7 ". NEW TODAY. MEETING NOTICES 41 .FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE .16 "j- 4T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Irt THE OREGON SUNDAY- JOURNAL; PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24, -1909. Manufacturers . : Jobbers arid , ' Warehousemen ! . . ' W r . ' -" Attention W3 HAVE A NUMBER OF VERY 1 VALUABLE JUTES' FOR '" EITHER PURPOSE '. " .'. -,rv. ,-' t.- We have a tract bf 1009 feet of river frontage with deep water, railroad track and electric, track conveniences, for sale at a right and attractive price; will be suitable for a large factory or mill site. ' WHOLE ' BLOCK, on railroad sotin with trackaee on one side, and electric line on the other si4e, well located and a Very" desirable buy at the price of f 1TO.UW., ; . HALF BLOCK, in the vicinity of th new ""' warehouse "district, high, good elevation, gooti location, attrac tive price anq a very desirable pur chase. ."'. ' i . . Also have several " QUARTER . BLOCKS, with trackage facilities, in different parti of the city at very, at tractive prices. "t , Be sure and call upon us if you want g6od properties for either of the' above purposes. Charles K. Henry & Son 250 Stark Street Portland, Or, Fruit and Walnut Lands acre to 20 acre tracts cleared and uncleared .. . - . i Between Beaverton and Reedville On S. P. R. R. and Oregon Electric lines H5 Minutes from Portland Best black loam soil, adapted' to fruit, walnuts and diversified planting $75 to $3J0 Per Acre EASY TERMS Small payment down, balance to suit. Special inducements to builders. We plant trees and care for them if desired. For Choicest Lands & Best. Terms See Equity Investment Co. Suite 608 Gerlinger 'Bldg., 2d and Alder, Portland. Oregon. , WHEAT LANDS FOR SALE 6000 acres of well selected wheat lands in eastern Ore gon and Washington offered at a bargain. Terms. TI10S. C. DEVLIN Receiver Oregon Trust & Savings Bank., INo' Agents Fraternal Orders and Secret Societies Want ing Sites For halls or ldge purposes in the downtown part of the city, should have their committees call on us, for we are prepared to supply very attrac tive sites at very reasonable prices, as we make a specialty of dealing in downtown inside property for such purposes. Charles K. Henry & Son 250 Stark Street Portland i A Beautiful Home On East 16th at, near Morrison, new 7 room house,, wRh every modern conven ience, large lot 80x100, fine lawn, trees, shrubbery, all street Improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. For price and terms see Western Land Co. 417 Board of Trade bldg. Business'1 Opportunities For Information about -LUZON IRRI GATED ORCHARD TRACTS, or town lota in the new town of . Bee Moore Investment Co.' Luxon seeda a hotel, general store, blacksmith .shop, barber shop, - butcher shop, bankt in fact -.every- business to build up a new and first class city, " - Moore Investment Co. aFarette Bldg,, eth and Wash. St. riortgage-Loans f Lowest rates of Interest. X.OUXS BAXOMOV, . 3 Btark StMV aaax BeooaS. MEETIJ NOTICES 41 ASTRA Mrclv- officers, guards and members are requested to meet in the Woodman temple, at 12:30 today to at tend the funeral of our late neighbor, Mrs. FuHam.-whlch will be held from Flnley's t t jx m. J, - 7 , r PABSOTT, Clerk. M. W. A. Oregflrt Grape Camp. No. 7$, Mondays. Selllng-Hlrsch block. 10tb and Washington streets. . M. W. A. Evergreen Camp, $466.- meets Wednesday evenings, Alisky bldg. Id and Morrison sta.. . . x : ' , FOR' LEASE - - '. That antlr uwnnil floor of the 6 vurts block, corner of Front and .Glbbs lts.. containing, a public hall, with wall eats and reception rooms; else 50x60 feet; a carpeted lodge room 86x50 feet, with anterooms and Jdtchen. Will lease for term, of years. Apply to owner. I. Gevurta, 178-176 1st St. THE MEMBERS of the jolllest club - on earth wish to announce that their danqing parties will be held every Fri day evening-. Knights of Pythias hall. Jltn ana Ainer t. rrasp-s iuii r-r-Set ra . Bw.t rnnriU floor in the city. Orand prize masquerade ball, Friday, irfo. iz. poverty pan, jrumy, wren a. - Mt. Hwd Circle - W. of W. will give a military whist at the East Bide woodmen nan, m ana Airier. Tuesday. Jan. 28. 8:80 D. ra, Re- freshmen ts and' dancing.' Admission 16c. A MAROIIK.R Alw hall will be given by the Modern Brotherhood of America Baturaay evening. January 30. in w. u. W. tftmple. Eleventh street. Admission ascents. -. ,. - PROSPECT company. 140 have postponed their dancing party of January 28. on account of the death of the beloved wife of Lieu tenant-vul lam. -? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 BARGAINS . ... " "-- - in VACANT LOTS . $500.. 