The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 24, 1909, Page 22, Image 22

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ELEC TRTCI AN. all around man: elec
tric light, trolley or telephone con
struction man, 10 years' experience
handling construction work; would ac
cept email electric light and streetcar
plant and take full charge of repairs
and maintenance. Best eastern refer
ring. Box 626. Journal.
YOUNG man, typist, owning and oper
ating first class typewriter, desires
some one to restore his faith In "The
revival of prosperity after election" by
giving him a position, or showing him
where he can secure one. A-5446.
AMANUENSIS and correspondent, sge
i 28 married; exp.-rtence in mall order
business with large manufacturing concern-
familiar with follow-up system;
ot'fUe' methods and bookkeeping. J. L.
Yagle, R, 5. Sherwood. (Jr. J .
CIRCULAR saw hammer and filer, un-
derstmids steam titling ana engines,
would like situation with small mill
near Albany, Or. Address box 63. Grants
Pass., Or.
WANTED Position by a young man
that believes he can accomplish any
thing he would attempt. Have had of
fice experience and solicitor. Q-900,
, AND FEMALE; ; 23
For graduates laat" year; men and wo
men learn barber trade In 8 weeks: h el r
to secure positions; graduates earn lib
to 125 weekly: expert Instructor: tools
free; write for catalog. Moler System
of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland.
MAN and wife wish poaitton as cooks,
or wife to do cooking and man work
outside. Con. Schaefers. R. F. D. No. 1
Lents. Or. '
aia.n ana wire, nist class cooks, camp
or mill boarding bouse.
Clay st.
I. I. 233
BY MAN and wife, first class cooks, in
camp or hotel; no children. J. D,
Rhodes, Hlllsboro. Or.
WANTED Light indoor work Satur
days bv voung man attending high
school; prefer mechanical drawing and
tracing or in real estate office. East
EXPERIENCED and thoroughly re
liable bookkeeper wishes to devote
some time to keep books for small busi
ness firm or private set; Al references
by local business men. A-4345.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per insertion, three
insertions for the price of two.
NICELY furnished large room, .private
family, modern; use of phone and pi
ano, $9 per month: if breakfast and
Sunday dinners desired. $15 per month;
gentlemen preferred. Call phone Main
: BY GOOD baritone or bass player to
locate in town where, there is band
that will 'secure me-light employment,
or I Would buy small business. O-909,
fair penman and some knowledge of
honkknemmr: or eievaior wurn, uuuia
no object. F. D. Moore. 82 N. 6th st
FOR RENT Two communicating front
rooms, neatly furnished for light
housekeeping. East 42ti. 315 E. ttth;
cor. Market.
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms in
priviite family suitable for one or
two persons; walking distance. 294
10th si.
ROOM for rent to milliner or dress
maker, with use of reception room;
phone. light heat; very central. Phone
Monday. M. 824 i.j
POSITION " bookkeeping. accounting,
general office, by thoroughly com
petent man who can furnish best ref
erences. N"-908i Journal.
HELP! MURDER! 1 am an old me
chanic, must have work, painting, pa
perhanging, kalsomlnlng. Y-90S. Journal,
MARRIED man wants steady work of
any kind; good teamster: acquaiiuea
with city. Hotel Ohio, Madison and
Front, room $09.
I MUST have work; 2 years as watch
nian; any work, such as janitor. A.
Westerberg, Woodlawn 1421. 168 Mon
roe at. ' i -
MAN with family take charge fruit.
chicken or farm ranch on shares or
part ralary; experienced; steady. G
909. Journal.
YOUNG man wants position as driver:
acquainted with city; willing to start
110 week; good references. Woodlawn
til 2.
ELECTRICIAN - Kxperienced motor
repairing, D. C. switchboard con
structor, dynamo tending, helper work;
references. , X-903, Journal.
YOUNG man desires position as cierk
in grocery; experienced salesman.
Phone Sellwood 114.
WANTED-Situatlon, eomlng season, by
orchardist, 25 years' experience; ref
erences. 8, M. Lamblln. Medford, Or.
POSITION by experienced bookkeeper
and stenographer;- best of reference
furnished. P. O. box 316.
WANTED Position as Janitor by ex
perienced man, flats or apartments.
N-908, Journal.
GAS or gasoline engines, eight years'
experience; also autos; BOber; want
Meadv job. M-4, Journal.
. PAINTING and tinting wanted, day or
cOntiact; prices right. Apply 762
S.ivier, near 23d st.
CARPENTER work done by day or con
tract; estimates furnished on plans.
C-908. Journal.
WANTED A position as candy andtce
cream maker, experienced. H-907,
POSITION desired in printing office, 3
. years' experience: willing to work at
other tnslde work. Jess Thorp. 253 Front.
MARRIED man wishes any kind of
work, experienced carpenter. 308
1st st.. room 6.
FIRST class blacksmith wants position
In or out of the city. Call Main 3022
NICELY furnished suite of rooms; also
single Dearoom; centrally located; gen-
uemen prererrea. Main soi. Z4 8
6th st.
TWO furnished rooms, In brick building
nn ist St., close to uhk. very ciieap
rent: owner must sell. Call at 4 N. 6th
St.. F. T. Berry. 1
moaern. steam neatea rooms down
town? (3 week up.
n stark st.
Transient solicited.
LARGE, light front room, newly fur
nished; furnace heat, bath, gas; pri
vate family. Gentlemen preferred. 395
6th st.
WELL 'urnished room, transient so
licited in business district: prices
reasonable, baths, phone. 351 Mi Morrison
Tliiiptty .Cents
Looking for a Situation ?
' Fill this form and mail to The Journal
Rate: 1$ Words, 3 Times, 30 Cents
Enclose 30 Cents and describe the position you seek
Thirty Cents
This expenditure brings you to the attention of the Employers of PORTLAND
wash add unaer ' tnis classification.
