The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 24, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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tn : . if . iui ' n .iff
1 0.000 MPS FOR
Jutland Club Is Planning
Distribution for March
Automobile Show.
.'- Tn thousand wngon'road map 'f
Oregon will r pnntea oy ui ron
.' lanH Antomffblle club for distribution
t In March aula show. They will be
In the snap of pamphlets, according
to present plans, and will be handed
' eut to vieitors from the dealers' booths.
. Draughtsmen have been at work on the
naps for some time and they will be
printer snomr. me nrnpa win in
valuable te motorists who intena iour-;-
lug the state. ;
n'-, i
' The Portland Automobile Commission
feouse has a class of i men at work
In their automobile school learning; how
- to run and repair machines. The class
rooms are located In the repair shop
of the firm and the teaching Is all of .
practical kind. The students are taugot
to repair any kind of a break In a
v machine and how to run their cars.
- Charles Kepple Is superintending the
school, while W, Vf. McKenaie acts as
bis assistant.
Motorists of. New York whose cars
have carried ' danling earchllghts,
have been busy 'modifying them to com
. ply with the new ordlnanoe which re
' quires them to b shaded so their ryl
will not. confuse -either drivers or pe
destrians. '. C. H. Burman, western sales mana-
ger of the Peerless Automobile com
. f panv, was In Portland early hi the
week. He Is on a trip around the
western automobile circuit and reports
. that trade Is good In. all sections.
' - Portland auto dealers are mighty glad
that the cold spell is gone, for they
will now have a chance to show some
'of their new stock." It was a risky busi
ness showing cars in the snow, but
now that Oregon is again In Its normal
' state, they expect the trade to pick
up. , They are all looking forward to
! the automobile show in March.
The Automobile Dealers' association
has had an attractive stamp printed, ad
' Verttsing the coming show. This stamp
,1s to be xsted on all the mall going
' out of the several offices. It Informs
. the public that the firm from whom the
letter has been sent Is to exhibit In
the coming show, March 8 to March
Among the improvements or ine
year In the making of power plants for
automobiles Is the use of aluminum in
the crank case and bearings. For years
makers have used manganese bronze,
because It was considered stronger. Im
proved testings-of aluminum, however,
have enabled It to be utilised, giving
the advantage Of lightness and less
noise. m t
T)r. M. " A." r Jones has purchased
40 horsepower Peerless touring car from
the Portland , Auto .Commission house.
The machine la a second hand car and
Is being put into-ahape In the firms
shop. .It ,wiH be on the streets In a
few days.' a
According to, Frank B. Hower, rhatr
man nf th board of the Amer-
t lean Automobile association, the route
J for the next Glidden tour will undoubt
edly be in the west, uenver wui u i
cludea in the route, but -whether it will
be the finishing point of the tour or
whether It will only be one of the
rlties iflcludedln the rout? has
not been settled. .He predicts there
will be at least. 76 entries, for the
tour. ' .y 'm " m'
Howard M. Covey says the sale of
Cadillac -80s" so far this season has
been phenomenal. . Covey has Just sold
two of thewe machines, one to w. p.
Hawlev of Oregon City and the other to
rifiy.l ntionrt This week
he has delivered cars of this model to
Harry Tuttle. W. J. Full am of Port
i land; H. R- Klncaid of Eiene, W. C.
i Oreen of Albany and W. FT Chambers,
'. the Kugene hardware merchant.
? " All horses have to he ordered dis-
missed from the city of Paris fire brl-
gade and their places taken by gasoline
t motors. There are at present .6 horse
I drawn fire engines in the cit Paris
i fostlng annually a sum of 4.000. tf
fthey coulrt all be Immediately trans-
formed Into gasoline engines the annual
$ upkeep cost to the city would not ex
' ried I17.400. The cont of transforma
' tion about S20,000. will be spread over
a period of six yearsi
t The H. U Keats company reports tne
! following sales for the week: Barber
t Asphalt Paving company, Packard IE .
H H. Jones of the Jones Lumber com
I party. Packard "30"; Grant Taylor Rosa-
burg! Or., ChalmersDetroit ' 30.
t Fred A. Bennett, who Is well known
J In .southern California, Is rapidly forir-
ttha frntit as the leading agent in
5 the northwest, says the tos Angeles
J Times. Lt week he placed an order
t a cwiriaivi.r.vtiin8. to be shipped
as Quickly as possible. These Include
f th s and 85 horsepower cars. Ben-
..... rnrmeriv h Ford aaent in
t i i.ia. anil fa known in practical-
Mr every small town In the south. He
addition to Portland, for the Btoddard
j I)ayton, and wants 200 cars for the
I market this season.
f : . ,.- ,.-
Kverv foot of floor space for the
March show in the Armory has been re
served. Several eastern manufacturers
wanted space, but their orders came
too late. However, a number or tneaa
will come out lor tne exniomon.
