The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 21, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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. . .... - .
Bill Introduced in House
Providing for Increase
'. ; of the Pest Bounty.
' V (Special Dispatch to Th JaornlL)
Olympia, Wash.. Jan- 21. To encour
ge the stamping out of the pest of
' coyotes In this state, In conjunction
with an effort being made by the sheep-
j men of Oregon and Idaho, W. A. Bo
Unger of Okanogan county, represent
, Ing the great stock region of the state
In the house of representatives, has
. introduced a bill making an approprla
' tion for the purpose of paying $2 per
- head for every coyote killed within the
I ' -tate, there being no limit to me num
I -Jmer of years the law will be In effect.
Jr At present the law . provides for a
Jr -bounty of $1.50. - -
in me blocjl growing ickivhb .
state the crying wolf has become a men
ace of no small proportions, andtt is
) now proposed to exterminate him if possible-.
Sheep camps, poultry houses,
mall -game such M prairie chickens.
Quail, pheasants and other game birds
suffer terribly at the spring season
from coyotes, and" la some places the
game has entirely disappeared. Loss to
farmers is heavy and they are urging
ti nronent' bill Jn ail
effort to kill Off the thousands' of
' wolves whlcn. miest we tmniy ssiuau
dlsficisv As coyote break up nests of
birds and destroy, the young, .sportsmen
are. enthusiastic in their support of the
law to place a higher price otf the head
of & .common peat. . . i
""Anxious for Cosgrove's Return.'
(Special ntptch to Ttie Jonrnml. '
Olympia, Wash., Jan. 21. Legislators
' are anxiously awaiting the arrival of
Governor-elect Cosgrove, who la expect
ed to arrive here within a few days and
take charge of the. office to which he
' was elected. It is anticipated that he
will remain-but a day or two. to In-
stall his friends In the positions de
sired, and then will return to Paso Ro
ubles for an Indefinite period.
A number of the best places within
the gift of the administration are to be
filled and a number of applicants are
. xp-ctlng lightning to strike very soon.
It has been- announced by Howard .
, Cosgrove. son of the governor-elect, who
' . Is now . private secretary to Governp.
Mead, that jnone of the good places will
be touched until his father comes and
qualifies. . y.
Mr. uosgrove nm
opinions on needed legislation, and in
case he 4s able to do so, it is expected
that he will prepare a message to the
legislature calling attention to some of
The reforms needed In this state.
To Settle River Disputes.
(Special Tnapatch to Tb. (wrntl.V .
Olympia. Wash.. Jan. 21. Disputes
between Oregon and Washington over
fisheries or any other question would
be impossible were tha plan suggested
in a. resolution now before the senate
patted into a law. The relution pro
vides for a law commission of seven
members, two from each house and three
to be named by the governor, they to
meet a like committee from the Ore
ton legislature and during the next to
years 'formulate,, laws covering the
points raised In disputes and prepars a
plan of action by the Official of tha
sister states In matters affecting i fish
ing and all other matters which might
involve litigation between citizens or
taking two yea.
the committees should Prepare u
conmlete laws, and that for a numner
of yeali no such work would be required
from eher state. . .
and will undoubtedly pass ""
? without amendment. The c.?mI"1"?
; 3S? Z VSGT-tnirf 8,n 'l
' Sf SS5!n?Z caTbe
taken up.
coon ousts
City Treasurer Beisner Did
Not Honor Warrants,
Says Mayor.
(Special nupstcs to The JournaU
Eugene, Or.. Jan. 21. At a meeting
of the-Eugene city council City Treas
urer Frank Relsner was ousted f rom of
flee for cause and J. JiOUon !
elected In his placs. V"0" for
the eviction of Relsner, as stated by
Mayor Matlock, is that he refused to
honor the warrants Issued by the council
in payment for land for rights of W
for the canal of the proposed municipal
power plant on the McKensie river, 0
miles east of Eugene. -.
Retsner's reason for not honoring tne
warrants Is that there is an Injunction
suit against the city seeking to restrain
'the council from building the canal and
"plant, and he will be illegal to
, plant, ana u. uuub..,. ..... -
pay out money on warrants for this
purpose.-. He says ne nan uwni uiu
by attorneys and bankers not to cash
sura warrauiB,. - .
. .Relsner-. has been .city treasurer for
the past eight or ten years. J. J.-wal-'
ton, his successor. Is a pioneer attorney.
"His election last night had been prear
ranged by the council. He was sworn in
..immediately and his bonds approved by
the council. Mayor Matlock and W, T.
'Campbell are mt pwowuni,.
i City Attorney Kavanaugh was tiottJ
'fled yesterday afternoon that his appll
cation for a rehearing of the vehicle
, tax case by the supreme court had been
denied, The court modified the former
ruling; however, so that the emergency
" clause will not have to ba attached to
routine ordinances in- the city council.
The decision handed down by the
court made It Impossible for a city or
' dlnance to take effect until SO days
; after Its passage,-that length of time
being allowed for the filing of referen
dum petitions against it. -"
' This made it necessary in cases of
v -urgency " to pass ordinances under an
-emergency clause which required the
vote of 13 councilmen and the approval
wr of tha mayor. Now the emergency
-- clause, according ,to tha interpretation
' of tha supreme court, will not be needed.
"1'-"-' , Building Permits. ;
tT John "VetaV Forty-seventh street be
... tween Couch and Davis, repair two
tory frame dwelling, $300.
. John Malarkey. 32 Ankeny street, b-
tween Sixth and geventh repair three
, story frame hotel. 1100.. -;
Harry McCormlck,. East Salmon street
between East Twenty-seventh and East
Twenty-eighth, erect two Istory brick
. dwelling, S0,000. . , t.
