THE ' OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24. 1909. ' I xeni I J"Tay X FOR SALE FARMS 118 ACRES, nearly; all in cultivation, -stock, machinery, seed and feed, house, 1 barns; Immediate possession; $4360..' -: . - . , . ISO acres,' BO cultivated, balance fine - pasture, . all fenced; . 1600 cash; price .fetlfi per acre. :'.' '.' ':-,.'" l." 33 acre entile orchard '-fuir hearlna-. .- mostly Baldwins. - Win make 60 per cent profit yearly. Price $6500; terms, : 92000 cash, balance at 6 per cent, 80 acres, 10 .In crops, balance slashed . and In grass, living- water, house and -.' barn. Price 11000;. half cash, balance . 6 years, 8 per cent. - A real bargain. FRANK LUCAS. 28-29 Hamilton bldg. 3 ACRES at Wichita station; 30 minutes -from 1st and. Alder sts., 800 feet on the track; an excellent and convenient place for a country home. or for, an in-, vestment; price 8900; easy terms, i . . . KNAPP & MACKEY. ' 818 Board of Trade blag. WANTED FARMS 88 FARM WANTED - In exchange for good rooming bouse, 84 rooms, 21 well furnished, lease, good lo . cation, clears 878 av month abqve ex- naes; price i.uou. to appiy as iirni ment; want farm close to school, rch and railroad. 66 rooms. 60 well furnished, rent 81S0 -. lease, good locationclears 8150 a month above expenses; price 85760; want good farm; or stock ranch, west of moun- tains, no encumbrance. ' . Los Angeles Tnist Co; 326 Washington st.'. room 417. WANTED Chicken ranch oomplete, or acreage, on 6o or 10c car line; give particulars in letter; , owners only. W-03, Journal, woodlawn 1SS7. WANT fpr cash value, small farm or acreage on river, e to -5 miles. Ad dress care of H. T.. Abstain, 1022 Board Ot -rraue ping, VANTEB Couple' acres land, close ' in, small house, where part can be irri gated. W'ould do clearing to pay. rent B-847, -"Journal. FOB KENT FARMS 14 DAIRYING OR FARMING. 40 acres cultivation, large outrange, good fences,' barns, house; 9 miles from Portland. . Apply to 769 E. Couch. Port land, after 7:30 p, m. Phone East 1346. h OR SALE TIMBER 28 Saw Mill Sacrifice Good 80" horsepower double circular, planer, complete, fair condition, 7,000,000 feet fir timber, 8 year lease, down hill to log; easy terms; 6 miles to good town and railroad, good road; price $7000; half cash, half lumber. Los Angeles Trust Company 326H Washington, room 417. FOR SALE 3 good sawmill properties; i nmiB, tut ihb ana descriptions. 2800 acres timber land. 62.000.000 feet. st I ma ted. Good saloon, good town, cheap. 800 acres, 4 miles from Oregon City, $35 per acre. A few of the good buys we offer. OREGON REAL ESTATE CO., Oregon City. OREGON TIMBER & REALTY CO. Headauarters for lOKKlnir DroDOs) tlons; timber - lands. farm lands and business chances. 521-62E Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. Phone Main 8650. A-8580. HAVE customers for timber " claims. Owners only need to write me or cau room .20, Bwetland bldg., Portland. none Main 78S. 20 ACRES timber land; 18,000,000 feet yellow nr; three miles to saw mill; $6000. 1019 Board of Trade for par ticulars. 160 ACRES choice yellow flr and cedar; a rare bargain. Cascade Land Co., room is. aai ;m at IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade real estate, see Stevenson tt Taylor, room 311 Buchanan bldg., 286H Washington. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD OR TIMBER CLAIM. From 7,000,000 to 8.000,000 feet first class fir and cedar, near small town: river and R. R.. sawmill. P. O. etc; 1 hour'a ride Portland; only live buyers; "no agents." Call. Write. Burn the wire our expense. Other homesteads, also timber claims. West Coast Co.. Grand Theatre bldg. THIS IS IT Homestead relinquishment, 4 room house, all furnished, 6 cows and calves, 6 hogs, 2 horses and harness, 100 chickens, farm wagon and tools; all goes at a bargain; this Is worth looking up. See us Monday. 721 Board of Trade bldg. FOR fcALiE Homestead relinquishment. 60 acres creek bottom. 100 acres till able land; 8 hours drive from good town; price $500. Inquire .today, 1164 E. 18th st N., Alberta car. HOMESTEADS, desert claims, 160 or $20 acres best government land south ern Oregon. Main 6710. 318 Allsky bldg. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 IRRIGATED land near Bend. Or., plenty of water, improved: two bargains. 80 acre and 320; terms: lays well; price will surprise you. Simpson, 60S Cham ber of Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE A grocery and meat market paying big profits, about $3000. Also a grocery store where location and price will please you. 273 Stark st A WELL established business that is and will brine: rood morfev to the owner; this is worth looking up; owner wisnea iq reurs irum active Dusiness and will sell all or part at invoice price which will be about $4000, or will trade Tor unimproved land. Van at 820 Cham ber of Commerce. ESTABLISHED tailor shop for sale, no stock on hand; central location; bargain. Inquire 216 2d. ROOMINo and boarding house; a great snap; n rooms, a nrst class location. west side; price $500, $200 cash. Nice modern house, very close in, well ar ranged. II W. GURLAND CO., ' 191 4th at. PARTNER wanted: srowlnff business experience unnecessary; pay energetic man $100 month: little cash required; pay balance out of business; steady man wanted more than his money. Partic- ularfl. 24 8 H BtarK et. HOTEL 2 story building. (2 lots) fully equipped, and in running order; on the N. P. B- R.; population 1S00; cater principally to commercial trade. Price $4004. A. UnderdahL 28-29 Hamilton bldg. $60 TO $600 CLEAR monthly made every week in the motion picture business. We teach you the entire busi ness gratis. Consult me. Small capital needed. Newman. 293 Burnalde. FINELY furnished 19 room house, fine looation. Income $200 monthly clear, rent $126; will sell or trade for city property. 128 West Park. DOWN town cigar and confectionery t store; lease; clearing over $76 a month; cheap for quick sale; no agents. Y-862. Journal. . 