superior in every respect.- No inflated values here, merely the regular selling prices at legitimate annual clearance sale reductions. This principle of doing business has won for us the confidence of the public, which we ap preciate and are everlastingly striving to retain. WOMEN'S' SUITS 19.50 Suits ! of broadcloth; fancy worsteds, chiffon Panamas and other materials, all plain colors and fancy stripes; coats are medium and long:, semi and tight fitting; skirts pleated or gored, with and without fold; we will, not speak of their fine points, but will leave that to your good judgment; regular $25 suits, ft Q rA Clearance sale price.... ....,. .... .170U MISSES' SUITS 15.00 . These are not extreme styles but', snappy; up-to-date suits in styles of .a happy medium character; plain and ; fancy .worsteds and chevrons, are used in their manufacture; chiefly plain tailored effects; $19.50 values, fA Clearance sale price ...., ... . ............... .;. '. . ..f I JiVV ' EMPIRE COATS OF KERSEY f 9.50 The newest styles in long Coats;-the 'empire effect in fine quality kersey cloth;, colors are black, brown, navy dark green and red; a winter garment that will afford warmth; plain effects or finished with velvet and braid trimmings; $13.50 values. Clearance sale dQ PA price . .... i i f ........... ..... ,PiJv VOILE WALKING SKIRTS Voile Skirts, in attractive styles, pleated and gored effects, with or without fold and trimmings of satin and taffeta; $5.50 and o QO $6.50 values. Clearance sale price,.-. $OJ0 WAISTS OF MOHAIR fl.OO Waists of this most durable material in black, red, green and brown; warranted to hold, their shape and wash beautifully, pleated j fiA and tucked effects; $1.50 and $2 values, Clearance sale price 1 UU FLANNELETTE AND PERCALE WRAPPERS' f 1.15 Wrappers in the shirtwaist effect of good quality percale and flan- $1.15 CLOTH SHAWLS Of find worsteds, in plain colors, checks and plaids; 50c nd 75c OP, values, Clearance safe price. . .... 0l nelette, all colors and many pretty figures and stripes; Clear ance sale price '. , . . . .The :t. MOST ';"--.m.-v v .: ; Value V . The BEST in Quality The Fourth and Best Week bt Our Greatest Event of Its Kind Ever Organized by This Store Great Sale The last of our winter stocks surplus lots, odds and ends, remnants and broken assortments must go, We've gathered them, grouped them and marked them for a quick clearance. It only remains for you to come andet your share of these remarkable bargains bargains such as you have never seen equaled before. Everything is now in readiness for the fourth week of this great event. The various lots are conveniently assembled, making it an easy matter for you to thoroughly inspect them, even though the store will be crowded with bargain-seekers. Don't delay be here as often as possible this week and benefit by the great price reductions. Women's Gloves at Clearance Sale PricesQ1.50 Kid Gloves at 08o Fownes' genuine Kid Gloves, a fine quality, in black, tan and all the best colors; a rare chance to get a standard make glove at a QO-, greatly reduced price; Clearance price vOC January Sale Undermuslins Values of Unmistakeable Importance The great buying public of this city realizes the strength of this remarkable annual event in Undermuslins. This year we surpass all previous efforts in the attainment of extraordinary value giving. The unusual range in varieties suggests the advisability of providing for the future as well as immediate use. TWO-PIECE COMBINATION GAR- WOMEN'S SKIRTS AT 1.58 MENTS AT 1.15 An extra fine showing of women's Skirts, An excellent showing of women's Com bination Drawers and Corset Cover or Skirt and Corset Cover; these garments are made of extra quality nainsook and trimmed with French Val. lace insertions and embroidery medallions; all arc well made and finished; values to ( "if $2, Clearance sale price $110 made of excellent quality cambric with deep flounce of fine embroidery with in sertion to match; other styles with rows of fine French Val. lace insertion and ruffle; these skirts are made full width and finished wi,th cambric underpiece and dust-ruffle; regular values to fQ $2.50, Clearance sale price )l9u R. & G. CORSETS AT 89 A showing of the very latest models of R. &G. Corsets, made of fine qualijy coutil or batiste, trimmed