Ar-G. - Relsahman, - Bast Forty-hlnth
: street between Hawthorne and East
City, erect two atory frame tor. goo.
i - Theodore Bergman Shoe Manufactur-
'i. Ing company, 611 Thurtnan street he
; tween Nineteenth and Twentieth, repair
one story frame rtiop, S1600. . '
-' Emma Hecht. East Sixty-ninth atreet
'' between Flanders and Glisan, erect two
' story frame dwelling $2500. ,
A. S. Gross. East Twenty-ninth street
between Alberta and Brainard, erect one
story frame dwelling. (1800. v
Gustaf Peterson. Denver avenue -between
Ainsworth and Holman, erect one
story frame dwelling. $660. .
- Don't Kiss It. '
Water damaged sale of men's tloth.
Ing, shoes and gent's furnishings. See
big ad In today's Journal. -; Ideal Cloth
ing Co., 63 North Third at :
San Francisco Oflice
Oregon Journal
Classified1 advertisements in The Jour
nal are as follows:
No ad less than 15c per Insertion.
Phone or charged ads Co per line
- per insertion. 7 insertions for the
price of 6.
Cash ads lo per word per inser
tion, 7 Insertions for the price of 6.
Lost and found, help wanted.
. situations wanted, . for rent and
wanted to rent ads, Ic per-word per.
insertion, j) insertions for, the price .
1 to Jo words, "z6c: il to it
words. SSc; matrimonial, manlcur-.
- ing, massage and bath ads, 10c per
-line per insertion. , v
Card- of thanks,-meeting and fu
neral notices, 60o per insertions -
New today (agate measure. 14
lines to inch), 81o per inch. Count -
worda to line. 1 :':'T ,""";'.Ti;.'
The11 Journal cannot guarantee accur
racy or assume responsibility for errors
of any kind occurring in telephoned ad
Yortlsuon ts
Should' any ad ' appear incorrect' on
first insertion. The Journal will not be
responsible for subsequent insertions. .
' The "Journal's business office is open
from 8 a.- m. to t p. m.j Saturdays i a.
m. to 10 p. m. , i
Phones, Main 7173; A-G051
A severs storm made Its appearance
yesterday afternoon off the southern
coast A maximum wind velocity of
36 miles from the southwest occurred
In Portland at 9:15 last night. This is
the highest wind in Portland stnee De
cember, 1907, when the maximum ve
locity was" 40 miles. Warnings for this
disturbance were ordered yesterday at
2:40 p. m. at coast seaports, and ex
tended to inland seaports at 6:40 p. m.
Besides the high winds in Portland un
usually high winds occurred last night
in northern California and Nevada, and
a maximum velocity of M0 miles from
the southeast was reported at Walla
Walla, and SO miles from the southeast
at Boise. Heavy rains have fallen in
the Pacific states as far south as San
Diego. The indications are for rain in
this district tonight and Friday, with
colder weather Friday.
The river at Portland will reach a
stage of about 19.8 feet this afternoon
and remain nearly stationary Friday,
and probably fall slightly Saturday.
. Max.
Baker City. Or. ,...48
Bismarck, N. D.....48
Boise, Idaho 62
Boston, Mass 40
Chicago, 111 42
Denver, Col 60
Fresno, Oal 60
Jacksonville, Fla. . . . Kfl
Lewiston. Idaho ...44
IxS Angeles, Cal...68
Philadelphia, Pa ...44
Pocatello,. Idaho ...48
Portland, Or 65
Roseburg, Or 64
Ht. Paul, Minn ....3
Salt Lake, Utah 60
San Francisco, Cal. .AO
Seattle, Waah .....48
Siskiyou, , Or ,,42
Spokane'Wash ':'. .'48 "
Walla Walla Wash.. 68
Mln. Prec,
40 .02
24 .00
46 .14
SO .00
34 , Tr-
84 .00
64 .80
62 ,00
S6 .01
62 .90
82 .00
38 .16
42 .88
46 .64
34 .00
42 .84
64 . .62
86 .66
;3 .72
38 .30
60 .04
George. M. Hanklns, Oregon City, 21,
and Dorothy K. Saylor, 18.
Wilbur K. 8. Ross, 249 Halsey street,
21. and Jessie E. Morehead, 18.
Gilbert Johnsrud. San Francisco, 82,
and Myrtle Alice Hlrschbe'rg, 24.
Ernest Piper, 436 Main street. SI. and
Jennie G. Adams. 29.
William Ferguson, Randolph hotel.
25, and Anna E. Brown. 25.
Edward Schnack, 387 East Burn
side. 32, and Birdie T. Gibson. 25.
William B. Godfrey, Astoria. 27. and
Cora Lucas. 21.
Reuben Henry Butser, 83 Grand
avenue, 23, and Elisabeth Zweifel. 19.
Hugo Bod in, 411 East Ash street, 23.
and Jennie Anderson, 25.
FXX)WERS for weddings and funerals.
Alfred Burkhardt. Nob Hill florist.
1 20 23d at.; Main 602, A-3184.
WEDDING cards. W. G. Smith & Co.,
Washington bldg., corner 4th and
Washington sts.
CLARKE BROS., florists: fine flowers
and floral designs. 289 Morrison St.
MAX M. SMITH, florist. 160 6th et. op-
poslte Meier ft yranira; Main int.
BETZ & SONS, florists, funeral designs.
849 H-Morrison; Main 8095. A-1877.
FULL- DRESS suits for rent, all sixes.
Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 8tark at.
JESSEN To Mr. and Mrs. J. Jessen,
664 tt Wliyams avenue, January 17, a
daughter. .
PAUD To Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paul,
city, January 1, a daughter.
ROGERS To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rog
ers, 1931 Endlcott, January 1, a son.