7 GROCERY store that must be sold Won dav for 60 cents on the dollar. Call ?ulckly. a I am tearing the country. 27 Board of Trade. $600 WILL buy Interest In conces sion at Seattle fair that will make you $6000 this year; no graft; grafters need not apply. . 406 Couch bldg. GROCER? store, paying proposition. good location; invoice around if 200; stand Investigation. 1-804, Journal. 1126 CASH. 6 rooms furnished; must be sold this week. 850 Sheridan. $1650 24 rooms, swell furniture; terms to right people. 86 6th street. ; WILL trade good- real estate office for what' you have. Woodlawn 2048. WE HAVE buyers or sellers. Anything you want S 406 Conch bldg. I WE TRADE anything. H. F. Lee 4k Ce, . $27 Board et Trade. Main sty. 20 THE Journal of Jan. 10. 1909, stated . that Ramuiil Kavhonu has nurchased the Rainbow - mine in eastern Oregon and will expend a large amount of money In the further equipment of the property. Mr. jxewnouse a mum millionaire mlnlhsr ortrator and his en trance 1 into mining operations In Ore gon will give mlalng in this section a stimulus which "it ihas never before had. He la the first of the large sue cessful mining operator to come this way- and others will . surely follow where he leads. A property adjacent to the Rainbow has . been , under develop ment for the past year and will be a payinw. mine this summer. I have few thousand shares of treasury stock to sell for the company developing the property, at an attractive price. Large returns are 'sure and -now is the time to buy. before, the , excitement - com mences. L. Y. Keady, 602-664 Board of irn punning. ' WE have a customer who wants to buy a first class stock of gro ceries or general merchandise; would prefer It on the Hawthorne carline, or Sunnyside, or any good place. He has "for exchange 160 acres of good, clean timber which will run over 4.000,000 feet of sugar pine; 8 miles from Middle Fork and 1M miles from Southern-Pacific R. R. It is a rare chance 'for a man who wants to go into the lumber business. The timber will bringover 84000 at $1 a thousand. Will take $8000 for It and pay the difference In cash. - ... ' . ,. Tne Dunn-Lawrence Co. i 248 Alder St -ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. . $2000. half cash, new steam heated. 80 rooms,- hot 'and cold water In every room (very - close in), nice clean light rooms; piano, etc $1760, half cash, oyer 20 rooms, eorner house, light, clean, modern, full of roomers, cneap rent, good lease, etc or will trade. Others all nrlces. $1000, M. cash, 18 rooms, newly fur nished, near ourfflce; real snap; worth double; will furnish half the money to buy with. . WEST COAST CO.. Grand Theatre bldg. 20 rooms, all taken'. In good location; $800. - - 14' rooms, near Madtoon, always oc cupied; $660. 9 rooms, on Main st., rent $26; price $300. KAUFFMARN & MOORE ' 825 Lumber Exchange. I : WANT a bright young married-man, one that don't drink or smoke, and is honest, and swears very little, to take little stock In a wood bracket manufac turing shop; would like a man that is handy with machines; will give employ ment to 4 or 6 men; it will pay you to look Into this if you want something that is all right, i Call Tabor 1163, B-2126. GOOD opening; live man in best and most progressive town in Wlllam mette valley: cider and vinegar busi ness; large buildings on R. R. track; also use storage warehouse. Hay, grain, hops, wood, potatoes, etc., cus tom feed mill oneniag: will take Port land property part payment Phone E. 656 or C-1811. Address 4 Alblna ave., Portland. Or. 40 ROOM house, swell furniture, best location In city. Price $7000. 17 rooms, central location, 2 years' lease; a snap. 3 lots, Rose City Park. Price $750; terms. 10 room house, center of city. $200 handles it. FEB & CO., 303 Wash st FOR SALE A restaurant at a price that can not fail to suit you. 272 Stark st. ON ACCOUNT of business changes we are obliged to dispose or our real es tate and loan business at a great sacri fice, which Includes two well furnished office rooms and well established busi ness. AB, Journal. ARE you looking for a good situation and a good salary? If ho, call up and Investigate a new manufacturing busi ness In which we will sell you an in terest for a very email sum of money. H. F. Lee St. Co., 827 Board of Trade. AN EXCEPTIONAL chance for a good man to secure an Interest in one of the best real estate of fice in the city. 272 Stark st SMALL manufacturing plant. Owner will take partner, honest sober man; can clear $100 to $150 per month to start; $400 for half interest in Stock and business. Particulars, room 7, 181 1st st. SMALL profitable confectionery, lo cated centrally; owner leaving city. For sale, motion picture show: only one in nearby town; a bargain. Nelson A Jackson, 710 Swetland building. MONEY making restaurant In business district, well patronised, gets good prices; has low rent; must sell at onco; only $295. See Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. HAVE5 $200 or $300 and services to put into paying business; building or as sociate trades preferred; principals only. Full particulars or no attention. F-903, Journal. I AM going to sell my livery business. You do not need to have all the cash. Call and investigate. H. F. Lee & Co., J827 Board of Trade. $326 SNAP. 10 rooms, swell furniture, good location, rent only $30; this must be seen. Fidelity Loan Co., 326 H Waeh lngton st, room 405. $1000, TERMS, takes nice 22 room lodg ing house: rent only $66; lease; brick building. Fidelity Loan Co., 326 Washington st, room 405. ROOMING house of 70 rooms, net profit of $260 a month, good lease; a snap. Nelson & Jackson, 710 Swetland biag. DON'T be a slave. Go into business for yourself and get all the profits. It's so easy. Room 1019, Board of Trade bldg. PARTNER In established real estate and business chance office. No office rent or expense. 