with lace; they come in the short or deep hip with high, low or medium bust; these Corsets are boned with rust-proof steels and arc well gnat- OA anteed; all sizes from 18 to 30; reg. $1.25 values, special Clearance sale price OtC A Clearance of -MEET'S WEAK s 9 ; The offerings of the past week have occasioned considerable fav orable comment on all sides we hear expressions of approval. For this week values have been made till greater, for instance: MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT 99 A showing of men's Shirts and Drawers, made of good quality natural wool, regular winter weight; they come in all sizes and are regular $1.25 values, QQ specially priced VfC LEATHER SUIT CASES, f 5.98 A sale of solid leather Suit Cases, fine folding leather handle, with improved shirt compartment in lid; these suit cases are lined with Scotch linen, have heavy inside strap and are nicely finished in every detail; they are full 26 inches in size and are best $7.50 values, Clearance sale price, only . MEN'S HATS AT $1.69 An extra special Clearance sale of men's Hats; this offering consists of our entire line of men's soft and stiff Hats, in assorted shades of grays, browns, tans and black; they come in all sizes and shapes and are regular $2.50 values; remember, these hats axe going t JQ fast at the extremely low price of..,.. 1U9 MEN'S AND BOYS SHIRTS AT 39 A showing of men's and boys' black sateen Shirts, made of excellent quality material; they come in all sizes and are best 50c values, OQ priced for this sale ....MufC MEN'S MOLESKIN SHIRTS AT 79 A special showing of mens' heavy moleskin Shirts in black or tan; sold everywhere at $1, Clearance sale price CHILDREN'S SWEATER COATS AT 79 ? An offering of children's Sweater Coats in plain red, trimmed in7f gray; regular $1 values, specially priced for this sale. ............. I fC $5.98 '.'..79c A SPECIAL SALE OF Women's Very Pine Umbrellas 98c DQNT MISS THIS GREAT SALE ! REGULAR $1.25 AND $1.75 GRADES AT 98 This offering consists of women's fine Umbrellas, made with' good quality gloria covering, on best quality steel rod and paragon frame; shown in a large assortment of neat and attractive handles; values in this lot range from $1.25 up to $175 each, your choice for this AQ sale, while they last, at ,,,7QC Dress Goods Sale We know that many women have been waiting for months for this wonderful Dress Goods event, and many of them will supply all their dress goods needs for a whole year ahead when they can select from the best and most desirable shades, styles and fabrics we have shown this season. NEW DRESS GOODS AT 35 YD. A showing of 36 and 38-inch novelty, hard twisted worsted Jamestown Suitings in neat stripes and broken checks, dark colored Scotch plaids in rich colors and a broken line of col ors in nuns veiling, albatross, Panama, serge, tc.; extra big values, Clearance sale OC price . ...OOC DRESS GOODS AT 89 A wonderful showing of beautiful new French Voiles, English Mohair, pure wide Sicilians, wool Taffeta, Panamas, fancy Serges, Herring bone novelties, real French Serge, corded Pop lins, Ocean Serge and phantom checked Taf fetas; they are 44 to 50 inches wide and are best $1.25, $05 and $1.50 values, Clear- QQ ance sale price QC BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS AT 69 A great assortment of $1 and $1.25 novelty Serges, Chevrons, Granites, wool Taffetas, Ba tiste, Panama, Voiles and Herringbone novelty Serges in all the best and latest colors; they are full 42 to 50 inches wide and are real Q bargains at......... Q9C Great SHOE Bargains X JOur Regular Lines at Reduced Prices Our great Clearance sale' of Shoes offers many excellent opportunities to procure a full season's supply at a big saving. The following prices hint of the savings only. To really appre ciate the bargains you must see the shoes themselves.