50x85, corner Hamilton ave, and West at Elegant "Unobstructible View. a . $3000 4 lots, 200 fee frontage, on ' ' BROADWAY. $500 cash and your.own way for balance. And It's only a few blocks east of . IRVINGTON - . I at that. i 2 LOTS, '26x100 EACH. Only 60 feet oft - . PIPPIN ST. . ' V and THE NEW CAR LINE to PACKING TOWN Along PIPPIN 8T. for QUICK MONET. m less tnan six months LOTS ALONG PIPPIN ST. - ' will bring such prices that Tou'll WONDER how long YOU'VE Buy good vaqant lots. DO IT NOW. M COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg 109 4th at. For Sale or Exchange room modern hdtise. lot 75x 100. on B. 80th, t.. east front: fToperty nicely kept, all street mprovements in; . price $4000; mortgage of $1600; would ex change for equity ror horses, cat tle or implements anything use ful on the farm. 7 room house, lot 50x100, 2 blocks from postofflce in St. Johns; rents for $13 per month; mortgage of $800. due In 2 years; house insured for $700; price $2000; will exchange equity for anything useful on the farm. 6 room house, rull lot. near Mount Tabor street car: nice lit tle home; rents for $14 per month; value $2100; there is due now $1260, payable $160 per year. 6 per cent: would exchange equity of $860 for vacant property or aome small established business. Otto & Harkson 133H First St. New Home on Willamette Heights Just being completed. Four bed rooms, large living room, dining room and kitchen; hardwood floors, plate glass furnace, fire place, full cement basement; pavement; 'splendid view. Inquire W. F. STfflE BIT Corbett Bldg. Phone M. 6578 A-1978. TOO LARGE -room modern house in the handiest part of Central East Side: close to the new nign scnooi; small corner lot; line lawn and roses. I will exchange for smaller house and a larger lot in some good suburb; will give terms on the dif ference if it comes, that way. Henkle & Harrison 611 Gerlinger Bldg. s 7 room, strictly modern residence. full cement basement, wash trays, piped for furnace. 1 block from car on E. 2 2d st., in walking distance; $3700. $1200 cash, balance terms; house al most new. Kauffmanand Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! GOOD LOT. 60x100, In one of the best additions in East fortiana. Terms $25 cash, and balance monthly on monthly payments. Also a numoer or cnoice lots In the vicinity of Woodstock for ( sale reasonable. Terms $10.casn and $10 per month. can 20 Lumber Exchange. $100 CASH, balance $15 month, 6 room modern cottage, llioo. $86 each, a few lota with bearing fruit trees. ; 4 $1600-100x90, Bunnyside . district produced $60 worth fruit last vear. AILoWURTn-KrTON CO.. 718 Chamber of Commerce. $4600 THE choicest available building site on Portland Hcignts, loox 100. 8. E. corner 17th and Spring; splendid view, and one block from car line; exception ally good buy: $2500 cash needed to handle. See The Spaa ton Co., 270 Stark st. ' ' TILLAMOOK ST. And vlrlnltv. close In. I have for sale some good little buys tn cottages, 6 and 6 rooms. Some on fractional, some on full lots. Good homes or rental invest ments. All walking distance.- R. Stipe. 720 Chamber of Commerce. $2200 MOSTLY CASH. Good . room house near Lewis and Clark fair grounds, fractional lot fronts I on. car line; house in good condition; rente for $15 per month. Things doing here in the spring, better look it up. Room . 221 V4 Morrison st. - GOVERNMENT farms free; -our 11J page book, "Vacant Government Land," describes every acre In every county in U. S.. How secured free. 1909 dia grams and stables. All about free Irrl- fated farms. Price 25c, postpaid. Webb ub, Co.. Dept 272, Bt Paul, Minn. I HAVE. nie house and 60x100 lot, gas. electric lights, all modern, tinted walls, hot ain furnace, full basement rood location. I will take $3300, worth 3600 any man's money. Will consider a lot in good locality; terms. H-909, JournaL $500 EACH Two choice lots with ideal i east vtew. Mount Tabor, can be bought for $250 down and $16 per month; very desirable for home. The Spanton Co.. 20 Stark at. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. , One of the best S room houses, fur nace and fireplace, full lot. 1 block from car. $7500; terms. - ,. ' MOSSMAN V PARTRIDGE. ' 408 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 641. BUYERS When, looking up farms and city realty, call or. write H. T. Ab steln, realty, 1023 Board of Trade bldg. No. 1. bargain uncleared fruit land. No 6. fiver dairy land;. something good. No. 14. pit k UP equity in city lots.- , IF YOU have the lot we will build the horn oh easy terms. Phone Main 64S. DON'T pay rent; buy a home on easy payments. Room 1019. Board of Trad. !260 Lot, 25x100; west side. 350 Lot, 26x100; west aide. ' 450-Lot, 26x100; west side. ' .J $500--L6t, 25x100; west, side - $750 Lot, 424xl00; west side. 1850 Lot. 60x100: went aide. " 1 Ten per.cen,t cash and 2. per. cent a ui'Miiit on any 01 me aDove. J. P. KENNEDY. 329 Marquam bldg A word with you this evening,' we have , ranches, rooming houses, hotels, residence properties, for..sale, reht a,nd exenange : right prices and terms. ea, ter & Richardson. 122 Grand ave. $7fc0 AN exceptional '- opportunity to ' -dld view of both west side and f .Mt. Tabor, located' on E. 10th' at.. Brooklyn Heights. Thls'i a bar gain and will make, terms to suit purchaser. See The Spanton uo, zyo etarK St. MONEY TALKS. '. . $1350 cash takes dandy .4 room house, Al condition, lot OxlOO.'anced. fruit, rosea, berries, garden, ' Woodshed and workshop combined, - near Kern Park station. Come in and aee photo. This one must sell quick. Room 8, 221Vi Morrison at. RESIDENCE. Modern 8 room house, E. 10th St., full lot, cement sidewalk, all for $3500.. $4500 Modern residence, E. Morrison St., near 12th at. .