PLATTS J. Plaits, 1026 Williams ave
nue, January 16, aged 76; mitral re
gurgitation. .' "
KELLY Mary Kelly, St. Joseph's
- home. January 16, aged 68; pneu
COX S. Cox, January IS, aged SI; gan
grene oi iuhkh.
BURGER Sr Burger. cyr January 1 (,
aged 4 days; meningitis.
ITEATH Leta V. Heath, 11(8 Missouri,
aged : tuberculosis, 1
RANDALL D. E. Randall, ic Thur
man, January 19, aged 87; paresis.
PHILLIPS O. U Phillips,- 86 West
Selllne. January 19. aged 64: hemor
rhage. ; -
undertakers and embalmers; modern
In every detail; Seventh and Pine;. Main
430. Laoy assistant.
Tady attendant Main 9. A-1699.
ZELLER-BYRNE8 CO., funeral direc
tors, embalmers, 279 Russell; East
1088. Lady assistant.
M'ENTEE-ERICKSON CO., undertakers;
4ady sss'.t. 49 Alder at. Both phones.
EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker; 220
Phones C-J114 and Main 4444.
F. & DUNNING, east side funeral dl-
rector. 4H k. Aioer, corner tin,
LAWTERS Abstract ft Trust Co.. room
6 Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts s
PACIFIC Title ft Trust Co.. the leading
abstractors. 904-6-6-T Failing bldg.
U. M. Lombard and wife to C, D. TT
HulOert, Join u, i, diock ,
Broadway addition (. X.900
Alpha J. Powers and wife to A. v
G.Mcuiane. oeginnuig ai poinc
on north line of section 19, .
" township 1 south, range 1 esst, rU58
Frana Elling and wife to John-.
and Alma Larson, west half of j
. northwest quarter of northwest
Quarter of section 9. township
1 south, range 4 east; also
' northeast quarter of northeast .
''.quarter of section' 8, .township -
I south, ranre 4 east: also s .
. northeast quarter of northeast
quarter of section 8. township 1'.:
.south, rang I east.,,....,,.. L JJ9
J. D. Sowerby to Laura C. Till
man, lot 6, block 6. Plnehurst
addition 1,150
Julian Metcalf and wife to Lola
Grlerson. lots 10, 11, block 46,
Vernon ... 1,200
Hlberoia Savings bank to R. Bur- t
leigh Thompson, . lots 2L 22. --
block 12, Capitol Hill...',...... 400
Kenwood Land comnanr to John
,-. and Alfred J. Bingham, lots 86, . ;-
gs, oiock 8, Kenton............ i,au
James C. Zun and to Jackson In
vestment company, lots 14, IS, """ '
block 1, Jackson place, ........ ,1.050
William M. Slusher and wife to ;
Charles Etta Burnett, lot 20, ' ;
block 10, Albina 2.S0O
William Ahlndler and wife to D.
W. Metager, lot 4, block 1,
Gresham ..................... 1,750
W. Q. Buffington and wife to W. V -
F, Dickens, lot 4, block , Park
addition 400
W. Q. Buffington and Wife to W.
F. Dickens, lot 6 block 6. Park
addition ................. , , . , 40 J
J.- Henry Penn and wife to Bert : . ,
R. Amend et al lots 10, 111
block 19. Willamette... .. 900
H, T.' Stokes and wife to ' John
and - Mary Norberg, north :
60x100 feet Of the tract 100X '
. 100 feet In southwest corner
of lot 2, block , 1, Portland
Homestead .. .... t ........... 2,200
Irvlngton Investment company to
George B. Palmer, lot 17, block
,,52. Irvlngton . l.joo
H. Hamlet, trustee, to Sara F.
Bates, lot 31, block 1, Fair
port 160
Andrew C. Smith and Wife to
John Kiernan, lots 6 and -7,
-block 86. Couch additibn,;... S0.000
William D. Fenton. executor, , to
Jphn Kiernan, west of. lot
Sv.sJia -st-. hi of lot 8,t. block -r
S82. Couch addlUon..-.i 9,600
Joseph A. Braden and wlfa to
Julia, Wind, lot 10 aad east
of lot 11, block . 70rSunnyjside '
i,T?lri Sddu,loa 1.121
M. L. Holbrook and wife to J. J.
. Turnldgerlot 21, block L Ches-
ter Place 600
SycarnorCReal Estate company .
to heirs of Annie E. Cook, lots
22, 23, and 24. -block 4, Kara
Park . ....i...... S05
Robert W. Wilson 4 and wife to
Ellssa Meresse et al, lots 1, 2,
13 and 14, block 32; lots 18
and 19, block 40; lots 8, 4 and
5. block 43, Capitol HUI 1,360
Robert W. Wilson and wife to
Edgar Meresse, lot 8, block 40,
Capitol Hill v.. ISO
Robert W. Wilson an(J wife to
- Frank Meressee. lots 2 and 3,
block 83, Capitol HUI ......... 800
L. K. Pearson and wife to the
George Lawrence company, lot
6, block 86, Rose Qlty Park. . . . 760
Fred Vetter and wife to H. H.
