. y 'THE OREGON.! SUNDAY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, - JANUARY 24, 1909. 11 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS JO BARRED Plymouth Rock and 8. C. B. :. Leghorn cockerels $1.60 and up. Leg horn pullets $1.00 each, one quarter mile east cf.Firland stations Garfield Address- Ji. H. , fclasslndaie, juents, Route No. 1. FOR SALE At half regular price a scholarship -In International Corre spondence school of Scranton, Pa., any course desired. - 43. W. Dixon, 215 Ore- g-ontan bldg. : . -- EXCHANGE MISC. 25 HAVE 1500. morteare on ' real estate ' will nrhann for horses. , diamonds. Portland phone bonds,, or lots; -five csn airrerence. rhone mu. iks, viu 28 N. 16th st. ' . - .FOR EXCHANGE Household furniture for 1 horse wagon, milch cow or chick ens. Address, giving description pf what you nave in. in. nice, ent. ur. TO EXCHANOE 1200 of Omaha tele phone bonds for an auto runabout. I'none Kast 6671 'WILL - get you anything you want. In trade for anything you have. $06 Swetland building. PIANO player, with 73 roll music; fits ny pianola; take part trade, anything I i use: $150. (!. H. Fr)', Beaverton. Or. 2 DESIRABLE lots, vicinity Swift's, ' tor Telephone bonds or diamonds. H W KHsher. 12i Allnfev hide. 'WllAT have von to exchange for Kood carpenter work or painting! J-903, Journal, - WANTEI)--M18CELIiAlfEOUS FINE private home for confinement ,' cases, lovely rooms, fine beds and -the best of care by a thoroughly practt ' cal . nurse: term most, reasonable In the city; best of references from both physicians and patients. Call up Sell wood 682 and make an appointment to corns out and see the place and get terms or addresa 67 B. 21st at. 8. Phone in the forenoon, ' Highest prices paid for cast-off cloth ing, etc' .Prompt attention. Phone Main 8483, Chicago Loan Office. 83 N. 8d st. . :, WB1 PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE . ,, And anything you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6656. A-4121. THE Denver Auction house pays high eat cash price for household . f urnl- n ture. 827 2d st. Phones: A-1099, Main 3413. WANTED Launches and houseboats. ' Customers waiting; get busy; bring what you have. A-3253 or Ray's Oas Engine Hospital, foot of Ellsworth st WANTED A small cook stove; must order. 267 be. chean and In good' Ross st., E. Portland. WANTED Household goods, ladies' and (Vttore, 31 3-213 K Front st. EXPERIENCED carpenter would ex change work for anything in house furnishings. A-906, Journal. FORD AUCTION CO., 869 E. Morrison st Buy, sell, or trade furniture. B-2311: East 988. WANTED Second Jiand stump-puller; must be in good condition and cheap. W-908. Journal. I WILL, buy a diamond if perfect and cheap. 8J-9, Journal. CASH for household goods. Savage A Pennell, 345-347 1st st Main 860. HIGHEST cash prices paid tor Junk. j Main 6198. 186 Columbia. J. Leva, WANTED 2 large tents; must be good. Y-907. Journal. WANTED Piano lessons, 60c or 75c each. X-906. Journal. A. EHRLICH. 84 Union ave., highest price for second hand goods. SPOT cash for your furniture; prompt attention always given. East 1667. illGHEST prices paid for furniture. E. 4 6204. 868 Hawthorne ave. FINANCIAL SI $$$$$$$$$$$ Money loaned quickly and privately On real, personal and chattels, diamonds and Jewelry and on ail valuable collaterals. Mortgages and contracts bought. EASTERN CAPITAL. This company Is organised for the purpose of providing ready money at the lowest cost. Our repayment plan will suit you. You can arrange to repay, in easy monthly or weekly payments. All Business Strictly Confidential Call or phone Main 2084. U. 8. Real Estate A Brokerage Co. Room 12, Hamilton bldg., 131 3d. 2 3 $$$$$$$ $ $ MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. Eastern clients seeking safe invest ments in real estate- and loana. We can sell your property or business; send full description; strictly confidential; no delay or publicity. Call or write. West Coast Co.. Orand Theatre bldg. MONEY to loan, mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg. M. 63. $2000 OR less to loan. Miller, 430 Woroester bldg. Main 1940. LOANS WANTED SO TITLE GUARANTEE, Oregon Trust ac counts and German-American certifi cates bought at the highest cash price; also Home Telephone bonds. Conn Bros., mo 1st st, corner xamniii. WANT to borrow $1000 for t years or monthly installments; real estate se curity; worth 3 times loan. X-903, Journal. MONEY wanted on short time, security satisfactory, payment guaranteed. 831 Fleldner bldg. WANTED A losn of $600 for one year . on personal property, Al security, will pay 10 per cent Interest. F-909, Journal. $200 FOR six mouths will pay $15 bon us; g per cent interest and good se curity. B-20, Journal. WANTED-J-To borrow $8000, will pay 8 per ctent, security $24,000, Phone 1. 1 WANTED $150 loan on unincumbered real estate: cash value. 