The Cover That
Protects Your Tire
Proof against punctures, rim cuts and
kidding. Will save you more than on
bait your present tire expenses. "
One-Third Off F
AntotnnbUlsta start tba ta ... nrr
t by .saving v ,
Leather Tire Cover Co.
k P' -e Main 4167 for Kppr.untatlva.
1 ' " v " 4, I CVe I I f S" vst ' J
, ! - ' I . J 14
f - ' T l lf fa'
$A 1 ; .r - X ; .. f J
' k - J
' lYni ssV'alM taiiSi'ii jih'siririli 'il' 1st iftit'i hl'tf
Stylish elegance was the fundamental
tone of thp Packard exhibit at the
automobile - show In Madison Square
garden. New -York. On account of the
popular familiarity with . ita touring
cars and runabouts, the Packard Motor
Car company has especially emphasised
enclosed body types.
Directly opposite the main entrance
was a purple and gold creation one
df the new Packard '"Eighteen" town
cars, as a landaulet. This is painted
In royal purple and black, with gold
strloina. 'The Interior la entirely ud-
holstered and trimmed in gold brocaded
satin, with trimming lace and braids
to match. The interior fixtures are In
Ivory and gold. The landaulet Is not
only exceptionally attractive as a show
ear, but has, also, the quality of ele
gance demanded - by . persons .of good
c enn iii
Portland's Fair Drivers to
Have Chance During
Rose Festival.
Portland's fair autoists, of whom
there are a large number, will have an
opportunity to display their nerve, skill
and endurance at the June Rose Fes
tival, when one day will be given over
to a -women's road race. Some 10 local
women drivers have said they will en
ter the race, and it la possible that
twice this number will leave the Port
land hotel on the June morning that the
race is set for.
Endurance racing for women drivers
was given a great Impetus this year.
wnen a score or mem arov rrom New
York to Philadelphia. The race was
won by Mrs. Joan Newton Cuneo, the
famous woman driver of New York.
after a close and exciting finish. Since
tne isew Yoru to rnuadelphla affair
there has been renewed interest locally
In road racing.
it is tne intention to keep the local
race within the membership of the Port
land Automobile club. With this idea
in mind, no out of town drivers will be
Invited, although a number have stated
that they would be willing to drive in
any local race that was arranged.
Course for Test.
At first it was intended to make the
race from Portland to Salem, golne uo
on one side of the river, and returning
on in ouier. jiowever, mis plan will
likely be superseded by one of more
local nature.
According to an outline of yesterday,
it is believed that the following course
would prove more attractive than the
inter-city one: Starting at the Port
land hotel and crossing the Burnside
street bridge for a run to the Bandy
road, thence to the Twelve Mile house
and through Gresham, from Greaham
across to the Foster road, back on this
road "to Powell Valley road at Thirty
fourth street, thence out the Powell
Vallev road to Gresham; from Gresham
across to the Section Line road and
back on the Section Line to the reser
voir; thence across the reservoir to the
Base Line road and out this highway
to Troutdale; from Troutdale on the
Slough road to St Johns and thence on
the last leg up the Portland boulevard
to the starting- point.
All ths driving over all the course
must be don by a woman. The driver
must aiso maice her own repairs during
the Journey of soma 100 miles. If there
are any masculine enthusiasts aboard
the car they roust remain passive spec-
taiors auring ins endurance run.
- f
' Multnomah, although badly out of
practice, had but little trouble defeat
ing McMlnnville at ths club gym last
n aht. the soore being 26 to 13. Mult
nomah's play was poor owing to the
lack or oasn to tneir work, ana possibly
to some vet-confidence. Barton' ab
sence counted against them. too.
K. f. McKee, MCMlnnvlues tall cen
ter, was n star of the game for the
MeMlnnriilr Doys. e nad aa Morris
un in the air most of the gam and had
he been a little mora accurate in his
shooting, the result might .bare been
different. HI brother also played .
rood trams. -
The basket tthrowlng of Fisher and
Tv-M. aii.i "hMvllw fa. VtiltMAmal,
and although th passing to them was
... . null ..a . I . .. r aw. m . wm
poor tney managea oy gooa lnaiviauai
work to cull th ram out of th fire.
Alien played a gooa gam at guaro-,-
lne lineup win as xoitows:
Multnomah. --. , McMlnnville.
Fisher .F. ...... Re. McKee
Dent-.-. ,....F...., Foster
Morrl .C., ...... E. F. McKee
Allen ............ .O ... . M
Percy . a-. ... . . .G.a a Ric
0 -f- I i a a. .... f n
AatonebU Owners, AtteatJoa. 1
We tiav a lara line of second hahd
automobile tires. Portland Auto Com
mission CO, eor. lth and .Alder sta. t
Cnrrectlon Tba "190 Waifa."
