The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 17, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Liang, Ching Kuri, Chinese
Educational i Cominission
er,Tfells of His Inycstiga
titinHerc to Establish
School for Young Chinese.
"China Is waking up and begin
ning to take her proper place among
the nations. And as the first and
most Important step . toward this
, goal she Is -modernizing her school
system; putting the education of her
children ro,a new ; and Improved
basis. The children are being
taught according to new methods,
out of new text books, text books
that resemble those in use by the
school childrea of the United States.
The old books are being pnt aside
with the old methods and the school
system of the empire Is making
rapid progress." '
This Is th statement of I4an Chins
- KneL special Chinas educations! com
tnlsstoner. who for the past eight
mnntlta taa feaan travelinr th TOD Til the
United SUtes studying- American meth
od and the American scnooi system
aiM xiiuhllHhlnir in various cltle where
ther ar any considerable number of
Chinas, schools for the Chinese chil
dren, -
The commissioner passea
arrangements to employ American
teachers to instruct the Chinese chil
dren in separate rooms. ' At night they
will attend the school taught oy ui
nose - teachers, . where they will learn
their own language and read the clas
sics, ox weir ratners.
. Praises Aincrtoaa System.
Daring- the eight months he has spent
in this, country, losing China- Kuei has
visited many of thai great universities
and last night he expressed himself as
much Impressed with the excellence of
the American school system and the
greatness of America's higher educa
tional institutions.
Tha onlv ohlect of the commissioner
In mmlnff to thin cnuntrv. according to
the statements made by himself and his
secretary. Is to establish schools for
th Chinese children, where they may
be taught the language and literature
of their ancestors. Arrangements havs
been made for - the : establishment of a
school. In Portland, and already 85
Chinese children have registered as pu
pils. This doe not mean that they will
not continue to attend tne American
schools, but rather that they will at
tend two schools, ths Dublio -schools in
the daytime and the special Chinese
school at night.
The !IS already registered Is onlv
beginning and many more are expected
to attend the school as soon as it ope
up, which will be within a very short
time. No location for the institution
has vet been selected, but a building will
probably be rented ror tne purpose, u ne
school will be sunoorted partly by th
Chinese of the city and partly by th
city itseii. ,
. Plans Many Schools.
Portland is only on of a number of
cltle in which such schools hav been
or ar to b established. A school has
already been opened in New York. On
Has been established in Chicago, but 4s
not yet opened. A Chines school is
already tn operation in Sacramento as a
result or uie visit or, tne commissioner.
which, or course.
Chinese ' oooulation of
th United States a fine
Portland about 10 days ago en bis way
to Victoria. B. C Friday night he e
tutaed to Portland to establish a school
Jiere, and last night he was th guest
f honor at a banquet given py in
Chines consul Moy Back Hin, at the
tor or th Twin wo company,
. KanntiA street, at which ther
gathered about 20 of the prominent men
J of ths local Chines colony. - .
Does pot TJ English.
- XJang Chin Kuel, who Is 'Well ad
vanced In years, dresses in th Chines
costume and does not talk English. But
he is accompanied by his private secre
tary, a young man. named Ho Pao Heng,
who dresses in th latest styles of ths
pnlted States and, In spit of th fact
that be has been In this country only
the eight months that h ha been here
with the commissioner, talks English
with en accuracy, that might well' be
Imitated by manyof .those who .. ar
tiatlv born. Ho Pao Heng last night
acted as Interpreter for th commission
er in an Interview witha representative
pt Th Journal. - .
. The commissioner Is planning; to es
tablish other schools, probably on each
in Los Angeles, Vancouver and Seattle.
..One hundred and fifty pupil hay al
ready registered to attend ,- th San
Francisco school.
Th establishment of thes schools,
ays the commissioner, obviates, so far
as the- Chinese ar concerned, any such
troubles '-occurred in Can Francisco
three .years . ago over the attendance
ef Japanese In the American school.
In Saa Francisco, . hereafter, th Chi
nes pupil will not i be placed in th
same room as th whit children. They
wlll .be- in the same school buildings,
but th Chines merchants hav made
Tn Can. 1?MMAl.nA
ha th largest Chinese
any city in th United
school building Is being- erected for
tne umnese ana tne school will open
soon. The bnllding will cost many thou
sands of dollars. Victoria will also hav
a fine school build in v. soeclsllv for the
Chines children, and tt wlH goon be
"But China Is making great progress
With her school evstem." ha said. "Wa
are discarding th old text books we
usea to us ana substituting modern
books. . Now the children ril th un
classics, much a th children in your
school read easy English and. American
literature. . Our schools ar more nearly
iino yours man xney were no mor man
five years or nix vrra -
Liang Chlng Kuel's official title at the
court of the emperor is assistant reader
oi tne grana secretariat. He ranks next
to the high off total who read th an
cient classias ta th emperor.