' 1 cent per word per Insertion, threa
insertions tor tne price or two,
Close in. neat, well built, almost new,
paying well and never vacant, .19000;
small payment downh '
611 Gerllnger bltlj., 2d and Alder.
NEW modern S room flat, electricity,
gas. fireplace.' 63 Vi E. 10th. bet. Stark
'ana oak. w. R. . stokes r & Co.. 105
urana ave. i - . -
FOR RENT room modern flat. Phone
woodlawn 167. 245 Shaver st.
5 ROOM flat, 428 11th st. ; Inquire
I 147 Front st. Phone Main or A-1336.
100 TO 600 shares "American Mining
Syndicate" stock: at your own price;
selfing now at 60c; must raise money.
B-906, Journal. '
FOR business and professional women,
every convenience will be found In the
new Richardson apartments to be opened
about February 1, at 14th and Market
sts. Call up Main '2330 and A-3653 for
any Information.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per Insertion, three
Insertions- for the price of two.
THE LARRABEE 227 Larrabee, near
Holladay. Attractive, newly furnished,
thoroughly modern, ay window rooms.
handsome brick building, electricity
steam heat, liot and eold water every
room, call bells, baths: walking distance.
75c day, $2.60 week, up. East 849.
CASH ADS under this classification;
1 cent per word per insertion, three
insertions for the price of two.
THK Gayosa, apartments and single
rooms, elevator, not ana cold water.
private bath, steam heat, modern. Grand
ave.. J. BtarK. hnone n.. moo.
NICE, large, clean furnished rooms;
easy walking distance; reasonable.
33 N. Park.
Steam heat, electric lights, free baths,
rooms, 2 week and up. 3d and Flanders.
THE Newport hotel Newly furnished,
steam heat, hot and cold water- tran
sient: elevator service; 6th and Wash.
5 th
Hotel Masra m
Free phone and bath.
WELL furnished rooms; private family;
home conveniences: boarding house;
handy; rates reasonable. 27 18th st.
THE Westminster, 6th and Madison,
well furnished rooms In modern
apartment, suitable for 2; reasonable.
3 SUITES nicely furnlHhed, good ven
tilation; only first class people need
apply. 361 3d.
$2.50 NICELY furnished front room.
bath. gas. and phone; everything new.
232 Mill st.
New BelmoEtlUDSmr ?
for 1 or 2 in
LARGE front corner room, bay window
alcove, furnace heat; all conveniences.
361 10th st. Main 3312.
NICELY furnished front room with
bath, close in, rent reasonable. 432
Burnside, near 11th.
NICELY furnished front room, heat and
light, close In, rent reasonable. 424
FURNACE heated rooms,
week, bath, phone.
Ington. 2 N. 14th.
$1 to $5 per
diock wasn-
LAROE newly furnished -front room.
suitable for 2 eentlemen. nrlvate fam
ily, modern conveniences. 304 Ross.
East 4044.
LARGE alcove room, suitable for 2 or
3 gentlemen or man and wife, with
board. Cull 75 Grand ave. N. Phone
FURNISHED room, suitable for 2 gen
. tlemen. all conveniences, with or with
out board; pn car line. 658 Williams av.
TWO furnished rooms, together or
singly; furnace heat. 634 E. Morri
son. Not housekeeping. Phone E-2814.
SMALL room $1.50 week; heat.
6th st.
128 E.
THREE unfurnished rooms. In new flat,
across steel bridge: close in; $14, In
cluding gas and water. 402 Ross st.,
corner Dixon.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
Main 4623. 212 N. 16th st.
TWO front unfurnished rooms, gas and
water, $8. 340 Front St. M. 5864.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per Insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
EXCELLENT board and room for
ladies or married couples; select
boarders; home privileges; fa per week.
442 Jefferson.
NICELY furnished rooms with board
in private family: walking distance;
very reasonable. 348 mill. Main 4931.
NEWLY furnished room In
Gllsan st
i in nrlvat
iiy; iuinace neat. 126 ',4 . isth, cor.
OPENED under new management. Just
cleaned and remodeled, rooms $2 per
week and up. 226 1st St.
SILK, linen or woolen waists laundered
for 25c; ladies' al wool dress skirts,
25 cents; pillow shams, 25 cents; bu
reau scarfs, 10 cents; or work by the
hour. IS cents. Phone Sellwood 668.
WANTED By business woman under
standing care children, also mending
and light housework; $30 per month.
ingress ansa a.. Mount Tabor grocery
WANTED Position tv young lady as
expert bill clerk; experienced in mer
cantile, hardware and drugs. F-891,
ENERGETIC business woman wants of
fice work, neat, accurate, good gram
marian, fair scribe; references. D-&94,
MIDDLE-AGED German lady, as house
keeper in family without children;
speaks only German. 787 E. 1 tli N.
Woodlawn car.
MUCH experienced nurse, care seml-in-valid,
maternity; most any kind. Main
MARRIED woman would like t o do
postal tinseling at home; can write
English and German. Woodlawn 1663
DESIRABLE front room, well furnished
and all conveniences, reasonable rent;
gentlemen preferred. 815 3d; upstairs.
Ml 1 l HELL Housekeeping. sleeping
rooms; electric lights; convenient;
reasonable. A-4075. "th and Flanders.
TWO or three furnished rooms, 1st
floor. 207 6th St. Main 6255 or Main
A LARGE front room, modern conven
iences, suitable for two people; prl-
vate family. 546 Marshall, cor. 16 th.
THE BISMARCK Newly renovated
room, office or sleeping rooms by
....... .-f in mum n. pin arm Alder.
LARGE front room and board, suitable
for 2 or 3, with furnace heat; private
boarding house. 225 W, Park.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping.
Including gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water. Daths. laundry, reception room.
all free; furnished apartments $16 per
month up; single housekeeping rooms
$2.60 week up; best in city for money T
snort uisiance irora union oepot. jane
"S or 16tb st cars north, get off at
Marshall st.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. 2.
$8-$10 month; 3 for $13-$14-$15; sleep
ing rooms, xi. .'o week. 3b4 n. zbtn.