- .,. i , . LAMBERT-WHITMER CO., 404 E. Alder St. 1 BUNGALOWS. We have' some swell ones, $3000 to $4000; very easy terms;' small payment oown; nice location! i block to car: fire place, hardwood floors; strictly modern ana up to date. -Bee us quicK. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO., Suite 608 Gerlinger bldg.. Sd and Alder. $1000100x100, BETWEEN Hancock and Broadway, finest view and elevation on eaat side;. 22. minutes from Morri son bridge; cement sidewalk and. curb, graded street; an ideal residence loca tion; $100 cash, balance easy terms. Ad dress P. O. box 15, Station C, Portland. CHEAP HOMES. Full lot, 6 room house, including pi ano; prlc $1160; $660 handles it. Lot and Smooth house, bath, gasrvt'?., nice fruii; price with good terms, $1850. ' ZIMMERMAJSf, 621 Board of Trade. $3200 NEW, 2 story. 6 roomw. attic, bath and reception hall, dwelling well built, paneled walls, den. and all modern improvements, full lot. situated on N. 16th St.; will make exceptionally good terms if sold within next week. The Spanton Co.; 270 'Stark st. $27,600 WHOLE block fronting on Grand and Union avenues; this Is the cheapest lot to be had In this vicinity, and will net a substantial profit as a specula tion. See The Spanton Co., 270 Btark st. LEAVING CITY Will sell home, 7 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, base ment and beautiful 100x100 well located corner.-for $1760; $1050 down; a posi tive bargain, investment or home. Port land Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. 1 1 Per Cent Investment Four 6 room flats, in good location. paying more than 11 per cent, and grow ing into money besides. 718 Chamber of Commerce. $2260 BUYS a new 5 room bungalow with all improvements, well con structed, on lot 60x100. on W. W. carline; $300 cash. $20 per month nt 6 per cent. See The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. $1500 HALF CASH. 100x100, In Sell wood, near where the new car barn and clubhouse will be built; fair 4 room house, fruit, garden, chicken house, stable; house only 2 years old. Room 8, 221 Morrison st $2600 SPLENDID cottage, 6 rooms and bam, tot suxiio, situated on Vernon ave.; stationary tubs, pantry, and other improvements; $800 cash, balance easy. See The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. $r.O CASH. $15 per month buys $500 lot 50x100, including all Improvements near Hancock St.; high and dry; 22 min utes from Morrison bridge. Address P. O. box 15. Station C, Portland. NEW 6 room house, just being finished in Multnomah addition, $500 cash. balance to suit. t -MOSSMAN & PARTRIDGE. 408 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 542. S1200 J200 DOWN, balance 315 per month, new 4 room bungalow, 4 blocks from car; lot 40x100; rented for 110 per month; might take smaller monthly payment. Room 8, 221 Morrison st BEST buy in Elberta, 6 room modern house, half block from car: worth $2700, will take $2500 on terms, or will trade for Bay City property at Tllla mook. Courtols, 1033 E. 29th st. N. 164 FEET frontage on Thurman street 80 deep; now paying good returns on investment. This will grow In value rapidly; JlS.ooo; terms. Atlas Land Co., 420 Lumber Exchange. $650 EACH Two choice lots on Tilla mook St., adjoining Irvlngton: cemented walks and curbs in and paid. These nre bargains. See The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark St. FIVE lots, facing river, north and east or Oaks Dulldlng site: none finer; na tive grove trees: 17 minutes' car ride. Phone Sellwood 69. L0VEJ0Y SNAP 50x100, at a bargain. 18 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA 8NAP Make fair offer for Iiljr iiiuuci ii w iuiiiii uuiihiuw , yi OIOCK from car; called east; lots 80x100. 1034 K. 2ath st. N. A BEAUTIFUL home on East Washing- ron St., rents ror 27, worth 13600, will take $3200; $1700 down, balance easy payments, vu cucnanan bldg. BUY a lot; $5 monthly; stop paying rent. Price $200 each. Now la your chance. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com merce WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. 1 $21,000 Half block in warehouse dis trict on E. 3d St.; One of the best buys on the east side; $5000 will handle It. C. J. CULLISON has severed his con nections with Portland Real Estate Co. and is now at rooms 2 and 3, 205 H Morrison st. . FRACTIONAL business lot near Grand ave. and Washington: bargain for few days. Inquire at 834 3d st, room 341. MUST sell qulty $600 in house and lot 2 blocks from carline, or will pay dif ference in trade for meat market Y-904. Journal. NEW 6 room buugalow houxe near Lents. Mt. Scott carline; phone or write today. Room 3: Calumet hotel SNAP Five acres near Rose City Park; $3160. Webb. 83 3d st, Room 141. BRUCE WOLVERTON has moved from 334 Mohawk bldg. to room A, Lumber Exchange bldg. NOTICE 4 room house, I lots, $1100; $75 down,, balance on easy, payments. 1001 27th st N. . Phone Wood. 483. THIS week only, 4 room cottage, half acre, on peninsula, $1600; terms. D-908, Journal. HOUSE and lot in Waverlelnh Heights for sale. Inquire 180 West ave. N.; take Monta villa car. $6250 WILL buy a beautiful home in 8. Portland; a bargain. 320 Swctland bldg TWO lots. Portland Heights, and cash. to trade for modern 4 or S room house: valuer about $2600. Q6 Swetland bldfi. A FORCED sale of real estate. If you want a bargain call at $20 Corbett bldg. . 