Wright, lot 8, block 28, Ross
mere . . 650
Holt C. Wilson and wife to
Myron Otis, lot 15, block 8,
Kenilworth 273
Moore Investment company to
Joseph Melich, lots 6 and 12,
block 21, Vernon ,.. 800
Hub Land Company to George
Rllea, lots 23, 24, 25, 82 and 33,
block 2, Fortune Place 600
E. Lindell and wife to Charles
Nelson, lot 6, block 29. Albina
Homestead 4,000
W. J. Peddlcord et al to Helen I.
Trauger, lot 9, block 2. Peddl
cord Hurlburt's addition.. 400
R. J. Holmes and wife to Ida
Martin, east half of lots 15 and
16. block 7, King's Second addi
tion j000
M. L. . Holbrook and wife to
George Weeks, lot 6, block 2,
East St. Johns addition 660
M. M. Dewey and wife to Clyde
B. Poteet, lots 19 and 20, block
2, Brainard tract 650
John Molr et al to E. W. Wright. .
east half of lots 6 and 6, in
Bouth half of double block "J" 18,600
C. Schnabel, trustee, and wife to
S. W. Bugbee. lot 7M block 3,
Adams addition to St Johns... $ 900
Charles Hough and wife to 8. A.
Pearson. lots 1! and 16. tilnMr 1
Brainard tract 676
james uoyaston ana wife to H. A.
Lewis, lots 17 and IS. block 1.
Prunedale addition 26
o. j. f-riesuey ana wire to Mrs.
O. C. Hedlund. Int. 7 anrf a
block 8, Foxchase addition 720
uhio i. mono ana wire to p. M.
Taylor, lots 29 and 80. block
40, Tremont 800
G. G. Gammans and wife to Wal
ter 8. Wymore lot 13, block 12,
Evelyn 115
H. G. Sahlstrom and wife to Rob
ert' T. Throckmorton, east 10
feet of lot 8 and west 10 feet
of lot 7, block 4, Maplewood ad
dition 250
Nordby-Graven Investment. Co. to
Henry Olsen, lot 6, block 13,
Sunnyslde addition, lot 6, block
2, Eastland 2 900
Portland Trust Co. to Abraham
Stoller. lots 28 and 29, block 81;
lot 20. block 11, Tremont place 290
8. C. Priestley and wife to Es
tella M. Kitchen, lots 12 and
13 block 2 Foxchase addition.. 200
Fred S. Pierce et al to Charles A.
Sunderlln, 2 acres In section 20.
township 1 south, range 2 east 2,426
John B. Campbell and wife to
Perry J. Miller, land commenc
ing on dividing line between
Willamette blvd and block 20,
James Johns Heights addition
to St. Johns 100
Hub Land Co. to Charles Koonst
lots 27 and 28, block 3, Fortune
place . 114
Hihernla Savings bank to Robert
W. Wilson lots 1, 2, 13 and 14,
block 32; lots 18 and 19. block
40; lots 2 and 3, block 33; loin
2 and 3, block 40; lots, 3, 4, and
5, block 43. Capitol Hill 1,950
Portland Trust company to L.
Billings, lot 1, block 105, Wood
stock goo
John D. Voce and wife to trus
tees of First M. E. church of
Woodstock, east half of lot 2,
block 29. Woodstock 400
Hub Land company to Mill Land
company, 146x419 feet beginning
at intersection of central line of
McKenna avenue and Yale
street, also lots 1. 2, 3- and 4,
block 4, Fortune Place 2.300
8. H. Graham and wife to A. C.
. Ruby. 38.36 acres beginning at
southwest corner of the E. R.
Soott donation land claim No.
88. in sections 21, 22. 27, 28, 38
and 84, township 1 north, range
S east 6,062
Flrland company to Mary T. Scott, .
lots 21 and 22. block 6. Flrland. ISO
James M. Baker to H. M. Abbott,
lot 2, block 20. Woodstock 2,500
Otto J. Kraemer to James G. King,
lot 7, block 2, Bon Ton addition. 900
Walter J. Paulsen to H. Julius
Paulsen, lot 3, block 20. East
Portland Heights (00
Investment company to F. E.
Schwan, lota 26, 28. 80 and 32.
block 36. Irvlngton Park 800
J. W. Walker to Arthur F. Wall,
commencing at point 130 feet
west of northwest corner of
block 9. City View Park sddl
' tlon. thence south 100 feet,
thence west 211 feet, thence
northerly 106 feet, thence east
180 feet to beginning...' 700
W. H. Bond and wife to J.
B rower, lot 2, block 10. Oak
Park addition No. 2 to St. Johns 800
J. F. Brower and wife to J. M
Rnhlninn. lot 2. block 10. Oak
Park addition No. 2 to St. Johns 680
Williams Abstract Co. for prices. S3S
Chamber of Commerce.
Business Opportunities
Infnmillnn ahnilt T.TW1V fRRT-
' Sea Moors Investment Co. ,
Luxon needs a hotel, general store,
blacksmith shop, barber shop, butcher
shop, bank; in fact every business to
build up a new and first class city ,
Moore Investment Co.
LA Fayette Bldg, Ith and , Waah. Sts,
Hortgage Lbans
. Lowest rates ef Interest,
xrftns iuoko,
. . ta Stark Stxeet, meat SsoomO.
20 Per Cent
Paid on Inr
Investment Co.,
We are cutting up a tract of cran
berry land at Sand Lake, Tillamook
county, in acre tracts and selling it,
repared,' planted ana in full bearing,
or 9000 an acre: szou casn ana 913
a. month will handle an acre of this
ground.. And to those who do not
care to personally care for the land
we further agree to lease this land at
the rate of $120 per acre a year. Do
not delay, but come in at once and
look this proposition over.
Investment Co.
Clearance Sale
Apple Lands
Best apple lands In the district, 1
miles from deDoL See owner. No com
missions. Easy terms. E. T. JOHN
SON, 141 First st.
$2,700 '
Modern Home
for $2600 for a quick sale; $650 cash.
Main 8018.
GRAHAM la this city, January 20,
William Graham, age 40 years. Fun
eral Friday, January 22, from Dunning,
McEntee & Gtlbaugh chapel at 8:80 n.
m.: thence to St Lawrence church.