16 Washington bldg. FQR SALE Furnished -or unfurnished houpe of 6 rooms, from owner; strict ly modern, at a bargain; best car serv Ice In city. Phone Woodlawn 1414. ROOMING HOUSE OPPORTUNITY. 36 rooms, clearing $360 month, $1700. Investigate quickly. Adler A Kurns. 226 Lumber Exchange. LIST your store, business, lease, hotel furniture, horses, farms and anything to sell, rent or exchange.: Trader, 12 6th st Main 63.7. FOR SALE Laundry . doing $300 business weekly; a snap if taken at once; cash or part down; owner leav lng city. J-06, Journal. SHOE SHOP Snap if taken at once. Inquire Monday. A, B. Roades, 204 Washington St., bet Front end 1st CERTAINLY, your friend wants to lo cate. We furnish the best opportunity. 16 6th. Main 63 1 1. $460 BUYS half interest In a deal that will net $4000 In 90 days. Hauck, 611 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. DON'T let your houses lay vacant List ' them with us. We rent sell, buy and trade. 721 Board of Trade. Main 4051. 2 40 HORSEPOWER automobiles to trade for real estate. 827 Board of Irj! FINEST little boarding-house in town. cheap If taken at once; $ rooms, rent $27.60. S-827, Journal. ; SEVERAL propositions where few hnn- dred dollars invested wiU bring good results. Trader, 15 N. 6th. Main 8377. RESTAURANT Gilt edge proposition; must be sold Monday for $600; $400 rash. Call 343H Washington et, room 3. CASH store: butter, eggs, etc.; partner -wanted; pay $125 month: very little ea Bli required. Particulars. 248 H Stark. BUSINESS chances, trades, exchanges our specialty. Trader's 15 8th st $600 CASH takes paying meat market la . fine location. , X-903, Journal. . BUSINESS CHAJJCE3- 20 Homes and Business Chances 6 room hous lot 60x100, good, buy, $1400. ' - - - 7 room house, modern, lot 60x100, .fine buy. $1700. - : ... , : 7 room house, lot 100x100; this dandy, $20,000. . " ' Rooming Houses - rooms, well furnished. $400. 9 rooms of furniture, $650. -? mr 11 rooms In residence district, $660. 8 rooms, making nTOney, $600. .- 10 rooms, shows profit, $760. 84 rooms, best location to make mon ey. $2000. -j ..... Laundry, east side, M Interest. $4000. Laundry, west side, see this; $3500. Grocery store, A-l, west side. - $2000. Grocery store, $4000. . .... Paying business, clearing - $300 ' per month; $4500 will buy. Investigate.. Can arrange terms to'gult on any of the above. . . Waggener and Anderson ' 107 8d st FOR SALH: An honorable, . legitimate office business, neither real estate nor business chances, in which any energetic man with ordinary ability - can clear $2000 to $3000 a year; assets in sight, including fine office furniture and new typewriter, over $1200; must leave the state this week and will sacrifice for $500 cash, or $300 cash and $300 from the receipts of the office; will Instruct purchaser until thoroughly competent; an income from the etart: thorough in vestigation invited, but don't answer un less you have the money and mean busi ness. Particulars will be given at per sonal Interview only. N-907, Journal. ;'-"WANTED: :'V Some reliable parties to lnveit In a good large stock ranch; can run 6 large bands of sheep or $000 head cat tle can put up 2000 tons alfalfa hay. toe enlarged; water to irrigate with; taxes Detween fiz.uuu mu n,uv u handle this proposition; a good Invest ment for a stock, company. For fur ther particulars call pr write Myers Investment Co. 872 Stark st BUSINESS OPENINGS. We have clients for business In vestments. If you want to sell your business or want a partner, call on us. WESTERN LAND CO., 417 Board of Trade bldg. I MUST sell my rooming house. 20 rooms In the heart of the business section of town; same Is bringing in a goodk income; will sell if taken at once, for $1800 on terms. See Salesman American Trust Co., 200 Chamber of Commerce. REAL, estate business Owner can't do the work alone; jrrefers 1 steady part ner to hirejr help; pay energetla man $160 month; duties easily learned; little money required.- Particulars, 248 Stark st. CAPITAL furnished; manufacturing, mining, oil. gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to investors; commission basis. Samuel Graham & Co., Selling Brokers, 43 Sacrament st, Montreal. Canada. WANTED A man to attend to office and outside work, steady position; ex perience not required; must have refer ences; can make 8250 monthly; must Invest $300 as seourlty. Call 201 Ger- llnger bldg. THE furniture of 33 room hotel In city -suburb. Hotel has electric lights, bath, water atid toilet; three years' ase; rent $35. A snap at $900; terms, particulars at 426 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak PARTNER wanted; produce and com- farm products: guarantees good salary 1 . . 1 CAft it I rt n.l, rati B ISO UrUUlB, 1UV. ,m.fcu, . '- . 1 . 1 1 ft , C W f.-1 at rariiuuiniPi t,n 73 ,..n " -. FOR SALE 12 acres, near Kenlgar Sta tion, on the O. W. P. line; level land. an improvea. v,un unvmo 912, or see O. H. Wallberg, 664V4 Uma tilla and seuwooa. 8TART a mail order business; we fur- nlsn everyining noewsarj, umy dollars required: new pian, suci-ess cer tain; costs nothing to Investigate. Mll- btirn-Hlcka. Chicago. I HAVE a first class, established real estate and land business; best loca tion; want good man take one half in terest References required and given. H-906. Journal. SALOON- partner wanted; must be steady man. Owner tired depending on hired help; pays big and very little cash required, particulars, zsb piaric MILWAUKIE needs a doctor and a den tist; no dentist in city; fine opening for both professions. Address, "Record," MllwauKie, or iwin lni-.tlnn for small lewelrv es tablishment: heart of city; small storeroom; cheap rent Address Land lord, care journal. LIGHT manufacturing Partner wanted. Owner guarantees good salary ; experi ence unnecessary and little money re quired. Particulars, 248 H Stark st. WANTED Live young man with $200 ot take charge of agents' office, ex perience, not necessary. 606 Swetland muifling, ARE you considering entering busi ness? Have excellent openings in va rious lines. 