4 ROOM house and 3 lots, near the packing house, at Peninsula, for sale Cheep. Phone C-2039. 4' ROOM, cottage, modern, $1360; $250 cash, balance monthly, state Land Co., 1S3H 1st st - SNAP $776, east side lot walking dis tance; lots adjoining are $00. 608 Main st. Oregon City. . - $1.00 WEEK will buy-4-estrleted lot. or ' will trade. Owner. $19 Swetland. $5(00 BUYS 11 room mooern house mni , lot; terms. Call I0 tn at s; FOR BALE REAL ESTATE 16 A CORNER 100x100, with a 5 room 'house, on Skldmoro st. ; price $2650; $1100 cash. - ' .(' . A lot 63x100 with 3 6 room modern houses, '.rent for' $40 per month, on Union ave.; price $6500; this is a snap; the - contract price of building was $4000; the lot Without anything on it is worth $3600, making $7600., A lot 60x100 and a 6 room house, mod ern with furnace in basement, 250 feet from carline; price $2600, $600 cash and $20 per month. ' A fine 6 room house and lot 60x100 on 10th St., near Skidmore; house mod ern' with furnace in basement; price $3000. ' A lot on Knott St., 60x150; price $2000. ' A lot near Union ave., 60x126; price $14,00. ' A lot on Jfnlon ave., near Russell St., 60x125, price. $5000. A corner lot and a half on Union ave.; price, $6000. A corner on Union ave. and 'Russell St., 62x100; price $8600. .STITES and PEPER -: 520 Union ave'., N. Phone East 4285. FOR SALE Small, cosy, modern cottage, close to 3 canines; fine location; very reasonable. New 6 room house, corner. 2 lots. close to Portland boulevard; $2100; terms. Small house, lot near Portland boule vard: $450. New, modern 5 room house, full corner lot, on Klllingsworth ave.; $2150; terms; Desirable lots et reasonable prices and terms; any part of peninsula. Farms for sale or trade, also acreage. If-you have anything to sell or winh to buy or rent call and aee us. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE CO., 3 26 Worcenter bldg., or Willamette Bta. .ream For This Week Oily - $1200 for S beautiful, nice and sightly -lots 60xlO0 each; on St. Johns carline, near Cedar park. 80S Gerlinger bldg. FINJ3 lot In Firland, cloSe to car; only $325; terms; fine lot in Tremont place, 40x120 and 20 for alley, near car, only $250. part cash; 2 fine ltfs in Woodlawn cheap. New 6 room cottage on Powell Valley road, 3 .blocks from Gray's Crossing ' station, only $850; terms. Good farm, 120 acres. 6 miles from Salem, near church arid school, 2 macadam road, 2 good wells, large barn, 6 room house, $125 per acre; terms. KEYSTONE REALTY CO., 212 Allwky bldg. GOOD 2 room house and lot, 76x100, near Gray's crossing; fruit trees and berries; price $700; .$375 cash, terms on balance. Spencer 8c Co. 102 2d st. 2 STORY building, all rented nnd pay ing 10 per cent on price asked. Will trade for Food vacant property or house and lot. Price $4000. 7 room house, full basement, bath and toilet: lot 66x110. corntr, at University Park. $2500; only $250 cash, balance same as rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Chamber of Commerce. 6-KOOM house, one-half acre ground, on east side; full cement basement, city water and bath: on car line; prloe and terms reasonable. 6-room modern house. one-half acre ground, on east side; high and sightly; cement walk and steps. fine well and winamiu; iruu ana rones; on car line; price and terms reasonable. UKBUU.X I.N VK HTM KIN 1 UU., IT Healy block. E. Morrison and Grand $250 CASH and $15 per month will buv a beautiful home on Mount Scott carline; a snap for a few days only. SPENCER & CO.. 102 2d st. HpLLA DAY PARK 60x100 lot. 2 feet above grade- cement walk, sewer and water, south frontage. This is one of the few lots in this addition that can be bought below the market price; price $1350; terms $350 down, balance easy. Heilman & Lathrop (sign of the horse shoe), room 3 over Merchants' National bank. INVESTORS, ATTENTION. $2000, cash, 3 years, 6 room house, corner, 100x150; nice, level land, fine view; fruit, shade, etc.; lovely home. worth $3000; must sell; only live buyer wanted. "Money talks." See my ex clusive agents, West Coast Co., Grand Theatre bldg. LOOK THIS UP. Lot 60x100 and beautiful 8 room house (new); furnace, etc., sleeping porch, elegant fixtures. This Is a bar gain at S7500: will sell If desired: fine carpets; easy walking distance. Z1MMKKMAN, 621 Board of Trade. A. J. SALISBURY & CO. will buy, sell or exchange for any im proved or unimproved property in Port land, where the price is right, or will build you a home the kind that you like at a price that will surprise you. for cash or terms. 820 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ELEGANT CORNER $1200 Half cash, double corner lot. 100x100. 2 blocks car station; nice, level lawn, all Improved: good neighbors; fin est view on peninsula. Others all prices. See my exclusive agents. West Coast Co., Grand Theatre bldg. 7 ROOM HOME VERY CHEAP. From owner. 