1600 to 1800. z. Journal. F PRIVATE party $17,000, on $45,000 rancn; long time. u-u, journal. WE WANT money to loan on real es tate security. Phone Main 3251. MONEY TO LOAN 27 LOANS made quickly and privately en salaries,- pianos and furniture, ware house receipts, purchase contracts, dia monds and Jewelry. E. Fierce, $16 Alisky bldg MONEY to loan on Improved clt; :y prop er.tv trv The German Savings A 1. xan Society of San Francisco. L. J Gold- smith, 821 Corbett bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel ry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. A M. Delovage, jewelers, 369 Washington st MONEY to loan on real estate, any where and any sum; $100 up. See us. Vaughn & Plnder.i 402 Corbett bldg. SALARY LOANS Strictly confidential easy to get and -easy to div. .T. A. yewton. n uucnanan piag. MONEY loaned on diamonds and chat tels at reasonable rates. R, W. Fish er. 226 Allsky building. MONEY to loai. large loans a speeialty. , Duiiaiog iom,, lowest raies; xire in uranoe. W. G. Beck, 312 Falling. $100,000 ON mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKtnxl at Co- 516 oerllnger bldg. MORTGAGES, contracts or other real . estate securities purchased, H. E. Noble, Commercial block. MONEY to. loan on .city and country - property, . mortgages purchased. E. Cowllshsw. 604 Commercial hldg. MONEY loaned on real estate. Equity Investment Co., 608 Gerllnger bldg., -Id and Alder. - - MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. -.- W. Holl, room . Washington bldg-t QUICK loans on all securities. 8, W. King. 46 Washington bldg M. Wl"l. MONEY TO LOAN AT 17 PER CENT. STRONG CO., .0$ CONCORD BLDG. f MAKR loans from $300 up on im. proved city property. 410 railing piog. ISAAC L. WHITE, money to loan, fire p insurance. JSI Efteriocg nmg. LOAN 'for the asking, .slary or chat- tel. ihe axaa co. ijii ueauzn. 27 8 ALARY- LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 10 TO 8100. , CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO f , BORROW MOuNET. ABSOLUTELY NOKCIJRITY. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS. .. BUSINESS STKICl CONFIDENTIAL CALL, TELEPHONE, WRITB . " . STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. 7 CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furni ture, warehouse recelnts, ance policies, salaries, and all- kinda of securities. - . NEW ERA LOAN A MTO. CO, 403 Swetland bldg. WE loan money on household furniture and pianos without removal. You have use of both ' money and goods; also loans mads on storage receipts. Our terms are best. Call for a confidential talk.. Button Credit Co. 612 Dekura bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security: cneapest: rates,- eastei ments; offices In 66 principal : cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first Tollman, 317 Lumber Exo. MONEY to loan in- large and small sum at to 9 per cent on improved real estate. PORTER FRENCH. , Q7 commercial bldg. ON Improved city property or for build. ing purposes. to s years- time; no eral repayment privileges. Money ad vanced aa building progresses. . The Eaultable. Id and Stark sts. IN BUMS OF $1,000 to $30.000 H. W. oo-aera. lie id r- LOST AND POUND 21 CASH ADS under this , classification. 1 cent eer word er Insertion, three Insertions for the price of two. LOST Masonic ring with the name - Mlnslnger" engraved on inside. Lib eral reward If returned to Star Band Co.. 201 Board of Trade building, 4th and Oak eta. kwiJND A hat oln. sold monogram ton. Owner can have same by calling at Journal office, describing property and paying ior aa. - LOST -Female Shepherd pup, 2 months , oia, has dod tau. inoer piease nottry j. Abraham, aa Graham ave., ana re celve reward. LOST Chamois, bag containing $220, 2 $100 bills, 1 $20 bill. Finder please re turn to room 18. 603 Alder. Phone A-436Z: reward. Mrs. Dennis. LOST Scotch collie, about 6 months old, male, sable white ruff; has on collar with plate, no name. Phone M. 8786; 160 N. 21st St.; reward. REWARD will be paid party , bringing back to 127 E. 12th st., fox terrier puppy which strayed away 7:45 this morning. LOST On Grand ave., ladles' handbag containing dancing slippers. Return to H. W. T.. care The Pacific Monthly Co. LOST Setter pup, black with white and Drown spots. 6 months old. Return 618 Northrup. LOST White spangled fan, Ringlers' hall; reward. G, lost in Walker, 102 N. 4th. LOST Purse containing about $11; finder please call A-3393 liberal re- ward. L08T White bull terrier g. 1 year old: ears hot cut. Return to 150 E. 17th st; reward. LOST From 860 Union ave. N. a sable and white sheppard dog, male, about 3 ears old; 86 reward. .OST A lady's gold watch, Chinese fob, reward. Phone A-3146. NOTICES 26 THE Journal of Jan. 10, 1909, stated that Samuel Newhouse has purchased the Rainbow mine in eastern Oregon and will expend a large amount of money in the further equipment of the property. Mr. Newhouse is a multi millionaire mining operator and his en trance into mining operations in Ore gon will give mining in this section a stimulus which it has never before had. He Is the first of the large suc cessful mining operators to come this way, and others will surely follow where he leads. A property adjacent to the Rainbow has been under develop ment for the past year and will be a paying mine this summer. I have a lew thousand shares of treasury stock to sell for the company developing the property at an attractive price. Large returns are sure, and now is the time to buy, before the excitement com mences. L. Y. Keady, 502-504 Board of Trade bldg. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between Frank Templeton and B. W. Graham, doing business at 126 Front street, Portland, Or., as Templeton & Graham, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Frank Templeton con tinuing the business under the same name and assuming all Indebtedness of me nrm, ana all indebtedness due said firm Is payable to the said Frank Tem pleton. B. W. Graham having no fur ther connection with the business, either airectiy or indirectly. FRANK TEMPLETON, B. XV. GRAHAM. Portland. Or.. January 2, 1909. THE ANNUAL meeting of the stock holders of the United Placer Mines Co. will be held at the office of the company, 605 Board of Trade buildln. Portland, Or., on the 28th day of Jan uary, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and for such other matters as may properlv come before the meeting. . M. 8. HART, Sec'v. PERSONAL 22 LADIES! Ask your druggist for Chi chester's Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chl chesters Diamond -Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. THE Portland Matrimonial club for honest, sober, single people: fine local llseawfullyiset-i'aorfsJ''fl71 10 cents for particulars, or call 406. 3d St., room 4;; B car south. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. A GENTLEMAN in business wants to correspond with lady 30 to 86 years old. matrimonially Inclined: state particu lars in first letter. Address Box 85, Tualatin, Or. YOUNG business 'man desires acquaint ance refined, affectionate, congenial ladv under 30. Give phone number or address vy-, journal. REFINED wealthy gentleman, unen eumbered, and lonely; will make de voted husband to kind wife. Evans, 307 W. 153d st. New York. DON'T be lonesome. Join the only relia ble marriage bureau in the world: send 10c for January papers. Box 261, Seattle. Wash. ' LADIES! Dr. La Franco's Compound; safe, speedy, regulator, 25 cents, drug gists or mail; booklet free. Dr. La France, Philadelphia, .Pa. PLEASANT lady. 25 years, speaks French, German, English, would like 'to meet ' refined gentleman. F-902, journal YOUNG man of good appearance wishes to make the acquaintance of a re fined young lady, object matrimony. DU-e. journal. MARRIAGE paper, highest character. wcorporaiea, tztn year, -sow mem bers, "paper sealed, send 10c L. L. Love Box 1 sou, Denver, uoio. YOUNG lady wishes to meet gentle man of means matrlmonlaly inclined. X-906. Joumsl. , GENTLEMAN wishes to meet ladles matrimonially Inclined. . B-90 8, Jour nal. BACHELOR girl, 36, worth, $13,000. would marry, H. Box 35, Corr. League, Toledo. Ohio. MUSIC Send 20 cents for latest hit a marching song with chorus. L. T. Lampitt. .Buver, Or. MA Y ANDREWS teaches card reading. 235 th st Phone Main 7648. BUSINESS PERSONAL 68 PRIVATE hospital, girts, maternity home. Drs. Atwood, Allsky bldg. " MRS. C. CORNELIUS, teacher of oo r cult science. 22-24 Selling-Hirsch bldg BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases! 666 GHwan. Main 9216. El F. HOBB8, teacher of astrology, 1 lesson free. Ill 4th st - MONEY TO LOAN BUSINESS PERSONAL- B3 THE Journal of Jan. IS. 1909. stated that Samuel Newhouse has purchased the Rainbow mine in eastern Oregon and will expend, a large amount of money in the further eoulDtnent of the property. - Mr.'; Newhouse . is a multi millionaire mining operator and Ills en trance into mining operations in Ore gon will give mining in. this section a stimulus which it has!-never before had. Ha ia the first of the larsTe SUC cessful mining operators to coma this way and others 'will surely follow where he leads. A property adjacent to the Rainbow has been under develop ment for the past year and will be a paying mine this summer. I have -a few thousand shares of treasury stock to sell for this company developing the property at an attractive price- Large returns are sura and now Is the time to buy before . the excitement com mences. L. Y. Keady, 602-504 Board or Trade Duiiaing. LMPONDERO THERAPY CO. A surgl- cal, medical and electrical institute, where we treat the diseases of man, wo men and children, where we have corps of our own operating surgeons and our own hospital. Many operations we save by the use of - electricity, being fully equipped in that line. We have men specialists for the men and women specialists for the women. We treat the diseases of ear, eye. nose and throat No difference what' your disease may be, call and see us. Consultation free. Phones Main 7743: A-6766. ARNOLD'S INDIAN -REMEDIES A discovery made after years of terrible suffering, cures where white men's efforts fail In all cases of asthma, catarrh, coughs, colds or any bronchial trouble. If a sufferer call for a free sample or send 4o for same, to 181 6th st, Portland, Or. LADIES Dr. Southington positively guarantees his never falling Ergo Kolo "Monthly" Compound. 