16th st. car to 26th; turn south j block.
Nn-ATLY furnished housekeeping suite
near p. u., io montn; sleeping room
ii a weex. 33U Taylor.
NICELY furnished suite housekeeping
Clay st.
close in; very reasonable. 33S
$10, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
larke yard. 567 2d st. Phone M. 9470.
FURNISHED room for housekeeping. 68
s. 7 in.
CASH AD3 under this classification.
1 cent per word per Insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
FURNISHED S room apartment steam
heat: two room suites; both phones:
3 room apartment. Drlvate bath, toilet.
The Erdman, Grand ave., and E-. Burn-side.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sin
gle and ensuite. from to 116. ZS4
Union ave.
$1.25 WEEK up, clean furnished house
keeping rooms, bath, laundry, furnace
heat. yard. 203 Hi Stanton St.. U car.
MODERN 3 room housekeeping suite.
first floor, cheap; private family:
walking distance. 672 Belmont.
B rooms, J71 Ravier st. $15.
7 rooms, 866 Hawthorne, $30.
6 rooms, 407 11th St., $27.50
5 rooms, 670 Main st. $18.50.
8 rooms, 675 E. Morrison, $25.
rooms, 675 Water st. $IS.
6 rooms, 648 E. Morrison st., $16.
5 rooms, 110 Grover st.. $10.
8 rooms. 608 Front St., $30.
10 rooms, 600 Front St., $35.
room;, 391 Clifton, $30.
2 ROOM housekeeping suite, all con
veniences, $14; large alcove room; hot
and cold water; reasonable. 409 E.
THESE horneo are for-eale for any -old
price: 1 span maree, 7 years, 33001 1"
span gelulngf , 8 and 8 years, 8000; 1
span geldings, 8 and 10 years. 2760;-1
span black mares, 7 years,'2550; 1 span
vrav ri m rU 11 and 11 v.n 9 A ft 1 n i'u
ponies. , and 9 yearc, 1700: 1 uvrMffi
gelding, years, 1300; 1 Sorrel gelding "t
years, 1250; 1 bay gelding. 6 years, 1150:
1 .buckskin gelding, 7 years, 1200; 1 gray
mare. 6 years, 1100; 1 gray horse, 10
years, 1250; 1 bay horse, 20 years, 1100.
Also all kinds ft delivery and furnitura :
wagms. Hawthorne Stables, 430 Haw
thorne aye. v..
PAIR matched bays, ride and drive sin-
gie or aouDie;-- aiso pair mares, wetgti
1100 pounds each, ride or drive: 1 black:
mare, weighs 1200 pounds, sound. work
single or double; pair brown horses,
weigh 2500 pounds, work single or dou
ble; 1 good big farm horse, little sore in
front, price $65: also several -drivln or
business horses, city broken; rubber
tire runanout, ,ys; top rubber tiro
buggy and harness.' $76; farm harness, .
$18; light double harness. $25: . Red
Front staples, I6tn st off Washington.
GOOD horses for sale; Oregon Horsa
Bale Co.. N. 17th and Qulmhy at.
THE ELMJSFurnlshed 2 and 3 room
apartments: heat, phone.- bath." 191
Uth st.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per Insertion three
4 STORY brick building and basement.
60x100, with largo electric elevator,
on 1st st.. between Taylor and Salmon.
Suitable for whdealo or retail busi
ness. Apply to W. E. Grace, care Com
mercial club.
FOR RENT Fine location for dealer in
shelf hardware 'and woodenware, in
building now under construction; rent
reasonable. Apply 718 Board of Trade
uumt neirers, a ana 3 years old, gooX;
. milk stock, and one 2-year-old 6ur
nam- bull lor sale, or will trade for good
horse, suitable for farm work. Slgmund
Burger; miles out. ori North. Cornell
WANTED Fresh and beef cattle.
calves, pig and chickens;' highest
prices paid. Vaughn. 1175 , Gay -t
Portland. - - '
2 CHOICE 5 gallon cows and calves;
test 6; cash Or trade for beef cattle.
Brown house opposite Ockley Green, St.
Johns car.
WANTED Band , of goals, must
cheap. Give price, age, eex and de
scriptlon. E-908, 'Journal. .
FRESH Jersey and1 Holffteln, large milk- .
er. Call Monday, 15 E. 78th at..
Montavllla. Phone Tabor 1228.
5 rooms, 330 Sherman st.. $2
5 rooms. 369 Pacific Ft.. $20.
6 rooms, 871 Pacific St., $20.
7 rooms, 265 13th St., $40.
6 rooms, 290-12th st., $25.
5 rooms. 249 Clay st., $27 50.
5 rooms, 243 Grant st., $26.
250 Alder st.
6 ROOM modern cottage, block
from carllne, close In, reason
able. See
Waggener and Anderson
107fe 3d St.
FIRST class outside office rooms for
rent in new building; steam heat
electric anu gas light, with Janitor serv
ice. N. K. cor. 3d and Madison.
FOR RENT Fine location for cloak
and suit store; In building now under
construction; moderate rent. Apply 71$
Board of Trade bldg.
FOR RENT Largo corner store; best
location, at 3d and Park on Mount
Scott line; rent reasonable; full partic
ulars given. Main 8458. Tabor 1317.
FOR RENT Good location for manicur
ing and hair dressing parlor; building
under construction. Apply 718 Board of
Trade bldg.
FRESH cow and calf, 5 gallons. In
quire 241 Cook ave., or phone Wood
lawn 943. -.
FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow. Cannot
be beat for family use. 838 East 28th
st. Woodstock ear to Gladstone ivd.
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey vow
heifer calf.
1208 E.
Main U near
ONE fresh Jersey family cow, at 709
Harold st.: take Sell Wood car. Phone.
Sellwood 1171.
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey milk cowl
with or without calf. 1004 Milwaukio
St.. Sellwood car to Stratton's Grove.