California Distillate which costs one
half a much a arasolln and runs 2i
per cent greater milage per gallon. We
expresaly wish to call the attention of
una in mora wno-reaa our-advertisement
last week , " v .
taste In the selection of a town car..
A Packard Thirty" limousine in
three shades of rich olive green, with
black and gold vertical striping, gives
a beautiful effect which is out of the
ordinary without being garish. It is
upholstered in - olive green broadcloth
with tufted quarters and celling in
olive brocaded silk.
The . open car displayed was a Pack
ard "Thirty" with close coupled body.
This was the prototype, both in name
and design of all the oars with close
coupled bodies which have been intro
duced during- the past 12 months. It
is painted in a dark French gray with
white striping- and white running gear.
The upholstery, is gray leather to match.
This striking finish is in sharp con
trast to the ordinary light gray car
with dark trimming.
The construction of the Packard was
1W. . : i ll I III I law fc-fJ
T j
f ' -I
I j, , . , xi . Voi,
-..,- - .-;---- f
MS ' I
Calvin "Demarlst. the young cue expert who is defeating all comers
in the east. Great things are looked for from Demarest before the
year ends.
Ireland and O'Connell of
Boston Said to Be Des
tined to Elevation. :
Bnnt Kews by Ponrnt Leaacd Wire.) ,
Rome. Jan. il. The Vatican is se
riously considering the elevation to the
eardinalat of Archbishops- O'Connell of
Boston and Ireland of til. Paul, accord
insr to a statement of one of the hia-h.
est Vatican-authorities. .This elevation
la lltralai . , UA 1 !1 I .
a, itnti v vvmv a. . ii nrtii vuwai.l-
shown bv a polished chassis, which was
one of the finest mechanical displays
ever made at an automobile exhibition.
It Is a standard "Thirty" chassis which
was taken apart, every piece hand pol
ished to mirror smoothness and reas
sembled. The inside of the pressed
steel frame is finished In a bright red,
while the motor cylinders, exhaust pipe
and muffler have an oxidized black fin
ish. All other parts are the natural
color of the metal, a plate glass dash
board and plate glass tops on the bat
tery and tool boxes assist in making
all features of the chassis easily vis
ible. .
The landaulet was one of the cars
H. Lk Keats, of the Keats Auto company,
went east to study, and he will prob
ably Introduce one of the type to Port
land. The car, as exhibited In the gar
den, la worth $20,000.
ory, the official declared. According to
this information. It Is practically cer
tain that Archbishop Ireland will re
ceive the red hat
The appointment of Dennis O'Connell,
former rector of Washington university,
as coadjutor of San Francisco was con
firmed today. It was supposed that
Bishop O Connell had been made auxil
iary, bishop of San Francisco, but this
as a mistake.
Mount Ange Wins.
i 8pcei! Dlsp'trh to Th Journal.)
Mount Angel College, Jan. 28. Mount
Angel college defeated Balcm Capitol
Business college in a well flayed game
in the college gymnasium. Th playing
of Corgiat for Mount Angel was the
feature of the game. The score: Mount
Angel. II; Salem Business college, it.
- . i 1 a, i , - .
' Judge Rugen D. Baunder of ' the
United States court for ths eastern dis
trict of Louisiana, has resigned from
th bench to reengage in the practice of
law. Judge Saunders was at one time
a law. partner of Associate Justice
White of th United State supreme
COUH ... .:, ..;...,..
Effort Being Made to Secure
. Pacing Machines for
Exhibition. -
Portland will be visited during the
automobile ' show in March and later
during the Rone Festival by some of th
most famous racing cars in the world, if
the plans of the local club materialise.
Secretary Llpraan Is in communication
with several eastern representatives of
the racing machines, and they inform
him that thev will be clad to come to
Portland on both dates, provided ar
rangements can be made. -
Most all the cars which took part in
the Savannah grand prise races are
scheduled to take part in the auto race
at the old Ascot rac track In Los An
geles during the spring. ' It i very likely
tnai some or tnem wui oe exniouea in
th show In th California cities during
the late winter. Being In California It
Is only a step to Portland. . ,
Before th cars return eaat for the
races on the eastern circuit, thev will
come to Portland, according - to plans,
and take part in the June road races.
This will make necessary a third race,
or else: the confining of the stock car
to me to mne event, ir mere is a tnira
race it will probably be a 100 mil event.
By starting 1 the races earlier, three
events can be very easily pulled off in
a day without tiring the spectators.
Among the cars which it la thought
will com west are several foreign car
of great speed. There will be the Bens,
Fiat, Mercedes, Panhard. Renault, Loiter
and others. Among; the domestlo ear
will be the Locomobile and George Rob
ertson, the man who drove it to victory
in the Savannah races. Of course th
presence of these cars is more or less
problematical, but they will be on dis
play if there is any possibility of get-
una; mem.