6afly re lieves some of the longest, most' ob stinate abnormal cases In three to five days. No harm, pain or Interference with work. Price $1.60, Double strength $2. "Ladles' Booklet" free. Orders filled by return mall Write Dr. South ington Remedy Co., Main It, Kansat city. mo. Modern Electric Treatment The only cure for diseases of the pros tate and nervous debility. Piles cured without operation or pain. Specialty, diseases of blood and skin. Consulta tion free. W. 1. JJoward, M. D.. 304-6 Rothchlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. FIR, GROVE Sanitarium, strictly a wo men's hospital, whare women can have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Office 608 Merchants Trust bldg., 326H Washing ton st. Phones Tabor 899. Dr. Isa bella Mackle. city office. Main 7743; A-6756. ENLARGE your bust, ladles! 4 to 10 Inches at home, with Dr. Conway's Bustolds at trifling cost. $1000 if we can't; those developed In past 20 years prove 'tis Dermanent. safe and sure. Sealed facts 4c stamps. Conway Spe cific Co., 178 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. We guarantee it. MEN Be healthful, wholesome, vital, successful. Investigate our system. See what we have done for thousands; what we can do for you. No charge If not pleased. Write for particulars, sealed and free. Erie Medical Co., dept 6G, Buffalo, N. Y. Central Intelligence Office Specialists on all affairs of life: teach and reveal the causes that make human destiny. 268 Morrison st. Hours 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. RHEUMATISM, nervous debility, cough. wakeiuiness, stomach and kidney trou bles, skin and scalp diseases, weakness In young or old men promptly cured without drugs; charges moderate. Dr. T. J. Pierce, 816 Allsky buldg. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has opened school of palmistry; learn her simple method how to read your own destiny. 43 y xamniii. near 7th. Main 6344. WHEN that tooth Is badly aching, and all night you've walked the floor, come to us and we will fix it to ache no more. Modern Painless Dentists, 253 Alder, cor. 3d. GERMAN books, magatlnes, novels, etc.; German, English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; for eign books of all kinds. Schmale Co., 229 1st st. NO CURE, NO PAY. Rheumatism, stomach trouble, female complaints etc, treated. No drugs. Or. George W. Crockwell, 386 Washington. DR. SANDERSON CO Savin and Cotton Root Pilla, sure remedy for delayed periods, 2 per box or 3 boxes for $6. T. J. Pierce, 316 Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison. AZA HOLMES RIBBECHE. beauty par- lors. Grand Leader, 6th and Alder. Clearance sale on all hair goods. Spe cial on allworkai teaching. LADIES I teach expert manicuring, massage, etc., half price, in lieu of assistance. Mrs. Holmes, 601 Swetland bldg. MEN, Dr. Ketchum will promptly euro all your private sexual ailments: ad vice free 170 Vi 3d. near YamhilL Main 8770. USE Bassett's, the Original Native Herbs, for constipation. 60 tablets for 26c. All druggists. In black boxes. BING CHOONG, importer Chinese medi cines; sells enmese tea, curs ior an diseases. 286 Flanders st MANICURING AND MASSAGE 48 JUST opened new and up-to-date chl ropody and manicuring parlor. 563 Washington st. A-4933. . MISS SNOWDEN and assistant, 146H 6th st, room i. vapor Dams, vmrai Ing massage. Phone A-6671. EDYTHE BRYNE, massage, room 15, Selling-Hirsch bldg., 386 H Washing ton st. NELLIE SPRING, chiropody, vibratory. WljMBa"aJftl MISS BLANCH SMITH, adcohok mas sage. Room 341to Morrison st. MISS GRANT, massage treatment and baths of all kinds. 201 H 3d St. SCIENTIFIC massage given by young masseuse, rtaieign oiag.. room MISS MADGE DAILY, massage. Room 4 Mtlner bldg.. sou Morrison. SCALP treatments. Miss May Toner, 183H 4th St.. room 20. MISS DORSEY, massage. Room 2 Mll- ner bldg.. 60 ft Morrison TUB baths, massages, electricity, chl- ropody. manicuring. zu 6th st. MISS GIBSON, scalp treatment Room 62, 268 H Morrison St. BUSINESS DIRECT0BY? ACCOUNTANTS E. H. COLLI 8 A CO. Pnhlln accountants and estate aaents. commercial, county and municipal audit ing, investigating and systemMlslng. 824 Worcester block, phone Main 6667. J. W. FERGUSON, public accountant and auditor; Investigations made at any point. Mortgage loans. 506 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 6082. ADOLF 6CHULZ, public accountant, 602 Commercial bldg. Main 1813, A-4346. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS THE OREGON Artificial legs and arms; no advanoe payment; corre spondence solicited; 10 years' experi ence. 243 Yamhill St.. Portland, Or. ARCHITECTS P. CHAPELL BROWN, 406 Marqusm bldg. Phone Main $$. A. C EWART, 82i Failing bldg. Phone A-8441: residence B-1332. .ASSAIERS WELLS ft Proebgtel, sssayers,' analyt, Chemists, 204 Vi Wash. Main 7608. . PORTLAND Analytical Laboratory, 631 , "Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 598 AUCTIONEER 1 1 D. B. ELLIOTT, AUCTIONEER, LEADING AUCTIONEER. Livestock Merchandise Real Estate 303. Swetland Bldg., Phone AL 611. ATTORNEYS a T. JKFFREYB, 15 YEARS', PRAC TICE IN OREGON. 8 .'YEARS ALASKA. 208 KENTON BLDG. F. E. EBNER, lawyer, over 18 years' experience, alt courts; charges reason- aoia. j-iumper lyxonange, Portland. J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, patents and pen- slons; offices 30 Labbe bldg.; M. 7835. BICYCLE REPAIRING APEX Blcycia Co., second hand motor i cycies ana Dicyeies. Buy, sell, ex change and repair. 