The commissioner declined to discuss
any ot the recent events in China, such
as the death of th Emperor and Em
Pres Dowager, excusing himself diplo
matically on the ground that it hits
been eight months since he left Peking
and therefore he is not conversant with
what na happened since that time, He
V8tt-3fffl& rraPC"C'
' Jra5T FOR $340
Th suit of Green A Son against X.
Goldsmith for , money claimed by th
plaintiffs as due them for painting and
decorating the interior of Goldsmith's
rcsiuence occupina tne, time ef a Jury
tn Judge Cleland'a court all dav vi.r.
day The defense claimed that the work
done by the plaintiff was valueless and
had all to be don over again by an
other painter, at an Increased- cost. Th
Jury, however, took th plaintiffs' view
ot th matter and allowed them 1140.
with Interest from last July. '
Judg Gantenbela yesterday granted a
divorce to Nelll Wenlg from her hus
band.. Will lam A. Wenlg. on th grounds
of cruelty and desertion. He gave th
plaintiff the custody of th minor child.
Royal A. Wenlg, and allowed her 120 a
month alimony. Th suit was heard en
January K. but- th decision was with
held until yesterday. -
Board of Directors of the
Portland Vote to Befur-
... nish -Hostelry From Top
to Bottom Manager Bow
ers'Will Get Ideas in East.
While nearly everyon in Portland
and in fact throughout ths entire north
wast was grumbling righteously because
It was so very cold, ther was oat In
Sell wood a small brigade, of folk, who
slept right out in tha, open air ail th
time, and. impossible as it, may .seem,
really enjoyed the weather.'
Most or tnem .were sick, in .td and
ell of them ware hospital, patients, but
they say that nothing- has don them so
much . good a- that-10 days of almost
rero weather, with, that cold east wind
blowing about - them? in a manner that
made overcoats mighty popular, with
most people. . j.-. v ., - .
It all took place at th Open Air san
itorlum and according to MiesiCi "Me-
Namara, who is in charge, th lnstltu
tlon has never met with as much sue
cess during Its career a it did during
the unusually cold weather.
The patients, everyon of them, re
mained out of doors all th time and
not a slngl step was taken in the way
of closing up the doors and windows
in oraer to make tn aurrounding. a
little warmer. Miss MoNamara said
ii mgnt:
W just went ahead exactly a if
nothing had happened, paying no atten
tion to th' wind and snow and there
was not a slngl patient who did not
benefit by th pur cold air. Not on
took cold and -w met with th very
best of success. Of course th patients
were all accustomed to the out of doors
and that mad a difference, but w got
along a great deal better than you po
pi who, ar used xo closed doors and
a warm fir. W .hardly felt the, cold
uuvusn uinra -waa nutnina- to onset It.
We had Plenty of good-fresh air and wa
enjoyed It - Th patients-felt better and
besides, they liked .the novelty of sleep
ing out in th cold when nobody els
uareu - to.
2 Years In me Leading Colleges
and Hn.csnftnljs rff 1
Im not only guar
anteed under ths
Pure Foot) Law.
but has always
been known as
; the original pure
food whiskey.
; Three
' First Prizes
parity and '
excellence r
' AV far H t all Fvstlaa
i Bars, Cfes mni Dreg Sterea .
s. nmscii & co law., cur, Mo:
', Th Hotel Portland is to be refur
nlshed. . virtually throughout, and other
improvements mad at an approximate
coat of 1100,000. In addition, n annex
with 76 mpl ' rooms for commercial
travelers Is planned. Thes rooms will
hav i alcove bedrooms and hath ad
joining end will glv th Portland 00
rooms, making , it one oi in
most elerantlf finished and up-to-date
notei in the country. - : ,
These -plans were announce yesier
,v by A C -Bower, manager of tn
hotel, after a meeting of the board of
directors of th Portland Hotel com
nanv of which Henry I Corbett Is
president, work on tn improvement
tn ha-(ii at once, it beinsr th idea
of Mr. Bowers to hav th refurnishing
completed before summer so as to en
hU tha hotel tn afford better accom
modations for the large numoer or
travelers who will be In Portland on
their way to and from th Seattle ex
position. " i
Mr. Bowers leaves next week for the
east where h will buy th furniture,
tanestrlaa. earoets and th. various other
articles mat nave neen oeciueu uyu
necessary. Mr. Bowers will be away
ri nraaiti Mni In addition to pur
chasing thes supplies he will visit the
lunr- hntala tt NSW York SJld Other
cities with a view of familiarising nim-
elf with all th up-to-aat loeas in
th hotel business.