4 "a. :
San Francisco, Jan. 23. Work
on the Pacific Coast ' league's
schedule for the season of 1908 4p
was completed this afternoon.
Secretary Danny Long stated
tonight that the entire' schedule
would be made public in about a
month. The season is to open on
4 March 30 with Vernon playing
at Sacramento, Oakland at Ban
Francisco, and Portland at Los
Angeles. Porkland opens at home A
on April 13. .
' Holiday date were arranged
as follows:. . ... ... 0
"" "becoraiion Day Vernon , at
Sacramento, Portland at San
4 Francisco, Oakland at Los Ange-
les. July 4 San Francisco at e
Sacramento, Portland at Oak-
land, Vernon at Los Angeles.
Labor day and Admission day
San Francisco at Sacramento, 4
4 Los Angeles at Oakland, Portland
at Vernon. The season ends on
e October 31.
A New Kind of Car.
Considerable amusement was caused
by an advertisement of the Pope-Hartford
company that appeared in the New
York Athletic Club Journal, copies of
which were distributed at the palace
during the show. Around the picture
of a "police patrol" there appeared the
following reading matter: "Seven pas
senger car, price, $3000. Not a five pas
senger car, with extra seats. A car for
seven passengers. Tour all day. and
every day in comfort and with speed,
making all stops on schedule time.' It
was of course intended that the picture
of a touring car should have been used
in connection with this advertisement,
but the printer through some error
which possibly even he could not explain
ran the picture of the police patrol.
Journal want ad8. lo a word.
F. C FENNER, Pres.
VVliif e Garage of Los
Mr. J. B. Kelly, 214 Second street,
Dear Sir Replying to your letter of the 12th instant, concerning stage line automobile an4 requesting
some information with regard to what we are doing down here with our stage lines, would say that we
have three stage lines in our territory, one running from Mohawk to the North Star mine, a distance of
about 40 miles, making the round trip every day; another operating between GlSmis and Palo Verde, a
distance of 45 miles, and the third running between Douglas. Arizona, and Cananea, Mexico, a distance of
.40 miles. .The Mobawk stage line, which is operated by the Norton-Mayhew Stage Line Company, has
been, in service for something over a vear: the Glamis-Palo Verde outfit has been m operation for nearly .
five .years, while the Douglas proposition has been running for about two years; All ofrthese lines are
operated with White Steamers; the most perfect and entirely satisfactory service being given; in fact to
Carry the United States mail absolute deliveries on time must be made, and after trying out several dif
ferent makes of cars these people found that the reliability of , the White Steamer was Just what they
waited and they have been -using them ever since.
There is no question as to the advisability of the use of the' White Steamers for stage line work,
. especially where the United States mail is to be carried. The government insists upon prompt deliveries
and will have nothing else. - -
I presume that you know President-elect Taft has recently purchased one of our ' model "M" caral
The government won't have anything else but White Steamers; this should show what the best engineers
in the country think of the car. . ' .- . .
The above statements are all' facts and can be proven absolutely by reference; in fact we have letters
from these people in the office" now, in which they state they are entirely pleased and satisfied with the
operation and stability of our machines. Very truly yours,
v . - ' ' F. C Fenner, President "
Archer, Combs
Acto Supplies,
Belmore, rilacDougall, Itloofes Co.
aamaaa, ooshzb laiaaTjiaara AW IMW.
Chalmers Detroit
sT, " m flTI
nrestone ir
CSS 536 Alder Street.: Near 16th
Pope Hartford
Portland, Or.:
& Winters Co.
306 Oalt Street
Korean & Wright and
Goodrich Tires
Mala 1834. A-1834
Second -Hand Automobiles
Bought and Bold.
Slateaata and Alder.
Seventh and Barnslde, Portland, Or.
Phone Main 536S
Co. Tth Borasla.
rorUaad, Or.
riiem Kate 8368.
mi 6470
. YU!canrzio&&Keireaaine
M Mm CFk 4V - -M
K ilO AUer Street Kali
Corner Seventh and Barnslde. Portland. Or.
Phone Mala 5368 :
II. L Keats Auto Co.
Corner Seventh and 'Barnslde
Portland, Or. Phone Ham S36S
Corner Seventh aid Barnslde. Portland. Or.
Phone Main 5368 1
Gasoline, Electric
330 E. Morrison St Portland
308 first Avenue So. Seattle
H. D. RYUS. Vice-Prei.
January 19, 1909.
Eight While
-Toured the entire distance -t
between Portland and San ;
Francisco thia past season.' 1
White Garaged
.214 Second Street
Portland, Orcfjon 4