100x100: bath toilet. large chicken house, paved street, half block from E. Morrison streetcar. I mustisell at once at big sacrifice: $1500 cash will handle, balance no Interest Will snow tsunaay. rcast or b-iksm. BIG BARGAINS. $1500 Half cash, fine corner, lOOx 100. small house, nice lawn, fruit, flow ers, shade, paved, etc. If interested, see it soon; no agents, others all prices. West Coast Co., Grand Theatre bldg. Main 7862, A-183R. NOT a house, but a home, for $3000: 6 rooms, full cement basement, ce ment sidewalks, wash trays. Dutch kitchen; .will sell on easy terms. I will take a l1t .as first payment. Come and see. 'lanor lies. m-ziz. $13,000 The southwest corner of Union ave. and E. Everett. 3 buildings. For fur ther information, see J. J. Oeder. cor. Gri, nd ave. and E. Ankeny. LOTS, long Beach, at about H their value, exchange for city property or auto; sen st itu casn, t per month; great bargain. Miller. 430 Worcester bldg.. M. 1140. ACRES verv heart of Beaverton; good 9 room nouse ana Darn, rruit and rarden. on railroad and electric line, 3200. terms; or would trade. 622 Wor- cester bldg. M. 6179. BUY a chicken ranch:- big bargain in 2 acres. - modern home, 6 cent car fare; can subdivide ana make 14 lots. Realty Brokerage, Co.. 268 Stark st.. suite 32. v Nice lot. 26x100 on E. 18th. near E. Ankeny carline; look this up. -J. J. Oedor. cor. Grand ave., and E. Ankeny. IF you want to build, or want a specu lation. -buy lot at Wood me re for $160 each, one or all, on easy payments. Reslty Brokerage Co., 26g Stark st. suite $2. WE HAVE Just now a few nice east aide , homes, well located: great bargains, easy terms. 622 Worcester bldg: M. 179 LOOK at this room house, full corner lot, wslklnr distance,' 8. 1st st; east front and great view; $2400, $600 cash. Simpson. o! V rmmoer or '-commerce. BARGAIN 100x100, corner, heart of Sunny side, new modern 6 room cot tages, income $60 month, $6800, terms: worth $6QQ. f. 6179. DO YOU Wast to buy a" few nfee lots? We have some left $26 cash, balance at 1 19 per month. - $27 Board pf Trade. SUBURBAN HMEi-"1 $2600 For 6 full lots, 50x100 each, right on carline, west side, 6 cent fare. Improved with S room house, not en tirely finished, basement, fine, well and pump, small barn, chicken house and park; for quick ale will include; cow, chickens and household furniture; a splendid place to raise chickens; this is offered at a sacrifice aa owner is mov ing away immediately. The lots alone are 'worth $350 each. Half cash, bal ance to suit. - The Washington and Oregon . Realty Company 808-309 Merchants Trust bldg., Portland 6th and Washington. Phone Main 2404. All on one floor 3 large bedrooms. pass pantry, cement basement, furnace, modern plumbing, improved street, sewer, large lot, Sunnyslde. 2 blocks to car, walls tinted to suit, fine fixtures, new and up-to-date; price $3400: J500 down. Let us show you how conveni ently this is arranged. Conklin Bros. S02 Rothchlld bldg.. Cor. E. ' Hawthorne ave. 35th and -We Have 'Timber In large or small lots, to erTer at right prices; also city property, houses and vacant lots for sale or trade. Call and see us. - Stone & Butler 425 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE! BY OWNER. Modern 6 room house and 2 lots, 40x 128 feet each, .on corner; full cement basement; hot and cold water in kitchen. Imthroom and basement; natural fir finish; 160 choicest rose . bushes; ce ment streets and sidewalks; close in. Price around $8000; less than $2000 will handle it.' .Balance to suit at t per cent. O-900, Journal, or call East 1392: or B-1673. ' ' r- ' $3200 ' New house, 2- blocks from car, High land, $3200 Write me; $1000 will han dle this. Also some good buys In timber lands. Stone & Butler 425 Chamber of Commerce. $T0Q Investment;; . $tm, Nice Little Hoke, $T0 Will rent for $10 per month; nice level Improved corner lot; new plas tered house, near car, good neighbor hood, fine view, Haverstlck & Gallagher, 343 H Washington St. 60x100 ON 2D STREET, near Mill, 7 room house; cheapest on the market. Call on us for prices and terms. 82xJ00 on Hawthorne ave.. beautiful corner with two new houses and room to build another; a real bargain. See us about it. KNAPP & MACKEY. 213 Board of Trade bldg. Corner lot 73x126 H. alongside street car track, with a 6 room house, city water. 12 or 13 fruit trees, bearlne. and small fruit, close to Center of St. Johns; price $1300; $700 cash, balance long time. Espey-Meine Realty Co. 813 Commercial. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Corner of 21st and Johnson sts.. lOOx 100; the best corner In .the end goes at $15,000. Good Income property, close in. on east side, at a bargain. Don't fall to see this place. $12,000. Young, 572 Ger- llnger bldg. . . WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments. There Is no reason why you should not own your own home. Call and see us and let us explain how easy it is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. 60x100, NOB HILL. Beautiful corner lot a few blocks of Washington on 25th st. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., A. G. OANTNER, 820 BOARD OK TRADE BLDG. $500 NEW 6 room modern house, lot 68x100, graded street, sidewalks, full cement basement, chicken house and 1 dozen chickens; $45 range; on Alberta carline. $600 caslt. balance like rent; $2400. Inquire 629 Gantenbeln ave. WEST side 7-room modern house on Grant st. for sale; half cash, balance 6 per rent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. A. O. OANTNER, 820 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 100x100 BEAUTIFUL corner. E. Mor rison st.., 3 modern 6 room cottage. Income $60 month; worth $7000. For quick sale $5800. terms. 