Put la Vsw Elvator.
An additional elevator Is to be put
in while the improvements ar In or
der. This will b an electrio carrier,
modern in every particular and will
ipera.te on tne juornson sijbbi- oiu? v
he house. This will give the Portland
thraa elevators for . Dassenger service.
The two elevators now in use are on
the Yamhill Bide of th building.
Another feature of the Improvements
is to be the bridal suite of four rooms,
consisting of two bedrooms, each with
bath attached, a dining room and par
lor, .This will b on the second floor.
It is the Intention of Mr- Bowers to
make the bridal suite one of the finest
in the land and it will be fitted out in
th most attractive and exquisite man
ner, . ...
'Th bridal suit win os on or in
finest in th country," Mr. Bowers
said yesterday, "and will compare fav
orably with thos of the big hotels of
New York and other eastern cities."
All of the furniture, witn tne excep
tion of the beds, which are to be of
brass, will ha of solid mahogany of
tha lilut Axlrn. This furniture will
all have to be made to order and to
select the designs is on of the pur
poses-of Mr. Bowers' Visit to tne earn.
The new earpets for the house through
out are also to be of the finest and
of th most modern patterns.
Tpstrls for Halls.
. All of th hail walls of tha hotel are
to be hung with tapestries. Especial
attention is to bs paid to tha decor
ation of th woodwork of all th rooms
and th hall as well. This woodwork
Is all to bo enamelled in whit which
will lighten th dark halls and add to
the attractiveness of the rooms.
The men's cafe in the basement of
the Portland is also to be changed about
and refitted in the latest designs of
fixtures to suit the other appointments.
New lighting fixture of the most mod
ern styles are to be purchased for the
entire building. These pieces will be
Ilvhta am tn be nut fn to such an ex
tent that it Is estimated that the light
ing facilities, will be Improved 100 per
Cent by the additions.
New linen, and silverware for the
dining room and grill has already been
ordered and will be put in - commission
while the other Improvements are be
ing made.
Will Spare no Pains.
The Hotel Portland is one of the most
artistically designed buildings of its
kind in the country and with the most
modern improvements, now In hand it
will be mad one of the most attrac
tive and comfortable hotel in the
world.. No pain are to be spared to
make the new. furnishings absolutely
perfect in every - respect.
Mr. Bowers will be away several
weeks' and will visit Washington and
New York, having managed hotels In
both cities, and will spend several
days in other eastern cities where there
ar especially fine hotels.
Streetcar Company Makes
Promise to 3Iount Scott ,
- Line's Tatrons.
A -meeting.: of th Stat board ef
railway-.commissioners was held yes
terday afternoon In. th Chamber of
Commerce auditorium to ascertain why
the promised streetcar, heaters had not
been Installed by the Portland BaU way.
Light & Power Co, .
, The law provide that the . traction
oompany must furnish heat in their
cars which run beyond tha city limits,
but owing to the fact that the Mount
Scott car operate but a short distance
beyond the city boundary, the company
has failed to install ths heaters. Some
Urn ago the company's attention was
called to the fact that it was breaking
the law and it was ordered to heat tha
i Then the cold snap came and" accord
ne to resident Of the Mount Scott rita.
met the passenger nearly froze while
g to resident of
let the Dussenjre
riding, back-and torth en tha rrm
The railroad commissioners call a
mmiing si.wnicB company was
asked to be .represented a were three
of the Improvement clubs on tha Mount
Scott line - : .,. ' , .,
- F. I, Fuller, vice-president of th
roruana itanway,- idght & .Power Co.,
represented the corporation, while O. N.
Ford. Wesley Allen and Wnt n
attended in the interests of the Mount
Scott, Woodmer - and Lents Improve
ment cjuob. commissioners ciyds ,B.
Aitcheson.' - Thomas K- CamnhAll mA
Oswald West were resent
.iw commissioner and incidentally
m ici.v( avuni ocott, were prom
ised that ith - atreetcara ' . wonfi - ha
pped w'th heater as soon a the
uim . dun. rams arnvea nere rrnm th.
east' Mr. Fuller declared that the. an
mrmiua naa neen oraerea for om
im ana wa on tne wav at tha ,.
ii win on . xnaiaiien ic la mh
A.vawuis, (ui.( ui. jiw.-a no , circuit
court in session nere is aoms- iittia hui.
ness. Three divorces have been granted.