- It's a wonderful sale. Men's Shoes, all kinds in good styles, all 'sizes, and widths; $2.50 and $J J rn values at .....Ol.OU Men's Shoes in all leathers and 0 "T styles; best $3.50 values on sale at vbiOl Men's high cut Shoes of tan calfskin, made with . viscolized soles; $6 kind QQ Boys' Shoes, made solid all through, QO sizes 9 to 13; $1.50 values at. . . ... . . Jj 3C Boys' Shoes in box calf and vici kid,' JQ sizes 1 to 5j4; regular $2.50 values iU7 Women's Shoes in all leathers and f CA size; regular $2.50 values at yi.JU DC ''' '" '"" 1 ri)i Great Mid-Winter Sale of BEAUTIFUL NEW Embroideries Every year at this time we hold this sale. We always make special purchases for it providing for all those who attend some remarkable bargains in this line. Involved are the newest and choicest designs of the season in the very highest grades. The variety of patterns and widths is large thousands and thousands of yards of the most beautiful embroideries and never before were embroideries so desirable as this season, and never before were prices so low as we offer at this sale. If you want to see and secure the pick of the lot, come before the crowd arrives that means early in the morning. TORCHON LACES AT HALF AND LESS EMBROIDERIES, WORTH 30c, 35c AND 40c YARD, These are brand new, pure linen finished Laces imported AT 18 18-inch corset cover and flouncing Embroidery in a' large .variety of patterns in this lot; embroideries on best grade nainsook and cambric; fresh, new goods; extra values. EMBROIDERIES, WORTH 20c. 25c AND 30c A YARD, AT 12 lyi to 8-inch baby set and flouncing: Embroideries with insertions to match, embroidered on best grade nainsook, Swiss and cambrics; bar- 10l especially for this sale; the prettiest torchon Laces we ever sold for so little money; they will wear and wash better than any laces we know of; the widths range to 3 inches; their values are 10c and 12c a yard, Clearance P EMBROIDERIES, WORTH 60c, 75c AND $1 A YARD, AT 33 gams at EMBROIDERIES, WORTH 40c, 45c AND 50c A YARD, AT 27 18-inch corset cover and flouncing Embroideries in a great variety of patterns to be sold at 07 greatly reduced prices; your choice at XlC 8 to 18-inch St. Gall Swiss and nainsook Embroid eries' in this lot; also insertions to match; they came direct from the mill at factory prices; dainty and elaborate patterns; easily the 00 best ever shown at . . . . . . . . . . X 00C EMBROIDERIES, WORTH $1.25, $1.50 AND $2 A YARD, 65 Beautiful embroideries in this lot at less than one-half the regular -price; 27 inches" wide and shown in the newest and prettiest styles. sale price, the yard, only i, EMBROIDERIES, WORTH $1.25, $1.50 AND $2 A YARD. AT 69 Fine Svyiss Allover and YVaistings, shown in the very newest effects and designs; full 24 ?fl AND inches wide; all at. EMBROIDERIES, WORTH $2. $2.50 $3.50 A YARD, AT 95 24 to 30-inch Shirtwaist Panel Fronts or allover Embroideries in all the new. St. Gall oatterns worked on best grade Swiss and chiffon QC cloth; extraordinary bargains at 50C Extraordinary Silk Offerings FANCY SUIT AND WAISTING SILKS, Our Regular $1.25, $1.35, $U0 and $2 -, Lines, Priced for This Sale at 96 MONDAY TWO DAYS ONLY AT THIS PRICE TUESDAY This is easily the most important Silk sale that has been advertised this season. Indeed, we think so well of the offerings that should there be any left Tuesday night they will be taken off the bargain tables and put into regu lar stock. Values are exactly as above all are imported silks of a high order the styles are positively the best shown this season; fancy Swiss Messalines, printed Warp Louissenes and Taffetas, heavy Pun Jab fancies with satin stripes and overplaids, fancy Chevron striped Messalines, double warp Persian fancies, heavy satin striped Taffetas, beautiful Persian fan cies, Pompadour Silks in both light and dark colors, novelty Jacquards and Taffetas ; in elaborate and exclusive designs. Don't miss this rare opportunity to buy the best $1 25. $1.35. $1.50 and $2 at 95 a yard Tuesday will be the last day. 85c PLAIN COLORED TAFFETAS AT 62 19-inch Swiss Taffetas, shown in every wanted plain shade; made of the purest of silk fibre; a beautiful, high finished, lustrous silk that -is warranted to wear; silks that have always sold at 85c a yard, special Clearance sale fiO price . . UC Splendid Values in Women's : and Children's UNDERWEAR This weather calls lor warm Underwear and our Clearance sale of women's and chil dren's Underwear offers advantages all should profit by. They art not job lots bought for a sale, but broken Jots of our regular lines at a big discount. - ,: ,'.:' CHILDREN'S FINE WOOL UNDER- WEAR. 65c to 85c GRADES, 49 A special clearance sale of children's fine wool Underwear, heavy winter-weight garments, ribbed vests, . pants and drawers in all sizes; broken lines of our 65c, 75c and 85c AQ grades, at the Clearance sale price of...rIC WOOL UNION SUITS. 