606 Swetland bldg. MRS KOONTZ. 243 STARK ST., RUUH1NU HUUSti Aljllll I . I have rooming houses of all sixes and prices. See me now. MONEY We handle the financing of good enterprises ana creaiiaoie proj ects. The Bankers' Bond Co., Pitta burg, Pa GOOD paying rooming house, 31 rooms, brick builaing, on aa ei. ; owner ing city: $1700, If taken before Feb. 1. Y-901. Journal. REFINED widow would like gentleman partner with means to buy rooming house in Seattle during fair. AC, Jour nal. FINE opportunity for good man with $300 to take charge of and manage store wages $ 3per day. Call 606 Swetland building. WANT a partner with $500; will guar antee 3200 Der month. Particulars at 4!5 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. i;a yy i r-i yji-iw,-, ...... ...... IF YOU are looking for a busln opportunity call room 30, 823 Wa - ies.j Wash- Jllg IUII Bl. BUY UI, sell, ustiiaui,, i n"n ..u h.v.' Quick returns at 606 Swetland DUiioins. RESTAURANT Will trade for furni ture, flat Jewelry, diamond or what have you. 15 N. 6th. Main 6377. READ THIS $400 buys good furniture 11 rooms, on 7th St.. rent $30. Cail 181 Manison. Main u. $200 BUYS half interest in old estab Jished real estate office doing busl- neps all the time, can m jiaaiaon. SMALL foundry and machine shop for sale: well located, near Portland, do ing a flffe busineww. i.-tn. journal. WE say again, before the pain have that tooth filled, now, by the Mod ern Painless Dentists, 253 Alder, cor. 3d. HAVE a propislflbn, $6 per day, to hustler Wltn sm-ii amouni oi money. Address W. W. Vaughn, 994 E. 18th N. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY Quick sale- en rooming houses. Main PROMOTER with money and equivalent will finance a good invention. Promo- . v. w l AA T a,i rn a 1 irr, -j . " M FINE little confectionery and fur- DIBneu ruwma m vi'wiii , ,uiu . . a r r. . 4 ... t OI1C-. G,PIII MINING and industrial stocks, tele phone and other bonds bought and sold. C. B. Fletcher, 126 Ablngton bldg. FURNITURE business for sale; best lo cation on east side. Inquire 637 WU- 1 lt V Si BV A IF JTOU wish to Juy or sell raining ' stocks, call on J. B. Purcell. $68 Stars t., room i. RESTAURANT for sale cheap If taken at once. -335 1st st. ' GROCERY store focpale at a bargain. 460 BUYS a 10 room ' rooming house, "well furnished. 181 V4 1st st, room 7. k YEAR lease for sale; good location. Inquire tl H. Miirrnoii et BEST money maker; short capital; look . vp. Xaemmla. 215 Wella-Farco bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 &ttf. Grocerymeni , ; ,";k: Strictly cash- store on 16th st, doing 1800 daily; owner must 'sell, goes at invoice; stock and fixtures about $2500; must be cash. Another, Washington st doing $76 dally, two thirds cash, at In voice; cheap rent, Also $ other fine lo cations, doing good business, and mer chandise; doing $125 daily. They all go at Invoices That's enough. -522 WASHINGTON BLDG. Main 6179. SAWMILL -with 40 horsepower engine and boiler, double saws, 66 inches, all necessary tools, bunkhouses, boat and 1,000,000 feet of good timber; has a large steam pump for fire protection and boiler use, skid road for logging, located 10 miles from Castle Rock on river, $2500; $1000 will handle It or will exchange for Improved Portland property. Chittenden and Otto 268 Stark st.. room 17. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITD3S For information about LUZON IRRI GATED ORCHARD TRACTS or town lots in the new town of LUZON see Moore Investment Co. Luzon needs a hotel, general store, blacksmith shop, barber shop, butcher shop, bank. In fact every business to build up a new and first class city. MOORE INVESTMENT CO.. Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington sts. WE HAVE! for sale the best pay ing rooming house in the city. If you have the cash and want a food thing be sure and' see this. 72 Stark st LOOK BIG BARGAIN Rooming house, swell room-, clearing $260 month above expenses; fine loca tion; lease 8H years, option for longer time If desired: also 6 rooms, well fur nished, for $160; another, 9 rooms, well furnished; an furnished, all close In. These are bargains. Phone Main 8592. Call Herring, Hotel Harrison.- TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Established paying business, well located; will sell one third Interest; cash, or trade for city property. K-809, Journal. PARTY owning very desirable i block, E. 41st and Division, within 1 block new acboolhouse, Richmond district, will build cor. store to suit desirable tenant. Exceptional location and fine oppor tunity for building up splendid trade; reasonable rent. Apply to A. H. Blrrel Co., 202 McKay Bldg., 8d and Stark. A CONFECTIONERY that must be sold soon, as party must go and look after other holdings. 872 Stark st WANTED Honest, energetic man to manage branch office for well known coast corporation; about $500 required to take over tho existing business and office; investment Is fully secured by business representing over $1200; best of reasons for change of management, ami thorough investigation Invited. For ln tervlew address Y-906, Journal. WILL trade lot or lots for your equity In anything that has a value. 272 Stark st. IF YOU have a little capital, $500 to $1000 and want to make a conserva tive Investment that will pay big Inter est consult me. I have several desir able openings for Investors. Newman's minion ficture v;o.. z3 Hurnslde OWNERS of manufacturing business want manager and capital; no better proposition on coast; eastern competi tion only, who have sevenfold freights to mv Vn nrpnl, tAo,t .... I . , nnu Journal. O. I. C. AN OPPORTUNITY, for you to sell or exchange vour hii-i ness or real estate or secure a partner vy vaiiuiK oil OREGON INVESTMENT PO 17 Healy block, E. Morrison and Grand ROOMING HOUSE Can you beat this zu rooms, steam heat, swell furniture, reht 3100, good lease, fine location, only $1800: $600 cash, balance $40 monthly. Oregon Adjustment Co., 808 WlLL finance and build you nice home. Runabout taken as part payment WISCONSIN COOPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 803 Swetland Bldg. Phone M. 817. FIRST class cash grocery and confec tionery, fine location, good business; 4 living rooms, rent $20. Will sell at invoice. A fine business opportunity. 