126 12th st A-3806. BUSINESS CARDS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank books mTg; agts. for Jones' improved Loose-Lear ledgers; see the new Eureka leal A-S183, Main 188. CLEAN towels daily; comb, brush, soap. i per montn. Portland iaunary ac Towel wel bu ply Co., 9th and Couch sts. Phone 41 THE J. K. GILL CO. Stationers, book m sellers, office outfitters, engineers', oraughtmen'e supplies. 133 3d cor. Alder. TIN, gravel and iron roofing. Jobbin g prompt! Donald, 3 to. Kribs MO- Madison. Main 2618 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Stl Ings. Street .paving, sidewalks and; cross- Pi 4 mmlier Exchange. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll212 Jeffer. son st. Main 1424. ADOLPH A. DEKUM. 131 First si., car ries a full and complete assortment or hutchersr suppllea TIN roofing, gutterln Ins. repairing anc general jobDlng. . son st Pacific 1424 J. Losll. 213 Jeffer- THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 404 Worcester bldg. DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER, plumbers, 803 Burnslde. Main 2819. JAS. Mel. WOOD ft CO., all kinds of in- surance. surety ponas. mckst pior. CANINE AND FELINE HOSPITAL T. W. RIDDELL. M. D. C, VETERIN ARIAN. OFFICE UNITED CARRI AGE CO. PHONES MAIN 222: A-2223. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., proprietors of the Elec tric Cleaning works; carpets cihuuu and laid, both dry and compressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty: work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672. 270 Grant st ' J? T Pneumatic Renovator Co. By ! auction and compressed air we clean camets. rugs, furniture and draperies. Duntley's Electric Vacuum Cleaner. Main 8582. 714 Swetland bldg. HTHmiPn CARPET I'l.EANINQ CO. compressed air and steam cleaning, mattresses and feajthers renovated. East 280, C-1260. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction and compressed air, carpets cleaned on floor. . Main 6534. East 3279 . CHIROPODISTS WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 802 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp .treat ment Mrs. F. E. Dunton, "Iris. 363 3d st. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Fleldner bldg. ECONOMY Foot and Scalp Remedy Co.. 231 6th st Main 7748. CLEANING AND DYEING SUNNYSIDE Steam Cleaning and Dye Work;:, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. WorK called for and delivered. Tabor 1057, B-2067. 206 E. 34th st . H. w. TURNER. Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Main 2513. A-2613. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed, $1.60 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., $09 Stark st . . COAL AND WOOD Rose City Wood k Coal Co, Boarding stables, furniture of all kinds moved; horses; single or double, rigs for hire. 446 Flanders. ialn 7605, A-4245 SLABWOOD Sint,raclh-2 livery. Oregon & Washington Lumber Co. Phone Main 2163; A-4366. PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767. Foot of Curry st INDEPENDENT Coal 6c Ice Co., import er of best house and steam coaL Richmond coal (Australian). Wallsend coal (Australia). Hanaford (Washington). Main 780. 1425; Home A-3780 A-1425. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. WOOD AND COAL. Phones: East 424. C-1773. BEST dry 4 foot fir wood, delivered, barring the heights; dry 4 foot slab; green 4 foot fir, lowest prices. Kirk, Hoover, 813 Water st. Phone Main 7451; A-6445. V. D. SMITH delivers fir wood direct from cars to you; all wood A No. 1. out of big live trees, first growth, thick bark; special prices in large amounts. Phone Main 6683: A-6686. Pftnl Australian, Wyo., and Wash, coal V1 t delivered promptly in any quan tity. Phone un your order. Star Coal Co.. 40 2d et Phone Main 1618. A-1984. SOUTH Portland Slabwpod Co. Main BBS, A-i1i. HlOCKWOOd, $4.50: drv inside wood, $3. SO and $2. green slab wood, $3 NEER & FARR. dealers In all kinds of 4JBrd wood ana flri eneciattynt tie Diocas irom country muis. jud water St. Main 4696. YAMATO Wood and Coal Co. Several kinds of good fir wood and nice coal by sack or ton. E. 6th and Main sts. Phones, E. 818, B-1867. J. P. WALTJSKS 4P7h0B-elnU3. Wholesale, retail. Full cords guaranteed. WOOD and coal by sack or. ton. Phone Main 7981. 264 H Taylor st. Dawson. WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. H. F. Lee, 827 Board of Trade. M. 8849. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS A H. YORK st CO., contractor and builder plans, specifications and es timates. Jobbing a specialty. 309 E. Washington St. phone East 4759 J. E. LEWTON. contractor and builder, specialty, first class work, 194 4th. Tabor 849, . E. MELTON Office, store fixtures; general jobbing. 67 1st M- 8190. RYAN BROS., hardware and plumbing. 