1 FRESH Jersey and 1 Holsteln cow,
780 E. 29th and Francis ace. Tak
W. W. car.
FOR RENT Al location for dealer In
). china. - crockery and glassware, In
nunc. an nuw unuer uunmi ucuun,
moderate. Apply 718 Board of Trade.
WHEN you move you always need some
Buy at no rent prices: the savlnes
will exceed cost of moving.
We own our own buildinsr: occupy
one haif- collect rent on balance.
Grand ave, and E. Stark. Phone E. 2923.
TWO story brlcSc, 21x100 front, be
tween Yamhill and Taylor. 188 Madison.
FOR RENT Desk room, both phones,
light and beat. Apply Buchtel &
Kerns. 360 E. Morrison. B-2444, E. 839.
FOR SALE Good fresh family cow and
calf. First windmill emt of Kelly
mute, on yoweil vane" road.
TWO nice fresh family cows, very
cheap. . Raster Place. Lents. Or. .5
niocKs soutn or car station.
FOR 8ALE Six choice fresh Jerse
Phone E.
Ladd's farm. Montavllla c
742. Call afternoons.
NO. 1 fresh cow for sale. 261 E. 40th
MODERN home, 7 rooms, hall, bathroom,
not and cold water, enameled bath. bowl.
sink, patent toilet, hot. and cold wate?,
gas, double wood hoist, concrete base
ment and 50x100 corner; fairly close in:
0 steady tenant. $22. Portland Homes
Co.. 204 Morrison St.
FOR RENT Good location for restau
rant; crowds assured; building under
construction. Appjy 718 Board of Trade
FURNISHED private office; phone.
light and heat. $10 month. 622 Worcester.
THREE nice furnished housekeeping
rooms: quiet and convenient. 310 K.
7th. near Clay.
TWO - newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, phone, bath. 411 E. Harrison.
East 5438.
THE COLONIAL, 165 10th at., corner
Morrison, best accommodations In city
at lowest rates; steam heat.
355 COUCH st, room and board, I
blocks from car; bath and phone; all
modern conveniences. Phone A-3914.
TWO outside rooms, furnished for
housekeeping; gas, bath, hot and cold
water; iu. 4&o K. wasn., cor. sttn.
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
and sleeping rooms. 389 E. Yamhill.
TWO liousekeeplng rooms. 289 E. 6th
BOARD $2.86 week, the Three Star res
taurant, 312 Burnside, or Pacific 103
N. 3d; meals 15c up.
ROOM and board, also day board $25;
bath, gas. heat Included, on carllne.
13 E. 2th St.. N.
NICELY furnished rooms with board;
fine cooking; rates very reasonable.
close In. 434 Burnside. M. 667.
HOME cooking, room with board or
without board, by the. day or week.
Call 22 N. 11th St.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable
f"r. 2 'utw men; gas. bath, phono;
rent $12. 3f0 1st st.
- GARRET rooms $6 each per month
electric light, oil heat. Private resi
dence. ,;,0 Loveiov. near 3H
b I RNACE heated rooms, nlcelv fur
nlsherl, bath, phone; business district
J rices $2. SO to $5 per week. 189 7th st
ROOMS and board, reasonable rate.
Mnln 9544. 245 6th.
HOME cooking, the best board and room.
Phone Main 9115. 86 N. 14th.
BOARD and room, private board, close
in. home cooking. 574 Gllsan. cor 18th.
ROOM and board. $20; parlor, bath, fur
nace. 423 7th. A-2916.
ROOM and board, home cooking, only $5
per week, close In. 256 14th.
NEA'J'I.Y furnUned sleeping room for
gentleman, $7 per month. 419 Jefferson.
- Nicely furnished
every convenience.
WOULD like position as housekeeper
or traveling companion going south
F-900. Journal.
COLORED woman would like work by
the day or general housework. Phone
Main 1493.
lOUNG lady of good habits and char
acter wishes position as child nurse
Phone Main 8687.
SITUATION WANTED Exnerlen,! (,",
housework; plain sewing and nursinir z.h
Phone East 2655. nujiiMH rurnisherl suite of rooms
LAJ. W. P0Uon "Tiina i 12?hnsl'yconrt7nT:a.vh?rt "b 191
no,ov.,,e, iiuuouHuin, i none lell
wood 755 after 2 p. m Monday.
TRAINED nurse from the east wishes
engagements; maternity a specialty'
terms reasonable. Main X698
WELL furnished room, close In, bath
,.,Phl'.n"- Prices $1.50 to $3 per week.
3-.i 7th st.
WE'LL FURNISHED front room, heat
cd coxy. Only $2.50 per week. Close
in; bath; phone. 14 8 7th st
258 13TH ST. -rooms,
new house,
geniiemen only.
FOP. RENT Nicely furnished rooms
electric light. bath, phone. 522 .in.vii. main ium.
TABLE BOARD $4 per week; mealai
25c. 81 N. 14th. corner Everett.
E. 4 972. Near Hawthorne.
ONLY $46.
Will lease to respectahle party my
mddem full furnished house for a term
vp to one year. 569 E. Pine, between
13th and 14th sts. Phone East 2643.
East Ankeny or Broadway car.
SOME good houses, part of them mod
ern, 2 with barns, one acre ground,
plenty good fruit; Ideal place for chlck
tns; rent $12 and up. Keystone ReaJty
Co., 212 Allsky bldg.
FOR RENT Modern 8 room house, E.
18th and Stark, all conveniences: will
lease to responsible parties. Chapln &
Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT Office rooms, suitable for
I doctor, northeast corner Alder and 3d.
f Annlv Urularn I k, n t ti I Parlnrfl r. 1 k ! . 1 r
CASH ADS under this classification,
1 cent per word per Insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
5-ROOMED. well furnished house; mod
ern convenience; at 1143 Hawthorne,
E. 38th st. Inquire 1148. Tabor 921.
Dry wood, In stone basement, for sale.
Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries,
cherries and plum trees." rosebushes:
place for chickens and garden; $28 per
FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, modern, 2
carlines, $20. . 1136 Maryland ave.
Phone Woodlawn 2207.
FIRST and 2d floors, each 25xlu0, new
brick jobbing district. J-804. Journal.
A FEW nice offices in the Couch and
Chambers bldg. 601 Couch bldg.
GOOD storeroom, 25x100 teet.' SIC 1st
Inquire 308 1st.
to rent; 24x96 feet. 92 First
FINE offices and deskroom. 803-804
Swctland bldg., Eth and Washington.
W A NTEDn Desk room by real estate
dealer. B-H09, Journal.
GOOD store room,
$40 month. 247
26x60; steam heat;
Taylor st.
BEEF cattle for sale. Phone M 9S58.
Peter Stendler, Hillsdale. Or.
3 FIRST-CLASS fresh cows for sale at
684 Harold ave. Take Sellwood car.
$600 GASOLINE launch, double cylin
der, 6 h. p., speed 12 miles; price now
$300: terms. 220 Tourny. Main 8763.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engine
repaired. James D Fall. 244 2d st. .
P5AN08 direct from factory, special
orders for special wood accepted; save
$60 to $160 by buying from Geo. An
derson, piano expert, 220-221 Tourny
bldg. Expert piano turtlng, M. 3763.
$35 WASHBURN guitars; price $15-$25,
laaies iianjo wltn leather ca
easy terms. !t Tourny bldg. M
$450 UPRIGHT piano; must pell.
ftione Main 71SS. .
se, I10'l'1
1, cheap, jj
SMALL store for rent; suitable for
any thing. 16 N. 6th. corner Burnside.
FOR RENT Furnished 4 room cottage, HALL, food location, suitable for lodges'
modern improvements, fine furniture. I meetings. 9m Grand ave., cor. E.
Phone Tabor 1000. . I Washington. E." 4449.
FURNITURE, 4 rooms complete; cheap
for quick sale. Call at 84 6th. Main
FOR RENT 1 small house, 2 henhouses.
2 hen yards 50x100 each: also a small
garden spot; Bull Run water. Telephone
Woodlawn 797.
FOR RENT 5 room cottage, modern.
In good condition, gas: near 28th and
Ash sts.; cars every 5 minutes: reason
able. East 5452.
FOiv RENT 7 room house, electric
lights, gas for cooking. 493 Van
couver ave .; key at 495.
BOARD and room
rates reasonable.
In private family;
S-843. Journal.
THE LOCHRIDGE. 3 E. 28th st. Room
a n d ooard. $20 per month.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern
conveniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
ROOM and board, or room only, by
young woman employed during the
dav. K-909. Journal
THE i A LU MET HOTEL. 160 Park: Eu-
-At a great reduction n.....-.1 ropean and American plan.
used only 3 weeks." East HOTEL PORTLAND. European plan
room 6
comforters at home.
quilts or make
Call 243 Ash st..
EXPERIENCED woman wants wash
ing, ironing or house cleaning bv the
day. Main 6575.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room.:
suitable for two. All conveniences
69 l'ay lor, between 13t h an d 14th.
NICELY furnished sleeping room w i th
bath, close in, fa month. 205 lltu 1
A-23M;. j
only; JS. $5 day.
BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder.
WIDOW with two children wants dress
making at home. Mrs. Scovel. Beaver
apartments. A-4560. Main 6771
YOUNG lady wants position as govern
ess; speaks German, French and Enc
llsh. Y-847. Journal.
CURTAIVg carefully laundered at home
40c pair: will call for and deliver
Phone Sellwood 1-34. Mrs. Ward.
LADY wishes position as housekeeper
vi wiuoia -i ur uacneior. van lore
noon, A-202S. room 4.
FURNISHED front room with board,
suitable for gentlemen. $25 per month.
- r :? i i i n. .llrtin .r J Mi.
CONNECTED unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, close in, gas ana Dam; lift
349 Market st
NICELY furnished front room, suitable
- .i s'-Hurmi-ii, iH-di ana oatn.'i bath
WELL furnished rooms. 2 blocks of
Hsiiiiiioii. an conveniences, prices
155 16th. cor. Morrison
rea son able.
-'$1.50 WEEK up, large, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry.
i MHiverm an. a. fortianq.
WELL furnished for housekeeping, sin
gle or 2 room uiles. 412 lOth.. $10.
2 $20 Phones A-3T27. Main 348.
LACK curtains la nude red at home, called
854r and delivered. 40c a pair. Main
WANTED Position as housekeeper
good references. Woodlawn 1414.
A GOOD seamstress, sewing by the day
Phone East 2888.
LADY would like care of children
mother s rare. Call 230 Coiumhia st'
LARGE cozy front room, finely fur
nished, furnace heat, hot and old
water, close In. 181 14th. cor. Yamhill.
FRONT parlor furnished elegantly for
two young ladies. 469 Taylor, bet
13th and 14ih.
mon th .
housekeeping roomirj gas, racge.
ihone. all conveniences, 515 per
10th." I
FURNISHED room, light and heat.
phone, bath. $10 per month, private
family. 554 Morrison st.
THE TEMPLE, 343 Yamhill, opp. Hotel
Portland, nicely furnished, clean, light
rooms, $2.50 week. Transient.
SUITES of housi keeping rooms right
down town cheap, good. Inquire 705
Swetlitnd Mdg. Main 6944
HOUSEKEEPING flaL 3 rooms, heat
supplied, suitable for small family,
front rooms. 514 Everett.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas. bath, phone, modern con
veniences. 427 Second st., near Hall.
FOR RENT Good 6 room house 01.
WW car. $15. 233 Worcester hlr!r
Main 5116.
6 ROOM house, bath, gas, all con
veniences; good condition; on carllne.
34 4 Graham ave.
MODERN . room house, 1 block from
carllne; reasonable rent. 395 Grand
ave. IN. Woodlawn 1093.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage, oppo
site Baptist church, Arleta, Or., Mount
Scott car.