Third and Sherman, where services will
be held at 9 a. m.; Interment Mt. Cal-
vary cemetery. Friends Invited.
VAN 6CHUYVER The funeral of W. J.
Van Schuyver will be held at 1:80 p.
m. Friday, January 22, from Finley
chapel. Services at the grave private.
66, Woodmen of the
World, meets every Fri
day night in W. O. W.
Temple, 128 Eleventh
street All members re
quested to be present.
Visitors welcoma
A. L. BAR BUR. Clerk.
The entire second floor of the Ge
vurtx block, corner of Front and Gibba
sts., containing a public hall, with wall
seats and reception rooms; size 60x60
feet; a carpeted lodge room 36x50 feet,
with anterooms and kitchen. Will lease
for a term of years. Apply to owner.
I. Gevurtz, 173-176 1st st.
COLUMBIA Lodge, No. 114,
A. F. & A. M. Stated com
munication thie (Thursday)
evening at 7:30; work In the
Ma M. degree. Visiting breth
ren welcome. By order W. M.
t KI-.U Li. BC
M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camo, No. 6975
Mondays. Selling-Hlrsch block. 10th
and Washington streets.
M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 6466. meets
Wednesday evenings, Alisky bldg., Jd
and Morrison sts.
To suit you. Terms or cash. A. J.
1 ... . I , Vi
FOR SALE 4 choice lots in Irvlngton.
Will sell one or 1L Small
down, balance on easy terms, k-804.
Modern homes on reasonable terms
824 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
$2500 S ROOMS, artistically finished;
bungalow, 60x100 corner lot; -2 blocks
from carline; terms. T. W. Marshall
89th and Hawthorne aVe.
$39 BUYS corner lot 60x100 in Fulton
'par. . mgn ana signtly; this lot la
orth $500; must have money. E H
ement 242 Madison.
LINGER not; that tooth will rot; then,
on mo pmio. m wooern fain
ts Dentists. 253 Alder, corner SM a
Digkreouciion win wees,
room house, full lot improved
street, temeni siaewaia, ft block to
Fulton car. Price $1400. NT. Journal.
E Lota la Oregon City: muat Mil
golnf away. How much will you give?
S LOTS on East 80th near Alberta, $550;
very cheap, terms. Angeles Trust Co.,
(m o . -
IK ACRES, cleared, a snap; close to
car; best buy In Oregon. Howard-
Behnke CO., i aweiiana Diag.
SNAP 4 room cottage- half acre, $1600;
$609 cash: must sell Immediately. B-
1 ItOtjM bouse, lot 68x100, at 1134 E.
21st st. near Alberta car. Price $900
cash. - '
11AYE3 A Randolph, contractors and
builders. nni sna speciricatlons
famished. 1T Oregonlan bldg. M. 2611.
C R. Dcmiell & Co. -u-
Resi Estate. Room 331 (X ef C
$1.00 WEEK will buy restricted lot, or
will trade. Owner. (19 Swetland.
I ROOM modern house, 8 blocks from
Clark's station, full lot, new; price
11800. S0O cash, balance easy terms.
- Corner 21st and Johnson sts., 100x100;
this is a beautiful location- for apart
ment house and will be sold at a sacri
fice of 115,000, If taken soon; see this
place If you want a bargain.
Corner on Union ave., 60x100, store
building, 25x40, 0 living rooms over
store; I I room house; 1 11 room house,
nifcdern; all goes It taken this month for
112,600; this will net 10 per cent on
Investment; don't fail to sea this place;
Young. 612 Gerllnger bldg.
7 rooms and large reception
hall, full basement; lot 60x100.
Price $2700; $1400 cash, terms on
. balance.
103 Second St.
We Have Timber
In large or small lots, to offer at
right prices; also city property,
houses and vacant lots for sale or
. trade. Call and see us.
: ":.Stie'& Butler
425 Chamber of Commerce.
GOOD LOT. 80x100. In one of the "best
, additions in East Portland. Terms
$26 cash, and balance monthly
on monthly payments.
- Also a number of choice lot
CI in the vicinity of Woodstock for
sale reasonable. - Terms $10; cash
.and $1.0 per -month.
Call 202 Lumber- Exchange.
When you can buy a modern 6 room
hard finish house and corner lot on 6c
car -Una for $1176, on easy payments
like rent and own your own home; an
other one In Montavllla, 6 room, cement
basement, modern plumbing. Price
$1360, on Installments. Call room 801,
286 Wash."1 st. Lincoln County Invest
ment Co. f
' -Nowfrfends '
A word with you this evening, we
have ranches, rooming houses, hotels,
residence properties, for sale, rent and
exchange ; light prices and terms. Nes-
, .. o , . I I nn, .i J a...
COZY home of 7 rooms and bath, mod
ern plumbing, full basement, 60x100
corner lot, fine berry bushes, strawber.
ries, corner on paved street all paid,
3 blocks to. best 8 minute car service.
Price $2450. Terms can be arranged.
"Sign of the horseshoe."
Over Merchants National bank.
2 lots 80x100. all in fruit and gar
den; modern 5 room bungalow, hot and
cold- water and electric llgnt, ,icuu;
will sell furniture cheap.
-"0.W." P. Laid Co. "
Waiting Room. 1st and Alder.
LIST your property with us. We will
call and make a picture of your home
free of charge, in any portion of the
city, and will place all pictures on ex
hibit at our office. We are here to
sell or exchanare vour DroDertv: srlve us
a eh an cue. The Photo Home Land Co.,
145H lt st Main 2420.
$260 down buys a t - utiful horns:
rmodern plumbing, window seat, plate
rail, paneled dining room, gas, z porcnes,
electricity; 1V4 blocks from Hawthorn
cars; direct from owner at $1900; $15
a month. T. W. Marshall, S9th and
Hawthorne ave.