861 E. 7th st. Phone E-6255 FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. At Invoice, splendid little grocery in suburban town; reason for selling, other business. A D. Chrlstlanson, 207 WaBhtngton st. WANTED Pajjng employment agency. half or all; also a real estate office, for cash: no delay; confidential. Call or address West Coast Co., Grand The atre bldg. PARTNER WANTED Half interest in one of the pest equipped real estate offices in Portland: excellent opportu nity for energetic capable man. WA 100. Journal. HAVE block preferred laundry stock that pays 20 per cent; will sell In small amounts. Write or call after 6 p. m. A. J. McLeod, 220 Lumber Ex Change, corner 2d and Stark. CIGAR and fruit stand that will clear you $300 to $600 dally, can be bought for little money. Don't fail to see this early Monday a. m. 721 Board of rraae. GOOD chance for young man with $600 AO -rur wumjnH iinvrem in well pay ing business, salarv $25 per week and I . 1 I O t . TIT.. Y I . . room 3. WORK for yourself. Half Interest In restaurant; fine location; nice busi ness. Owner can't work day and night Call Monday, 721 Board of Trade. CIGAR, fruft and confectionery store on Main at. fine fixtures, clean stock, lease; on account other business will sacrifice, $900. K,-9frS, Journal. FOK - SALE A good paying grocery and feed business; sales $3000 Der month; good location. For particulars address 2535 Court st. Baker City, Or. POPCORN route; delivered to regular m.otnn. .r. Hdtlv with Vin... ...... wagon. Big profits, can clear $4 to $8 per day; muat sell. z7 Yamhill. $100 PARTNER good paying and fait increasing business; no office work; good Income assured; worth lnvestlgat lng. X-901. Journal. NEAT cigar, tobacco and confectionary store with 2 living rooms, cheap, or will exchange for lot Call at store to day. 183 Morrison. WILL sell whole or half interest in livery, sale and boarding stable lease; fine business; reference required and given, see owner at s w. ism st OUR customers want furniture, piano. typewriters or Jewelry. To exchange, see Trader. 18 6th st. HALF interest In first class moving (IIIIUIC i,irfc,, -Afcvv, ilj. Oljv U Lyceum Bureau, ta oin i cuy. EXCELLENT manufacturing business In a nrovresalve vallev town. A ri tlrees Box Si. city. l ." A SNAP Tinner's tools and stock-; also general repair -nop. tox is. Aurora. Or. GROCERY store doing $40 to $50 day; will sell at Invoice. Rent $30. Phone Main 9191. 27 ROOM rooming house, electrlo lights; years' lease; well furnished. 131fe jet st, room i, $650 TAKES restaurant doing $20 to $30 dally business; location oan't be beat. 85 6th street. - $7 ROOM house clearing $160 month: barcain If taken before February L iviH -a si- MOVING picture theatre, out of town. Film Exchange. 303 Rothchlld bldg. k x-i" r- T-v a . " a ...-. lit i I WANTED Agent who will sell my 7 room bnardlns house for me: east tide, Z-00 Journal . , BUSINESS CHA 20 , APARTMENT HOUSE. ' Nothing better In the city. I will ell my apartment house of 140 rooms, steam heated, private , baths, . electric light and tele- phone. In splendid location; every? apartment rented and a waiting list. I open the books to shew a -net profit of 90 per cent or bet- , ter. It is a good investment,1 and your money coming back every month. For price and terms ; see my agent at room 617. Ore gonlan, bldg. CASH In if you need the money. We 'buy. sell and trade in all the im- Sortant stocks and bonds on the mar et We want and will pay cash for Almeda Con., Fidelity Copper, National Copper and B. C. Amalgamated. Large or small blocks of Campbell's Auto matic Safety Gas Burner stock for sale cheap. We want $1000 Portland and Omaha telephone. See us when trad ing. We can make money for you. City Business Exchange, 215 Commercial' PIOCK. Main 5884. A-2384. . SEE US If looking for a rooming house. 33 room hotel, $900; $600 cash. 18 room rooming-house, (500. 8 rooms, clear $j0 monthly. $500. 12 rooms, transient one floor, $800. Many more to select from. Call 343 H Washington st, room 3. ROOMING HOUSES 10 rooms and - basement good carpets, medium fur niture good location. Price $550. Most home like place In the city; 7 rooms, good looation, $426. 12 rooms, good furniture and carpets, clean, $900. ' See these places. Young, Biz, oernnger piag. GROCERY, close In, on west side, at a bargain. See this; $750. One on Washington st The best in city: $100 per day; at invoice. Others all prices and locations, see wnai we nave in other business chances. Young, 612 Gerllnger bldg. ROOMING house," 22 large light rooms, one floor brick building, fine furnl- good lease. Sacrificed on account ot sickness: $1450: $600 down, balance 3o monthly. Oregon Adjustment Co., 308 Anneny WILL any of the following Interest you? Rooming Houses, snoe stores, restaurants, cigar stores, moving pic ture shows, fruit and magazine stands, All these for sale by NELSON & JACKSON, j?10 Bwetiana Diflg. SNAP Rooming house, centrally lo cated, brick building and 8 year lease; S3 rooms well furnished. Price $760; half cash, balance terms. Owner going east Wednesday, can at once, room 7, 181 1st st. SWELL little delicatessen store, re- at invoice, or better. See us now. Room 7, 181 1 at MIXING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. 2500 Almeda Con, 75c. 2000 Alaska Pet. & Coal (bid). 100 American Telegraphone. snap. 46 Burlingame Tel. Typewriter, $4. 8000 Butte Boys Con., bargain. . 26 Campbell's Auto Gas, at a snap. 1000 Comstock Golden Gate, 20c. 1000 Cascadia M. & Dev., 12 c. 600 Fidelity Copper (bid). 2600 Gold Creek, 7 He 100 Freeland Coii., 8c. 6000 Morning- (bid). 