6 ROOM house with
bath, big yard.
WANTED to rent. 3 pleasant un
furnished rooms, or small cottage
with cook stove. Must not be too far
lan() electric I in-lit ; Irm Stephens scnooi; rent must oe, low.
1605 Oneonta St..
! C-907, Journal.
WALNUT writing desk, $7.50; foot
desk, $6.50; 1 new folding bed, $6;
walnut sideboard, very fancy, $25; oak
sideboard, $10; fancy hall tree, some
thing extra, $12.60; good davenport, $fc
dresser, $4.60; Jewel gaa range. $8; coal
heaters and fancy matting at cost. Call
84 Union ave, corner Stark.
$80 STRICTLY first class 6 H. P. en
gine, clutch, shafting: and all other
accessories Included. Call Sunday, see
run. Ray's Gas Engine Hospital, Motor
Boat Club.
FOR. RJSN'T 4 room house, all
nislied. new range, bath and base
ment. 396 Klllfngsworth.
5 ROOM modern house, $25.
Co., 1000 Belmont St.
Speer &
WANTED' to sell two almost new
Mandy Lee lneubators, 1 140 and 1
100 eggs, also Mandy Lee brooders, very
cheap. Orient St., near Portland boule
vard. H. Donahue.
I FOR SALE Refrigerator, large; sult-
WANT long lease 3000 feet ground floor! able for store or restaurant; nearly
WANTED A furnished house of 7 to
fTr 10 rooms, by Feb. 1, on west side.
in walking distance of postofflce. K-900,
space, between 4th,
ington and MorrUion.
14th and Wash-
A-907, Journal.
' GENTLEMAN wishes unfurnished room,
attic or basement, in quiet house, rea
sonable. A -907, Journal.
telX room modern cottage, large yard,
anaoe trees. 1 tiiock from car, over
looks Willamette river. Inquire 326 1 st
NEW bungalow, modern, fireplace;
20th and TIbbetts. Phone East 5.
io s kuum moaern house. acre
of ground, fruit, chicken yard, close
to car. nas. M. Koss, Laureiwood.
I MODERN houses close In. east side,
cneap rent, uall on Frank T. Berry,
Din si.
o nuuM moaern Dungaiow, 1 acres
ground, moo plants strawberries; $18.
an oi i. n ion ave.. jm. r;ast 6209.
8 ROOM house newly done up;
location 331 Montgomery St.,
or M.
6 RouM modern house, bath, gas, elec
tric lights, full basement, close in,
$22.50. 381 Grand ave., near Harrison.
U ' t-i V' r . . . T -:
muui,n. o room cottage, close in on
c. mn st. .-ail 4ot K. Sherman
Phone S ellw ood 891.
0 ROO M cottage. 205 Monroe at., $10;
walking distance from city; new ce
ment sidewalk.
6 ROOM house with pantry, bath elec-
ii" nsm. oig vara, fio. 15U5 Oneon
ta st.. Woodlawn.
$30 BEAUTIFUL modern brand ne
7 room house, on carllne, at 966 Haw.
thorne ave. Owner there.
EX PERIENCED colored cook wishes po-
,m canning, inone M. 3345.
k GOOD waitress wants work; restau
J"'" vnrlt Preferred. Phone M. 9295.
THE KAY Well furnished rooms. $l.f.0
up; transient, 50c up. 202 2d st..
corner Taylor
NICE big front rooms, gentlemen pr-
lerreu; aiso nouseneeping rooms. 241
bth ct.
$10 LIGHT, well furnished room; gen
tleman prererrea. t4 Everett st.
MAN .-,nd wife wish position as cooks
1JL 'impi, experienced; references.
Ihone Woodlawn 185 4. 203 Stanton
M. J. H. Andrews.
- ' ' , . n II.. in.. Till, !U,,.I I-
NICELY furnished front suite and sin
gle rooms for rent. 308 3d, flat 8.
IARGE front room well furnished, heat,
bath and phone. Mfn809l. 686 Hoyt.
WANTED By competent man
wife, charge of hotel or roo
rtotute. Atl.iress
rnom 8. Portland.
M-Ln2 ' i"h work of any kind".
P!ii?iy J""' wi,e good cook.
ScSkMr'e,fj.w0k!l' nt Position as
fc AN nl"Tt tV
A. B. 249 Clav
want roAmin. v... , . . .
" for, one child; references: 171
W 1 nl ,.l.fe -"k ,d waitress In
out-of city; sober. i c, 651 Everett.
MthLi furnished room, all conven
jences. only ft week. 54 9 Morrison.
LARGE front room. well furnished;
heat, fine view, close In. 324 14th.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
walking distance, lower floor, $18 per
month. 308 13Qi st.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, with
bath and heat, $18 month, close In.
560 Glisatv
OWEN apartments. 2S0 Russell st";
rooms single . and two room suites.
Phone, gas and bath.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 241
N. 15th, cor. Marshall; two car Ilne.t,
$2.50 a week.
361 TAYLOR, corner Park. furnished
housekeeping rooms, single and suites
iv ryjjai nouse, gooa location, near
n month; ,atn. 2 carlines.
v,au in twa ro or i rade.
430 11th St.. $12.60.
ront st. Phone Main
Inquire 147 Fr
or A-1336.
s ROOM cottage. $10; west side river
Apply J64 N. 26th; Uth st car to
iouin nan diock.
00 uiiiii .-ist st.. 10 minutes' walk
""i'i""K uisirict. g rooms, modern;
rent $40. Parrlsh-Watkl ns. 250 A Id er.
. ' ruom house, modern, gas, bath
3tl Ft OH N 1A mini, .,11. . . . ..
Parrlsh-Watklns. 250 Alder.
?Pn' fm house with large yard
644 Borthw-lek at in tt-i
field. Fries Co . J29 Stork st.
FRONT room suitable for 2; home like;
board If desired. 494 Vancouver ave.