To suit you at small cost, and very easy
payments. There Is no reason why you
should not own your own home. Call
and see us and let us explain how easy
It Is to do so.
822 Chamber of Commerce.
Will Make Yon Money $750
Will rent for $10 per month; will
make you a nice home; 60x100 lot, new
3 room plastered house, near car; fine
view; good neighborhood; barn, chick
en coop. Haverstic & Gallagher, 343 Vs
Washington st.
Sunnvslde Ccttare $650
XTU. nnn.l,. Mao, intt... fin 9Kth at
near Belmont. $2250; $650 cash, balance
zu per monin.
265 Washington, near 3d, room 7.
Lot 60x100 and beautiful 8 room
house (new); furnace, etc., sleeping
porch, elegant fixtures; this Is a bar
gain at $7600; will sell If desired; fine
carpets; easy walking distance.
ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade.
$850 will handle 60 foot frontage on
Elisabeth st, very fine view, corner;
unable to build. You can startbuildlng
at once. Both phones 81Z8. No agents.
Fine 8 room modern house on 100x100
corner, Vaucouver ave., $4500, terms or
would exchange for smaller home. Du
bois & Crockett, Washington bldg, room
$1600 5 ROOM modern cottage, wood
fiber plaster,- basement, 60x100 foot
lot, 1 block to car. Improved street.
Will make terms to suit. N. I. Farnx
worth & Co., 819 Commercial bldg, cor.
2d and Washington.
Lot on E 33d St.
Clinton St., $600. part cash.
266 Washington, near 3d. room 7
$500 NEW 6 room modern house, lot
68x100, graded street, sidewalks, full
cement basement chicken house and
1 doisen chickens: $45 range; on Alberta
carline. $500 cash, balance like rent;
$2400. Inquire 8zv UantenDein ave.
$15 MONTHLY aud small payment, se
cures new modern house of good slae
and full lot on East 33rd near car, see
this before price advances. Angeles
Trust Co., 326 Wash. St., room 417.
$250 CASH, balance $15 per month, will
buy a beautiful home on Mount Scott
car line; a snap for a few days only.
102 Second St
WE HAVE for sale new and modem
cost totbulld, cash or terms. Prleat &
Everett, zajft n unuigiuu .t., room i,
Main 4U(
LARGE 7 room new modern house, all
lmprovenipiiiB in. iirb 114 ciusq in,
near Williams ave. A bargain at $4600;
terms, or will take part trade.. Inquire
.oft a . ...HaI,. av
BARGAINS in homes; good location,
fine climate, dairy, -fruit and stock
ranches; fine timber land, well located.
Write for booklet A. . L. . Rainwater;
Philomath. Or. - ,
$3 a month gets a high, level, sightly
lot on 6 cent carline: water in, $12.
226 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE) 2 lots in Vernon, corner
8425. inside $875, 7 room house. th
and Alberta; $2500. Comer lot In Ver
non $450. C. sneets, 713 E. 11th. Sell
wood 458.
SMALL piece of residence property for
sals; easy terms; fine location. - In
quire or address 1. E. B., care Griffia
Motel, room iz. lion tn st. city.
FIVE lots, facing river, north and east
of Oaks building site; none finer; na
tive grove trees; IT minutes' car ride.
Phone Sellwood v .
BEAUTIFUL lOOxrOO" corner in Sunny
side, 3 modern cottages "for a few
davs; $5800; good Income; terms. Main
$3250 CHOICE , M, block, prospective
business property; also corner lot at
a bargain, to close an estate. 821 Fall
ing oiqg, rnone mnm n
FOR SALE Bargain if sold, this week.
modern ' room courtage near E. 35th
and Morrison eta.. $21.00. . fpeer & Co.,
lArtilll Ralmnnl .t
CLEAli. manure, 410 sawdust, delivered
.. . ( . . , fa 1 - 1 . . n
Wily iwi t vny, 1 i.pv yi. .i..
$5500 BUYS U room modern! house and
lot; terms, can us tn st .
writb freely to thr northern
timbe:r co., what you wish to
buy or 8el,i 414 lumber ex
change bldg.. 2d and stark sts.
$1200 120 acres, (0 miles from Port
land, dairy ranch, house and
. barn, plenty of water, aU fenced,
some timber.
$1.50 o acres choice farming land,
rtn on jx. near (own, cnuruu,
ACRE store, etc.; all level; no rocks;
$ BOO 2 city building lots,, 80x120, all
level, on Woodstock carline; I
CASH need- the money; investigate.
- Write freely. Northern Timber
Co., 414 Lumber Exchange bldg.,
id and Stark sts. Phone Alain
: ' ' 867$; A-2983.
Hawtborne Bargalii
Modern, T rooms and reception hall,
electria llshts and sraa. bath, toilet, com
pletely furnished, one bedroom first
rioor, corner lot, on ma avenue, oouv;
iiuuu casn. Daianne 10 buil.
E. 34th and Hawthorne. Tabor 516.
50x100. E. 7th st, between Skldmore
and Mason; races east; sewer paia lor,
226 Lumber Exchange.
$500 FOR 60x100 on Prescott st; terms
$10. eash, 210 per month. - Phone
Woodlawn 202 or C-2008. ' '
TEN acres, all In cultivation, good
6 room plastered house, barn
and outbuildings, mile from
railroad station, Clackamas eoun.
ty, $4500; will exchange- for
house and lot In Portland.
325 Lumber Exchange. -
10- Acre
All In cultivation: house, barn, out
buildings, family orchard, all klnas of
oerries, good sou, just outsiae or city
limits of good town, 36 miles from Port
land: price $2100; will take good little
city home aa part payment.