2M VALUES, AT fl.39 .1" - - -- A special, sale of women's fine wool Union Suits, garments of merit and quality, . perfect fit and finish, correct weight for this season; they come in all sices.' . J , 7 ." 7mm Out ot the Ordinary Value Giv ing in the DOMESTIC Section Our great annual Clearance sale is now in full swing. We've made great preparations for this week's selling and you can come fully assured that it will meet with your expectations, no matter how great the offerings have been in the past. Never before have we gathered so many special offerings, and never before have values been so tempting. The following items and prices tell a part of the story. ? Muslin Pillow Cases, 42x36 Inches, lOe Kinds, Clearance Price 8o : Linen Finished Pillow Cases, 45x38 Inches, 18o Kinds, Sale Price 15c ' : SOc SHEETS AT 36 A sale of about. 150 dozen full bleached Sheets, made of excellent quality muslin, good size, 72 by 90 inches; regular 50c values, Clearance Oft sale price.1; ........ . . . .", JUv 80c SHEETS AT 67 Bleached Sheets, made of extra heavy round thread muslin; of full width; no seam in center; they are 81 by 90 inches; real 80c values, 7,, Clearance sale price?. ..... ..,.....: " I C t $L25 BEDSPREADS AT 98 A . special sale of white Bedspreads, made full size for double beds, shown in neat and desirable patterns;; our : regular $125 line. Clear QQ, ance sale pri;e... ........ vOC 10c HUCK TOWELS 7 White Huck Towels of good quality, 16 by 22 inches, hemmed and finished with selvedge edge and fast colored borders; our regular 10c f linev on .'sale at 75c dozen, or each? It X f :'y$1.50, BEDSPREADS f 1.25 Extra' heavy white Bedspreads, full double size, shown in pretty Marseilles designs; excellent wearing spreads, neatly hemmed; or 1 OP regular $1.50 line, Clearance sale prke 20c BATH TOWELS 17 Full bleached Bath Towels of extra quality, 20 by 40 inches; they come in two lsinds, fringed and hemmed; extra good values at 20c, priced 17 for this sale at $1 a dozen, or each. ...... ..1 1 C $1.75 TABLECLOTHS fl.35 Fine bordered Tablecloths of silver bleached linen, full 60 inches wide and 81 inches long, shown in neat, new designs; regular $1.75 values, or on sale at..... 3100 35c BATH TOWELS 25 Heavy bleached Bath Towels of extra quality, 24 by 48 inches, very absorbent and neatly fringed; our best 35c line, Clearance sale IP, price OC $1-50 BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK f 1.25 , A special offering of full bleached Table Damask, comes full 72 inches wide, shown in a variety of beautiful designs, good durable damask that has, always sold at $1.50 a yard, Clearance OP sale price .....$I0 24-Inch Napkins to Match, Sold Secularly at 94.50 a Dozen,, at C 3.9 5 M Notions Women who do their own dressmaking and dressmaker will tlinW ut1inma ki tiv although the savings are small they amount to needed in this line. These notions have been cicciea wun unusual care and are warranted vw V L. ! 1 1. . 1 . 1 . . a a,v iugn in quu.ty uic una mac win trivet Trfaw mmimti 5c plain white Envelopes, 2 pkgs ,....5 wc women's fancy Hose Supporters...... 3 20c large Jet and fancy Hat Pins .10 10c Stockinet Dress Shields, per pair... ...5 Common Pins, large size, black and white. .5 25c Dressing Combs. ....18 5c Silk Thread, 50-yd. spools, 2 for......i..5 15c children's heavy Supporters ..1P r $1 HOSE SUPPORTERS An unprecedented sale of women's side Supporters,- made of fancy silk shirred elastic they come in all fancy colors,' about 50 in the lot to choose from; regular $1 values, AQ special Clearance sale price............ rivC CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON DRESS- : MAKERS' FINDINGS - 15c muslin covered Dress Shields, sizes 2. 5, .4; special, pair..;...... ----;'--1 500 yards Basting Thread, best quality .... j Straight bill Hooks and Eyes,-per card....l White cotton Tape, all widths, 3 for...... .5 400-yd. spool Silk, black only, spool. ,,...25 10c Safety Pins, best nickeled. i .5 Dressmakers' Skirt Markers, each...... ..4tft Pearl Dress Buttons, all sizes, card... .8 Fancy Dress Buttons, values to 35c doen. ln Alt Dress Shields, 6 pairs for'the price of 5