622 Worces ter bid. Main 5179. WE HAVE for sale new and modern homts in all parts of the city at first cost to build, cash or .terms. Priest & Everett. 253 V4 Washington st, room 10. Main 4076 LARGE 7 room new modern house, all Improvements In, large lot. close In, near Williams ave. A bargain at $4600; terms, or will take part trade. Inquire 6 29 Gantenbeln ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lot 128x112; the best buv at Heights. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. A. O. GANTNER. 820 BOARD OK TRADE BLDG. BARGAINS In homes; good location. fine climate, dairy, fruit and stock ranches; fine timber land, wej! located. Write for booklet A. L. Rainwater, Philomath. Or ANY ONE CAN OWN A LOT NOW! $3 a month gets a high, level, slgfctlv lot -on 6 cent carline; water in. $126. ADLER & KTJRNS. 226 Lumber Exchange. 1 FOR SALE 2 lots $425, Inside $375. and Alberta. $2500. non $450. C. Sheets, wood 458. in Vernon, corner 7 room house, 9th Corner lot In Ver 713 E 11th. Sell- $3250 -CHOICE block, prospective business property; also corner lot at a bargain, to close an estate. 327 Fall ing bldg. Phone Main 8429. FOR SALE i block and house, north west comer 10th and Mill sts. E- H. Habighorst. 208 Falling bldg. Phones Main 2122 and A-2122. BUILDERS OF MODERN HOMES To suit VOU Terms or cash. A J. SALISBURY & Commerce. CO.. 820 Chamber of! BIG snap, modern 8-rnoni house; large grounds, bearing fruit, nice lawn; North Mt. Tabor; $2000, $500 down. Owner. 170 2d st. WE DESIGN AND BUI LI) Modern homes on reasonable terms. MORRIS-EMERY CONSTRUCTION CO., 824 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUSINESS IXT $1260 28th St., near li. Couch., half cash. H. P. PALMER, 113 Commercial Club bldg. BARGAIN 6 room house, cor., 80x100' sacrifice by owner; laurelwood Psrk, Arleta, Mount Scott car. $1150 cash. Cor Hoyt and Woodbine, $2500 6 ROOMS, artisucally finished; bungalow, 60x100 corner lot; 2 blocks from carline; terms. T. W. Marshall. 3th and Hawthorne Ave. B ACRES, line soil, small house. H mile from Base Line road, close In: baraaln. Howard-Behnke Co.. 619 Swetland bldg LINGER not That tooth will rot; then. oh. the pain.- See the Modern Painless Dentists. 253 Alder, corner 3d. A big re- duet lontrnsww. l I jiT near 15th and Alberta; must b a bargatn; owner only. W-907. Journal. 2 4 ACRES, cteared, a snap; close to 'car: best buy In Oregon. Howard- Behnke Co.. 61 Swetland bldg. i ROOM house lot $8x100, at 1134 E. 21st st. near Alberta car. .Price $900 ess n. MAYES 4b Randolph, contractors and builders,. Plans - and specification furnished.- $17 Oregonlan bldg. M. 2611 CR. Dennett & Co. Real Ksute.: ' v Room $3$ C of C. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS 60x100. Broadway, corner, $250; $oQ down, $10 per month. 100x100, E. 32d st, near Irvington, $700; $200 down; a corner. 100x100. choice corner, Woodstock, near s hool and car, $150; $100 down, $10 per month. A snap. Large lot, containing half an acre. Mount Scott carline, $700; $100 down, balance $15 per month. 80x120. Milwaukle st, $425; $23 down, balance $10 per month. 50x100, corner, on West ave., $275; $50 down, balance $10 per month. One acre, cleared, 6c carline, $850; easy terms given. W. J. DAY and CO. 268 Stark st. $500- DOWN, balance monthly.: nice cor ner lot and 5 room house; 1 . block from E-A car, 29th and Oregon; a nice hom and a bargain, $2600. $3500 Lot 50x100. strictly modern home, 967 E. Flanders st.. 6 rooms. lance reception hall, pass pantry, hig cioseis, line oatnroom, heat plumninR gas jand electricity; furnace, cement floor in basement, built in refrigerator; hig porches, nice lawn, everything com plete; 1 block from car; will sell with or without furniture. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. Suite 60S Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Peninsular Bargains 9 rull lots, 60x100, on carline. near St. Johns postoffice; must be sold for J,ib0; si, 250 cash; its worth $5,000. Also one-fourth block' Mississippi ave.. In Falrport. 100 feet :rom car. 11.250: I $250 cash, balance $10 month. One- tniirlji block Delaware ave. and Boule vard, beautiful corner, 100 feet to car, $1,250, tcimiB; and 5 lots at Peninsular, 2ii0 each, easy terms; all great bar gains. SMITH & ELLMAKER. M-5179. 522 Worcester Bldg. INVESTMENT $13,000 NOB HILL QUARTER BLOCK. A fine house on one side bt the lot and room for APARTMENT BUILDINGS That will produce large returns on the investment. Come In and let us out line the proposition to you. We think it THE BEST EVER. THE COLUMHtA TRl'ST CO.. 714 Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth St. SUMYSIBB SNAPS Modern; seven rooms and reception hall, electric lights and gas, good base ment, two toilets, four bedroomH. com pletely furnished, shades and fixtures, cement walks; orner lot on Hawthorne, 13600 $2000 cash, bal. to suit. Flno corner lot right on the avenue, for business or residence, $1000 cash. Haw thorne Realty Co., E. 34th and Haw thorne. Tabor 616. I have two beautiful swell' new 8 room homes in this addition, each on a corner lot, which were built for homes by the present owners. Conditions ne cessitate an immediate sale in each case. Price $8500. Let me tell you about them. EDW. P. MALL Room 6. 