Los Angeles Trust Company
326 H Washington St., room 417,
Swell Bungalow
For busmess or acreage; what have
you? Goldscbmldt's Agency, 253 Waah-
Ington st
TO EXCHANGE 17 acres, gardon
truck land. 6 miles ' from city limits
of Chicago, 111.; $3500; want good gar
den land or ranch, with some timber.
R. L Wilson. Albany. Or.
HAVE client who wishes to trade city
property for acreage suitable fof
farming or dairy purposes. Slsco, 406
Couch pldg.
WILL trade city lots for timber lands
In Oregon or Washington. Mill Land
company. 713 Corbett bldg., Portland,
7000 or 8000 acres of logged-off
lands; owners only.
621-523 Chamber of Commerce.
Phones Main 8550, A-6580.
Tafce Notice!
If you care to sell your city property
see us.
819 Worcester Bldg.
LIST your property with us; we have
cash buyers.
. A. J. Gantner, Mgr..
820 Board of Trade bldg.
WE HAVE buyers for city real estate
and farms. What have you to sell?
Will deal with the owners only. 206
Wells-Fargo bldg.
WE WANT acreage for eastern clients;
must be cheap; no agents. Manhattan
Investment Co.. 16-17 Washington bldg.
WANTED 5 room modern bungulow;
will pay cash, but price must be right
Ross & Murphy, 614 Swetland bldg.
WANTED To buy 6 or 6 room modern
bungalow, not too far out 86 6th st
5 1-2 Acres
In high state of cultivation rn
Marion county on good hard coun
ty road. 7 miles from station, Mt.
Angel; good spring and creek,
over 300 bearing fruit trees, of
which 200 are fine apples; good,
nice looking 7 room house, good
barn, shop, woodshed, chicken
house, etc. A very fine place;
price $2800, including farming
tools, buggy, wagon and about 80
325 Lumber Exchange.
We have the largest lists of
farming lands in the city, wheat
dairy and orchard lands, located
in Yamhill and Tillamook coun
ties. Call and look over our large
lints' before buying and get a
farm that will suit you.
Myers Investment Co.
273 Stark st
BillUAl.NS in farm lands. Do you
want a farm? If so, we have some of
the best bays In Oregon. Come and see
us before buying. We can save you
money. Call Lincoln County Invest
ment uo., room sol,. ZS6 Wash, st
$65 per acre; only 4 miles from Port
land, near carline; good, level land; no
rock, only tnose meaning business
need apply. No agents, no trlflers.
$1000 160 acres good, level land; all
tillable, near live town and R. R.. with
school, church. P. O, etc.; perfect title.
(Others all prlces. West Coast Co..
Grand Th'stre bldg.. M. T3t. A-18.15.
FOR SALE By owner; SO acres first
class land. 3 miles west of Albany;
good improvements. 40 acres is first class
bottom land, balance rolling: $6000. part
trade. Room 7, Benson bldg.. 6th and
SEVERAL fine farms under cultiva
tion. In the great Twin Falls irri
gated tract; will trade for timber lands
in Oregon or Washington. Falls Farm
Co., 713 COroett Piog. rormna, it.
OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime; 600,000
acres of grazing lands on Pacific
slot. 50 per cent suitable for agriculture-
In tracts to suit purchasers. Ad
dress P. O. box S4. Antonio, lfni.
ONE acre, fruit trees and berriea. ISO
yards from station on electric railway,
85 minutes' ride from Portland. 65.
5th st
CHICKEN ranch, 10 acres. Improved. 12
miles eut. close to electric line; will
ell at ies than half price; make offer.
BA-1 4. JO'imat.
800 ACRE farm, 80 miles from Port
land: good land and improvements:
In progressive community. Address
Box 37. City. .
316" ACRE ranch for sale or renu on tfae
CV A E. R. R-: enclose tmp frr pr
tlculara Charles Hoedle., Mill City. Or.
FOR SALE Improved aTreani tid
farms of. nil size; your on terms.
O.1 B. Wo"lridg. Wfr"ir.,1.
SEND foFVuFlist of . ii..i-!fit
farms before buying; i-i-ids shown
(res. Olmsiei Land Co., E .Run, Or.
' - Farm Snap
40 acres, about half cleared and
;:;10 acres in cultivation, Us miles
i. from Castlerock, , Wash.; good
- soil and water. 3 acres in fruit
'.'.of best quality and variety, 4
.i room, 2 story houwe. rooma newly
papered and alt furnished: barn
and outbuildings; 1 horse, 2 cows,
.2 heifers, S piKS, 3 dozen chickens,
: harness, wagon, .cart sled. plow.
. harrow, cultivator and all farming
. tools co with the place : price
$23j0. - , -
. 325 Lumber Exchange.
17 ACRES, 4 miles north of Vancouver.
Wash., just back of garrison; all
good soli, level or rolling; electria
line surveyed through place. - Only
$1500; easy terms..
60 acres, 10 aores In cultivation; good
t room house, new barn 88x40; good
well, 200. choice 8-yearold fruit
trees; 4 mile to school, good road;
R. V. D. ; mile to electric station; .
25 acres slashed and burned. 20 acre a
of good timber; will cut 2500 corda
- of wood. Only $5000; easy terms; a
bargain for a man who wants a
" home. t . . ... ;.. .-. 1
Montana Realty Co,
- 318 Board of Trade.
-480 seres wheat land. Grass Valley.