LARGE outside room for 2 gentlemen.
n iinuTic ana oain. t03 t-verett.
Hotel Royal
$1.50-$S week; SOc to
$1 day. 108 4th St.
jH. 'urnished room, with phone
mm mm, tor rent cneap. l Everett.
HOUSEKEEPING suite; also sleeping
room. 5 minutes' walk from. P. O.;
Hdeal location. i90 Jefferson.
flew Rcsamcndfi,'1
y.. w .. . .j.. -- .
UVU lodging house for work-
lngroen. furnished rooms ISt N. Sd.
ROOMS for rent 'with and without board.
-" ioiww St. XJ. 451X.
furnished room cheat).
Stout St. M. 7267. , , -7
STEAM heat rooms, hot, cold water.
prices reasonable; block Wash. sC
15 West Prk st
COZY 3 room housekeeping uite fur
nished; al small sleeping room for
gentleman. 134 6th st. Main 75?.
311 14th. CORNER Clay, light, clean,
well furnished 1 and S room house-
keeping stiltew; rent reasonable.
WE'VE got fine teeth. How are yours?
Modern Painless Dentists,. 2;j Aider,
corner 3d. ,-
NICELY furnished suite of -imusekeep-
log rooms; Hoee tn. 431 Main t.
COMPLETELY furnished hoiiuekeeplng
rooms,- price reasonable. 657 1st at
ii .Km tl- clo, ln reasonable.
E 8304 Sherman, cor. 8th. Phone
SEVEN room house, bath, electric light
lawn, with rose bushes. $i. ssc Kellv'
hul bh 4 rooms, rent $10. Phone Eaat
56. Call 150 Page st.
SEVEN room modern house. 871 Kellv
st Phones Main 4454. A-4454
MODERN 7 room house, all rnnv.n.
lencee. good location. Calf 762 E. Ash.
T""ki"i XT ' 'I- ...... . . 1 . . .
vi inn, uuv a nome on easy
terms. Room roi Board of Trade
S ROOM cottage with bath, $12. on' tHe
it- noun. tw E,, lin St. H
ROOM cottage. 22; gas and bath. , In
quire 444 11th st ,
I ROOM modern house. 60$ Mill at!"
' C. Burns.
4- ROOM cottage.
Phone A-2190.
$18. 4J1 W. Park.
CASH ADS under this classification.
1 cent per word per Insertion, three
Insertions for the price of two.
5 ROOM modern house. E. 2Id St.; 2
car lines; rent $J4; sell $450 worth
new furniture $300; a snap. Western
Ijuid Co., 417 Board of Trade. Both
FL T for rent and furniture for sale,
cheap. Furniture In first class con
dition. A bargain. Must sell by 1st of
month. Call 193 N. 16th st.
YOUNG man wants roommate, newly
furnished parlor. 469 Taylor, bet,
13th and 14th.
WANTED Housekeeping rooms in prl
vate family; references .exchanged;
modern. E-907, Journal.
6 TO 8 ROOM modern house, west side,
by desirable tenants. Box 707, -city.
new and in fiist class condition.
The cheapest place in town.
Second-hand goods below coat
M. OSTROW. 44 N. 3d st
FOR SALE Buff Orpington cockerels.
hen and pullets. Inquire for McLean,
2 blocks west of Mann station, on W. W.
NICE black team, 4 and & years old,
hnrnesn unit ton TnrH wa von t (J
ia i uiu iwuh mu mm, ii unmet ii Hpan 0I WOrK mares, weight 2350 lbs
FOR SALE Encyclopedia Brltannlca,
Werner's edition, 30 volumes; will
sell at a sacrifice. Address R. T. Mc
Donnell, 111 Revere t., city.
HOUSEBOAT, new and In good condl
tion, 2 rooms and summer kitchen.
food float; a bargain if taken at once.
06 Couch bldg.
Improvements, furniture nearly new;
will sell cheap; rent Is very low.
Charles Hlrstel. 883d St., room 8.
$450 CASH will buy furniture of 8
housekeeping and sleeping rooms, all
full, rent $30. 427 Alder.
FURNITURE 4 room cottage for mile,
west side, walking distance; rent $10.
593 4th.
5 and 8 years old, with new harness,
$245. Good brown horse, weight 1050,
harness and buggy, $120. Four good
I top wagons, -6 sets single work har
ness 3 sets of double harness, cheap.
Call Peterson's Stables, Union ave. and
I E. Ash st
FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale cheap
and house for rent. $27.50. Call after
noon. 53 N. Park.
SNAP Furniture 21 room house, bath,
electric lights; price $850. See own
er, 225 1st St.
12 ROOM modern house for rent $40;
also furniture for sale; a bargain.
Owner. 51 N. Park.
3y OUTSIDE sunny rooms, well fur
nished and lease; $25 per month; If
sold at once, $296. Owner, 203 Main.
11 ROOM house for rent, furniture for
sale. In center of city, fine for board
ers or roomers. 232 Madison st.
FOR SALE 6 rooms completely fur-
nl.1,1, Aa anno HI. mAn
Owner 387 Fourth st.
7 hOOM house for rent 5 rooms, fur
nished, for sale; good location. 343
Market. - -
GOOD worker, 1160 pounds, $25. Fine
saddle pony, $30. Single express rig,
$70. Double express rig, $115. Hand
some pony team, $80. Good 7-year-oid
work or driving horse, $70. Wood
wagon, $20. New double work harness,
$30. Single harness. $8. Red barn,
Base Line and Spencer t Montavllla.
FOR SALE Good 1250 pound delivery
horse; good 1150 pound mare; a fine
pony; good top buggy; top 3 spring
wagons; will sell at a bargain or ex
change for cows. 838 E. 28th St.; Wood
stock car to Gladstone ave.
BUFF ORPINGTONS, hens, pullets and
cockerels, standard colors; also eggs.