265 Washington, cor. 3d A . nice Little Buy On Cambridge st., opposite piedmont, 2 blocks east of Union ave.; 4 room house with patent toilet, good cesspool, steet graded, sidewalks new, gas In front of property, lot 60x100; - price $1100, half cash, balance on or before 3 years. Otto & Harkson 133 H 1st St. Mcntavilla Snaps 11800 New 5 room, modern cottaae: bath hot and cold water, basement, two porches; lot 60x90: fenced: near car- line. Terms, $200 cash, balance $15 per montn. a nice nome ana a good invest uient. Western Land Co. 417 Board of Trade bldg. $200 BUYS 2 room house, 2 lots 90x90. Rayburn ave. $750, 300 cash, balance l;i per month. Bungalow, 5 rooms, modern, 3 blocks from Mount Scott carline on Powell Valley road, $1200; cash $600, balance per montn. r room house at Willamette heights, $4000; cash $1000, balance terms to suit NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 326 Washington st. BUNGALOW SNAP Owner will sell at this price for 3 more days; finely ar ranged; 4 rooms and bath, modern plumbing, basement, electric lights, plate rack, etc.; level view lots; corner, 88x 100; short walk to car; cash price, $1650; on easy terms; $600 cash re quired.. James C. Logan, 3264 Wash ington at. room 415. COZY home of 7 rooms and bath, mod ern plumbing, full basement, 60x100 corner lot, fine berry bushes strawber ries, corner on paved street all paid, 3 blocks to best 8 minute car service. Price $2450. Terms can be arranged. HEILMAN & LATHROP, "Sign of the horseshoe." Over Merchants' National bank. WEST Side, walking distance, 5 room. modern cottage, nearly new: recep tion hail, large attic, electricity, ga. porcelain bath, sink, wash basin, toilet, clothes closet, pantry, cement basement and side walls: corner; all improve ments paid; one block of S car. $2850 $1000 rash, hal. monthly. Phone M. 6518. EAST MAIN ST. 7-room modern house: full cement base ment; corner lot. 50x106: a beautiful home; $3,750: cash, $2,260, balance, 6 per cent. 2 vears. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. . A. G. GANTNER. 820 HOARD OK TRADE RLDG. .FOR SALE BY OWNER New ii room, modern cottage: vesti bule, bath, etc.; full concrete basement: hot and cold water; gas and electricity; Dutch kitchen: 2. blocks of Clinton Kel ly scnooi in vtaveneign rieignts. price l $2750. Call 851 E. Kelly st. W-W CarN BI RNS1DE DISTRICT. We have a swell 6 room modern hoiis, up to date m every respect, on corner lot. for $550. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club hldg. 790 EAST SALMON, near 23d; modern residence. furnace, electric lights, laundry tubs, $i50 cash; balance very easy terms For sale by owner; ln- q u I re on premises, ABRAMS and SON Exchange furniture house, 208 1st st. All kinds of rial estate. What have you? Phonf Main 4290. WILL flnanrc and build you a nice home n plan and terms to suit. WISCONSIN COOPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 303 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 817. NEW 6 room house near Broadway car line. an unusually nl"e home for the money. Price x-touu. lerms. HARDING & REYNOLDS. CO.. Main T60. 313 Chamber of Commerce. A. XEARLY now. modem a room int. I tage with bath; two lots: near Union ave and Alberta St., $IS0O, part rash. Write E. R. L., Box 196, Route No.' I, Portland. a Real snap." r Modern bungalow in Woodlawn, fur nished or unfurnished, for sale cheap Ross & Marphy. 614 Swetland bldg. BARGAIN No humbug. 5 room, mod ern bungalow; fine localitv; double lot; only ll750. 380 E. Washington. East. 1115. R-1437. ' SACRIFICE Owner will accept $1254 for now $1500 house, S rooms, plas tered. $350 down, balance $1 montn Adler Kums. 226 Lumber Exchange STRICTLY new ana modern 6 roo.n bungalow, 100 leet"1 to Alberta' car 10x100 corner; goes ror $2159, ..lOtM) rash. Phone quick. Main 6179. READ THIS $726 buys 6 room- plas" tered house: 3 lots, corner, 80x100; 4 blocks from carline: 6c fare. Call ltl Maaison. Main NEW strictly modern -rotm house, on Vaughn st, east of 23d et.;-full lot, at a bargain, on easy, terms. -p y,f Borney. room 15. 270H Washington - st T ROOM -modern house., largo lot. on Johnson.- east of Sld' st.. for sals cheap; easy terms. SJ-8. Journal. CORNER. 66 by 109, iSou tTTSix7hsr; $6700... J23V4 Washington st. room 3o. HERE ARE YOUR SNAPS! $5500 7 room bungalow, mod- ' em In every respeet; all double walls and double floored; fur- v nace; concrete1 basement and floor; lot 50x100; close In on E. -12th st . - i $4700 Modern t room hous. '.! concrete basement and. -Walks: 50x100 lot on E. 17th near TUla- j mook. , 32900 21st and R Main, a , -strictly modern bungalow cottage. -, ; $500 down, balance on. easy pay- ' ments. , $26008 room hous. modern i .v conveniences, electric lights and k . modern plumbing. 31st and Gladstone sts. - $2000 5 room cottage, modern- . t conveniences, hot arid cold water: lot 49x100; situated oil' E. 34th , and Grant. t " - . , $1800 Half acre with grapm. apples and cherries; abundanea . of fruit; 4 room cottage, close to . Lenfs carline. $500 cash.