,360 In crop, 6 acres garden and orchard. '
Good building, 8 wells. Windmill, $15,
600. Will take farm in valley to value
of $5000, part cash and easy terms. "
315 acres, lty miles from Lyle, river
and railroad, 35 in cultivation. acres
bearing fruit, balance email oak easily
cleared; good buildings and 1 springs;
berry and apple land equal to Hood
River; $10,000, half cash. 2 J;
110 acres, Yamhill county, 2 miles,
from town and railroad, 70 in cultiva
tion, 20 in prunes; fair buildings; place
is netting owner $1800 per year; $8800.
Terms. Worth twice the money.
420 Lumber Exchange. ' '
120 ACRES. 2 miles from 1 Salem." 80
acres under plow 85 acres of fruit,
50 apple trees, 675 peach trees, 1000
Rdval Ann har.U. ft . .v. .
, ...... ..... r-, 9 I r, BLI.WUHI"
rles, 2 acres loganberries, 60 acres pas
ture and, timber, 7 room house,. ' barn,
spring water at house; $8000; terms. r
426 acres, one half clear, room
house, barn, all fenced, 8 miles from
Salem, enough wood to pay for 'place,
crushed rock road. This place Is in
th prune district. $30 per acrer terms.
W. W. Heimfeacti'&Co.-, -
807 Rothchlld bldg.. 4th and Wash.
Snap In Suturban Home
15 ACRES, located 10 miles from Port
land, 1 mile from one station, V
mile from another and H mile
-from another station, on one of
the main electric lines coming
into the city; about 11 acres of
the tract is In a high a tats of
cultivation; has a new 7 room
house and new barn, 40x40;' land
Is all level, the best of aoll and
not any rock or gravel. Price
$4000; terms V4 cash, balance to
suit. Call 203
l Lumber Exchange.
120 ACRES 2V miles from Salem; 60
acres under plow, 2 S- acres of fruit,
60 - apple-trert, - 676 peach trees, 100a
Kdyal Ann. cherries, 9 acres strawber
ries, 2 acres loganberries, 60 acres pas- .
ture and timber; 7 room house, barn,
spring water at house; $8000; terms. -426
acres, one half clear; 8 mom
house, tarn; all fenced;. eight miles from
Salem: enouch wood to r,. . fn, ni,...
crushed rock road; this place la in the
prune district; $30 per acre.
. 307 Rothchild bldg.
2 OFseveral nice places at Sell wood,
lot 60x100; nice I room house, toilet,
sink and cesnpool; $1400.
New 9 room modern house, on Leo
ave., a good place In every way, $3000.
2 blocks from Portsmouth station, lot
60x100, small house, good carpenter
shop, fruit and berries, $1000: $10 per
month. .
Wm male unAnliiltwi a f...
and acreage. Call on us if you want to
buy. List with us If you Wish quick
results. We do our best -
610 Lumber Kxrhsnare. ,..-.
TO GO FARMING Owner will sacrl-
ft nek mrul.rn ( K . n1..l.M i . .
Ann house. 7 rooms finished), hall
bathroom with bath, eta., basement and
fin. 1AA1AA wll l
lot. with lawn, roses, native shade and
garaen; ror oniy wou. Bee Portland
Homes Co., 204 Morrison st ' . -
lieadauartera for 1navin nnwi.i.
tions; timber lands,' farm lands and
business chances. 621-625. Chamber of
Commerce, Portland, Or. -
mono aiain bii. a-bbso.
HAVE eustomers for timber claims.
Owners only need to write ' ma or
call room 220, 8wetland bids., Portland
Phnna Uoln Cat Q A
Both large and small tracts, all Sixes.
No agents. -Call or address " West
Coast Co., Grand Theater Bldg. '
FOR SALE Sawmill and over 7,000,000
feet timber, $7000; half la lumber.
40 N. 13th St.. Conrallis. On
IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade real
aetata see Stevenson tt Taylor, room
811 Buchanan bldg.. 286 j Washington.
Homestead Bargain
8ft miles Portland, R. R. and river,
neighbors, school, church, store P. O.. "
etc., with' about 8,900,000 feet i green
timber; no agents or trlflers need
bother; satisfaction guaranteed.' free
trip. . Call, write, wire collect. West
Coast Co.. Grand theatre bldg, --
HOMESTEADS, desert claims. 1(9 or
S20 acres best government land south
em Oregon. Main 6710. $18 Alisky bldg.
WAN TED At ooce, a good steady man
to take th place ef retiring partner,
$600 reqaired; exceptional opportunity:
call on my agent for particulars. luJ
2d st.
BARGAIN Sawmill, 30.000 capacity;
40,900,609 feet fine timber. Lane coun
ty; complete logging outfit
16-1 T Washington Bids.
At Invoice, splendid little grocery m
suburban town; reason for selling. othr
bufinesa A- D, Chrlatlanson, , 20?
Washington t,
one of the pest equipped real estate
Affixes In Portland: excellent opportu
nity for energetic capable man. V A-
100. Journal.
HAVK block preferred laundry stoc-i
that pays 20 per cent; will ll i-i
small amount!". " Write or call after 6
t. m. A. J. Melod, 2:0 Lumber Ex-
change, comer 2d and Stark.
JaO TO $500 CLi'.AR monthly ;
everv week In the motion picture
buslnesa Wo teach you the entire busi
ness gratia Consult me. Smail cat-:v i;
needed. Newman. 193 Burnslde.
HALF lnteret in light nianufs.-.i
.business, $300; will far yni i
per month. . Particulars room 7, 1m
1st st.
FOrt liALE A good Jalnf
and feed buslncus; ,
month; good location. i'rr j ,.
adclreo C"-rt t . Vkr
POPCORN to-!t, tl . ; 1.
customers riri v, wtti 1
wagon. B.g ri of " '
rnr dy; v t 1 - - T
V' V i - -
A Itim'v
liAO--,. t.
j-.i.-ture ;
Lj-ce-jsa !'