On case of violation of tha local option
law will be tried Monday. The old
grand jury was dismissed and a new on
will be drawn Monday. An indictment
wa returned against J. B. Cummlng
iur lareenv i na roominr nouaa. i-iim.
rainga wa captured lust a the train
was leaving town.
The new grand Jury will hav a big
batch of business.
The Oregon A Waehlns-ton Lnnhar
Manufacturers' association at Its month
ly meeting yesterday afternoon, decided
to ceieorate its annual meeting, Sat
urday, February . 20, with a banquet
Election of officers will be held durlna-
the afternoon of that data
- " . v.r-y
v-.Y i "
H ;
jBOYS' overcoats
and RAINCOATS at :
buuaing. "ines pieces wm ne
in practically every room, the
rs " and all other parts of the
vhere lights are used. Additional
Dr. Atwood and His Son Dis
pense With Serrices of
C. F. Lord.
Store Ploodd Prom Barstad Pipes.
Soma pieces . of our beautiful black
goods, slightly wet but not damaged,
will be Gives Away at a fraction of
their value. Nothina; nicer than a black
dress. Jno gooas liner man oura Bead
our ad, and come with th crowd. Mo
Allen & McDonnell. .
When you see it in our ad it's so."
luliMJ 11 iiljJil 1st & YsmmfiiiiBlK:
Pilar Morin tte strikingly Beauti
ful Parisian actress, of wkom Ameri
ca's leading theatrical manager says: I
consider Ler the greatest actress in her
line in all the world" writes a follows:
Following th precedent set .by James
A. Finch, th slayer of R. 33. .Flsbier,
th Doctors Atwood who Friday Were
convicted in th circuit court of main
taining a nuisance by conducting- an
alleged maternity hospital at Tremont.
have dispensed with the services of
Charles F. Lord. They have also de
cided not to retain Walter Q. Hayes
any longer. Yesterday afternoon their
application for a substitution of at
torneys was granted Dy juage uro
naush. and hereafter they will be reo-
resented by Attorney M. . Meachem.
The latter this afternoon filed a mo
tion in arrest on Judgment, on the
around that the Offense of which the
Atwood were convicted is not a crime.
The state prosecuted the doctors ror
maintaining a nuisance, because there
is no law on the staute books of Ore
gon prohibiting operations wnicn m
most other states are criminal.
' A petition for a 24 inch water main to
connect the Mount Scott system, with
the upper Mount Taoor reservoir will
be submitted to the water committee be
fore the first of February if possible.
O. N. Ford, who has done much , to aid
in the securing 'of adequate water sup
ply for Mount Scott, says that , the
matter will be brought before the water
board in a short time. - It is hoped that
the mains will be laid and be in opera
tion by the time the district comes Into
the city officially. The main will be
paid for out of the district assessment.
At the present time the -people are
furnished by water from tanks pumped
there from wellsand operated by pri
vate corporations. During the cold Wea-'
ther nearly alt of the pipes frose and
practically no one secured an adeouate
supply. - . : - . .. - , '
Ntwbro's Herpicide is the most de
lightful hair dressing that, has" ever
come to my notice. It prevents the
hair from falling out, does away with
dandruff and gives the hair a beautiful
luster. Cordially yours, v , ;
(Signed); PILAR MORIN.'!! I -
The fact that leading; Parisian women
prefer Newbro's Herpicide ia certainly
conclusive evidence of its euperiority.
Beautiful, glossy hair, full of snap and life, is Just as
essential to a beautiful face as is th trains around a beau
tiful picture. ? . ' i ... .. .
Nature does not permit every woman to hav a great or
unusual abundance of hair, but every woman who has
reasonably good health may have beautiful hair if the will
give it some car and attention. , .-. - v - ,
First of all she must constantly strive to keep It ire
from the invisible, vegetable growth (th dandruff germ)
that causes dull, brittle and lusterlesa bair with, later, dan
druff, itching scalp' and falling hair.
Th only rational remedv for this mimosa ia Newbro'a .
Hrpiddt the original remedy that "kills the dandruff
germ." Za addition to its germ destroying power, it is the
most exquisite hair dressing in the world, for no other sub
stance tends to beautify the hair as doea Htfpicide. '
Just begin' the intelligent us of Herpicide in secret and
see how. quickly "your friends will nodes the improvement
in your hair. . ' - ' .
Herpicide contains no srreas
It will not stain or dye.
V " Stops Itching of scalp.
Send 10 cents in stamps to THE HERPICIDE COMPANY, Dept. 2, Detroit, Mich., for sample and booklet.
v Two Sixes 50 cents and $1.00. At aU Drug Stores. When you call or HERPICIDE, do not -, V .
; ecept a ubstitutej Applications at prominent Barber Shops. 4 - -