- bal ance easv payments. . ' ; . ' ' $lno 6 room house, corner i ' lot 45th and E. Stark Sts. . $350 Lots 5 and 6. block 5. - . half block from St. Johns car .. line in Northern Hill addition. 5 Must be cash. ' , $90060x100 lot on Florida st.,- ' close to F'ulton carline; lies fine; t v easy payments. .. ' The Dunn-Lawrence Co.'.;. 248 Alder St. FINE 16 acre tract, all out In fruit; good soli, no gravel; 1 mil from carline; fair house, 2 barns; . near church, school and . store. $4500, good terms. ' Fine 6 or 10 acre tracts near Portland, all In cultivation; no gravel or stone; near carline. $300 and $250 per acre, installments. Fine 10 acre tract at Eaglo' Creek. running water, small ' house, other outbuildings. Only $1000. $250 cash, balance install ments. To Exchange A good, new modern, 6 room house, well locat ed, for Salem property; also flno 60 acre tract near Kelso. Wash.; 10 acres cleared. 5 room house, some fruit, good spring. $1600. CHARLESON and CO. 411 Commercial Bldg. Phono Main 8965. A FEW GOOD THINGS 1 . n kAuiiA WAli btlllt and in every way a good place, on Ieo ave., near iseiiwooa s new ,V"! building cost the price asked. $300(M terms. PORTSMOUTH - - Lot 60x100. small house, good car penter shop, fruit and berries, 2 blocks from station. $1000: $350 cash, $10 per month. r . ' : A I Anui 1 Two lots 80x100. all In fruit and gar den; good 6 room bungalow; modern; hot and cold water, electric lights;. $1504), y, cash. bal. monthly. . We have some splendid buys In farms r unimproved and Improved with .stock.-j and implements all ready to go to work.ij Also, acreage at many points on the O. W. P. Ry. which can be bought-on small i payments. , , . f 0. W. P. Land Co. Waltin g Room. First and Alder ; MT.- TABOR v.a..A a f.u. h n f 1 nt ana I bungalow tracts that cannot be ex-," celled for view property, handy to car- 1 i4n- .in iraH, fnr HtTiAll residenca in 3. a good ' location. .'. . Jj Henkle & Harrison t 611 Gerlinger Bldg. f. This IMs Goost 60xl00on a corner on Union ave. and; EaBt Gllsan. Price only $6600. i EDW. P. MALL Room 6. 265 Washington, cor, id.; Two Fine Bargains $1600 Nice home on Ivy' st, near Mississippi ave.; terms. . ., ' 12800 Fine 7 room house in Wood-,vj lawn; close to carline. I', PEKLc. I U. liBiHT, . Jj 419 Corbett bldg. Phone A-1683. : J 1 Ty car gams m uujr riupcur r tenn rrn.1 lnta I'nlversltv Park. U.- $30006 fine lots, Portland Heights;. splendid view. "... 4 lots in aidiiw: jrooa uuy. . PER LEY B. LENT, " 5 419 Corbett bldg. Phone A-1683. !.: i rrxr t-mt- Tut Two line 6-room modern houses, on , lOOxTOO: 15.000. half cash, balance . per cent; win sell single. . J . . . . . ... ........ ..... ... Tn . rw.r i.r 820 BOARP OF TRADE BLDG. GOOD 6 room cottage close to Brooklyn , school; snap at $1560; $260 cash. 4 .1 room cottage. Missoutf ave., small lot, , onlv $975, about $360-cash, 1 acre. S v room ' house furnished for $1650; -eay term and near O. W. P. car. i. 3. McCarthy. 827 Mohawk bldg. V RING UP MAIN 6530 r For 6 acres, 10 acres, 12 acres, 1$ acres. 6 Nacres, single acres. See ui for bargains in acreage the rest of thia month. Oregon .Honjea ..Co., 221H' Mot ' . rison st. $6,500. Beautiful 60x100 corner, with new ' 8 -room modern house, on list and Mult nomah sts.-- ' ? PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO, A.-G. GANTNER. 820 BQARD" OF TRADE BLDG. FOR SALE! S room strictly modern house, for less than can be built for. In one of the best residence locations In Vancouver, 19th and Main ; must sell at once. Address) H. O. THplett 1900 Main . . . . - ... t.i. . . , . : , .nvwivgr, tvmbii. rnmir wmii $050 HALF cash. 4 room double boxed house, lot 40x100,. 20 fool alley: fenced, garden, near restricted district; 6 blocks from Mount Scott car This Is less than actual cost. Room 8, 221 Vs Morrison St. DO TOU want a nice corner lot on IUw-thorne- ave., with good house, oppo site the Burrelt residence for $6000? The cheapest buv on the market. KfjAPP ' MACKKV 213 Board of Trade bl lg $700 NICE 60x90 lot. Rrnfiwy , ement walks, curbs, water Included in prirV.: S. good buy on. verv easv trm.s Jamej C Logan, $JL'SVi Washington st.. room 416, $17504 KOOM plastered cot tage. SO 100 lot. E. 9th, sooth of Shaver: $550 cash, ' balance terms Raxworthy. . Marshall. Phone A-Zl $900 ROOM cottage. 60xl"O lot, E. , '18tb,'l block south of Albert car; $250 cash, balance lerms. Raxworthy. , 697 Marshall. . GOOD BUSINESS LOT : .Ok100 Alberta car, cheaS for cash or -terms.- -See 193 4th. - . ; BARGAIN-$:TbT S room pottage, new. all modern: lcvtn city; wke t, cnr. get off SKidmor. 4 blocks west to 14 Montana ave. 6 Xr10 ' At m.res. Phone -2110. , Call 621 r-H.mher of Commerce. i...'.,. mjiW hO"". corner lot.r;ox leOE. lUh nd Bhaver; $2100 rnsh. balance t.rmS, Raxworthy, 7 Mar shall. Phon- n-t-'i. . III) 1 1. X - i under way; ": r- x . x m, - - - - j - . . . i . " X kAViibs fti 1 1 lot- i m nrrvv A UVTreVt cimVt sMaJk. H b.o. k Fulton car: price $14t'0. "jj.'r''' !. lH)K $!'! down and $ 1 5 p-r tn..-: t takes new 6 room cot tar,, ncsr t - lie-: onlr 11400. Call .2""- .4 ; ' BUY, sell, exchange? Aom., - hare? Quick returns at -.- building.