640 Williams ave. E. 4008. COLLECTIONS BAD DEBTS COLLECTED T money earned. We collect avervwhera General law business. Loans. Interstate Adjustment tjo.. sui tjernnger bldg. BURNS Creditors' Adjustment Co.. 23 Raletgn oiog. wain 3314. DANCING PROF. VAL. WILLS ON'S dancing school only recognized up-to-date school in Portland; lessons 26c-, includ ing music and teachers with each les son. 386 Washington, near 10th st RINGLEK dancing academies, Klngler hall. East side. Murlark hall. 23d and Washington; lessons dally; leading recognised school. Phones East 6674, B-1003-. . " PRdF1. " ORA!SfD' " dancing school! Mulkey bldg.. '2nd and Morrison. EDUCATIONAL OREGON LAW SCHOOL--Established 188S. Students admitted any time, Thorough course In law. No time lost from - regvlar occupation. ' Recitations evenings. Commonwealth bldg. LAUE'S Preparatory School of I'har macy, 14$ -2d st, Portland, Ol, DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. C. E. BROWN'S dog and horse hos pital, 118 N. 6th st Phones Main 4086. A-4Q86; residence Factno 840. DETECTIVE AGENCIES EXPERT - eastern lady detective, terms reasonable, miss KoDlnson. ss. journal. DETECTIVE work done very reasonable. Q-842. Journal. " ELECTRICIAN trlclan; all work carefully and quickly attenaea to; special auenuon to repair ing. 208 3d St., Auditorium bldg. Phones A-5172, Main 2674. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. Hill. 330 Fleldner. EYE,. EAR, NOSE, THROAT I TREAT 'all diseases of men; latest methods. -216 Merchants' Trust bldg. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Co. Motors for sale or rent; wiring and supplies. 213 Zd st GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY, and marine; electrlo equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. INVALID CHAIRS SOLD, rented, exchanged; manufacturer Eames tricycle chair. 1808 Market stM Ban Francisco. Cal. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS WirioG O'Malley and Neuberger, 327 TTUlca wash. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. Look for our cut rate saie, Free delivery. Phone Main 2384. i6c LASTO mantles-Barretta LEATHER & FINDINGS PI 1 1 D T , A QTTOtr Bl rf 1 L ITMIllt VXJAO. X JOAq X w VrV. I . ........ leather of every description, tap niri. unqings. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES HESSIAN stables Hacks, livery, board ing and sale; furniture-moving. 122 Un. ion ave. Phone E. 8582, night M. 80S. MESSENGERS Special rates. Hasty Messenger Co.. 128 6th st. Phoies: 63. A-3153. MILL WORK MOLDING. Ironing boards, step ladders, wood turning, band sawing. 267 2d ft MINING ENGINEERS DR. E. O. SMITH, mining engineer, 40 years' experience. 266 Stark st. NEUROLOGISTS DR. FREEZE straightens crosseyes without the knife or pain, fits glasses, treats nervous diseases. 224 Marquam tHdg. OSTEOPAT'HIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON will reduce rates on treatments one half for 30 days. 217 Fenton. Main 8961. DR. F. J. BARR, A. S. O., 207 Mohawk Diog., ia and Morrison. Main int. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO., Pioneer Paint Co. Wln.low glass, glazing. 135 1st.. M.13S4 PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. PATENT ATTORNEYS R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PRINTING THE EAGLE PRINTING CO., not In trust; close figures good work. 33 Russell bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. MODERN Prlntery, 7 Raleigh bldg., th and wasnington sts. OGILBEE BROS., printers Cards, bill, heads, etc. Main 1858. 146V4 lstst PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Miss Campbell SSiiUL Dart Stenographers In city. 717 Board DC-l Trade. Main 7598. MISS DENSEM. 603 Marquam bldg. M. 1949; work called for and delivered. 1. CONANT, 02 Lumber Ex. Main 4977. REAL ESTATE J W. OGILBEE, real estate and loans; 'estab. 188.1. 145H 1st, room 11. RUBBER ST AMI'S AND SEALS ALSO all office stationery. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st Tel. 1407. SAFES D1EBOLD Manganese Safes Large stock: lockouts opened. Jails. Davis Safe & Lock Co., 6t 3d si. FIREPROOF and bank safes at factory prices- second-hand safes. Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d St. ' 8BOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The t'Utke Mf' THE JAMES J. MARSHALL M KG. CO.. showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch st Main 2703. "BANK FIXTURES, SHOWCASES. BIRDS ALL, HAMILTON BLDG. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER, signs; the larg est sign makers in the northwest. 6th and Everett sts. Phone Priv. Ex 66. Home A-H6- "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Paclflo 1596. SHINGLES WHOLESALE and retail, best grade, lowest pricea 8. E. Gilbert. 114 Front STOVES COLUMBIA Stove Works manufactur ers and Jobbers. All kinda of sheet metal works, 33 Union ave. East 3823. TAILORS SUITS at greatly reduced prices. Wer-ner-Peterson Ob., tailors; 144 2d st TRANSFER AND STORAGE E CO. Corner of Seven tn and Irving sta, PHONES C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co., office and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed for ship ping. Main 694; A-1996. ni.SON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer- and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and snippeq. - 11 1 . IRELAND MMILLAN Moving' and expressing. Phone East 661: C-1445. 341-349 Williams ave. COLUMBIA" TRANSFER CO., 147H N th. Trunks, freight furniture A- livery. A ana jwain- ivsi. - INDEPENDENT. Baggage Transfer Co. Storage. 