Murphy, Woodstock. Sellwood 1230, s
FOR sals or trade, 2 H. P. steam drag
saw, $100; 10 H. P. traction engine,
$200: motorcycle, $50. 190 Park st
Silks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods.
70 6th St.. between Oak and Pine.
ONE car roll and flat top desks,., sligteWjj
ly aamagea uy nre. to D sold below Jf
factory prjcajjtjtubgnateln's, 175 Front, j
IN NEED of money; will sell diamond'"
brooch and solitaire to private partyL
at bargain. QX-Jnurnal. ' ii
I RENT horses, wagons, buggies, har
ness, saddles: also buy, sell or ex
change. Red Front Stables, 16th St., off
Washington. Low rates on business
rigs. Mam 1125.
FURNITURE OF 7-room house for sale
cheap: good location, cheap rent: a-o-
ing east. Bee owner, zbi 1 nron ave
better th
SN'AP-r$200 buys team, weigh 1200
pounds each. new harness with
breeching, new 3 Inch farm wagon; must
sell. 26 N. 15th st Ask for White's
TRE 6 room cottage, compleU-: I u F mavuV
n. quick sale. 235 Clay, close in; 00 to 1500
lan rent.; at Brun2eis
HORSES and buggies for rent by day,
week and month; special rates to
.,...!., . v. . . ,. f.k , ir. . 1
I Kilt 19
(EW furniture 7 room modem cottage.
cnesp; ormgs montn. & Third.
FURNITURE of modern 7 room flat,
cheap If taken at once; terms. M. 8963.
few good horses left from
pounds, all broke, on sale
Sale Stables, 505 Alblna
FOR SALE Double express wagon,
with top. good harness and best little
team In the city. Price $250. M. 2100.
CHEAP Showcases, oeaits, safes, regls-
iii, iwiiiiiure. we st ISO e X -change
goods. 213 and 218 Front st
of barrels and bottles bought and
sold. 271 Front- Phone Main 8147.
FOR SALE One 220 egg Cypher model
Incubator, first class condition. P
O. box 691. . ,
FOR SALE One pedigreed brlndle Eng-
.,!i8h.,buJd0K. for 8Mle- a-' 12 months.
1111 E. Morrison.
TW.O LeWellyn pups for sale cheap, age
9 months old. inquire A. Horger 114
Russefl st. T
erett-.. HSS. show office fix
tures. M. 761 T.
WE pay top cash prices for furniture,
4121 "d AucUon Co- Maln, "68. A-
6 ROOM new modern flat, furnace, bath,
electricity, hot and cold water; be
tween 16th and 17th on Stark. 626 East
NEW modern S room flat on Williams
avenue ear: rent reasonable. Phau
woodlawn 839. 1065 Williams
PLEASANT modern 6 rooms, lower;
adults, references. Phone B-2329.
137 E. j7tn, near Morrtson.
FOUR room modern flat 605 K. Couch,
between. 10th an4 11th. W R BtnW.n
Co.. 105 Grand ave B-1557.
FOR RENT Five room flat,- i room
cottars and S room basement rMasn
able. Inquire 650 Id IL '
PARTLY furnlsh4 4roorp Oat, ground
floor, eloa lnF lllL
yashlnpton. , - -
E. 11th, near
RoOM modera newly tinted, lower
corner flat' a-as ranee. . waah inva
227 Knott. Call st 235 Knott ,
FOR RENT New. 6 room lower flat.
nice location, close 4 lntr. t
Everett st . '-'" T .
FOR .SAIJE: 10 head good work horses
ana mares. rreeaman. tiros.,
Overton st, between 18th and 14th.
SPRING wagon, pole and shafts, tioubie
express harness, almost hew. 874 Wil
lis boulevard, Portsmouth. . :
HORSES shod. Stewart McBrien.
Handmade work If preferred; both
phones. 415 Burnside. st. cor. 10th.
HORSES and mares of all kinds for
sale at Rose City Sale stables, Uth
and Jefferson. Main 1300. -
FOR SALE -Fine horse, harness and
buggy, cost $235, for $125. W-S06,
$100 BUYS roan. mare, weighs 1000 lbs..
good top aenvery wagon ana Harness,
ait complete, van ze i. 1st st.
.GOOD .panel top delivery wagon, horse
and harness, cheap; must seLL 267
Yamhill. -
GOOD 1200 pound Jorse for sale cheap;
must sen at once. Mgiiraw, 313 water.
FOR SALE OR RENTHorses, vehicles
and harness. 16S Madison st.
FiRST-CLiASS . mares and horses at
Madison t stables. 185, near bridge.
NEWMAN Motion Picture Exchange
rents you the latest films, song slides,
etc.. lowest rates. 293 Burnside st.
LARGE safe wltn strong box at 1-3
price. Write or call Irvine, 660 East
Ankeny. ,
TOR SALE Full blooded Plymouth
Rock and Leghorn laying hens. W.
neinen, Montavllla car, K. 69th st, nortU I
FOR SALE I fox terriers, 1 gcotch col
lie and 1 Lewellyn setter, at 86 E.
Irving. Phone E. 716. . .
21 WYANDOTTES. white. Schwerd't
mann, Hillsdale, Or. ; -
PAIR sand bill cranes, mounted G-80I.
Journal. . '
A BOSTON bulldog for sale cheap at
Portland Gun A Bicycle Co.
FOR SALE Soit at 2r,th" and Overton
sts. Phone East 8700.
NEW $45 White sewing machine not
Iq, use a week. $25. 236 Knott st.
RADMAN S Microbe Killer. H D- Win
tere. Winters block 0H Qrsnd ave- N.
CANDIES, purest, sweetest lowest
prices; 1 lb.. 10c 330 Id. City Market
FOR SALE Cafpets almost new. Call
Monday forenoon. 484 E. Ankeny st
DON'T neglect vour roses; order ma
. nure from Smith's A-S686. Main 8f.$.
TYPEWRITER, first class, your owtt
price, 01 will (ent. Q-2JL JournaL '