6000 Mammoth (bid). 2500 National Copper, 10c. 5000 Portland-Florence, at a snap. 15 United Wlreles- preferred (bid). WE WANT AND WILL BUY 600 Almeda Con. 1000 Alaska Pel. & Coal. 6000 B. C. Amalg. foal. 3000 Fidelity Copper. 6000 MorninV 6000 Mammoth. 10 United Wireless. 10,000 Gold Creek, 2000 Portland Home Tel. bonds. 6000 Portland Home Tel. stock. Also want Omaha Tel. bonds and, stock, If price l right. Call or write about any stock you want to buy or sell. F. J. CATTERLIN & CO.. Chamber of Commerce. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 3 000 Alaska Pet. & Corel, treas., 13 He 2000 Alaska Pet & Coal, pooled. 1114c 600 Almeda Con.. 76c. 1000 American Min. Synd., bid. 1600 Antloak. transferable. 14c. 300 Automatic Gas Light, 65c. 600 Big Hill Coal. 75c. 000 Butte Boys Con., 3 He. 100 Campbell's Gas Burner, bid. 2000 Cant-re-fil Bottle. 60c. 1334 Fidelity Copper, market. 5000 Gold Creek. 4V4c. 10 Home Tel. stock. Tacoma, $10. 2000 Inyo Coso, 30c. -6000 Lady Washington Oil. 10c. buy It. 5000 Mammoth (Metaline) market. 1000 Mono Standard Oil. $1.60. 6000 Morning (Metaline). market. 1000 National Copper. 12Ao. 1000 Omaha Tel. bond and stock. 50c. 176 Portland Coal & Dev.. $1.66. All other stocks and bonds. See me before buying; may be able to do bet ter Investigate Ladv Washington OIL I WANT Almeda Con. Fidelity CnPP'r Cascadia Midway Oil. Ore. B. C. Amal. Coal Hurerior Coal List your real estate and timber wltn me. 125 Ablngton bldg. See Roberts and Co. 1000 Almeda Cons. M. Co., bid. 1000 Alaska Pet & Coal, treas 13c 250 American Telegraphone $1-90. 1000 American Wheel & Vehicle, 4c 1000 Butte Boys, Hie. 3000 B. C. Amal. Coal, 30. 100 Campbell's Aut. Gas Burner $6.61. 25 Germ. American Coffee. $20. 1000 Morning, will buy. 1000 Mammoth, will buy. 1000 National Copper, bid 1000 Pickell's Cont. Ad. Clock. 26c. We save you 20 to 80 per cent. We are dealers In all stocks and bonds. See Roberts and Co. 264 Stark St. I'LL MAKE you rlcti If you investigate my California gold mining stock. Mountain of free milling ore; a little money monthly to spend on mine by competent miners. No tr flers. This I KnaiMu rvronos 1 1 ion. Give name and .sirens first letter. C-n. journal. COPPER utook in high grade mine, well -trsinneri- rare chance for Investment writ for particulars. C-906. Journal. WILL buy anv part of 20.000 shares of British Columbia Amalgamated Coal. If price is right. J-901. Journal. HELP WAXJEI)MAjL 1 PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL. 630 Wor- clauses now forming; code pleading and airency. a-o" pikm onnortunlty for good man with $3D0 to take charge and manage store: wages $3 per day. Call 606 swetiang uunums BUSINESS hustler; splendid opportun ity, don't miss it. Call 705 Swetland bldg. Permanent place for right party. WANTED First class markers and assorters at J-asi oiuo juaunary. r-ast Ash and 6th WANTED Oak sewed soles 60o. rubber heels 25c, Standard Shoe factory, 308 Bu rn -me st. M - MEN to work on dairy ranch: must un derstand ill 1 1 in R UU. VIU1UM 1 I III work. ' X-804. Journal. WANTED Man to drive team who will furnish one work horse for feed. Travis Bros Fuel Co.. 451 Hawthorne. WANTED Experienced solicitor. No other need apply. The Reliable Dye Works, 30 lit st WANTED kien to have their shoes re- paired by nrsr ciaas worn men at rnoa- rnt rne--. vi 1J nasiunguin, v tl -ifc.AcK you the real estate busi- nese in all Its details. Manhattan Investment Co.. Washington bldg. WANTED Mechanic with small capital. In automobile house. $20 gwetland bldg. SALESMAN wanted. Apply at No. TS N. tl st., Monday and Tueaday. WANTED Men to have their shoes half eolea itr 60c. zzz la st WANTED A hoy to learn the machinist trade and Bute repairing, tt N.;tUi st BUSINESS CHAXCES HELP WAXTKD MALE CASH ADS under this classification. 1 cent per word per insertion, three insertions, ror tna price or two. THE LEADING SUBDIVISION SELL ERS IN PORTLAND WANT A FEW HIGH CLASS SALESMEN FOR'THEIR NEW BEACH LOTS. THIS WILL BK THE MOST ATTRACTIVE AND THE QUICKEST SELLING BEACH PROP OSITION EVER OFFERED ON THE NORTH PACIFIC COAST. - IT IS READY NOW AND IT WILL PAY EVEN THE BEST PAID SALESMEN TO LOOK INTO IT AT ONCE. . COLUMBIA TRUST CO, 711 COUCH FIRST class salesmen wanted in every town in me state oi vreun, iu b-h the Imperial Self Heating Flat Iron; uses denatured alcohol as gasoline; something first class and needed in every home; sold under an absolute guarantee; salesmen can make from $5 . . .a .... am)h .mnll nanitAl re-. IV fW UCI UBf , ......... -- 1 a aw ,tt. T A Rrviint. sola uu.iuu. v SALESMEN WANTED IN EVERY t . ....... n irir3 T XT fXl TT f lOX; i Ml jnua i , t ... v.vjv.. - - - ON THE PENINSULA. BEST SELL- THE MARKET AND AGENTS ARE THE BEST PAID. CALL OR WRITE COLUMBIA TKUor 711 CUUUK ULil-Wj- CIVIL service employes are paid well .- w(r1r' avq mlnfl.tiOnS Of all -kinds soon; expert advice, sample questions ana- uooaiei -on, un positions and telling easiest and quick est wav to secure them free. Write now. Washington Civil Service School, Washington, Ui u WANTED Salesmen: many make $100 to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanoed weekly; Choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenislu Wash. YOUNG man (with musical ability preferred) to take Interest In estab lished, paying entertainment proposi tion; arrange dates with churches, etc.; about $500: good salary and profits. Ad- areas ficKering, m n-mi. MEN WANTED to learn plumbing, elec tricity, automobillng, plastering and bricklaying, by actual work. Advanced scholars earn wages. Catalogue free. Coyne National Trade School & Con structlon Co., 230 8th at.. San Francisco. v fiT tv . man t ..