324 Stark, Main 407. KADDERLY Tranafer Storage Co 111 N. 6th st. Main 1686: A-1S?. STOOPS TRANSFER CO., jpiano and furniture moving. Phone East 226. . REAL ESTATE B1EECTORY RL"ATJL AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED FOR TEU8 CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL REAJJEK3 The consensus of opinion among realty and financial men Is that 1909 will be a record year in real estate transfers, and that each succeeding year .will see rapid advances in property values. It ia a wise move to buy now. NAME . ADDRESS. TELEPHONE. Atlas Land Company 420 Lumber Exchange.... Home A-1326 Baker, A. A. 115 Ablngton Bldg.. ;...M-6764. A-136T Brong-Steele Co. 110 Second 8t ...M. & A-2560 Bunker, C. F. (Linnton) 614 Chamber of Commerce. . ... .M-6321 Butterworth;Stephenson Co- Inc. 25 Lafayette Bldg., 6tb. & Waah.M-8639 Clark. O. K. and book. J. XV.. 6 Board of Trade M-S40T. A-S25S Cook 8k Co., B. 8. 607-508 Corbett Bldg.. ... .M-663, A-J95J Chapln A Her low 425 Chamber of Commerce. .... .M-1663 Crossiey Co.. The 708-9 Corbett Bldg..,...M-7865, A-6722 Columbia Trust Co. (Swlnton) 714 Couch Bldg .M-6681. A-19K Coast Realty Co. ....220 Lumber Exchange... M-1668, A-4150 Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder M-6918. A-2811 Goldschmldt's Agency ..25SU Washington St M. A A-8055 Goddard. H. W- Sunset Beach 110 Second St M. A A-1743 Holbrook Co., F.' B. (Irvlngton Park)... 1 Worcester Bldg. .......... .M-63 9 6 Holmes A Menefee (Irvlngton). 89 Third St , . . ...M-6008 Hawthorns Realty Co , 1021 Hawthorne ave- cor. $4th T-616 Jackson A Deerlng 246 Stark St M-846 Jacobs-SUne Co. .'. 148 Fifth 8t. M-6869. A-38H (Bells Crest. Berkeley. Dover.) KiUingsworth, W. M. 323 Chamber of Commerce. .'M-46ST Knapp A Mackey 7 Chamber of Commerce.. M. A A-3"l0 Keasey A Co., D. E. (Heights property). Of flee on Heights ...... a ..... ..A-1374 Lang, W. H. '. .'.840 Chamber of Commerce .Main 1353 Mall A Von Borstal 104 Second St ..M. A A-1436 .Moore investment Co. 313H Washington St.......M. A A-2707 Moffett, L. L. ......423 Lumber Exchange. ........ .A-6747 Oregon Real. Estate Co.. The O. W. P. Land Co. Immigration Bureau.. Parrlsh. Watklns A Co Ralston, L. O. (Ralston Hgt.) Summit Investment Co Sweet, El na than Bwenaion A Co., A. F Bchalk. George D Star Real Estate Co. Shields, J. H. C C Hlckok Taylor, J. 8. (Timber Lands) Word, T. M Wells & Co., J. L. White. B. F BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL SURPLUS. $1,600,000. " NO INTEREST PAID ON ACCOCNTS. NITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. ' Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila, Collections made on Favorable Terms. President J. C. AINS WORTH. Cashier., R. W. SCHMEER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT Assistant Cashier A., M. WRIGHT. - - - GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or., Cor. 6th and Washington Ste. Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued available in all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Four per cent inter est paid oh savings accounts. Safe deposit vaults. BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Municipal, Railroad an d D OWNING-HOPKIN3 COMPANY Established 1 892 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. Rooms 201 to 204 Couch Bldg. Phones: M-835; A-233T. GRAND CENTRAL Southern 8:16 a.m. 4:15 p.m. 7:46 p.m. 1:30 night 7:20 a.m. 4:10 p.m. 8:50a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:40p.m. ) LEAVING PORTLAND. Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger. . California Express San Francisco Express... WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger. . . Forest Grove Passenger. Jefferson Street Depot. Portland to Dallas 7:40a.m. It Dallas to Portland 10:15 a.m. Portland to Dallas 4:16 p.m. Dallas to Portland 6:64 p.m. Portland-Oswego Suburban Leaving Portland, a. m., 6:80, 8:80. 7:80. 7:40. 8:60. 10:26; and p" m 12:60. 2:05, 8:80. 6:20, 6:25. 7:45. 10:10. 11:30. Northern Pacific. Tacoma A Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a. m. II North Coast Limited ...... T:9 a. m. North Coast & Chicago, LIm. 2:00 p. m. I Portland Express 4:16 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. Ovesland Express 8:88 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Pendleton Passenger. . .;. Chicago-Portland SDeclal. Spokane Flyer...... Kan. City & Chl. Exp... 7:45 K m. 9:16 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. Astoria & Leaving Portland. Astoria Seaside Express yu a. m. Rainier Looal m" AsiSrla & Seaside Express 6:00 p. m. nnler Local 11.20 p. m. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PASSENGER STATION TViVTNG PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express 9:15 s. m. Through train for Walla Walla. Pasco Roosevelt Granddalles. Golden riale White Salmon, Stevenson, Van- " .! Inter edlnta nointS. North Bank Limited 5:40 p. Through train ror wpokane, uprague, RttvilleT Llnd, Pasco, Roosevelt Ganddailes. White Salmon. Steven son and Vancouver. , Canadian Pacific Railway Co. r T R. Short Line, via Spo. 6:00 p. m. Via i Beit, Vic. A Vaho. 2:00 p. m. VI Sumas P- Portland Ry- Light & Power Co. Cars Leave Ticket Office and Watting Room, First and Alder streets. FOR OREGON CITY: -no 6 30 a. m., and every 30 min utes ("on the hour and half hour), to Snd including 9:00 p. m.. then if, 11; last car. 12. midnight nresham and intermediate points Gresnam 9 10.4 . . 12:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 6:46. $:45. 7:45. 11:15' p. m. Thne Card Oregoa Electric Railway Company. .-n.-j ll Arriving Pnrt1an r" . Salem. Int Staa.. local...... ?:- Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 7:00 a.m. 6alem, Int Stas. local...... 8:00a.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 8:68 am. Salem-Tualatin only, limited. 9:11a.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 10:24 am. K-l.m. Int. Stas.. local...., .11:90 a.m. uiii.horo-Forest Grove local. 1:3 p.m. Salem, Int Stas local 2:00 p.m. 3:46 p.m. 4:10 p.m. oucni, , HUlaboro-Forest Grove local WlloonvUle, Int Staa, local 6:00 p.m. HlUaboro-Forest Grove local. 5.30 p.m. niusiuviv- "JL , 1 :20 p.m. B&lem. Int. Biaa.. local -. 3:40 p.ro. TYPEWRITERS w- ARE the exchange for the lrst WE AK&' . on this cost: In- J. ' " "makes; work "u"" .t .up adjdstlng snd new f townT ring&to- 620 War- lyERK-raewrit. H. N. Blft Buchanan bldg. VETERINARL4.N xi t THOMPSON. B. V. B.'-MSfOce aHwthe stables. , 420 Hawthorn. -J. , uw?5lla 880 Front St Wain 2208. WHOLESALE JOBBERS lAL.xaAn,0 . . . . - - , . - - - manufacturers and conunisslon mer chants: 4tn ana vai M. A. LKST A CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGAR 3. PORTLAND. OR. , PORTLAND, 1910 Grand ave. and Multnomah. E-47, C-1708 First and Alder Sts. M-6483 250 Alder St ...M-1144 '.-... American Bank, SO 7th St .M-164 129 KiUingsworth ave. .Woodlawn 1617 204 Corbett Bldg M-6740 253H Washington St......M. A A-3056 264 Stark 8t ; M-292. A-2393 170 Third St ...M-3278 305 Gerllnger Bldg. ...M-8439 427 Worcester Bldg, 413-414 Board of Trade. .M-466I, A-2S81 806 Chamber of Com.. . .M-4364. A-336S 8-9 Labbe Bldg. M-7334. A-1341 INVESTMENTS. Commerce Building. Public Service Corporation Bonds. STATION TIME CARD. Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:16 am. Cottage Grove Passenger. . .11:30 a. m. Roseburg Passenger 6:30 p.m. Portland Express 11:16 p.m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 8:20 p.m. Sheridan Passenger ........10:30a.m. Forest Grove Passenger.... 8:00a.m. Forest Grove Passenger. .. .11:60 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger.... 4:50p.m. Navigation Company. SOokane Fiver.. .19:00 . I Chi.. Kan. City & Port Exp. 7:20 a. m. I Chicago-Portland Special... 8:60 p. m. I Pendleton Passenger 6:46 p. m. Columbia River. Arriving Portland. Port A Rainier Local.... 9:06 a. m. Port & Astoria Passenger 12:16 p. m. Port. A Rainier Local.... 6:10 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLANn " North Bank Limited 7:80 a. m. Through train from Spokane. Sprague. Rltsvllle. IJnd, Pasco, Roose velt. Granddalles. White Salmon, Stev enson and Vancouver. .Inland Empire Express K-ss -. lvui, M.iii rrora wane waiia. Pasco, Roosevelt Granddalles. Golden vlale. White Salmon, Stevenson. Van couver and Intermediate points. II C. P. R. Short Line, via 8po,10:00 I Via Van., Vic. and Seattle.. 8:3$ I Via 6uraas and Seattle .... 7:00 a. m. a. m. a. m. Fairview and Troutdale :68. 7:45 8:45, 9:46. 10:45 a. m; 12:4i. 2:451 8a. 4:45,-6:46, 6:45 p. nt FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and walttnr-rnom B ond and Washington streeta A. M. 6:16 6:60. 7:26, 8:00. 8:2$. :10, 10:30. ll:4o. P. M. 12:30, 1:10, 1:60, 2:30. 3:14. :50. 4:30. i:ld. 6:60, 6:30. 7;0C I it 8:16. 9.2i. 10:$5e. 'll:4Se. On third Monday In every month last car leaves at 7:0$ p. m. tauy ex. Sunday. "Daily ex. Mon. WilsonvUTe, Int Stas local Hillsboro-Forest Grove local Saletn, Int Stas., local HtUsboro-Forest Grove local 6:65 am, . 8:30 a.m. . 8:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:66 am. 13:15 p.m. eaiem, in a b ., local... ... Hillsboro-Forest Grove local, ci T a . ini a,i3iii, int. Lo ..... Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. Salem, Int Stas. local Salem-Tualatin only, limited, Hillsboro-Forest Grove local; Salem, Int Stas- local...... Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 6a era, Int Stas., local...... Salem, int Staa, local...... J :15 p.m. 3:60 p.m. 3:40 p.m. 4:45 p.m. $:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 1:90 n m ; 1040 p.m. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING A FARRELL .produce and commission merchants, 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. ALLEN A LEWIS GROCERIES. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco 4 Portland 8. S. Co. Onlv 1rw. -.. t.-tl-i.. ..ii, From Alnsworth dock. Portland. 4 p. m. SS. Senator. Tab. 5, 19. From Lombard St.. Kan Franclaco, H a. rn. . n mmi wan. mt, rts, ij, ag. om Oit-r. rtv a q- J. W. JLaasoaa. Dock Agent. M tt.t Alnsworth dock: W. 7. oche, en ticket aaent 142 Thlnt kii . .. A-1402. f . COOS BAT Linn The steamer BREAKWa Ti :rt ).-,,-. Portland every Wednesday t 8 i. j from Alnsworth dock tor , ,it. j., Marshtteld an Coos Bay pd t received until 4 P. M. on Sj , t , Passenger iare, ftrnl riaxx. fl ; class; $1, Incliidlng berth : I t , , quire city tHWet cifif, t 1 Washington streets ir , . ... 1