-a-M-A takA tickets. traveling theatrical company: Al ref erences and $250 cash; security re quired; experience not necessary; quick ly learned; sfllary $35 per week and fare. Apply 606 Swetland bldg. WANTED Railway mall clerks, cus- toma clerks, clerks 8,t Washington. Commencement salary $800. Many March examinations. Candidates pre pared free. Write for echedule. Frank lin institute., lept. v, rtocne--r, i. x SALESMAN and district managers, male or lemaie, ror uregun nu v-ih"bi... Only thane of ability and accustomed to handling high grade propositions. Call or -write today and all week. N. W. S. Co., 502 Board of Trade, portiana. ur I WANT a few honest men to engage tn the motion picture buslneaa, from $250 to $500 required; a success from the start, and the best money maker known today. See me today. Newman, 293 Burnslde. WANTED Man; niUHt be willing to learn and capable of acting as our repreaentattve; no canvassing or so liciting; good Income assured. Address National Co-Operatlve -Realty Co.. 809 Marden riiag.. vvaaningion, v. SOLICITORS for high class demonstrat ed specialty; exclusive territory for Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Call Sunday 11:30 to 2, Monday 9 to 4. Call or write N. W. S. Co., 601-2-4 Board of Trade, Portland. Or. $1250 WILL secure hi Interest in old established gas and electric business; 1 .. .- n.nnn. a" .Aha. man tit An Col. HIDU Utlll 8 i v " " " - " lecting and take charge of payroll, in printing eBm-tmaiiiii-uv. aijijt .v., 414 Lumber Kxcnange mag. WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant side line, con venient to carry; good commissions; prompt remittance, ueimont Mig. o.. Cincinnati, onio WANTED Railway mail clerks, post- ornce cieraa, cnrne.o. i uuuontmo positions to be filled. Salary $600 to 11200. Free instructions. Write Imme diately. Government Positions Bureau, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED All around Journeyman tai lor or coat maker; work by niece or week, or will sell one half or all estab lished tailoring business, at Skagway, Aiaeaa. azt Btara m.. rnrimnu, WANTED Young men, prepare for po sltions as telegraphers, station as sistants; good opportunities, easily and quickly acquired: day and evening classes. Oregon College. 83 6th St. RAILWAY mall clerics, commencement salary $800; spring examinations; preparation free; write immediately Franklin Institute, department 40., Rochester, N. . WANTED Experienced grafters. Also gooseberry and currant cuttings, R. Ann and Iimbert cherry scions. Ad dress Lafayette Nursery Co., Carlton, Or. MOTION picture operators earn $35 weekly. You can learn the business in a short time; easy work, short hours. lesson reasonable; positions secured. See Newman. 208 Burnslde st. WANTED Intelligent man; must be a hustler and furnish Al references, to buy Interest in my flourishing real eatate business, 406 Coiich bldg. WANTED Reliable party loin estab lished business, cashier- duties easy; small capital required. S261 Washing ton St.. room 416. Call Sunday 10 to 8. TRAVELING salesman for stocks and bonds wanted for Washington state; good commission and salary; reference. 205 Wella-Fargo mag HAN SENS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 2B IN. za St., rorinnu. Phone A and Main 1526. Help free to employers WANTED Live young man with $200 to take charge of agents' office, ex perience not necessary. 606 Swetland lUlldlng. SALESMAN wanted to represent us. ex perience unnecessary, $75 to $160 per month and expenses or commission. Yale Claar Co., Indianapolis. Ind. JAPANESE and Chinese students; pri mary classes In English now forming. See Mr. MacAnnen, Antlers hotel; even ings 6j30toj(. TWO unemployed men or ladles, secure orders for signs and window cards; easy woi'k; will divide profits. Room 9fr Heaver nm-i. WANTED Experienced retail dry goods man to act aa superintendent; state wages and salary; also references, B-21, Journal. GET out of the rut; don't be a slave, go Into business for yourself and get all you earn. Call room 1019 Board of Trade. WANTED Ambitious young man to take half interest in good paying bus iness; very little money required. Call 181 Madison at. and see for yourself. IF YOU are a solicitor or wish to solicit and desire permanent paying position, call or write to 209-210 Marquam bldg-. Portland, ur. WANTED Good special edition man: Inquire for "Advertiser." Imperial Hotel. Monday 1:30. -AN honest reliable man; $160 per month to right party. Call 2086 4th. HELP WANTED FI-MAXJB 2 WAblTED Girl for housework '- part day Sunday free, sleep at home; wages IIS. sol R.earn y mr -i, WANTED First class marker and assorters at East Side L-iundry. East Ash and tn. WAITRESS also old lady to wean dishes; call between 10 and' 11 a. ro. 115 12th st NIGHT SCHOOL English, arithmetic. shorthand, bookkeeping, penmanship. E. B IT.. 629 Worcester block. A-6446. WANTED A lady eook at Howard. Or.; wages $5 a week to cook for one man. Alfred rsicnois, nowarq, nr. WANTED A strong girl to take care of Invalid; good home for right party. B-26. Journal t FIRST class work at moderate prloea. our mono. Moo-rn rainless Dentists, 268 Aldr. corner 3d. HOUSEKEEPER in country; mil. lie aged lady preferred; good borne, Hgd-t HELP WANTED -FEMALE CASH ADS vnder this classification. 1 cent per word per Insertion, three Insertions for the price of two. WANTED Young ladles as telugr- phers-stenographers; pleasant , anj profitable profession; good salaries anl permanent positions; opportunities never were better; quickly and easily acquired. Call Immediately. Oregon College, 83 6th st. ., .. SALESMAN and district managers, mtl or female, for Oregon and Washington. Only those of ability and accustomed t handling high grade propositions. Call or write today and all week. N. W. S, Co.. 608 Board of Trade, Portland. Or. . SOLICITORS for high class demonstrate ed specialty; exclusive territory fr Oregon, Washington-, or Idaho. Call, Sundav 11 an tn I Mnnrinv ft to 4 ' Call or write N. W. 8. Co., 501-8-4 Board of lraoe, ortiana, -or. WILL give a good home to a middle agea or elderly lady, to assist wun light housework: small remuneration. Address Mrs. Lewis Shattuck, Oreshajn, ur, LADIES wanted to sell Lady-Manches ter b vompiexion water a. itanasoinu fold locket and chain to purchasers. 15 weekly. Wilcox. 41 W. 21, New York. WANTED Girl for general housework; In family of three; must be able to do plain cooking. Call Sunday. 675 Weld ler at,. Broadway or Irvtngton car, HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. , " . 843 4 Washington et, cor. 7th., up- atalrs. Phones A and Main 268$. '. Carefully selected help free. MIDDLE aged lady to keep house for 2 persons, good home and small pay. 1668 Van Houten . st, Portsmouth st : tlon, St Johns car. WANTED To give some poor girl good home, must be honest and be tween 16 and 20 years old.- Address P. O. box 15, Vancouver, Waeh. j ; WANTED 100 boyt and girls to take 8 months' course in new school of music for $10; all Instruments taught; . special for January. Phone M. 78. WANTED Girl for general housework. , 181 E. 16th. Phone East 1693. WANTED Teachers for Chinese mis sion. Apply superintendent. 60s Mill. ; HELP WANTED SIALE AND 1 FEMALE 29 DO YOU want to make some money? Young people or women do well with our proposition. Agents wanted ' In every town on the coast No money invested. Good legitimate work. Write or call 206, Fenton bldg., Portland. WANTED Two lady solicitors for tea and coffee: one gentleman solicitor of experience for wholesale butter. In quire 546 Marshall st. Call Sunday p.nt. WAITRESSES, city. Heppner, $25; do mesticst cooks, country hotel, male, female. Call "Drake's" 206 Washing ton. FEW people to work for us; guaranteed salary $2.50 per day; also commission. Give phone. F-906. Journal, WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS Are you an agent? Do yeu want to be an agent? Do you want to make money in your spare time, or ?et into a permanent business? Send or free copy of this month's "Thomas Agent." Read about new agency propo sitions, new plans and sure money-making pointers, and experiences of thou--sands of successful agents. If already an agent, state what you are now sell ing. Addresa today, "Thomas Agent," 376 Wayne ave.. Dayton, Ohio. WANTED One man in every locality in United States to advertise and in- troduce our goods, tacking up show cards. Commission or salary; $90 monthly, and expenses. We lay out your work; experience unnecessary. Write, " " Empire Medicine Co., London. . Ontario. ' Canada. AGENTS Over $1000 profits made last - three weeRa in December by W. B. Wilcox of RIverton, Neb., and his sub- , agents on Ptoeo Disinfecting Cabinets. Our new Phone Dislnf ector now ready. We want general agents capable of em ploying . and . managing canvassers. Parker Chemical Co., Clilca go. BIG proposition to agents; $4 daily made; experience unnecessary; 100 t' 150 per cent profit; sells to every on. Write quick. American Mfg. Co.. suite f02. 280 Broadway, New York. AGENTS to handle biggest money-mak- i ing fire extinguishers; special start ing offer; exclusive territory; $76 to $300 per month. Badger Chemical Man ufacturlng Co., Milwaukee. Wis. SALESMEN 200 to 800 per cent profit selling specialty every merchant and business man wants; quick cash sales; unlimited quantities. Write Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren st, Chicago, 111, WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substi tute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars, Gisha company. Anderson, Ind. AGENTS Cheap patented household articles are money makers today; we have live ones; samples free. Leltner Brush Co.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED Live agents to sell photo coupons. Apply C. Elmore Grove, 361 Washington. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES . 63 C R. Hansen Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. ' Men. 26 N. 2d. Main 1S26. Women, 341 Wash st Main $693. Help supplied free to employers. HANLEY & O'NEIL " Employment Office. Main 727. A-2290. T N. td st DRESSMAKING 40 CASH ADS under this classification. 1 cent per word per Insertion, three insertions for tne price of two. ATTENTION . LADIES We make the latest style skirts to measure, from your own material, for $3. Absolutely nigh class work and perfect fit guaran. teed. Also suits and costumes. The Elite Tailors. 54 Wash. Main 3025. FIRST CLASS dressmaking and tailor ing at home or by the day. Phone E. lf. M-13H. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College.' 806 Stearns bldg. Ladies make your own gowns nere. Kates reasonable. CALL ON ANGELES DRESSMAKING- PARLORS. 242 6TH ST., MAIN 882. DRESSMAKING by day or at home. 314 N. 15th et. MUSIC TEACHERS 40 PIANO lessons given by experienced teacher, touch and technic a apeclal ty. 814 E. 28th st Phone Bellwood 1. GENT offers piano, English or Latin lessons In exchange for room. D-967, Journal. LADY pianist at partiea; teaches home; practice at studio If desired, 190 W. Park. Main 1164. t PIANO, violin, trombone sad clarinet Prof. Smith. 393 12th. iL 470J. A-3860. --- E. TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Bevcilt; A-4lo. 3i fine. . . M. C. SMITH, teacher of pUno. 41 feal mon. Main 7340. Beginners a specialty. iiiwm wain f -v. .- -r . LOUIS A. CRSITZ. teacher or violin. i-none Main i. m "" SITUATION WANTEDMALE 3 COACHMAN Wanted. P"" . " coachman by experienced young man, best reference. P-907. Journal. , SITUATION of some "1"' f 6 small plant Phone East 251ft. CARPENTER work by day or contract " very nnable. Mam z(. . WAVTFDCarpenter work of any kind, w ft-Vphone Woodlawn iooo. W . -ga; """"" COOk In any capacity , want. Jot . In er z i , I N. 6th, room- 81. t LUMBER-wishes steady position; li ni Ai-KillTH by trade wants iiu- BVKon- run. R-897. Journal. TvrXugHTSM AN. architect and m--.DA.-kgl drswiag. There Main o 1 . vnrNG man, 18, wants poatilott la tis Address 66 N- 7th t. au', D all around handy ! v. wr, i . ,, Psitlnn a. office b"y. w.-v GOOD-reliable yaun'g rrri --, . " , - "-7 ALL aROC'ND man. t-l-ii '. VifeVenc. 15 P'rl et. IcA RPK T ER wn w o i b j contract, aiain n'.